Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Apr 1946, p. 7

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Mr. and Mrs. Edmon Holzschuh of near Wallenstein spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Schneider. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Earl Ottman were: Mr. and| Mrs. Earl Lautenschlager and son Bruce and Mrs, Aivin Ottman of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. George | Ottman and family of St. Clements. | Miss Laura and Irene Duench of Kitchener and Welland Lautenâ€" schlager of near Petersburg called on Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Schneider on Sunday evening. _ 0 Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Urias Bauman were Mr. and Mrs. Meno Martin and family of the town line, Miss Elizabeth Marâ€" tin and Mr. David Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Noah Martin and family spent Sunday at Mr. and Friday, April 26, 1946 sSUNDAY, APRIL 28. 1946 Full information frâ€" CANADIAN PACIFIC HAWKESVILLE "Meet my neighbour. my rainyâ€"day expert‘ TIME TABLE CHANGES Near you, wherever bour in the life ins him for advice in your future. It is goo ship to own life insu "Years ago he gave me a new slant on life insuranceâ€"‘Proâ€" vide for the rainy days . . . then you can enjoy the sunshine.‘ So that‘s the way 1 budget. My life insurance premiums are the first call on my income. That means I don‘t have to worry about Kitty and the kids. Then I figure current expenses, right down zo so much a week for movies and ice cream cones. And ihen/ ... whatever 1 can bank over and above that is velver. When it mounts up, Kitty gets a new gadget for the kitchen, or we smarten up the house. This new sunpoom comes out of our to the other sunroom. "How come? Did you win some money at the races?" "Meet my neighbour . . . my rainyâ€"day expert," said Henry. "As my life insurance man, he helped me finance this new sunâ€" room fifteen years ago." By Mrs. Aug. Schnelder (Chronicle Correspondent) When you start Spring Cleaning Please remember EMPTY BOTTLES! Life Insurance éomfiam‘n Conade and their agents "Fifteen years ago!" exclaimed the builder, glancing from one ~Pretty swanky, ch?" said Henry‘s neighbour, eyeing che new Effective Yesâ€"they‘re still Cartons and bottles are st#l/ scarce. Don‘t let them take up needed :g-ce when :he‘v can do a job on e production line. Our home delivery service will call for your empties if it is incons venient for you to return them personally. Call your nearest genomllgv. Call lour nea REWERS‘ RETAIL STORE Zhank Sfou ] ever you are, insurance bi in planning good citizenâ€" insurance. 2 Agents Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Tyack were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tyack and family, Mr. Guy Tyack of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. W. Tyack and family of Detroit, Miss Donna Tyack of Elmira. Miss Rebecca and Minerva Marâ€" tin spent Good Friday at their home here. On Saturday morning their was a barnâ€"raising at the home of Mr. Henry K. Brubacher that was atâ€" tended by some of the local men. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Bulmer and Helen of Kitchener last Wednesâ€" day Miss Minerya Martin of Waterloo spent the week at her home, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Martin. Miss Alice spent Sunday at her rhome Mr. and Mrs. Manassah Marâ€" tin. L _ Mr. Jewitt Parr of Linwood spent Good Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L G. Martin. Miss Delphine Schneider si)ént the weekâ€"end at her home, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackwell are spending their Easter holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Blackâ€" well at Kincardine. Miss Cornie Haight of Kitchener spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Bearinger of near Wallenstein is moving in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sittler. Miss Velma Schneider is spendâ€" ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. Harold Witzel, Petersburg. _ _ Mrs. Meno Shirk near Wallenstein \\\5;3 *‘ .& K+ s . "‘f ‘Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Binning with their families of Waterloo and Mr. 1and Mrs. Wm. Bettke and family of (Kitchener were Easter guests at the Ritter home. |_ Miss Baldwin spent the Easter vacation at her home in Ottawa. Large congregations attended the Easter services in local churches and also participated in the Comâ€" n:union, on Good Friday and Sunâ€" |day in the Lutheran Chl,tl,'ch. Speâ€" cial music was provided by the seâ€" nior and junior choirs and Mr. Vinâ€" cent Whitehead favored â€"with a | greatly appreciated solo. Mr. Floyd Myers had the misforâ€" tune to reccive a 3â€"inch cut in the back of his head when he fell down the steps in the barn and hit his head on the cement. He is conâ€" valescing at his home under the doctor‘s care. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hitchings and daughter Doris of h{ew Dundee have taken up residence on the Hallman farm in the house formerâ€" ly occupicd by Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Miller. Mr The Wilmot Community Fireside meeting will be held at the Roseâ€" ville Evangelical Church on Sunâ€" day evening. _ o Miss Marie Cressman and Mrs.| Howard Fried entertained at the | latter‘s home on Monday evening in honor of Miss Rudene Toman,| whose marriage is an event of this | week. The evening was spent in making a bride‘s book and the guest of honor was presented with personal gifts by Miss Thelma Lang and Miss Jean Hoover. The accompanying address was read by Miss Miriam Coleman. Miss Toâ€"| man replied suitably. Also during‘ the evening Miriam Coleman was| presented with a gift by Miss Mary ‘ Kaster in honor of her 21st birthâ€" day which she observed on Monâ€" day. Refreshments were served by the hostesses at the conclusion of‘ the evening. . â€" â€" A Good Friday morning service was held at the Rosebank Brethâ€" ren in Christ Church. Mr. Wilson Sararas spent Tuesâ€" day in Toronto. and Mrs. Flovd Myers on Sunday Mrs. Alice Brown of London visâ€" ited her sister, Mrs. Chas, Miller and Mr. Miller last week. An interesting yet quiet event took place at the St. Matthew‘s Luâ€" theran parsonage on Monday evenâ€" ing when Rev. S. J. Wittig united in marriage Mr. Solomon Kirch and Mrs. Erma Mann, both of this village. The‘couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Kirch will continue to live here. St. Matthew‘s Lutheran congreâ€" gation is setting out several hunâ€" dred small spruce trees on the vaâ€" cant lot of the parsonage property. Easter was observed at the Wilâ€" mot Centre Evangelical Church on Sunday and during the Sunday School hour the junior class of the Misses Clarine Haas, â€" Myrtle Schneider, Jean and Francis Sieâ€" bert sang, "Jesus Loves Me". Miss Clarine Haas gave a reading and Miss Myrtle Schneider gave a reâ€" citation. An instrumental number, "He Lives" was given by Nyle Dieâ€" fenbacher. Mr. and Mrs. E. Myers of New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goettling, Mr. Harry Goettling and daughter Ruth Ann of New Dunâ€" dee, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Duench and Billy of Waterloo, Mrs Mcâ€" Clasken and Mr. Robert Bruce of Toronto, Mr. Banks and Miss Mfl: tle Banks of Kitchener visited . it the Mrs. C Mrs. Wm. S. Wright of Kitchener is spending a short time at the home of her son, Oliver. and Mrs. Wright. ® The youth of the village tenderâ€" ed the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kirch a chivarie on Monday evenâ€" ing. _ _ ce All services have been cancelled at the Wilmot Centre Church for Sunday, April 28th. _ _ _ _ Miss Anna Guenther of Toronto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Guenther, former citizens of this village, now in Northern Ontario, ;pent part of last week with friends ere. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dahmer and Miss Anita Dahmer of Kitchener were over Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dahmer. smdpicious actions of the culprits and called in the police. _ Mr. Louis Christen met with a painful accident early last week while assisting a mason at some chimney work at the Hennige home when he slipped and fell some disâ€" tance to the ground below, sufferâ€" ing a foot fracture. What was su&;po:edwhnvebun an attempt to k in the Letson gmie. durmfie;he forepart of last week was foi by the prompt acâ€" Mr. Ernest Hachborn who had been a student in applied science at Queen‘s University, Kingston, has recently been added to the City Engineers‘ staff in Kitchener. Mrs. Arthur Kirch was an over Easter visitor at the home of her parents near Elmwood. Mr. Arno Neeb who recently bought the farm of his late father, rear Erbsville has sold his properâ€" ty here to his brother, Elmer of near Erbsville. Mrs. Geo. Holt son George and daughter Rosanne of Galt, spent the forepart of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rohr were Good Friday guests at the Wm. Bryden home in Georgetown. from army service. tion of neighbors who noticed the were in London last week and are again there this week in commseâ€" tion with obtaining