I Ptsrfa"..T,fatutg't."t I lance! bk "'tgutr.ru'"gt."tfP""- mun-n.1a . _tyidusot.t.h.trVraottth: He tiso contended that the city hall " a whole was costing the taxpayer too much money. Pet! at this blune he placed at the Coot of the engineering doom-t- “L While it is possible that out at town hall set-up is cost- Q‘too much twe say possible), it u doubtful if the mm men- tioned could be obtained any “per. While we admit that the “an m not called out very "teat to tight he: in um my. g$ultherhavettsetots, endluone m [many other! would not take “say “why m beltgrautiSl an in a oo you can ",t,"hdfldl'll or other ientrer--and um as goodora better price. . The reason for incorporating all a the ads in the one. is with the thought that with so many items at uduced prices, you might miss out on some of them, We are inclined to think that it you wlll read these advertise. new careeully, you will and items you need " prices way be- low what you could buy them elaewhere for. 1.11.8. Waterloo In. said today in hia eatimation the taxes in 'aterioo were too high and that the itgeanen and the police {one we in a large part to blame. tn " estimation there is too much my being spent by then de- pa‘tlnenta now. He chided us tor i't'ai'S that it might be a good idea the Waterloo police were tttttr) with another vehicle a lowed to keep the present SEMI tireriiroire iniittUr' chi which could be all“ an. “037i? was; into minim: this n Juyt ".tothe.r 40'! REES? ttLT' tttot',"' not the engineers hold responsi- bietorttreundingotth-tU, on waiting for warm weatherto melt the heavy coating ot ice on the side streets. This ls not only foolish. but darn poor economy from the car owner's point of view. One thing sure when you start driving one of these roads in their present condition, you never know where you or: gain, to end up. The only sure way o, stopping if your tires don't grip is to head for a snow»: bank. only Emilie there isn't a youni- aterbehindit. ___ _ .. . One thing we will admit, and that is that Kitchener for some m or other has recently done a much better job of snow plow- ing than formerly. Even some of the outlying areas are now being plowed "er/it J. ,S. N As you will “the the Waterloo Mutts have again this week incorporated their various ads in- to one urge one. Practically ce- cy one ot these retailers have put n_quclnls for morning. ct "iiriarii, aaa in a m. who. Annawugc m for this type of lamb!“ is be- mama the people ot Wm- loo " to the splgndid job he was doing without him having to do it himadf. JMS. Its nun- who}. in Waterloo and 'hi,t2Nrite'U'dget'tg beiiieroCirandanowto -. My did a much better job of “Gibb; his various duties than would a writer who we: not as inning: with them, still we are inclined to believe there Ire few in Watch» who work harder at their Job than does our "em.tioet- u am: thash. being. maps»: tasiemie Should have mick ot his duties is Rector and Dine“: tor Waterloo b Int Utah’s Chronicle. one man was 1ooved_to comm! that it i/tirserauik '7 ikiAsVGkGiuiuiiare worthwhile can-niacin ygr,ai,',tu','ttttut1Ct do not teach; an law may toutestdthe-tirtg, e.etietoye1wiy.tAeEtA'y.9it "the" tht; ___ bu Ute, Biuttikuhtii -___ - atthe :1“ka- indAle at tttCity tuit... _ Ah-twithoot-tims.ttseee haveb-omegooderesaardu- 'atgbdeseotneout9ttlte-e.t: ines. My we gum youwill be qua; something Wyou we tg.eiki, um meeiveArvitiaf" nuan- to and. However. tt in up there any“! be a -- iuatsn_reiovu.1t.mtirArdirFo qumauw AM Waterloo dams-1mm 2Fi"Ft' "rs. Waterloo Won Plans 'Sprucing At (Impnign’ Snowstorm Taken Doctor's Shingle Act-cu the Street "" it. I“ u" an an mag-w. autf, tFt'.