Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 May 1946, p. 5

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°â€"___ How 'o'ton':urmuoimmfuumcu..} ways to moke your kitchen "homey‘" . . . what color to choose for your living room . . . These are just a few of the intriguing new ideos furnished doily on the Women‘s Page of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR These helpful ideos are "plus value" in this daily newspoper for the home thot gives you world news interpreted to show its impact on you and your tamily. \ baide ieb ahuts Alfutid ic Mct s a dE sc Shi c 30L Please enter a mtc‘ introductory subscription to The Christion Science itorâ€"5 weeks (30 issues) for $1 The Christion Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts City PBâ€"4 Name Street During the war years when it was vitally important to keep the cost of living index down, the Wartime Prices and Trade Board subsidized the price of milk in December, 1942. Through the consumer subsidy, milk was delivered by the dairies to you at two cents a quart less than you paid previous to that date. Everyone is grateful to the Prices Board for this arrangement, which over the past three and a half years, has proved so helpâ€" ful in keeping available to you a i)lcntiful supply of this most essential food. The Wartime Prices and Trade Board has now decided, as part of its policy to relax many of the wartime controls, that it is advisable to discontinue paymént of this consumer subsidy which is costing the taxpayers of Canada over $20,000,000 a year. You are now being called upon to pay the two cents instead of the Government paying it out of your taxes. This means that on June 1st your quart of milk will revert to the old price in effect before the subsidy was established. _ / | It is noteworthy that in the face of rising prices all along the line, milk will cost no more after June 1st than it did three and oneâ€"half years ago. In contrast, according to a recent statement made by Donald Gordon, Chairâ€" man, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, the comparable price in the United States is now equal to seven cents per Canadian quart higher than the Canadian price. A Message To All Ontario Families ONTARIO MiLK DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION About MILK PRICES The reports which were given during the day showed that the various societies had made proâ€" gress during the past year. A new senior society was reported at Aylâ€" mer and a new intermediate group at Vineland. Total offerings for the province were stated to be twentyâ€" one per cent higher than the previâ€" ous year. The prize winners for the essay contest during the past year were Rey. W. M. Shantz of Kitchener was elected as one of a group of four fraternal delegates from Onâ€" tario to attend the Michigan Conâ€" vention of Mennonite Young Peoâ€" ples‘ Societies. MB.C. Church here on Friday. G. J. Bolender of l(it?;emr was electâ€" ed president for coming year with Reginald Howe of Toronto as viceâ€"president and T. A. E. Warder of London as secretaryâ€"treasurer. Members of the General Executive for 1946â€"47 also include: Delbert Blake of Breslau; E. R. Storms of Kitchener; and Lyness Wark of Port Elgin. 80 Approximately 600 y people from:. ait party of the provines SC tended the annual convention of theYomg People‘s Societies of the Ontario Conference of the Mennoâ€" nite Brethren in Christ which was held at the NEW DUNDEE State In coâ€"operation [tzi and the critic‘s report was also ‘given by Mrs. Poth. Ronald Poth, Marlyn Hallman and Garnet Koehâ€" ler were appointed as program committee for the next meeting. The National Anthem was sung in closing. ' The address of the evening was given by Rev. Lloyd Cressman of Chicago who spoke on the theme, I“'l‘he Call to Christian Service". Making comparisons with the life of the Apostle Paul, the ?e-ker declared that what the world needâ€" ed toâ€"day was young people who would consecrate their all to Christ 'w work in His Kingdom wherever the Lord might so direct. An Empire Day prog-am was held at the Public hool on Thursday afternoon 'g:-ond by the Junior Red Cross iety. Roâ€" bert Hallman, the president, occuâ€" pied the chair and "O Canada" was sung in opening. Patriotic chorusâ€" es were sung accompanied at the piano by Shirley Coleman. A col-' lectio(rj: of (i5ch was taken for thei Ked Cross The secretary‘s report was given by Newton Einweeg(t)er‘ and the treasurer‘s report was preâ€" | sented by Mrs. Poth. It was decidâ€"‘ ed to donate the sum of $25.00 to | the Red Cross. Reginald Brown | gave a reading