Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 May 1943, p. 5

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| SBocial Mr. and Mrs. Aibert Duench of Waterloo visited with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Saraâ€" ras,, New Dundee, over the holiâ€" day weekâ€"end. Mrs. Mabel Hoover and the Misses Arliene Rosenberger and Jean Hoover of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and firs Mrs. A. Karn and Miss Helen Karn of Kitchener were guests at the home of Mrs. Ephraim High, New Dundee, over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shant: and family of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Bock, New Dundee, on Sunday. Eli Rosenberger at New Dundee Tra F. WESSON ITwin City Laundry Loene Stweffer| 188 Eo Sto W CONVBUBNTLY LOCATI WORK CLOTHES of Every Goreai i trenp n viee. miversity oten Leaf Gardens, _ Fashiona! Shopping District, Whelesale "‘T‘win City‘s Busiest Cleaners For Over 10 Years M. Powsii, President FOR QUIC!(-SERVI(‘.E JUST TELEPHONE 8â€"8833 . . . . NOW! 129 King St. East â€" Kitchener C O A C | Don‘t let an inferior landry job send your work clothes A.WY.O.L.‘ Send them here for PROFESSIONAL careâ€"the kind of _ laundering _ that _ will help _ your EFFICIENCY and MORALE on the proâ€" duction line‘! .. Professionally ZLaundered Here / 2 Your laundry is returned with all fabrics that can tolerate the high temperature sterile. This is almost impossible to do at home without the right kind of equipment *) Everything has been rinsed in from as many > as 10 changes of water. This large amount of water could only be used profitably in largeâ€" scale laundries such as Twin City Laundry. Cleaners and Dyers ' Laundry precisionâ€"ironed; towels soft and 4 fluffy Your lanndry is picked up by courteous drivers and delivered to you promptly,. Dial 8â€"8833 J Light Mr. Norman Mulcahy of Kitchâ€" ener was a holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Mulcahy, Millbank. The Misses Susie, Katherine and Theresa Musser of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with their parents, Mir. and Mrs. Peter Musser at Shantz Station Miss Betty Mathew of Kitchenâ€" er _ spent the weekâ€"end with her cunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hicknell, Shantz Station. Miss Mabel Mets of Waterioo spent the weekâ€"end and holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maurer, North Woolwich. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Duench of Waterioo visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Gocttling: New Dundee, un Sunday Calvin Weiss of Haysville Sfienl a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harâ€" old Weiss, New Dundee. Mr and Mrs. Eldon Kress and Mr. Edgar Kress of Waterloo visitâ€" ec the former‘s mother, Mrs. Otto Kress at Bamberg Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaster and sons of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Fred Hobbs, Doon Mr. and‘ Mrs." Albert Israel and family of Kitchener spent the hoâ€" l:‘day with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller, North Woolwich Mr. and Mrs. F E. Page and Miss Ellen Page of New Dundee called on Miss Phoebe Watson at Doon on Sunday. War Work! All You Do 1s Personal I Save Time For Courhin i U 5 .‘ Phone J His 178 Herbert St Mr. ind Mrs. Allim Jants and [ mily and Mrs C. 16. Jantsi with Mr. and Mrs. Elimer Swartzentruâ€" ber near N« w Hamburg. Mr. _ and Mrs. LeRoy Schlegel ard Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jauntsi and Darrel and Demaris vith Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Block in Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gascho, John and Lloyd and Miss Annie Jantzi of Ayr and Mr. Wallace Steinman with Mr. and Mrs. David Boshart. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hofstetter, Marie and Earl of Kitchener with Nr. and Mrs. Dave Otto. Miss Lucinda Chapman of Kitchâ€" ener and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chapâ€" man and Murray of New Dundee with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chapâ€" man. Misses Norma Swartz, Norma Woolner and Cpl. Donald Swartz of _ Windsor spent the holiday weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Alâ€" bert Chapman. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Noah Roth of Welâ€" lsley and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Swartzentruber and Patricia and Nir. Joe K. Swartzentruber _ of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Emâ€" nanuel Swartzentruber. Mr. Harold and Howard Schmidt oi Hampstead and Clarence and Harold Seyler of Petersburg and Harvey _ Holstâ€" with Mr. Ward Schmidt. Mrs. Dorothy Ingold of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Otto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Rutch and son "Randv‘" and Mr. and Mrs. Eaward Tshirhart of Waterloo with MNr. and Mrs. C. E. Swartzenrtuber. Misses Alice Boshart and Helen Swartzentruber and Mr. Delton Boshart with friends in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Woods and Jean spent Sunday afternoon with Nr. and Mrs. Jim Pirie at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boshart and fuamily of New Hamburg with Mr. and Mrs. David Boshart on Monâ€" Special Service. Next Sunday ‘Rural Sunday‘ will be observed in the United Church at the morning service which commences at ten o‘clock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Black were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bowman. Mr. Black will train in the Air Force shortly. Mrs. Gideon Hamacher with Mr and Mrs. Jack Ellis in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Albright anrd family with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt in Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schneider of Kitchener and Mr. Henry Schneiâ€" der of Baden with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt. Mrs. Gidcon Hamacher with her daughter Mrs. Willard Haas, who underwent a serious operation at the hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Elias of Wallenstein spent Monday Mr. Floyd Howlett of Victoria College, Toronto, is spending a vieek with his parents, before leavâ€" ing for a Western Mission field. . Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jantzi and family with Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Ehnes in Doon. Melvin Woife and Gu‘ Jones of Doon were visiting in Waterloo with Miss Mary Weber and Mrs Bessie Schmidt. Miss Kay Jones of Doon Saturday with friends in lhnfl::’ WEST MONTROSE Bby Miss Helen Swartzentruber (Chronicle Correspondent) (Chronicle Correspondent) PLINE HILL By Mrs. B. C. THB WaAaTBRLOO â€"_ We are sorry to report that while visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Hallman in Toronto, Mrs. Adelyne R. Me |Donald took suddenly ill. She may not be able to return to her home for some time. _ Mr. E. J. Hutton, operator at the \C.N.R. station has rented the resiâ€" |__ Messrs. Robert Schiedel, Wilbur Knack and Allen Siller spent the holiday weekâ€"end at the home of |Mr Dan Siller, Hessen Road. Galt dence of Mz E. B. Cassel on Jacob St.. and has moved in. Is New Principal. Hear Bishop Derstine. Bishop C. F. Derstine, Kitchener, vas the speaker at the Cressman Mennonite â€" Church _ on â€" Sunday morning. Attend Funeral. Mr. Charles Gabel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Gabel, who has been teaching school in Woolwich townâ€" ship for the past two years, has been engaged as principal of St Jrcobs public school. duties to câ€"mmence after the summer holiâ€" diys. Mr. and Mrs. Gabel are at present residing in St. Jacobs. ianization. Aitend Meeting. Mr. A. E. Schmidt, local assesâ€" ser and the Wilmot township assesâ€" sors, Messrs. Charles Jacobs, A. B. Christner and Theo Docring atâ€" tended the district meeting of the Waterloo Assessors‘ Association at Miâ€" and Mrs. Oscar Burkholder ond daughters, Misses Agnes and Nelhie and Mrs Gingerich, Markâ€" stay and Mr. John Burkbolder atâ€" tended the funeral of Mrs. Burkâ€" holder‘s father. Mr. John B. Reesor at Markham on Friday morning. Mr. Reesor had been in ill health all wintr and died on Tuesday the lfith at the age of 84 years. Mrs. Isaiah Dettwiller. who has been in the Kâ€"W Hospital for treatâ€" ment recen‘ly is at home again and improving nicely. Mr. Harold Dettwiller, who has been at Montreal River Camp for the past six months is back on farm leave and working on the firm of Mr Norman Dettwiller Mrs. Jack West of Toronto spent the holiday weekâ€"end with Mrs Raymond Erb at the home of Mr ond Mrs. R. G_ Schiedel The Girl Guides had a very sueâ€" cesslul day on Saturday, May 22nd The funds from their sale of cookâ€" es is to be used by the local orâ€" Miss Marjorie Kinsic, Kitchener. Niss Nellic Hagey, Galt, and Miss F. Cressman were the guests of Mrs: Arthur Gingerich on Wednesâ€" day evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Oscar Burkholder air â€" Sanwel Peneock. who reâ€" cently returned to the Kâ€"W Hosniâ€" 1 1i revorted improving nicely. Miss Marjorie Winn of Toronto Icavcrsity â€" spent â€" the weekâ€"end with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Vinn. Cookie Sale Success. The holiday was passed very quietly at New Hamburg. It was the first 24th when there were no races though many horse fans came from a distance to be disapâ€" pointed. The weather. conditions is a source of worry to the agriculturâ€" ists of this district. Many farmers have not yet sown a seed and others who have some seeding dene are worried about the gerâ€" mination | thercof, This condition prevails throughout many districts th:roughout the province. Aitends Meeting. Town Enjoys Quiet Holiday A. R. G. Smith attended the monthly meeting of the North Blenheim Farmers‘ Mutual Fire Insurance Company at Bright on Friday. Exceed Objective. After the summer recess the asâ€" soctation will open a new term, meeting ai / the United Church personage in «Plattsville on Sept. 13th. The coming marriage of Rev. A. L. Conrad, one of the assoâ€" ciation‘s members was noted and hearty congratulations _ voiced. