Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Jan 1943, p. 3

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Christmas Letter From Argentina Read at Service The Christmas service at the Cressman Mennonite Church on Christmas morning was in charge of the pastor, Mr. Oscar Burkâ€" holder, who preached on "The Inâ€" carnation". An interesting letter written by Mr. Elvin Snyder, conâ€" veying Christmas greetings to the church, was read by Mr. Burkâ€" holder. Mr. Snyder, a member of the church, hus been a missionary to Argentina for the past fourtcen years. Breslau Man Wed at Elora Mr. Clare Sauder was married to Miss Alice Tutton of Elora, on Saturday morning at 10 o‘clock at St. Mary‘s RC. !JhurrlL Elufu‘ A reception for Mr. and Mrs, Sauder was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sauder on Saturday evening. Christmas Concert Te n eme in nem ene sns The Christmas programme of the M.B.C. Sunday School was given by the children on Tuesday eveâ€" ning. _ F Ee e y se sA Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark, Toronto, were guests at the home of Mrs. Clark‘s brother, Mr. Carl Steppler and Mrs. Steppler, over the Christâ€" mas weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. Steppâ€" lar and Miss Carol Ann Stepplar and Mr. and Mrs. Clark had Christâ€" mas dinner on Friday with Mr. and Miss Alice Schiedel of Kitchener spent the Christmas weekâ€"end at her home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Becker and Miss Isabel and Mr. Roy Becker of Chatham spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bear at Palmersâ€" H e En n oo Nesmmd en es Mrs. Hendcrson, Kitchener, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Melitzer, Bridgeport, on Sunday. Axnnuar Mestine THE MUTVAL LIFE MEETING of the Policyâ€" EU Mr. Roy Becker, home for the Christmas _ weekâ€"end, _ and â€" Mr. Deldon Brubacher, who has been home for a few weeks, returned to Chatham on Sunday evening. will be held at the Comâ€" my's Head Office, Waterâ€" , Ontario, at the hour of one o‘clock in the afternoon, on Thursday, February the fourth, 1943, to receive the report of the Directors for the past year, to elect Direcâ€" tors in the place of those retiring, and to transact such other bysiness as may propâ€" erly be brought before the meeting. All policy holders, regardâ€" less of the amount insured. are entitled to vote. H. M. COOK, + Secretary. Mrs. Raymond Erb received a cable on Saturday morning from her husband, Pilot Officer Raymond Erb, telling of his safe arrival in England. _ i _ ulfir“:rnd Mrs. C. Sellars and son Clayton â€" spent | the holiday _ at Heidelberg. __ 80 _ Waterloo. December 17th, 1019 â€"1345 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burkâ€" holder, Donald and Margaret, spent the holiday with Mrs. Burkholder‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Break, Kitchener. _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gutzki and Norma visited with Mr. and Mrs. 1. Haas, Waterloo Mrs. Richard Reinbart and Ernie visited with Mrs. Louis Brohman, Guelph. 80. _ . Renon mt The Misses Mina, Rosa and Sylâ€" inda Binder spent Christmas with their sister, Mrs. Ira Buschert and Mr. Buschert, Kitchener. Notice is hereby given that e Seventyâ€"third ANNUAL WETTLAUFER‘S y Mrs. Roy Schiedel tChronicle Correspondent) Our Best Wishes for a BRESLAU HAPPY AND vVICTORIOUS 1943 Liberta Hahn, 149 York St Dept. Store WATERLOO Still Intends To Present Story So declared Chief Constable John: Hicks, conmwollnfh.on council‘s action in dropplnf proposed inâ€" vestigation of alleged interference by Mayor Joseph Meinzinger in Kitchener‘s police administration. During the recent civic e?fiofl' campaign, Ald. Henrx W. urm, defeated mayoral candidate, chargâ€" ed that "the