Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Oct 1947, p. 3

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Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shantz and daughter, . Shirley of Kitchener Robert Gardner and Cecil Gardner of Victoriaburg visited with Mrs. Alvin Egerdee on Sunday. Friday, October 81, 1947 HALLOWEEN This Week . . . NEW DUNDEE pÂ¥â€" W_: and Friday 2 NIGHTS :A Games 4 & Thursday Music | Tickets 25¢ â€" 5 for $1.00 | Don‘t Miss It! By Miss Miriam Hilbora Summer Gardens ntire proceeds in aid of Crippled Children‘s Work and other Community Projects. micle Corresbondent) Kâ€"W Rotary‘s 5 c § j ULCarnIlIva I : Mrs. Jack Schmidt and children, Larry and Carol visited with Mrs. Walter Schmidt at Kitchener on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Schade and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Willis and son Paul were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Capâ€" peller at Buffalo, N.Y. Queen St. South, Kitchener Doors Open Each Evening at 7:00 p.m. _ Miss Ida Pequegnat of Kitchener is spend‘u-;s a few days with Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Schade. Mrs. Kenneth Boshart visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charies Makcrow at Preston on Sunday. Miss Dela Schlichter has returnâ€" ed home after spending the sumâ€" macher, Leonard Hamacher, Eigin Toman and Harold Poll Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stauffer and Mr. and Mrs. William Stauffer and family of Kitchener visited with whospemtfie‘g:dmmuidone-' towel Hospi u:cep;od e nnmonoflndm'ulnurfiathe utual Life Assurance Company, Entfl‘loo. S‘rgha;sbeenfi_x‘egmj of her uncle; and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Egerdee for a few days before commencing her new posiâ€" tion. ther, Benjamin Sherk were guests of Mr. and Mrs Austin Schweitzer at Paris over the weekâ€"end. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Reist were: Rev. and Mrs Vernon H. Yousega of Mishawaka, ‘nd., Miss Edith Raymer of Markâ€" ram, and Miss Vera Rosenberger of Hespeler. ""*Jirs Bptrain: High and her hro R 'Mr.h.;m& L;x;:r lGeorged Morton :lx‘:i daughters, irley and Pegg Mr. and Mrs. W'Ll{nrd Schmidt and daughter, Beverley of Milverton called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt on Sunday. Ephraim Betzner of Conestogo and Aaron Hoffman of Heidélber! visited at the homes of Mr. an Mrs. Abram Toman and Mr. and Mrs4 Harold Shantz on Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kurt and son, Gary visited with Mr. and Mrs. David Gimble and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kurt at Kitchener on Sunâ€" Fun All THBE W ATERLOO (Osters) CHRONICLE Wismesâ€"At Kâ€"W Hospital, Oct. 25 to Mr. and Mrs. David Wismer, Welleinâ€"Shantsâ€"Oct. 25, J. A Frank Wellein to Elaine Lorna Shantz, both of Waterioo. Michelâ€"Mcintyreâ€"Oct. 18, Arthur Wilfred Michel of W to Jean Marion Mcintyre of Waterâ€" loo and Hamilton. Mitchellâ€"Leboldâ€"Oct. 25, Ernest Watson Mitchell of Kitchener to Elizabeth Lebold of Waterloo. Erb St., Waterloo, 68 !{e-n Wellsâ€"Oct. 21, Mrs. Eleanor Alâ€" media Wells, 29 George St., Waâ€" terloo, 86 years. Schnarrâ€"Oct. 23, Mrs. Clara Ann Schnarr, 91 William St. West, _Waterloo, 56 years. o widow of the late Clayton Wells. died at her home, 29 George St., Waterioo, Oct. 21. She was born at Hawkesville, daufihter of_ the late Jeremiah B. Hughes ahd Lauâ€" ra Jane Winn, and came to Kitchâ€" ener in 1868. Her marriage took ]!J.;nce in Waterloo on Dec. 12, 1888. er husband died in 1934. Mrs. Wells was a member of the Church of the Holy Saviour, Waterloo. _ _ Surviv'mf are one son, Theo&hi- lus, Waterloo; one daughter, Mrs. Derwent (Gerrine) Kinton, Toronâ€" to, and one brother, Dr. F. G. The death of Mrs. William J. Brislin, 68, occurred at her resiâ€" dexfice on Erb St Limits, Waterloo, early today. _ _ .. D2 Hughes, Waterloo The former Rose Florence Markâ€" by, she was born at Toronto, Sept. 12, 1879, and came to Kitchener in 1916. She was a member of the King St. Bsrfist Church. Her marâ€" riage to illiam Joseph Brislin, who survives, took place May 24, 1916, in Toronto. _ _ ooo Surviving, besides her husband, is one sister, Mrs. Daniel Seibert. Bridgeport. Another