Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Apr 1949, p. 3

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laa â€" I Biverace$ Two Stores To Serve You 44 King St Sâ€" Waterloo Actoss from Waterloo NMifg Co Phone 2â€"7411 McGOWAN & HILL "SALADNA EASIEST WAY to paint your rooms ! Intertare, ote. O A durable, weshable surâ€" 2. One cout really covers. _ tuce. ALL THESE ADVANTAGES “ PER IMP. E4t 1. Covers ait surtaces â€" _ 4. One imp. got. does large concewmtrateo PREBTOTYY 2L One cout really covert. _ tace. __â€" _ ONE GALLON DOFS B. Dries in one hour. 7. A pleasure to put on. A LARGE rOOM Funest Quality Tea Two CLARE JEWEL fourâ€" burner gas ranges, apartâ€" ment size, all white models Your choice for only $59.50 McGowan & Hill Appliances MOFFAT ELECTRIC RANGE in good condition Will sacrifice for $35.00 EUREKA WASHER, comâ€" pletely refinished. $49.50 FLOOR POLISHER plete! $29.50 16 College St, Kitchone/ Next to Century Theatre Phone 44541 LOOR POLISRER, com letely rebwlt, like new Grand River Paint Stores wallpeper, pelnted reom. 168 King St. East KITCHENER ‘A. W. HARTUNG, Manager ORANGE PEKOE Give your painted room that finished took with a TRIMZ READYâ€"PASTED BORDER Complete new line of Trimz borders on display in our store. SPECIALS KEMâ€"TONE ROLLERâ€"KOATER Take Advantage of these We pick all make: LOCKS IPrife digni ; j ; b; “fiff‘ms ;Tm:loczlzgmty abides with him inds ‘Who, in the silent hour of inward G. L. BRAUN {}) _ thought 270 King St. E. /Can still suspect, and still revere Phone 2â€"2194 | himself, Kitchener In lowliness of heart. _ â€" at AND OH so Refreshing ! MAKES YOU GLAD YOU‘RE Kist picks you up â€"doesn‘t let you down. Here‘s a real taste thrill you won‘t soon forget. Need refreshment? Get Kist! bmpons. .. ORANGE and other Ravours MIRACLE WALL FINISH Whitbaer Retbercanrl, *T OE |Come and bring a friend who is erick George itney, OD: | intereg ; hings to Ruth Martha Barber, ’l‘lvhâ€"!l:.e ted in the same th you tock. | ~ e e e e s Ruiterâ€"Schweitzerâ€"April 23, Geo.) We didn‘t think that the Deâ€" Ritter, St. Jacobs, to Ruth‘partment of Lands and Forests Schweitzer, Elmira. . |would have the courage to buck Hoflingerâ€"Hamelâ€"April 23, Niâ€" the too well organized tourist outâ€" cholas John Hoflinger to Ethel fitters in any shape or formâ€"but Marian (Honey) Hamel, both of they haveâ€"and &eere will be no Waterloo. moose season in Ontario for at Batilerâ€"Wolfeâ€"April _ 23, _ Ivan least the next year. Willard Battler, RR. 2, Kitch ‘The way these fine game animals ener, to Betty Helen Wolfe of have been depleted in the past Doon. . few years, particularly by Ameâ€" Wardâ€"Merrailâ€"April 23, James rican hunters using planes, has Murray Darl _ Ward, Kitchener, been a crime. to Eleanor Florence Merrall,‘ There probably will still be Waterloo. some moose shot, season or no, Blaneâ€"Wilheimâ€"April 23, Allen but at least the few wardens Stuart Blane, Stratford, to Haâ€" operatin% in this territory will zel Elizabeth Wilhelm, Shakeâ€" have a chance to check on anyone speare. hunting for them. Salmen â€" Theogood â€" April 23, Our estimation of the officials Frank Reinhold Salmen to of the Department of Lands and Catherine Florence Theogood, Forests has gone up a great deal of Waterloo. |since this decision was made. Shakespeare, a daughter. _ _ Gregoryâ€"At Lamont, Alta., April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Greâ€" &ry, nee Jean Mcuufihn of rking, Ont., a son, Michael Danny. Koebelâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, April 24, to Mr. and Mrs. John Koebel, Linwood, a son. Wrightâ€"At London, April 21, to Dr. and Mrs. Walter Wright, daughter. â€" Hahnâ€"At Kâ€"W Hospital, April 22, McNannieâ€"At St. ‘Mary‘s Hcyi- tal, April 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McNannie Bresiau, a formerly of Doon, a daughter KEMâ€"TONE TRIMS AS L1OW AS 20: A RJ M A R R I A G ES B iR T H S 15 â€"Wordsworth. PASTE FORM Cl & As we have told you ourselves â€"don‘t let the propaganda maâ€" chine of the government publicity department fool you. No one beâ€" nefits from the tourist trade exâ€" cept the government and the tourâ€" ist outfitters. Even they, if they had enough brains to realize it would know that they also will lose