Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Nov 1946, p. 10

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KK Back* Single receipt of family allowâ€" ances now is considered automatic and included in all tax payment calculations, persons with large families will find their deductions increased, but partially covered in the monthly â€" allowances remitâ€" tances. For tax purposes the alâ€" lowance is based on an average of $6 for each child monthly. For instance, under the rates of this year, a man with three chilâ€" dren ,earning $175 monthly, paid $5 a month income tax. Beginning in January he will pay $5.35 monthly, «Lover Come Under the new law, too, a husâ€" band‘s exemption will be $750 if his wife also has an income of her own of more than $750, or, if his wife‘s income is less than $750, his exemption will be $1,500, reduced by the amount of her income in exâ€" cess of $250. Mr. Elliott, in a circular letter to \{ employers, explained the new taâ€" | bles bring in a single schedule of | graduated rates to replace the presâ€" | ent normal tax, graduated tax and family allowances recovery tables. * Present tax credits for married staâ€" | tus and dependents are superseded | by deductions from income of $750 | for single persons, $1,500 for marâ€" ried persons, up to 100 for depenâ€" dents registerable for the allowâ€" ances and up to $300 for other deâ€" , pendents. Faithful In My Fashion The tables will prepare employâ€" ers for deductions at the source beâ€" ginning Jan. 1, 1947. The departâ€" mental official said they could obâ€" tain additional forms from their district income tax offices but asked that their applications wait until those offices are ready, probâ€" ably late next week. IRENE DUNNE REX HARRISON LINOA DARNELL NA Aand mE ::lu(i OF SIAM Directos by JIONN CROMWELL Progeces by LODI$ D. LIGBTON They embody the tax changes anâ€" nounced by Finance Minister Ilsley last spring when his budget foreâ€" cast an average 12 to 15 per cent reduction for roughly one million taxpayers. Accompanying them are copies of tax form "T.D.1" for use by married employees and single employees with dependants. It now is simplified to a single sheet. OTTAWA.â€"Distribution of 1947 personal income tax tables to emâ€" ployers across the Dominion has started and should be completed by the end of the week, a revenue department official stated. Tables Sent Out To Employers Continuous Sat. 2 to 11.30 p.m 1947 Income Tax Mon. â€" Tues. UBBREDRERRERRREURNRRRXRR:RR Rb:R: 8: 0: 5:D Make Our Store Your Headquarters for Musical GiHts Pol B â€"___ 7 City Hall Square â€" Kitchener For those in doubt â€" Buy GIFT CERTIFICATES P RECORDâ€"SHOP JUST ARRIVED â€" A new shipment of player thousand records to choose from SELFâ€"SERVE RECORD BAR Musical Toys and Instruments. We have just installed a new selfâ€" Following are the fgures for Ontario areas, with the first column | approved; second, started, and | third, completed: |\ Hamilton area ...... 368 190 80 [Calt area .............. 45 27 ... \Kitchener area ... 77 50 17 j Niagara arae ... 31 11 ‘Toronto area ... 377 157 â€" 18 London area .......... 136 56 30 |Oshawa area ........ 102 102 10 | Aylmer ... 10 10 lGx'irnsloy eevisietiiiriees $0 i Newmarket ............ 36 14 Orangeville ... 10 10 Ԥ_:_n'nh_ immitatatene: B0 15 15 |ers get materials prioritiee and |financial help from the Governâ€" mentâ€"sponsored corporation. Thorold ... 10 Ont. region total 1,262 Up to October 31, the corporation announced, approval had been given for the construction of 2,928 units in Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchâ€" ewan, Manitoba and British Columâ€" bia. Construction had been started on 1,507 homes, and 291 had been completed. _ "LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN" The provinces were led by Onâ€" tario, with 1,262 units approved, 642 begun and 170 completed. Ottawa.