SW.“ ll-l§ ---‘- -9-_ __. v 7V - sugar. Cook the mixture rapidly damn it ielies "ont a spoon (from 30 to 00 minutes). Pour into jars. seat, label Ind store. - Man-duh u. like: about 20 an -. 'ahi?li1itiitr'il7ezee. atlpounddrhd swim“ hum. Boll it tor so minutes. Permit it to sand IU" for 12 hour: Por every cup ul of fruit and Nice add % cup Ber. Cook the: Ingredients in mull unann- thee-Atom 4 to a cupfuh at a time --aagttil they form a {oily when Ito-“d. Pour into mu ind [hu- " like: about to no. - "ttrridlersu Cut in halves. remove the seeds tad thee into very mull pieces. lawn the fruit Ind juice and add three times the Amount of “at. Soak the fruit for " ‘oranges and lemons. The citrus fruits are the basis of clear, "vorful marmalades. al- though you can be sure of a good product using such combinations a cooked apricots and canned Maple or citrorl aqd ginger tun npidlf until elect. Cool, flit - IQ. , label, Ind store, Clu- MAggtm%Ae 1 (“permit Dice the carrots and boil them until tender in u little water as poaible. Prepare and cut oranges and lemon u for Marmalade. Mire and measure the carrots and mm and 2/3 as much sugar; let and four hours. Boil the Tir: Add 2 cups chopped ginger to each qunrt of prepared fruit. Add " as much sug-r as combined fruit pulp. Curd all 0m: minim 6 medium-sired carrots 3 Minus Juice and grated nnd of I with lemon juice The best mar- mind: is made from Seville oranges which appear on our market about the ttret part of Fobmry, so, it's time to make the hvorite of favorites-Orange lamina. Sallie Ounce Maraaauek " ttsin-skinned oranges 3 lemons 1% quarts water Sugar Wash and slice oranges as thin u posible. To each qunrt of sliced troit add 1% quarts of wa- ter and let stand overnight. Cooh, slowly until tender " to 2% hours), (Use electric element‘ turned to simmer). Meatturel cooked truit tttd Mg! 213 " P,ttlt.) Place tomatoes In a kettle, Put onions and apples through food chopper, using the ttae blade. Dice celery in small pieces. Add onion, apple, vmegar, celery, su- ,;ar and seasonings to tomatoes, Ariat town and boil until thick, . about tU hours, surnng frequent- u. Remove cloves, pour chili sauce into sterilized jars and seal, Store in a cool, dark place Yield: about T cups. Wk tet " v"... .._.V,_,,, - V Violin Ontario are blessed with a) good quality and quantity of cit" ms fruits, mainly, gripefruit,) sired) _ Drain and sieve plums. Add su- gar. ptmento, Worcestershire sauce. vinegar, ginger and garlic, blending thoroughly. Allow to stand several hours. Yield: 1 cup. HYDRO HOMEMAKERS' CLUB Marmalade consists of small {aims of fruit suspended in s.ligltt- y jellied fruit juice. Fortunately, _ A -,,,<, ___ L Ann“)! .uéok a beets [ 4 cups finely chopped cabbage I ri cup grated horseradish l 1 teaspoon salt 1/16 teaspoon pepper 2 cups sugar l 1 cup vinegar f u 1 cup water ( Combine beets, cabbage. horse-, radish, salt pepper and sugar. Heat vinegar and water to boiling point. Add to first mixture and/ mix thoroughly. Pack into hot l sterilized jars and seat. Yield: about ll cups, Plum Sauce 1 20-ounce can greengago plums , teaspoons sugar , , teaspoons shopped pimento Quiet Conn Relish l H-ounce can tth cups) whole kernel corn 2/ cup chill sauce 2 tablespoons minced union 1. 