Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Jun 1949, p. 6

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-ty.r, Rev, H. G Cleghom V. “In; the TSth General Ab aw)! held at St Andrew's Pm ”up Church, Kin-Wt. Mr. and Mn Regalia Arnett of Toronto Mr and rs. Earl Jack- son of lilmin agent Sunday eun- pa with Mrs _ Foster and hm- ,riiinrttamrottttrerv_ d the boon 0mm Church on manemoon. "heuternooe1aervuy Ivy wt.th- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pemey spent Sunday at the home of the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thqmas_P99.r??y of Ilockton.. -, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Forler and hmily of thchener Mr. und In. Theo. Porter Gil son of Philipstturg and Conrad Ber of " Jacobs visited at John Luger: ms3jurtdry -. . " . _ intl,'.".',)','" . and Mrs. George Squire and funny agent Sunday with, nu. the; in iAmery?r. h 7 FV will": Mélvui Wolfe visited at the home of her mother, Mrs, W. Ri- chggds orlrtday, _ .- Mrs. D. Wiliong, Ann and Jim- my of Hamilton were guests at the home of Miss Ethel Wilton; A birthday party was held for Ann for her 5th birthday. The ta- ble was covered with a lace cloth and centred with a two-tiered de- corated birthday cake wnh light- ed candles. The little guest of ho- nor received many lovely gifts. Eleven getty were preset: _ Mra. Angus voll and daughter d Linwood, Edward Hienta of lildelberg visned at William Vail}: on unday, who is m UD- the human“ Church were an of i. Harold Slee at her on Wednesday afternoon Ten members and two guests were present. Mrs Charles 2h -ident, was m the chair gamed the meeting by all repeat- ” the Lord's Prayer, Mm. Gil- hm Wufung read the mmutes ot the previous meeUng and letters. he treasurer, Mrs. O. Goddard gave the fUsancual report, Plans were made for the church and Sunday School ficmc to be held on Wednesday, une m at Wil- low Lake. Knitting was work tor 'heftternyon: At the close of the mass the hostess served alm- goon tea,_asuuLsted 19y_)§n. R. F. -iiis. Charles Reader spent Sat- urday at the home of her daughter Mrs. A. Schneider ot Kitchener. "tirTjaratter Wright of the Lon- don Hospital was,ws;tmg his par- gnts, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Wrsght T. WM‘xss Alma Thorns was a busi- ness visitor in Kitchener on Thyrsday, -- _ ___ - Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver of Hespeler were Visiting at the home of the farmer's parents, Mr. an}! Mrs_G, 1Meever on TueMay. Frank Pearcey and Wesley Stockwell of Rockton were visit- ing at the farmer's brother and sitrter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pe_arcey on Tu3§d§y. _ ' _ Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Stumpf and daughter Sharon, Gail and Donna spent the week-end at the home ot Mrs Stumprs parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hergott ot Kuch- ar'iViisiiiiiii"tttimurner, Mrs. Her- my? Ferpyysru" Pmirar.w.h0 , m. Mrs. Milton Thoms of Brantford spent the week-end at the home ot her sister-tn-law, Muss Alma Thams. 7 --- - . __ Jack Wrlfong of Ingersoll spent a few days at the home of " parents, Mr and Mrs. Gib. Wilfong. - . James Ayres of Islington spent the week-end at the hume ot his parents. Mr and Mrs, George Ares. "mg. Wllfnng of Campbellville visited reftwes m the village for nttwdarl -_ -.... . -. - iii. $113er Chitord Hall of Greenfield spent Sunday at the home of the Inner'a mother, Mm. W. Teet Crosshill : Mrs. William Wilford and son visited with Mr, and Mrs. George Dumbo in MAxlvvrlop on _Su_ndx_ny, n. avenge Clmdhn woman [lynx-solve and emu-d7! will of full nhlonod haw! In Drawer. Mrs. Russel! Thlt will be hostess on Wednesday thermal: July 6th. Qulluu wul be the work for the afternoon _ _ Mr. Peter Warbickler of Preston was a business visitor m the vil- Ng Thursday. . A. G. Wo fe was visiting in Galt on Tuesday. Mrs. Laura Grant was a busi- ness visitor in Kitchener on Fri. da . f h Margret Ross was wanting gaffe)! or} _-. esd_ay. A . 