Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Jan 1949, p. 7

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THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE WANT ADS _ _ BUSINESS â€" DIRECTORY &uluou Chronicle, 10 cents extra. T. H. R. Brock _ D. Bruce Davis K. H. Dunn J. H. K. Broughton CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Office: 44 William St., Waterloo Phone 2â€"1357 See your doctor first, then let us fill your grescrigtion.s. Bedford LD.A. rug Store, opposite Post Office. Watertoo. PREVENTS COLDS. _ Liquid, $1.35, $2.95, $4.95. Capsules, $1.45, $2.65, $5.95, at Geiger‘s Drug Store, 408 Kj_n__g ASt. E., ARE YOU FULLY PROTECTED? * BUILDING COSTS ARE _ HIGHER * FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE If you need More Insurance . . . Call the Local Representive® not paid by date of INSTRUCTIONS FOR SENDING ADVERTISEM ENTS State clearly in which edition the adyertisem ent is to appear. State nugber of insertions desired. Write plainly on one side of paper in stock % H.P., Light Duty at $19.3 % H.P., Heavy Duty at 5.8 4 H.P., Heavy Duty at .6 & H.P., Heavy Duty at .0 % H..P., Heavy Duty at 86.0 (All New) Larger sizes also available. Larg}elr sizes also arane®t SUTHERLANDâ€"SCHULTZ ELECTRIC KITCHENER and GUCELPH A. K. CRESSMAN & SON Fire Kite Whether BUYING or SELLING en HESSENAUR & SHANTZ Limited E. Phone 6â€"6455 â€" 24 Queen N. KITCHENER BROCK, DAVIS, DU & naou‘gfi‘pu New and Used Duplicating and Adding Machines, Filing Cabinets, Desks, Safes, Complete Office Equipment NEOâ€"CHEMICAL FOOD Real Estate and Insurance . WATERLOO, ONTARIO Office 102 King St. South (Trustee in Bankruptcy) 19 King St. East no 24488 Kitchener 48 Queen St. South New and Used UNDERWOOD TYPEV WaNZHOLIX Weem C CIM OM Dhone 7â€"7562 â€" Mngtr‘s. Res. 22171 wWATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ELECTRIC MOTORS ontario OFFIC! OP:’ET‘;‘! § _ ___ _ Phone 8â€"8024 Every Kind of Insurance 2PR Ean NC C PC Doeid For Sale and For Rent by the Maker Sale ®DC TOT MTCLACA Aumiva For SWO TD 27 CCLCATSL Aomiwa SUNDSTRAND ADDING MACHINES ERORDEOACEL DE mewse PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY UNDERWOOD LIMITED ErCravind qeo M SuIM 09 Highways says: Avoid skidding by keeping your speed down, our a:‘ermeu upâ€"by IHO‘V}DC‘ enough space to stzâ€"b using tire chains. If you flli" turn your front wheels in the same akidding, ana pump your brakes gently. Do your stopping early. Health SKATE SHARPENING 106 PER PAIR We have installed a modern U.S.M.C. skate shnrYeni:g machine and for a limit time we will sharpen all sizes for 10 cents. p‘.tmi'r;v-a_j;;n if you jam on the rakes when driving on slippery avement. The Department of CHIROPRACTIC SERVICE 89 King St. N. â€" Waterloo Battery rechn‘rging, repairs â€" > rentals.. Motor Oil 75¢ per gallon Grades 10, 20, 30. Phone 5â€"5075 Livestock Employers‘ Liability Guarantee Bond Boiler Insurance Transit Insurance Sprinkler Leakage Automobile Insurance 010040 Mc a dihatan Ader ener, Phone 2â€"2127 DRUGGISTS ELECTRICAL Special Offer REAL ESTATE INSURANCE TYPEWRITERS Tire and Battery BAUMAN‘S Lite KITCHENER of Plate Glass Phone 6â€"6434 Accident 19.35 â€" you‘ll By Mrs. Aug. Schneider (Chronicle Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yantz and Mrs. Alois Lienhardt spent Sunday near Linwood. Sunday â€" visitors | with Mr. Clayton Ludwig were his father, Mr. Albert Ludwig, and friends from Kitchener. S Hawkesville : _ Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Martin were Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Martin were Mr. @nd|wnjs 2 and Harc Mrs. Aaron Hoffman and daughâ€" Wilfong and Harold Slee won ter Laura and Alice Hoffmaz of high &)nze. and Mrs. John Tilt kfeidelberg. Mrs. Alson Martin|and Bob Smith low. Midnight and Misses Eva and Viola Marâ€" toasts were in order and lunch tin of near Wallenstein. was served by the hostess asâ€" Mr. Aden _ Brubacker _ of snsud'l!