and a drill was givâ€" en by the boys of the Senior room. The pupils of Grade IV sang a lsong and choral reading was given by the boys of Grade III. After a song by the girls of the Junior room Shirley Coleman and Mary Jane McDonald contributed a vocal duet. A singâ€"song was conducted by the teachers, Mrs. Poth and Mrs. Janâ€"| upen forum was conducted by Rev. if G. Boadway of Stratford. Speâ€" cial music was provided by the Kitâ€" chener, Toronto and Stratford soâ€" cieties. with your dairy ‘Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lang, Eli Winâ€" Among those who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. David Snyder of Glencoe; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Krueger and son, Harvey and Charles Willits of Hamilton; Mrs. Cecil Jennings of Cainsville; Mayor and Mrs. Ken Serviss, Mr and Mrs. Roy Stoltz, Charles Lang, of Galt, Floyd and Melvin Becker and Elmer Stoltz of Roseville, Rusâ€" sell Stoltz of Rosebank and Merle Coleman. Flower bearers were Quentin Hallman, Allan and Roâ€" B. Snyder was held at the United Brethren Church on Wednesday atâ€" ternoon. Rev. E. Gingerich officiatâ€" ed assisted by Rev. H. F Schade, and Miriam Hilborn and Erma Kasâ€" Weston Kaster and Sterling Johanâ€" sen. Interment was made in the Roseville Cemetery. given by Erma Kaster and Doroâ€" thea Gingerich Mrs. Sararus preâ€" sented the topic, "The Church and the Community" after which quesâ€" tions were answered by Alta Stoltz, ter sang, "Abide With Me" The pall bearers were six nephews of scripture lesson was read by V Marie Cressman was in charge of the closing exercises The U.B.C.E. Sogiety met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Werner Roâ€" mahn on Thursday evening with Mrs Weston Sararus as leadez. The Alice Oswald and Rev. E. Gingâ€" erich. The members responded to the roll call by mmlnL.ome imâ€" provements that could be made in by Leslie Swartz Readings were The funeral of the late Melvin : Roy Stoltz A week of special meetings comâ€" menced at the United Brethren ! Church on Mofiday evening with Dr. C. W. Meadows of Chambersâ€" : burg, Pa., as the speaker for the first three nights. On Wednesday | evening the dedication service for ‘ the new Hammond organ will be held. Music will be provided by the : Meadows Family and the church \ choir. _ Members of the Blenheim Menâ€" | nonite Church attended the annual _mission board meeting which was held at the M.B.C. Pavillion near ‘Kitchener over the weekâ€"end. Rev. E. J. Bailey of Hamilton as the evangelist. _ __ s The funeral of the late Mr. Hy. Madter was held at St. James Luâ€" theran Church on Sunday afterâ€" noon with Rev. H. Schmieder offiâ€" ciating. The choir sang the hymn "My Jesus As Thou Wilt". The pallbearers were: Jack Schmidt, Myrum Wanner, Harry Goettling, Earl and Harvey Einwachter and Garfield Weber. Interment was made in the Blenheim Cemetery. Miss Mary Kaster, the secretary read the report of the newlyâ€"electâ€" ed officers for next year after which Rev. Mr. Schade expressed appreâ€" ciation for the services of the reâ€" tiring president, Rev. Mr. Shantz and also for the work of Miss Kasâ€" terl and the treasurer, Carl Schieâ€" del. The Evangelistic services at the Bethel M.BC. Church were well attended during the past week. On Sunday Rev. C. McKinney of Garâ€" den City, Mich., the Evangelist, spoke on the subject, "Why He Came, Why He Went Away and Why He is Coming Again" at the morning service and in the evening his theme was, "The Deceitfulness of Sin". Rev. and Mrs. McKinney also sang at both services and in the evening Rev Mr. McKinney gave an illuminated chalk drawing illustrating â€" the hymn, "Christ Knocking at the Door." The serâ€" vices will continue until Sunday, June 2nd. Announcement was made of the Fireside _ Evangelistic â€" campaign | which will be held at the Bethel MBC Church June 2â€"9th with| Miss Frances Longley of Toronto who is returning to the Belgian Congo in the near future gave a splendid missionary address at the Baptist Church on Sunday mornâ€" ing. During the service Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan of Kitchener rendered a vocal duet. Miss Longley is a guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Schade for a few days. Miss Marie Cressman and Robert Cressman attended the Graduation Exercises of the 1946 nursing class o‘ St. Mary‘s Hospital at Kitchener on Wednesday. Their cousin, Miss Elsie Cressman, was a member of the graduating class. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowman were recent visitors with the forâ€" mer‘s grem.s, Mr. and Mrs. Orâ€" lando Bowman at Mannheim. The last regular Fireside of the season was held in the Bnmt Church on Sunday evening. , H. Shantz presided and Roy Haâ€" macher was song leader with Mrs. Howard Fried at the piano. Rev. H. F. Schade offered the otpenina prayer. The guest speaker for the evening was Rev. Charles McKinâ€" ney of Garden City, Mich., who deâ€" livered a sermon on the subject of "Soul Winning". Rev. and Mrs. McKinney also rendered a vocal duet and played an accordion and guitar instrumental number. called on Mrs. E. Cochrane at Kitâ€" chener on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Cressman. Mr. and Mrs. William Goettling accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Alâ€" vin Duench and son, Billy of Waâ€" terloo were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Max Bogusat at Niagaraâ€" onâ€"theâ€"Lake. Mrs. Carl Buck and daughters, Mary Joyce and Elizabeth Ann and the Misses Greta and Gladys Buck called on relatives at Hanover on Sunday. Gm&e Jacob fint the weekâ€" end at the home of Mrs: John Jacob sons, Keith and Jimmie visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Copley Kitchener on Sunday. Fred Reinke spent the weekâ€"e with relatives at Ancaster and 7 ronto. Miss Reta Coleman has successâ€" fully completed her year‘s course at the Stratford Normal School and has been engaged as teacher for the Lower Tenth School in Blenâ€" heim Township for the coming of Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh and\ children, Sharon and Ronald of Hamilton visited with Mr. Leanâ€" der Cressman on Sunday. | The Misses Doris Shantz and | Joan Kennedy of Kitchener s&ent\ the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs and Valerie with Rev. a the holiday. Among t} funeral of tl dter on Sun Albert Jack Among those who atte funeral of the late Mrs. H dter on Sunday were: Mr. Albert Jackson and Miss Jackson of Harriston; Mr. Chalmers Greenwood of Miss Emma Brueckner, | berts, Oscar Bruecknetr ai Madter of Waterloo; Mr.. Herman Reiha and Miss Reiha of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gra spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Jantzi. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Musselman of Bridgeport visited with Mr. and Nrs Arthur Musselman on Sunâ€" day Mr. and daughter, I with Mr. & on Sunday Alvin at Clinton and Mrs. Keith ar eekâ€"end Egerde. Muriel Patsy and M ses Elizabeth Fischer of C and Mrs. H. Doria Shantz of Kitchener with Mr. and guests at the home Alda and Olive weekâ€"end. Donald Jacob and Jack Graham of Toronto vi rs. Claude Sh Hibbet eth Schrieber of Galt visited attended s. Henry Mr. and Mrs. of Stratford; McMillan and Jacob . and Mrs. s Dorothy Shantz of Barbara visited Shantz Baden the Maâ€" and To of at _ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Habel of Arâ€" kansas and Mrs. Wallace Thibideau and daughter, Jeanne, of Ayr called on Mr. and Mrs. William| Goottling recently. | t inn en Per rmccact 1 Sunday Vik s and daughter, Patsy of Garden unday visitors with Mr. and City, Mich., are guests of Rev. and Mrs. Allen Otto and family _were: Mrs. H. Shantz. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Reibling. ‘The Misses Erma and Florenceibormhy of Tavistock, Mrs. Henry Diefenbacher of Preston spent me;Wettlaufcr and Robert of Hampâ€" weekâ€"end with their parents, Mr'rstead and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton and Mrs. Eli Diefenbacher. | Mohr of Philipsburg and Mr. and Mr arnd Mrs Hanrv Hakhal af ay.> Mrs. Herbert Schmidt of Lisbon. Mrs. Drucie Reicheld and Mrs. Hilda Docring of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. H. Kavelman and fidr. and Mrs. J. Greulich on Sunâ€" ay. Rev. and Mrs. Charles McKinney and daughter, Patsy of Garden City, Mich., are guests of Rev. and Mrs. H. Shantz. Miss Pauline Bierworth of Toâ€" ronto is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shantz. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cassel of Plattsville called at the homes of Mrs. George Halliman and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cassel on‘ Sunday. Mrs. A. Hilborn of Waterloo and Mrs. J. Bricker of Preston are spending a few days with Mrs. M. B. Snyder. _ _ _ 2 IHIMLL TR IHEM Mr .and Mrs. John Clarke and daughters of Waterloo visited with Rev .and Mrs. H. F. Schade on Sunday. _ __ D â€" Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGurn and daughter, Carol of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bricker and Mrs. Alâ€" bert Shelby of Roseville called on Mrs. M. B. Snyder on Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Hoover