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons chopped green pegper (optional) rain liquid " com, Add chili sauce. onion, butter and green pepper to corn. Simmer, covered, about 5 minutes to blend flavors, Serve with ham, tongue or other Beat. Yield: 2he cups 2 "wanna: 16051;?) Found“ a. Bring s at, fruit and 'uice: lys cups angry dsced ce ery quickly to P'lra' using Vh"f2 1 cup vinegar (element on high, stirring he. % to 1 cup sugar( depending on, quently, (Be sure to use a an; urine“ of applfs and tomatoes) kettle). , teas ns sa t I neumn ground allspsce THE QUESTION BOX 1 leupoon ground cinnamon In. G. t an: Recipe tor a V. teaspoon cayenne pepper shortbread mature with cheese 12 whole cloves ttied m cheese- 1n n. clay: bag) . ww' n . Answer: neat ot “mm" have tour wonderful new for paella and relishes that an be made now. " may seem I bit out of season. ttutttterecipeswulbeabormto any housewife. The iirat one is for Chili sauce made with mrtned may“ which of course are “nibble new. The chk-Com Relish can be We at I moment's W to nerve with any meal, It my be that m some homes there just “[0 09t ttme ersoyets to make be! Relish. It an be grunt! new. too. The Plum ace is wonderful with ban or pork and especially eey.i.nistlt, Chinese food. apply "is W10 nth low. iitTiGaiiraG7tritiiiicG- All Bhemt non-Is 2 teaspoon vinegar h teaspoon chopped preserved % iGUdG Iiror%stersttire Beet Relish ' cups cooked finely chopped (canned tomatoes) 2 28-ounce can: tomatoes -___ â€In,“ NOW lumber tyst, mint 'El’ iriced garlic to tasty: (if de, PLANNING Tame, canon + Sup a???) J cup processed sharp cheese V. cup butter or margarine I cup ttour bt teaquon salt _ Few grams cayenne pepper Cut the cheese into shreds In cream with the butter. Sit "he Bour, salt, and pepper; we Minus munure mm the cheese an butter. The mixture will (crumbly; press; " together In piece of waxed paper and em) several hours Roll to u _ [ thickness, toiding the crumbs ave and over until the dough hot together in an even rectangle 'Cut in 1-inch squares; phoe on Now Cod-r Chub Bag. 5550 and 57.50 Spe'caol DEDIOOM INSIMIL! Honey fin., dresser, chest, bed, spring-filled mottmss, spring in.†Continental Bod T0.M, Full W Chm Mirrored doors a,†Bedroom Furnishings NATun'AL sum 31.75 New bpe. CHROME SUITE M and gay â€.50 S-pe. Natural RED SUITE 29.95 $7. "I!!! SUITE u I merm "9.! 31K. TAPESTRY SUIT! Rose 70.! 3-pe. TAPESTRY SUIT! lob. 29.! Fre. TAPESTRY SUIT! list a. Bung sugar, fruit and i ' quickly to a boil using el . element on high, stirring quently, (Be sure to use a d kettle). Kitchen Suites O. Weigh or measure the diver ed peel carefully. Allow 6 ot cold water for each pound tiint et. peel, _ _ _ 7 7. Always cover tightly to s overnight. There shquld be 1 quart of juice to each pint ot fun next day, if not, add required an s. Scrub all fruit though†glen! Ieter.and rune d s. Cut -ttuit, was; And lemon in quarters; rumve and: place cut side down on iEiE 39d slice u thinly an with a than knife, taking an toga!!! juice; 7 stem and t. Avoid mm which bu "wax. treated" or "eoior-added" Jumped on the skins, About can». when: 1, Select '/,',',',',Nt',tta'P'a"n1f fruit free hom lemiahes and truce: of scale thesierfield Suites 2pc. MOHAIR SUITE I.