Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Jan 1943, p. 6

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Grade A large ... 43 to 00 CGrade A medium 41 _ to 00 Grade A pullets ..... 38 to 00 Grade B ..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".... 3b 1 000 Grade C ........... 33 to 00 Note: Above prices in both sec tions based on closing sales. duce market Wednesday and Onâ€" steady and unchanged. The cheese market was quiet and draggy, with no buying interest. Offerings of both makes were light and prices were only nomainal. Dressed weight: Brantford $16.« 25 plus transportation; Hamilton, ; $16.60 delivered; Hull, $16 plus transportation; Stratford, $16.50 delivered; Peterborough, $16 plusJ transportation. | to Toronto: Grade A large ... 36 tot 37 Grade A medium ... 34 to 35 Grade A pullets ... 31 to 32 Grade B ........... 28 to 28 Grade C ........... 26 to 27 Note: Prices on farmers‘ shipâ€" ments are 2 to 3¢c per dozen below above quotations. qâ€";oâ€"tcci-;t a W'pice only of 35¢ a pound, while_ no qt{out'u’agx were given for underâ€"grades. Ofâ€" ferings of butter were still‘ scarce Dressed weight were up 15¢ at Brantford and up 10¢ at Hull, with Krices unchanged at other baconâ€" og markets reporting early Wedâ€" Batter Firm At Toronto Market Poultry and Eggs Country dealers are quoted on aded eggs, cases free, delivered To the Electors of . WATERL.OO TOWNSHIP vVOTE FOR A MAN WHOM YOU KNOW WILL WORK DILIGENTLY IN YOUR INTERESTS! As a MARKET GARDENER and FRUITITER ‘operating from Sunnyside, I have come to know all your problems. Help us to safeguard our tax rate, and an honest effort to plow our snow roads. Hog Quotations Waterloo Townsl;ip‘fiectors: Lorne B. Weber Vote Ralph Brubacher I solicit your support at the polis on Monday LES KLIE WATERLOO TOWNSHIP Councillor Your Vote and Influence solicited by COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON For the office to Councillor for the office of Reports ~ FARM NEWS AND VIEWS . For 1943 For * Reeve _ Spring Broilersâ€" 14 to 1% lbs. . 1% to 22 lbs. 2% to 4% lbs 4‘% to 6 lbs 6 lbs. and up ... Cattle trade was dull on the live stock market Wednesday, with prices 25 to 50 cents lower and about 500 head unsold at the close Hogs, lambs and calves were steaâ€" dy. No sheep were offered. A few weighty steers sold at $10.75â€"$11.25; butcher steers and heifers, $11â€"$11; butcher cows, $7.50â€"$9; bulls, $8.50â€"$9.60, and fed yearlings, $11.25â€"§12. Choice veal calves brought $15â€" $16, with other grades selling cownward to $11. traded at $14.25â€"$14.50. Hogs sold at $16.75 dressed Calves 50; good and choice vealâ€" ers $17â€"$17.50; common and meâ€" dium $12â€"$16.50. Sheep 300; good and choice lambs quoted 516.25-816.50; meâ€" dium to good $15.$16. Down choice 170â€"230 Ib. quoted $15.75; smooth _ medium _ weight â€" sows $14.50. Cattle 100;, few good yearling sieers $15.35; light and medium weight sausage bulls $10.25â€"$12.50. (No live stock market New Ycar‘s Day) (Country Truck Prices) No. 1 grade ... 36 to 00 (Delivered to Toronto) No. 1 grade nesu. 309 to 00 weight. Good ewe and wether lambs LIVE STOCK AT BUFFALO BUFFALO.â€"Hogs 200; good and Churning Cream .© (Nominal Prices to Shipper) D k Dressed Select "A POULTRY 22 24 22 24 tp 24 to 26 to 22 22 24 26 al N lt t t e 6 T The Canadian bred or owned Allâ€" No. 1 feed ....uc0oms00}â€"= 420 |iAmerican winners were as follows: Mixed f@ed ... lllll2l 43‘ |Aged Cowâ€"Sunny Meadows R‘? No. $ C.W.. 6â€"r0wW ... 6"‘/Apple Segis Lass, bred by S. E. No. 1 feed Manitoba barley .. 60% ‘Todd, Forest, Ontario, and develâ€" No. 1 feed screen., per ton 22.50 {oped by James Bros., Sarnia, Ont.; Ontario natural corn, delivâ€" |twoâ€"yearâ€"old heifer â€" Strathmore _ _ered Ontario points 87 to 93)Heilo Winsome Flood, shown by Kilnâ€"dried corn . 1.16 to .19 C.P.R Demonstration Farm, Strathâ€" Ontario grain, approximate prices}‘more, (Alberta; senior yearling track shipping point: heifer â€" Strathmore Lady Aaggie Wheat o 1.07â€"1.09|Heilo, shown by C.P.R. Demonâ€" Cats 40â€" 42 stration Farm and Hays & Co., Barley . 