Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Dec 1943, p. 3

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'_tthgLttt-hqrt,1" am: 8 King St. East A most enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gil- bert Wiltong. Sr., when about 30 friends of P.-O. Ralph Myers and Mrs. Myers and Pte. Gilbert Wil- fong ot the “Lt. of C.. overseas, and Mrs. G. Wilton; of blotting ham, England, held a party in their honor. ‘P.-O and Mrs. Myers were presented with a set ot dishes in honor of their recent marriage. Mrs. Myers thanked her friends for their kind thoughts and lovely gift. A miscellaneous, shower was held for Pte. and Mrs. G. Wilfong. Mrs. Wm. Kauk, sister of Pte. Wil- fong. thanked everyone for the many beautiful gifts received for Pte. and Mrs. Wilfong. who were not able to be present. During the evening games were played and a social times spent. Winners of Primes were Mrs. George Ayres, Miss Mary Weaver, Mrs. Ral h Myers, Mrs. Fred Hobbs, Miss Mpa- v" . " I -- P, . 1lith .h-’ ji 4;! L. ser,st,s, 3,. n A H :..--:m {3% “maven - mum-d hoot-l.” YOUR GLASSES WTM We!!! eetrh" We Also “an 3 Chad Anny ot-. VISIT BULLAS' YOUR EYES an my, anal-ed STEELE’S Complete line of Used Furniture BEDROOM SUITES . DINING ROOM SUITES R! In” little: an" (Chmlclo Corn-nub") ODD CHAIRS W“ " m BULLAS TRADE-IN STORE T " Oahu-So St. South Alvin Dru-ch. 1W Klan Re N WATCHES HOLLOWAIE KITCHEN FURNITURE RADIOS AND STOVES KITCHENER I rsa 26 n. Services $34.15 . H N. Servkcs $49.15 Adoration or FIIS' Love - L Patterns W li . Yo ll n g n- n AND ty Bowick and Mrs. Wm. Tact. The hostess served refreshments assist- (d by Mrs. John Sapsworth, Mrs. Mid Fisher, Mrs. Wm. Kauk and Muss Charmain Kauk. The Ladies' Aid of the Doon Presbyterian Church held their business meeting on Wednesday Min-noon .n the home of Mrs. George Ayres. Rev. C. Tilbury of Galt conduct- of. the service at the Donn United Chyrch sn 1iunflay, afternyoy. Rev. H. G. Cleghom of Preston was in charge of the service at the Boon Presbyterian Church on Sun- day aturrnoorp, - a. _ -- Pastor and Mrs. ArGand Ram- soyor were visitors in Kitchener on Sawdu- - A _ - Mrs. Harry Eade was visiting in Galt, on, Satyrfay, 7 Mr. James Rainer of Gait was a Sunday visitor " the home of In. H. 35.95. MW, Audrey Teet of Brantford spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tact. George Ranscombe of Ayr was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cluthe on Friday. Mrs. R. Jones was visiting in Gang? Tuesday. _ A Miss Annie SGith was visiting in Mister! on Ftidev. - Reg. Wilfong of Campbellville was a recent visitor at the home of Mr, and M_rs. Gilbert W_ilf9ng. Max Sehaat who has bderstek for the pact few days is up and around again, THE VOODOO QUEEN Read. . . in The American Week- ly with this Sunday's (Dec. tr) 'tst- sue of The Detroit Sunday Times. ' of the woman who, to satisfy her burning lust tor gold. turned to the weird weapon of her witch ances- tors to blackmail New Orleans’ luxury-loving, romantic society. Get The Detroit Sunday Times this week and every week. William Lucas was visitim the home at Mr. and Mrs. H Neys ol Iftair or) Wednesday, Arum: Cuytutat, " Bella!" Are 1mm me” ti? Co. or NEW ORLEANS Telephone 7-7804 BED SPRINGS was visiting at aid Ars, Harry ”NIKKI Olives "hai' As Poker Chips R15 igt'tl',r that it wt: 'trt?,". ili in)? on entering ,\ that the It inns had manned under Fuck: rule. "111:, continu- ally beg tor food It is really plu- ful," he relates. adding that the Italian civilians anally Wm army biscuits thrown to I)! Allied sfldiers, _ __ -- L Mrs. Elgin Miller presided for 1 the program which