Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Jan 1943, p. 5

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* Mr .and Mrs. Jack Ogram had Christmas dinner with W. Reist‘s. Mr. and Mrs. John Egerdee of Sunnyside spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Becker. Mr. George Reist and Miss Alice Henhocffer are spending this week at the O.A.C. taking the Coâ€"uperaâ€" tive Course at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker and \eil=un‘s cocoa C. F. Price, Optometrist 96 King St. West â€" Kitchener \ Phone 2â€"1936 WILLIAMSBURG YOUR CLASSES We‘re wishing you a heartâ€"warming New Year in Canadian tradition . . . Health and Happiness now in the years to come! are thoroughly examined at ST EELE‘S Will give you complete A moosan ... WBLL CONOUCTR . . . convmanmity 1ocare» YOUR EYES By Mrs (Chronicle Houses, Theatree, . Ch. ofol".‘:: l)no--’n-tiâ€"‘ Close to Parliament Buiddings, University of Torouto, Maple A. M. PowsiL, President Erza Becker Correspondent) Cinderella Make yourself a delicious chocoâ€" late milk drink this way. First make a cocoa syrup as follows: 1i cups water 1i cups sugar 1 cup Cocoa i teaspoon salt This will make one pint of syrup. Stir and boil 5 minutes. Keep for vse as required. To serve cold or hotâ€"1 tablespoon to each cup or glass. Mauke your cake a prize winner. 2 cups icing sugar (sifted) 3 tablespoons Cocoa i Ib. butter + 2 tablespoons boiling water : teaspoon vanilla 2 dreps almond fAavoring Cut butter into icing sugar, add cocoa and other ingredients. Mix mixture until it is a light, creamy paste. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Becker were Christmas day guests with Henry Schreiber‘s at Roseville and spent Sunday with Maxwell Becker at Shoemaker Ave. Sgt. Cecil Schmitt of the RC.â€" AF. received the congratulations cf his friends while home on leave on having received his observers‘ wings on Dec. 4th at St. Jean, Que. A son of Mr. and Mrs. David Schmitt, he was born at Williamsâ€" burg June 13. 1919 and attended public school here and Kâ€"W Colleâ€" glate for three yeurs and prior to enlistment, spent the summer with lus uncle, Vernon â€" Israel, near Winnipeg. He enlisted in the RCAF. in Nov. 1941, and trained at Edmonâ€" ton, Alta.. St. Hubert, Victoriaville, Lachine,â€"Ancienne Lorette in Queâ€" bee, Chatham, NB., Trenton and ‘ingul, Ont. and St. Jean, Que., vhere he received his bomb aimâ€" urs‘ wings. He spent Christmas with his purents at Kitchener and left for Montreal this week. Margaret Plate spent the weekâ€" end at the William Reist home. ‘s Congratulated. Russel spent Christmas day with Moriey Battler‘s at Strasburg. __ DE LUXE Tested RECIPES ___ NOURISHING CHOCOLATE MILK DRINK Ruth Bowman, 47 Young W Dress Shop sc cce ecs | Crosshill Cheerio Club has reâ€" n Ford Hetels you potraaice ceived several letters of thanks and obtain the rotes they advartice |appreciation from the local boys in all feoteres sought by worveiwico uniform for Christmas boxes reâ€" lop ot a Ford and Economice" ceived. Pasamg tcumes _ Messrs. William Henty, Wilfred m k |Doerr and Russel Attridge of Milâ€" m |verton furnished music at the O N TO |dance in the school house in aid of ‘the British War Victims Fund. | _ Mr. and Mrs. Omar Lautenâ€" â€"â€"â€"zâ€" schlager of New Ih)undeel spe:'n ‘Christmas Day with the latter‘s CHOCOLATE ICING |latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John |W. Johnson at Kitchener Visitors away from home were: Mrs. M. Shantz with Mrs. George Manser in Linwood; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Shantz and family with Howard Zinkann‘s in Heidelberg; Mrs. Sam Hieronimus and sons Harvey _ and _ Wellington _ with Charles Hieronimus, Blair; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bigam and family, Mrs. Adam Bigam with Mr. and Mrs. John Leith in Linwood, who celeâ€" brated their silver wedding anniâ€" versary on Christmas Day. Appreciate Christmas Gifts | ‘ Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lichâ€" ty and Norene, Mr. and Mrs. Iarael Lichty, Pearl and Ray of Floraâ€" dukmChflm-ifilr.and Mrs. Kritz, Kitchener. __Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bowman, New Dundee, held mn house" at their home on Sunday afternoon f6r the Bingeman family in this district in honor of Mrs. Bowman‘s sister. Miss Grace Rosenberger of Hamilton, who was their guest for the holiday _ weekâ€"end. _ About twentyâ€"five relatives called to meet Miss Rosenberger who only recentâ€" ly arrived in Ontario from Guernâ€" sey, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Nyle Futher of Kitchener visited with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Futher, New Dundee, on Sunday. Mr. Norman Mulcahy of Kitchâ€" ener spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Mulâ€" cahy, at Millbank. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Toman of Kitchener and Miss Grace Mcâ€" Taggart of Washington, D.C., visitâ€" ed with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leâ€" francois and Mrs. Allan Bowman, New Dundec, last Saturday. Christmas visitors here were: Clayton Berg of Brantford with his parents and brothers; Mr. and Mrs. Neison Ropp and family of Galt at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Albrecht: Mr. and Mrs. W. Birmingham and baby and W. Bach of Kitchener with friends and relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Albrecht and daughter of Kitchener at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Albrecht; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Forler and family of Kitchener, Arthur Kress and brothâ€" er of Bamberg at John Lather‘s; Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson of Preston with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson; George Glaister of Linwood with Mrs. R. Foster and family; Jessie Hammond of Elmira at her home; Adella Glaister of Little Britain at the home of her uncle, Sam Harron. femily _ of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter and son Scott of Plattsville, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Porter of Ayr were visifors in Kitchener on Saturday. Christmas guests with the fermer‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kutâ€" ske at Kitchener. Messrs. Harry Stanlake and Arthur, Nudd of Plattsville were Saturday visitors at Kitchener. Social = Personal | CROSSHILL By Mrs, Lorne Rennie (Chronicle Correspondent) z88 Â¥Arr8 a i!fl' u" g'g_u_di;or.l ; . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marriott enâ€" |joyed a family | gathering â€" on \Christmas Day. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Henry Grube woere: I. Magnussen, Eddic Grube, Mr. and Mrs. Lornc Grube, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Grube and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kowalski of the Twin City. Mr. Willard Hergott of Millbank ard Miss Clara Mosburger of Kitâ€" chener were visitors on Christmas t the home of Clayton Steffier Mr. Alvin Esbaugh, Miss Helen Esbaugh and Miss Doreen Esbaugh of Kitchener were holiday visitors it their home here Sister Passes. Martin Kieswetter has received | word of the geath of his sister, Mrs. | Martin _ Linseman _ of â€" Dorking.| Those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Martin Linseman on Saturday morning were: Marth Kieswetter, Mr. and Mrs. Seraphim Kieswetter and son Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kieswetter all of | Bambcri and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin | H. Arnold and daughter Miss Jean | Arnold of Kitchener. The church | services were held at the Macton | RC. Church. Burial took place at | th(_-_St.'_.A_g_ath.a RC. Cemetery. I Ed Kaufman attended nominaâ€" tion meeting at the township hall at Crosshil} on Monday. Sund;l visitors at Alex Ertel‘s | were: Mr. and Mrs: Albert Ertel! and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth‘ Herner and family, Lloyd and James Ertel and Bernice Ertel of the Twin City. The Y.P.U. pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hampel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Snider and presented them with an electric table Jamp. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Woods, Ruth and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods, Grace and Norma, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Woods and family enâ€" joyer Christmas at the home of Mr. iand Mrs. Jos. H. Woods at Waterâ€" 00. Mr. Hilbert Reist sold his farm on the Eimira road to Mr. Martin| Schweitzer, New Jerusalem, who| takes possession on April Ist. Mr. and Mrs, George Berge and family of Ayr were Christmas guests of Ed Kaufman‘s. 7" Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Arnold and daughter Miss Jean Arnold of Kitchener were Christmas guests of Mrs. Arnold‘s father, Mr. Marâ€" tin. Kieswetter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Letsont and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Herriott at Conn Make Presentation Mr. Alex Musser, who has spent the summer months in this comâ€" munity, returned to his home at Wallenstein. a Pte. Elmer Kress returned to Prince George, B.C., after spendâ€" Ing a two weeks‘ furtough here. Mr. Fred Letson spent the holiâ€" days with his daughter, Mrs. Mansâ€" field, at Guelph. _ _ _ The Sunday School children enâ€" joyed a party of games and carols on Saturday afternoon. Lunch was served and oranges were given inâ€" stead of candies, in keeping with the times. Geo. Melitzer and Ivan Letson of London were holiday visitors it their respective homes. Grant Parks of Petawawa Camp spent several days with his mother, Mrs. Rachel Parks. who are spending the holiday seaâ€"_ Mr. F. Reiha of Stratford spent son with relatives in Ayr. Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Mrs. Florence Gordon and sisters, iheiha Sr., at the home of his sisâ€" the Misses Ann, Verna and Evelyn tor, Mrs. Theodore Huchn. Boal of New Toronto, spent Christâ€" Mrs. A. Halls and son Ronald of mas with Mr. and Mrs. Porey Toronto are guests at the home of Snider. AXrs. Halls parents Mro and Mre Mrs. Fred Cressman, of Waterloo, and Mr. Cressman of Vancouver Island, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber, Bloomingdale, and Mr. Elton Ranâ€" dall, Riverbank, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dedels, Breslau, on Sunday. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gimbel, Bresiau, on Christmas Day, were Miss Carol Snyder, Waterloo, Miss Nina Good, New Hamburg, and Mr. Urias Marâ€" tin, Waterloo, Mrs. J. S. Cressman and Miss E. Cressman. The Misses Verda and Helen Gimbel, Kitchâ€" ener, spent the weekâ€"end at their home and Mr. Oren Gimbel of Preston was home for the day Owing to the bad condition of the roads on Sunday, the church and Sunday School services were cancelled. Miss Margaret Snider entertained 1 number of her friends on Saturâ€" day evening in honor of the newlyâ€" weds, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hampel, who are spending the holiday seaâ€" son with relatives in Ayr. Road Conditions Cancel Services Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller and family of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Geisel and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Reist and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Woods, West Monâ€" trose, Mrs. Russell Jensen and daughter Nancy of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry â€" Steinfeldt of â€" Kitchener visited several days with Mrs. Norman McLaughlin, Wallenstein, lores, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hinsâ€"‘ berger and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Reide!l and children, Mr.| and Mrs. Charles Keller and chilâ€" dren, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Forwell and Joyce,.and Mrs. Gerald Reidel. anu JO7°C, ano MIS. GCTAC RECCET Reports were given by the variâ€" * * r * cus committees and the financial Messrs. Lloyd and Jack Macâ€" report showed that a substantial Lennan of Kitchener were holiday|pa}ance is on hand in the treasury visitors with their parents, Mr. and which promises a good start for Mrs. Lorne MacLennan, Millbankâ€" (.e year 194% and its plowing ® _ %_ * + .. match. > Christmas Day l&xesls with Mr.‘ and Mrs. Eu1en¢ idel, St. Clemâ€" ents, were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph| Reide! and Paul of Kitchener, Mr.| and Mrs. Vincent Reide! and De WES‘T MONTROSE By W. J. Kieswetter (Chromicle Correspondent) BRy Mrs. B. C. Woods (Chronicle Correspondent} BAMBERG I‘te. Jack Stiefelmeyer of Lonâ€" «en visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stiefelmeyer. Pic. _ Albert Everetts Jeft on Sunday night fog camp again, folâ€" lowing a | two | weeks‘ furlough v‘th his wife and infant son. The thachers of the Presbyterian Sunday School entertained their pupils at a Christmas party in the Sunday School rooms on Tuesday evening. _ Games were â€" played, there was a visit from Santa Claus who unloaded the prettily decoratâ€" ud Christmas tree and refreshâ€" ments were then served. Alrs. Halls parents, Mr. and Mrs. Era Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fiofstetter of Goderich were also weekâ€"end guests at the same home. After the clection of officers Mr.| l G. Hammer showed some very : i teresting moving pictures. As the Plowmen‘s Association esain plans on holding a plowingl match in 1943 they are open for a tirm on which to hold it. The land they require must not be too heavy ord if one suitable and well situâ€" ated can be_located, it w"ll be preatly appreciated. Special notes of thanks were tendered Mr. W. Leigh Hogg on whose farm the plowing match was held this past year, ,Mr. E. I. Mcâ€" Good Surplus In Wilmot Tshp. The Wilmot Township Plowâ€" men‘s Association held its annual meeting in the township hall in Baden with a very good attendâ€" ance Pupils Entertained By S.8. Teachers Plowmen Have Cameron Honderich Is President of Organization For Coming Year. TWIN CITY LAUNDRY Cargnichs Cunvmemdeey and HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY Is, OUR WISH FOR you As another year a&pl'nuches, we join our good wishes to the many you will be receiving. We hope we have served you well in the past . . . and ask the privilege of continuing to do so in the future. Your business with us has hbeen thoroughly appreciated. Mrs. Loine C. Honder 5 y TWIN CITY‘S RUSIEST CLEANERS FOR OVER io YEARS â€" Dial 8â€"8833 That‘s Our Message to You for This NE W YEA R PHONE 2â€"2672 How police might have parodied on old adage with "Two many CLUES spoil the broth", on a cerâ€" tain morning when the curtain rose on one of the strangest murâ€" cer mysteries in ‘the annals of American crimes, is told in a thrilâ€" ling story from real.life . . . by Theodore Roscoe . . . in The Amerâ€" ican Weekly with this Sunday‘s (January 3) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. ich of" Toronto spent Christmas with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Honderich. MYSTERY SEALED © 10 Frederick St. G O OD C HEER "Of With the Oid; on With the New"â€" Here‘s a sincere wish from us to you: WARâ€"TIME TRAVEL TIP NO. 3 Bedford‘s Drug Store JANSEN festâ€"by travelling with a minimum of baggage. e basot learned tomReAvet LIGAT) Happy New Year To All ‘ HAPPY NEW YEARS! that YOURS may be the happiest of all °_ IN ROOM 1046 Opp. Post Office, Waterloo "Dedicated to Better Vision" Eyesight Service Anthon DOWNING, STEEN and Co. or callâ€" Smith Manufact Company Dept. B. sae St. PRESTON, ONT. Established 1898 A perfect method. No elastic. Ne leg straps. _ LIGHT. nlllrht"l GUAEANTEED. Investigate. rite 86 King St. W. _ Phone 4â€"4162 KITCHENER Frank Logel, 74 Norman St. RUPTURED? y Swaitr, 48 William K FLORISTS WE DELIVER Phone 2â€"2715

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