1 -idrraird Mrs 7J6e Quelch spent Thursday with relatives in Kitch- ener. Mrs. W. Miller was visiting in Gel! on_1yedneftlay. _ _ -iErisntetG Schéal was a busi- nee visitor in fialt on Satgrday. iboungilfong anal J. Toiott at- tended the midget car race: at Brantford, 7 -Riisseu TUt of Toronto spent a few days with his wife and dayghttr, --. o - . - -iirir/itii, Pfelfter and daughter Beatrice were vrsiting friends in Kitchener on Saturday, - - _ Mrs. Robert Pfeifter and chil- dren Patsy' and Bobby visited Wednesday at the farmer's par- ems. Mr. and Mrs Leo Caskenette ot Preston. __ - On Sunday next. June Itth at 9 mm. commumon servnce will be held at the Doon Presbyterian Church. _ -igrs. o, Butler was visiting friends, in Felt on Friday. m . ener Mrs. Lorne MacLennan of MIXL bunk spent a few days wnn her daughter. Mrs Art Kauk and Mr. Kink. A - .. Doon Public School was closed on Monday, June 6th so the tea- chers an gums observed the Kiga’s_ergh ay ' " Mr, and Mrs. Wdiiam Guillette ot Doon announce the engage. ment of their 1t'%ii', Vivienne Rose to Mr. John eaver, son ot - tGiri'eiide" Citie visited in Kimheneerq FridgyL -- - Rose to Mr. John Weaver, son ot Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver of Boon. The marriage will take Mg,,;?,',,'.'; 25 at hee,'; in the -- x.?tiartflu.rre.h., oy.1: PA.“ “find Mr: Reginald Amen of 'iénTtiefs Stine Lunar And at idis. John Tilt and son Chggles whom-h" ririaGaaTa4 "'" ' Br Mr _ [Juno Rennie (ChronicL Correspondent) ll “:9! 02nd )ri;lN1'lf,l,e"rt',1"? I'Jlury ,nanoxlrund In Ila-014m. cum wuh thou": and left My otit “do: Summon to enter upon ”in, Mr. W. A Stewart, a comm- hi - m" - ipJ 'bmig‘and VOTE Folk , YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE "m.gtfie..ttau." 'Maior Details of (the Progressive Conservative Party’s Declaration of Il'ditrrr- \ Drafted and Approved by Canadians 'trom every Proviinte-, Representing Every walk of Life , in chy Canadian home, Look around you In your own home now. The w you have depend u n that was undo, no matter WEI your occupation may be, Oven-mu markd- have been lost. and our trad. h damn-mush lhmlpm-d hy m mnwnl'n foolish trwde and Th ultimate vnlm- of nll our developmnt depend. u I)" the dm- trihulion Ind sale of win“, we yrn- duce. Beam of our 'lr',U.u'J,t, mud cup-city we arr um- of womi t upon"). The oxletnnl Initials for our surplus 'trodoeta contribute vpyx Inrawly to [he in". énvelopeu whit hiiy"the food, Tt'l'il'l and other mtcmeituy 'g",,",,',)",','.', receive the full l-fit trom development of our urn-at 'tll','",',',".',, (k) deal effectively with 19 MI trtsmrporrtttitm pruhlo-m of PM Edward Inland, New, foundhnd, Cape Breton and ban, eouvcl‘ Island; I take the now-mun Mp. to proceed with the develop- Inent of the power and waterways - on the St. LaWeremm Itiver. Ject on the Saskatchewan ttiver: ti') encourage the develu tment at gg,',", in the Maritime l'l'l"v'lld',', m con] as well as I) other means; le) promote the denim-urn: (it tlu. Wt iron ore ret40urcet, of our Null")! and the etsttsbtitsltmertt of -tly expanded steel industry Within Canada; if) stimulate the tg,tltrti,'e of petroleum and other when resources in 1'iotreritHo" with the ptovim-vn by taxation and M policies which will vmuumgc- the investment of risk mints-l; S), imrtitute a vigorous programmi- water conservation, refortstntion, Bood control, irrigation and drain- tr schemes throughout the Whllll’ Canada for the rechamtttiort ot unproductive land and the pre- “Wanton of our soil, and alone Wllll other than!" tsctivities III N) inn-r3» “on with the mwm-ml “mem- leafs; (h) establish " pvmin pm trauma of marulilnml rerlamulmn ind Mdopmenl, (tl lilkl‘ ATM-live my: " thi earliest poyusuule duli- to co-opornte with the provmrml EL','gli'"h"d1 