with the rest of us. No less a person than our estimâ€" able Greg Clark, known from one end of North America to the other as an active writer, conservationâ€" ist and sportsman, has released an article to the effect that the "Ameâ€" ricans have ruined the fishing and hunting in their own country and are now bending every effort to do the same in Canada". He Point- ed out that these "tourists" took far more but of Canada in the deâ€" struction of Canadian wildlife than could ever be replaced by their American dollars. Thank the Lord for men like Greg Clarke who have the courâ€" age of their convictions, and who know the true picture of a govâ€" ernment selling out a heritage for lousy American dollars. For at least a couple of years we have been preaching through the medium of this column, that the wanton destruction of our fish and game by American tourists should be mmd Up until lateâ€" ly we have n a darn small voice crying in the wildnerness, but not any longer.. â€" Our estimation of the officials of the Department of Lands and Forests has gone up a great deal since this decision was made. There probably will still be some moose shot, season or no, but at least the few wardens operatinfi in this territory will have a chance to check on anyone hunting for them. _ _ tertainment chairman you can just about bet money that there will be some form of entertainment gluvidcd for you at this meeting. ere will aLo be the question of a club dinner to settle and nuâ€" merous other items of interest. Be sure to save this date, May 9th. Come and bring a friend who is interested in the same things you have a say in any business transâ€" action, but a true picture cannot be obui‘::d if all members do not attend meetings. ’ All three committee chairmen have elected to refrain from setâ€" ting up committees until after the next meeting, as they want to inâ€" clude all members Tgonible on these committees. is idea is good, for several of the commitâ€" tees will be able to use all the men they can get to work for at least the next year or so. meeting for there are still several thrashed out. Your executive feel ast the next year or so. With genial P!‘ed Shacks as enâ€" 10 ue in 19 this THE BASEBALL SEASON WILL SOON BE HERE . . . sent forth for a fosterâ€"mother to try and save the life of these vaâ€" luable puppies On Tuesday of last week after three of her pupâ€" Valuable Local Dog In Fight for Life, Man{ residents of Baden are quite familiar with Gypsy, valuâ€" able Irish setter dog owned t:l Mr. and Mrs. Harris (Hap) Veil who reside at Castle Kilbride, Baâ€" den. She is the mother of Cx- ada‘s only Irish setter to hold the C. D. (companion dog) and C. D. X. (companion dog excellent) for obedience trials This Canadian champion called "Kilbride‘s Joe" \was from the first litter of pups born to Gypsy and was therefore one of fifteen brothers and sisters. In her second litter she had thirâ€" teen and only this week her third was born and of the seven pupâ€" pies ony two remained alive this past weekâ€"end. Dr. Earl Coxon is working in an effort to save the life of Gypsy and the two pups are being fed by eyedropper every are being fed by eyedrop every two hours whi{e a l?lflm! been TROUT SEASON also be featured on opening night. intention of the sponsors to bring in some of the top line amateur talent and it is rumored that the well known Alan McFater, from Toronto, will headline the first card. Kitchener‘s Ken Smith will ‘ * * s TCt _ |bers there were songs by a mixed _ The senior softball m&gwuuxdnbob{d{eaender the possibility of four it Quartette all of which were not more, will get underwaxmmlvemlmuch eflsfid the third week of May. Definite Lyle Mi and infant son, entries are Harmony Lunch, Ray‘s Paul Lyle, returned home on Sunâ€" Butcher Boys and Evang;lu:al d&é from the St. Mary‘s Hospital Church. Possible clubs are St. ongratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Louis CYO nine, Cedar Snack Bar Delford Bechtel on the birth of and Teenâ€"Town. A second meeting| _________________________________ of the group was held on Tuesday ; night. Games will be played on diamonds in Waterloo Park. While l no residence rule will be enforced, players not residing in Waterloo will not be allowed in any