mayor‘s office is a clearing house for racketeers". Sturm charged further: "the police bring pr.soners in through the front door and Mayor Meinzinger drags them out the back." But the chief allegation made by Ald. Stusm was that the chief magistrate . gave permission | imâ€" properly to an individual to have a quantity of beer at a social event in a downtown building. i "I still expect an opportunity. to present my‘ side of the case to the commission," declared Chief Hicks. The chief magistrate said he had been authorized at the last meetâ€" ing of the commission, to present his answer to Ald. Sturm‘s charges at a subsequent meeting of the comâ€" ho ids d roant : odine onaiien e anniint t iMrs. Frunk King, superintendent, presided. The meeting opened with‘ |prayer by Mrs. King. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. William: House. A recitation called Christâ€" mas was told by ten of the Baby, Banders and tiny Bernice Mordeau also recited a nursery rhyme. | Several Christmas carols were sung. A story, "Jesus Understood", was then told by Mrs. Mordeau. Mrs. H. L. Davidson favored with a solo. "The Story of Jesus". The biography of one of our missionâ€" aries from Ontario, Mr. Bridgeman, was then told by Mrs. King. During the business session two assistan®s to the superintendent were appointâ€" ‘od, namely Mrs. Cecil Allen and |Mrs. W. House. Mrs. Geo. Smi&h missiOn Baby Band Meets The 'mceling of the Baby Band was held on Thursday afternoon with a large number in attendance. 1 4 doaaillh A d l it ces e e was chesen as convenor of the visiting committee. Secretary Mrs. Nadrofsky, Treasurer Mrs. Kenâ€" neth Grimes, Mrs. Hofstetter and Mrs. H. Gofton were chosen to send cards of congratulation or sympathy 39 King 8. H. K. Wilheim Hardware to any members upon any occasion. Anyone wishing to subscribe to! World Friends. a booklet for chilâ€" dren, were told by Mrs. King to let the secrctary know. It was decided to hold a meeting once a month. Anyone having clothing or donaâ€" tions for Russian relief were to‘ leave it at the home of Mrs. Rex. Harmer. At the close of the meetâ€" ing each tiny member received a mite box and in the absence of Santa Claus, the Superintendent, Mrs. King, gave each of the chilâ€" dren an orange. The pupils of the Plattsville United Church Sunday School, unâ€" der the direction of their teachers, held their Christmas concert on Monday evening in Plattsville town hall. Rev G. Kaiser presided. In! ithe school chorus under the direc-‘ ‘tion of Mr. Orval Henderson openâ€" led the program by the singing of {earols. Donald King followed this ;hy giving a recitation and Mrs. W. (S. . Ferguson and Miss Donna Kaiser a piano duet. The beginners‘ |class then gave a comic skit and ‘Joyce Hewitt a recitation. A miliâ€" tary drill was then taken pal.'t in & SGPID Walh UHTI AEDEU ASRLOC Plattsville Pupils Present Concert by the Boy Scouts. Misses Helen| Hofstetter and Donna Kaiser offerâ€"| ed a piano duet, and the Junior| girls took part in a drill. Glenn| Hofstetter gave a recitation which was followed by a playlet with Mr.| "und Mrs. Santa Claus feature actors enacted by the Intermediate Class. ‘Two piano solos by Ronald Hofâ€" lstplh-r and Helen Fulcher were ‘played. A dialogue by the primary ‘class was the highlight of the eveâ€" ning. A tmo consisting of Helen Fulcher. Eleanor Thomson and Jacqueline Schneider sang. This was followed by a recitation by Mary Ellen Hewitt The Young ‘People‘s Association presented | a ‘pantomime, "Star of the East". Miss ‘I)urnlh_\' Nixon offered a solo. Tho‘ ‘Svninr Bible Class offered a panâ€" tomime, with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel (aking part. Reading during the pantomime was done by J. Lederâ€" man. The ringing of Santa‘s bells was