â€"It was disclosed that almost 3,000 home units under the Federal Government‘s Integrated Housing Plan were launched up to October 31. r James For single persons whose daily wage rates, including board, are beâ€" low $4, there will be no reductions: Letween $4.50 and $5, a tax of 25 cents; between $5 and $5.50, tax of 40 cents; between $5.50 and $6, tax of 50 cents; between $6 and $8, tax of 10 per cent. Work On 3,000 Homes Underway A screenfull of goodâ€"luck charm . . . IF I‘M LUCKY Mean feature is that for a person employed in such occupations for "not much more than 200 days" of the year, the deductions are calcuâ€" lated to pay the greater part of his income tax: _ A new table, providing reduced deductions for employees engaged in agriculture or other employment of a cassual, seasonal or ~time nature is meant to mnf‘:’nlnn excessive taxation. Leslie Brooks â€" Jimmy Lioyd Under the new rate, he will have a deduction of $13.25 monthly, but will receive $40 clear in family alâ€" lowance. "It‘s Great To Be Young"‘ ‘Colorado Serenade‘ ADDED MUSICAL COMEDY featuring Eddie Dean and Mary Kenyon A married man with eight chilâ€" dren earning $250 monthly now has a deduction of $1.15. His family alâ€" lowance cheque runs an apfiroxi- mate $40 monthly, of which the government recovers $34 leaving him a $6 net. A grand outdoor musical hit filmed in beautiful color . . Thursday â€" Friday â€" Saturday NOV. 21 â€" 22â€" 23 \ One comparison of the manner in which the new tax education rate will work out, as compared to the 1946 levels, including family allowances, follows: but receive $18 taxâ€"free compensa tion through the allowance. SPECIAL ADDED HIT In Glorious Technicolor Starring Gene Tierney Use Our Layâ€"Awayâ€"Plan NOV. 25 â€" 2 â€" 27 15 170 '} The three newcomers were adâ€" ; mitted by simple ceremony, which was held in a small, ornate conferâ€" | ence room off the massive assembly | chamber where the three delegates took seats for the first time. | _ New York.â€"Afghanistan, Iceland and Sweden signed articles of adâ€" herence to the United Nations | charter to increase the membership in the world‘s peace agency to 54 | countries. Abdul Hosa{{ Aziz, Afghan minâ€" [ister to the United States; Thor Thors, Iceland‘s minister in Washâ€" ington; and Oeston Unden, Swedish foreign minister, signed the pact in alphabetical order. The three were the first countries taken into the world circle of naâ€" tions since the signing of the charâ€" ter by 51 powers. The Kid From Brooklyn Junior _ Champion Female was bred by Ellsworth Frances & Son, Renfrew, Ont., and shown by Hays Limited, Brampton and Calgary. "Alert", the â€" "Marksman" son shown by McCague and R. H. Mcâ€" Iiquham, Lanark, Ont., was Junior Champion Bull with Reserve going to a "Sovereign" son shown by J. M. Fraser, Streetsville, Ont. Add Three More Nations to U.N.; Now Total 54 (All in Gorgeous Technicolor) Soverei; Keenan Wynn â€" Pat Kirkwood Xavier Cugat "NO LEAVE NO LOVE" ning of the Female Grand Chamâ€" pionship by what Judge Paul Misâ€" ner, _ Hulmesvilie, Pennsylvania, described as "the nearest to the True Type Model that I have seen for a lon%time." This was the larâ€" gest exhibit of Holsteins yet held at the Royal with 298 head shown by 86 exhibitorts. Indicative of the intense interest in this first meetâ€" ing of the top show animals of the continent since before the war was the large crowd of spectators that were on hand from the beginning to the end of the show. | With the tougbe%’kind of comâ€" ers were able to win a number of prizes at the Holstein Show at the Royal Winter Fair. A Seiling, Elâ€" mira, showed the fourth prize Juâ€" nior Yearling Bull and fl!mthe Junior Yeaux"finq Heifer; M. Snyder, Waterloo, the sixth Junior Heifer Calf; Elmer S. Stoltz, Ayr, the eElcdhth prize threeâ€"yearâ€"old bull and win S. Eby, Kitchener, the seventh prize Junior Yearling Heiâ€" fer, ninth prize Junior Bull Calf and ninth prize threeâ€"yearâ€"old bull. Twin features of the Holstein exâ€" | Libit at the Royal Winter Fair were \ the "battle of the bulls" which brought together six previously unâ€" ‘ defeated Aged Bulls and the winâ€" Next Attraction WATERLOO BREEDERS Van Johnson DANNY KAYE VIRGINIA MAYO dings that have become homes at the former WNa & amma °o AWWes and 31 single men in buildings that have become homes at the former No. 5 S.F.T.S., RCAF., here and a village that will eventually have a population of more than 150 has been born. The community already has its own water system, elecmal system, laundry, janitor service in its apartments, baseball diamonds, l’;hmnhu pool, trt;ek, thuur':hcommunltyb centre. It w‘iin‘zave wllthin : g:ort lt.ime a .cein'enllno?' hockey rinks indoors, a er rink, a groun supplement the ound it alrea has, a buiycry a refrigeration nlant a nmd-rjn‘ playground to supplement the playground it already BRANTFORD.