in hulldmg the Trartse hid. Highway and low-d” rmuls. which will not only “wally unnum- our “urination Crtcilitivs, Inn lbw up to open out Ilin- Vitrit no“. bill“ of the (nuns! lnmnv _ in every Moanmul»; I]: n-nmw- the ducriaitigsation in freight nun-x ' lwvon the trevernl mnumphn'nl "rpttN of CM BO that, all m‘llmis of nur gravinou; (b) establish a National owe: Authority to co-operyte with the provinces in the technical ex- amination of possible power develop- ment and in the actual development of electric power at cost; (c: under- hke the commencement of a joint aronrrrvatiot?, igigatiup and pgwer our national develo ment pro- gramme will cover the (Kevelopmrnl ofpower, oil, coal, mineral resin-ram and the triangulation momma may for t eir full use, ln was: we will establish ial u ational Development Advisory Council ia.yio-oste.rayen with the: A bold and progressive notional dovelopmen' pvogmmme Canada is on the threshold of ber maven period of 'tv,'1ot't'i'1 ifs vigorous government, wit faith in the futulje is given the upper- gunity to bring mu) abduction the meme retsourcetwlti h the Rory?." in every part of Canada, Whih. the may. anus of the North chullengv our vision and our courage, there In no put of Canada where there arr not My! opportunities of develop- meat if we £20m“: the electrit Whig and o r sources of power . will encourage new industries and your type. of agricultural pro- duction which can make every part of Canadn more productive In tht, yoan about}, First let me refer to the word are lost, ('anxulmnu arr living to: ‘opport unity'. The Progrvmivt- florr :imun‘d by the xalum»ol‘ouri-xpurts motive Party will assure uppor~ to the United States, We believe tunity to all our people by: in incrvmung our ex mrtx to the United States to the'higheut [Missi- A bold and progressive notional l” fc,',), We lurks:- tdll, hl ,mm " s exports can ' am it u ftr,titt'lt'" programme be, tremendously increatstNi, We curuuis tt5 or? the threshold of knowe however, that disastrous her mam-t period of e.vtit't'i'1 results would follow any attempt to Sta vWrr0ua government. wrt faith depend exclusively upon exports to in the future ".' Bbven the 'uppur- one nation no matter how friendly tumty to bring into germination the that nation may be. The loss of our meme resources 'e h we my; trade in wheat, lumber, fish, apples, m every part of Canada. While. dairy products and the other thing): the vy.t m of the North chaiientw that we have been shipping overseas our an tutd our courage, there ts means more than a mere question no part of ct"tadaprhere, there "re ~of dollars and cents. " means a not my opportunitlm of deyelop- loma of husinum on the railways. in mrmt if we BNV'de the electru the seaports, and on theshi which tIMI and o source-hot" pow.er have been carrying this trad: to the . will encourage [WW industries world. It would dislocnte our whole m .mrw t.rge of agricultural pro- internal trading organization and duction whieh can make very part force serious readjustments of em- ot Canada ame productive In tht. ployment with our railways and - 'del, other trannpmtation services. The Our national 'r"a,1t','ei'e pro- Progressive Conservative Party Imam wilt cover the evelopment pledges itself to adopt every prac- MPOWr on, coal, mineral "ft'"11N"' tical means to expand our' internal Ind the 'rg""dTi'i"tr'G acilitits trade with the lnitrd States and MrH.ery for t .9" full _ utw. ln with all other nations where we can It'ttiit,ttr we will establish P) " sellwhnt we produce. By reriproctd anon-I1. Development Advmory tradr agreements we will promote Conga! Ut cooperation trith, the and expand our trade overwas and rum”: (b). establish a National also with the United States. Parti- owor Authority wee-Operate with rulnrly we will in) remove all the. pevmer m, the technical err- abnormal trade barriers imposed by "nietiop.of