Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Mar 1949, p. 7

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SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain! 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too Try" famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for _ double _ results; new | healthy flesh; new vigor. New ) The Baltic:â€"White Sea canal in the Soviect Union is the longest ship canal in the world. It is 152 miles from end to end. ARE YOU FULLY PROFPECTEND! * BUILDING COSTS ARK HIGHER * FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE If you need More Dusurance . . Real Estate and Insurance WATERLOO, ONTARIOG Office 102 King St. South Phone 8â€"8024 Every Kind of Insurance Fire â€" Life s Accident New and Used Duplicating and Adding Machines, Filing Cabinets, Desks Safes, Complete Office Equipment Phon See your doctor first, then let us fill your prescriptions. Bedford ’ LD.A. Doug Store, opposite Post Office. Waterloo BROCK, DAVIS, DUNN & BROUGHTON T H. R. Brock D: Bruce Davis K. H. Dunn J H. K. Broughton CHARTERED ‘ACCOUNTANTS T H R. Brock (Trustee in Bankruptcy) 19 King St East Larger $149, Smaller 98c. at Geiger‘s DrugStore, 408 King St. E. Kitchener, Phone 2â€"2127. Phone 2â€"4488 Classified Advertising Rates 2 cents per word. minimum charge 35 cents. mot paid by date of publication, 10 cents extre â€" Euch group of Byures count a» une word New and Used UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS Whether BUYING or SELLING a FARM ~Sopâ€"â€" _ " _BUSINESS DIREC TOR Y WANT ADS THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE Tendets, clearly marked "Tenders for Fleet Insurance", will he thceived by Mr. Charles _A Stager. Clerk, Waterloo County, Court House, Kitchâ€" ener. Ontano, for Flect Insurâ€" ance on nur Automotive Equipâ€" ment up to 10 am., March 8th, 1949. Specifications may be reâ€" ceived from the undersigned on and after March Ist, 1949. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ONTARIQ Omcs Of’.‘f.".rfff | E: G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Office: 44 William St., Waterloo Phone 2â€"1357 A. K. CRESSMAN & SON Barn and Straw Shed RN‘ x 84" E. J. SCHNEIDER Phone 5â€"5291 118 Homewood Ave., Kitchener HESSENAUR & SHANTZ Lalgel siZes wiso uvallable. SUTHERLAXDâ€"SCHULTZ ELECTRIC KITCHENER and GUELPH For «ale ind For Reut by the Maker SUNSTRAND ADDING MACHINES :"él-rtwe'-::'gl;axrfiwl“ size ONLY 60c. . All druggists. Limited Phone 6â€"6455 â€" 24 Queen N yoa nevl Call the I UNDERWOOD LIMITED N Box: alldresse cenis exira State clearly in which edition the advertisement is to appear State number of insertions desired. Write plainly on one side of paper Health ‘THE wWaATERLELOO MUTUAI FHE INXSURANXCE COMPANY unly INSTRUCTIONS FOR SENDING ADVERTISEM ENTS Chartered Accountants ELEA TRIC MOTORS + _ Longest Canal H.P HP H P Livestock Employers‘ Liability Guatantee Bond Boiler Insurance Transit Insurance Sprinkler Leakage Automobile Insurance PRESCRIPTIONS OoUR SPECIALTY WATER BOTTLES itnvers ~ Ghforthem Oy CHIROPRACTIC TYPEWRITERS REAL ESTATE ELECTRICAL INSURANCE KITCHENER DRUGGISTS He PERSONAL POR SALE KITCHENER tAl Zes wiso uvailable D. J. EMREY, County Engineer «of Duty at Duty *# Duty at Duty at Duty at are of The Chronie Plate Glass M Phone hâ€"hi34 Kitchener w hib ib $19.35 $35.80 $49.65 $66.00 $B6 00 Saws, knives, clipper plates, meat grinder plates, lawnmowers, etc. J. GEO. STREBEL Phone 7â€"7511 â€" 23 Erb W Darling & Company Ltd. Horses $5.00 each JNSUVLATION WANTED Doead Stock SHARPENING FREE ESTIMATES 7â€"1923 â€" Even. Ph. 7â€"7970 ROOFING Call Collect â€" GALT 2718â€"J Hogs $1.50 per cwt. All according to size and condition © Wonderbuild © Wondergrow _ © Wonderwean _ © Wonderbrood _ WOUHUCETYTOW â€" ior the larmer with lots of grainâ€"the perfect balancer. made for Western Ontario needs. ® WORAGETOTOO@ _ â€" buil to susiain the sow and produce healthy, rugged litters. "~ WONUET WEUH â€" irom the 3rd week onâ€"~â€"gets your pigs away to a fast, sate start. Highest Cash Prices 1 Mr. Jeff Horne of Breslau, forâ€" mer member of Plattsville hockey team and ident here, attended 'the Platts\Wleâ€"Princeton _ hockey game play here on Saturday ‘mght. Jeff renewed acquaintances Iin the village and called on Mr. and Mrs, C. Allen and Gerald and ‘Mrs. D. Harmer. Miss Marie Cressman, principal of Plattsville School attended the presentation of Handel‘s Messiah by the London Symphony Orchesâ€" tra and a 500â€"voice choir,. which was held at London Arena on Tuesday night In charge of the program{were Glenn ang Mary Wamsley, %«a and Jack