â€"The Implement Companyâ€" Houses New Workers in Model _ with a refrigeration nlant . 1. 4_, 6 PaÂ¥ground io supplement the playground it already , a refrigeration plant, a modern, grade school and lfi own government, elected by ballot WIN AT ROYAL and his Masseyâ€"Harris Company has housed 34 families and 91 NTE Mn s DECCT ARUIN O J. M. F?aser. Streetsvxylle. and W. L. McClure, Norval. Other outstandâ€" ing purchases were $5,000 paid by Astengo to John H. Older & Son, Thamesford, for Eaton Hall Chiefâ€" tain Fayne, Reserve Allâ€"Canadian Aged Bull last year and Allâ€"Canaâ€" dian threeâ€"yearâ€"old in 1942. Asâ€" tengo also paid $5,000 for Graymar Posch Sovereign purchased from E. J. Meagher, Oakville, The highest priced animal in thé shipment was gprin Farm Lochinâ€" var, purchased for 514,000 from J. The cattle were consigned to four Argentine breeders. The Astengo group consisted of three bulls and thirteen heifers, while five bulls and thirt{-one heifers went to Adolfo Bullrich & Co., Ltd., Buenos Aires, one bull and three heifers to Estancias La Martona, Buenos Aires, and one bull and five females to Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires. ers and were in attendance at a number of the top Holstein shows. These cattle were selected by two Argentinians, Guilletmo Bullrich of Buenos Aires and Dr. Hector Asâ€" tengo of Rosario, on a sixâ€"week tour of Ontario, during which they visited many of the leading breedâ€" A shipment of Canadian cattle to the _ Argentine _ never _ before equalled in size or value comprisâ€" ing 73 head of purebred Holsteins worth $100,000 left Brampton, Ont., recently. Included in the shipment was a bred heifer sold at $1,200 by Ira M. Good, Blair. The byâ€"law sets up a Conservaâ€" tion Committee which is a merger of the Council‘s Agricultural and Conservation â€" Reforestation Comâ€" mittees. Deputy Reeve M. A. Schmidt, Wnrclen W. H. Gillespie and a deleâ€" gation from the County Agriculâ€" tural Committee comprising W. J. Schneller, Simon Ditner and J. C. McKay, represented the county. LOCAL HOLSTEIN BREEDERS CONTRIBUTE TO LARGEST uB ncntndth L iivtsibateiiitdich n ic fls uis 1A 3 It was reported by Mr. Hostetler| this respect it was deemed necesâ€" that in addition to financially sary a bylaw be passed for exproâ€" assisting the county in its new soi1|prmtms the required small parcel umuifn. the minister also told the | of land. delegation that the county could _ Moved by Abner B. Martin and count on coâ€"operation of the Deâ€"|Wm. R. Snyder, that bylaw No. 1,~ partment of Agriculture. 015, to expropriate certain lands in _ The county was complimented by the Township of Woolwich to widâ€" Mr. Kennedy on its foresightednem[i‘n the highway known as the in establishing a movement that boundary line between Pilkington will provide not only for iuture(‘i\nd Woolwich Townships at Lot 7 soil conservation but a progressive of Concession A in Hitchings Tract, program of improvement of the|be read a first and second time.â€" organic content. l’Carried. The byâ€"law sets up a Conservaâ€" The bylaw was read and it was tion Committee which is a merger moved by Wm. R. Snyder and Abâ€" of the Council‘s Agricultural and ner B. Martin, that bylaw No. 1,015 Cox{servation â€" Reforestation Comâ€" {be now read a third time and Dq LC We iR . Approval of the county‘s soil improvement byâ€"law and assurance of financial support of the pro'l;ram was received from Hon. T. L. Kennedy, minister of agriculture, t& a trecial committee of County uncil headed by Reeve Walter .'R' Hostetler, New Hamburg. Mr. Hostetler said that "we found the minister mu{ in accord with our 20â€"year plan for improvâ€" ing and conserving the soil, Mr. Kennedy was enthusiastic in his endorsation and assured us that the byâ€"law would be ratified and also that his department would contriâ€" bute financially in support of 1he‘ enterprise." | New Soil Byâ€"Law Approved by Canada "Needn‘t act so uppity because you‘re m men‘s wages, Ruth Your mother‘s been get mine for ARGENTINE SHIPMENT OR O OR m nweeme Cns G d ECE CC PR RIRgNE MIPMTY MB _No. 5 S.F.T.S., RC.AF., here and a village that 150 has been born. The community already has its nitor service in its apartments, baseball diamonds, e. It will have within a short time a general store, LAFF â€" A â€" DAY twenty years!" Since last June 1, when Canadian army occupation force completed its withdrawal from Northwest and aaministered miscellaneous small Canadian units which remained beâ€" hind to clean up the army‘s responâ€" sibilitiecs on the Continent. It had three main tasks: _ 1. The eight Canadian cemeteries in France, Belgium and The Nethâ€" erlands had to be completed. This now has been done by No. 3 cemeâ€" tery construction unit of the Royal Canadian Engineers. 