Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Jun 1949, p. 4

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FOR THOSE HOLIDAY PICTURES Get your supply EARLY' Ml anmg and Developing Best In Twm Citios _'CiTiiiriTiiiLi1f'l,lid SUITS " KM. St. We" Jaimet's Book Store Opposite Post OHiee " Km St. North WATEILOO PM. 3-2012 26 King St. East . Opposite Metropolitan Store KNCHENER - LADIES During the week of June 13th we will devolop your Films FREE OF CHARGE BRUCE HUNTER Drugs 26 King St. s mmggng@ * FATHER'S DAY CARDS * CAMERA SUPPLIES * FOUNTAIN PENS -'" WE PAY " DEVELOPING - - You Pay For Prints - June Sale All BRIDES' and BRIDESMAIDS' 8liiM$Tfillli'8 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 O'CLOCK Developed Free Dad treasures his plenum- and likes to nhare n with the but” and friends. Add to Father's plenum- on his awn day, JUNE t9. by panel!!!“ htm with gifts will. enjoymem he mm share lur many. many months. fIlMS - - Non SUPPLIES DRUG STORE Mi (SIRS IO All BANE from ES Thts .5 your Cosmetic Headquam See our specnols on Summer Colognes. 30% off Phone Two _ Three - Double 0 _ Four On all - SHORTiES - I FULL. LENGTH COATS in Twin Cities during I949 GREATLY REDUCED FILMS S.SS to ITSS L'TEaifiE lADIES WEAR FAIHER’S BAY Mi COMING SOON HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS: * DESK SETS A DS * PLAYING . CARDS t * POKER CHIPS ' AT R I) EULER President KITOHINII W ATERLOO DRESSES Many parents were on nand, and enjoyed the refreshments provided, especially the mar- velous chocolate angel food cooked by _tht Gyidgs. A Pint Waterloo Brownie M had u really BRI evening In! In- day, Brownies were enroll“, some streamed with their Golden Bun. other with Golden Hand and nix Bew up to Ut Guide Com- puny. In addition great numbers of proBeiencies were won. quwn tia Mm. D. A, Humphries had these mounted on brown felt in the shape of a pennant, so that when the Brownies become Guide; they my have al their insignia together and put it "ll in tome conspicuous elk” inf. eir rpom. Of course, my will be worn on their Guide uniform. It a the only part of Brownie lite that is evident on a Guide uni- form, and when you see Guides, look over the left rocket for the Wing. That wil te 1 you that tho was 3 Fiat Class Brownie. Captain Polly Hoffman, District Secretary Mm. W. H. Sims, Mr. W. Clarke of the Elizabeth Zieg- ler Home & School Club and I each took some part in the pro- gram. The Brownies 30m: to Guide- land were greeted by Captain, then walked under the arch of flags to meet their new P. L. Don't forget the testing for Red Cross Water Safety, Junior, Inter- mediate and Senior, this Friday afternoon at 4.15 pan. at the Y.M.. If any of you are in the vicinity of Huntsville this summer. take the opportunity ,to visit the new Provincial Camp. Turn left a short distance north of Emsdale (it is marked). About tour and one half miles and you are there. Miss Kathryn Anson, Provincial Camp Secretary, _hay sent pn. invitation. For the convenience of Guiders, it has been arranged that Mrs. R. E. Bricker, Badge Secretary will hla_ve on hand a supply ot éadge s ups. Waterloo Guides will take part in the City of Waterloo Decoration Day Service to be held in Water- loo Park on Sunday, June 12, 1949, at_2_.30 p.ni._ .__ V The parade will form up at the corner of King and William Streets at 2 pm. Companies will be there prior to 2,0‘clock with flags. A lg" fag-you} iq expected. A model "ristrigerator car has been designed in the refrigeration and food engineering section of the Division of Applied 8.101%. National Research Council. e purpose of this experiment, is to find a method for more even temperature distribution and also to provideJor lower temperatures in refrigerator cars by means of increased air circulation within the cars, increased cooling sur- faces. and possibly the use of ad- ditional insulation, Remember Margaret Slomin. the Lone Guide who camped with us last year? Her Father is in charge of the school-on-wheels which covers our northern thr. tario. Their story is written in Readers' Digest thit month. More than three quarters of all homes In Canada have a radio, 40 per cent have telephones. SI per cent have refrigeration and 24 per cent have electric vacuum ileaners. A Guide's honor is to be trusted, STUDY REFRIGERATION FIELD GLASSES. CRIBBAGE BOARDS BOOKS all, GUIDE CORNER Watchman!