English, Marjorie and Cameron Shantz. Tea was served by Mary and George Edwards, Neva and Clayton Gofton and Merle and Frank Parkhouse, Jeaâ€" _ Glenn Wamsley, guest speaker of the evening gave an interestâ€" ing address on China accompanied by slides taken by his father, who now resides in Toronto. Glenn is a teacher at Plattsville Continuaâ€" tion School. Members of the Club modelled hand embroidered gowns, hats and tapestries many of which were sewn with pure cold thread. Hand painted trays and a valuable Chinese vase also were displayed \ nette and William Bell Model Chinese Garments. Stewar Plattsville : Cattle $5.00 each By,Mre. Ed Harmer <Chronicie Correspondent} |_ A number from Plattsville atâ€" (tended _ the _ Brightâ€"Westliners ‘hockey game played on Thursday ‘evening at Woodstock. Their 1gumc was the second game of the evening. â€" _ Mrs. J. Lederman who attended |the Presbyterial at Woodstock ]gave an interesting report. Mrs. ’Goorgs Schmidt offered her home ‘for the March meeting. â€" 7 oS nc oo eo o en M o ol n menleend en We To Mrs. Grace Lacky, RN., who @00ut three years ago and h20 Oid Mill Coffee Shoppe, Kitchenâ€" recently finished a course of nurs. Made numerous friends in the er on Saturday night. There was ing at Montreal and has been Gistrict Friends ‘"“? ""fghborb an attendance of twenty. spending several months at her @Xtend their deepest sympathy to." ho Little German Band played home here, has accepted a posiâ€". bis wife and family. ,at Paradise Gardens, Preston, on tion at Gait General Hoapital,l ts o |Saturday night. > Mrs. Lackic left over the weekâ€" Toronto Far Behind [ â€"_â€"_â€"_â€"__â€"___ ond to take up her new duties. | Buffalo, smaller in area and poâ€" At learning‘s fountain it is sweet Harmer Brothetrs, plumbers and pulation than Toronto, has 40 to drink, electricians. purchased the buildâ€" times as much wiring underâ€" But ‘tis a nobler privilege to ing, formerly known as the ground as the Canadian city. I think â€"John Godfrey Saxe. ie M dhibibbinbilaliiestrabbiat strnt shib it tm bvditvks db t underwent an appendectomy the| _ Ms. Jean Slater, Victor, Jimâ€" past week at Woodstock General MY &nd Neill spent Sunday with Hospital . Mr. and Mrs Robert Millar in Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McFarlane | Kitchener. have purchased a residence in|_ Mr. Norman Montag passed New Hamburg where they intend|@Way Monday after a short illâ€" to reside carly this spring. \ness. He moved to Williamsburg Mrs. Grace Lacky, RN.,. who @bout three years ago and had recently fin‘shed a course of nurs. Made numerous friends in the ing at Montreal and has been Gistrict Friends and neighbors spending several months at her @Xtend their deepest sympathy to nome here has accented a oasi. bis wife and family. Mr. Len Plant, an employee of the Canada Sandpaper plant here underwent an appendectomy the past week at Woodstock General Hospital . Mr and Mrs Cgflarmer were dinner hour guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stanlake at Washington The February meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of Plattsville United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Suyder. The president, Mrs. Burwell Harrison presided. A reading on "Christian Stewardship" was given by Mrs. George Schmidt. . o Auxiliary Meets. Society Meeting. The February meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Elder with 13 memâ€" bers and one visitor present. Twenty calls were reported. Herâ€" ald of the meeting was Mrs. Rose Hamm, who gave a reading from the "Missionary Monthly". The scripture was read by Mrs. Sydney Green who also gave a reading entitled, "The Gate of Heaven" by Rev. Mr. Neller. Mrs. J. Lederman gave an interesting report of the presbyterial held at Woodstock. Mrs. S. B. Grimes ofâ€" fered her home for the next meetâ€" ing. Mrs. E. Chambers gave an interesting address on the fourth chapter of the Study Book, "Christian Citizenship in Trainâ€" Jack R. Harmer of Galt was a Saturday visitor with the Thomâ€" son and Harmer families in town and attended the hockey m Bllayed here. Mr. and Mrs. i0tt armer of Galt also spent Saturâ€" day evening in town and visited relatives. Women‘s Missionary People‘s Society held on Thur night at mm and fav with an accordion solo. Miss lona Showell attended the Bethel United Missionary Young weekâ€"end at the home of h r moâ€" THE WATERLOO (Ontari6) CHRONICLE Miss Mabel Fenn of the Kitchâ€" WELL, ECER RASEIT, Now DOBS NOU WiSH TD PURCHASE (___1L _â€"â€"___‘A SACK OF MAGC FERTLZERT _ Mr. Jack Hanley and sister some time with her daughter, Mrs. Junker