Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Jun 1947, p. 5

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Mannie,» lummymGnmhu “whamm buy you watch. ' Onion -d-tdtrbiirtr...Gre"te "HAPPINESS" This Is Bendix Washer Week Washiing's No Work LADIES I l Just Set the Dial . . at the BULLAS ELECTRICAL STORE Cheek Bendix Savings! . . . WORK! . . . TIME! . . . SOAP! . . . HOT WATER! . . . WEAR AND TEAR ON WES! Enjoy these savings . . . and the thrill of effortless wash-days noon. Place your order with Bulbs Electrical Store today- and we'll see that there's a Bendix Automatic Waiter marked for YOU right now. EXCLUSIVELY AT BENDIXMHome laundry 8 King St. East Kitchener DIAMONDS a...” TEA WILL BE SERVED EVERY AFTERNOON " Charles saw in ”who" mu 7-73“ flECTR/(Al ADD SOAP . . . AND YOU! 10. " Washes . . Rinses . . . Damp-Dries all by itself “mu-*mbhb triietii%tGitDtjiit-1.itrdCi, granule-ninth.“ ‘ummm “his,“ than mound-um will!» ”nonhuman-b- unblmtvootthnoy-u. iiGiiaiai_.tu-iitto+ iiGiaiiuioettsts-tdeuet) MMWMij and taking into account penal mmmmybem cannedoruudcupinwhm. HMwakk-mmks plant In your community, can "aiiGtteeviuwiumo.tgtretrtrlr3te 'Giir%iiokeainerytfieriittt countlavuandmblo'ell kiaiuttttntitisiiorto9e Ce'?.e2dtr2aThtg1,'d4tti wnmmd-pgquh- itleeeiithrtutreoeineirlDe.et- 'arioeAirienstturetror.ttt-ie: iauiituGtnrourdistrie_e4 on their “the experimental G,riatteeatrsgstrawhuriesthe turnreeemsmniatiottheco-net Section. Dominion Wt of y,',fcji,hygSgrgt,S'hteA,tu',f I high quail mad en. ','2%ttelu",l'lll,'lUe'erslle'"t,1'l' tira,otdattheide1staeo_ turity for immediate table we. Speed aitdt-inprevaripgand Gndiinatheftuttativeyv1mr?oetm ant To went the mm horn losing its original tuvor, appear- i/iGGndtextiire,onauquntitr [only gn'e be prepared at one time a . 'ai,egrt,'a'tgth,ae,eh,a.,nd sorted before Mahmud: then they are packed e whole at sliced in cold, medium syrup to co- ;ver or in dry In“. A medium sy- irupf , made with Incupjo! all” aaa T airwatdr. Por -dry saint use 4 lbs. of prepared fruit, about 12 cups to one pound of sugar, 2 tug! The packed containers should be frozen immediately after packing. It they are to be frozen and stored in a locker lam. each container, as it is packet: should be placed in a refrigerator or very cold place until all containers are ready and then Salim to the locker plan! without e ay. Homemakers who do not have freezing facilities are interested in the best recommended method for canning atmwtterries. The recom- mendations for preparing and handling the strawberries are the same for canning as toy freezing. There are two methods recom- mended for canning strawberries, the Cold Pack method and the Hot Pack method using the same strength of syrup, that is a medium one which is made using equal ampuntg “39135 aryl -trtter.. - réfi’w' Puck W: The syrup is made then the washed and hulled strawberries are added and Planning MENU DONE'. it in: iEriirirird T“'"'S in maul-um» a. up. dealt“ a. - iiitu2fttd2','tteatith' = nut-HI!!! Th? iiii,/ePd,teittCth'Jtt amautartttnrandt- ttte day boson. um mun; who. 'GUreriaindsruttrrtoih"" Ill"',,',,,',',':', a cook-d" "a%Tecau- yrdiitjiuFiritig pieces. iGiairieiaiitrwt-td CiHtahrmutuoomsandqqipt6in butter.teaidleup-,tb- Giikudteupefiiitmttty.irst double boiler. Thiurn with O my; amour blended unsung; butter. Cook. stirring coat-n Grtiiathiekuh-it--aM ’hutuunooth.AddeMckmud iiahiooay;eonw.ithr1t,pt 'iiiiriiiii5 fawn in} ini- u.te' f"lf'ifi £23" on ttrd new. COO En attractive Ifd2r'fru'l I) to " The W In: Factors to consider when put- chasing an electric um: I. Buy from a reliable manufac- turerand dealertobeuturedct quality construction 2. Read guarantee cuddly Mt that you will know the different parts guaranteed and the length of jruaraiitee. 