Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Nov 1946, p. 5

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Messrs. Percy, Harvey and Burt Woods accompanied Mr. Jos. H. Woods of Watcrioo and H. Woods of Kitchener to Wroxeter on Sunâ€" Cay to attend the funeral of the late Melvin Willits. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Howlett, Mrs. Oscar Israel, Mrs. Olive Heiâ€" bein, Mrs. B. C. Woods and Mrs. Percy Woods attended the Crusadâ€" ers Cavalcade at Trinity United Church, Kitchener, on Friday. Rev. Thompson of Toronto oc cupied the pulpit in the United Church on Sunday afternoon in the absence of the pastor who preached at Rockwood. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Melitzer and Mr. Geo. Shoemaker with Mr. and Mrs. Rudoiph Hildebrandt of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with 56r. and Mrs. Geo. Melitzer in Lonâ€" on. Mrs. Cookman of Dorking spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. E. Israe) and Mrs. Israel. The Winterbourne and West Montrose Farm Forum held a joint meeting in the West Montrose School, after the discussion games were played and lunch was served. Next Monday night the forum will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dessler in North Woolâ€" wich. Some of the ladies who are memâ€" bers of the Women‘s Institute are busy preparing articles for the baâ€" zaar to be held in Winterbourne Friday evening of this week. Jas. Marriott returned home after several months in the Canaâ€" dian West. Friends and neighbors gathered «t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Bauman on Saturday evening, who are leaving the farm to reside in Kitchener. During the evening they were presented with a handâ€" some wall mirror as a keepsake from their friends who regret their leaving and wish them a bright and prosperous future. amphrcoou troarocczereaecnreereddeedrdrdrelrenrorrc WEST MONTROSE Plastic Dial Phones (they ring) ... All Motal Bulidozers and Grader Sets ... $2.95 Steam Shovel and 13" Wind up Racer ........ 85¢ Wireless Practice Sots $2.45 14" All Metai I+t Makes You Feel SoMuchBetter â€"~ze23 Dr. Chase‘s Nerve Food By Mrs. B. C. Woods (Chroniele Correspondent) A scientific eyeâ€"sight analysis at Young‘s will not only reveal and correct defects in your eyeâ€"sight, but will locate and eliminate straina usually associated with eye troubles. rOU N G° S Better Viston Glasses Street Cars and Easy Parking Right at Our Doors 7 E:‘to.tlnivelyuodforlsenduhc, loss eep, nervous indigestion, irrihh'lity,' anaemia, grmic fatigue, and exhaustion of the nervous system. 60 cts. _ Economy size, $1.50 The Vitamin B; Tonic McPHAIL‘S Corner King and William Sts., Waterloo _ Mrs. Lloyd Goettling is in reâ€" ’ceipt of an interesting air mail letâ€" ter from an Italian girl, Marie Paâ€" lumbo in Portici (Naples) thanking her for a coat which she was given through the relief agency. Miss Paâ€" Jumbo referred to the great quanâ€" 'tity of clothing that had been reâ€" ceived from Canada and wished to ’cxpress her thanks to all the Caâ€" nadian people for their goodness. The Children of the Church met at St. James Lutheran parsonage on Thursday evening with the preâ€" sident, Beatrice Goodwin occupyâ€" ing the chair. Psalm 103 was read responsively after which the Bible Story on "The Boy Jesus" was read by Geraldine Martin. Twentyâ€"one members responded to the roll call with the Fifth commandment. Mrs. B. Boshart was in charge of the Primary class which studied the subject, "What Shall we do for others" and ‘Mrs. M. K. Toman spoke on the theme, "He Died for Others" to the Junior Class. Rev. H. Schmieder conducted a written test on "The Ten Commandments" with the preâ€"Confirmation class. The November meeting of the St. James Luther League was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, M. K. Toman on Thursday evening. The president, Ca n Toman presidâ€" ed and the %gture lesson was read by Kenneth Boshart followed by prayer by Delmore Toman. Milton Zinn presented the topic, "The Stewardship of Time, Talents and Resources". During the busiâ€" ness it was decided to invite the Philipsburg League to a Christmas Social in December. The meeting closed with prayer by the pastor. Rev. H. Schmieder. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilhelm ot Stratford visited with Philip Poth on Thursday. Rev. H. Schmieder addressed the morning and afternoon sessions of the Lutheran Women‘s Missionary Society convention which was held at St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church in Guelph on Thursday. _ _ _ 85¢ and $1.35 All Metal Tow Toy Piano with Magic Cutâ€"out Doll andâ€" materia! (for the little dreasâ€"maker) NEW DUNDEE By Miss Miriam Hilborn (Chronicle Correspondent) ! _ Little Richard Makcrow of Presâ€" grandmother, Mrs., B. Roshart. Among those from here who atâ€" tcnded the Rally at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto Wednesday evening which was addressed by Rev. Charles E. Fuller were: Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Dinger, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Hilborn, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gildner, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Zimâ€" merman, Mrs. H. F. Schade