Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Apr 1949, p. 7

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BROCK, DAVIS, DUNN ] & BROUGHTON T H. R. Brock D. Bruce Davis K. H. Dunn J H. K. Broughton ; . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS | T. H. R. Brock “ (Trustee in Bankruptcy) | 19 King St. East _ ( _â€" BUSINESS DIREC TORY mot paid Box addresses in care of BE CTID! 10 cents extra. INSTRUCTIONS FOK SENDING ADV[RTISE!ENT> Phone 2â€"4488 __â€"â€"â€" m mtX C PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY See your doctor first, then fill your prescriptions B LD.A. Drug S!wl’r upposl Ite and 2% saves 71c Store. 480 ener. Pho: L n n at o E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Office: 44 William St., Waterloo Phone 2â€"1357 en YOUNG WOMAN o girl â€" for partâ€"time housewurk Referâ€" ences 50â€" King â€" Street N. Waterloo â€" State clearly )1 advertisement | State number of Write plainly o only . ARE YOU FULLY PROTECTED® * BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER * FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL _EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE 1f y;u' need Mort Insurance .. Call the Local Representative Office, Waterl SKINNY MEN. WOMEN! Gain § to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results: new healthy fesh: new vigor. New "get acquainted" . size ONLY 60c. All druggists. Largur sizes ulsu ay d acoot sUTHERLANDâ€"SCHULTZ A. K. CRESSMAN & sON Real Estate and Insurance WATERLOO, ONTARIO Office 102 King St. South Phone 8â€"8024 Every Kind of Insurance Fire â€" â€" Life â€" Acl‘mdvm Chartered Accountants KITCHENER and GUELPH HELP WANTED _ Whether BUYING or SELLING a FARM â€"Seeâ€" HESSENAUR & SHANTZ Limited Phone 6â€"6455 â€" 24 Queen N. KITCHENER K222 e PP CCg C New and Used Duplicating and Adding Machines, Filing Cabinets, 1 Safes, Complete Office Equipment 68 Queen St. South 20 00â€" KITCHENER wWANTED TO BUY @UTTER OR BUGGY, cart, deâ€" mocrat, wagon orâ€" something with â€" wheels,. now | discarded Cheap. 24 Abrens E., Kitchener Telephone evenings 2â€"4106. New and Used UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS For sale and For Rent by the Maker SUNBTRAND ADDING MACHINE wWATERLOO CHRONICLE se AADII ELECTEIC MOTORS Phone 7â€"7562 860 King West THE wWATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OfFfice Health CHIROPRACTIC UNDERWOOD LIMITED BAYER ASPIRIN April 29, 1949 Livestuck Employers‘ Liability Guarantee Bond Boiler Insurance Transit Insurance Sprinkler Leakage Automobile Insurance ontamo f ie QuIttrh jNSULATION DRUGGISTS ELECTRICAL Light Duty at Heavy Duty at Heavy Duty at Heavy Duty at Heavy Duty ut tAl. New! unc INSURANCE ELECTRIC REAL ESTATE TYPEWRITERS PERSONAL "Blowing Method Kins St E. Kisch ROOFING \t to appear nsertions desired which . edition . the [he Chronicke Plate Glass Mngr‘s, Res. 2â€"2171 KITCH ENER Kitchener site Post Bedford $19.35 $35.80 $49.65 5$66.00 $86 00 abie Phone 6â€"8484 et us 719¢. Drug esks, AUTO LOAN 2. Indiviual Loans $50 to $1,500â€"for any good purâ€" pose, even thou‘fh your car is not fully paid. 3. Insurance Premiumsâ€"you may borrow for premiums on full insurance coverage _ paymentsâ€"If present payâ€" ments are too high, refinâ€" ance here for lower payâ€" ments and iet extra cash if you need it. 5. Car Repairsâ€"Need to fix up your car? Or need new tires? Get cash here. 6. Selling Your Car?â€"We can finance your buyer if he lacks full cash. 7. Buying a Car?â€"We can finance your purchase if you lack full cash. COME IN, WRITE OR PHONE TODAY FOR DETAILS $50 to $1000 At the Company that likes to say "YES" 350 King St. W.. Tel. 7â€"7313 while you pay | BabyChids a . poftatiGeny \ on your car PERSONAL FINANCE co. OF CANADA Kissner Milling, Kitchener M._P. Schummer, St. Clements ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT. _ Baby chicks leap ahead with vim and vigor when fed Roe Vitafood Chick Starter. It ensures healthier birds, â€" greater future _ profits. Made daily, right here in Western Ontario, it gives a diet perâ€" fectly balanced to meet Western Ontario poultry needs. Veteran poultrymen use and recommend Roe Vitafood Chick Starter. HOW TO START Selling Familex guaranteed household products Dealers, we have a few openings available â€" full or part time. A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN OR WOMEN wWHO CAN QUALIFY Write for FREE catalogue and details â€" FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier MONTREAL Fruit and Vegetable Work Step Into A ! Profitable Business ‘ , Saws, knives, clippor pintes, J. GEO. STRESEL Phone 1â€"7511 â€" 2#3 Erb W. Wanted immediately For full particulars write:â€" Auspices: Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee ‘‘Experience Is Ontario Farm Service Force 9 Richmond Street, East, _ _ Accommodation in Farm Service Force Campé Supervised by Y.W.CA. . Phone YOUNG WOMEN Auctioneer and Real Estate Satisfied Clients Since 1928 WALTER STUMPF SHARPENING ... 