possuhle power develop- way of license, quot", or embargo; Dent at“? “l the actual development (bv remove the arbitrary provisions “I electric power "I cost; (cy urytter- of the Foreign Exchange Control Lake the fo""PerTeTent ot " J1unt Act; (c) re-value the Canadian wmvauon. "ngauon and WW”. dollar within the 'imits permitted rg't', on the Saskatchewan (WIT: by the Bretton Woods agreement d) .eourtyre the _dgvelornn~nt of and seek such modification of than River in the Mssritime 'rovirtres agreements 33 are necemry to per- m ' as well as by other metotti', mit our dollar to asitst our external [0) promote the deve opium-t f,'t the trade in the normal way; td, "pen In”! Mort ore renouer ot our, negotiations immediately for the 'otrntry and the eutabliuhnwnt tri purpose of making the dollar and [Indy expanded tnetti industry pound convertible, an that we many mthin Canada; f sllmulntt- the "tren and PN nd our "ttrt "wry". lovelopment of petroleum and other rtutrketr, in J: sterling arm, Details are embraawd by the three words which interpret the purpmw of the nndvrmking we give to Canadians: 0pporturuty, Swunlv, Frtwlom, Thaw words constitute no mru'mnglrm. Univ-worn Hagan, They 'cgl'v"i',"i!ll the broad twp-me of n dynumic and prngn mnr plan ot action whit h we Inn!“ plured waurr you as a co viacing ream“ WE)! you shuuld summrl lhr Provo-- thr-ttttser. yamhdnlv m ymu‘ own unmlilurmy, no mutlrr what party you huvr Mlppm'lrd in the um. Jii, OPPORTUNITY hwmlon of mid. - _ _ w l [rr_'TsPf_MP_r._.e Susannaa Co, of Toronto, have named Ltiatc','mt?ga'dht21 no S?grNrt, tgh"t,t"e hard top road. th tavorab weather u is expected "All work wilt he a matter of a few days only _ The mlny (new of In Wal- ter thank and In Chu S. Koch are pleased to learn the?! have returned to thetr home: I - Le: being m hospital for a week or Quite a number or our people took m the Lutheran Hour Rally IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE-M YEARS IS TOO LONG dail “tinny 00 Empbymonl Wo believe that the ttr"r"'st 'eurt"NN. of employment m ('anndn In based upon the fullest tttveiop: mom. of our rmunvn whirh will create new employment arm-:- the whole country and inrrwnn the The l'rnareunivp (’nnnvrvnlivo Party (“mum mwmty to all turrn, dinmI hy the following Hw~|uratinn of Policy. monetary policy. As our "nqu with Mrllnin and other (wvrwus mark-4‘ - t A A',, .:,- A, .:,,,_ . deireaident -6Eetmmr The cm In Kuchencr wan " lo a - drtswusa cud tor locai people Wednesday of In: week. Both ball team- have been an a wmnm‘ and 1mm. and: Jar ly The ~“gum Pig“! play in mm m Waterloo Arena In» Wod. nuyhy evening Mes Dr. Walter Maieroft5rLhuAMo, mounted Lutheran Mour radio preacher, wu “I W gloomuigdale neat My then: m; and Bridgeport junior. will meet the low boys here on Mon» g!) wu‘llLog gun-u mm " "C mom (MAM 'AI'V or (W n) mm AW. W. 0"“. huildin' home by their "mtrictive maulnhonn. We will remove than restrictions and the principle- of Hunt Act to which I have Inferred can he made otrective in the wider governments which will be ndrninin- tered by the municipalities. 3. The out of building homes can be m- dumd by enrourntrintr new types of construction. What is causing no much concern to our people at pm- mnt in not only the shortage of houuing accommodation, but also the excererive coat of small homes, prtrticuhrrly than» required by ?yr young people starting out in life. In this res -t I might point out that while man Premier of Ontario we introdun-d n Hounin Act in regard to which the atrial publica- tion of the Canadian Legion had the {Ollung to my and I quote from their itorinl: “Veterans every- where will acclaim the MW howling leginlntion recently enacted in the ravines of Ontario. In this new limiting leginlntion the Ontario troveroment in hinting new trails, out of which might materialize the long~nwnitod, overall plan for the nucmnnful solution of the howling problem in every part of the dominion, which the legion in. born pro-ins for no hard ever union the wnr en ad." The called. nod application of this Act was "re'- unrily limited by the overriding nuthorit of the dominion _vern- Ttyt, 'lid'l 't'ir'l'll,'ll'.'l'l,'l,/il7.7o'; An Endive Programme in the Constrt"Non of "on“ I. Loam and priorities will be made available to those who desire to build their own homes. 