Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 May 1946, p. 7

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#. Look upon every day as the whole of life, not merely as a secâ€" tion; and enjoy and improve the present without wishing, through haste, to rush on to another. See your doctor first, then let us fill your prescriptions. Bedford| LD.A. Drug Store, opposite Post| Office, Waterloo. DR. WEST‘S TOOTH BRUSH Made with three row bristle, meâ€" ________ _ _ _ _ O 0020 2 0_ dium or hard _ Price 50c at Geiger‘s Drug Store, 408 King St. 0 East. Kitchener, Phone 2â€"2127. A. K. CRESSMAN & SON E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Office: 44 William St. â€" Waterloo Phone 2â€"1357 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT! Phone 2â€"4488 THERE‘S NO GAMBLE about 1946. It‘s going to be a poultry year. The poultry industry is the logicâ€" al one to expand toâ€"day as birds are economical users of our short grain supply. It isn‘t too late to fill up the brooders with Twed:â€" dles, the husky, healthy, fast growing chicks. No waiting at Tweddles for your chicks. We can give prompt delivery on all the popular pure breeds and hyâ€" brid crosses in nonâ€"sexed, pullets or cockerels. Prices greatly reâ€" duced for June. Also eight week to twenty week old pullets. Free catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERâ€" IES LIMITED, FERGUS, ONT... 212 B:i0CK,. DAVIS & DUNN T. HoIt Brock 2. Bruce Davis K. H. Dunn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (‘rustees in Bankruptcy) 7 â€" 19 King St. East _ _ SUTHERLAND â€" SCMULTZ 10 cents extra. Rebinding Books Bibles. HMymn and Prayerbooks u specailty 17 Queen St. N. â€" Phone 6â€"6042 Kitchener Add more books to your home library by having your favo‘te magazine bound into books. Initialing Club Bags, Suitcases, ele Prices reavonable Goods called for and delivered 1" every week _ §12.00 per year. $7.00 for siz months Classified Advertising Rates 1 cents per ord. minimum charge %5 cents. If not id by date of publicat.on, 10 cents extra. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ____ ADVERTISEMENTS _ Stiate clearly which edition the adverâ€" tisement is for GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY 12 Frederick St.. â€" Kitchene Write plainly on one side of paper ouly h group of ELECTRIC MOTORS INSTRUCTIONS POR SENDING Kitchener PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY CHIROPRACTIC J. €. LEHMANN BOOKBINDER BOOKBINDING ELECTRICAL BABY CHICKS DRUGGISTS BUSINESS CARDS TODAY 81 NEW & USED Bought, Sold & Electric MOTORS Every Motor Guaranteed Guelph â€"Richter Kitchener Reâ€"winding | New and Kitchener | Whether BUYING or SELLING ai j HESSENAUR & SHANTZ I Limited { Phone 6â€"6455 â€" 24 Queen N. t KITCHENER London.â€"Greek Underâ€"Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Philip Dragouâ€" mia, said today that British troops would remain in Greece "so long as other troops remain in neighâ€" bouring countries." He made it clear that he was referring to Red Army troogs that are now in Bulâ€" garia and Rumania. He did not say so directly but it was clear that the Greek Governâ€" ment is nervous over the heavy concentration of Russian troops in these two countries. Livestock Employers‘ Liability Guarantee Bond â€" Boiler Insurance Transit Insurance Sprinkler Leakage Autemebile Insurance British Forced To Stay in Greece, If Russians in Bulgaria Fire HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rubber SAVE 75% â€" Radio Service Enâ€" gineers will rebuild your present radic like new. Factury parts. Quality workmanship. New radio guarantce. Appointment only. Phone cr write, SMITH RADIO, Kitchener, 4â€"4347. We invite out of town enquirics. Smith Radio Service, 672 King St. W., Kitchâ€" ener. ‘ 1f you need More Insurance ARE YOU FULLY PROTECTED® THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Greatâ€"West Life Assce. Co. Fire â€" Automobile â€" Accident goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25¢;, 24 samples $1.00. Mailâ€"Order Dept. G3, NOVâ€" RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. o > 1422 Foal Estate and Insurance WATERLOO. ONTARIO E. S. FENTON Phone 536 > NEW LOW RATES on aute insurance. Play safe. Insure with State Farm Mutual today. Every Kind of Insurance Call. the Local Representative D. A. BEAN INSURANCE AGENCIES HARVEY HALLMAN R. R. No. 1, Blair Phone New Dundee 14 r 12 O"ice 102 Kirg §1. South Phone 8â€"8024 BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE KITCHENER â€" ONT REAL ESTATE A NEW RADIO ‘th PERSONAL INSURANCE Life RADIO FARM Plate CGlass Accident | ! _ Mr. and Mrs. Dave Snyder of i Glencoe, who attended the funeral of their cousin, the late M. B. Snyâ€" ‘der of New Dundee, were guests for a few days last week at the lhomes of A. C. Becker and A. | Bricker. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kavelman and family visited on the holiday at the home of Jos. Roth near Welâ€" isley and with the former‘s father at who is a patient at the Elmira Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. G. Perrin, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perrin, Miss Grace Hilâ€" born and E. Heintz motored to Port Dover on Sunday. The engagement has been anâ€" nounced of Isabelle Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carey, Preston, to Harry James Hilborn, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Hilborn of Roseville.â€" The marriage will take place in St. John‘s Anglican Church, June 15, at 2.30 o‘clock. Miss Bessie Hope, Messrs. James and George Hope visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Harkness at Clenmorris on Victoria Day. Miss Madge Douglas of Kitchenâ€" o1 spent the holiday weekâ€"end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoltz. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Stager were Misses Esther and Mayme Schlicter of Kitchener ard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stager of Toronto. Notice is hereby given pursuant tc this Act that the application of Stanley John Pokrywka, residing |at Kitchener, Ontario, to change his name to Stanley James Porter will be heard by the presiding Judge of the County Court in his Chambers at the Court House, Kitchener, on Tuesday, the 25th ‘day of June, 1946, at the hour of ‘10 é‘clock in the forenoon. Notice is hereby given pursuant to this Act that the application of Felicia Helen Pokrywka, residing at Kitchener, Ontario, to change her name to Felicia Helen Porter will be heard by the presiding Judge of the County Court in his Chambers at the Court House, Kitchener, on Tuesday, the 25th day of June, 1946, at the hour of 10 o‘clock in the forencon. DATED at Kitchener. this 18th day of May, 1946. The Change of Name Act, 1939 ECITEC The Change of Name Act, 1939 and Mrs. A. Wolfe Notice is hereby given pursuant| Robert Schrank to this Act that the application of | on business in Ha Leo _ John â€" Pokrywka,. â€" residing MevAigomabiitnnan at Kitchener, Ontario, to change’ his name to Leo John Porter| B A[ will be heard by the presiding Judge of the County Court in his{ 8y Mrs. Clare Chambers at the Court House,| fCheenicle Co Kitchener, on Tuesday, the 25th | Fersonals. day of June, 1946, at the hour of| Sunday visitors 1C o‘clock in the forenoon. 'Mr. and Mrc 45 DATED at Kitchener, this 18th day of May, 1946. _ _ DATED at Kitchener, this 18th day of May, 1946. _ _ The Change of Name Act, 1939 WE ACCEPT WOOLLEN RAGS UNDERWOOD LIMITED 50â€"53 Ontarie St. 8. KITCH ENER Phone 7â€"7582 â€" Manager‘s Residence 1â€"217 Ontario Office Outfitters Ltd. 58 Queen St 8. â€" Phone 6â€"§6484 UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERI For Sale and For Rent by the Maker in exchange for Blankets, Motor Rugs, and Yarns. Write for inâ€" formation. Flesherton Woollen Mills, Flesherton, Ont. â€"212 SUNDSFRAND ADDING MACHINES 24 Benton St. Phone 1â€"1014 SUPPLIES and REPAIRS ROSEVILLE By Miss Myrtlc Becker (Chroniele Correspondent) WANTED TO BUY Harold L. Dautman, 125 King Street W., Kitchener, Ontario. Solicitor for the Applicant Harold L. Daufman. .__ 125 King Street W., Kitchener, Ontario. Solicitor for the Applicant Harold L. Daufman. 