341 Victoria St. N 16 to 21 years Harold Gerth, Linwood Riverside Feed Mills, Hawkesville What Counts‘" Good Pay Kitchener Rev. H. Brose with Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Hemmerich, Mes. Clayâ€" ;i- PFRRE -i;_-â€"-â€"' Ees '*"7“ Mrs. Robert Kirch were business visitors in Hamilton, Tuesday of were shocked when they learned of the passing of Mrs. Fred Martin Dahmer, nee Maria Cole, at her home in Oshawa, on Thursday \!oflowin.afl’lmne-. The late Dahmer was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. EXTRA MILES BUILT INTO EVERY = cost service ... vt'i(h assenger tire GOODZYVEAR lonon > TRUCK AIRWHEEL TIRE ,,, ALLEN SHIRK LTD. Apply 161 Albert St., Waterloo THE WATBHRLOQ Cole and was born in this GRAY SEDAN, 1947 Leather trimmed. Airfoam cushions. Small mileage. In good condition. No Dealers need apply. HUDSON COMMODORE 33 ERB ST. WATERLOO â€" 2277 BRIDGEPORT PHONE: 55813 COAL â€" COKE â€" COURTEOUS SERVICE e Many, many extra miles of troubleâ€"free service are built into every Goodjyear Truck Airwheel tire. Its wider, thicker wead . . . heavier sidewalls . . . enable you to get record lowâ€" cost service .. . with passenager tire comfort. * mer in 1908 and after her marâ€" 14 and for lh:‘pn 34 oz irx* ears h-rl:v:d in Oshawa. She v’. a ‘n-nbt of the Lutheran Church. Surviving are her husband and â€" A number of softball fans atâ€" ing of the North Waterloo Rural of the North Walerldp RUFAL! 1&t.'!‘b..ll League, held in Maryhill on Thursday > moved to the Jutzi farm near Baâ€" GOUCT St. Matthew‘s Lutheran Church was the scene of a pretty spring weddinsl on Saturday afternoon as Rev. . H. Brose united in marâ€" riage Mr. George Ritter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ritter, St. Jaâ€" cobs and Miss Ruth Shweitzer, COUBE, CRMME ONCOC COD W D y l H dauchmo!lr.andunlpuuc.‘ Schweitzer of RR. 2, Elmira. Mrs. R. Morrison of Kitchener played the wedding music and Miss Irene Harper soloist sang "The Lord‘s Pr‘a‘yer" and "Through the Years". rs. Vernal Cress of St. Jacobs sister of the bride was matron of honor and Mr. Carl Ritter of St. Jacobs was his brother‘s best man. Mr. Harold Ritter and Mr. Vernal Cress of St. Jacobs, were ushers. Following the ceremony a recepâ€" tion was held in the {leidelberg Inn. Upon their return from a wedding trip to Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ritter will take up residence WATERLOO â€" 22793 CHRONICLE You got up to 30% Increased tire mileage . with M‘ocr Wide Base Rime. See us for details. was reâ€" B16 in St. Local relatives were informed of the serious illness of Chas. O. Stroh, one of Elmira‘s oldest reaiâ€" dents and a native of this district. Mr. Stroh was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Stroh and was born on the Stroh homestead east of the village, Sept. 1st, 1855. Neighbors were called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron B. Weber to assist the hmxlg' in putâ€" ting out a fire that had started in the house on Friday forencon. St. Matthew‘s Lutheran Church was filled to capacity for the speâ€" cial Easter service, "The Three Gardens" given by the Sunday ‘School with the assistance of the Senior and Junior choirs, on Sunâ€" lday evening. The program was of a variety of appropriate songs, recitations, etc., was well renderâ€" ed. Rev. H. Brose also addressed the gathering. s The Misses Lasch of Elmira were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gies. Crosshill : Mrs. Thomas Birmingham of Millbank was hostess to Crosshill Boyd W.MS. on Thursdey with an attendance of 11. Miss Elsie Bigam had charge of the devotional period which was in keeping with the Easter Story. Mrs. William Richardson read a chapter from the book "The Bible Speaks". The Study Book, ‘"‘West of the Gorge", was given by Mrs. Lorne Rennic. It was decided to meet in the Hall for the May meeting in the form of a quilting which will be sent along with other clothing for relief in Europe. Anyone in the community wishing to contribute towards this relief may leave it at the post office before May 20th. The Easter offering amounted to $18.75. . Rev. John Richardson closed the meeting with prayer ’aner which the hostess served reâ€" freshments. _ e Beverley Birmingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Birmingham had her tonsils removed in St. Mary‘s Hospital, Kitchener on Saturday. _ _ _ icaipentiats 29 Mrs. Michael Boshart visited at the bedside uf her mother, Mrs. Erb of Wellesiey, who is a patient in St. Mary‘s Hospital, Kitchener, who had the misfortune to fracâ€" ture her hip.. 2o l , mfit;x.';;;'r.Shantz of _ Waterloo spent a few days at Ervin Nafâ€" tzier. â€" _ _ Donald Squire spent a few days at Reuben Roeder Wellesley. Mrs. Lloyd Frey and daughter of Waterloo, spent several days with Mrs. Hubert Frey. i m.fir;.- Fred Williams of Toronto, Miss Jean Rennie of Kitchener paid a visit at Lorne Rennie‘s. By Mrs. Lorne Rennie (Chronicle Correspondent) AVAILABLE FOR 1MMEDIATE DELIVER Y 102 King St. West KITCHENER Phone 2â€"1934 No. 1 5X Shingles AND No. 3 Perfection Shingles STEELE‘S OvER 25 YEARS OF SERVICE s Foc Complote ST. CLEMENTS H. E. Ratz Lumber 7 /) _ ied trremetret *‘ Kitchener‘s Reliable Optometrist for 25 Years THIS ARTICLE REMOVED Satisfaction Mave your 1 PM SATURDAY PAGE SEVEN

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