[and by public opmwn 1 have had without making. the agent beating. The men who I My two each m pay Iw mun; In: tutu unu nu: at ca... .v- - --_ -_- _,,,v- --_-"""-H -wr . tmauU8M0esettirtpay teesoex,_qiti.roti.eeRiee?durra"- While the mike " now over, died; of the walkout may be I lot yen; old boy who held up u†- hon and demanded their we permanent, than the unnon bargained for, Toronto people found money. taqing . We diver therweerurtdependtnt ontherrctogetan, pluthcyhadm 'Jrg'g'a"ttA.,tu7:r.flh1hiillll out The union had not Mured on Wig turn n all. When it My mu P. C. 'tel,", aka . _ . V . _ tom “In. was '1 new that cttuens were perfectly Willing to hold out Mainly, min has, -. C m am. they won accepted arbnnuou, mu, however, t on W .. .n _ ,ilA -n ‘A ,I,,‘ _.e_:-;_-l “AJ- may - no: uEpcnuun uu nae an» N - u, I"... -. m -- - - .__._V._.‘, 7 - - Dad; The union had not Mured on this turn at all. When it My -ta_ry P. C. ItImchy 'l M turned that citizens were perfectly Willing to hold out Mainly, lt Mt' 'litt ftl IM',', “E they aoon accepted arbstratson. am“ however, ' it on Jltti By refusing to allow the uaiotto coerce them, the people of permits aim municipal toads Tenn». not any ot the animals concerned. were the one: who really and hm in tor bounty. . . W! the union to terms. OfBcuxls as usual in this country, showed V. “View of 2r'iffc they were really helpleas or useless when faced by union aqua. world turned up at Christmas; Mr “338351; résun'ot the strike will be 1m people Mini on the TTC. Len iobs for those who were so eager to go on We. and a dulled reluctance on the part of m worker: to walk " the job Tells New Cnnudiuns freedom Barriers Non-Existenr Here The annual meeting of the K-W Council of Prieadship was told My night that the limited and multinational monarchy of the British Commonwealth is symbo- lic of the finest freedom known in_lhe history of the world; -. These were the words of Rev. F. G. Stewart, St. Andrew's Pres- baterian Church pastor, who was s ted to be guest speaker at the meeting but who was unable to attend. His talk was read by Miss Joyce Aqgng. - - . Choosing as his subject. "Ladle? and Gent men, the King", Rev. Mr. Stewart outlined the signifi- cance and authorit . of the crown anlt_the royal fungi r, _ . . "No two people in the world have iiven so wholeheartedly of their ime and of their devotion to the welfane of our Cirmmoit- wealth," the speaker said. "Many of you have come from m of the world where you problems, barriers that were insurmountable," the new Canadians were told. "These bub 1W um mu ILL-CANADIAN wows [NEW A nine-foot long linen table.. doth made by members of the .Eversley Womep's I n s t i tu te, autumn-e. Engrand, is being sent to their link branch at Unionville, Ottt., as an expression of gratitude tor food parcels sent during the It is no ordinary tablecloth. for on its natural linen base is worked 9n ergbmjdery tattery1, trto.tbolis- alm of a visiT of tt woman member of_9sc_2vmley Institute to qugn- ville. Two members comfoud the design, executed in pane s so that individuals and groups could work simultaneously ip their own hymn. Dupmidejry and assembly of diam is" 103k "a ’yéiué The cloth is-of natural linen, worked in royal blue silk. The bowler is of maple leaves, with the Hemp-shire rose in each cor- net. One of the two main ganels depicts the arms of Unionvil e and the other is designed upon the broom, the English countryside shrub, which appears tn the badge oe the house pf Brarnshill--a Ja- cobean mgns'ion standing m Ev- ing the bond "of friendship be- tween the. two Institutes which tgre any"? the war as the re- s 7013 vitri of tt woman member Bunch from Household Finance on you signature. No endorse: a bubble necurity needed, We â€that in prompt cash loans 'ttr-odour-outer" paler Household Finance for ha. friendly service. Phone or can in may! _ - “ml-inu- not.“ - "and -iTiou.iuGiiir- ___'- '--_e-a' - - . WWI-u..- â€wmmm;nnwyuwcm. mm.“ M-wm-‘mmw “grind.