opened with I singing of Christmas carols. and (prayer by Mrs. J, W. Burton. Miss ‘Ircne Chapman read the scripture l lesson after which Miss Alta sum: gave a reading entitled. "Black ye- fuels white". and Miriam Hilbert: sing a solo. Mrs. E. Gingerich con- 'oucted the mission study on "Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands". The business was in charge ot the pre- sident. Mrs. Weston Serums. dur- im: which a vote of thanks was tNC- derided to Mrs. Stoltz, the speaker of the afternoon. After the meet- ing dainty refreshments were ( served by the hostess. mixing Water sn. 3.. Kitchener. and Mr, John, J9oetau, of Detroit, Mich. Large Audience ;En joys 'hunt Tillie’ Hear Kitchener Speaker at Peylee Mrs. A. F. Stoltz of Feetegl the guest speaker at the December) meeting of the U, B. Women's Mis-l sionary Association which was‘ held at the home of Mrs. A. Wi-l born on Wednesday atternoond with an attendance of twenty-one ladies. She gave an interesting ac- count ot experiences which she and her late husband had while serving as missionaries on the United Brethren Mission tieid in Sierra Leone, West Africa during the years of 1903 to 1910. Follow- ing Mrs. Stoltz's talk, Mrs. M. B, Snyder told of the mission stations and native workers on the tteld it thy_presgnt. tinge. . A capacity audience tlited Ravel- mais Hall nn Tuesday evening for the proscntaticn of the three-aet comedy. "Aunt Tillie Goes to Town". by lhv Pinohill Young Promo, lit-awe Gordon B. Haltman introduced the members of the cut who rvndorod their pans in splen- did style, Between acts musical numbers were given by Jack Dupre, radio cowboy singer. The proceeds of the evening's entertain- ment are being donated to the Red Cross. The local Red Cross rooms will be closed for sewing until Wednes- qigv. {an}. 1944. WM. Moots. The M.B.C. Women's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Victor Rosenberger on Wednesday afternoon with an attendance of thirteen. The devotions were ted Ly Mrs. Elgin Reist with the Strip- tun: lesson being read by Mrs. L. Rosenbergor and prayer offered by Mrs. o. T. Coleman and Rev. Her- bert Shantz. Mrs. Clarence Rosen- bcrger gave a missionary reading on India. The remginder or the meeting was spent in quilting for British relief work. Little Andy Sararas. one of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Santas' six-year- dd twins is suffering from a slight concussion of the brain as the re- sult of a fall on the ice on Wed- Inesday morning. He was brought chome from school where the min. 'hap occurred and was attended by ior. J. C. Ross of Baden. Friends in this disrtict are trad- doned to learn of the death of Rev. Flgin Brubacher in Nigeria, Afri- ca. The late Rev. Brubaeher who was only 29 years of age was well known here where he attended both Public and Communion ‘Schools while his father. Rev. 1. Brubacher now of Hespeler served t', pastor of the local mac. Church. l WILLIAMSBURG Visitors with Mr. and Mrs Adam Poll on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs Valentine Rohr and the Mines Violet, Gladys and Dorothy Rohr ot Centreville; Mr. and Mrs. or- lind Bierman of Erbsvllle; and Mr. and Mrs Emery Rake and son. far'" and Ellery “ewes of Pine 1 . Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman of New Hamburg called on friends on the village on Newly. Sunday visitors at Delton Rcichert's were Mr, and Mrs. Earl Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Reichert from Waterloo Mr, and Mrs Ezra Brckrr accom- unniod Mr, and Mrs Fred Becker of Kitchener to Boamsvine on Saturday where they Mlended the luneral of Mrs, Arthur Sputululoe [punnna Hoolschcr. daughter of ,‘Iw late Mr and Mrs Edward 'tHryllsehtr. longer” of this pitee, Mrs. Hénry Bccior is speiuting a few days with her brother, Ogear Schweitzgr. nenr_P_ot_er§burt .. {as -fGiG "'Ré-Csi' is" _ iendina somo mm with her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Reid. a_t Flomdale. Mr and Mrs. Adm Becker grant 3 d3 with Mr. and Mrs. ohn Fat ytytfu_rtrtysifte Jast vie-git; fi!? Earl Pannabeckor, RCA.- M. . ot Cnmp Borden. and Mrs, Pannabockor of Kitchener, were new" visitors with Mr. and Mrs ‘lsnjgh Spy In!) Mrs. Jaw! Halllnan, NEW DUNDEE Tho funeral of the halo Prtrr Musselman was held on Monday anemoon at the Sterling Avenue Mt rmonite Chgreh. um! Y1)! largely: ....<...w.. -. um um"... ..._..-_ mum. _.._ .....R,. M: nnonite Church. Ind w“ Iamely‘ The Red Croat quill! was held attended by 'the neighbors and In! Wednesday " the ghoul with (hands. In ham FROM“. Ono quilt and Miss Ethel BMtler from London on! comfort" were his”. By Mrs. Bun Bock-r H‘hmnkk Corrnpondenn liq-blast- saiiaraai-ut tti "ttta, Nov. to. to Mr. 2th't,, Ihtd uun Schumann. in PM sdhfgf,'lit N Dundee Moe " cw . . to Mr. and In. Eben Howling. a dnuehter. B-b-At K-W Hoqtitat, Noe. = to Mr. and In Howard Burner... Mount Rope BL, Kite!» [ ener. I daughter. l Seh_-.-At x-w Hospital. Noe.) At, to Pte. and In. Harvey Schneider. Weber tn. w., Knuth afflTfalo'lu Mary's Hospital Tt7oT,Ti'/tricC%i"sG"Tii"iil Geisel. Simeon St, Kitchener, a daughter. MA} quuhanL Gem Busch-WHOM W, Anthony Busch to Rita Lienhart both of ot St. Clements "arrqtt-Naeht-t- wt-t_-tlov. 20, Harold Keith Vincent. Toronto, to Mary Matilda Roch. ot Kuchener. Hallman-Finn-Nov. 29. PO. Morley J. [human to Helen Elk zabeth Quinn. both of Kitchener. Wilson-6M0“ w, Anthony Wiisom_Torrmto. to Mildred Ga.. winter--.). ar, Washington Win- ter, Downie Tn. tomb of Preston. " - Piehaed-Nov. 29, Mrs. William Pickard. Toronto. st--Notr a. Mrs. Ella Shout. Corrie. Ont., " yea“. Ellis-Nov. M, George was, Wu":- crton. " years. BmeNov. At, [In Mary P. BIL zer. Kitchener. " years. Van thte-MOV. 37. Leona“! Van Norman, WR. t, Arm. Pn- kington Tts., " - WW.e-Nov. St. Helene Veils. tonnasa. 20 years. BoqF--Nqv. _29, Solomon Band, Millbnnk. " years. '. 'u-ire ar. Mrs. John Hanna. 425 Wendell Ave., Kitchener. " years. tathir---Nov. 29, George Meyer, larbsinger, Water St. S., Kitch- ener. 80 years. Koeh-Nov. 27, Jacob Koch. Lis- towel. " years. A very pretty wedding was isp emnized on Saturday morning. Nov. 29th in the St Clemneu R. Wr Church, when Miss Rita Lehlhardt‘ became the bride ot Mt Anthony Busch. Rev. Dean Becker 06mm with Sister M. Regina playing the wedding musk. Miss Leinhardt is the Ser, of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton ta t {and Mr. Busch is a son ot Mr. and "es, Anthony Byseh, . - . Rita Leinhardt Is, Lovely Bride _-.-. ".13.; -- -"_-"_ ”Not a. -f,'d 2'NMhtd Johnuone. Mn. . MW.“ Given in marriage by her (other. the bride looked charming in I floor-length frock of white Mple sheer with round neck lines and long bishop sleeves. a queen nu. zabeth headdresss and a tInger tip veil. Her Bowers were pink roses. bouvardia and ferns, Miss Florence Leinhardt. sister) of the bride, was maid of honor! and wore a ftoor-tength pink gown of sheer over taffeta with a sweet- heart neckline. long full sleeves and carried pink roses and term. Miss Mary Leinhu'dt also I sit- ter of the bride, wad mid and wore a blue gown made like that of the maid of honor and also carried pink roses and tern. Mr. Gilbert Busch. hmtha' of the bridegroom wu best man. During the my Francis Leinhardt, brother of the beide and ‘Joseph Hertiss, cousin ot the bride, ‘sorved mus. 