other , softball league. _ ___ _ | summer months. nights starting May 9th. 1: intention of the sponsors t Baden : The Waterloo Minor Baseball Association held an organization meeting this week when plans :e;eede for the .seuon.l It is 0 to line up a "town" league once more, mflbly around the first week of , with a continuâ€" ing schedule being in force for the Boxing will be inaugurated at the Memorial Arena on Monday ning effort. game to start on londl{ Second game of the series will played on Tuesday, the third, if necessaâ€" ry, will be played Wednesday. The winners of both sections will receive championship crests, indicative of their group title winâ€" clubs in the peeâ€"wee and two in the bantam section involved. In the peeâ€"wee group, Cardinals and noon with the winner taking on the first place Young Dutchmen, in a best of three series to start on Tuesday. Only two clubs, Braves and Red Wings, will contest the bantam issue and these clubs will meet in €#HB WATERLOO (Ouimt) CHRONICLER Playoffs in the Waterloo Recreâ€" pies TBQTS 4 By Mrs. Clarence Diamond (Chronicle Correspondent) wil}l meet in a sudden AND RECREATION NOTES 38 QUEEN SOUTH MEL WEBER SPORTING GOODS It is the will get vice for this district which was [hdd in the %‘Chmdx in New :Bami;biu‘; onml y eve:ei‘n:‘, the special musical program t on by Mr. Harold Schiedel lndm Nightingale Chorus from Kitchâ€" ener. In addition to chorus numâ€" bers there were songs by a mixed more pups but the ordeal was al most too much for Gypsy and Dr. “Couonot"dl&hnh_un rushed to Guelph where Dr. Kenâ€" to revive h hope it will Mr. and Mrs. Hamacher of 'ShnotCenu'ec;.fizdonll.rAth- eon Bechtel on Sunday afternoon. Quite a number from Baden atâ€" neth Rowe THE BEST NEWS of the YEAR/ COME IN . . . LOOK OVER OUR STOCK . > . WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO GET THEM! TROUT TACKLE * FLY RODS * REELS * LINES * FLIES ‘‘Your Sport Is Our Business"‘ _ Mr. Dick Hamilton was a holiâ€" day visitor with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koehâ€" ler The christening of Kenneth Clifford, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Martin of Bnthl. took lace at St. Peter‘s Lutheran \ghumh service on Sund:{ mornâ€" ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Huehn of Kitchener were sponsors. © Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke Schlueâ€" ter and children of Linwood were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schott. Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider visited at Bamberg with Mr. and Walter Heimpel. _ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schlueter, Darlene and Douglas sg::u the Easter holidays at Windsor and Detroit. l&'“lho Katherine Kube 6 micke Correspondent) The conference of the Kitchenâ€" er District of Canada Lutheran Synod was held on Monday at St. l?mr's Lutheran Church here. The Ladies® Aid served dinner to some thirty pastors and delegates. _ Miss Dorothy Kuhn spent the Easter hohdafls with her sister, Mra. Canl Keller at Waterloo. der swpont eturday, eventeg n spent urday | eve! at Hesson Road with Mr. a:d%n a daughter on Sunday, April 26th. Mr. Clarence Diamond of Shirk & Snider Ltd., Baden, is in Torâ€" m&vd%l’uâ€" Heidelberg : Also a Complete Line of ring held there _ nl‘l-q!l;?soehtdolfln< 2 0) with their grandâ€" on hechie), Waterlioo Rod & Gun Club Monday, MAY 9th 8.00 P.M. Help Conserve At the HACIEN DA Fish _ â€" Game Trees us Waters Space contributed in the service of the community by * HOOKS * CREELS * LANDING NETS * HIP BOOTS * TROUT Don‘t Forget Mrs. Harry Bach on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hahn of Brxdfiport spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Krauter. The Allâ€"lmportant Meeting of the Klinck‘s Shoe Store Prices ranging from ............. $5.95 to $8.00 Don‘t forget our complete line of SISMAN SCAMPERS SPINNERS 28 King St. South WATERLOO _ Phone 44276 EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR OF SISMAN SCAMPERS IN WATERLOO SISMAN WORK BOOTSs DIAL 2â€"0% Rubber soles and crepe soles. 2 Miss Elvina Wideman spent her Easter holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Metzger,Bamâ€" Pachk Tiigzis

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