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Hisey assisted by Mrs. N. Ament and Miss Bowâ€" man served a much appreciated table luncheon. The village of New Hamburg exâ€" cceded ‘their objective in the Fourth Victory loan by $15,000. Mr. Earl Katzenmier of New Hamâ€" turg, who was chairman of Wilmot township, reports an increase of $30,000 in Wilmot township. Mr. Katzenmier‘s organizing ability is well know? and appreciated by the township. â€" Ephraim B. Cassel‘s sale was will attended on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cassel intend to go to Preston to live. All New Hambursg entrants at the â€" Stratior.d â€" Musical â€" Festival uh 4 exeeflent: showins uind wl were omeons the wintiers . of Rev. Mr. Henderson of St. John‘s Church, Kitchener called on the members of the Anglican Church (St. George‘s) on Tuesday. Mr. Noerman Mair has purchused the residence of the dfate Edword Schmidt andwill take possesâ€" sun shortly. fiom a possible outâ€"ofâ€"doors felâ€" lowship late in June, this May sesâ€" sion closes the term for 1942â€"43. Those present were Reverends J. U. Stewart of Brght. G. W. Kaiser of Plattsvilie, E. Gingerich of New Dundee, N. E. Dahms of Roseville, S. F. M. Friedrichsen of Philipsâ€" burg, H. L. Mosig, H. L. Merner, J. W. Hisey, H. J. Lamach and J. B. Dengis of New Hamburg. President H. R. Mosig was in the | chair, S. F. M. Friedrichsen and J. ‘ U. Stewart conducted the devoâ€" | tionals. Recognition was taken of thke transfer of Rev. F. B. Meyer from North Easthope to Attercliffe and the association‘s best wighes were extended and a book token presented. Rev. G. W. Kaiser of Plattsville presented an exhaustive paper on "Christians Learn to Publish", and a general discussion fcliowed. | Ministers Meet The ministers of New Hamburg and vicinity gathered for their May meeul;f at the Baptist parâ€" sonage in New Hamburg. Apart uh t owwaa nvairds Mr. N NEW HAMBURG By Mrs. Roy Schiedel (Chvonicle Correspondent} By A. K. G. Smith (Chronicle Correspondent) BRESLAU to) CHRONICLE | _Mr. and Mrs. Ben Good of Ohio‘ ard Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gingrich| !u! Elmira were recent guests of‘ Mr. and Mrs. Dame] Horst. \| | _ Mr. and Mrs. David Bott were| |Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs E | ‘Miller in Floradale Holiday visitors ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schwindt were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wittig . and son John of Welland, Mr. and j Mrs. Slater. Miss Sullivan and Mr‘ Harold Schreiber of Galt, Mr. and Nrs. John Botender of Elmira. Miss Elaine Shantz of Waterloo and Miss Jean Weber of Elmira spent the 24th with Miss Melba! Schwindt. | Miss Adcline Martin spent Sunâ€" cay with herâ€" parents, Mr. and Nirs. Anson Martin at Wallenstein. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Miller, Marâ€" guret â€" and â€" James â€" were holiday euests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mitchell at Mansficld. Mr. Willard Schwindt and son Viilson _ of â€" Galt, _ Mr. Maurice Schwindt of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. John Pott and Mr. Ray Bott were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edmuad Schwindt. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bender Rev. E. N Mohr led in a singâ€"song and lunch was served at the close oi the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bott will be missed in church circles and by everyone in the neighborâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Frink Simons and semns Roland and Juck of Ajax spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bird Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bender ard son Clare visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schacfer in Waterloo on Mondav. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Bauman of Winficld, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Milâ€" (Br Chronicle Correspondent} FLORADALE â€" The home of )Mr and Mrs Levi Gingrich was the scene of a pretty wedding, Sunday _ afternoon, when _ their daughter, Annie became the bride of Reuben Brubacker, son of Joâ€" siah Brubacker and the late Mrs Brubacker Honor Couple On Departure On Tuesday evening, membéfs of { the: Evangelical Church gathered | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bender, to do honor to Mr. and| Mrs. John Bott. who are taking up residence in Elmira this week. Mr.