and the Missâ€" | es Arlene Rosenberger and Jean| Hoover of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Eli! Rosenberger. _ _ o | Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Meadows and Miss Joyce Meadows of Chamâ€" bersburg. Pa., are â€"guests at the home of I. M. Hilborn this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Livingstone of Montreal, Que., visited with Mrs. J. Cassel on the holiday. â€" spending a few weeks with Mr. and lfis Carl Buck. â€" Wilfred Filsinger of Ayton, Miss Edna Doehn, nurseâ€"inâ€"training at the Kâ€"W Hospital, Andrew Filsingâ€" er of Waterloo and Mrs. Elverne Hallman of Mannheim called on H. Goettling recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shantz and ; a a daughters, Doris and Shirley of| in tl'lelr Handba’s Kitchener were guests of Mr. and| They know that Paradol will reâ€" Mrs. Alvin Egerdee on Friday. !_ lieve them quickly of headaches, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sararas and , other discomforts, as well as help to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sararas and , son, Bobby called on Mr. and Mrs.| Levi Holm at Roseville on Wednesâ€"| day. _ 000000 _ " C Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Klinkman of Elmira called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman last Thursday. . Mrs. Leander Cressman and Miss Marie Cressman visited with Mr. and Mre. Clarence Cressman near Plattsville on the holiday. Mrs. Oliver Betzner of Toronto visited with Mrs. J. Cassel on Sunâ€" Howard Reichard of_ Toronto called at the home of I. M. Hilborn on Friday. ATOMIC MEDICINE: How new medicineâ€"making use of atomic energy, such as radioâ€"acâ€" tive iodine, may wipe out three terrible _ diseasesâ€"cancer, â€" goitre, and leukemiaâ€"is told in a double page feature in The American Weekly with this Sunday‘s (June 2; issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Get The Detroit Sunday Times every week. have a stake in their return . . . so let‘s do what we can to see they enjoy every k minute of their visit. ... Cc ie is 0 o "%s td 3 . CC \ P T L 2 ds ~<5 * ¢ R k hat l U s $ H 0e O 3 .Â¥ F â€"â€" SE E/T : CaW M o :s 3y %e @+ Et 9 > . ue R s Km is .5 4i C * Wia h 9 k â€" ds .o Wws IT‘Ss BVERYBODYS BUSINESS P e W’M Susirceo / * *> & 2 I (0 * 1 (s Vv .\) ces inccucd Ontario profita almost _ Every tourist dollar as much from tourist is shared this way: business as from gold 1. Hotels; 2. Stores; minin, It‘s up to each _ 3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes, one of us to keep this etc., 5. Amusements; husiness growing 6. Garnges "Let‘s make them want to come back!" y‘ MANWING A HOLIDAY? Tune in They come in hundreds from the States to watch the King‘s Plate . . . one of Ontario‘s greatest attractions for racing enthusiasts. Whatever brings them to Ontario, we all have a stake in their return . . . so let‘s do what we can to see they enjoy every CPRB, 10:30 p m., WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES at Ontario‘s racetracks! WHAT IT MAY DO T 2 A _ _Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schmidt, ‘Sharon and Larry and Mr. and Mrs. |John Bast, Floris, Iris and Harry, lall of Baden visited on Sunday ‘with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth. ; Smart Girls | Always Carry Paradol _ in their Handbags Mr. and Mrs. Omar Schlegel Verâ€" netta and Mary Ellen of Cassel and Mr .and MrsM. Jacob Erb of the 15th line spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Enos Zehr Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Kropf and Harold and Mr. Donald Albrecht, al lof Wellcsley and Miss Burnetta Kropf of Bamberg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Helmuth. and son Howard and Miss Naomi Gingerich attended the graduation services of the nurses of St. Mary‘s ll:ospi!a li nKitchener on Tuesday st. Miss Edith Bender spent Sunday under the parental roof One girl writesâ€"‘"Until I used Paradol every month 1 suffered alâ€" most unbesrable pains. It is the most quickly effective relief I have ever used and there is no disagreeable after effect." check colds Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Cressman 0. J. Gastmeier & Sons Phone 2â€"3410 6 Water St. S. â€" BR Chimneys repaired â€" Caulking. Chimneys, furnaces and cisterns cleaned. Agents for Stone & Wellingion Nursery Stock is shared 1. Hotels 3. Restaura ete.; 5. A EAST ZORRA By Mrs. Aaron Melmuth (Chronicle Correspondent| Ceneral Repairing CONTRACTORS PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LABATT LIMITED PAGE FIVE

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