and family near Taâ€" vistock. _ Mrs. Henry Becker, who has been spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Becker in Kitchâ€" ener has returned to his home. M. and Mrs. Ezra Becker visitâ€" ed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker in Kitchener Sunday. â€" Refreshments were served beâ€" ing highlighted with a birthday for the hostess, Mrs. Ewart Batâ€" tler. Those assisting the hostess were Mrs. J. Steckle, Mrs. Lloyd Battler, Mrs. Russell Stoltz, Mrs. .llohanmen and Mrs. Walter Trussâ€" er. Miss Marlene Battler and Miss Carol Becker sang a duet tollowed by another number in which Caâ€" rol playéd her guitar. Readings were given by Mrs. Johansen, Mrs. Russell Stoltz, Mrs. Walter Trussler, Mrs. Clare Veitch and Mrs. J. Steckle. Miss Mildred Trussler gave a recitation. Miss Edna Jacques recited "February". Mrs. Roy Battler and Mrs. Lloyd Battler favored with a duet. _ Mr. Jonn Steckle, chainman of the area school board gave.a very interesting talk on education which was greatly appreciated. He traced education from its lowâ€" ly beginning to its presentâ€"day standards and he also visualized future improvements for rural schools. The February meeti of the Jubilee Institute was h:td at the home of Mrs. Ewart Battler. Mrs. John Steckle, the president, was in the chair. Twenty members and three visitors were present. During the business session it was decided to hold a frozen food lecture May 19th in the Williamsâ€" burg School The compittee apâ€" pointed to be in charge of arrangeâ€" ments consists of Mrs. Orvail Hallâ€" man, Mrs. Gordon Dubrick and Mrs. Geor&:nam. It was decidâ€" ed to use birthday box money to pay the expenses of the Doughy Fingers Club. ling from Walter Love. They inâ€" tend taking possession later this Williamsburg : By Mrs. Eura Becker (Chronicle Correspondent) ‘*The membcrs of the Ladies‘ Sewing Club and their husbands held their annual banquet at the Old Mill Coffee Shoppe, Kitchenâ€" er on Saturday night. There was an attendance of twenty. The first of the midâ€"week Lenâ€" ten services will be held in St. James Lutheran Church on Wedâ€" nesday night. The World‘s Day of Prayer will be observed on Friday with a speâ€" cial service to be held in the Beâ€" thel United Missionary Church in the evening under the auspices of the local Interdenominational Woâ€" men‘s Organization. _ {s _ The local Sea Scouts attended i'.he Sunday morning service at Bethel United Missionary Church. i'l‘he'y were accompanied _ by Scoutmasters J. Worden, R. G. Dilworth and A. McKinnon. Rev. H. Shantz, pastor of the church spoke on "The Scout Laws" and special music was rendered by a trio composed of the Misses Mariâ€" lyn and June Eckstein and Iona Showell. Rev. Ezra Stauffer of Carstairs, Alta., occupied the pulpit of the Blenheim Mennonite Church on Sunday morning. B'.:g(:p Curtis Cressman of New Hamburg led the devotional period Mr» Manassah Martin spent a few days last week with Mrs. Daâ€" niel Weber near Heidelberg. Mr. Norman Duench called on his sister, Mrs. Aug. Schneider on Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. August Schneider and Norman Duench of Waterâ€" loo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. li:lerm.'m Foster at Kitchener also with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duench near New Dundee in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elam Shantz of near St. Jacobs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Henry K. Bruâ€" bacher. Mrs. Noah G. Sittler had the misfortune to fall on the ice on Monday and hurt her head. * Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Onias F. Weber were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bowman and daughâ€" ters and son, Nelson and Mary and Annie Bowman all of near St. Jacobs also visited with Mr and Mrs O M. Weber New Dundee : Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Martin of the 4th of Peel were Sunday visiâ€" tors with Mr and Mrs. Manassah E. Martin. Hawkesville : By Miss Miriam Hilborn (Chronicle Correspondent) By Mrs. Aug. Schosider (Chronicle Correspondent) H. E. Ratz Lumber Ltd. YES!..AND YOU‘LL HAVE a MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE HOME iF YOU FiX it witH RED TOP Insulating WOOL St. Clements Proven satisfaction in selling purebred cattle, general farm sales, household effects and factory equipment 341 Victoria N. A graduate from Reppert‘s School of Auctioneering, while studying pureâ€" bred cattle auctioneering. â€" OVER 21 YEARS SERVICE Sold by WALTER STUMPF Ontario Phone 2â€"0506 PAGE

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