Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Apr 1946, p. 4

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McPhail‘ l Corner of King and William Sts. memmmant omm ’V‘ s 11 / .52 e d uy oo â€" _ â€" o 1PA Y wrcd 0 efi‘ /'/:'/% 3i HUGINZ ~L TY 1 [8 Bs % P22 § S . =* */j miek es Panign oo t Designed to aid and improve conditions throughout Onts â€"io, one of the largest volumes of rew and amended le‘fislatjon was dealt with by the 22nd session of the Ontario Legislature recently concluded. A total of 176 bills was introduced, 132 being public bills and 44 priâ€" vate measures Of these 152 were Knox Presbyterian Church, Erb St. West, Friday pm., May 3, and Saturday a m , May 4 17 Passing Legislature Preâ€"natal Care For Expectant Mothers; Two New Departâ€" ments Created; 176 Bills Inâ€" troduced. PAGE FOUR NOW UNDER ONE ROOF Phone Linwood 40 r 6 Rummage Sale We are Agents for Canada‘s three, top makes, of, Baby, Carriages LLOYDS â€" SUNSHINE and2, GENDRON LARGE RANGE OF COLORS AND PRICES TO CHOOSE FROM Standard â€" prices with the timeâ€"saving advantage of inspecting the different feaâ€" tures of these popular makes all in the same store, â€" E. RATZ LUMBER LTD. the owners, they‘d say their home was at least ten years old! The impression friends and visitors get of YOUR home depends on how it‘s kept up. . . . Simplify this very important matter by calling us. SHINY AND NEW LOOKING, yet if you were to ask * im taioatâ€" _ Continuation _ of educational grants to municipalities, counties and townships to relieve the tax burden on the local taxpayer is provided for in the budget. A reâ€" cord highway construction and imâ€" provement program is to be imâ€" plemented with expenditures of $46,000,000 to be made. Two new departments were set up under legislation introduced by Premier George Drew. These are, ‘first the Department of Travel and Publicity headed by Hon. G. Arâ€" ’thur Welsh, and the Deganment of Reform Institutions, headed by Hon. G. H. Dunbar. De&anments ‘dealing directly with ese two problems are new in provincial adâ€" ministration. The Travel and Pubâ€" licity Department will direct its ‘work toward aiding the tourist buâ€" siness and publicizing the province. Officials estimate that the forthâ€" coming season will be the largest in years with upwards of 12,000,000 visitors ex%e:ted The Reform Inâ€" stitutions partment will direct the new five or six institutions to be erected at various points throughout the province under the new policy for handling certain types of inmates. Included in this large volume of legislation are many measures imâ€" plementing the Drew Government‘s Ert:freuive policies in the fields of ealth, education, law enforcement, agriculture, highways, welfare, etc. Particularly in health measures, under the direction of Hon. Russell T Kelley, a bill was approved proâ€" viding for free medical examinaâ€" tion of all expectant mothers. Unâ€" der this new departure, ::ipecunt mothers receive a free m e;ln exâ€" amination upon makm& applicaâ€" tion to a medical practitioner who forwards a report to the Departâ€" ment of Health. The doctor makâ€" ing the examination is to be paid a $5 fee by the government. Two New Departments Continue Grants Waterloo Masterpiece of fine homemaking TO GOLD AND GLORY | ON WAGON WHEELS ‘ Stirring, authentic stories of murderous Indians, cutthroat outâ€" ‘laws, dauntless men and couraâ€" geous women, told by an oldâ€"timer who rode the trail for 50 years and who reveals the Old Wild West as »ll really was. Start this series in |The American Weekly with this |\Sunday‘s (April 28) issue of Detroit |Sunday Times Mr. and Mrs. Herb Schmidt, Russel and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lingelbach of Lisbon. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider and Myrâ€" tle of Pine Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Otto. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Junker and Eleanor spent Sunday with Mr. and gllrs. John Junker in New Hamâ€" urg. s s â€" The ‘On occupied 25 sittlng c0 Idl OVEF INem,. Adod san and fdays. This included nine night sesâ€" pegg:zht:dtgsgtue; are also good serâ€" |sions, and one morning sitting. At| . | n efam | ved on a bed of flaky, cooked rice, | prorogation, the historic mace |or spinach or other greens. | symbolizing the King‘s authority,| had e ‘and used at the first legislature| Note: A zinc jar top placed in the ‘held in Ontario on Sept. 17, 1792, | pan of water wil shape the egg inâ€" ‘was taken into the Cgambe:(‘. This | to a circle. |first session was at Newark, nqw ‘Niagaraâ€"onâ€"theâ€"Lake. On April 27, Bpanish Toast 1813, this mace was seized by U.S.‘ 2 eggs, beaten slightly, % troops when capturing York. It| cup tomato juice, 1 tsp. sugar was taken to Washington remainâ€"| (optional), % t.? salt, pepper, .ing there until 1934 when the late| 5â€"6 slices bread, 3 thsps. fat, President Roosevelt directed its reâ€" _ onion juice. turn here. Premier Drew anâ€"! Blend beaten eggs, tomato nounced it will be encased in glass â€" juice, sugar and ge.gon‘,::f, Dip and placed on exhibition in Parliaâ€" both sides of each slice of bread ment Buildings. . _ ‘into the mixture. Brown on both Mr. and Mrs. Edg Eleanor spent Sat with Mr. and Mrs. . Mr. and Mrs. P Cassel spent Tuesda and Mrs. Allan Otto, Mr. and Mrs. Mer son Harold of Well and Mrs. Vernon M Mr. anc Audrey . evening \ Helmuth. Mr. anc Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Helmuth of South Easthope and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Helmufh and family of North Easthope called on Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth, Sunday evenâ€" Miss Magdalena Helmuth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Bender Mr. and famliy of Sunday ev Enos Zehr. 8ST. CLEMENTsS, ONT. By Mrs. Asron Helmuth (Chronicle Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Enos Zehr and famâ€" ily spent Sunday with Mr. and _Ni‘;s._ Samuel Wagler of Gravel Road. A select committee was appointâ€" ed on motion of Premier Drew to study and report on members‘ inâ€" demnities. troduced by Minister of Agricuiâ€" gxre Tl.ml..dxennedy. Another l:hm om hi ent sets up the Ontario !‘oo?."ll‘:'rrlnhnl to be built in York County for handling of fruit and produce. The Conservaâ€" tion Authorities Act provides for such authorities in various parts of the province, similar to the Grand River Conservation and Thames River Control commissions. Three municipalities within a watershed may proceed to create an authority under this measure to control flood conditions. work by a new warâ€"proved freâ€" auency modulation radio system. This will institute new methods in crime prevention, the new system knitting together the whole police system by permitting not only staâ€" tion to car twoâ€"way communication but carâ€"toâ€"car communication. is to be brought in by regulation, Minister of Labor Charles Daley announced. Subsidies on cheese, hogs, and sugar beets are continued for another year by measures inâ€" A new minimum wage for men EAST ZORRA and Mrs. Abner Bender and of South Easthope spent y evening with Mr. and Mrs. and Carol, with Mr. Mrs. 1 Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Percy P Tuesday last Mervin ® Wellesley Edgar Junker Saturday â€" eve Emmanuel Gerber , spent and Mrs. F S es Helmuth _ of | r. and Mrs." family of| Kropt inker and _ evening h Stere. Pletch of with Mr. Sunday . Moses 1 cup thinly sliced rhubarb ‘% cup sugar 14 cup shortening 1 egg yolk 4 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sifted all purpose flour OR 1 cup plus 2 thsps. pastry flour 4 teaspoon salt 1‘4 teaspoons baking powder i4 cup milk 4 teaspoon cinnamon 4 teaspoon cloves 1 egg white Mix the rhubarb with Im‘ the sugar and place in the . of six greased custard cups. 0-‘ |_2. Crumbled commercial cereals [make a fine topping for puddings and frozen desserts. Ever try rice | krispics on ice cream? 5. French toast with a wedge of lettuce _ covered _ _with _ tomato sauce, makes a good lunchean dish or evening snack. ‘ 3. Prepare a puffy omelet as usuâ€" al and, before folding, arrange grated orange rind over the top. Serve with cheese sauce. 