‘:fi' Mrs. H. Slee and Mrs. Wallenstein spent Sunday at John Tilt. Hawkesville. Alf Boll of Toronto spent a Mr _ Reuben Brubacker of few days with his brother, Otto _ Mrs EDA Cc e natiman. |Boll, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryce. Mr. Reuben Brubacker of Elmira and Mr. Henry Bauman, Mr. John Martin and daughter Ruth visited Sunday evening at Brussels. 2s 0_ Mr. Hugo Koebel spent Monâ€" day in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bruâ€" backer returned home _ after spending a fex{ :lveeks in U..S.A. _ Mr. Allan Weber spent Monâ€" day at l'_l_espeler._ _ . MUSemm Coepentt Mrs. Manassah Martin and Mrs. Benviel Martin visited Mr. nad Mrs. J. Schalhorn and Mrs. Moses Reist of near Elmira. _ Mrs. Edna Martin of St. Jacobs visited with Mr. and Urias Weber on Sunday. Miss Mary Heintz has returnâ€" ed home after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Enoch Martin. East Zorra: We are glad to report that Mr.‘ g:mmt Currah is thgettix;‘g along e after going oug! seriâ€" ous opem’ggn last 'l'hurssay at Stratford ‘General hospital. His man friends wish him a very speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schmidt of Lisbon sjent Tuesday last with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Otto. _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth and iamglfly visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Bast and famâ€" ;2' and later called on Mr. and rs. Stanley Helmuth all in Baâ€" den. Mrs. Ezra Linglebach was again taken to the Toronto Genâ€" eral Hospital for treatment on Monday, where she is expected to stay for some time. Bamberg : Miss Rose Voll of St. Agatha spent Monday at the home of her brother, Simon Voll. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pfaff and son Ronald of Waterloo visited H’).n Sunday at the Harry Bach ome. v.-lo;eph Kieswetter of Waterloo visited with his father here on Sunday. _ _ mc jNSULATION _ A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Siâ€" mon Straus at St. Agatha. By Mrs. Aarou Helmuth (Chronicle Correspondent) WALTER STUMPF â€" 341 Victoria N. â€" By W. J. Kieswetter (Chronicle Correspondent) MASONITE NOW! We no longer have to say NO when you ask for MASONITE* PRESDWOOD. MUmrudMTmmdmmmhw sizes and thicknesses. Unable to tope with _ton_snn_:_e_r,demnd{‘dudng war & PRESDWOOD The Auctioneer who is qualified and has proven that he can sell pure bred stock by auction, as well as farm machinery and equipment, â€"â€" and household effects. We can supply you with Walter Stumpf n...' .fio' %‘z at .‘:'Gufi-â€" Gug T on o o nantnigne ‘-[b at the United Church on ue ho hed helped to enteriain one, who had helped to entertain the children. Mrs. Charles Hatt received word of the death of her sister, Mrs. W. Po%e‘r of Rainy River. Mr. and Victor MacLenâ€" nan entertained friends at a New Year‘s Eve party at their home. _ Mrs L. Middlemiss and sons Robin and Kenneth have reâ€" turned to their home after srendinc a few days with relaâ€" tives at Tillsonburg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kleinsteuâ€" ber and daughters Shirley and Nancy have returned to their home after ssleendm& a week vaâ€" cation with their sonâ€"inâ€"law and mflst at Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. T. Nadrofski and two sons of Plattsville visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver Jr., of Hespeler, spent Sunday at the home of the former‘s parâ€" esl;t.s, Mr. and Mrs. G. Weaver, Harold Young of Guelph was a visitor S\mda]z' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Graham. Wesley Pearceg and Howard Gibbons spent Sunday at the home of the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pearcey of Rockton: _ _ _ _ 2l. Mrs. Chas Reader was visiting in Galt on Saf.urdn{‘.