125 King Street W., Kitchener, Ontario. Solicitor for the Applicant New and Used New and Used and Adding Machines, iets, Desks, Safes, etc. Copt _1946, King Featurct Syndicate, Inc., World rights reserved mew t eaces h _ Sm 2/ % C â€"_ NG & EISHING BSq %% / l‘ A‘ 8§ Cipp. sb64; n e fi-};” k mc Outario Miss Cora Wilhelm -s';;znt the weekâ€"end at the home of her parâ€" ents near Amulree. Flattsville were vvfslfu;gâ€" va’:.‘.tl;’e" ‘home'of !he__la_t.ter‘s parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Diamond and Douglas Ross spent the weekâ€" end with Mrs, Diamond‘s mother, Mrs. Wm. Fallis of Harriston. The annual Sunday School conâ€" vention of the Wilmot Township Sunday School Association will be held in Bethel West United Church on Wednesday, June 5th, with the w’aflernoon session at 2 p.m. and the 'evening program scheduled to beâ€" gin at 7.30 p.m. The theme of the convention is to be "New Methods For An Old Message", with the speâ€" ‘}cial speaker, Rev. A. Thrower of Curries. Music will be provided by ‘various Sunday Schools of the townships, a music demonstration by Mrs. Howard Fried in the afterâ€" noon, temperance demonstration by Mr. Waliter Foley, department superintendent of temperance in the evening as well as many other interesting features such as round table discussion in addition to the main speaker. The convention is interdenominational and all interâ€" ested in Sunday School problems are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ritchie visited recently with the former‘s mother at Parkhill. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Diamond were Mrs. Margaret Bowes, Miss Pearl Bowes, Mr. Harrison Bowes and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Hassum and daughters Shirley and Bonnie all of Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Kuhn and children, Nancy and Douglas spent the holiday weekâ€"end at their summer home on Wasaga Beach. Kobert Schrank spent a few days on business in Hamilton. f aoe l e enc 20e t Mr. Jef. Kistner and Harvey Kistner of Preston were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nadrofski of Alf. Boll of Toronto is spending‘ a vacation with his brother, Otto Boll. j Miss Marion Schaerer of Preston was visiting at the home of Mr. ar.::l. Mrs'. 9 ls'eada- on Saturday. Mrs. Elizabeth Woelfle is spendâ€" ing a vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Adams of North Seâ€" guin. Miss Audrey Teet of 'fi-r-amfé’r-d spent the holiday weekâ€"end with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Teet. Mrs. Ted Wolfe and daughter Dorothy were visitors in Galt on Thursday. Jim Ayres of Hamilton fint the boliday weekâ€"end at the me of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ayres. Pte. George Jones was visiting friends in Preston on Wednesday. Mrs. H. Schaal was visiting in Galt on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hobbs spent the holiday weekâ€"end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Farl Massell of Hay Bay, Napanee. Mrs. _ Richard _ Jones, Stanley Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Pearcey were visiting in Kitchener on Satâ€" urday. e Mrs. Ada Humphrie of Gait spent ue holiday weekâ€"end at the home of Mrs. Wm. Te&t The two children that were bapâ€" tized were Sharon Leslie and Roâ€" berta Carol, ters of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert wbc Jr., l?e‘ l)o'-.‘c A large num of village attended the mc. Bros. Shows held at Dickson Park, Gailt, over the holiday weekâ€"end. Mr. Percey Shantz of townline, was a business visitor in the vilâ€" Weiss Bag and Burlap Co. Telephone Number 3â€"305%2 "In the Bag Business for 25 Years" Our trucks cover Central and Western Ontario . .. If we can‘t reach you by truck, we pay freight on all shipments We pay the highest prices for all Jute, Burlap and Cotton Bags Call or write to: By Mrs. Clarence Diamond (Chronicle Correspondent) 235 ALBERT ST. SOUTH A. Wolfe BADEN FEED AND CHOPPING MILLS GROCERY STORES AND FACTORIES ATTENTION OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOONS tz es o4 L?!i A stave, heading shingle and hoop factory was also operated in conâ€" nection with the