Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Apr 1949, p. 8

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e râ€"rrbrfrâ€"mr dâ€"fHfirmmrtâ€"Arrâ€"râ€"rym.] c<@BP c<tp> 0â€"<m> o â€"<mp câ€"<p 04BB 2 86 King St. West Next to Capitol Theatre Phone 4â€"4162 c<mm câ€"<mpâ€" ~ <u> câ€"<mp 0â€"<m»0 Fearman‘s (Pure) â€" qREAM OF SOAP FLAKES DOWNING‘S Flowers SKIRTS Sizes 12 to 44 BLOUSES SLACKS SHORTS CoOMPLETE LINE FOR CHILDREN UP TO 6 YEARS CURITY DiAPERS Doz. 4.95 KING KOT FLANNELETTE Doz. 3.98 50 King North HOSIERYâ€"In all sizes and STORK & SPORT SHOPPE This will be the only appearance of the CKNX Radio Show Prices for show and dance .... T%¢ For dance only .... 50c C K NX RADIO SHOW Show, 8 to 9.30 p.m. â€" Dancing till 12 p.m. WE DELIVER Or SEND THE KIDDIES SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CHILDREN AT WATERLOO MEMORIAL ARENA SATURDAY, MAY 7 HIS ARTICLE REMOYEp in Waterioo this year leading shades 1.00 to WATERLOO Smith‘s Celebrated Silver Truss Fitted to your measure whils you wait. Five year guarantee. Es‘abâ€" lished 55 years. Sold direct. No SMITH MANUFACTURING CO 549 Kimg St. _ â€" â€" Preston, Ont TRUSSES NOW ; SLIPCOVERS WASHED or DRAPES and 4.98 to 2.98 to 1.49 to The capital of this pict ue Caribean blfe fi;:dad do Njflbl:, Radio is a city of s contrasts â€" Shoew tween the old amr the new. Life dates back to Christopher Columâ€" bus. Mrs. Schafer saw the Ceiba _____ |fp tree trunk to which Columbus tied his boat Today, a cementâ€"like â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" proiectiohn preserves it The oriâ€" __ ginal Columbus home, the Alcaâ€" W“ zat still stands. wedi..< BR L_ What have proven to be withâ€" ut doubt the bones of Columbus j ire resting in a mahogony box in i moslem which is part of the oldâ€" st cathedral in the western heâ€" * nisphere. The building was comâ€" nenced in 1510 and corgp{eted in § 1540. Other relics of Columbys‘ 8 to 7.98 &3 day include jewels given to lz?l:l\ Dial 7â€"7760 Beot the annua! rush. Let us eliminate winter‘s accumulation of grime and dust and get some of Spring‘s sparkle back into your curtoins and dropes. Colors will roolx bright as new. OUR FAST PICKâ€"UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU 6.98 7.98 2.98 59 Frederick St. â€" _ KITCHENER _ â€" Dial 2â€"5071 Fast Pickâ€"up and Delivery Service 28 Bridgeport Road â€" _ WATERLOO â€" Dial 4â€"483% Cash and Carry Store essop .. lOhaley eij’;}'r_ CA NZDG In ail of these improvements the "not rich" people haven‘t been neglected. The .city has many rows of what Canadians know as son. Actually, it is a monument|"C! °D Martiage. ; . to 11,.000 people who perished at] C 'l‘hc brigemaid, Miss Bernice the time of the disaster. The spot Pl@® of Kitchener, wore ‘a powder was the site of the mass burial of| P‘Ue, tatteta gown with ort tne the victims. Inside, the building SDOulder neckune, encirclea by a is a child‘s fairyland. There are|CUI, torsoâ€"iength fitted bodice and munogony chairs carved in the|2 WWreeâ€"tierea skirt, shirred conâ€" shape of lions. On a large bal. SeCutively with fine ridges of vony stund boouk cases which look[COTded taffeta between eacn tier. kc big, toy, blocks. _ ker scalioped biue net neaadress _ The lurge new university, with| Was ennanced with bunches or its circular buildings, is fitted|PNK sweetpeas. She carried a with mahogony furniture. . Of|@ Cascade of pink carnations. course, this wood is native to the|| BeSst man was Mr. Philip Campâ€" islana. The residents are proud|P€!l of Toronto. Ushering were of this fact. |Mr. krank Connelly, Alma, and A monument to Columbus is Mt. Francis Kiefter of Kitchener. built. Only the foundation is laid.