| Sam Bird acted as chairman and| Mr. Noah Miller read the address | Nr. and Mrs. Bott were presented | with a floor lamp and satin cushion and the presentation was made by‘ Rev. John Martin, Hawkesville, performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate: famrâ€" hes. Brubacherâ€"Gingrich Vows at Floradale Mr. and Mrs. Brubacker will re ide near Floradale. NORTH WOOLWICH y Mrs Waltee Musrer (Chromcle Correspondeht) |_ Sgmn. Harry Hilborn, formerly ot Kingston, is spending a two iv ceks furlough at the home of his | prents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hilborn. ! The Y.PL. meeting was held in cvening with the president, Jack |the Evangelical Church on Sunday |Huallman presiding.‘ The meeting ‘upvnt'd with a song service. folâ€" lawed by prayer by Miss Dorothy ‘Wanner. Miss Marguerite Veitch Iguve & reading and the scripture lesson was read by Miss Jean Marâ€" shall. The topic "Being Christian ‘m My Work", was presented by | Miss Jean Fried. Mrs. A. Drinkwater and daughâ€" tcr, Ruth, of Galt spent Victoria Day with th> former‘s mother. Mrs. J. Lepp. Miss A. Jantzi spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Davéd Boshart at Wilmot Centre. Rev. and Mrs. E. Gingerich and duughter, Dorothea, of New Dunâ€" {ce were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hilborn on Sunday. .z Mrs. Ward Marshall and children a PAAA EOA Ni B ut Galt spent the holiday with the 86 King St. W. _ Phone 4â€"4162 former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. KITCHENER Kaiser. UENESS Li t ie ce ioi casecats ces Alf. Sherrer spent the holiday w eekâ€"end at Linwood. Henry Schreiber, who has been « patient in the Galt hospital for the past few weeks, returned to his home on Saturday. A number from this district atâ€" tended the annual picnic of the Waterloo County Christian Endeaâ€" vor Union held at Waterloo Park un Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ira Good of Preston spent a few days last week at the home vi her aunt, Mrs. J. Hope, and Mr. Hope. Y.P.L. Meets. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bricker and Mr. Menno Bricker attended the saule of household effects of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Cassel of New Hamâ€" ‘urg on Saturday afternoon. ler and Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs.| Walter Maurer and Miss Mabel Metz were Sunday visitors of Mr und Mrs. Sim Weaver on the 8th line of Peel. CALADA JUST INSIDE THE DOOR "Aeat Quality at To fxtra (ost" hese days, when tea must yield B8 the utmost in flavour, quality is of supreme importance. Ask for .. ONE MINUTE ROSEVILLE By Miss Myrtle Becker (Chronicle Correspondent) Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Venostone concrete primer and sealer for ccment floors B.cnlcx Waterproof Cement paint, for exterior brick or stucco. Colorful . . . Eceonomfcal . . . Beauctitul Shades Can be used on plastered walls or right over drab, faded wallpaper. No brush marks . . . no odor . . . cost Is unbelley ably low. stocks or control Iaboratories. It‘s early in the pnlntl? season . . . but to avoid disae)poiulâ€" ment we suggest that YOU BUY YOUR PAINT NOW when Mult Guantice Â¥5a FhI abpreciate e Rasior to apply C.I.L. Prepared Paint R. W. K. â€"â€"â€"â€" MODEX 0 Stays whiter _ @ PAINT DEPT. DULUX Super White Enamel e most sclentifically prepared paint on the market. Backâ€" by Canadian Industries Ltd., with its vast research and Regularly Whiter to start OTHER REARDON PRODUCTS An inside washable casein paint A Superior Qutside House Paint TO VISIT OVR *T 2 A DOWNIN(Gi, STEEN and Co. hy is hm o oo omm n 22 / A perfect methud. No elastic. No leg straps _ LIGHT. INEXPENSIVE. GUARANTEED. | Investigate. â€" Write or callâ€" s Smith Manufacturing Company Dept. B. $49 King St. PRESTON, ONTARI,’ Established 1898 In this instance the illusion or deception does no harm. But in real life, illusions or disâ€" tortions caused by faulty vision do hurt. They may cause motor accidents, accidents at the maâ€" chine or work bench. Spoilage, too. Defective eyes make you tired, cross, headachy. Both are the same. It is on optical illusion that ene apâ€" pears darker than the other. Beiter Vision means better living. Be sure your sight is right. Have it examinedâ€"now. "Dedicated to +0 Frederick S1 Citchemer JANSEN EYESIGHT SERVICE really WHITE and stays Stands washing No brush marks Hides better RUPTURED? FLORISTS WHICH BIRD 1S DARKER Hetter: Viston® :. se Phone 2â€"2718 PAGE FIVS

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