Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Feb 1952, p. 3

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Purl ot the Reserve south of Gilt has also been opened. This am Is a horse ot an enurely dit- terent color, ernbrtactmt a: tt does considerable of the waterfowl co- ver m that area. Frankly we can't think of even one good reason for opeaiag ttus area. Instead, they are refuge for every form of game kslhng vers mm found m this part of the country. Especially IS this true at lax. who range out over the surrounding country to eat what Wt there " and return to the rves because they know they are safe there. As the Crown Game Reserves stand now they are a fantastic [me from the point of protecting the average game from the hun- ter, or as they were supposed to da, supply and overflow of game to the surrounding countfystde, -it these so-called reserves were shot over regularly by good hun- ters under the supernsxon of it Actually there " little or no good cover left there, and hunter: will be lucky to stir anything other than the occasion“ he rabbi! ml was that the any “as IrMFV- m; further out that way all the time And there Is not a great deal of cover left there anyway Waterloo Rod and Gun Club EXECUTIVE MEETING At the home of Fred Shanks 217 King St, South Monday, February 4 8 p.m NEXT REGULAR MEETING February 11th For o complete overhaul, PLEASE PHONE 2-5041 NOW while there is ample time to do a good iota on your bike. " Ill. M. North YOUR BICYCLE, the most economical transportation medium available, shOuid be In A-I condition for cycling this spring and summer, If you hoven't tho ht about giving your bicycle the "reconditioning treatment" it's time you did so SSW _ . ' Our many vears of experience in repairing bicycles assure you of guaranteed work- monship LEST WE FORGET . . Mllt$tliT'$ CYCLE ' SPORTS Shown above Is Orval Dorscht, proprietor of Dorscht Cycle & Sports, at work repairing a bicycle in his modern bicycle repair shop, . These "mo important "on. should be thoroughly chock“: Hockey at as best V 2rtd ”cc. GUIL'H "FIND.“ GO WATIILOO “INA This SATURDAY, FEB, 2 The boys on 1690mm on mm" bottle Come and _ttite te a boost - it's not too lot. yet. . PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE TO ALL MIN?! ltr'Tr4E BRAKES DON'T FORGET YOUR JR. "A" HOCKEY CLUI BICYCLES! TWIN CITIES Orvol Dorscht at work tieh,Shtii.Pfidiiep2tiaa , “any”. ”and“. 't?ihilli 2'l'fturU'lfd"lf .3.” '/gi'Pftpdftuur.tte= tat tn pull-amt. =,tflt'gtltttltr,,tututd mum couldn't.“ outnumth-Idthgm. It you have the tune, patience and a certain amount of skill with your hands, then by all mean: tackle this Job of bulletin? your- self a fishrng rod. You will in. a much better rod it you build it yourself than you would it you had to pay tor it-ttt tts class, ot course. - - However. if you have httle WV tience and less skill, we would suggest that you buy your rod. " though, as we say, the same rod will probably cost you double the mgpey to buy. " . the nude we wrote iast week on Frank Moogk buildmi his own By rod has stirred up n ot of in- terest among some_ of lye boys. Vir'l‘lieyr say 1 word to_the wk: 11 suiBcient, so rm passing this on for what n Is worth. ' If you want to know where to order the make-up kit tor one of these rods, give us a call or drop us a line and we will get all the dope for you. Do you have any plastic boxes In which you are storing tty tie- mg material or tties. " their lids are translucent now, don't let your wtle spray them with a so- lution for killing moths, If you do, most of the tops will become opaque to the point where you can't see Irroyeh, thfrttat all, boys who Indulge m be lung are now out trying to want some of their Impatience waiting tot spring. - Last year igot one poor gu In dutch with his wife by winding the sport. so this year I will nay nothmg. Some ot then: boys have a hard enough job getting away from their soul males as it as, Do you know why animals' eyes shine m the dark? For the same reason that roadslde reflector but- ions shine, Behind the retinas of the night moving animals' eyes. is in: All' “name In!!! LIGHTS 240" STEERING ysaidartyinorttitdter.aiot.t.i- homeotaurtainudr. Juan the I!“ aboutwoccepc the pod. tio-ettuiboutheremNor-, and. has” Mask: “Tell 3,!nr.doyou do your own newspaper account ot the concern that the W.R.C, has ttbout the high relative out of maintaining out- door skating rinks. It " high. much too high tor the number ot skating days our climate allows us. And yet, until we tind an- other solution tar swing boys and girls a suBiment number of skat- ing hours, we are in duty bound to go on with this high cost way of providing this very worthy m- cregtional mupanun. Now, one way out " lor the people of a community to supply some of the tlungs that cost In the mamtenance of outdoor rinks, the what amounts to a cluster of tttty- rurs The taint muonhght or star- light m which they do their seems is rettected by these mirrors and thereby myltiphdyr I)“ you ever have a chap wlli you he had seen a fish such as If salmon or trout leap nth up a: forty-foot waterfall? We l, he ,"l'/ wrong. The biggest leap one ot these fresh water