'liépi’m. Rev. 267w Capt. and Mrs. T. A. Irishman. Lucknow. um k----. 27. Douglas Litwiller, St. Agatha, to Ruby Olive Perrjrt,3hrterity?. --- -- iautuiaeu-i--Nov. 27, George Franklin Hatett, Mn. to Frieda Hackban of Kitchener: A reception was held at the home of the bride's parent and about " guests were entertained. Both the bride's Ind the groom's mother wore black crepe dresses and col-sages ot red roses. Mr. and Mrs Busch will reside one the groom's farm northwest of St, Clements Mr. and Mrs. William Dietrich ot Rummelhardt visited Sunday with Mrs, John Dietrich. las, of Kitchener. TROOPS GET MORE "" " RESULT or VICTOR!“ Troops of Britain's famed Firsti and Eighth Armies to-day have em increased beer ration, gained as I result of their own enacts. he the Mediterranean victory eased the shipping situation to m extent ea- ahiing greater shipment; and the ration u been IBM. Lon- don adds that part of the booeted ‘ration is now coming from the United Sutex For I time the beer {nation we: down to a pint I week. and Me, two Scheer, and Mernt in?! 'illinafd 7 ot Knew-nor gran! Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Batyiarld_tnmitr. ___. _ .. ST. Marriages Births Deaths liummwddlw-ou kEii,E'. (iiiitig.'if2igi2g,',t ii"iiiGF' st,'ii5i/ii'diitthi,ti', 11t'8,l: '!iii'iii' sili?5ji'?li't,i?titi1,'il'i, tad In David 'iiiii"iir'iG a purl iii. in}? iiiiiiCiak -iitGiEriiit, - __ N. ., and - {an itietoes Le IP- a? ciairiiiE iiiiuiGGirrM/e, tiiFi',Tti'2?YLii2Sfiitttt, gig. _of “than! (you) M: iiiUuc wtiir M! “Lei." 'yo " Ww--. . inn; __ Hrs. Senna]? wu I daughter ot Mr, Ind in: he“ iiiistrrryees.rers 0133;. yam " and In. siuat, was. married two years ago by Rev. Ar. thur Weld! then pastor a Sas- ‘katoon. putt regent}! gangland s“? ikiGitris dett 'uown in this community when he sand " any WKW mm in ifrsurit.' Mfg isei, to; some trt5 ot St. Pauth Litheranl arch, Kitchener. and we; ro- sided In Prawn prior to Don s em listment Three weeks ago the late Mrs Schaub visited in Kitchener and we: returning to her home tn Saskatoon had gone to Rochester where she was to undergo an oper- ation. Besides her sorrowing husband. the deceased lady in survived by her Intent. one beother and one Sim. Funeral service was held in Saskatoon on Monday. . PREsToN.--Ailing for the past six months, Washington Winter. a former resident of Prawn. died at the home at his samba-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs Harold Wilson. Downie Township, on Mon- day. The husband of the late Al- berta Bobsien. he was in his 85th year. Born in, Preslpn. Mr._tritter lived here the earl% part or his We. He had resided at orth Bay for " years. but tor the past few weeks had made his home with his daugh- ter, in pqwnie Towpshlp. - _ Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. J. A. Megeney of Hamilton, Mrs. Harold Wilson of Downie Township. Miss Edith Winter, of Port Dalhousie. one sister. Mrs. Flows; Sheath of Sandi!» Nte. uvesi here tAe yearly)!!! lsf his tite, His wife predeceased‘him iii 2927. Mrs. Mary P. Bauer, 83, died at the K-W Hospital Sunday after an illness ot several years. Widow ot the late George Bauer. she raided for a number of years at 91 Queen St. tC, Kitchener. m Baker was a member of St John's Anglican Church. Mrs. John Hamm. nie “kiwi Wégip. died a! -hthote.32S Fen- dell Avenue, Monday. following a lingering illness. She was 53 years old. She is a daughter of Frederick Wright ot Kitchener and the late Mrs. _ErigLst. who_s_e ttidea name was Ellen Elmes. Mrs. Hamm came to Canada " years ago. She at- tended St. John's Anglican Church. Besides