2. Low- rmt housing van. and will be Peo- vided under plans 3 proved by the dominion, 'iu,"l'u'.l'l.urllpli muplqiqnl qvhese, and other provision, in- rluded in our programme, will be worked out in ro-operation with the pmvimm, an that the highly-skilled um! ;egrirht"c,11 puhlic welfare ser- vices o the frmvlncinl governments will be nvui able. 4.The same family allowance will be paid for "l'liiT, child, no matter how many children are in the family, and the nutritional and other sew-rm for our children will lit-"greatly impmyed. _ _ . should be regarded in a favour. hm should be a right and that no charge should be made on such property as ha. been saved durin their work- ing years, nor ahould than be any enquiry as to whether some money in being earned by the person receiving the pension. We believe that the lawn of the country. should not discourage r,',',",', during the working years and one _ “(when our . 2. Unemployment Insurance henefita will be extended to include paymentg for time lost due to acci.. dent or sickness. ’{iié'msh’m dl, '1t,Ui,tiii,'tftii. Fi", that.reason we provide for o - or” penBIOnB at 65 without a Means ' eat. - "tuoeutic murkette for all that we prmluu- in mlllllluu to the dis- i-mvry mull employment of new rmupnru'x, Hm reihirkahie tscientific developments of the past few years have greatly widened the we we can make of all the resources we Pors'ietH5. in 'ittrp,e,g with the Various qumcm governments we will up ore every possibility of expanding the opportunities for work by encouraging new types of production, Contributory Social 'oeorlty Programme The Progressive Conservative Party puts forward a contributory social security programme providing the following" benefits among-t others: I. Believing that provision for our senior citizens at a level of payment which will give them a feeling of independence in their ref . year- is essential, We have an“: In d.o my: helieve that old-a’e per-nigh- 3. Adequate medical and hospital run will be provided for our people under a national health murm- which will also include 'dll most ex- terysivtpreventatite health gervicea. week to: " Marina. “an All: will be with. km ban. to: some lune. In Lorne Weber and Mia. Edith Tat-ohm. loo-J my spent last weVersd at " Chief Lodge, new 0mm. KI; and In fitgtp, Will" ot 11c ener use "was " ttthome pf Jagab w. day Meatsras, Roy ttaikii 'Kira-iii-eu quumon left but weak“ on 0. I’D! "" mud by legislation which will provide for ofretittr collective bar. ',',','i't'g; determination of the nut- ual rig a of when and mung»- mem. u wall I. the conciliation Ind settlement of difBcuttUq which mny urine. With thin abject in View. we will alt-Milk I National [About Council which win have equal num: inund- of our workers. but duo in the but inmat- of every Cm.- dian. We believe that the podtion of labour mun In cor-turd)! un- moved mad that the murky and win-.- td d! "Pr. Win! yy" be than" wifh FéMi'kww' "India of each union] uni activity. Socwhy foo labour (I) Our mutual dovelo moat programme. our propane: I'" Morn: and outnplulu roe the alpin- 11u'2'rtg', ',te,tp,ttge,g.' up. on oymen In eu- nrd. 2i'iithti'i'i) b'iii,i,i?s'e a an actor)! term: an y- ment can be “and but by doc- tive hom Evening labour AUiGG. In the a. of nation-I jururtctiou, the WW Conan/Ad“ Party an". few-{d . no?” I!