2. A discipline unit and a section of provost were responsible for rounding up Canadian army desertâ€" ers in Northwest Europe and handâ€" linl§ their courtsâ€"martial. ortlyJour deserters have not been found. Some of them probâ€" BUY . . . Canaila S_avings . BRUSSELS.â€"The last Canadian army outfit in Continental Europe officially closed its offices here and started for home todayâ€"six gem and 11 months after the first Canaâ€" dian contingent arrived in the Unitâ€" ed Kingdom This final element of an army which deployed two corps in the European campaigns was formally called "Canadian Section, Headâ€" quarters British Army of the Rhine, Northwest Europe", and was under command of Lt.â€"Col. R Heuchan of Hamilton, Ont, The gfion comâ€" prisl::i only 15 officers and 40 other ranks. Last of Canadians On Way Home From Europe Council discussed the necessity of widening the township line roadâ€" way for the road improvemenm ject at Chambers bridge crosses the Grand River at Lot 7, Concession A in the Hitchings Tract, Township of Woolwich and as the owner of the land required refused to deal with the Council in this respect it was deemed necesâ€" sary a byluw be passed for exproâ€" The Municipal Council of the Township of V}J):olwich met at the Council Chamber, Conestogo, on Monday evening, Nov. 11, 1946, at g\e cal‘;, ofhthse;eeveh:end with eeve Wright, uty ve ~ der and Councillor Abner Mmi present. * Woolwich Council Holds Special Session Bonds _Between 2,000 and 2,500 wives, children, dependents and fiancees have gone to Canada from the Conâ€" The bureau has practically finâ€" ished its job with about 50 women and children left in Belgium and 150 to 200 in Holland. Their moveâ€" ment will be unuertaken by the Canadian Governments immigraâ€" tion branch. ably are dead or have found their way back to Canada, but the list is being turned over to the British army, which will continue the hunt. The section was responsible for operation of the Canadian wives‘ bureau in The Netherlands, Belâ€" gium and France. 96 King St. West 15 Charles Street §%§%i§§ Bs STEELE‘S Metal toys are back . . scooters, dump trucks, wagons, steam shovels, construction sets. Model plane building kits abound. A fresh crop of games has made its appearance. Dolls are wonderful again . . . almost as sweet and exciting as real babies. Muscial instruments are making themselves heard . . . the type that adult ears can bear as well as the drums and trumpets that only the more angelic parents welcome! Pianos, telephones, pull toys, blackboards, housekeeping equipment, building sets It‘s a Christmas of toys again! C. F. PRICE, orroncatast Kitchener‘s Reliable Optemaetrist jor 31 YÂ¥ ears and Mro. Fred Yenke TAKE A TRIP DOWN TO TOY TOWN â€" and make sure you are in time for your share of the nicest things King Street Basement o=>~AOO0 / KITCHENER Havye your eyes scientifically tested and the proper ginases For Complete Satisfaction _ Canada will still have a military mission in Berlin, but it has had no connection with the Canadian army in Europe and has semiâ€"diploâ€" matic status. operating more with the external affairs department than anything else. King And Queen Streets KITCHENER Senior officers with Col. Heuchan ore Maj. H. B. Brodie of Hamilton and Maj. D. J. Leach of Vancouver. Among the nonâ€"commissioned offiâ€" cers are Sgt.â€"Maj. Jack Gavell, Sydney, N.S.; Cpl. Mike Dittaro, Fort Frances, Ont.; S. Sgt. E. J. Sackett, Toronto:; Sgt. Cy Hingston, St. Catharines, Ont.; and S. Sgt. Art Haynes, Calgary. tinent through the wives‘ bureau this year. 71 PM. SATURDAY 21 Years of Service 264 Merbert #1. Phone 3â€"1998 Phone 7â€"7365

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