-' my... tsedate m While manv cpmmuten who couldn't start their can ttatt at the general an» and T [ around the hot " mister. school children m Mad riding to school on their Nuclei. _ day tutaaveer"nUtt that“ V "it theweather. Kyushu-noon ggel'ugt'l'lag1'fntt't trt sum l about thing outside. How about the cop on the - Me may sgteah'tnside$orat_ttinttter small hours ot the was... M m“?- it “magi? ' uvay . and mu thougth M have WWW ir'etiisther Wain“. We have n nurgteettitim-iMt tg,,oflteep,,t'rl2r2flit morn --4Ar morn ' Oke would all! be 'd'h, deakt-- Dayan wnthhjot? " time, eqoet. and this wave "ettratauotaruervuedeskii-- '2.te-tteietqbadtryeeti.e tdtts,,t,W,htNtve meal-m. lat-nub: his. terloo “bury can still It In in} kata. turui"wiiiiiilk iiM --ootme Bud. Take the e We dunn- ment. M3017 “than“: or even sometimes only in the Maths. "he . look In! if M mohsletg.T"eatoohandir om an an] ikiaiiii" elf-e3" Wilma. than in u an BverMe ole: or “do†would not take an rich. put up with usedueomfortorithuloetg rt,",',',',',",,'?,',:,':',":,',."?".'."'" may our notâ€... Ywmtéiqu_mm iieF if“ " in] - _ viii. i 'it'Vr"traiNrii'i/a;'rl'é "'5'; mug“ fem iu..ystwal pine _on Cher MD}; lawn. The - . Dr. David M. Bean. was mono“. Bed but the disappearance was got many; in.vestu.attd.. Dr. aim iietie%d dwsign ft' t have an» over. or reversed y some ly cm M - WINTEBBOUBNE -.. This week's Arctic-like weather, which 31â€â€œ- tA,',tt, 30 below m- ull laud.) 'mmsiete, dig. strange things to ioeal villu- arid a doon skid mm" ' _ in itie wow - __ _--' t' "iii 'ttdl'?";,)"."',,"."",.",?.'.',' monuido‘m‘tuthchlwb? A man with a have and cm. bundled with. makeup ttrr out du"tegueptge.ta'tt 'dl,'lu"Wd'l"d,u'hWl'dr'rd Strange Things Happen In Winterbourne at 20 Below iiiiik?ii?iiiii'itl'f ttmgitti'et, i; 4' Weeks I“; at. mm a the More with hi: can and out collar wide open-- to the astonishment ot the bun- died “ho; nave hum". Th1: trt e was wry appropri- oely _. "eleordiaeto tl1qeoay Winterboume Rabbit Has 'Last Laugh’ 'd -. In! W _ Iran-om - A mftzgogwl 1',1,tto2f "at: heee the other gm The any» chased and cor- nered, mu rabbit under niobium: Local BamUtoRatmain Open Saturday: 5.6% Eiiriiti W. iiauiGariiir GA than?†den-eu- -___ fl coidér in 'taHll'llJJ'e than ittiin any iiiii5lrt -aitugatise _ -itariieit Y" - and Mountainside“ part ot "tsoiiihuhtA5rsuiiJ,'"aiG LTL HahSWi thirviesiiy of Tommi is; idiiliihiLti' hid the' familiar “Mme Vina in a .ytowdrift. church sheds across the street, made I bee-line for the general store and and tor a package of Cigarettes. Althou‘h he was about so your: old. he pointed out it was the ttrst time he had purchased a pack of . t.r.e did it to "keep wan". "boiled" u the price. Another vulgar, almost ex- tant“ m an; to push his egg. mm a -- mm with hi: school " WW1; of Toronto. W {be up} IF. you: in ot: iGek.t" iuottisetiitet-ertt t1l'tt=M'd'2l',',t Liter. (Wu? -taaeination; kid. like to spin it-end. the older ones continues mm it too tart" 'mFiridil'id ai"irikuisiriiiu as. older w and atttttta who as the "bury. m net-vice (a Water- loo mum is moth“. "iiiiaii"iilituitiie ma 'me new“ m ','lu"t'll the m ot an Mum um baton com- PC to hold the Waterloo institu- Connectfnc' oi in position. some and: tom its original loca- tion. " Ben Teerkedit'it ly" out my Cicaiaidd we}. 9m ','l,',Ttbt. in. it m hog-clot contribution to student 'iiiiiiTrirtF' "1 ""' -- "L ihe- troupe, in- cluding tt hound, sauntered may. __ _ - two winners stood guard over their "eateh" the other atioettr alumni: I par urby noticed the q:ottrtgttail “Nugget inning)â€: 9n the two decided to as?