| Stanley Jones visited fi;nday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Wintermeyer of Kitchener. Douglas Wilfong was visiting with Bert Polzen of Hamilton on Sunday. Mrs. E. Schaal and son Ruddy were visiting in Galt on Saturâ€" 2 4 éeorge Steen ?gent the weekâ€" end with frien in Toronto. While their he attended the hocke{i game between the Torâ€" onto Maple Leafs and the Chiâ€" cago Black Hawks at Maple Leaf Gardens. ~ Mrs. Grant Fisher spent Monâ€" day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Caskenette of Preston. Mrs. Art Eagle and daug:ter were visiting relatives in Presâ€" ton on Saturday. Mrs. O. Butler visited in Kitâ€" chener on Tuesday. \ Donald Fisher spent Tuesday with relatives in Kitchener. Mrs. George Ayres and Mrs. Russell Tilt were visiting friends in Galt on Monday. Mrs. George Stein and chilâ€" dren Sandra, Larry and Michael spent the weekâ€"end withâ€" relaâ€" tives in Kitchener. _ _ _ mh‘d'i.s;.l).(;l.'gifiégfe visited over the weekâ€"end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith of Engâ€" ve euchre was played ns ‘Gib Harvey MH4 ae the United Brethren Church on Sunday morning Marlyn Hallâ€" man presided and thoruses were EMAE eE e ici ce edcoxy sung in opening with Vaughn Sararus at the piano. Psaim 25 was read by Audrey Fiederlein and prayer was offered by Mrs. F. E. Ptgea. Reginald Cressman and Lyn Sararus gave recitations and an exercise was also ;iven E{ Marlyn Hallman and Perty iller. The mission study on the subject, ‘"We Won‘t Let Them Down", was presented by Mrs. Page and the meeting closed with the mizpah benediction. L Mrs.E Sider was hostess to the monthly meeting of the Mannâ€" heim United Brethren Harvesâ€" ters Band at the U.B. Parsonage _ KEEP YOUR EYES ON CHRONICLE "QUZCAL ACTION" WANT ADS...THEY BRING RESULTS 6â€"6401 Prorne your Want Aads at no extra cost gcsc"’;'i:;::‘ m our village Mr. M. G. Hicks, a second !:rold War vfl:lul of stand, which is looked upon as ‘;"â€"â€"'a-..{fim' nience as no such 1!01' some time. m a number of old time trades which in by days have :JO&W“ mm being a great conâ€" venience to the community, it is considered og:nhl any such buâ€" sines would be a well paying unâ€" Mr. avnn R. Good of .Stouffâ€" ville, a native of this village was renewing â€" acauaintances â€" here ago. He had lived in Manitoba for nearly 50 years. _ _ _ changed pulpits with Rev. H. Brose, pastor of St. Matthew‘s Church last Sunday. Mr. Lyle Dahmer accompanied Rev. Brose to Maple over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Dahmer and Neil were Sunday visitors with Elmira relatives. Mrs. Arthur Kirch suffered a of Maple exâ€" hy s bone fracture in the ankle by falling on the icy sidewalk last Thursday. .Rev. H. Lossing of Maple was a dinner’Kfl at the home of Mr. and Geo. Uhrig, during his stay here last Sunday. Before Newfoundland entered Confederation, Canada‘s youngâ€" est provinces were Alberta and Saskatchewan, which were adâ€" mitted to Confederation in 1905. At the peak, the 1946â€"47 school year, 40,000 Canadian war veterâ€" ans were registered in special and regular classes of our uniâ€" versities / Darling & Company Ltd. WANTED Dead Stock Highest Cash Prices Horses $5.00 each â€" _ Cattle $5.00 each Hogs $1.50 per cwt. All according to size and condition. Call Collect â€" GALT 2718â€"J vYOUlL LRIOY COMLG BY BUS . HaAgss art 1ow gOPBD TRIP HtAZ IBCLODE® (Subject to Change)

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