“ (NW "ran, TtewATERutttCtattmtt" l, Hif was decided to amuse a lo- ra- naiu‘ idiots, to be bribed cal _amateur contest and th.e {01- 'with. 1“?th- incomes Pad a lower 1teupp'"st,ururoi"erl/ ir,,'g'r 35% 'irguStfdiott of l rs. or e ' . . . r _ . Ttpsf/rt, 'Lf 1'rltd' an: W. Btouttviue Pg','2d,'eit',g5 rs. I r man. e ne e have on more one occl- Imgeting will. be or} "Citi-ttist.". sion pointed out the. fact um lar- myth the flfr"t',tgiomr'l', ittee In magic 'th ','ttgi,h,'hti,.r 'IIT, c a . . mes eunuch ca as o o. s Jpresrfged for the program. Mm. hardly to t','l'U%"h that ambi- Clarence Hallman re: a poem on nous boys and girls will stay on â€Resolutions". Mrs. more Har- the farm if their fathers ysd, mo- JET)" favor? with ta,elptptl them T 11::3 $31113: the gar ues 's poem " us’ ?'. um, i we I Vt con- Seven resolutions were read 89d ditions, and' it they J10“! only (ttTed 2ige, "tttT unity!!! ( those members of, 1tdtpt'dtitt iscu at I a -r mee Int. are oinaimnome v‘ocl on “as. J. C. Wookott conducted otithe 2privilege of a higher educa- sing-song ac29tturapied by Kn. fr,tiop. . . ' . [Hallmm at thermal». Mrs. Wu" 0 Self alumnae u the only re- fred Lad man fave an itteasf"gtlgrglr; chm the Prince George, address on bb he White "Psg.e",!B.C.,Heitl-noputiriniuti.oa busi- éxrtgunmg to the New Year and aims, with tt WM] ted.',', _ res start, ‘everyone’ won span as Immune Cluh Nam once-1. "he? cum and save I portion of Mr. and hgmhglzm'n 'stte1'iidir/y,',,r, income - and vote 3:11.: were Pluclc presi 'nt o ev undonwho. prom us Plattsville's Mr, and Mrs. bi'ii'ili1'lttllil; for nothingu-we M! at the meeting In the basement of convince the mat that we "'lyttsville United Chuquh. Otpgri view this Inflation ser4ouiand Hers. these problems do not aim here. "Throw away any venue: of bitterness and cynicism that you may have; leave_behind {on any attitudes of intrigue accept with In open heart the freedom we hold dear." Mrs. W. P, Clement wu -ie- elected president for I tenth term. Other, onceâ€: W. J. Cowls. ttmt 'stit,T'sviie'dt,,; 451mg 111% secon wee- ten en ; . Siehotttlft, Jim: vitstresideast; "WM; thé 'royal -tamits the gemslot the misting. t,rd'S,,T, ans nan not: I â€ml. of the 2et A Mm on the [rte of Princess imbeth was shown. J, A. Smith lid . sing-long: Mm Alb?" Em. ecretirrcime-" urer; Helen BUM Ind In. C. Gross, assistant secretaries. Committee claim: Dr. Ruch- el Haight, service; Mrs. E. [an and Mrs. F. W. Snider, social; W, G. Schweitzer. eAee.atioesal; mu- berty..J.nnen, vubl'lenv; .. . Wot-en’s Mute "at. The January meeting of the Ptattsvitie Dumb of the Women's Institute was help! in the, basement of the United Church .with 28. members preseut., _ The theme of the meeting was "Resolution". Following the or" ening ode and prayer the prank dent, Mrs. Burwelt Harrison and a New Year greeting to the mem- bers. Plattsville t ' my In: which ther could GT i',%G'l'rer1' (IG :1 min» not!“ Lltfi,ll',tt,, @5213â€: thinks the meanest nun in the woruitumeduratcttrutmes;fttr â€nucleus he has Purtyred u bum. lu "teuee trap in " yud, but this pug Yuletide some In) guy mud n dpwu and took n _ for I Christe tg-ttttgt My. anyway; it was 5090 Christqtys. norm-3%. . The ladies ot the Sand: and - club u Grmsdvirw Bench, B.C.,_ held a dyte m the. maul} hall nah! ot a ram; bluwd; It not a y be t the crowd down, but some 12ld pocteted all the mo- 'ririiunithedooredde camped. . . Seth Bantu. I Thym- old student " Weary». Ont., College from the Athens: Gold Coast. saw his Brst hockey me, Hark-nee vs. Toronto Marlboro. and liked it; bat he wore heavy underwear on top of minutes, two sweeten. suit. overcoat, ear muttr, woollen up and mitts; he sleeps with ttve blankets on his bed In the dormitory. . . New kind ot a barometer. says Capt. Neil J. Rood), master ot the CN stealth ships liner lady Nelson; shark's oil, when a storm thgeatens be- comes bubbly; it is taken from the liver of a shark. . BC. Teachers‘ magazine: "There are still all the extra out- side school attractions which ef- fect senior atudents more than the elementary small try men In ath- Ietieg and pangs and dances and other things. It " particularly ex. â€mung to know that so much of what we a; gtgempying to dy It. aa Uutiitied 'rijr"ttie ‘oubot- school Activities and contacts of senior students," 1 _. . distortions and friction: ot a very dangerous â€a?" Needed}: some political tea r who will state there simple truths on the remn- able assumption that Canadians are not all idiots, to be bribed 'with.hifher incomes Pad a lower cost of wing, even a the cost of danger to. the ntrt'tfrrtrl hinge. . A clipped angle on this, height rues business: W. A. Ma- ther, widest.