mill. The electric lights used in private homes, busiâ€" ness places as well as the streets _ The three sons of Mr. Ratz, namely, Simon, Daniel and George continued in the business after the death of their father. They not only supplied the local trade but found themselves able to supply the lower provinces with flour. Hard wheat was brought in from Maniâ€" toba which was used to grade their product and a large portion of the district wheat was handled at this mill. P ooun Bm e Smd n teby CBoT TP Mrs. David Miller of Baden and ,the late Mr. David Miller. Rev. E. C Seymour was the officiating clergyman. The bride was becomingly attired in a light blue silk jersey streetâ€" length dress with white accessoâ€" mes and a corsage of pink roses and bouvardia. She was attended by Miss Leona Brenneman dressed in lime green with matching accessoâ€" \ries and a corsage of yellow roses |and bouvardia. Mr. Laverne Miller ‘ Another interesting page deâ€" scribes the Flouring Stave and Heading mills, one of the oldest industries in Elmira and built by a joint stock company. Men of the village held the company‘s stock. Up to the year 1875 the firm name was Ratz & Wenger. Mr. Jacob Ratz was the sole owner "when Mr. Wenger decided to move to Ayton. The year 1881 brought the new roller process to the mill, it being the second mill in Waterloo Counâ€" ty to use this improved system. Do you remember Elmira when Mr. R. Willoughby purchased the photography business of Mr. R. Cress in 1903â€"5 and made a speâ€" cialty of enlarging pictures He also did picture framing and all kinds of work in this line for many years, having his studio upâ€" stairs over the office now occupied by the Town Clerk. Mr. Wilâ€" loughby surely must have sna[:&ed many a dandy mustache in his day, During the past weeks I have had in my possession a historical book published in 1903 by the late George Klinck entitled "Enterprisâ€" ing Elmira". Possibly a dnumbel‘ of Chronicle readers would be interâ€" ested in turning the pages with me and looking over my shoulder at the illustrations and in this way relive in memories early Elmira days. Do You Remember? many a dandy mustache in his day, not one picture of a cleanâ€"shaven man appears in the book. ot Baden, brother of the bridegroom Following the ceremony a recepâ€" tion for forty guests was held at the home of the bridegroom‘s moâ€" ther in Baden. The young couple will take up residence in Baden. and the necen-r'yf;;p;;s made. * and Miss N. n Doering othhiliw-é iss Norma burg have been successful in passâ€" ing their Grade 4 piano examinaâ€" tions with honors. \| On 'nmud:{ve‘ evening a very | successful . se of evanfehnicl meetings was brought to a close at : the Bademn l(e:]noml.e (i‘hun:h in | town. e special evangelist lgenk- j er was Rev. S. J. Miller of Grayâ€" ville, Ind. | Millerâ€"Sindall Nuptials, | A quiet spring wedding was solâ€" emnized at Trinity United Church, Kitchener, on Saturday, May 11th, when Miss Frances Lrion Sinâ€" dall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs H. Sindall of Gadshill, was united in marriage to Earl Miller, son of Mr. and Mra. Clarence Diamond attended . shower and social evenâ€" ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Chronicle Correspondent) ELMIRA KITCHENER C s ancedson _ | were supplied by the mill The ;power was turned off at eleven v‘elock on Sunday nights and| twelve o‘clock during the week.‘ {Any person desiring illumination ‘after the power shut down was forced to use the coal oil lamps. Many a young girl walking on the streets without an escort, no doubt developed the swiftness of an athâ€" ‘lete when the eleventh hour drew {near. . Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Esch, RR. ; 2, West Montrose, announce the enâ€" gagement of their only daughter, Vera Esther, to Eden M. Snyder, second son of Mrs. Jos. W. Snyder,? RR. 1, Waterloo, and the late Mr. Snyder. The wedding is to take place at the home of the bride's! parents, on Tuesday, June 18th ; next. | Mr. and Mrs. Chas Deakin, whor have recently come to Waterloo from the Maritime Provinces, where the former had been on the | Mounted Police staff for years, have taken up residence in the cotâ€" tage recently bought near here by Mr. Deakin‘s brother, William Deaâ€" I kin of Waterloo, who has been | making considerable improvements The big bus was driven by David Goohan of Torgnto. A large maple tree prevented vehicle from turnâ€" ing over. The cause of the mishap was a breakdown of the steering wheel taking the bus out of the driver‘s control. Eight guard posts were broken off on the journey into the ditch. Four Elmira people were pasâ€" sengers on a Gray Coach Line bus l:hen it took 10S§ ditch near New amburg last turday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eckert were among the 24 passengers who escaped inâ€" jury, but Miss Helen Haefling and Miss Margaret Eckert were not so fortunate. They received severe bruftes about the knees and shoulâ€" ders and were badly shaken up. Miss Norene Weber, R.N., an Elâ€" mira girl on the staff of the Stratâ€" ford Hospital, attended the acciâ€" dent victims and was surprised to see girls from her own home town brought into the hospital. 83. overhanging 6 British Isles . ory of sh 82. neuter eP substance 80. division of 21. coins. $3. moves with measures 27. values __ light, quick #8 fang, l CROSSWORD â€" . . By Eugene Sheffer * 41 CONESTOGO (Chronicle i‘;)_rr;:p;;dn-n By Noah Stroh 36 7f 33 Gfp 46 27 ANSWER 47 L3 42 CANADIAN TRAVEL BUREAU Department of Trude & Commerce, Ottawe 48. the turmeric 49. ogle 60. shoe bottoma 81 |\_ Owing to Reeve O. J. Wright and Deputy Reeve W. R. Snyder intending to join a county group on an inspection trip to the United {States early next week, the Woolâ€" ! wich Council‘s regular monthly mecting will be held on Saturday, June 1st next, instead of next Tuesâ€" day. . | _ Several recent near accidents to ;cluldren being struck by motor ‘cars should be a warning to parâ€" ents to not let their small children ‘play on the road or let them run jaround on the streets where they may be run down by automobiles. | Following the service the gathâ€" |ering spent an hour of fellowship | when group singing and numbers by the visiting and local leagues | were greatly enjoyed as were also brief addresses by Rev. H. Nuhn, Rev. W. Goos, Mr. Walter Hachâ€" {born and Mr. Alfred Schenk, the ‘president of the local organization. lettuce 2. feat 3. seaman 4. weaves 5. small beds 6. bitter vetch 7. symbol Some of the men of the Lutherâ€" an congregation were engaged last Friday in a general cleanâ€"up and repairing of the church property. while ladies were gathered for a quilting. Dinner was served in the Lasement of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Farr of Guelph, spent the holiday with friends in the village A number of the St. Matthew‘s Luther League members attended the Kitchener district convention beld in St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church in Heidelberg on Friday, May 24th. YERTICAL 1. variety of Mr. Russell Stroh has again joined the office staff of the J. D. C. Forsyth Company plant in Kitchâ€" ener, where he had been in employ before enlisting for service about four years ago. The Luther League "Life Service Day" was observed in St. Matâ€" thew‘s‘ Church on Sunday evening when Leagues from the St. Jacobs, Heidelberg, Linwood, Hessen Road and Conestogo Lutheran Churches gathered for the service. Rev. S. J. Wittig, pastor of the home church, conducted the opening and closing devotions. Lester Stroh read the scripture lesson, while Rev. W. Goos of Linwood preached the serâ€" mon .Special numbers were given by the senior and junior choirs. manent abode to it lately to make it into a perâ€" 39 B7 Lt 7 77 34 Gfp GGp 22. wrathful ?3. whiter 14. gay t5. serpent 17. rages, as 13. to the right 14. consume 17 exctamatton 36. eat away 37. alms 10 ossified tissua 10 personal pronoun i1 plaything ¢2. mountain properties 9 straighten 10. by 11. sesame 16. small insects 18. humorists 20. movable barriers 21. pertaining to the a madman 10. male servers 31. persifiages 33. paradise 34. spherical 51i 3t for neon 8. landed 16 43 44

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