their discharge Miss Muriel Egerdee of §t. Cathâ€" iends Mr. S Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Habel and Mr forepart of the week with ids in the village. r. Stewart Huehn of Esquimalt, , is spending a twoâ€"day leave e home of his parents, Mr. and Oscar Huehn. r. and _Mrs. Elton Dahmer and and Mrs. Arthur Binning with c families of Waterloo and Mr. By Mrs. Howard Fried (Chronicle Correspondent) ROSEBANK (Garonitto Dotrtipibtents Mrs. Elton Dahmer and s. Arthur Binning with es of Waterloo and Mr. ‘m. Bettke and family of were Easter guests at Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Myers and |John of Shakespeare visited Mr. |and Mrs. Flord Myers on Monday ‘ev_eping._ o ‘on Friday. e | Rev. E. Ginfirich of New Dunâ€" |dee called on Mr. Floyd Myers on !‘Monday evening. Mrs. Gordon B. Hallman, Miss Kathryn Hallman, accompanied by their guests Miss Alice Hallman.l and the Misses Jean Hallman and Marion and Anna Brott visited Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bean at New . Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hilborn at Roseville and Mrs. Joâ€" siah Cassel at New Dundee over , the weekâ€"end. On Monday Mr. Roâ€" Miss Lois Diefenbacher and Masâ€" ter Verdun Diefenbacher of Presâ€" ton and Master Donald Strome of Waterloo are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Diefenbacher. Mrâ€" and MrsM. Vernon Witmer, Dorothy and Glen visited Mr. and Mrs. Abram Honderich at Wilmot Centre on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Witmer visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Witmer at Nine Pines on Sunday. Bishop Moses Schmitt visited Mr. and Mrs. Osias Gingerich at Elmiâ€" Miss Doris Bowman of Pine Hill and Mr. Stanley Wagner of Haysâ€" ville visited Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bowman on Sunday evening. Mrs. Alice Brown of London visited Mr. and Mrs. Willard Beckâ€" er on Thursday. ra on Sunday Mr. Nyle Diefenbacher spent a few days this week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miller and Jimmie visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pfaff at Gadshill on Sunday. Guelg:.r visited Mrs. G. B. Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Becker of London, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Dieâ€" fenbaker of Preston called on Mr. The Messrs. Harvey en, Alâ€" vin Farrow and Jack en of Kitchener called on Mr. Floyd Myers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emnest Diefenbaker and Mrs. Lloyd Friday. spent Sunday with Mrs. Marion Brott of Bunti:fton. Ind., and Miss Anna Brott Reading, Mich., and Miss Alice Hallman of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mrs. Gordon Hallman. Cressman of Toronto are spending this week with their mother, Mrs. Simeon Cressman. arines is holidaying with her ents, Mr. and llnm&m H. l.afi Onsario. The impact of the visitorâ€"industry is seen on every hand . . . it is the weglth of all of us . . . we are a permanent host to millions. ONTARIO, a thousand miles this way and a thousand miles that, is the playground of Canadians and Americans alike. With its diversity of climate, life and interest, the province has everything the tourist wants and he comes in his millions to partake of it. Figuratively, the reception, accommodation and entertainment of these visiting millions set up waves of opportuâ€" nity â€"filled activities that affect every phase of the business life of Published by THE BREWTNG INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) THE PROVINCE OF PROMISE ... ‘Detroit bert Hallman accom Where only telophone instruments are involved, the next two or three months should clear our lists. But in many localities central office equipâ€" ment is the problem and this takes time to make and to instal. But there‘s a still bigger job ahead. The going rate since Vâ€"E Day has been at a higher level than in any other equal period. To wipe out the waiting list and get back to our old readyâ€"toâ€"serve basis will be our chief concern until the job is done. We are making progress to that end. WE ARE LOSING NO TIME. 1945 was the biggest year, but one, in our history. Although we had to repair, reâ€"use, substitute and improvise, we were able to provide telephones for all essential uses and to reduce the waiting list substantially. Cfl@&&/o/ abkeat) them to| Mr. and Mrs. Llioyd Schmitt and ited Mr. and Mrs. Burton Weber at ‘family and Mr. Moses Schmitt visâ€" Hespeler on Friday. coscensessecececaen ce en es snn en 00 ban ns ns na e 840 o s, F. LONG Manager

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