†ttru, OAK SUITE WALNUT SUITE WALNUT SUITE Diningroom Suites Foe. Oak DINETTE SUITE 139.50 WALNUT SUITE BROS. Dwain-Lifetime Bugains TRADE-IN STORE BULLAS that“ “If - - 'riir"silltL'l'.%-,- Boilttre-yisqUAekruuin- 92 ONTARIO SALE I SUITE 29.95 Livery and Noel; 7 JANUARY ClEARANCE Cheese Shortbread t, walnut 23.00 unnatural 149.50 In.†169.50 21.05 19.50 93h illlltflallh1 - - - Mh h. Klaehn’s Market 1!le 'I'IIIAI) FRESH Hind Hams ft' 55c... FRESH PICNIC HANS - - SSe h. SIDE BACON 45os. “Mined-Mum hanged-at an r,gtft2t' my fried - nun-v tiesottatorsaudoiFPtairutoll in excellent tor deep-ht trying ' - who. _'u'uT ___ "it 'tild,'grltdi',TfttA'8,t.t in? St: iiGiiig GiririrrtauriG-' II! [in St. tr. " KING ST. S. .Waterloo Merchants Association Personalized Service PRESENTS Easy Parking MONTH END SPECIALS To MAKE ROOM FOR NEW SPRING JEWELLERY U in wanna. . - Books showing all wallpaper designs and color combinations are avail-tale {tom our Loan Service for you to take home " and make your selection at your insure. We M†be glad to deliver these boob to you and discuss your decorating probiema. Advice and suggestions given free of charge. CLOSE - OUT Beaupre Wallpaper & Paints Harold F. Walz IN ROOM LOTS OF WALLPAPER IN DISCONTINUED PATTERNS ON ALL COSTUME AND GOLD-FILLED JEWELLERY Beaupre's Announce Iltiictf'ki The 1952 Famous 2:5, BV, i..-. Attrlip)jrpterpyt, Jewellery ARIIVING SHORTLY MONTH END SPECIAL 50% DISCOUNT JEWELLERY Pictures and Picture Framing WALLPAPERS "hcii'ii'cmhon o: Puma coeds-doc the mic. a the Pt.- brterian Church on Sunday titu- 'tev.rLJ.WAvorttehit, VII 'uteh-9ttuurviutAat ammo-wanna- [I:ID-'U_ 211.. -._-_» . .I‘: aio ll l% -l-qRiIqtI-I-q---t-g-r-r----- By Boxer Lame sunwon'ngv 39.1 "WATEttrAST" can» WA'I'IIlm 3-3641 WATIILOO M0") SCHWEITZERI Shoes lt4 King St. tr. - Wuhan A APPLIANCES Your COLEMAN Dealer I In M. B. WM Clearing wqm's Reg. to 3.95 SLIPPERS CHINA’S lim REIARKABLE $lt HEATER FIIR Tilt MONEY! WATERLOO STOVE [3M pun-cl cl tea- - and my. on! to the at. law’s by: Institute, Kent, England, VII MONTH END SPECIAL ST0llfi1hfl0f SA L E ttttjf, 1.95 up Mk MI and up SPECIAL GROUP IN STOCK OFF M 1-11†Gael-touch“ ’l.98 wall-runâ€! Mullah-Q’s Harman I Ado-uh hot-Air ©qa0rn6-- mama-womanl- nmhuummmhnlmw to.†â€Impala-m '.t6mrN--tustt-t- uhmtmOol-n Inn-WI Renard! â€cinnamon-h.“ slam. mutational dawn m " I†" - City MI Bids. - Hm $00.00 SUITS ow COATS Now $56.00 $75.00 SUITS " COATS $70.00 SUITS or COATS “5.00 SUITS or COATS Now $52.00 $59.50 SUITS or COATS This is your last opportunity to buy that new Spring Suit, Coot or Jacket at this saving! $roaE ELECTRIG SUITS COATS SPORT JACKETS HERB FORESTER " Kill; St. s. _ Phone 'at" All [AMPS an}: iifiireGrieiia -r- -- - Quit a number at your. people HERB FORESTER "Mode-to- JANUARY CLEARANCE LAST DAYS or DISCOUNT DISCOUNT ON 20% 20% ON ALL Meosun†My Jones ill a business visitor kt Ch): on Sunday. ais