“ "my! in. belief that riod anti», mad; tinn- tor. gut people_ and rjendly relationi banish Qorlenwnnd Inn;- mum} in particular t p. of UL duction, no “All all Mll,U'Uli"d I. well u qdvinJy board. will have 'at,rd,'i2'tr'tg,', 2,'jr,a','t "m now o t nu u nw ' they th: naked mdod. Rene and the other [100va in tcette tun! [nor-mun are all upon tbebelio tutth.t-tintarrmruot uriculture throughout Canada an by mud under. thy unidprgce of: tr. in determining agricultural policy, we will enlist the cooper-- tion of rumors} org-pintionu tion of hrmon‘ or unintionu .ttttoyehe?ut Cted.'t 'lf/i that-Pec- r 5. We tll irate-so Pt facilities or agricu tum mm to a new use. of ankultunl ygt,ge for industrial purposes and in co- operation :,"hutgigi','d Depart- ments of Ania tum conduct thor- onh studio- of contagious totimn I a plant diseue- to reduce the hetinnyathter.eomthi.retr. . markeging. The Wheat Board_and all sinnlar produoeu' boards, will he made up of pertdtmxsm.th-ttress and 'totutemuee'tgenctuottrome degartment of government. . We will establish a board of livestock comm 4. We will extend the activities of the Federal Farm Loan Board BO that farmers my take advantage of long-term. low-interest rates in the purchase and development of their statement of policy. and i_t. in an emphatic summelgt of policy, in pasted upon our belief that mutu- Ing boards, reprpoentahvc of pro- ducer ortra.tuuirtior.sa should, and will,, damning? my; own Penna! of being hunched on a voluntary basis by the Wheat Board. We name that producers themselve. will de. ride the method Jr which their wheat will be hand and sold. This We favour the rector-Eon of the Canadian Wheat Bond Act of 1935 to nerve as a marketing Amy for when producer; We are m favour oCcoaise min: u well as when 6ekt by comstitutionat agreement Mun-am the dominion, provincial and municipal authoptiea who must all play their part m solving this: very urgent problem. Geority for our Fem." Our programme Beta out a very complete statement. of policy in regard to stability of income for our fun-1m I will refer to some of the more important provisions: 1. We undertake to enact B9tr-pritt legis- lation baled on the ryioirnye.peiyr ciplu: (u) A definite fol-mull In the Farm Prices Support Actfor univ- ia, at 'ttnets, . (b) Thin formul- will allow or van-hon imbe- tion and demgnd for . ividual production period. (d) The -tGa price will be arrived at in con-uh. tio_l_x'wi_th repugnant-give produpegs products. rum that our constitution mutt be respected Ind observed to preserve national unity and also to mks - our own (match: by that wine balances of authority between the dominion mod the wvincial government- yhtch were devised u u check on the concentration of power in the hands of the national BovetruPent. Believing that the strongest bush of freedom in the "tco-ment otteeed he: poop“.- to better their own condition by living from_whnt they earn and building I home an the cent]! of the funny life, we Are opposed to n [yuan of taxation which make. it difficult to have even with the prevent tel-tively high amino. With that trtateete?tt,.mn.d believing in freedom as we do, we have also undertaken to make the my amendments: in our Grimm-I Code to dad electively with than who no waking to est-blink I Communist dictatorshi here in Canada. In the lame of (modem we do not intend to it anathema. anti-Christian algal".- of tUI .evit,tyeaetny to destroy the Mom he which Can-dial!- JjgT'l'h.'l' I_pl'i08. w, tho believe May I quote the yen Amt word. continued in that Declnntion of Policy: "Freedom is one and indivisible. If guano-nu: freedom _ hat, polmal freedom will be but. Economic {modem in the ecu-nee of competitive entourage, Ind oompulgve cut-1111.9 a the foundation of our democratic system. All history show- that com- Retmve "ttarrruegrovidtu.a, Putnam of, 'yodyetion “3d my: mum.