sister, Mrs. i)gaynard. predeceased her lasy ay. The death of George Orth, 74, of 29 Charles St. South, Waterloo, ocâ€" curred at the Kâ€"W Hospital Oct. 24 after a lingering illness. _ _ _ Born in bermany. April 12, 1873, people ‘rom lown and vicinity he came to Canada at the age of| Were given the free T.B. Xâ€"ray 10. He was a member of St. John‘s|test on Thurscay afternoon and Lutheran Church and of the Macâ€"|eVyening when the T.B. Mobile cabees Lodge. Clinic was here. Accompanying the Surviving are his wife, two sons, clinic was the lady superintendent George, Desboro, and Roy, Waterâ€" of the Freeport Sanatorium, also loo, and six daughters, Mrs. George two gentlemen from Toronto. (Emma) Smith, California; Miss| Miss Betty Schummer of Kitchâ€" Ednra Orth, Detroit; Mrs. Harold{ener spent the weekâ€"end at her (Alice) H(agedol;'n.) Kiéihener; Mrs. | home. Arthur (Dorothy erry, Ayr; les‘ Mrs. P. (Marie) Fischer, Preston,. Mfie ;'fe g’;l flfg:-ge{fuge::: cl;."d’ef, and Vera, at home. Also surviving ‘and Rev. W. O. Goos attendexrtch s are four brothers, three sisters, 14 Ladies Aid Rally in Presto 4 8““2‘-‘::!}3;:“ and two greatâ€" Wednesday of last week n on n t f @randchudren. | Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wilker â€"_â€"A. ipent the weekâ€"end at Niagara The death of Mrs. Clara Ann|""U> Schnarr, 56, occurred suddenly at| _Mrâ€" Jerry Vollmer of Chatham her residence, 91 William St. vgest, spent several days with his mother, Waterinn ONct 22 ‘Mn. M. Vollmer. The death of Mrs Ciara Ann Schnarr, 56, occurred mdden%v at her residence, 91 William St. West, Waterioo, Oct. 23. _ _ 80 The daughter of Mrs. John Wandt, and the late Mr. Wand:. Cariruhe, she was born at Carlsâ€" ruhe April 20, 1891. She was a member of St. Louis R.C. Church, the Catholic Women‘s League and the Christian Mothers Society. Her husband, the late Seraphine Schnarr, predeceased her ten months ago. _ _ __ . . Hamburg, to Grace Lois Ha of RR. {' Galt. e Surviving besides her mother are three sons, Jerome and Lloyd, Waterloo; Wilbert, Barrie; two daughters, Mrs. F. (Eileen) Zettel, Waterloo; Teresa at home; two brothers, Joseph and John, Carlsâ€" ruhe, and eight sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Cecelia) Bisch, St. Clements; Mrs. Clements (Mary) Hinsperger, Mildâ€" may; Mrs. Alex (Christina) Poechâ€" mann and Mrs. William (Eleanor) Hoffarth, Carlsruhe; Mrs. Leonard (Ann) Wellheiser, Kitchener; Agâ€" nes, Toronto; Louise, Waterloo. and Rita, Hanover. Two daughters died in infancy. E. Cressman of RR 1, New romauâ€"Oct. 25, Mrs. Carl Gronau 91 Bridgeport Rd., Waterloo, 29 Hoelscher, 176 Clayfield Ave, Waterloo, 39 years _ _ _ _ Charles St. S., Waterloo, 74 Mrs. Rieanor Aimedia Welis, 86, Aug. Schneider (Chromicie ‘Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Menno Wideman oi the Three Bridfies spent S\mda( afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Siâ€" meon Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Martin and Mrs" Wm. Tyack were visitors Sunda at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tyack near Bridgeport.. _ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauman and Mr. and Mrs. Onias Weber spent Saturday at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Manassah Clemmer and son of the fourth of Peel, visitâ€" ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. K. Brubacher. â€" Miss Veima Schneider is spendâ€" ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lautenschlager at Kitchener. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Onias Weber were Mr. and Mrs. Kreider of Sgnnlfleld. Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Svend Christenâ€" sen of Toronto and Miss Mary Jane Marinello and Miss Mildred Brady of HAWKESVILLE Marriages Obituary Deaths Births By Miss Jetret Manser 1 (Chroniele Correspondent} | Mrs. A. R. Koebel will be hostess for th; November meetin% of the Womert‘s Institute on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, at 8 p.m. Roll Callâ€"An interesting fact about the Royal Family. _ Motto â€"Better Homes, Better Communities, Fuller Lives, All to a Peaceful Happy Canada. Address â€" Mrs. Albert Hackett. Demonstrationâ€"Mrs. Wm. Richardâ€" son. Programme â€" Miss M. Beggs and Mrs. A. 0. Schnurr. Lunchâ€" Mrs. D. Beggs, Mrs. L. Holzschuh and Miss Jean Beggs. Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. G. G. Manser and Jetret were Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Vetter and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Current and John of Kitchâ€" ener. Three hundred and ninstyâ€"five people from town and_ vicinity were given the free T.B. Xâ€"ray test on Thurscay afternoon and evening when the T.B. Mobile Clinic was here. Accompanying the clinic was the lady superintendent of the Freeport Sanatorium, also two gentlemen from Toronto. We have been enjoying ideal fal} weather for several weeks which has been a great help to all who had outside work to be done.. _ Services in St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church on Sunday, Nov. 2, will be ixgld at 11 a.m. Sunday school at a.m. Several from here took in the Wellesley 'l‘ownshix Ploughing Match at the John Albrecht farm at Crosshill on Wednesday of last week. Members of the local branch of the Women‘s Institute were in charge of light refreshments and were well patronized at noon and during the afternoon. |___ _ _ _ Services in the United Church on Sunday will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Walter League Zone Rally. ¥‘oun¢ people registered at _ St. aul‘s Lutheran Church on Sunâ€" day. The event marked the fall ralliy of the Grand Valley Zone of Walther League. The delefintes came from Desboro, Hanover, Neuâ€" stadt, Clifford, Ayton, Wallace, New Hamburg, Petersburg, Wellesâ€" ley, Kitchener, Waterioo, Humberâ€" stone and Buffalo, N.Y. e St. Paul‘s pastor, Rev. F. Maâ€" lmsrlx, had charge of the opening worship and the president of the Eimira league, N. Weichel, welâ€" comed the delegates. New Pastor for Pentecostal ‘Tabernacie in Elmira. Rev. David McLean of Belfast, Ireland, has been a_Fpoimed pastor of the Pentecostal Tabernacle here in Elmira. His wife and two sons wil} accomnny him to town. This is Rev. McLean‘s first charge The former ?astor Rev. H. Barâ€" ber and his wife and son have left for Regina where he will have a lorger congregation. His farewell sermon was s:nched last Sunday. Under Rev. rber‘s guidance the Elmira Tabernacle was built and completed in 1945. The coming year will be a very important one in the history of Waterloo. For the Mayor of our city it will be a hard year â€" calling for much time and effort, and his services will be in demand almost every hour of the day and much of the night. The old adage still helds that we cannot serve two masters . . no one can be a servant of an inâ€" surance ecompany, or a manufacturing concern, and adeqtately serve his city in the capacity of Mayor. I do not intend to enter into a tirade of abuse of the present council, but will present my platform and appeal for your support on the basis of progressive and economical administration. The People‘s Candidate For MANVYVOR OF YOUR CITY LINWOOD (Chronicle Correspondent) THE FIRST ONE ON RECORD IN COUNCIL TO SUGGEST THAT WE BECOME A CITY ELMIRA BRONCHIDA The famous quick relief for stubborn coughs and colds. It‘s guaranteed. .............................. Only 50¢ large bottle Don‘t Forget . . WIN 5000() CASH NEXT WEEK . . . No obligation. ITS FREE! Bedford Drug Store 32 King St. North Christmas is a bright occasion . . . children surprised and happy over their gifts, friends popping in and out all day. Have your home bright for the occasion too . . . ready for the holiday entertaining. Send us your drapes, slip covers and rugs for cleaning NOW! . . . Don‘t wait for the holiday rush. Clean House for Christmas 28 Bridgepert Read ASTHMAâ€"NEFRIN Mr. and Mrs. Simon A. Wilheim H=: being “avh‘ disposed of my business and being free from any re.po-.lb_llltler perâ€" sonal, financiah or otherwise I am definitely going to devote the balance of my time from now until election time to acâ€" quaint the citizens of Waterloo with the issues of the coming election on December 1, 1947. for 19148 Mr. and Mre. Harry Yost We also clean chesterfields. Call us for details STOPS ASTHMA ATTACK in 15 seconds. Use it for almost instantaneous relief. NORM. RATZ op Mfiale’ 4 / avrns Opp. Postoffice WATERLOO Phone 2â€"2672 28 Victoria St. S. 40 Young

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