Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 May 1943, p. 4

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now IHLYT DANCE ‘EM , with_this Sunday‘s (May 30) issue WHERE THEY CAME FROM ) of The Detroit Sunday _ Times, The King of Rhumba, Xaviorhzak(\s you on a dancing tour to Cugat, in The American Weekly ISouth America, in a series of cleâ€" HOW THEY DANCE ‘EM FREE‘ xg7« This is important to you; for recent Government surveys show sixty percent of Canadians fall short of good nutrition, even though seemingly wellâ€"fed. Perhaps your family lacks proper food for vital good health . . . stamina . .. high morale. So get in line with the "Nutrition for Victory" drive. Send for your copy of "Eatâ€" toâ€"Workâ€"toâ€"Win", NOW. Follow the new EASY plan for serving "‘.‘ delicious, wellâ€"balanced meals. It‘s here at last! A really practical guide to mealâ€" planning. All you need to know about nutrition, in an easyâ€"toâ€"follow, interesting, authoritative book. PAGE FOUR Nutrition made easy! A "can‘tâ€"goâ€"wrong" guide to heaithful family meals " im YÂ¥ s here at last! A really prectical guide alâ€" EE basttr mni:)eg. lAlrl ‘you need ?;0 know agou( n::rli?ieon. FR a nd?z'__ . duinionrnen ind Ghnitt dcubaniiedi a ds dnt ies in e ho t ied L'll‘ll"\ The number of coupons to be detached by the locker user need not exceed more than 50% of the total meat coupons in the possession of himselt and his household Locker users may retain for retail purchasing one of cach sim#atly numbered pan of coupons, Before June 30th all consumers (including farmers} who store meat in locks declare in writing to the nearest Branch of the Ration Administrarion, the q of raioned meat they have in storage over and above eight pounds por porsen houschoid. Declarations must be accompanied by suffcient coupons trom the books :f the locker holder and his household, to cover the quantrty ut declares meat at the rate of 1 coupon far each two pounds of any meat in <hr ahore ud > 1P 3 1 ME 7 Farmers may slaughter their livesuock for their own consumptionâ€"but must turn in to the Local Ration Board at the end of each mouth, 1 coupon for cach two pounds of their own slaughtered meat consumed on their own premises Farmers need in no case sartender more than half the number of each month‘s valid coupons for such home slaughtered meat. The remaining half of farmers‘ meat coupons may be used tor ordioury ret.ul parchases of meat, on the basis of coupon values as shown on the chart above. Farmers may supply meat from their own slaughterings to other farmers for consumption on their owa farm premises. Local tarmer "‘Beef Riogs" are also permitted. Farmers providing meat to other farmers, or "Bect Rings", must collect meat coupons on the basis of 1 coupon for each two pounds of meat, gross weight Selt addressed and stamped envelopes tor mailing in coupons can be secured at your Local Ration Board M GBAT Las sols ol s 210 c l 14 00. 0 1 t i hi l An average of two pounds week person. You less of No. You can use 2 coupoo at any time mbw-uinh&‘m boae P:d m?d meats contufis cooâ€" it is valid, and in any store you wish siderable bone. alues % * the Chatf of soupoe velues below CAN I BUY ONLY ONE KIND WHAT COUPONS DO 1 USE WHEN BUYING MEAT? WITH A COUPON? i The brown Spare *‘A"" coupoos from your No. 2 ration bookâ€"the No. You can buy whatever rationed n book you are now using to buy tea, coffec, sugar, and butter *kinds as you want providing the coi Beci, Vcal, Pork, Mucton and Leamb. WHAT MEATS ARE NOT RATIOMED: Poultry and Fish ase aot racioned. ‘‘Pancy‘ meste such as Heast Toague, Liver, Kidncys, Brains, Swecthreads and cooked sanes a~, RATIONING EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, MAY 2 After midnight Msy 26th, it is unlawful for a consumer to buy :ltionod meats and for anyone to sell rationed meats to a consumer except on surrender of valid ration coupons. WHAT MEBATs ArE RATIONRD:? HOW OPTEN CAN 1 BUY MEAT? (Bone in) _ _ _ _ _ _ Sausage, Frosh Shpt)l Ribs (Braising, Bone in Blade Roast (Bone in ) Brisket Point (Bone in) Chuck Roast (Bone in) Front Shank, Whole or Kauckle End (Bone in) Neck (Bone in) Plate, Brisket (Bone in) Round Bone Shoulder Roast (Bone in) _ _ _ Wing Stedk or Roast (Bone in) 8e onl Seoy) Sirloin Steak or Roast #(Bone in) . Short Rib Roast (Bone in) Tâ€"Bone Steak or Roast Brisket Point (Boneless) Flank (Boneless) Front Shank Meat (Boneless) Front Shank (Centre Cat, Bone in} c Porterhouse Steak or Roast (Bone in ) . :ib RomorSfiukM (Bone in ) ump (Round Square _ End, Bone in) _ (Boneless ) Flank Steak (Boneless) Hind Shank Meat (Boneless) Minute Steaks and Cube Steaks (Boneless) Neck (Boneless) Rolled Rib (Boneless) Round Steak or Roast (Bone in ) Sirloin Tip (Boneless) Seowing Beef (Boneless) Chuck Roast or pigs . Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Back Bacon (Sliced and Rindless ) Side Bacon (Sliced and Rindless ) Side Bacon (Sliced Rind on ) in the interests of nutritiom and health as an aid to Victory. CONSUMER MEAT IN LOCKERS MEAT COUPON VALUE CHART MEAT RATIONING AS IT AFFECTS FARMERS = NUTRITION BOOKLET! Flank (Bone in } Front (Bone in) Hind (Bone in) Leg (Bone in} Loin, Flank on (Bone in) Rack (Bone in) Rib Chops (Bone in } LAMB or MUTTON â€" TV (Bone in ) Rump (Bone in) _ > Sirloin Roast or Cutlet (Bone in) Blade (Bone in and Neck off, Shoulder Knuckie out ) Loin Chops (Centre Cut, Bone in ) Patries (Boneless, made from Shanks, Necks, Flanks) Round Bone Shoulder LAMB or MUTTON â€" Centre Loin Chops (Bone in) Loin (Flank off, Kidney and Suet out, Bone u:;" s Patties (made from Necks and Flanks, Boneless) Boneless) â€" Round (Bone in) Stewing Veal (Boneless) Tenderloin Boneless) â€" Leg Roll (Caul Wrapped VEAL â€" FRESH Cutlets and Fillets (Bone in) Front Roll (Cau! Wrapped. LAMB or MUTTON â€" Frontquarter (Boneless) RATION ADMINISTRATION OUP D OUP OUP 4 Boneless Back (Sliced, Not Smoked or Cooked pors trom the Breast (Bone in) Flank (Bone in} Front Shank (Bone in) Hind Shank (Bone in) Leg, Shank Half (Bone in ) Leg, Whole (Bone in) Loin, Flank on (Bone in) Neck (Bone in ) ‘ Rack (Bone in) 4 Rib Chops (Bone in) in lockers must , the quantity chopetsen in the trom the rammon Loin, Picaic, Hock On or Hock Off (Bone in ) Loin, Loin, Ham, Butt End (Bone in) Ham, Shank End (Bone in) Ham Trimmed (Bone in) Loin, Centre Cut Chops (Bone in ) Belly Pork (Bone in) (Not Smoked or Cooked) Back (Boneless) Belly (Boneless) Cottage Roll (Boneless) Ham Butt Roll (Boneless) Ham Centre Slices (Bone in) Pork Roll (Boneless) Shoulder Roll (Boneless \ Belly (Boneless) Butt (Bone in ) Ham (Boneless) Ham, Centre Cuts (Bone in) Picnic (Boneless) Picoic Skinless (Boneless) Tenderloin Back (Boneless) CAN 1 BUY QNLY ONE KJND OF RATIONED MEAT WITH A COUPON? T ver sketches in FULL COLORâ€" all his ownâ€"the sketches showing hew the darces we do in the ballâ€" troms are danced South of the Centre Cut (Bone in) End Cuts (Bone in) Whole (Bone in) No. You can buy whatever rationed meat is available and as many *kinds as you want providing the coupon value is not excecded t + t of one week‘s ration Two cou become good cach Thursday. The first pair of No. 1 coupous :(omc ;u.\f‘Mav 27th Each coupoo is good for 14 groups stored #(The . nutritional statements in" Eatâ€" to â€" W ork â€"toâ€" W in"" are aceptable to Nutrition â€" Serâ€" ~vices, Department of Pensions and National Health, Ortawa, for the Cangdien Nutviâ€" trom Programme.) Retailers of meat must coliect coupons for any rationed meats sold on or after May 27th. They need not cuen in cou poos to. their supphers for meat pur whased up nnril June Joth. This arrange ment is made to enable them to build up stucks. A Special Food Bulletin giving complete details of meat rationing is being marled to all food stores NOTICE TO THE MEAT TRADE COOKED MEATS Butt (Boneless) Ham (Boneless) Any Uncooked Group "B‘ Cutsâ€" when Cooked Hock (Bone in) Hock (Bone in) Mess (Bone in) Short Cut Back (Bone in) Hock (Bone in) COOKED MEATS U ked G "D"* T ut c= uen exapes Ham, Shank End (Bone in) Ham, Whole (Bone in) Picaic, Hock On or Hock Off (Bone in) Ham, Butt End (Bone in) Ham, Shank End (Bone in) Ham, Whole (Bone in) Picaic, Hock On or Hock Off (Bone in) COOKED MEATS Bone in) . â€" Ham, Skinless (Boneless ) Picnic (Boneless) Pork Roll (Boneless) Side Bacon (in the piece‘ Any Uncooked Groeu:r "C" Cutsâ€"when Cook Boneless) _ M Couage Roll (Boneless) Ham (except Shank End Back Bacon (in the piece THB WATERLOO (Osterts) CHRONICLE time during the period in which Miss Adellia Glaister of Little Pritain, _ William _ Glaister _ of RCAF., St. Catharines were weekâ€"end visitors with their moâ€" ther. of their brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. Simon Johnston, Kamsack, Sask., whose wife is the former Josephine Petch. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hammond 1@ccived the sad news of the death The pupils of Crosshill school abserved Empire Day by having a program of patriotie songs and readings on Friday. _ _ _ in the bercavement of husband, father and brother. Miss â€" Lavina â€" Livergood _ and friend of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of William Wilford. Express Sympathy. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Michael Gerâ€" ber and family, brothers and sister Mr_ and Mrs. Maurice McKee and family of Millbank and Mrs. Albert Mundell of Kitchener spent Sunday evoning with Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Braendle of Heidelberg visit at the home of Campbell Shantz on Sunday. Mr. G H. Dobrindt of Kitchener Public School Inspector made his spring visit at the local school. Miss Ruby Ward is spending a frw weeks with her aunt in Kitchâ€" ener, Miss Elizabeth Ward, who is unrder the doctor‘s care, having siffered a heart attack. Border. Get this Sunday‘s Detroit Sunday Times! CROSSHILL By Mro. Lorne Rennie (Chronicle Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gies attended the funeral of the former‘s uncle, the late Conrad Kufski in Kitchâ€" ener on Saturday. Mr. and Albert Heidlinger of Preston, Mr. Wm. Heidlinger, Eliâ€" Mr. Harold Stroh of Kitchener visited at the parental home Sunâ€" day. Miss Ml]dre;:lflub‘)' of | F"roo;)o;t was visiting friends here last midâ€" week. Herb Huehn with a number of | his Lutheran Sunday School teachâ€" | ers attended the district convenâ€"‘ hn‘n. hel:i. l'r: Kjlc'l‘wper on Sunday | mer. Mr. Martin Dahmer of Oshawa was here for the funeral of his sisâ€" terâ€"inâ€"law. Mr. _and Mrs. Geo. Bartman and NMr. Oscar Bartman of Gowansâ€" tewn were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Dahâ€" Messrs. Ed%ar Weber, Gordon Freeman and Elam Frey, three disâ€" trict young men who had been at thke Montreal River Camp. reâ€" turned to their homes early last week. Herman Martin of Kitchener were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sully. He Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Haight and family and Miss Margaret Schneiâ€" der of Hawkesville, the Misses Lorraine Sully and Minnic Kooch, Mi. Paul Lorentz and Mr. and Mrs. At Tuesday‘s Council meeting tenders for gravelling township roads this season will be considerâ€" ed and there will also be a Court of Revision on appeals from the assessment rolls for the current year. Other important business will also be discussed. Local relatives have been inâ€" formed of the death of Joseph Brehm, a native of this village, but lately living in Rosedale . He passed away some time after being removed to a Kitchener Hospital, suffering from injuries caused by a motor accident on the highway near _ Bloomingdale, Saturday night. The late Mr. Brehm was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Brchm of this vilâ€" lage. He was unmarried and was ’about 70 years of age. The funcral ; was held Wednesday afternoon ; from the Ratzâ€"Bechtel Funeral Home. Burial took place in the | M.BC. cemetery here. t Will Consider Tenders. _ "Thank you very much indeed, for sending to this office the carâ€" ton of beautiful and useful donaâ€" tions from the Juniors containing 54 articles, of wellâ€"made baby‘s clothing, dresses and panties, boys‘ pants, mittens, socks, wristlets, sweaters and an afghan. These gifts will be greatly appreciated in Great Britain for their warmth and comfort and will be shipped overseas as soon as possible. A similar letter 'Xcin&iZAgmg the receipt of 24 quilts, sent by the Juniors was received shortly beâ€" fore. L L Injuries Fatal Please thank all those for us who helped to make the articles, with kindest regards, Minnic