“ " In. II. "It" (Gun-Ink Cont-noun) Members of the 1ttt Men's Club of PUttsville, “is by the Itoy Sceyts were Kept busy at the Home Show supplying mote at- tending with hot dogs and pop. The weather was quite warm on this occasion. Plattsville t Min Jean Potter ot Platuviue hunted at the Trouqeau Tel held the put week for Mus Ruth Cal- lan at the home of her mother, MrskCalLIn. Drew Street, Wood. aloe . fitrrt,tultttnt are being ex- tend to Nile Shanta, who won tour prizes on his harm at Perth County's Show. In agricultural class, geld mare or gelding fouled revious to 1946, also a thin} prue li', same class, and two prizes in heavy draft brood mare foaled prtryioetfl.ifH6. _ . _ Mr, Maltby and three sons of canton were recent visitors with the Pogson family in Piattavilie. Miss Ruby Pogson accompanied her brother-in-law to his home where her sister, Mrs. Maltby un- depy,ent alt. opegatjon. A -- _ To tttoae Au, were personally acquainted and to those who only knew his voice as I radio an- nouncer, Jim Hunter will be gad, ly pissed. _ 7 Misses Clara Seipes and Hazel Randel of Toronto teaching staff spent the week-end and holiday at their respective homes in town. Mrs. Edith Seipes of Plattsville, who visited her daughter in To- ronto accompanied the former to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Hogs andUnce with Mrs. Somers and Mrs. family of Thamesford Spent Sun- Khan in charge of the pro ram. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.‘MrS. Metcalfe had the topic gll'e'li W. S. Ferguson lon Sabbath observance which was The celebration of the King'sidepat_ed by two groupa. debating birthday and D-Day was observed J whether the Lord's Day Act in the village by the schools aruCshould be repealed, the negative bank being closed tor the day. [side winning the decision, on the Teddy Battier, youngest son ot.grounds that our Sabbath at the Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Battier suf- present time is about wide open tered an injury to his knee ca ,iand there was no need of lifting white running the past weeE. any restrictions now in force, Grades VII and VIII of the Plattaville and district public schools went on a bus tour to To, rorltlt the past wtth. fl -_ Teddy Battier, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Battle: suf- tered an injury to his knee out. white running the past wee . Teddy is being much ineonvem. ienced with considerable difticur. ty_in sewn: about. _ -- Russel Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott of Plattsville was beat man at the Beanahman wed- ding which took place on Satur- day afternoon at Woodstock. Mrs. Nile C. Shana visited Vineland recently to assist in the celebration of the Mth wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burkholder. The Junior Bridge Club held its final meeting in the form of a dinner at the Old Homestead on Friday evening. Eight couples were present and the prize win- ner of the evening was John Pot. ter. Gerald D, Harmer and other N- knives, i Mr. and Mrs, Mehman and Floyd and Myrtle of Blair and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gallagher spent a re- ‘cent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs iw. have and John G, Holm. _ Commissioner Mrs. Clair Har- mer of Plattsville attended the Marmeeting of the local Amis- tion of the Guides and Brownies held Thursday, May 26 at the home of Mrs. J. H. Dance. .Ayr, with Mrs. H. G. Babcock as joint hostesses. hostesses. I l Naturally, Mr. St. Laurent's talk Mr. and Mrs. E, Waldie andlcentred around Canada and her Mary Jane. Miss Annie Waldie of affairs, 'Canada is yours to con- Woodstock and little Miss Barba- trol and develop," said he. Mr. St. m Waldie of Hamilton spent Sun. I Laurent summed up the responsi- day at Niagara Falls. Mr. and>hility ot Canadians while talking Mrs. Bert Waldie visited at Ham. about people's relationship to nov- ilton. ernmental affairs: "government Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hurmerlior themselves and by them- and little daughter of Galt snent selves". Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Harmer and little daughter of Call skin! the wcek-end with Mr. and rs. Light frosts have visited the Plattsville districts the past two weeks and residents report da- mage done to early beans and other plants. Spring crops are sul- fering for lack of rain and unless showers {all soon the outlook may be grim. MA, Reba Sherrer of Gall, who spent the past month at the home of her sister, Mrs. Harmer and Ed. Harmer returned to her home on ngday. - -- - - - Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Thomson {gent /,',"gf,'g with Mr. and Mrs. imam Gut rie at New Dundee) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Love were Tqrpnto viyitoyy on [risky _ A social dance was held In the local town hall on Friday even- ing following the horse show, which was well attended. Doll Little's orchestra of Galt supplied the music. Mrs. Weir Graham and son fe,g of Bright spent the week-en at her parental home m town. Woman's Nation 7 Dick Christensen suffered an m- pry to a finger on Sunday when it WI; cattht in the belt on 8 ul- ley ot a machine. He was “in! to the Woodstock Hospital where stitches were put m to clone the Intentions, Canadian primary woollen workers are aid almost 70% more in yua- t'l'/, British woollen Amun- Vishnu. The group two of the Women's Aaaociati0n gave meal accommo- dation arranged by the ladies for the expected 13:59 attended. Hot super was sen! __ in the; Shtrt.day. 331601 room of Plansville Unitea Church. A The mixture of race: In Quebec province. leads to such quaint town names as St Felix d'Hnlihx f.’ IATIILOQ 1 The W.M.S. ot the United Church met at the home of Mrs. ‘Harold Israel with a tair attend- ‘ance with Mrs. Somers and Mrs. 19“:er charge Pt. the program: The West Momma Farm Por. um wilt hold a picnic in the West Montrose school yard on Saturday afternoon. 7 - - Mr. and Mrs. Wealey Hewlett left for Sukatchewan on Wednes- day to visit their son. Rev. Floyd Hewlett and other friends and re- latives. -- WM}; Cora Laban is spending several dag] with Miss Elsie Qerriett_Elytira, _. -- .. . Mrs. B. C. Woods. the president, conducted the business part of the meeting. Lunch was served by the hostess. pert, "‘1? yt,, . St L U e t. on. ms . auren prime minister of Canada, tote. New Hamburg: ther with his wife and one of is a A R. a Bgnttb daughters arrived at the Kitchen- (Mm; 'iioaGT"Tiato er city hall last Saturday morn- . in tpr a civic reception. The New Hamburg High School shoppin was forgotten by I Board has three vacancies to tttt about tlllt people. Instead they on the stat! of the local Continua- crowded together straining their tion School. necks in an effort to watch the Mr. G. E. Tate resigned several arrival. of the ottteia1 party, or weeks ago to take up teaching struggling (hi-gab the crowd duties at the 'dttgt.1 High looking for a g vantage Jiiitiliiiiiiii; Mr. L. M. J man grind. Eveigrhody wanted to see an hear pal, notiBed the Board that e has the me Minister. laccepted the position of principal The immediate responsibility of every individual who is of age is to help elect the representative they wan by my in the federal election on une . "Mon of all sir, we welcome you to our midst today became you are a plain man like our- ulm. anxious to chew: and creature the menthhlp of all." The gime minister did not ne- glect t youngsters in word or eed. To them he sfoke of the good example their e den should set in using their franchise to elect, without any fear, the gov- ernment which they .want. He hopes that the children will do lik_ew_ise in Aearcto. Some, . It was any to listen to Mr. St Laurent talk about individual re- sponsibility for the government of our country. He himself, during the dark days of war "ve up as. much loved legal profusion to en- ter the cebinet because his ser- vices were needed. He answered the call ot duty, He ia not a poli- tici_arttty tsttoiee. .- A _ Kitchen?- Washburn: Before the otBeial welcoming ceremony wu over Mr, St. Lau- rent shook hands with some of the younger generation as well In adults He manned to aquceze a few extra hand like: in tf be- fore he had to mum to lip cg. mania and Eloquence help make r. St. Lauren . true autumnal ”hog. dd rank: m qua it t non y i was heard: ' 100th a real {.51in man", Of count. the pru- ence of his lovely wife and pretty daughter mode this supposition very (may. . _ _ - ' . A close-up view of the click) any, while than [ruciously met in Cit one and signed the visitors“ Loot. only strengthened first impreuom The feelings of the throtta were well expand in the word! of htjtelterter's Mayor Jun. W, Today, " "eriftce has been re- paid because " is the distinction of being choun to occupy the highest autumn! {milieu after having n