her father and husband. shits 'urvived by my 59AM- erick John Ham of Kitchens; two daughters. Mrs. Herbert Mer. er of Petersburg and Mrs. Stanley McCardle. Kitchener; {our bro- thers. Fred Wright of Cantu-nil. Charles of Brantford. Walter of noon and Ernest of Kitchener. and two sisters. Mrs William Wolfe, Kitchener. and Mrs. Ellen Casey; Brantford. an”. no”! my" George Meyer Winger. Water street north, Kitchener. died Mon- day momhfd while funeral ms was being so tor his wife, the Sot- mer Catherine Kramer. who died on Friday. He was so years old. Born in Miidmay on Jan. , new, Born in Mildmay on Jan. 9, was. he was a son ot the late Mt. pm! Urs." ism.” “swam Cather- l_ne_ M_trer.Ae atttnded St. Mary’s ich of San Francis? Cant. and Melvin of Buttata, N. " one dingh- ter. Mrs. Archibald L. Kummei o! Kitchener. tttree mums. Paul Lobsinger of Buttato, Simon of De- troit and Philip of Mummy and two sisters, Mrs. Edward hitter of Buffalo and Mrs. Catherine Ward of Detroit A native 14 London. lag-mud. 'uhr"iiiink are “yo soryyWeder-. "raiaarN -- -- Obituary Washington III-m Mun-annua- Only Two of Every Five Canadians Are Propetly Nourished! Inn's In to It. 8m hiit Emily In: the light Foods! trgttc'.tttgrTa'i,"tM2"a', of 2fggtuet',ugu't,/tt “We... Mel-al- o-Abe "ei-e-"'"-")- " - hed you My VII. '" on fidu'hznllmmmgk: - out mst_.Tnrqoer-ooea.r' of ta=rt,rfAep'e',ttg2; about food- m 3:171:40va (mane) 1Tgr.tt1fgrget.tt.ttt,et tu: " up, ““hm'ock- oo- ". - It. can,“ NW! Flinn-W" "___- auiGauifd . '.t".tthtt'etr, New Dundee Couple Mark . ' 58th Anniversary of Wedding ttiiiiai -wariirthu Faiiii aianriis Iti'i their an. wedding {adhering u theirhmneonriotBt.mt at mod-1.09:. In. Mr. Weher W I you: old In! Scrub” will}. In. Weber the m Loni-I Em:- wilt he not!!! Fem-n- _ttrir.wirrorUrA.L.t if. 13 ttrkpiiiriiie' i 1'" but, 7" if!“ arid'hiiie tis/ed BB iiGVitrnrii ""u' is; m} irirtiik" "___ _ the Mums-y yg: not gale lulled in will " sinee In. Weber?” been J2Lh to bed through ulna. tor the put well-known farmer of this district.‘ died early Bond's morning at 2: home about a ie south at the! village. In June he suttered a stroke and had been bedlut for the past two weeks. In his Ttst year. he was the youngest son of the kate “emu Bond and Julianna Kim-n. __ ti/int/Gait-ttiris" FriiiiriGi-- with township. In mo he mgr-i tied In. Rebeca Ferguson. who survives along with a step-son. David Ferguson. of Baden. two sons. Pte, Roy Bond of Camp Bor- den and Norman at home; two daughters. Mrs. Hector MaeVnnan tAgnes) of Milibank,Nnd Miss Dorothy at home. Three sisters, Mrs. Julius Berger (Annie), Mrs. W. t Chalmers (Emma). both of Milverton. Mrs. George Yeager (Adeline) ot Toronto; also six grandchildren and one great grand- child. One brother, Philip. and three sisters. Mrs. Charles Rabey "Marion), also two sisters in in- fancy predeceased him. Funeral services were held on Wednesdag at the late residence, followed y service in the King- wood Mennonite Church, third con- cession of Wellesley. Interment was made in the adjoining cem- tery. I qu " ad. Jan-igl- may) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mamet of Rostock and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schneider and family of Bamberg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hehtrart an Swim, __ - Miss Margaret Freiburger and Mr. and Mrs. been Hartman of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. amA.Mrs. Jfertrert ngipurggr. _ _ Misses Christina Kroohlcr and Frieda Gremm of Kitchener spent um week-end with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gremm. Misses Vera and Helen Hackbart of Waterloo spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haekbart. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reichert were Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider. Mrs. John Schneider. Jr., and son Harwood. and Mr. Nelson Schneider of St. Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Dietrich and family. Mrs. Mary Hinschbewer of St. C ements and Mr. Fred H nsch- borgor of Bamberg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hinschberger on Sunday; _ _ A -- - __ mm. - Solomon Boad, Mr. Elmer Seyler of North East- HESSEN ROAD (.1 MI. Wm» \I, c-. Wrap-talc.” Have You 16-Hour Days With 8-Hour-a-Day Eyes'? livery bit " seeing is fag,"',', eyes. so nearly all M as use our eyes " hours My. y at us. however, lava eyes ghgupegdluuogy I taught. 3he range _Is ttttteye ed m In the “til than they should be. PM”! - an [in clue 'ttadMrtieed eyes. . . . And the cost Is so reasonable too! Ilium: anion. as Inno- " YOUNG’S BETTER VISION GLASSES “mm KITCHENS! NT, “All. VIII COUPON YODAYI r--"--""""""""""""'""""", BOE “O. TOIONTO. CANADA ”mound-0.7!Illrmnl'lu-m [an 1.: ' m aa Wei-Iii; iiiira iAs%iiuatste Ity mirth}? new}: CittGGt FREE They have three children, name- lv: Mn. Gertrude Minsk! and Clayton Weber ot Kitchener; and Charles of Butraio, N.Y.; Biso nine tgrandchildren And tour great gandchildren. They are proud of e (m that two “Indians. Gerald and Florin Weber, m serv- ing with the armed torus over- Waterloo Couple Hark 50th Year KITCHENER. - City Council ( Monday night that H O - l. law giving Kitchener butchers the right to establish special hours on Saturdays and days preceding holi- days, but AM. (Dr) Stanley Lea- vine didn't see "eye-to-eye" with Ithe _p_eti_tion _presented._ - A 7 Surrounded by members of their family. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ferguson celebrated the Mth anni- versary of their wedding u that home here Saturday. A family par- ty followed a special mass said for the celebrants at St. Louis RC Church, when two grandsons acted as. mass-serve". Mn Ferguson, formerly Annie McGovern, a daughter at Irish par- enuae who was born in Perth County, and Mr. Ferguson. of Scot- tish descent, who was born near Preston. were married in Kitchen- or at the old St. Mary's Church. and one of their attendants was Miss Johanna Maser. Of their ten children two died at an early age and during the First Great War they lost one son. Pte. Leo Eugene Ferguson. At present one son, Cpl. James, is overseas as well as Vincent of Detroit; Mau- rice. of Kitchener; Mrs. Alfred Schefter, of Waterloo; Mrs. Mau- rice Rich, Kewgardens. Long Island, N.Y.. and Mrs. James No- lan. of Hamilton. They have 11 grandchildren. der present-day conditions, they should convene with representa- tive consumers to discuss the mat- ter. As a result, the question was deferred two weeks. Aid. Leavihe contended that be- fore council should apgrove of byichers shortening their, ours yn- Other aldermen agreed getth 1k. Lcavitte that " both husbands Ind wives and, in many cases, their children. are employed in war fac- tories, the shopping hours of an average family are shortened con- siderably. "Shopping is a big problem tor the average person, these days," he contended. Mr. and Mrs. borne Schmidt and Mr. Kenneth HaCkbart of Heidel- berg spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hackbart. hope spent Sunday with his par- on_t§, Mr. itryf MI}. Danie! Seller. - tuna " hi1]? tre-tser," has): L. Ply. when interviewed new y. r. and Mm. Weber have been {ta-long members of tlt, June: 0st" tuna. " Vic‘orla m.

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