“ the CPR, put humor-on ls...inereeem statement; said that the railways hue dlmculty ttnancing needed improvements became freight ates have gone 99 qnly 60% while wholeule paces In zenerpl have risen MOT, am} "W,. In about the sane ratio. {eight ram held: unduly low do si6. m keeping' cost of living down for the moment, but, Slum low to make railway openuons new!» gbly pmntuble._ emote efonomlc that “Next the term toy-J will bedm.pedttomtheitrforee-t t?seto.ountedpolee:_:tlteutAe them any {have em if they went Nd coats. _ . Guy with the notebook: “It " pointed out that jf, at half the people In Ottawa trunk. there is a tgre, deem this yen, Mr. Ab. _ tt cm easily cut. hock personal [We tax to ita 1050 can! and make nat teel good about it. Onthe er hmd.1!thenisno election, he can take 10 per cent more than he got in '51 without the law as it is now. Some Pet glg say My. /urbo!r.'us..cvnicai. bums a): he is realistic." . St. Vital (Mun) Lance: A paradox ot modern times is that as the individual has gained pow‘ er he has thrown it Away. In Canada, for all the apparent tree- dam of the citizens, he it told what to do, and especially what not to do, to a greater extent "an when we had little government, as in Iaurier's ume. Br In. I. c. - (Chm-lib Corn-vomit) . Mr. Ross Melitzer had the mis- fortune to have two bones broken in his ankle while moving mu- chinery at the McKee Machine Shop in Elmira. A piece of ma- chinery falling. on his tfrrtc '" A kitchen shower was held at the home of Mr. Kenneth Thong; son for Mr, and)“; Jerry Bu ' who had the misfortune to loose their home and contents in a are recentli. Several taunts were do. nated y the lot. W.M.S. Mr. and Mrs. Ruth expressed their sincere gratitude to all who so kindly remembered them. woman ammo “All to: CANADA Representatives of Atrerdeerr/ Glasgow and Edinburgh Univs;] sities new trom Prestwieir on Sal-I urday for a two-week Canadian1 debating mun They wil compete for the Canadian-Scottish Studom,‘ debating tour. Tttey Will compete" the Commonwealth should Feder, ate". Next year a Canadian de-3 biting term will tour Scotland. _ West Montrose t My m to not to the boa-ttsch one of . you will at: it?" showing and the roll call 15 to be answered by “Me! Favorite News Commentator". he motto for the "Ueiiiiti in "Let us not forget that our citizenship in a free world has been bought with a great price." Bonuses will be Mrs. Alfred E. (Kerr, Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mrs. W. 'Crittertlten lug MrypLiver Facey. The Young People's Bible meet- ing was hel at the Biehn Mennu- nite Church on Sunday evening Swim the subject being "Jesus 'obedient Unto Death", Mr. Wil- ( lard Cressman was the leader and sub-topies were given on the fol- {lom’ng subjects. "The Father's Gift", "Christ's Obedience" and ("Christ's Death", taken be; Mrs. Howard Cressman. Mr. ernon ICressman and Mr. Melvin Huns, I beiger retpetively, - _ man attended the special family night meeting of the Waterloo County Shorthorn Breeders' Asso-' ciltion which was held last Fri- day night at the Co-operative Hall in Kitchener. The special speaker) was Mr. T. Hilliard, Toronto, who; showed colored slides covering his ip to England and Scotland last gar with Four young men from the province. Mr. Dave Gave. pro- vincial secertary of the Shorthom Association presented calf halters to Cali Club members and Miss Bernice Mordue and Mr. Douglas Mordue were recipients ot these. Mrs. Richard Knechtel and Miss Grace Knechtel furnished vocal duets for the program and re- freshments were then served. " In. o--. ttd-od (w Can-uh.) Me. Iowa's W. he regular monthly meeting ot the Haywille Women's Inqutute will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Z. Wyn in Haysvnlle on the them of Februnry 6th at 2.30 pm. The program will be in charge of the Citizenship and Education Committee which is convened by Mrs. Wallis Bean. A special feature will be a tum Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murdue and family, Mr. Gut Mrs. Clarence Diamond and children. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Capling, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knechtel and family and Mr. and Mrs. Edward N.'Klink- saw. Wilmot t In the 19484949 nagging sew. not} more "Iran JIM). A beaver pens were' tikeri ireGidd," E6}; than In any other recent year. I, ma Inn. um l (Chm-lul- enamel-nu 1 The January meeting of the lw.ClT.U. was held at the home of Mrs. Bert Holtzhauer, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. M. Veitch was in charge of the devotional on the theme of "Christian Steward- lshipâ€. Mrs. Rae Hilborn and Mrs. IMelvin Becker presented the clip rsheet material on "industry and l Liquor" and the U.N.LeE.F." Spe- 'cial music consisted ot a duet by Mrs. Holtzhauer and her daugh- lter. Mrs. Harold Poll; and a solo ‘by Mrs. S. Hilbom. Plans were lmade to observe the 20th nnniver- (sary of the local union next imonth. f,'.giii'e,i't,, the observance of Christian deavour week, the U,B.CE. had as guests former members at an 'tt,'rt%t,t ner- vice conducted by erle Coleman. Sunday morning. Geraldine Beck- er read the scripture lesson and the leader altered rayer. In co . nection with the ',t'hri,'er' “Build Gt Christ" questions ere inked con- ceming the founding of Christian Endeavor and the work carried speaker. ' The E.Y.F. of Grace Church held a skating par.ty. at Plattgvine Arena Thursday night. The group adjourned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holtzh-uer tor a social hour. _ the 9mm Hall. In. Rilpp0treyi-" ner was elected as president tor the 3rd term. The other We: are: In. Anthony WM. vice-president; In. John Fried. man. re-elected " mm- lteuguer for the le margin. Plan: an an we're“ or man urge? My te? be, held in June. h Valentine mixed card party is to be held on UN, Petr. tat tn St. Mary's Put-uh ll. Follow- ing the meeting, cud: Ind lunch was held with members ot the Ho]: Name Society, who elm hel their ennui meeting the we evening. “cob Bunsudler was elected president tor the 3rd term; Norman Kavanaugh aue- ceeds Edgar MeTaviaty as vice- president; Joseph Karley and Philip Hammer were re-eteeted treasurer and secretary. respec- tively, Father Menno Htmchber- get, CR., was pleased with all up Wines of the societies during the past year, He encouraged all members to carry on, The church ls all completed but the stained windows, which wt.†soon be in- stalled. . Grace E.U.B. Church will ob-. serve World's Service Day next Sunday morning. The W.S.W.S. will be in tpat with Mrs. Jessie C_retstunan of Uttsvitie " guest Roseville t .Bo'rrt-rHtyt. " to Min-and Mn. Simon Kietwetter; a daughter, at St. Mary’s Hospital.8itchener '. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kiesweuer and baby an'd when†Benn Were visitors with the latter-hi?"- enp. $.an My. Isadore. ehn non- t I JC'.'," . .. 1 Mt. and I‘m-Mn Fomell and hunter-w?! St., {sternum “site-g _ Ott" Send) with Mr. and Mrs. regphim Kieswetter. ('etiv,itiit.t,',', Live found it high] to talk that thtettmAtexs _ managhr. was abrnfitluitliiiitrmtnvfeartahamuhe inmost in promoting better farming and in ,gogking after quadim} {guard banking needs. Ah EYe to the Future Lon: term plumb: helps you to nits more tuithttyviiiatPfoijmirtt.ity'!hitrrtitt.nnAtg t9ty.s.ftteeiyeideqyyaily.u to thtrliie babe, t't'i',uiif.1titits at: 1,t.tnd,-Lixeirtqe1r; Lubour,Cupi and . of IiGidorrrarittWutrinaar. 1ihmriy)hrmirrf)irhr- ant and hat its individual problem. Bo ith, up to,ytip1tit mike tech factor work hard for wrriot parhiiit a visit? ' I, Ii 4. “will. t.t , , {35 Mr. 'it Mrs. Jams Dietrich ma Iflmily o Bred-u visited at the "uri Dietrich home nanny. Over " ditregxmt "rt/rd: ties were "mud n ge- cent Huronh Historic Bits and Tourist Asociation mating in Command and man than " cities. towns, villages and mum ties In paid-up members. . Simon Volt and daughter Rose visited with the formalâ€: shut. tliiosa Voll, at St. Agatha on Sun- By.