fish can make is: not much over SIX feet, The wa- terfalls these fish ascend are tor; the most part gradually slanting) cascades and rapids. with plenty; of whtrlpools and eddies, Salmon) which are reputed to jump verti-, cal waterfalls 20 feet high, really/ indulge in a vigorous jumping‘ take off followed by some strong swnmmmgl l tive position- who do all of their own streteltin' and waste their po- tentialities on tunes. leaving no time for the tub for which they an superbly suited and to do. But we're not talking about men, We In lama; about people who cm help stbemselvea and must help themselves if some very necessary Jobs are to be accompltshed. Here’s One Thing to Do About Outdoor Rinks ”on Mommy pumpkin ttteworWwtaotnimniotoftun in." bee.tltet_willnotdeuteir Bun sugtéhin" The" m. by the You sprirt5dtsly fem! l?" week a P?" WA‘I'IILOO 1 Mayaewmm __ t9i? I Add to the snow problem the 'warm breezes, the rain and the slushy weather of thn year and Its, can well imagine the result. In the night we have had freer. hug Weather, so we ttood.. In the :daytlme the sun and accompany- "u warm wands undo almost all Jyou worked until three am. to l accomplish. And so It goes on day ”after day, Last year we had a to- he! of twenty-one skating days BHEVRfllHTflIIBKS Take the exponent: ot the Co.- tral Houaing area. tor mum. aight here And now I want to It suieyouonbehauotttterne-d older boys who have bathe the brunt ot the work on this yarn nnk, that " has been a hard ex- penence. I suppose and mat g our readers are quite aware the fact that there have been [on uf snow to shovel on walks, side- walks and other places this wil- ter. Ask any householder. n doesnt take much of an em to make such . job more than al past-tune. The cleanng Away oh rink snow is virtually a full tun; occupation and we've found that) it's more than one man can Aol alone, The children call the help- ers Rink Rats, and they are in-‘ valuable m keeping a good ttli) ma surface. They are paid a small fee when surplus snow needs to‘ be taken on, work, provgded and [about ik ,hardiatidalraspoqitrtta" tfgx1tt,u%t,t,,l22"lt. ta-tt'uatrmneoausumitye- -tionouweuaathet-ttt- ”with tor theehildmgt who do most of the actual shah that that this an no! In _etrsqa' ttut_ttoPoiatmattttat nu- hem-MNLmvuulc-I Domitian d?eidtdlr.eoo4e4Het HALL AUTOMOBILES Limited jWlra!WatgWtMie2try,iiattjtttg'gitagir 450 KING ST. EAST t2ia2'siicitiiitit2,ia"i.i'atirie'i. “I I“ ywmwxc.un:~gw_hfi.wl n- m “I '-tligtg a... grrLTl1t,t,o,tttttlilll4'.ll, WW,“ mnmE-ummoxou-amot‘h519Wm- The symbol: on the sides of Canadian freight cars give to rail, road men a case history of the car, Central New? Rink - Herman Wolfe, Gerry o1rutgsworth, Ron iarFitunme and Bud DOVIs. You cm count on that additional scru- per. How (and: they mu enlarge their manpower depend. on my tttings, on how healthy " their spirit of co-operation, how much tune each person can give to the ptoject, how expertly thin avail. able time an be apportioned to that It can be used to the greatest advantage and. may. on how willing the potential worker: really are to do t',Tti'g that will bring great joy to al the youngster: of the community in winch they live. Oh, yea, and one thing marmmsucceu of the [my Ject will de agent deal qn-- watt tor tt--THE “THEIR. _ Good luck men, and the young- gr men loo, the truth Rug of the otanmuisitr-miisatt men and boys. 1tith the he_lp od Ahe Recreation and tor other madam-i e: ly m the hind: of the pa that community. mm»; at new mica-ud- vayshndwget who-thence nmymmmw civic revenue. Whatheadi. Ila "'lifhTd"t'L't,%'l'ffllrJUtl the wort Illichéd to" ii"t, an}? V {n the lets or the maple of b “new "“ 'ariritiitara 'ihlk'1tl?fr1'41'lti'hlWif, and :fifiwl?fl£‘ H" gr'g,tgttci'irt; t/tlAetege,) rink in". all the “m' " nu Ame by the (“any ty the um- ties the III-H Inc M "I" ' --e_. 2iT,, win om i't.Uttttfgt.ea'gli'ATd'lrlld - Mu '14}..me . .1... lumen» bat . of a. man may» Sound” at tf.ett.ietsttt?etteietTfTr'l . 're' "tiyrethrtqstt 'urtef '1oli.ndosdtrusrardwittttttme itrtt.nutAr"eehiy ya you: I led the Nan-r' "or by ttteeiti-toethesim. "I with link aiding . "St - an ted, h “woman an hora... with lu' ““' "an: te two god. gun and can: an L... 'hee/deft ........ auburn" with mules were the have au) A tagged nmbow trout was caught recently tn Lane Michigan. and it had tnvelled 400 miles in an: months. thetourt-siritliet .1111: team it made up of 'lolf,"kdl1ur', Beynon; swam, luGreEr. Lin, Orth Stnckler; ceptre. mum, Holland. Mon-mick; left wing, lumen. Weld-ll, Herman; right 2tt: Ropehau, Dahmer. Star, C . Kn nii-kUr" team was new ter the thMILA, playdom [gun Mruragt5t.N. - rho-cm EldonLBnclIet one: hours: 9.30 All. - 5.SO Pl. Evenings by appointment GLASSES PRESCRI BED AND FITTED OPTOMETRIST Professional eye examination and visual analysis Optical Repairs Wnteruo TO ATTEND AN EVENING OF . DANCING . GAMES . REFIBNMENTS . FELLOWSHIP Waterloo Market Building FEBRUARY 16, 1952 - 8.30 P.M tuouuU,tgo,t Homii - uncut-ted In the service " the eon-unity by John Luau LII-Iced COME AND BRING A FRIEND m but much: C. KITCHINIR, ONT, INVITES YOU

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