4. Lay 2 strips of crisp bacon on a slice of toast; cover with paperâ€" thin slices of nippy cheese; pour piping hot tomato sauce over all Serve at once as a Sunday breakâ€" fast dish. | +2 pound butter, % tsp. salt, | _1 cup top milk, % rennet taâ€" blet, !4 tbsp. cold water. Let butter stand in a warm place ; until soft, but not melted. | _ Add salt to milk and heat slowly, ;stirring constantly, until it is warm, but not hot; remove at once from ‘heat. Extras for the lunch: Spiced oatâ€" meal cookies, raisin tea biscuits, chocolate cake topped with custard, leman tarts or Hot Cross buns. 1 The Suggestion Box 1. Dice leftover cooked tongue and heat in cream sauce to which prepared horseradish has been adâ€" ded. Serve over squares of plain johnny cake. Pickled beets and a kreen vegetable go well with this dish i Teenâ€"agers will be inviting their friends who have been at "Reha>" ‘School for an evening during the |holiday. Entertainment will be fun for them to plan. Tasty food will be your main consideration. For. That reason we repeat a butter spread recipe to use in making ‘sendwiches, Suggestions for sandwich fillings: Minced dates and grated carrots, coftage cheese and relish, cge-nut butter and orange rind, icken and celery or chopped beef and cnion. Add set rennetâ€"milk mixture to softened butter; beat with rotfi beater until perfectly blended. Chill. 1 cup soft bread crumbs, 1 cup milk, 4 eggs, separated, ; _ salt and pepper to taste. _ Mix milk and crumbs, let the crumbs soak. then beat smooth. |Beat yolks add to bread mixture. | Beat whites stiff and fold into mixâ€" ture. our into hot greased and cook slowly until firm #33 ‘mins, Cook in the oven for the last 10 mins. to brown on top. This four egg omelette will serve 4â€"5 people. The same mixture may be . cooked as scrambled eggs. Dissolve rennet tablet in cold water and add to the lukewarm milk; stir for a few seconds only. Let stand in saucepan until firmâ€" about 10 mins. Do not chill Beat eggs slightly and combine with milk and seasonlnfi Melt fat in top part of double boiler or in frying pan. Add egg mixture and cook very slowly, stirring conâ€" stantly, until mixture begins to thicken. Add cheese. Cook 1 minâ€" ute longer Scrambled Eggs With Cheose for 8 Blend beaten eggs, tomato juice, sugar and seuonb;r Dip both sides of each slice bread into the mixture. Brown on both Sides in hot fat in frying pan. Remove the eggs carefully and serve on toast. lgour a little meltâ€" ed fat over them. Add salt and pepper to taste. â€" â€" Let me tell you the modern story of colxred eggs: ri:e: most hn-fi ing. certain Company been testing the hen‘s reaction to colored food. One dish of mash was colored bright red, and anothâ€" er dish, bright green. The shells of their eggs were natural in color but the fiollu were either bright red or bright green. When these eggs were hatched it was surprising to note that the downy feathers of the baby chicks were tipped red or green. The chicks retained this coâ€" lor for 8 to 10 weeks. Break eggs into boi saited water in a shallow mu.ln&.“ the water deep enough to come over top of the eggs. Remove the pan from the heat as soon as the water commences to simmer again. Coâ€" ver, and let stand for about 5 mins., or until the gegs are as firm as you want them. Remove the eggs carefully and serve nn tnast nnr a little malt. 4 eges, 4 cup milk, 3 theps. butter, salt and pepper to taste, % cup cheese. . â€" Happy Easter! Rennetâ€"Milk Method Rhubarb Puffs Budget Omelette Take A Tip _ Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bo\smmn and Ruth Ann spent Easter ‘with Mr. and Mrs. Uzziah Shantz, Strasâ€" burg. Mrs. Irvine Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mohr, North Easthope, gisneg Mrs. Edward Snyder, Sunâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Norman King and family of Kitchener were Good Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Osiah Horst and baby Glen of New Hamburg sg‘ent the weekâ€"end with Rev. and Mrs. Reuben Dettwiler. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Schutz and family of Toronto were weekâ€"end Xisitors with friends and relatives ere. ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaefer of New Jersey, N.Y., and Miss Eleanor Kuhl, Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with Miss Clara and Emmanuel Sochner. Mr. John Mogk has returned to the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mogk after spending the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mogk, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Amos, Patsy and Barbara moved their household effects to their home reâ€" cently purchased near Winterâ€" bourne. Sydney Martin, 18â€"yearâ€"old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jogiah G. Martin, 4th of Peel, is in the Kâ€"W Hospital suffering from a fractured bone in his chest. While Sydney was preparing his team for seeding, the stable door benged and the frightened team pushed him against the wall. Coupons now valid are sugarâ€" preserves S1 to S7, butter R1 to R6. ard meat M29 to M34. Soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes.* Add to hot rhubarb and stil until dissolved. Add lemon juice. Placein refrigerator or other ooolg.l:ceandanow to partially set. t egg white with sait unâ€" til stiff, but not dry. Add the jelâ€" lied mixture and continue to beat. Turn into one large or several inâ€" dividual moulds and chill Serve with custard sauce made from the two egg yolks. Six servings. in oneâ€"inch pieces . . . if rhubarb is tender it should not be E‘eeled. The peel 'gives a delicate "pinkish" color to the sauce. Put with sugar in a covered casâ€" serole. Bake in a moderate oven (350F) until tender, about 45 minâ€" utes. To vary, add % to % cup RATION COUPON DUE DATES 13 DUKE 8T. RBAST mdl&h 4 cups rhubarb %% cup brown sugar 4 >\ L ;‘*mmm Twin City Laundry FLORADALE ‘‘The Best Cleaning Costs Less Cleaners and Dyers For Over 15 ihoro%hly. cut Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Ear)l Bender, Henry and Kenneth, Waterloo, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bowman. Mrs. Eben Howling and Margaret of New Dundee, Miss Eva Schneiâ€" der, Pine Hill and Harry Spies, Elâ€" mira, were visitors with Mrs. Laâ€" vina Spies. _ _ Ervine Gingrich, North Woolâ€" wich, Danie!l Gingerich, Wallenâ€" stein, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, Peel, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Gingrich. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kaufman, Scotland, spent Good Friday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Class and Jaâ€" nice spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Class, Elmira. Phone 2â€"0017 COST No MORE THAN THOSE TAKEN IN YOUR HOME WATERLOO The Trussler Photo Studio Member of The Ontario Society of Photographers Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Morison 177 Al STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHS LIMITED 66 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO 1, CANADA Telephone: WAveriey 1891 HARRISON & COMPANY Changing Money Conditions There is no high pressure salesmanship at ducing many problems for investors. Many complete issues of securities are being called for redemption prior to maturity, while in other cases partial redemptions are taking which may be of value to you. Disappointâ€" ment and loss of interest may be avoided by knowing which of your securities are We have prepared a list of such securities, Wrie for the list, with which will be forwarded our current Investment Suggestions impact on you ond your fomily. The Christion Science Nome ________ The Christion Science Publishing Society _ One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts care of them for you and will send them back as good or better than wher ,\K'mi first bought them City Laundry. We will take good laxation time. Make sure that you get your share of those precious hours of pleasure by sending your cleaning problems to the Twin Twin City For Cleanliness! corner, and summertime is ore Cool Cottons For Comfort Please enter a lol introduct suo;climlm to hristion Science m'u-s md'fio Issues) tor $1 Summertime is just around the Mr. and Mra. Arthur Roos 282 Rowman 8t PHONE 8â€"8833 Kennoth Seip, 18 Menne 8t A perfect method. No elastic. No leg straps. LIGHT. INEXPENSIVE RUQE_ANTIID. Investigate. â€" Write U DOWNING‘S Flowers 86 King St. West Next to Capitol Theatre Phone 4â€"4162 coee mom came caee mese cont cume ces cume c RUPTURED? for YOUR home State 177 Albert St Waterloo

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