“ the union of 1 loea unem- "%,t,P"t',',) by "man's but friend" to new the rabbit gym its high; placed (angel. u Am {3111' hound Wiiiiiii "th il- mm. tm! MAY BUY ‘STREH SWEEPER K-W Council of Friendship Helps In Many W ays The committee‘s work also in- cludes eftorta toward improving travelling conditions, providing Interpreters for newcomers, PII- In mm of It.t.t. The procession final.ly began to m.ove, and by ten minutes after mne normal traffic flow was re- Four loans totalling $155, assis- tance in flnding jobs for 40 new Canadians and housing for 25 new families is only part of the story of the work of the K-W Council of Friendship during the past year. A recommendation will be made to Wuterlm Council by the sanitation commltme that a street sweeper be purchased " a cost of $11.74! " The committee dis- cuued the need of n sweeper Monday night, I?! Den Wlllla-o- hopeful. Comment Ino- KITC ENER. - Semi - yearly y on his or?†ot : campaigns for students' counctl I don't know; ll 'ttfat!" president commenced at the K-W try anyway," he Collegiate this week. Humorous Highlight of the week's cun- election posters, designed to ettp-rpaiertietg we: the skits 'teetttqtaqd ture glances from fusing students. on the school “In by d ippeers in the ha u Monday as Inhodl committees. m prelude to the event in which ai-‘eleo given by and“ most the entire student body areJIho. Aided by their withâ€. eligible to cast ballots lvill continue cumulus an: un- Popular Student- til voting day. reliving t. when Election candidates Jim Breil- Wits Will be m rule. hoop! of Waterloo and Sid Berg- These will we" in the ollovt- stein, both popular Grade t3 "lb 'dt week's “all of the Chm- dents, are quite conBdent of sue- ie . cess. 00-h To W Eye-witness reports, however, are hazy as the the cause. Ac- cording to one student, a coach became stuck near the Collegiate and pupils disembarked outside of the K-W Hospital. Others hold the opimon the delay took place in front of the school, and that a parked auto ahead of the first trolley forced the driver to wait until he could detour around the vehicle. thus compelling cars to come to a standstill behind him. This help and other assistance provided by the service committee of the council was reported at Monday night's annual meeting of the group. The committee also distributed furniture and clothes to needy newcomers. visited the sick in hospitals, made ISO calls on new unvals.. provided transportation for patients to and from hospitals and from the St. Agatha Orrhan- use for visits with their chi dren ing in imtnipatityt and making recommendations to local manni- ntions for distribution of Christ- mu baskets. KrTCHENER. - A two-block tram tie-up occurred Wednesday morning of last week when three trolleys stopped to unload their daily quotat of K-W Collegiate students In trant ot the Institute. At the same time the property committee " recommendinf that the lice department w. Is be 'ilyi.i. Renovation: to the trot deportment were completed only Int year but no painting um done royals Student- Election candidates Jim Bren- ttaupt of Waterloo and Sid Bell- stein, both popular Grade " un- dents, are quite conBdent of we Name Bernstein, Breithoupt 'Presidentiul Cohdidates’ Quizzed by The Chronicle dur-l Alum-If): not My known. ing a busy noon hour, st,tilhtt',L'i"e Bu than“ club! mer-ttr. hastily stated: “We've got a good elected Lieutenant - Wt (campaign) slut and I rather} Breithattpt In new each. u co- think we've got a darn 'tetrreryf,t,r,f rare in an two tetd. chance." Bergstein was none th.'tof politics. K.C.L STUDENT BODY Council nuthorizod publishing a joint proclamation with Kitthen- or unnouncin‘ Petr, IO to " u 15.00am mum-m for the Blind ,-______,__ """'T-'-l._".