heard and Santa Claus with his ack was ushered into the hall. ‘J,Ench child received a large bag of ‘candy and an orange. hllocds Cut Attendance 80 TO OUR COUNTLESS CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS PLATTSVILLE Christmas Day and vacation visitors in Plattsville with relatives and friends were: Mr. and Mrs. Whecler Green of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elder and James Green; Mrs. L Perry of Toronto and Miss Phyllis English of Brantâ€" ford with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Engâ€" lish; Mr. and Mrs. R. Page and family of Ayr, and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mabee of Tottenham with Mrs. R. Brown; Pte. Howard Gray ‘of Pettawawa at his home here; L A.C. Donald Grimes of Winnipeg By Mrs. Ed. Harmer (Chronicle Correspondent) Waterloo RAISE FLOUR PRICE 10 PER CENT. IN U.S. ‘Girls Conduct \Unique 7Scrvic¢ WASHINGTON. â€" The United States _ Government _ authorized Tuesday night an average 10 per ccnt increase in the price of flour at the mill, but prevented higher bread prices by discontinuing slicâ€" ing and other services tending to increase costs. A uniform schedule of flour prices throughout the country was instituted, _ replacing _ temporary price ceilings which froze individâ€" ual mill prices at their Sept. 28â€" Oct. 2 levels. Prices were standâ€" adized according to various types of flour and regions. Joe Meinzinger, who was the leading producer in the Head Office Branch of the Dominion Life Assurance Company for the year 1942. Mr. Meinzinger was presented with a Homer Watson pn'mtinf at a recent getâ€"together of Earl Putnam and Associates. The painting had been competed for by. members ef the uencK during the previous 12â€"mont Rev. Mrs. Pitman presided for the Christmas program at the United Brethren Church on Sunâ€" aay evening when members of the Sunday school participated. A group of Juniors gave a welcome after which the girls of the Friendâ€" ship class conducted a unique worâ€" ship service. A playlet, "Teaching ‘Tilric what Christmas means" was period on introduction to the White Gift! service when â€" representatives of the various classes presented their gifts. Mrs. E. Stoltz contributed a vocal solo and the latter part of the program consisted of the showâ€" ing of lantern slides of the Annunâ€" ciation and Nativity with Mrs, M. Becker reading the manuscript ‘The pictures were interspersed with the singing of Christmas hymns by the congrega_tion, A large family gathering was held at the home of Mrs. A. Fried on Christmas day. Other gatherâ€" ings were held at the homes of A. C. Becker and at C. Swartz‘s. Christmas day visitors out of the village were Mr. and Mrs. George Perrin at Chesterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoltz and children and A. E. Stoltz at the home of Ed. Stoltz near New Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Detweiler with Mrs. S. Stahl at Galt. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hope were Misses Orpha and Elma Detweiler of Kitchener :énd Dr. John Detweiler of Lonâ€" on. Miss Alice Dahms, student at McMaster University is spending the Christmas vacation at her home here. s _ Mr .and Mrs. Elmer Stoltz and children, Ronald and Anne srem Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Shelby at Eastwood. _ § Misses Mary and Anne Spence of Kitchener are spending a few days ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Becker. + â€" _ â€" Miss Muricl Stager is spending a few days in Toronto with her aunt, Miss Esther Sclieter. ____ Pte. Jack McCash of Lachine, Que., and Mrs. McCash and baby daughter spent Christmas weekâ€" end at Gordon Fried‘s. and L.A.C. Philip Grimes and Mrs.