|_ Thirtyâ€"five guests attended the When finished this huge "lightâ€" *Cception and dinner at the Haâ€" house". in the form of a cross, CJ€DGa, Waterloo. Mrs. Francis will guide sailors and airmen a.s'JK"-‘"”"- aunt of the bride reâ€" well as serving as a permanent!C°!vCd, wearing a brown satin renunder of one who has done so| QNCss trimmed with multiâ€"colored much for the people in the wes-l‘f’“e“‘ and brown accessofies. tern hbalf of the world. Most of| ShC¢ Was assisted by the brideâ€" the cuuntrics of North and South ‘room,s m°""*"- dressed in wine Amenica expect to make contribuâ€"|Crepe, trimmed with silver heads tion> When the work is completâ€"|@nd matching accessories. Their va Columbus‘ bones will be|COrsages were of yellow roses. moved from the cathedral to the| For a wedding trip to points buslding. south the bride wore a wine ga‘ "The cradle of the western heâ€" misphere is a fascinating place", says Mrs. Gladstone Schafer, Young St, Waterloo. She reâ€" jturned recently from the Dominiâ€" can Republic after visiting for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irvine. Mrs. Irvine was formerly Nancy Devitt of Waterloo. The streets are narrow and the shops have no signs. You go up to the shop and peep through a little window to see what \y&ee of merchandise is sold within. auâ€" tiful dress goods, but no dresses, can be bought on the island. Hand embroiderly is a specialty. by Queen Isobella of Spain. The ruins of the first hospital in the western hemisphere are in the ciâ€" tv also. Interesting as the antique part of the city is, it is the modern secâ€" tion which is most amazing. In 1930 just after the new president, Trujpllo, came into office, over half the city was levelled by a hurricane. He took hold of matâ€" ters for the bewildered, frightenâ€" ed, popuilous The debris disapâ€" peared qu.ckly, and a marvellous job of city planning done. The city now bears the president‘s name instead of being called Sanâ€" to Domingo as formerly. â€" Today, beautiful uitra modern buildings line wide boulevards. A large children‘s library sits in troâ€" picul splendor known as Ramphis Park. Trujillo named it after his M. Brown and Sons "Where To Find It" Beams Plate, Bors, Sheets, Flats, Strip, Angle, Pipe Boiler Tubes Tanks Boilers STEEL 1254 Unionâ€"St. North Kitchener â€" _ Ontorio Telephones 55645â€"6â€"7 A GOOD TIME TO HAVE YOUR Steel Joists Reinforcing Mesh and many other items DRYâ€"CLEANED Window Sash Hi Neighbours / lTlBS CLEANERS By Marisan Ainiay _ Â¥HE WATERLOO (Catest) CHBRONICL® Mr. and Mrs. William Lynch and son Michael of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Massel, Dianne and Tommy and Miss Betty Schummer of Kitchener were reâ€" cent guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Schummer. Quite a number attended the memorial service for the late Rev. W. Schultz at Bornholm on Sunâ€" day afternoon, a former Lutheran pastor here for over 11 years. Sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved wife and son The May meeting of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute will be held Tuesâ€" day night, May 3rd at 8.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. Leith. Roll call, "Something to keep on panâ€" try shelf when Compnng drops in"; "Do You Know", by Mrs. Gordon Eydt; Guest speaker, Mrs. McQuibban of Elmira; Program, Mrs. Gordon Eydt, Mrs. C. Mcâ€" Cracken, Mrs. J. C. McKay and Mrs. F. H. Schummer. ‘ Rev. W. Goos. The attendants were Mrs. W. Goos and Mr. Clarâ€" ence Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. Hahn will reside at R.R. 1, Linwood. For a wedding trip to points south the bride wore a wine gaâ€" bardine suit, topped by a grey shortie coat and matching accesâ€" sories and a corsage of yellow roses. The couple pian to reside on the bridegroom‘s farm, RR. 2, Drayton. _ Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hahn whose marriage took place