- man-M“ _m.0. w... """"n'et"-hnoimetirtrtFtiiaiiariauiThril'hi1"aTk - 'dl'l1r)ta'11,=1'tat'.etPallCeie2, 'GuUral'lr,"ta'g. 4%“ “cl “hunt-Mad». who!†- 4%.... ii'i.ije/iiiii' m_-~’l 1?iki0FrTiiiiaiir-raTi" ffiytrSyyj_1y_The Chwml?! LI", 'Mapping' Diets} Many Local Folk Motor To Florida The Waterloo North Automobile Club onus of the Ontario Motor Inert-u is also noted in the number of tree lull service calls coming from members of the lo- cal club. Many Twin City nod district folk have motored to florid: since the start of the year. League has tkei, busy 't'M",',t wrists of this am to m Detroit Ind Buffalo. At the we: once on Queen sr _No_rth3 7 “digger. ft. was 05’ Service page: unlined with the In?†have reported a pat wmter or service to Lennie mo- wrist: in the am. navy snows this winter caused . record tow calls from members. SIPHONING GAS COSTLY IN WATERLOO plained that membership cur-£- sion ot the club. as a "all! o the membership can†in the tall, has greatly inns-ed the set- woe cslU. Most have been for, rout-nus south. New membership tribute“ have now become daiy routing n the out! The and member-: ships will be ready tor the 0nd of January. It I: mum tho in- crease over last ya: your in out. then 60 per cent. __r - _ ... get an em hour's tree park- fine out of the old meat was recently demonstrated outside a Duke Street atom b I man identided only " Jar'.' Finding that his time In: at. most up, and wUhi to stay longer, "Cart" “reread out of the establishment to give the meter “heck" in the term of several 31:93. dam to make an extra hour mister on the dial of the "iron cop". Prompted by cries of "hit her Carl!" from inside the shop, "Cari" returned breath- lless and smiling some seconds ater. it the other mi!" The result? Commented "Carl": “My scheme didn't work the! time;] had to hit Pleading guilty in police court Tuna?v to I charge of thott M [will I Vina-loo youth WI. ttard ‘10 and can. He told Intimate When he had in tget toe the (0011!... Pol eeught hlm ‘nfmAmldnlghg In the net "diuiilikti '7 "Tm 1th"'tl't Ir, " Lug m hr! Gen Boar’s be Park“ by (Special to The Chronicle) {My}: l 'tttd m A number ot will . mm mm zoo chum "Imam“- Loan mgtdooe was. "mm t. grtteet m Vim be I m rebut. . " in the allow- mmioujpoua'd th st,t u N u d . h- ... - ttttlp - new... “I" m In an; an hp -aemeCttt.tt-rtuetto. ,m.AomrandattotrotheWtaaf-" 200 Attend Ice Carnival At St. louis Anumtserotmfutt-etta. a?!†â€'0de “hurls: 1anttsmatdoorNatE.qrEterioo. . 12P,tgt,'tdutiWtttfg'iti, rammed emuv than! magi-Imagine airoueiiiitid kiUTiiG mm" "W Race ada- "MOI!- ur. Than?- WEIR and Ania: M. (Elam Vein, Mr. i"ii7ii"ir' and in. David Grieg. Doc - tareas, -tiogs cinematic“ starter and am. 'atitry euth- (battled; loope- Iltat in In Wash: 1 tH Wat-ho he FUN-n A-ttei- tit)'.? ,itii'(it I'tltrfgtt ttht 'lhrf2P, Y/tatt doom thet My 't,'ht.t,','ltat,tu'tt hdem-m- with Ar."uiiiUFNiiiirGi'i 'A'rd,'tt1uNlut,g,2",,tAtr,i “Muir â€ammo! ".eyusar-ptettttsreiwieu wt'.yyrar:refhr-tiiettt- mittee felt the Iâ€) We 'tttmu-tati-et. At-ttoeninedars r,in lien orall statutory mantra:- il,iitsi'rtrkAt,!i! a fitri 90qu iira'na= sum"). mod ml. ween that. Ttut Snowman"; beat eco- gm, Marilyn Fraser, drum ma» ’Firm, tiiqttittot.itts' ' I on Mt Working 'lt'l2'Jtt, a a service JVRWRVIJCW'; 1iarhte8.dNrseyerr. The lumen was: that an- ptoyeu um: " {out service or my: be (in 8 Mi vie-non on: I'm Pae,il'ge,f, "ee, Earl m" spa John an; Tom Went! and Jim Moan. Train race. boys. k 'fgt.herid"vt', Clan. Fem rder, Dona If hunk 2Tlgt hank Rachel. bob mm M. Dietrich. j Tail: nee. girls, Mary .Bhke,‘ Marilyn Fraser. Diane Fieteieh, Joan McCormick; Manic: Emu. Mary Ann Carey, Joan Continua. Masquerade, tunniegt mum. Shes Friteer, -Negro mgmy: Atur "lying on help ham out- aide mm. the W-W Niven now has I snow plow of m m in operation. chairmen of the air. port communion. N. C. Behnelder, said Tuesday. A plow it needed to keep the two runways open and to clear putting one; end the road lull. will) the "ysining county mad. III-loot plow but been mount. ed on I 3%-ton truck. Mr. Schwei- der aid that the commission waql well “tinned with the operation of vehlcle. it we. and to! the ttmt time cm the week-0M. While Mr. Schneider aid he unwed-ted aid altered the com- mission by umber-in; towns and the 'fre/dt' Li,,', 'ltd '1%tk why: e to ave J'll,'Jerl,'t'11 it was needed. I rtu'tcuf2a,'tT, the W~W "mun-um aluminum 'l=tgrgt'gr,'tttt,t [be pro "reqttlmdtrrtheK manual. di, C. traitor, eoqtgatiaIiogt has.†WW mm..-“ it"g,ttr"""""""u_ a“ ' min iii tFii-FFliEF St, Louis Rink In: tho tooh put. Race new“. for gamut? 'telt'd.W)lilMt', 1.4m. iiiii-' t.teF. EM. his; Eliis $uii.tarir, an ttorete 's,jstriUtieiii' '4%t','fl2 and Tom Weiter, Airport Has Snowplow we: etNetive an! Timmy. L o. Brelthmspt, Ontario's “cunn- nnt-govemor damn. received this informatioet " n ht in t wire from David Sim. . ty mumm- ot mm and who. Me ulna heaved word tron Imotlgratioet Immu- Harri- that â€mu m completed for giving hump-unit tie-um n teel M “antimony; uEJI'un‘s win gtatad eqtatttiatt. myof the Mrfteld in an murm- The The $0taruo-Weningtmt Air- m is being unbliahed- " In amnion.) port of entry tor W-W Airport Official Port of Entry £91339!» was: on Wan-ho in.“ "" me rtauM sent was new: " and: of the mice a! L . 1heitttaugtt, - med "ttti, 1'I'8fef, of . . 'lllalll'rdt s instructions taint out that; 'ITL am of the relation I: not known, wot-k win mud for selection of enu- merates: for each tubdlvbion. Fhrdr%rir, Gia aTiuiiiria'rii. but. be mud to attend the and trgt'dltt,d the 'lit MM: and that be grant-' ed up. an“ magma not ex- Attht. t','2'ta'2n'g'tier. - Details will be further discussed " the next meeting Pets. hh. Robert Came was ammuni- dent; gather! ,ng _ Ed- Tllli 'al't", we)! lad “I: W. . vice-president . beet Yd'lal'. may; .. J. 9mm- annVL emu". that My; Ill-'1 ha ft giththMa-hm "nit "in," - --"%F"-. _.. __ than: thu you We ‘ven a Who. m ii,iAi'ii at I â€has: week. tl',",) More: to two any: each 3688 51265137 -Giriirri iiiG. Instructions have been received Their by John E. Wagner. federal n- autho: turning cater tor Waterloo North mt. to start mall-attain tor a br- Sela election “in this riding. to can He Ttgr' d letter My the [at election outer. unmade] no- “if. _t'!Best.i1t.es had been received that than the Engage» jut-syntax“ mm lbfull man» 0603: we†elected and plans nude for the annual St. Patrick's new ad dance when the Kitch- ener-Wank» bunch of the Sons of Erin met Int may night. It was decided that this yeefs social would be held mm: " And that the plum would be changed from other â€an, [mm ot having a “the? concert tot- towed by hum. t was decided to have only I kw auction: with put of the time devoted to danc- star-rear-old with a vivid'imcin- ation. The one wu than had nectar-bum while its 'it'gN',ig'g in: n let and thinner. Bo wen complete with hats. When and who my :00qu way Kenneth wimp“ - pm . rut" u? 'mem' ""7176 Mid, tllu,th'l and Tannin". Amman-5&3.- e>-etettbrihiKiUTiiii"d Fume-gaunt VIUIWI. :1ku emu". hum Came. Path “any. June: Chermside, Jock My. Robert Heme. Rune“ Robina“. June: GUtitand and George Say» “(dim -" V "Cialis-il-iii. tp td0tttiiMLii do. " at ing, NEW DUNDEE.