Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Apr 1949, p. 4

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J 3rd Kitchener Brownie Pack held a delightful tea on Tuesday at , Westmount School. Sorry I could not be with you, but would you invite me next time? A Guide smiles and sings under all difficulties. A very wonderful woman once said to me, "Don‘t ever go to a conference expecting to get ideas and help unless you are prepared to share your experience". So be prepared to enter the open discusâ€" sion and share your ideas with other leaders. See you _on.Sagurday at Supper. Patrol Leaders and unwarrantâ€" ed Guiders! This is to remind you of the Conference on Saturday, April 30th at St. John‘s Anglican Church, Kitchener. Registration at 2 to 215 p.m. There will be five discussion groups, ranging from the duties of a P.L. to what we should expect of Captain. Inâ€" ternational Guiding, games for fun and tests and something for Packees. Do you know that four out of every five newspapers published in the world are printed on Canaâ€" dian newsprint? . . However, we will need a great deal of equipment, and it occurred to us that in our attics we might find such odd used articles as: wash basins, kitchen chairs, odd tables or wash stands; and in the cellar such things as, large glass jars with secure covers, an extra shovel or axe; and in the kitchen, an extra wooden spoon, measurâ€" ing spoons or cup. If you have no further use for them and they are in good condition, we would we}â€" come any donation of this type. We have been asked just how our new Campsite is being finâ€" anced. Each district is being asâ€" sessed a certain amount of money, and your Kâ€"W Camp committee has been over the past two years preparing for just this type of development in camping. Cookie Day will be May l4th. This is to advise all GmXeu' in Waterloo and Kitchener Districts that Guides and Brownies may tike their orders, starting Saturâ€" day, April 30th. The price is the same as formerly, 25¢ per packâ€" Cookies will be delivered to you on Friday, May 13th, but if you are able to pick them up, it would help greatly. _ Have a new list of Scout and Guide films available through the National Film Society. This list will help greatly in determining what you wish, because it tells the length and size of film, as well as a description or resume of its conâ€" 99 King South Cookie Day will be May l4th Spon: As Little as ‘12" Down Waterloo Stove Shop See The Oil Painting |Old Kitchener Post Office n Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturdoy April twentyâ€"eighth, twentyâ€"ninth and thirtieth nineteen hundred and fortyâ€"nine at 7:00 o‘clock p.m. and all day Saturday at Sheppard School Kitchener, Ontario. EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS You Are Cordially Invited to attend an NEW AND USED STOVES Waterloo T R. A. Jukes GIRL GUIDE y MES. L M SELLERY w#terice Distsict Girl Guide Following officers were elected: Class Leader, Lloyd Snyder; asst., Paul Bowman; secretaryâ€"treasurâ€" et, Owen Bowman; budget treasâ€" urer, Paul Bowman; trustee for 3 years, Lloyd Snyder; trustee for 2 years, replacing Jon. B. Martin, who resigned, Earl Bauman; pianâ€" ists, Mrs. Owen Bowman, Mrs Lloyd Snyder; Ushers, Lorne Snyâ€" der, Robert Ruggle; Asst ushers, Clare Bauman, Roy Weaver; audiâ€" tors, Edward Bauman and Howâ€" ard Bauman. Rev. C. B. Heckendorn presidâ€" ed at the annual meeting of the Evangelical U. B. Church, Thursâ€" day night. _ _ __Mr. Ed. Schaefer and Mr. Aaron [Mader are both in hospital at! present. _ __ _ _ 2 o ] _ Miss Elvina Cressman and Mr and Mrs. Urias Martin were guests at the Charltonâ€"Cressman wedding at Sterling Ave., Mennoâ€" nite Church on Saturday. Mr. Cressman is a nephew of Miss Cressman and cousin of Mrs. Marâ€" tin. Floradale : _ Mr. and Mrs. George Lichty, Elâ€"| mira, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lichty. ~*CC, _ Rev. J. W. Witmer, Hespeler, preached â€" at the â€" Mennonite Church on Sunday morning. _ The pastor, Bishop Oscar Burkâ€" holder, was engaged in a weekâ€" end PBible Conference in Lancasâ€" ter, Pa. â€" e The funeral of Mr. Carl Jahnke, father of Mrs. Elizabeth Dessler, was held at the Wanner Church on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Nicklas and daughters called on Mr. and Mrs. Allen Otto Sunday evening. anldlrflqnd Mrs. Q‘“’" Heu;‘mt.h aine t Sunday at Newâ€" ton and un'xfix with Rudy and Mike Kuepfer and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gerber. _ Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Kropp and Ver l Yummg £ mxy f Vernon 0 West Zorra were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mose Helmuth. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roth and New Dundee visited with Mr. and East Zorra : Mrs. N. S. Roth, Sunday Breslau : Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Junker and daughter spent Sunday with friends at New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Becker of rnll bar release and reset ever, automatic flume, chrome plated hand rests. Features new streamlined porcelain tub, new Lovell wringer with pressure inâ€" Every feature the modern housewife wants in a washer. Truly deluxe in finish and performance. By Mrs. Gertrude Bowman (Chronicle Correspondent) By Mrs. Roy Schiedel (Chronicle Correspondent) MAXWELL WASHER By Mrs. Asron Helmuth (Chronicle Correspondent) Will Buy compare! Dial 2â€"0384 the opening exercises. were named as the visiting comâ€" mittee for the next two months. Mrs. Lyle Bingeman gave a report of the District Directors meeting held at Galt recently. New Dundee : were reported by the visiting committee and Mrs. Wilfred Saâ€" Announcement was made that the Institute will cater for the Milk Producers Banquet to be itulish d onathctccmn zn cA d were then given by the By Miss Mirinm Hilbors ammc&nuaw&va (Chronicle Correspondent) which _ the mry% The annual ing of the Woâ€"| Mrs. A Futher, presented her e instiiute was held at se M"zg“ "“fln- for the yeas me of Mrs. Addison Rickert on|&mounted to $762.94 and expendiâ€" ednesday night with an attend.|tures, $524.56 leaving a balance in / i 50 Young‘s Bring You The chair for uh.onw 12th. Reports 'mthnm y&ecoava ‘:tinna-'dhoc-nua“ 1‘ Mre. A. Futher, prsec;udn;h:rz nual Rece or yeas m;mflflr.nndapd.i mm“.fickavmfiwamh the treasury of $238. ] Donations made by the Instiâ€" tute during the year were to the Iollowiw organizations: the Canâ€" adian National Institute for the TH AT ‘ 0 LB il;.â€" bovarccm iess 24 RPBDTUEET . Am l‘u; first viceâ€"presiâ€" dent, Mrs M. Bechtel; second viceâ€"president, Mrs. Donald Jaâ€" cob;, secretaryâ€"treasurer Mrs. A. gick and shutâ€"ine. _ _ Miss Syivia presided for the elecmq’ .::F- which folâ€" lowed the itting of the.noâ€" minating committee report by lowing officers weer elected for the new year: Hon president, Mrs. quation of Apriculture, as well as Mrs. Dilworth moved a vote of thanks to the retiring president and all officers for their spiendid services during the past year. Reâ€" freshments were served by Mrs. Clare Hilborn, Mrs. Donald Jacob and Mrs. Stanley Hitchings. _ The May meeting \wllnfi- held ECC ARAROPPTIPM MTTD. UV. mahn; Social Welfare, lmm Cressman; Citicenship, Miss Bock s Agricuiture and Canadian Indusâ€" tries, Mrs. Bechtel; Publicity, Mrs. Weston Snnnul, ::’tk Commitâ€" tee, Mrs. Bechtel; représentaâ€" tive to the Board of Directors of the Waterlco County Federation of Agricudture, Mrs. A. Musselâ€" . O Rieglent Regearch, Mrs. Page: conmvenors of standing com s The UBC.E. Society met at the| Mizpah. "mhmiofh.[uon'“- w _â€"_._. “"B“"nmumwmumw«o; Now: TwoO sig n Inftis | wald as Jeader. The scripture lesâ€" comc sEctions: city, uf"mwna.dh_oyflhlboheen'hy- So everyone -lm‘hn, Commitâ€"|ior after which Miss Maraleen|The Detroit Sunda now a M““’,"’“mm&pmudnwofld‘{'r» ecuore of |duet. ‘The topic, "Moneyâ€"Master|mic hits in TWO COLR "i LLCP|or Servant?" was presented by|COMIC SECTHONS . See PUCK 1200 Was In ME of the presiâ€" dent, Miss Mary Kaster Mrs A and Miss Shirley Myers sang a duet. The t:,nc “Inneyâ€"&n:r or Servant?" was presented by Miss O:vwdd and short ull;e wenEv en Allan Cressman, Rev. E. g.i:er ‘m Mary Kaster and Mirâ€" iam Hilborn. At the close of the meeting opportunity was given to the members to sign the Tenth V aiue of 194149 A6] London was appointed as regis of When men speak ill of thee, so live that nobody will believe them.â€"Plato. troit Times. Fun an lore including a new adventure. The Comic comic magazine with this Sunâ€" day‘s (May 1)} issue of The Deâ€" meeting closed with the C. K. trar for the local society for the , h&mfimdc.l% be held in Toronto in July. Friday, April 29, 1940

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