| .. Grimes of Dunnville at the home of |* Mr. and Mrs. Warren Grimes;\" Misses Velma Sangwin and Clara Sipes of the Toronto teaching staff at their respective homes; Mr. and|, Mrs. Leo Nadrofsky and buby of I Trout Creek, and Aircraftman Roy|% Fulcher of Aylmer with Mr. and d Mrs. Chas. Fulcher; Miss Mary Jane f Edwards of London with the Edâ€"|I wards family; Aircraftman Harvey|} Blackmore of Quebec; Instructor S.|! McKie with Mrs. McKic and family.|1 l Christmas â€" visitors _ at_ outside}? goinls were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo.)|! mith and daughter Phyllis Ann|C with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parker|] at Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. F. Ranck with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ranck at|: Kitchener; Mrs. E. Grieve with Mr.|| and Mrs. Wilson _ Richmond at| Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Rng Habel!; at the home of Mr. Jared Stauffer| and Mr3. Bcrgz‘. Washington; Mr. and Mrs. F. ton and daughter Jessie and Wm. Battler with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Decton and Mr. ‘|and Mrs. John Deeton at Ayr; Mr. ‘|and Mrs. Don Currah, accom%nied ‘\by Mr. and Mrs. Shelton of Woodâ€" <|stock with Mr. Ollie Carter at ‘\Innerkip; Mr. and Mrs. Clair Harâ€" ‘\mer at Ayr with Mr. and Mrs. H. ~\Charles and Mr. and Mrs. T. Holloâ€" *\ way; Mrs. C. Stemler and grandson, 1 George Crawford, with Mr. and +\ Mrs. McNally at Tillsonburg. ‘\ Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham of Y Brifiht were dinner hour guests on @\Christmas Day at the home of Mr. E |and Mrs. Weir Graham. Miss Sadie " |Currah and Mr. Hugh M(-Cannex Jj\ of Bright spent the evening with the later. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham of Stratford were also evening visitors on that day with the Grahams, Weir Graham being on the sick list. _ _ _ ==_=_ 5 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Charles of Ayr and Pte. Allan Bourne and Miss B. Hess of Washington were wSundn( guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Harmer. _ _ Mrs. J. l}n1lish, Jr., and Mrs. John Brl(htg eft on Sunday eveâ€" ning _ for ritish â€" Columbia, to spend â€" Christmas vacation with their husbands, Sgt. J and Sgt. John Brighty ROSEVILLE By Miss Myrtle Becker (Chroniele Correspondent) John English Film Shows Swift Growth of War Effert senals, where the people are forging l tools of war, and their new homes to demonstrate how even the simple activities of everyday life are| g:md to the war, the picture‘ builds a story of a nation in arms.| From the farmer, who keeps the whole war machine turning, to the fighting man at the front, the whole | war picture is covered. \ The entire economy of Canada‘s 12 million ple is harnessed in the strufgfem against the . Axis. "Inside Fighting Canada" reflects the spiritual strength of a group of pioneers drawn from many races, grimly determined to see this war through to victory. f (By Chroniele Correspondent) ST. CLEMENTS.â€"Mrs. John K. Brenner (nee Ellenora Meyer) of St. Clements, passed away at her home here on Thursday, Dec. 24, after a week‘s illncss of pneumonia. She was 55 years of age. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Mcyer of St. Clements. She is survived by her husband, her parents and seven daughters, Mrs. Alfred Helm, Kitchener, Mrs. Norman Bauer, also of Kitchener, ‘Mrs. Robert Hinschberger of Bamâ€" \berg, Mrs. Roy Reinhardt, Bresliau, ‘Rita of Guelph, Virginia and Milâ€" ‘dred. both ut home; five sons, Harry, Roman and Wilfred of ‘Kitchener, and George and Alfred at home; also by two sisters, Mrs. Harry Perry of New York, Miss Bernadette of St. Clements, and one brother, â€" Englebert, also of St. Clements, and by seven grandâ€" children. Two‘children predeceased her in infancy.. oo Funeral services were held at the R.C. Church here on Monday mornâ€" ing. Rev. Dean Becker officiated. Interment was made in the RC. cemetery here. David Reibling 1 NEW HAMBURG.