“ new security._ to: has mu} JG 35m - ' "ar-taiu- FGTGTG GliUiriiGGiiiii "iiriiiaiiiiii.' iiiaGGTi aairiau% - TarprGirarthiirT, have: and 'rmNrumaq the qualitia of ugh, industry, and initiative which lave brought this nation to my present enviable position. It will preserve and improve our land-n! of iving." I take thin opportunity to .review some of the unjut features of our policy with panicuhr "(some to three word-z opportunity. annuity and frat-dam. t'dtttVrggggAttiti- Nathalie-calla bel manual-mum Aline-uphudmcmlyud the mum-manhunt)! the CooNinatton chi. nttemhqd knoGEBTJErmv" a7iiidr, - his nut-db new hm that he gate, toy-hm tal [tom-m '- tuneup; . 'll'il.1llrll'li%lUN'etd'b, cannon.“ as mung] any“ To cm i lion of HIV-h " and unclaim- tive, power own local ntrarira, and to nny bunch of the mun-citation.) $139.5.“ Ja-aria, B. iii-ii with by mundmnwhonn'm intimate contact. with them. We Earl-lune luring-non aid a; t- mental minim. We will ,"d'tl'i, rumble government anew-Ne to the elected npneenudvu of tare': Wer Md m“ ig2htd,'.'tt, nee-um com: with law, order and a: new"! new woven. We are 'ttltr,',' to all mahwhkh si,',',',",,",', t " a: any con ovec ts rights of the individual. We pledge our-elve- to We the 2'up,'mti', of If: let an} I: equ - d an under t law. 'C, “in; 3! the doe-u; maul-t I. reople, Em; megnugeng I] " in. We muthye.itr. of and provihdnl _Ind itk . a atom" bk. Ttiid "mam in the e'l,'.U'%','l'i of " our (nation. The Pinyin-iv. Con- mntivo Pan pied as]! to t Ind and to 2Ul'I f,rlell'2 l','ll (germinal; [tummy-tic action by 30%!“an oobr-ia-eougspit, minin- Our constitutional tre.odom. in based upon the damn: peiesci- pk that the popli- chosen lepro- lenutivon In Parliament an IBM, Ind have the 'el reo- p.oetaib.ii.ity for_nll Inn whgch ttttNt provision of - veal-Inf allow 1mm with an hm in the amount that a veteran my urn over and above the allowance paid. (c) to eliminate all unneammry delays in dealing with veteran. and to amplify procedure; (d) to extend ttttg,' bemrdita to the members oft manhunt mvy' (e) GTikaitirFiiFirairriFa corded on enlistment and to mud p co won wt - [karmic-l. nd‘ . bole hunt-Ind a during service as tho mull mull or military service; (f) to .tabiliie the a'drt, of voter-m of the First odd War. providing'fot umud revin'on when the ' itity -ix-erd; (el p0 ingot-e and utqnd__the nominate wages. standard hours of wot having regard to the mum of the ind.etry concealed. lad holi- day. with pay. . We It“ ch. on qteeett-t pro- wm 'ee Sundry hr VMIII We believe that the government of Cnnada has no greater "epomi biliyy than to make adeqube pro- vision for h"'E'ggirg and woman who served in two world warm Our Part bu " all time- insisted that 'lil. . and: duri the - to E?i','e1yiiii'i t','llfl,'lttre'UJ,',uti iptheqsiritt" well as the lqtter of the “mantra which wen given. Our pylon-mm therefore gives the follow“ under. mlginxgmm our. gm: -. (a) To establish a standing com- mittee of the Home of Commom on Velenns' Alum which will regularly mv§ew all vettramf problem; _ (b) to retain . nisd ennui-Indy improve all existing veteran Indu- lahon: -- - -- sharing [is for the iirriitg of peofita J'ttug by such adjun- ngent in taxation and oth-ue as wall encourage plans of this kind. (d We will constantly improve the {osmium . ". providing for com- srhory collective ham-using. certi- ation of labour emulation: after a majority vote. machinery for myscilittion o disputfeun [air In! Ind management. This council will .2wa 9nd con-:15: the an... of a ur dispute. . prom outb- facm nolutionn for such 12on It . Alec conduct (much 'ysto the myl In which 1-hour rel-tum. “em-WW}: be Memzd- ' berp of Rpm-enigma. of iettoe.r - (b) Wé an ikGrigau7-u,r mmun‘qn of khan; 9n govern: (a We_ will i - "m”n.’ Ha GKthoud 7 rm:- 'whirl, an has! in duh to may» and mum on; In It use...