Bartlett, Director of Junior Red Cross." * Miss Margaret Conrad has reâ€" cently received the following letter from the Ontario Division of the Ked Cross Society, acknowledging the ml;eceipt of a carton of gifts: Appreciate Donations From Jr. Red Cross CONESTOGO By Noah Stroh (Chronicle Correspondent) Larmers all over Canadaâ€"grain growers,stock raisers, " dairymen, fruic growers, vegetable gardeners, poultryâ€" menâ€"all kinds of farmersâ€"are forcing production, fighting hard early and late to supply the enormous quantities of products demanded in the greatest uf all wars. "A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING sievies ob uce . ithe tasn Jn this "survivel war" food plays a tremendous past, and the farmer is the dependable supplier, to Waterloo Branch: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M and family of Kitchener sp« weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs Doering at Philipsburg Sn on e eeee onl Mrs. S. F. Friederichsen and son Sunke, visited Sunday with Mrs Ciayton Sevier Mr. and Mrs. El«z‘lytnn Mohr and Idella visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Becker at Ratzburg aa .0 _OSOC 1 © 1 Mr. _ and _ Mrs. _ Herbert Eadt Stuart and Burden were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. Harâ€" rison at Plattsville. Mr. and Mrs. Eo D. Eidt and Sydney Eidt called on Mrs J Heyer, who was on the sick list slrlm s mall. Mrs. Martha Newman and Marâ€" \uâ€" goret of Kitchener wore randay ‘Lis visitors at the Sol. Kirch heme x1 Mr. Henry G. Hac visiting his mother in Sunday. The local school and places of business hada boliday on Mocadiay on the strength of a Proclamation by the Reeve of Woolwich town Mr. and Mrs John MacDonald and | family were over Sumiay guests of Hamilton friends §2720°5 0° Hamilton IMenas Mr. and Mrs. Vial Glasser Mir. and Mrs. Clayton M« rkfey Kitchener spent Sunday | at home of Fred Weppler Pte. and Mrs. Stanley Schwer tzer and child of Hanulton spent the weekâ€"end with relative in the district. Mr. Netson Snyder and MroJobn T. Burneft cattended the Nout Shoemaker funcral ut Floradale last Thursday. Zabeth _ and Albert with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Krachling of Baden. were Sunday visitors with Miss Phocbe Heidlinger Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mann of Kitchâ€" ener were Sunday guests of Mrs Erma Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Seyi PHILIPSBURG Ladiesg . * please do your travelling between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to avoid rush hours when war workers have to be carried. Leave children at home to make room for essential travellers. Avoid Friday, Saturday and weekâ€"end travel. Do .verything you can to ease warâ€"time travel conâ€" gestion and avoid inconvenience and discomfort. By Miss Maric Docring (Chromicle Correspondent} 108 TPRC»H R D. Eadt and Mr 1 on Mrs John Hachborn BEA TON, Manaser If you need tu botrow, see ger, who will uns whom armed forces and civiliins alike must look. The extra deomands on farm production mean extra tnancing The Bank of Montreal, ready always to coâ€" operate with agnculture, is making speuial efforts at this ume to belp the firmer produce food for Canada and the Unired Nations. Kitchener irshull nt the Elmer the Uaizame m t ind WELCOME trow, see our nearest branch Manae letstand your problems. Geraluing Willtam | visited or Sevler Mr.oia Morme in Wallium 1 Prruside Â¥iro and 0 nutly M wf 422 Years! Suscruifud Uprraziea a1 M Spl' Sexl Me ind _ Mrs. _ Theo Dovring, »d Armuand. Mr. and Mrs. Wottlaufer and Shirley of + vrated on Sunday with Mizo Poter® Seip at Gadsâ€" w of Lisbon. Mr. and Mrs. Scvier. Helen and Hilda n Surdavy with Mrs. Annie d Mro J B Bocring and . Sunday ut Amulree, i Mis. E. D. Exit and Sydâ€" Suncday visitors with Mr. J ck Hahn at Baden. i Mrs Elmer Doering and pesst Monrday with Mrs. yler at Baden. id Mrs. Olver Kert and ut _ Southâ€"West _ Wilmot day evening with Mr. and Bd Etd wirt Fidi of Shakespeare weekcend under the parâ€" ‘\rsEldon Docring and vew Dundee, Mr. and vl _ Rick and baby of Sumiay visitors with Fuit and family. 197.%

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