â€"New Hamâ€"; burg‘s oldest man, David Reibling, 90,, died at 11 o‘clock Tuesday night in the Kâ€"W Hospital. He had / been sick since Monday. Born Ap-‘ ril 10, 1852, near Erbsville, Waterâ€" loo township, he was a son of the: late Mr. amf Mrs. George Reibling.| His father was 96 when he died. As a youth Mr. Reibling became a carpenter but at 26 he married and took up farming. He resided ‘near Topping for 18 years and then purchased a farm in South Easthope. Seventcen years ago he retired and moved to New Hamâ€" burg. Twice married, Mr. Reibâ€" {ling‘s first wife bassed away 10 © M Smemt nnene T years after their wedding. He laâ€" ter exchanged vows with Mary Dahmer, who predcceased him 8 years ago. _ . &OCBITUARY j 'Survi:ring are five sons, one sisâ€" ter, 150 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. _ A private service will be held at Recker‘s Funeral Home, New Hamâ€" burg, Saturday at 1.30 p.m., folâ€" lowed by a public service in the Evangelical Church at two o‘clock. Rev. J. B. Dengis will officiate. Inâ€" terment will be made in Lingelâ€" ‘, He is survived by his wife, three sons Arthur of Elmira, Ptce. Kenâ€" 'rolh Ertel of Lethbridge, Alta., and Lorne at home; six daughters, ‘Mrs. Robert Leader of Guc»llrh, (Mrs. Ray Goldin, Montreal, Mrs. ‘Frederick Oldficld of Toronto, Mrs. lArthur Hall of Kitchener, Mrs. J. Wismer of Toronto, and Mrs. Harâ€" old Hallman of London, Ont. There are 15 grandchildren. Two sons and two daughters _ predeceased him. Two brothers, Joseph of El: mira and James of Waterloo, and bach cemetery John Ertel ELMIRA.â€"John Ertel, 72, died Monday following a period of ill health lasting 12 years. â€" Born in Hesson, he lived in El mira for the past 38 years. _ _ o "S'i;lt‘fl:,'im;‘g.fii Kocbel of St. Cle ments, also survive. Mrs. L. Kipfer I Mrs. Leah Kipfer, 86, well known Hay _ township resident, . passed away in St. Joseph‘s Hospital, Lonâ€" ‘ don, Thursday after an illncss of five months. Before entering hosâ€" pital six weeks ago she had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Leesome Desjardine, near Grand Bend. At one time she lived in Kitchener. Mrs. Kipfer was a member _ of _ Zurich Mennonite Church. Her husband, Menno Kiâ€" pfer, died 20 years ago. Surviving are five daughters, seven sons, two sisters and two brothers. _ Fiftyâ€"seven â€" grandchilâ€" aren and 49 great grandchildren also survive. Isaiah Snyder Isaiah Snyder, ,79, of 157 Elgin street, Kitchener, passed away at his home early Wednesday mornâ€" ing following a longt}fi' iUness. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Snyder, he was born at St. Jacobs. Mr. Snyder was a member of the Alma _ Strect _ United _ Brethren Church. Surviving are his wife, two sons, une daughter, three sisters and five grandchildren. _ _ _ _ __ The funeral will be held from his home at two o‘clock Friday afâ€" ternoon with Rev. G. A. Shepherdâ€" son oflirinling Interment will be in Roseville Cemetery. William Jungblut TAVISTOCK. â€" William Jungâ€" blut, 67 years, died at his home in East Zorta late Saturday night folâ€" lowing a sudden heart attack. _ A native of that township he: was born on Feb. 2, 1875, the sof of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jungblut On Sept. 18, 1906, he martied the late Sidona Sippel The deceased was a member of 'l‘r:rmy Lutheran Church, Spbastoâ€" pol. Surviving are five sons, two caughters, a brother and two sisâ€" ters. There are six grandchildren. Mrs. John K. Brenner Mrs. R. W. Jackson ELMIRA.