in poll ion for only eight years. " Hi Neighbours I lynch-Mall, Holy Communion was chanted m the United Brethren Chan-h Sunday morning with an. Lloyd Pry st? mut.timrton, Ind., and“: The Evangelistic Services at the Bethel United Misiaonary Church were well attended on Sunday. Rev. E. J. Wilson of Toronto spoke at both services. In the morning a mixed rt"gt,'fr't, sang and the Junior ma e quartette sang at the ev.eIintt..tservit _ . -. . ' ing. The male quaneue composed of Clare Hubom. Weston Santa. Glen Hallman and Allan Cress- mgn tndered_srp_eciel music. _ The Harvesters of the United Brethren Church held a farewell Early tor the rite',', family- at the bme of Mrs. omahn Saturday evening. Softball was play . Later in the evening addresses were read by the members and suitable gifts were presented to Maraleen. Shirley and David Myers, Douglas and Donald Me, Claskin. efreahments were salad ttthe hostess; . _ . The dedication service for the new Memorial Gates will be held at the Community Park on Sun. day afternoon. June 12m. duties at the Limwel trtttt School. Mr. L. M. Jo man, 1'i"llili pal, notified the Board that e,ttatr accepted the position of principal of the Hanover High School and will terminate " duties hm at the end gt the present term. rd",',' x553 5"tt'lt who‘hu boon on t e an or part no year. also gave notice to the board of her resignation. _ This leaves only Mi» Pearl Ma. kins on the stall who has been me- engaged Mr the next term. cussing plans for the cpmpletion of the rink and communny centre. Mr. Alex Hahn, chairman ot the Communit Centre Administra- tive Bong. acted a cluimun. Nearly everyone present availed themselves of the opportunity to voice their oglnjons. A . On Monday am" of last week a special meeting was held in Li- brary Hall for the gurpose o! f.is- It was decided that the secrets- ry of the Community Centre Ad- ministrstive Board notify interest ed organiations to appoint a per- son to represent them on a special Mance and advisory committee which is to co-operate with and aid the administrative board in tltpetermtye of their task . Mr. Wm. Murray reported the amount: contributed by the veri- ous no? Rev, C Voel’e, who has been gator of St. eter'a Lutheran hutch here for nearly four years he: handed in his reduction to the eongreetion, Rev. r. Voege has accepted a call to Redeem ' Lutheran' Church in Sunl- and will preach his [unwell "man here on Sunday. June 26th. . . vm, 97.00. The enrolment at MT remain: the am as the previous month at am eleven non-real. dept pupi all attending tho local Idea fl boomin through the world and" Jun mm Thoughts nn miahtietr dun Br- mlm Principln have “loved more viz-tone. than hm at ettariotr--w It Puma "iirciaFa"k'tiisiriuu- Extended I call to a possible sum-or and may. know dettnitely try next “in? monthly report for Ma ot the New Hambur Public Sczool revel a slight improvement in the attendance record. The n- E‘epte attendance record for the t month WA: 96.16 M, cent ot the tots-l tar','; eunuch: ance y w '. In ' Brown 9135? IL got§ mm, 90%; Mm. R, Klulen, K.- ., 9143; Mrs. M, Made; LYN. 'f3trr_y. Mrs. M. Mada. lVdV. "if V. Tttif, Ifrv7, 15.00: N. , Hm. 5'11.- a mu oiiwATiitf EE'EQJIEE1otWé'iinBfi'efi.'i'GrEéifiiTin room toed'uu on scrap. ottered by l Sherbrooke, Que, The dye fortttt _ the ma. la is secret. ont.M?ntrei.reataurant treepa l Scarlet cloth tor the am. coat 1fi)llliil'ICThe Home of Happiness Diamonds "nu-mung” LADY MARGARET Wedding Band that Ihe will prize always. A glorious Wedding Band Wedding Ring . . nulumly that will shine on her Bnger, beautiful in its simplicity. “g" _ "0.0tt ammo cannon . 'tget/it'),..,',',-, DIAMOND MIICHANTS “wallow-I hr Over " You" Romantic beauty: hand-engraved for enduring love. liness in " kt. gold . . . ' brilliantly set with six Happiness diamonds. . . . The mountings of these rings are exquisitely matched t the diamonds are selected direct from the cutter for faultless quality and radiance. . . . See the distinctive Lady Margaret ensemble at Young's when you choose the rings for your bride-lobe. BEAUTIFULLY ENGRAVED PAY WEEKLY PAY WEEKLY Eight Km. Smut [at s.a,....u?o,a-tuu..'.a- "2att Wedding Rings PRESENT The Happiness Diamond 'air-Of-The-North A - HAND-INGRAVID Wedding Ring in " kt, [old tor enduring beauty. LOVELY PLAIN PAY WEEKLY PAY WEEKLY Kim $10.00 $12.50

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