“ Luther- n out Sunday when the ch- (1 " ”um we: “I“ and Han Into man- bemtsip d the Mu. Church. than”: ”an In“. Wm. hydet. mm Venn. Don-m but?” MaecaatduU, t1mt l.. td, Ruine Wu, Betty Banana. Manta Kant; and Career: Sully. The m. N. H. In. dobvcnd a um to mu'bnnl deform» and tho 95¢th of our defence forces. We undergo e to an. up I winding com- Blithe on national defense which will keep Parliament and the peoplo informed regarding the Mate of our New and will all) alum the moot "rsctiver use of the 'll',',",',?; w- mnd for the puma-e of prov in. once Iowa. The point- I have covend in the. tofu-rt. 1',titWc'tt',', of the metre-Ive. pmctlcll a construc- tive policies which will be put into otrect" by I Prof-naive Connervntivo government. believe this state- mam will provide LT,,igcl'thr,tott why you ghoul! cut your Hot on June 27th for the Promive Con. .rvulvo candidate in an: own mmntitomscy In that t public Inning- of this [ml country will be Mullet] by I strum“, vi‘umuu Ind WV. government In the year- ahead. and all our security deed upon our national security and ttttgt dam. For that reason. on. tho ttmt tenolutiona adopted nuns. mome by our delegate- ftom - ptovince in?“ October, was III expression "netuuiiud In poetfor the establishment of I 't"ll,g,i"d union of the Weston: Pom which bu since when form in th. North Atlantic Security Put. Our wppon of that policy has " " time- hoen “and m the cum won-dc and with the nine "attt in every part of Canada. colloc- tive pmvalion of palm Ind thq combined mm]: of the ham nation. now Fivef ipc‘mnd in)” Ietvicu 'wa, by the Canadian s"s'2l'i1'Llil,1' Corporation, in un- josti6ed became than no mung pan: o6 Canad- whoro our m "sceivyt?ms.rviomtr1tmtusty _ y- h, GGaitrtiraiicurtjmik" ifciiGir. The summary dbminnl, for in- stance, of Mr. Joel Aldmd. one of LI: Ip,,', sk"',',',",',', 2r,,"t,T'T, of tho , In inn we casting ()orpon. lion just the day beron, Bali-pp?! disso‘ved, because he had. tthrdt suggested improvements mt In that organization. is merely an indie.- tion of the extent to, which the. speech in being restrained by tho present government. We “mien-lo to restore fraedom of speech over theradioasweliturotheiwie,tutd .to Rue. the. esyerviyion 9f all tiliiT.G Fi. GGG.; tiiirJiaik _ ai; Taid which iii-aw '.d 'Q’u;fEiE WTfdAiG%iiiGGWiGiGa _ -- . [icon-e fee on radio receiving have become a propaganda Infancy M the government. May em- phasize that in my belief the trtofr and technical experts of the Com- Jian Broadcasting Corporation In Lryi to do a good Jets under utlecfy immihle conditions. A. you know, in has t on the of the 'llb'li'vv,'l,l 'i'l"t"s; Gin-m Broadcasting Corpgnuon to ill- itwve tht,oipei:eit,itt?tly new" authentic“ any of the provlm under t British North America Act which made u- ','G' union. ft: .murm olfiew we arrange or a 'Ill,',',')',',,',,,')",,".:,),',,':: conference to mmidq all upset: of dominion- provincial relations Ind midi-h an effective bands for close nnd con- tinuing co-operation between all tho governmentaof Canada. We believe than national unity deprndi upon mar-ct for our federal constitution mm the clear Ietinitior? of the responsibility of the dominion and tsrovincitd governments, with assur- mn- of adequate tinancial recount-s A} carry out those responsibilities uni with adequate tiitnncUi re- nun’t-u to the municipalities to "eMry out their many very Impurtnnt "rrvomtibilitiets. In rl'llTl,"d uur ‘n-wlmn it is anaemia that freedom rf lot-etch be fully protected. For Inst reason. it must be a matter of mnwrn to all Canadians that the goveromeriowoed radio system which plays such an imfortunt (do in thy exchange of i ens should authority of. 'PX out-e. Province- George Drew Wanna, n t' May 30, 1949 1:47 tcixgrg,tfggtt,ttdPiehie tureandh mural-1m- 't'tit1tet'r1'df,"alt2t,', norm an." tr I 'a'l,fl'hfd'l'h1%l'lN'h"ll2'2 won. accompanied bi Aiin" GL yr the c_rog mu m arrrrtfnet fencing the t1',t"Mtt .. you: nook 9cm cl in “1:66;:6 airuek - Sr' but" Tn: wry. my. 1-- M. an;

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