--he snow and weather condition Jaw/ed ideal [of the kiddie: ot village to have a week-end of tun. Snow- men of alt “as and duel-{giant domed many law. Pro My ty.o ot.tt.se law “aid-5 m 1-- a... m Plu- Pending race!†of the letter. t'rg,u,1, ade I?! can (/a2ifl',', ha " m . out to clear . B. P. 'llo'dh'lf, Rubber Co. but. Akron. Ohio, plane. ache- duled to make a direct "ttt to the port from Akron! the an! cus- wlm and immigration elem " the port. will, I.†W. D. my - president, at the main“ At. ron. are paying I visit to plant the latter mm of this val. VII- ther perm in. Authorization of custom: and Immigration min: at an son will otrviate mm at plums mom " Doom or lichen for ole-rum More coming have. 'tsie In estimated to on than! m tttrum " mu round to an w. 113.130qu -teidtr, thou-am: Preparations Started For 3 North Waterloo Brelectiats f shroud ' tlp,'difiiit,2he, itria.% 'lar-rear-o with a vivid imagin- ln Nadia. president of B. F. Goodrich Rubin: Co., ot Canal. pd, uh! my E.C_ollzer. mu- Snowmen Decorate New Dundee tife it Pitemen H.ay.Ad cm my. Ohm-bl- Wu “MM -----v - nu; -." - III. This mi ht man . one.“ block s,ll'dl'll an your h that view at tho India, " - 1"aret so by Mt on. ttat u will“ at about “.0â€. "tet,teetuutittrtikitirte é.- 1 "iei'téE'g" Nri,TiiiGii "‘ am. in“... can ' +3....“ MParltdttut 1 It". Stickers Stick If Given Good Lick tit'e2tla2itiiliilSliii?ai; “unearth-pone: Mr. Carter and the - d -.o6.emNoree.d'i-q_qmdub- unfair io give "itG-iaili'ii'i than the Mom dddg,,f2itf 2tt1,. Tlui", be t ea In a - "am “aim-W 'tht d... wu noon unions in two weeks. _ new 'ottriii3k an!!! aunt 1er"d'd'd; h an “gait. d3... " 'dtaut2gtgei,Stii,Et' a" “who†I. 'trGlrlaJ'h"dl'.1dn'Wlti thetneriuotttterrtieeiitTiJ auttsoriaedurmt imam «if ttU writ. Sebctionoftbemb t.freomeftom.ret-tatFqe ttsepartraetteutioeuiathV “in ,'2t=rig', the i-tme. ncmtequ 01¢me Ftartonthe8sthdarttete_ 'tutobeeomptetedioti-to Permitasqttieatioaatothee-ts bt revision by those when - WNW. “mum r. amt atomsetoputthe W 'lldl'llGoin'lrol'lh= Bauman Again ?lfmed Qicyele night decided 1677mm?“ Giirr. council that the tender ot 'ttsheet Batettan, 'oe of the tetmyer 'er or,be-ted. thundered!†:3 cents a Range plate. Mr. Batman wu licence - In} yer. - _ - -- der not be' untied to an selling or servicing bicycles. III m M 2ut'g','2tige tedt; tl u- Sure t . opal-mum oc- mmmodnuon will be new to meet the "animate at such tie? _u my In eBlied lot. I“. ‘M A .e-W bloodl- "We-eta-ttteat., not. an. an tllu','N i'?g'p,'tntgtihdiitdrt t_tt-lieeaetdthet-rrt I yup you I‘M - m We?“ 'raa' “1; m than $t'P. . A'letter was read from It. S. Etch-i} r.equestinq t.het the tea- {mile initiated! application foe Lt u ishment o I port 0 . at the airSeld u an ilU,'l'fg,t'g aim before quitting the House of mom. For the present facilities now available " the port will be and for customs Ind Manhattan clear-m, ttrise,'?,,'.',?,:'?- ' 66 hikrl Cfiff Fhtadi2i)tk mum-m "iuaariu% S. pg Hr. 3:.ng m1 t, not Brtished human when Whig: when he resigned his out a w Albert Wagner. 338 King Street North, Waterloo. Tuesday, wan found not guilty of driving while his ability wn impaired but wu a“. nge, ft',", 1':ii, tNUI'. tttng Iquor n a . He “pared in W. Moo police Given . mm: lick. the stickers nick. " what the Ontario Highways Doom. ment an about the whil- mield “when it is th! this your instead ot metal - “LL†Ptttes. - - ,i!ie,'s,i'iit?1.Ciie",tt,'t!a' unearth-pone. ma houble didn't put ibis} on property. Theft knife been a low com- pkinu that the stickers don't dy wtet. they m slam-4.30 1ttttqt_,ltttu.ri who .h " I it bra," In i:iiiiiiii:, 1.11.. he ska.â€