recently at St. Pel_er's Lutheran parsonage by Thirtyâ€"five guests attended the reception and dinner at the Haâ€" cienaa, Waterloo. Mrs. Francis Kictter, aunt of the bride reâ€" ceived, wearing a brown satin aress trimmed with multiâ€"colored taifeta and brown accessofies. She was assisted by the brideâ€" groom‘s mother, dressed in wine crepe, trimmed with silver heads and matching accessories. Their corsages were of yellow roses .. A nngerâ€"tip veil of embroidered net was caught by hearts covered with snow arop net. She wore a double strand of pearls, gift of the bridegroom and carriea a cascade of deep pink roses. Mr. Lioyd Schull, brother ot tne brige, gave her in marriage. _ _ 0 A wedding of ‘I‘win City interâ€" est took place recently in St. Joâ€" seph‘s RC. Church, Macton, when Kita Schill, RK. 2, Wallenstein, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schill, became the bride of Carl Gleeson, RR. 2, Drayton. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gleeson, Guelph. Rev. William O‘Shaughâ€" nessy officiated. The altar was geâ€" corated with Easter lilies. The bride was gowned in white slipper satin, made with a lace yoke, offâ€"theâ€"shoulder neckune encircled by a bertha cuff, fitted bodice with button trim ana iong iuyâ€"point sieeves. The bouffant skirt swept into a short train. Tne gown was made by the brige. Linwood : "words just aren‘t descriptive enough." The days sped by and soon it was time to rejoin her husâ€" band who was in Jamaica on busiâ€" ness. Jamaica is an interesting place too, but that‘s another atory.l and Mrs. Irvine were invited. This was just one of many social events enjoyed :? Mrs. Schafer. The islanders e hospitableâ€" very much so. Of the trip Mrs. Schafer says, a christening party to which she and Mrs. Irvine were invited. ‘This Cleanliness is a strict rule. All the food of the island is inâ€" uzresunfi‘:ut some of it is unâ€" usual. Schater showed canâ€" diesâ€"little © babies. ‘l‘bfikue part of the refreshments ed at "Housing Enterprise" houses Al} of these are constructed with naâ€" tive white coral just as the large _ The modern market, a Aacious By Miss Jetret Manser i) _ _Patsy Olsson and Sheila Shaver of Reidsville, sang a lovely little song as did Patricia and Edith Kuhi of Reidsville, and Mildred Trussler of Rosebank recited. Mr. Roy Schlegel of Pine Hill and Mr. Arthur Bateson, missionary to the lumber camps and connected with the _ Shantymen‘s _ Association, showed films which held the inâ€" terest of all. At the conclusion of ‘ By Miss Myrtle Becker (Chronicle Correspondent} ’ The local W.C.T.U. had as their guests at a banquet held in the }u.'hool Tuesday evening, the puâ€" gcu.- who wrote on the National ientific â€" Temperance â€" Course. Covers were laid for 28 and the table was attractive in a yellow and green color scheme with bowls of daffodils and violets. _ Group games, directed by Miss ‘ghelby wsrehenjoyed by the chilâ€" dren until the evening program. Mrs. Stanley Hilborn, president W.C.T.U., presided for this with Mrs. Shelby conducting the openâ€" ing exercises. The presentation of certificates and awards was made by Miss Myrtle Becker, superinâ€" tendent of this department. . infi with the serving were Mrs. C Hilborn, Mrs. M. Veitch, Mrs. M Mrs. George Perrin acted as toastmistress and following "The King", Miss Lois Shelby proposed a toast to the girls and bogs to which Shirley Myers from Roseâ€" bank responded. Elaine Brubachâ€" er gave the toast to the ladies and Mrs. A. Shelby responded. Assistâ€" Mrs. J. A. Pickard Becker, Mrs. S. Brubachert and clude the education of drivers to slow down in school zones or when nearing any gathering of children. Roseville : furnishing sufficient "scotchlite" tape to be able to place some on the bficle of every school