3. Design and size of range should be suitable tor the particu- lar Ritchie?!) C0331: available space in ite en e 1gMt ment of cabinets to make an - cient cooking area. The range 1should be in, ciosetoxi.mitr to "rii;iiTrcsiaraiGi Enid ukving 'cm- 4. Consider first the basic equip- ment which comes with the range Then chuirg ex.treP.rhi11wil,1 aid 1313.76; LaVaciently. Some extras are: automatic timer, clock. lamp and outlets for small appli- 5. If you use many ditterent- sized oven pans, consider it there is sufficient shelvage in the oven. 6. Do you want a deep well cook- er or a pressure cooker? Does the homemaker use new methods or does she always stick to her exfer- ienced products and procedure? If ka/dire-ries-either-food/tre better because the time of cooking mas been Mixed. Coupons now valid are sugar SN totyuandyi toYs,hutterBSSto 353. Next canning sugar canyons Y6 to " will becmoe good in uly. Ct-r-qt-ar"- on Sunday - 7M1: ind Mrs. Arthur White and family of Kitchener called on the latter's sister. Mrs. Lloyd Rehberg Miss Betty Bechthold from Mannheim, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bechthold and Mrs Mabel Becht- hold of Petersburg were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bechthold. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Linseman andl children Peggy and Jimmy were Sunday visitors with the latter‘s El'i'il',e: Mr. and M J. Reitzel at amberg. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mr: Gordon Schlueter were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson, Mr. and Mrs Clare Robinson and daughter Marie from Britton, Mr. and In. Laverne Goldbeck and daughter Patsy of Josephaburg, Mt. and Mn Oscar Elligson and daughter Sharon of Kitchener, Mrs. Nelson Wood and Mia Evelyn Roan from Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scott and Mr. and Mrs William Scott and family of Kitchener Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sacha. RATIO! COUPON DUE DATES DOWNING’S Hum me,,",,,"?,'.',,',,',',','.'.,,, HEIDELBERG AaF-a iii”? . In ul 9'? (Ciro-kl. Outlaw-Ila“ human“! Ill "I! RID? Phone “In _i"rurditiiyei] ’7’ "it. .u-l." Mul' EE-‘mhw "s.or.mgu.qrq_irt4 mmi1rviattqitf.irwtth .und -iEik"tisi-iMartiriuegr'ml= 'Er.unetMrcBu.r_Biftotn Kitchens called on If. Annie ‘thlroeently- _ mmumcmmm tjirie2iait,teufflrtdel llama Emma!” id Kim. ,ciiiuiiiiiurirird W’WQS - iG%rariauk e" _'" Rain}: 'hu,'ttULt new and Mr. and in Oak: m at Wallet:- W. Nod: (bath and George ,ttepded, '"'ld't',l'.'l'.l,tllefn1'le? Am m. Str"""'""""", stu- . 01:.me W1 and Luella Kocher a! Kttet-er vacuum i/iiitoiiwitttMr.andMmNriitmd Lineman. InlkaMandhmnyol Faterior? Wk?“ ttPeet, the Mr. and In. Howard We from Grand Rapids were recent visitors with relatives and triads. Mr. Melvin WW npm miTiiiresaiiGa itieh - visitor withMr.an_dMtGtote _etuer; News. Donald Goodwin And Clifrogd Knuter spent .the week- end with the former: aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mm. Milton Monk at Taviatoek. " In. " I“: 1 (Gin-lol- W) l Mr. Edwin Fergumn, organist of Plattwme United Church, has ac» cepted the position as organist of Knox Presbyterian Church " Ayr, and will commence duties In June. Mr. and Mn Alhn Schmidt. were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Lorne Schmid at Heidelberg, who is on the sick _t Mr. anfMtE Cameron M. Hume accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. K. J. Sharp were Wednesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hume Sr., " Lis- towel and on Sunday attended the funeral at Atwood of Mn Geo. Hume, tsister-in-law of C. M. Hume, Plattsville. - -- A __ Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hume mo- tored on Sunday evening to Ka.. terviue: Rev. and Mn. Sharpe, who spent the past week with them returned with them to their home. Mr. and Mm Noah Strome of Kitchener were 12,erettr visitors with