and Mrs. Emerson Harper. months; ueungun'm ~and~Mrs: Brubacher to St. Thomas on their Miss Janet Allingham of Walienâ€" stein spent the weekâ€"end with her friend, Miss Gladys Hachborn. Mrs. Henry G. Hachborn enterâ€" tained a number of friends at al musicale at her home on Friday evening in honor of the 20th wea ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. i4 The. i. Bobins of Contatoge an TS. e 0 & Refreshments were served by the hostess to the fim from Kitchâ€" ener, Wallenstein and Conestogo. I Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gies, Mrs., Erwin Dahmer, Mrs. Walter Stroh;,| Mrs. John MacDonald and Peter: Scheerer visited the latter‘s mother,| Mrs. Catherine Scheerer, at Knollâ€" oy. hy sit way sremgec ce y. is visit was honor of Mrs. Scheerer‘s 86th birthday. Mrs. Scheerer has been bedâ€"ridden for over seven years as a result of a stroke. | joined different deer hunting parties leaving. Sunday for norti> ern _ hunting groundss _ _ _ M Mr. and Mr® Hag Brubacher of St. Thomas were Sunday visitoss at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver‘ Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Wright, who had been staying af their former farm home for some: Brubacher to St. Thomas on their return trip and intend to make their future home in that city. Mr. Amos Esch, who has not been in good health latel‘3 is receiving treatment at the K.â€"W. Hospital:at present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirch and family of Bridgeport were BSunday Tu.n at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ohn: MacDonald.. __Mr. and> Mrs. Ringwald of Watérloo visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs»Lorene@Haas: The Home and School Club met at the school on Monday evening. Mrs. Frank Harvey: of Kitéhener was present and addressed the fithefir#‘ Mrs. Nelson. Shelley, rs. Lorhe B. Weber ‘and Mts. John MacDonald were appointed a comâ€" mittee to draw wp:aslateâ€"of officers for the year. _ _ â€" us Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goettling last Sunday were: Anâ€" drew Heipel, George Heipel, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heipel and son, Ronald of Wate}lo;;r and Mr. and lI:tlrs. Helmuth Wagner of Philipsâ€" urg. Mrs. Wendell Clemens of Bresâ€" lau is visiting with friends in the village and community this week. Mrs. Lorne Rennie and Donald Beaumont took the opportunity to bear Dr. R. B. McClure, missionâ€" ary in First United Church, Waterâ€" loo. Sunday. A larfle number of friends from the vi ncfe and nearby townl-‘ f:tronjze 1 _ the St. Matthew‘s dies‘ Aid sauerkraut sugper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Veitel last Wednesday evening. funeral of the late Eli S. Martin at Elmira, recently. Quite a number of district farmâ€" ers attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto last week. Messrs. Oliver J. Wright, Nelson Shelley, _ Walter Kienzle, Roy shelley, _ Walter Rienzle, Roy Kienzle, Raymond and Billy Moch The local Community Club (C.C.C.) has‘ interested itselt and shown its activities in several imâ€" portant services.. in the past,â€"has also for some time seriously conâ€" sidered the securing of an athletic field to developpeportingactivities: field to develo%‘m netivitins of the local youths, has accomplishâ€" ed another step towards its usefulâ€" ness by purchasing a few a@res of ness b prurchuln{ a few aeres of land gom the Schweitzer family, nleelz) located and an ouuundlns site, to be turned into a ball foun and skating rink site ard such other things of a recreational naâ€" ture as may be lateprdeciiiad on. tot is erigated~cm‘tho 1040 roed Local relatives attended the Cast Alutmminum Jeop .. $2.95 Music . sese :z acversace “ CONESTOGO (Chronicle Correspondent) By Noah Stroh ..s......... 500 umd $1. a few days with his luenan'te Church, Kitchener, on Seturday afternoon. Rev. Andrew Shilly officiated. [ Miss Alice Randall of this disâ€" uen broune of Ihe Piigegroum was one of the ushers. The recepâ€" tion was helfiirnt “l;l’.lll End" Inm, Conestogo. . and Mrs. Shantz will reside at RR. 1, Preston. Mrs. Urias Martin, Waterloo, visited her granamotner, Mrs. Joâ€" seph Cressman on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Horst and family of Newberry spent the weekâ€"end with relatives in the vilâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cressman, Mr. Robert Cressman, Kitchener, tion, spent Sunday with her parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gimbel. Young people from the district ottending the Royal Winter Fair cn Thursday were Kennard Gimâ€" bel, Aleck Kinzie and Harold Detâ€" weiler. elected: President, Roy: Burkhart; mmwamd ma&cmw tee, Miss Florence Cressman. Other Cressman assistant chorister. Shairts and> Howerd Detwiller as ily were Sunday guests in the home of Mr .and Mrs. Hackborn, Bloomâ€" ingdale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cressman and p_avid_, V!at_erloo. Sunday, guests of of the j g F3 wu Horace an essay and Mrs. Gordon geve a talk. df the minutes of the last business bay. ho nioveg wheg "ooo ishowiee atiicts ware tets were Miss Ruth Gimbel, Vineland Staâ€" ino Tg‘ynnvm,l,’s GARAGE; NNCST J.jS. ceop â€" sT. JAcoBs Mr. and Mrs David Beggs of Linwood spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn Begys. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, who spent the past couple of months with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Grey have moved to their home in Hnrringm Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Z. Kuepfer and the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menno Lichty have moved to the vilage into the home they purâ€" the vilage into the home they â€" chased irqm Mr. George Cocm Mr. Kuepfer sold his farm on the 5th line of Mornington to Mr. and Mrs. Israel Kuepfer, who have also taken possession. News Notes. on Sunday. 5 Mr. ‘r:lvh Hewitt d.?'-hb .mw...‘m:--m-&" Ir.-ndh'.l.'hlhal: family and Mrs. Redman of ton and Miss Kay Dicken of Gueiph ‘Mrs. Hans . Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mosburger and family, Mrs. Emma Stockie of }mm-mmmm Mr. andlu'm-dflgz. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur and family spent the weekâ€"end with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Brubacher visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brubacher in St. Jacobs. family of Tavistock, Mr. and Mrs. O. Slabauch and son of Indiana Here, there and everywhere, Hudson style and stamina are making new conquestsâ€"taking thousands of hearts by storm. This preference for the new Hudson is phenomenal, even in a year when car demand is far above normal. You ought to know the reasons for it. Women‘s heartsâ€"men‘s, cooâ€"have been captured by the smartness of new exterior styling, and the luxury of new interiors uphoistered in a leacherâ€"fabric combination found in only one other 1946 car (one of the highest priced). x Present Hudson ownersâ€"and chousands of £ ‘habit buyers‘" of other makes as wellâ€" also know what a mountain of evidence Hudson piled up during the war years for alu_’oth performance, reliability, endurance TV WT Wa e o gamme ::;km-e:‘d rlr. Raymond Forâ€" visited Mr. and Mrs. Chris. B. Gerâ€" Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Onias Weber were Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Frey and family from near. Heidleberg. _ ooo There‘s another reason . . . the splendid Proâ€" tective Service offered by 400 authorized Hudson dealers from coast to coast in Canadaâ€"with expert mechanics, modera equipment and genuine Hudson parts. We are here co serve you â€" promptly, courteously; at moderate czst. Now isptd{e time to have your car conditioned for winter driving. You will find this Hadson organization, is ‘‘the perfect team‘"‘â€"backing fineâ€"cars with expert service, for customer satisfaction. tll-e Perfect teum! HAWKESVHILLE By Mrs. Aug. Schnelder (Chronicle Correspondent) ~ and Bl'(lWll "Wild goose! Wild goose! the hospital. Mr. and MrZ Noah G. Sittler and day with Mr. and Mrs. George Miss Angeline Martin attended the Horst near Conestogo. Kerchnerâ€"Cressman wedding on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Good and the 3rd of Peet on Sunday. M{mt&mflwflhur,m Mr. Isaac Frey returned home on | Mrs. 3 Monday after spending a week in| Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mitchell of By Miss Gladys Schmidt (Chronicle Correspondent} Weekâ€"end and Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Koepke were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schneider of Kitchener, Mrs. Simon Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walter and son, and Misses Margaret Walter and Audrey Bender of Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horst and son, Aaron, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Horst and children spent Sunâ€" From Southern California To the top of Hudson Bm?" ‘Honk! Honk! said the wild go How should a body know? L learned it in my geography A hundred years ago.‘ How do you know the way, NORTH WOOLWICH with Mr. HUDSO N Cars that Bring New Meaning to a Fine Old Name Choict of famous 102â€"borsepower Superâ€"Six and 128â€"horsepower Superâ€"Eight engines . . . Offered in a Super Serics and distinguished Commodore Series â€"Stdans, Brougham (f:;n Scrits only), 3â€" and 5â€"passenger Coupts and Convertible ‘v-tbl.: in nine new standard body colors, with four 2â€"tone combinationt at extra cost. 4 /‘/“ | .\\\ %\v.‘\ David fuk NCR MECIDE NC MBE. CHW MIB. CUICCIWE Schwindt on Sunday. ‘Mr. Leon Wagner, Eldon and Ruby, and Mr. Noah Miller attendâ€" ed the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Martin and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Peel Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Snyder were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. after spending a few weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Nogah Miller. day with Mr. and Mrs. George Horst near Conestogo. ta:ur' upen.ndtigl:l'li i ith M ::3 wil Â¥. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mitchell of Mansfield were Sunday visitors annheim. _ _ _ A family fl&fl,l’ was held at the home 9('3(:. and Mrs. George Wilbert Beisel near Elmira. Mansfield were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Miller, Rev. and Mrs. Howard Bauman and family were Sunday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Osiah Horst at WATERLOO 46

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