â€"Funcral services for the late Mrs. R. W. Jackson, who died at the age of 84 in Braceâ€" bridge on Thursday last, were held Satturday morning. Interment was made in Winterbourne cemetery. The deceased, whose maiden name‘ was Jennie Curric, was a native cf Winterbourne and had resided in Elmira for about 40 years. Preâ€" vious to that she had lived with her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Huâ€" ber, in Bracebridge for 23 years. She died at the home of Mrs. Huâ€" ber following an illness of several ‘months‘ duration. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Abner (Selina) Hunsperger, und Mrs. (Elsic) Hunsperger, both of Didsbury and one son, Burton, Alberta. Mr. Joseph Hause Joseph Hause passed away Tucsâ€" daughter, Mrs. William Hunt,, 110 day morning at the home of his John St. E., Waterloo. The deâ€" ceased was 79. Prior to his death he lived retired after spending maâ€" ny years in the employ of the Boyâ€" erâ€" Lumber Company, Waterloo. He attended St. Louis Church. He is survived by seven sons, one daughter, one brother and one sister. 20 grandchildren and six great grandchildren also survive. ‘"‘wo sons predeceased him. Leopold Bauman ELMIRA.â€"Lcopold â€" Bauman of North Floradale passed away Tuesâ€" Cay morning. He died at the Turâ€" ner Private Hospital in Elmira where he had been a patient for the past 12 weeks. He was 75 years of age. Born in Woolwich townâ€" ship, he firmed for the past 35 years _ Surviving are his wife and two sisters, Mrs. Alee Shoemaker of Elâ€" mira and Mrs. Kate Smith of Grand Rapids, Mich PLATSVILLE â€" Charles _ A. Pratt, 64, died Tuesday at Woodâ€" stock General Hospital following a lengthy illness. Born in London, Ont., he had worked for the past three years as night watchman at the Canada Sandpaper Company here. His father, Charles Pratt, and his mother predeceased him. ‘ Surviving â€" are three brothers, ond five sisters Hinschberger â€" At St._ Clements, Dec. 26, to Mr. and Mrs Alex Hinschberger. a son Baerâ€"At New Dundee, Dec. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Baer (nce Valina Martin of St. Jacobs), a daughter. Knoblauchâ€"At Hesson, Dec. 22, to \‘Mr and Mrs. Howard Knobâ€" lauch, a daughter. |° Hermanâ€"At St Mary‘s Hospital, Dec. 29, to Sgt. and Mrs. Preston Herman, 834 William St, Presâ€"| ton, a daughter. | Tankâ€"At St. Maa"s Hospital, Dec. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Orland Tank, | 144 Elgin St., Kitchener, a son. _ | Klinckâ€"At Kâ€"W Hospital, Dec. 29.‘ _ to Sgt. and Mrs. Franklin Klinck 41 Sterling Ave. N., Kitchener,| a daughter Steiss â€"At Kâ€"W Hm&ilal. Dec. 29, to Flight Sgt. and Mrs. Crawford Steiss, Port Dover, a daughter. Retrlerâ€"At St. Mary‘s HmRital. to Cpl. and Mrs. Anthon etzâ€" | ler, 207 Courtland Ave. ENKitâ€"| chener, a daughter. \ Eooo eicne Steiss â€"At Kâ€"W Hospital, Dec. 29, \ Brettâ€"Miss Mary _E Brett, 25‘ to Flight Sgt_and &r& Crawford| Spring St. Kitchener, Dec. 29, Steiss, Port Dover, a daughter. 64° years Retrlerâ€"At St. Mary‘s HonRitnl.‘RolM{n.â€"-Dor 29, David Reibling. to Cpl. and Mrs. Anthon etzâ€" | _ New Hamburg, 90 years lor, 207 Courtland Ave. ENKitâ€" |Pratt â€"Dec. 29, Charles A. Pratt, chener, a daughter. \ _ of Plattsville, 64 years. Battlerâ€"At K-W‘Hospilnl. Deg‘ 28, Snyderâ€"Dec. 30, Isaiah Snyder, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Battifr, 51| 157 Elgin St, Kitchener, 79 Mill St, Kitchener, a son | _ years. Scheifeleâ€"At Kâ€"W Hospital, \Dec. Shantsâ€"Dec. 16, Mrs. Hannah &\\ 3§ M 1‘:‘\& «o o N W m.;-'â€"x;“i(-w-'"-;)l';;fill‘\l)or Shantsâ€"Dec. 16, Mrs. Hannah 26. to Mr and Mrs. W. G. Scheiâ€" Shantz, Didsbury, Alta Charles A. Prait BHirth® Clements, Mrs. Alex. cil=zuon‘s Dee. 23, to Baer (nee Jacobs), a Â¥ tb // X w" s Noret* C Wagnerâ€"At Kâ€"W Hospital, Dec. F 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wagner, 42 Linden Ave, Kitchâ€" ener _ a daughter. P Kimmelâ€"At Kâ€"W Hospital, Dec. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimâ€" mel. 38 Pandora Ave., a daughâ€" ) ter. Visniskieâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Visniskie, ! 400 Wellington St., Kitchener, a son. Jantziâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, 4 Dee. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra‘ Jantzi, Wellesley, a daughter. _ || Reimanâ€"At St. Ma:‘y's Hospital, | Dec. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorm-}' Heiman, 37 Brock St., Kitchener, | a daughter (stillborn). (I DeNommeâ€"At St. Mafi‘s Hospital, | Dec. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth " DeNomime, 45 Wellington St. / N., Kitchener, a son. Naumanâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospita].‘ Dec. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. John | Nauman, Bridgeport, a daughter. Miehmâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, | Dec. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard | Michm, 76 Brubacher St., Kitchâ€" ener, a daughter. Grossâ€"At ~ St. Mm('iy‘s Hwital.a Dec. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. alter; |Gross, 103 Shanley St., Kitchenâ€" | | evee We o ol S _ Mr. and Mrs. S [Matson:â€"Bmithâ€"_bee, "26,. Leeâ€"Col uid sn Ciige and MiL. . n uife rederick Charles â€" Moison _ t |and son Clare and Mr. and Mrs. ! predemict L bank inio Of iC (Eouin _Brouder apoot c Chrfstimat \ choner." ""~ mith, both of Kitt Day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert |\Stevensonâ€"Riordanâ€"Dec. 26, Robt. 3‘\(.;;:':“;3._1::“.?2:.‘ lu}‘.:m,'“_r of Kitchâ€" _ _G. Stevenson of St. Catharines |ner spent s‘.w.m‘]g days at the ‘Sat)drr'}';uz:);fgolc’f Kléghvmgl.aro lome of her uncle, Mr. Leon Wagâ€" William Sauder of Kitchener to m;)h. and Mrs. Sam Bird, Ramona Alice Ann Tutton of Elora, 1. Don: forgs 3y WHCE f and Donald were holiday guests at "Zink-Hlllmnn_l.wul. Max Zink ol'] & s § ’ isnl 1 ] Kitchener to Eileen Hallman nl"‘,,lr,m.:.‘.:"" ptsiMr= CAtico Blsel th | _ Waterloo. ht\ 16b e We |McGoey.Meyerâ€"Dvc. 20. Joiun Joâ€" Mr .uulrl‘V\h‘r,\ .(‘)h\u l\vl Ny and _ Tok McGuey uf in John were recent guests of Mr. | '\“lll? ‘M' € “:,3(‘ of Toronto t0 LUâ€" ;ng Mrs. John Longman at Alma. ‘G' ,-‘ ‘:ry 4 C )""“‘I’,f“S,L Clem&nls.‘ Aircraftman Arthur Peacock of 21 ‘:' °“'r :(': ?“â€" t ‘I\?lm S. “L';"‘\Ih:mm-. Alta., now stationed at f. in ff MIC ener to a'r‘gnrot St. Thomas spent his Christmas i| â€" Harrison * of Vancouver, BC« teave at the home of Mr. and Mrs ,| _ Dee. 26, at Toronto, Walter Maurer. â€" (lChlvon-Schullhom-â€"Doc. 26, LicUt:| Recent visitors with Mr. and t| _ John William Chivers of Water / pirs, George Schw hove: MLS | 3 & ge Schwindt were: Miss y i 1"(’“ "I".M‘""-" Ruth Schallhotn Of Mejpa Schwindt of Kitchener, Mr. LlSun];:l-“BTr:nlklâ€"Dvc 28, Pte Ha-‘}\";‘-m”fi S('hwn}dt of Elmira and ,| _ rold John Sutton of London.‘,\;:,,,1,..,::‘“. gebwindt ‘of West ‘l gnl hlo Sophie Mary Baranski 0f | _ Mr and Mrs. Emerson Dessler itchener. *hrist j und family spent Christmas Day in is':“'(::!l'gi‘al::";\â€"[()"f'(‘h?{:}"'!:_‘ll(":‘s‘;"‘)‘lu-\pl-lt'r with Mr. and Mrs Lnywr- 8 art, + PS Y ence Snyder § ‘ Grace Dicrlam of Toronto. Mr. at ho * lMcVicarâ€"Sherkâ€"Dec. 27, Leeâ€"CpLl |j; ll , and Ml‘.\‘ .‘lul‘m Bott and Mr. K san Stewint McVicar, KC OC Larry Bott were Christmas guests o| of Rosetown, Sask., to Alice Milâ€" Yloy * Misâ€" Walter (Bott at ‘e| _ licent Sherk of Waterloo Mr : â€" #ip " |MeKnightâ€"Williamsâ€"Dec. 26, JODN | muya \:f,‘,‘,!,,M,',,‘,,,},\f,\."g":fi“i"0‘," M MCKnI%IIIl 'lo _ R|0m’x:ym- (;“"h"“r--rur Maurer, â€"© Mk ' o| erine illiams, both of Kittchâ€"| _ Mr ind Mrs. Irvin Schneider €MC06, P UEUBNTCK Grossâ€"At ~St. Mary‘s Hospital, | Mr. Howard Bauman, who is Staâ€" Dec. 27, to Mr. anl('iy Mrs. “};ller |tioned at a work camp on Vancouâ€" Gross, 103 Shanley St., Kitchenâ€" [ver Island, is spending a furlough cr, a son. \\‘llu\ his dI'u;;{uly l!