child. "Scotchlite" tape, in case you are not sure, is a luanup_upe that will show up even at biic and separate school stuâ€" g:nl-_l_lndwmhl;lkethe!umol â€"but it will be with paper. _ The â€" Kitchenerâ€"Guelgh branch of the Associated Canadian Traâ€" vellers are IEI-G'I“ a safety campaign in this area, and their invitation to the festivities atâ€" GUELPH TORONTO STRATFORD LONDON (Continued from Page 1) a gesture to help this city proâ€" on ut / FARES ARE LOW sands of miles of Ontario‘s highways, fast and modern buses senvenient service direct to the farm gate. provide frequent and Mowadays, it‘s no trick at all to pay a visit to the folke back home on (Subject to Change) FREE AIR ROUND TRIP Tax Included Huiu.. w & ‘uterioo er will be "bombed" $ .75 2.90 1.20 2.70 Attendant of the bride was her niece, Miss Frances Hubacheck of Kitchener, who wore a blush pink silk crepe, street length dress. Her accessories were pink and black and she wore a corsage of pink Rapture roses with blue feaâ€" thered carnations. Battlerâ€"Wolfe Nuptials. Miss Betty Helen Wolfe, daughâ€" ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wo! Doon, became the bride of Ivan Willard Battler son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Battler, RR. 2, Kitchâ€" ener, Saturday afternoon, April 23rd, 1949 in the Presbyterian Manse, Preston. The Rev. H. G. Cleghorn officiated. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a powder blue silk crepe streetâ€"length dress with a draped front and fishâ€"tail back. She wore a navy hat with accessories to match. Her corsage was of red peerless roses with white featherâ€" ed carnations. Mrs. Kenneth Graham was hosâ€" tess at her home to the members of the Men‘s Association of the United Church at their business meeting. Miss Susie Eshleman was in charge and opened the meeting with prayer. An Easter program followed. Rev. E. Steâ€" venson lead in prayer. Miss Pau~‘ lina Eshleman was in charge. of the devotional period. Miss Joan Graham sang a solo, "There is a Green Hill Far Away". Rev. and Mrs. Stevenson, sang a duet, "He is Mine". Miss Paulina Eshleman gave a recitation, "In the Garâ€" den". Miss Susie Eshleman gave a reading "A Great Miracle". Mrs. Fred Hobbs gave a brief reâ€" port on the 10th year of the Woâ€" men‘s Association 1939 to 1949. Secretary Mrs. Arthur Hatt read the minutes of the previous meetâ€" ing also letters. nfm F. Hobbs, treasurer, gave the financial reâ€" port. Miss Paulina Eshleman reâ€" ported three calls for the visiting committee. To close the meeting, Mrs. Ken Graham and Miss Joan Graham sang a duet. The hostess served refreshments assisted by Mrs. G. Steen and Miss Joan Graâ€" ham. Plans were made to hold the next meeting at the United Church on Wednesday evening, May lith with a "Mother‘s Day" program. _ _ . i Representatives of the Doonâ€" Blair Auxiliary to Freeport Sanaâ€" torium who attended the meeting of Central Council at the Nurses‘ residence at Freeport on Thursâ€" day were: President Mrs. R. Draâ€" ger, Doon; Mrs. S. Cornish, Presâ€" ton; Miss Annie King, Dickie Setâ€" tiement and her guest, Miss Renâ€" shaw and Mrs. Harold Slee, Doon. Rev. S. E. Stevenson of Gait was in charge of the service at the Doon United Church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. H. G. Cieghorn of Preston conducted the service at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon. U.BCE at a gatheri held at the home of Jr. andm&.n Earl Thompson, Reidsville, on Thursâ€" day night. ‘The officers are: Preâ€" sident, Ruth Snyder; viceâ€"presiâ€" dent, Bob Armstrong; secretary, Bill Mitchell; un‘unh‘ Mary Thompson; treasurer, Philip Tayâ€" lor; assistant, Bruce Gannon; pianist, Geraldine Becker; assisâ€" tant, Muriel Becker. Games were directed by Ruth Snyder, Mary Thompson, Bill Mitchell and Lois ’Shelby. A group singing contest was greatly enjoyed with Mrs. Thompson at the piano. Lunch was served and before dispersal Bill.Mitchell gave courtesy reâ€" FURNITURE STORE â€" â€" 36 Joseph $¢. â€" â€" L ELECTRIC STORE â€" â€" 15 Charles St. dred Trussler, Jean Siebert, Doris Trussier and Dorothy Witmer. w P.