48â€" .50 | Ltd.. Calgary, Alberta; junior yearâ€" Corn . sn 18â€" .80 ling heiferâ€"Susie Canary Columâ€" Rye :.:. 57â€" .60 bus. shown by W. G. Whitney, Milâ€" Buckwheat l2 0 74â€" 15 ) verton, Ontario; â€" getâ€"ofâ€"sire â€" by Multing barley ... _ 68â€" .70 Echo Helbon Mercedes, bred by Milling oats .._......... 43â€" 45 Chas W. Carney Georgetown, Ont. Rye :.:. Buckwheat Multing barley Milling oats ... Kol, owned hy H. Warren Bean, New Dundee. Started on test as u fiveâ€"yearâ€"old she gave 17477 lbs. milk containing 739 lbs. tat in 365 days. Another member of the sume berd, Cedar Glen Teake Posch,. proâ€" duced 533 lbs. fut from 16.441 lbs. milk in a year as a threeâ€"yearâ€"old. In the sume cluss. Beaver Meadow Canadian Holsteins Place High In Allâ€"America Contests Following are closing nominal | quotations on Toronto grain transâ€"| actions forcarlots, prices on hb@sis| Fort William: No. 1 Nor. Manitoba wheat.. 93% No. 2 Northern wheat ....._.... 90% No. 3 Northern wheat . 8t No. 4 Northern wheat 85 No. 5 wheat . 81% No. 6 wheat § _0 19%| Feed wheat ... se 184 No. 2 C.W. Western oats ... 50| Nc. 3 C.W. oats No. 1 feed ... Mixed feed ... No. 3 C.W., 6â€"r No. 1 feed Mani New Dundee Holstein Has Excellent Record The largest Record of Performâ€" ance production reported from a Witerloo Holsteinâ€"during the past month is that of Susie Helbon Deâ€" Current make (white): Paraffined ... 21 _ to Colored ... 22% to Quotations to Retail Trade Butterâ€" Creamery prints: First grade 362 to Cheeseâ€" Current mu}ir Large 23 _ to ( do twins. triplets . 234 to do cuts 23%% to IRVIN MOSS To the Electors of 1 pledge a strict program of sound economy consistent with economic administraâ€" tion of Watprioo Township‘s affairs. Is â€" vitaly _ necessary during this crucial period, to conduct municipal affairs. My Record Stands for your approval! Remember: VOTING DAY â€" JAN. 4, 1943 â€" 9 A.M. to 6 P.M Robert E. Cowan Toronto Grain Dairy Produce Experience Vote ABRA j YEARS EXPERIENCK AS YOUR DEPUTY REEVE Your Vote and Influence is respectfully solicited I am offering my services for the office of WATERLOO_ TOWNSHIP For COUNCILLOR wWATERL@OO TOWNSHIP and solicit your support. WATERLOO TOWNSHIP SEASON‘S GREETINGS Councillor THB W AT 21 _ to 00 22% to 22% 36‘: to 00 REEVE 1.07â€"1.09 40â€" 42 48â€" .50 18â€" .80 57â€" .60 14â€" 15 68â€" .170 43â€" 45 00 00 60 15 70 45 for Climaxing the 1942 show season for Holsteins is the announcements of the Allâ€"American winners with the leading show animals of Canada and the United States having comâ€" peted : for the top continental awards. Canadian bred animals were either Allâ€"American or Reâ€" serve Allâ€"American in 11 of the 15 classes taking the top honors in four and the Reserve glward in eight. 32 of the 60 animals named in the individual classes were Canadian bred, 20 of these receivâ€" ing honorable mention. Snewball Pabst, from the herd of lhhvin S Eby. Kitchener, finished with 643 lbs. fat containing 16,258 lbs. milk, a mark that stood second among the 41. threeâ€"yearâ€"old reâ€" cords reported from all parts of the Dominion. The mature cow, Meaâ€" dow Lee Tidy Echo, owned by Gearge B. Perrin. Ayr, made 527 lbs. fat from 16,733 lbs. milk in the yoearly _ division Irvin S. Eby, Kitcherer. reported a sixâ€"yearâ€"old with 508 lbs. fat from 16,647 lbs. milk and a fourâ€"yearâ€"old with 510 lbs. fat from 13,124 lbs. milk, both in the yearly division. Meadow Lee Star Echo, the property of Ira M. Good, Blair. made 519 lbs, fat from 16.899 lbs. milk in the mature class of the yearly division All the above records were made un twiceâ€"aâ€"day milking. + j G. L. BRAUN | 210 King St. E. Phone 2â€"2194 KEYS MADE We pick all makes of |\ _ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kellsey and Mrs. \HMarvey Hackbart spent Christmas Eve with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reiâ€" ‘chert. __Misses Vera, Florence and Helen Hackbart of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hackbart of Kitchenâ€" er spent Christmas Day with Mr and Mrs. Edwin Hackbert |_Rev. and Mrs. Armond Ramseyâ€" cr, Janet, Buddy and Paul of Doon [ with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Haâ€" miacher on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swartzentruâ€" bor, Helen, Earl and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Schlegel and Donâ€" ‘ald spent with Mr. Dan Swartzenâ€" truber and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lichâ€" tt in Kitchener. I { HESSEN ROAD __Pte. Leon Hartman of Chatham Mrs. Leon Hartman of Waterloo, Cpl. Jerome Freiburger of Listowâ€" cl, Mrs. Jerome Freiburger and Kenneth ¢f Waterloo, Mr. Harold Freiburget, Misg Katherine Fritz of Waterloo andâ€" Miss Margaret Freiburger _ of Kitchener sm? Christmas day with Mr and Herbert Fveiburger. Miss Frieda Gremm of Kitchener spent Christmas Day with her parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. {ouil Gremm. RBy Mise Laurine Dammeter (Chromicle Correspondent} Mr. and Mrs. Delmore Reichert «nd daughter Elaine of Williamsâ€" burg and Miss Violet Reichert of Kitchener spent the Christmas hoâ€" ldays with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob heichert. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jantzi and ‘Grace, Doris and Eva and Mrs. C. !B. Jantzi and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron \Jantzi and family and Mrs. Daniel |Leis of Wellesley with Mr. and [Mrs, Emmanuel _ Swartzentruber on Christmas Day. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haas and Clarine of New Dundee,, Mr. Douglas and Leonard and Earl Haâ€" macher spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hamacher. |_The young people of the Mennoâ€" nite Church sang carols at various ‘homes of shutâ€"ins and people who |are ill throughout the district on ‘Christmas eve. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ludwig and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Schlegel and Donald spent Saturday with Mr. aond Mrs. C. E. Swartzentruber. Mrs. C. B. Jantzi Sfi'nl a few days with Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Swartzentruber. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Zehr, Velma «und Delford of Baden spent Sunâ€" diy with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Janâ€" tz1. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Jantzi and family and Mrs. Danicl Lies of Wellesley spent Friday evening vith Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swartzenâ€" truber. Saturday guests with Mr. and Nirs. Albert Chapman were Mr. and Mrs. William Main and Nellie, Miss Norma Swartz and Mr. La Verne Kennedy of Kitchener and Aircraftman and Mrs. Harold Main of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chapman and Murray and Misses Lucinda and Irene Chapman of New Dundee and Mr. Oliver Chapâ€" man and Misses Melinda and Maâ€" bel Chapman of Rosevilie. â€" Jan. 14, Thursday, at 12.30 p.m.â€" Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, etc., for Aaron Zehr, 1 mile south of Wellesley, on the highway Feb. 2, 'l‘ueodni' at 9.30 am.â€" Extensive sale of farm stock inâ€" cluding extra good horses, Reg. and grade Holstein and Jersey cattle, good implements, hay and fer:m for Ferdinand Hofstetter, 2 miles south of Kitchener, on the highway leadâ€" ing to Roseville. . Feb. 25, Thursday, 1 p.m. â€" The 65th Rreeders‘ Sale of Registered Jan. 12, Tuesday, 1 p.m.â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, threshing machine, feed, etc., for Chris. Frey on farm west of Wal~ lenstein. and grade Holstein cattle at Sumâ€" mit View Farm, Bridgeport. Jan. 11, Monday, 9.30 a.m.â€"Comâ€" munity Sale, Elmira Fair, at the Farmers‘ Shed, livestock, impleâ€" ments, furniture and small articles. Mr. uand Mrs. Ananias Grosz, Ruth and Billie were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stroh, Peel. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bauman | and Audrey spent Christmas Day | with Mr. and Mrs. Jac. Bender| near Alma. % | _ Mrs. Ida Korell spent the holiâ€" day with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. _ and Mry. Elmore. Schutz, Barbara, Fred and David of Torâ€" ento spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John Soehner. Mrs. Enoch Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Melyin â€" Martin and sons spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Martin, Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Martin of Erbsville, Mr. and Mrs. John Sniâ€" uer, James and Kathleen of Brésâ€" lau, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hoffâ€" man of Preston, Valina and Lucinâ€" da Martin of Kitchener were Sunâ€" duay and Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Seranus Martin. Mrs. Cecil Capling entertained the members of the Evangelical Ladies Aid at her home, Tuesday. A program was presented followed by contests and refreshments. Sunâ€" shine Sister gifts were also exâ€" changed. Sing Carols. s Miss Emma Frey of Toronto spent the holidays with her moâ€" ther, Mrs. David Frey. | 0 Miss Wilma Frye, RN., of Deâ€" troit was a holiday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menno Frey. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Bauman and Phyllis were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Snider near â€" Waterloo. EDWARD GEISEL. Auctioneer West Montrose, Phone Elmira 932 Entertain Group Auction y Miss Helen Swartzentruber (Chronicle Correspondent} FLORADALE A. B. HRUBACHER By Mra. Gertrude Bowman (Chronicle Correspondent) PINE HILL __Pte. and Mrs. Harold Dietrick of Niagara spent Christmas week with friends here. 5 4 Lieut. Alvin O‘Grady of Niagara spent Christmas with his parents. Word has been received of the serious illness of Mrs. Thos. Hanley, who is at present in Toronto. Mrs. Catharine Doherty is at present under the doctor‘s care. Pte. Gerald Linseman of Camp Borden and Francis of Kitchener spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Linseman. Mr. Laurence Kocher, Harold, Lorne and Floyd, of Kitchener, spent the Christmas week at their home here. By Mrs. Jas. Kennedy « (Chronicle Correspondent} Pte. Joe Logel of B.C. spent Christmas with friends nere. Mr. Regius Hanley of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Linseman. Sgt. Chas. Doherty of Nova Scotia spent Christmas week with his parents and friends here. My intense interest in affairs of Wilmot Township has caused Mr. Pat Haid of Brantford spent Its Time for A Change! Efficient Administration Is Assured Wilmot Ratepayers Alfred E. Kerr DO YOU WISH TO SELL YOUR FARM! We have the buyer. Give us a call No charge for listing. s REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 2â€"0683 125 King Street West KITCHENER My Experience: V ote HALLMAN (1) For economy in keeping with necessary expenditures (2) Good roads. (3) Full coâ€"operation in Canada‘s war effort. ELECT Willard Witmer My record in the past is my qualification for reâ€"election. me to seek election. I respectfully solicit your support Attention Farmers BENDER REALTY COMPANY Vote Hallman HESSON 10 Years of Faithful Servic Vote Kerr WILMOT TOWNSHIP WILMOT TOWNSHIP Councilior FOR REEVE wWILMOT TOWNSHIP 1943 Gordon B. Councillor Entitle a Man To Support 2 years as Deputy Reeve 3 yvears as Councillor By Reâ€"electing him as Auction Sales REWARD if you AB Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graff over the weekâ€"end were: Mr. Victor Graff and friend of Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wey of Waterâ€" loo, Leona, Marcella and Rubel, all of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Weidner spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald of Tralee. a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haid. Pte. John Haid of Niagara spent ghristmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joe aid. Mr. Joe Hanley spent Christmas at Toronto with his mother, who is ill. Mr. Alloysius Doherty of Pemâ€" broke spent Christmas with Mrs. Pat Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weber and family of Â¥imira sgnt,Chrinmn with Mr, and Mrs. w. Besinger. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Knoblaugh and son of Detroit spent Christmas with friends here. Mr. Louis and Germaine Kenâ€" nedy of Waterloo spent Christmas at their home here. Mr. Simon Stemmler of Kitchâ€" ener spent Christmas at his home. 44

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