Mm. Ed. Harmer Mn A. Po] visitor with her sister, Mn. Me. mlly and Mr. McNally " Timon- 11. Mrs. West and children of mm- 1lton spent the past week It the home of the tunnel": parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Donn, 7, Plnttsville aoftba11 teem ocean-‘ panied by a number of an: iours neyed on Frldny evening to New Hamburg to play the second eche- duled game of this season. The game was called on account of min. Ward Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs George Edvard: has accepted employment at Landon and has left to take up his duties there. Mm. C. Bahru, lormerIY like Beatrice Brown of Phttsvil e, who has been visiting with relative Ihere and other points, left the put 'tpit'. for her home in Kegworth, Mr. and Mrs MeNally and sons of Tillsonburg were Sunday vul- tors at the home of Mn. C. Stem- let. _ rr Mr. and In. citi; Huma- gm! bidiursitjisiytret n Gilt. Mr. Wilbert Mn was a Toron- to visitor over the week-and. Big mother, Mrs Frank Doctor: re- turned with him to " ham. Mr. and Mn. Roy Babel ”can. panied by Mr, Ind In Allan Bourne motored on Bunch, to To- 'ottto tqytf3rtt.ttyt an- - Mm Lillian 3mm. of New nun- burg spent the week-end at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mn Rex Harmer. Continued rein- ere harming The Mr. Jack Rocha: attegtded the funeral menu! at his mother, In. Smith, who panned away recently at her home in Sector-m. Mm. Smith had Mend a stroke me month. Mo, -- - --- Mrs 113nm Boa and mum of Thain-told was a Tue-m vm. tor with her permits, Mr. In W. s. Ferguson. PLATFSVIIJE Gs. Vera Crawford - , we Uaiia Birth,- hm: pr, T Cu ttturjtttatBdtrsgynatt-at thetrt-,Wedrtisdrr. Mr.anttagtnMoernaa3rirMaat4 yjii,t2h5flgtgL'r'eg'g'dtrg.' drums-Ia!!! WE. “maintain-MIR). B.anrder,tMt'mur. it... Te; iuFrirtier" his but. “mm", 'atS'fftlt week-end g2'k2fat"d'lf. dmtMatthiec adftamitv,Etmim,vuitedM" SpMSunday. Mr.andMiBneiBemhr,mesr, and man. Lorne Gem Mean nd..aatdMiaslaeipte Byer, when with Mr. mall-I. J.T.Ott.5unlhy. um" "ahiii Maw"? dun-k - end with Mr. and Bob Emil- ton, St Catharina; An item of interest to the poul- try industry is the went 'hitnnestt of 10,000 Leghorn - ttmn) Chilliweck, B.C.toBdmmttmt ink MM! chartered plane. These chicks were taken from the incapa- tam in Chiluwuk one morning and delivered in Edmonton in the afternoon in very good condition. This is the Y,,', shipment Ill' tle reported an man, ve Stock and Poultry MM', Dom- mien Department 01 Agriculture. and it is quite likely that this me- thod will be used frequently for the transportation of chicks tom BC. to the Prairie Ravine”. num- ”any; Morrison':, Summer Sausage Peanut Butter " " - 0 dt 7/ ’ _-N,. . _ J5. FROM E Guy I J' Ctw"- 1 Canned Peas " . Canned Tomatoes " " Canned Peas - " " Oranges - Hallowii Dates " " . " Figs Tomato J nice Heinz Soup Morning Cheer Coffee l r . PINTS. per dozen s.............'.....'. 95e Buy your Presemng Jars now QUABTS, per dozen .......F.... $1.10 gimp Where there is no Parking Problem Blue and White Store 170 KING Br. N. "I.” CHICKS FLY SPECIALS for Thur., Fri., Sat, June 5, ti, 7 Prices Are on their way oiiwN end to encourage this we no omering the following lines as "afiiriia5Eit1krt, o-e-tether-uso-tq'". greh i335 1‘0!an moduli-lulu um...I¢-b "Ind-I810". -tua-t-- 'tret-sed'-, mun-vb...- Tm 0m bitmimt 180-303.” inadIrLI taata-atatgtitar0Boiu"Artt' WATE'RIDO " Reg. Price 19e - Special ........ " Reg. Price 48e 1b. - Special .. " Reg. Price 16ec-- Per pound Rec. price 4le - Special ........ Bog. Prlee Ie.- R... Price Me - Bpeeitrl - Dozen Reg. Price Me lb. - Special .. Reg. Price 26e lb. - Special .. Rag. Price 12e_-- Special Special Special " Sprint Bt. W " 2 for ITC 2m31c 2 for 2Se 2 for 1Se PHONE 2-1970 WAnILOO 35c 29c 21c ISc 39c 19c

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