% Betty raQ, Ted ::2 ‘Patricia Kuhl, Jecry Horsfal. &Wmm Elaine DR ie Donalid Colemen, Buth Books 'were ted to Reidsâ€" ville and mm‘mu © ‘ Rev. E. Sider conducted the reâ€" organization of the Intermediate Cleason Knech Donald Mcâ€" E hakim Dougie Mcrclwais MiC. spoke briefly. The meeting closed the pictures Mr. Bateson offered By Mrs. R. Jones (Chronicle Correspondent} Warm weather is here making the conservation of food a major problem. The surest, most economical wey, to keep food fresh and tasty is with an ice refrigerator from Bullas Bros. Electric Store. Some of the many features â€" beoutiful white longâ€"lasting finish â€" roomy senitary shelves â€" rubber sealed door â€" odoriess â€" handsome modern appearance. This is excepâ€" tional value in ice refrigerators 49-95 up SMALL DOWN PAYMENT DELIVERS _| Warm Weather Rub in Minard‘s Liniment generously, mdledtherehe(ntulomtheu:h'y puekamdjml:ndi‘:;flnunhig int pains, ac! iffnesa, i a"::h.. twisted nmâ€"nmfi".‘m been famous for over 60 years Good for dandruff and skin disorders, too Got a bottle today; keep it a 1 biflontediudiddka 4 44 1 4 ALL WOOL, white with rainbow borders. Whipped singly Slight imperfections that do not affect wear quality. Size 70 x 84 and 72 x 90 inches. Substandards from rrefuh $18.50 and $20.00 lines availa.bl.e ‘at.‘ per pair, respectivel iifhito dn druilc ts c cA â€" NO IMPAIRMENT OF WEAR QUALITY in their perfections. 42 and 44 inch sizes. Substandar regular $2.25 quality in a well known make, per Pail, ONlY ..........0.....00.00 0 TEENS‘ SIZES: 10 TO 16 â€" c Twoa groups: values up to ing respectively at Skirts And Blouses Reduced SIZES 12 TO 42 IN THE SKIRTS. Grand chance to plan for a big saving when $5.50 to $11.95 skirts are clearanceâ€" PFIC@A &b ....0...20.0..00lllllllllll2l222.2, sl .98 to $7.” SIZES 12 TO 44 IN SIZES 34 TO 48 in Women‘s SUITS UP TO $19.50 FOR $$.49 â€" this week BsUITS UP TO $24.95 FOR $1139 â€" this week EN'I‘l‘lE STOCK included â€"Sizes altogether: 24 King And Queen Streets _ KITCHENER â€" Telephone 33631 s 12 TO 44 IN THE BLOUSES, Crepes and is Plenty of variety. Three clearance groups: values $6.95, $9.95, and $16.95, clearing respectively CE cssc e k m mm c n e Cans ol ** Shop With Confidence * OUR 40th YEAR aAT GouvpiEs > 7 V 48 in Women‘s Bath Robes of cotton eiderdown. Solid colours. Dots. Checks. Plaids. Attractive bngn shades: wine, blue, rose, red. Wrapâ€"around lines (not full length). Shawl collars. Cord girdles. This saving proâ€" mised just while the special quantity holds out. Regular $4.95 value for only ... .__.___._ _ _ s > #% aw Fin (.cP> * P "MD Lower Floor Is Here ... Eiderdown Bath Robes â€" $1.95 SORE FEET THIS WAY ARD‘S LINIMENT W omen‘s Readyâ€"Toâ€"W ear Now On Third F. loor Pillow Club 4 Teens â€" Queen : All Boys‘ Suits Reduced eens‘ Dresses Reduced ‘K included. â€"Sizes altogether: 24 to 34. Alteraâ€" be charged extra Boys‘ Shop, King Street nar Queen Street Main Floor King Street Main Floor Cases â€" Substaondards Dial 7â€"7365 Third Floor (017° ¢â€"~ALIIY in their slight imâ€" 4 inch sizes. Substandards from a in a well known make, offered at, clearance of broken spring lines. o $ll.96.‘a‘nd‘ up to $17.95, clearâ€" $3.98, $5.98, $7.98 2 _0 27L _PZ: PSI, TC§ ively $14.95 and $16.50 Street Main Floor CABS 6â€" 6669 Shirk‘s Service Statien 33 Erb St. West WATERL OO 24â€"HOUR SERVICE SCOTT‘ $6.98 and $9.98 and sheers. ‘alues up to BROS. ~â€" $1.59 $1.95 es

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