{n-rv. W tzc) and ~ ‘ aei> ; r. an rs enry itzel an ("Ll;‘:‘!'kzyfi_?t l?/lt Mal;ly ;aiisosg‘a‘ii'”Mlss Nora Witzel of Elmira were C‘,;‘ stt OIG gr::n St 'Kitch-"‘"""‘*t"‘:'s Day dinner guests of 1_3‘_’;‘?‘ on + MrM ;deMrs. [;ann-y[ M+I|er. w es x . r ay ott _ 0 oronto _ is R"f,l:;v;)A;)'h_s". :?:lnfil‘:'{l?(?gl‘l‘:l}a%‘:- \spending several days with his _ Too ade Lydin Si, Kitchener, 7 |perents, Mr, and Mrs. David Bott, | dragiter"" s * Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schwindt â€" daughter. and family of Preston visited Mr. fele, 441 King St. E., Kitchener, a son. 0 ener Woolnerâ€"Kriegerâ€"Dec. 30, Ptc. V. L. Woolner to Jean Louise Krieâ€" ger, both of Kitchener Rayâ€"Stewart â€"Dec. 30, Pte. J. â€" Frank Ray RC.O.C., Ottawa, to Irene Stewart, Listowel. Macklamâ€"McCourtâ€"Dec. 25, Alec T. Macklam to Florence G. Mcâ€" _ Court both Brighton Deaths ris, Ont. Hauseâ€"Dec. 29. Mr. Joseph Hause, 110 John St. E.. Waterloo, 79 years. Frtelâ€"Dcc. 28. John Ertel, Elmira, 72 years. Baumanâ€"Dec. 29, Leopold Bauâ€" man, North Floradale, 75 years. Jacksonâ€"Dec. 24, Mrs. R. W. Jackâ€" son, Bracebridge, 84 years. Derryâ€"Dcc. 28, John William Derâ€" ry. 57 Pinke St., Kitchener, 78 years. Zapfeâ€"Dcec. 26, Miss Sophic Zaâ€" |__pfe, 18 Eby St., Kitchener, ‘Kipferâ€"Dcc. 24, Mrs. Leah Kipfer, \ _ Hay Township, 86 years. ‘Jungblutâ€"Dec. 26, William Jungâ€" ) blut, Tavistock, 67 years. |\Bellâ€"Dcec. 25, Pte. Wilfred Stewâ€" art Bell, Tavistock, 31 years. .Schu!orâ€"Dcc. 28, Mrs Geo':fie |\_ Schaefer, 47 Albert St. S., Kitchâ€" Zingerâ€"Dcc. 20, John Zinger, Arâ€" A Wonderful Energy Food Mr.â€" Ray Bott of Toronto is spending several days with his porents, Mr. and Mrs. David Bott. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schwindt and family of Preston visited Mr. ind Mrs. Edmund Schwindt on Christmas Day. o Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bender and son Clare and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin _ Bender spent _ Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schaefer in Waterloo. o. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bird, Ramona and Donald were holiday guests at the home of Mrs. Alice Beisel in Emiri. ener, 46 years Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dessler and family spent Christmas Day in hespeler with Mr. and Mrs Lawrâ€" vnce Snyder â€" Mr and Mrs W.B. Kinzic of Elâ€" mara were holiday guests of Mr. George Maurer â€" o. Mr_ ind Mrs. Irvin Schnelder and family spent Ghristmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. William Beisel near Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moldenâ€" hauer and Mrs. Lydia Moldenhauâ€" @1 of Elmira, Pte. McCruther of Moose Jaw, Sask., were holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Miller ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Stange |spent Christmas Day with relatives lin Elmira and Doon. Mrs. A. D Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Snyder of Elmira visitâ€" ed Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt un Christmas Day Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Danicl Horst were: Mr. and Mrs. George Horst of Conestogo, Mr Dan_ W Horst of Floradale, Mr. John Horst of the 8th linc_of Peel, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Bowman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wraase of Floradale Road, Mr. and Mrs Sam W. Horst and family. NORTH WOOLwWICH By Mrs, Walter Maurer (Chroniele Correspondent)

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