Allies Smash War Through To Tunisian Coast; Fierce Air Battle Raging LomKat.---Ars air struggle of an intensity unequalled since the Battle of Britain was reported raging over Tunisia tonight as Germans and Italians rushed in reinlorcements by sea and air in WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Continuous Wed, 2 to [1.30 p m Adults 20c plus tax till 530 " Water St. North BRING IN YOUR CAR TODAY. . . IF IT IS A RECENT MODEL IN A-l CONDITION. FORBES WILL PAY YOU CASH FOR IT. Don't Delay Forbes Will Give You C-A-S-IH For Your Car R. h. FORBES MOTORS (Continued from Page "" OLDSMOBILE "" PLYMOUTH "" DODGE 1939 PLYMOUTH 1939 DODGE 1938 DODGE 1931 DODGE 1937 NASII 1937 PLYMOUTH 1937 STUDEBAKER 1936 DODGE I!†PONTIAC SEDANS TUESDAY FORBES' "Like New" USED CARS THE WORLDS WEEK “wunuuoo COUNTY’S LARGEST USED CAR MARKET" DODGE - DESOTO SALES AND SERVICE WITH OUR NEW BATTERY ANALYSEB AND CHARGER BAXXWUEt5 CHARGED m YOUR CAR WHILE you WAIT See Us TODAY 1 Iran“: bid to keep their toot- holds on the coastal rim and Brit- Isls. American and French torees drove spearheads forward to slice them Into at least three pockets. In the north. the Morocco broad- cast added. the Allies have driven through enemy minefietds and The Morocco radio said tonight that out of these spearheads. comma of Americans and French, already had driven to the east coast between Gabes and Max, with; out one pocket. FRIDAY - SATURDAY FEMS“!!! KITCHENER ALL IIG HITS COME TO WATEILOO Henry “boon. 118 Alena-dr- 1941 DODGE 1940 DODGE "" HUDSON 1939 CHEVROLET 1936 FORD 1936 PLYMOUTII 1934 CMEvROLEE COACHES COUPES [EIjCIEEfjii3 TIRES! MANHATTAN L0NnON.-AdmiraI Jean Dar- lam, acting with the asscrtion that Marshal Pt'lilin is a pnsunor nt' tho Germans at thy. has Iaken ovvr authority us Chief of State in Darlan Takes Over Petain's Powers as New Chief of State = ADDED EtrgtacgtoN - jflatt Apparently, the radio con- tinued, the British lst Army now has tome up "against the nucleus 0! enemy resistance." MON. - TUES. - WED. overmn the resistance of German heavy tanks in the drive to divide the Germans in Tunis and Bi- All with exceptionally new tires. CHEAP . . . BUT NM GUARANTEED HM. COACH 1929 Chevrolet. Concl- ms Chevrolet Sedan sis. rota Coach 1920 Model T Coach John Fur-Flat '9 Algin SI I921! Ford Coach Phone 8-8487 ‘I’II WAT-BLOC) LN) CIQQIIOLI , Mr "Irhrll â€.alm " Wutrrlrro sprnt u" “ct-k HM tum Ins mnlhor, My Al, 3: " uh ( Wrddmu " I“ u " _ l) hr nun mg In this thstrsst , Mr Elam thrr and usurs Admn and Sarah. ncvnmpnmed by “Alma and Aden Bauman, spam Sunday evening in Waterloo Allies Only " Miles From Tunis: Driving Wedge in Axis Forces LONDON - Brain]: and United Nahum force. unplualul by " rts- ‘mg tide of acrial ans at the yummy rm hoth “tips of lhr Medi- ‘trnzmvan. havi MormvU forward In ‘wulhln lets than " mum uf Tunis ll) " drin- wh" " has all but Isolated Mlle only and Ill/NIP. mmn Axis- Htold sunny: pullll In Tums)“ Thr Allml mlumu- was (beamed than}: by " hrmlqunrll'rs rommum- quv wmrh Saul fighting now was iroerossurw, was! of Mrdeida, which {'5 12 mil“ [withwvsf of Tunis hm 'ithr, Tums-Burr!» tatlroati, This) (utrhratvrl tho All" a, ‘re Ill l'. mg a wrdgv Mrrught tr' w‘ 'h rl t to N palm. 1hr Ax, "', luis, a“ _ Mr John Smnnnuu' 1.! 17 'otttit whs a Sunday NI :...r M! M Mr Ind Mrs Ottms W. in I Mr and Mn. Snmml c. Marlin and mm Krrovrth, I(ll~‘é‘l and Claudv wrn Sunk.) numb with Mr and Mrs M, um: Mnrlm of near Yullun Mr and MI" I'an Lsmlrnwhlnge-r of chhlmu: 1")! Sunday with MI lrtmseh Atria. it wu announced tonight from Morocco. _ The Morocco radio and Dalian. who " co-operaung with the Allies, had set up an imperial council to ‘advue him This was announced 1stter Hanan had conferred with Mugurh- Nottucs and Pierre Benson. Govvototu-Gcucral m Morocco and munch West Afrwa, which em- (braces Dakar. Us'. Sub Continue To Take Heavy Toll of hp Ships WASHINGTON, _.-- Submarines. ‘whwh often stalk their quarry In Japan's closely-guarded home wa- _ters, have, sunk five more enemy ships, including a destroyer. the Jlavy announced today. and dum- aged two others, one uf which prob- ably sank The London Daily Mull and the purpoae of these French North African conferences was to central- ize plans for the tmmediatr creation of a French army of 300,000 men to tUht with the Allin-a This bag ot :u‘cn vcrscls. raised to 148 the number " enemy ships announced as dcstroywd or damaged by American undersea action In the Ptuutic sumo Dec 7, 1941 Naval otticials said this, total represented one ot the" greatest contributions made in the steady campaign of Amen-man forces to reduce Japan's ability to maintain her far-ltung supply lines m the Western Pacifte and the China Sea. Hitler Gives Orders To Shoot Retreating Nazi Soldiers _ Twice Over Week-end LONDON. - Humr-lmscd R.A.F'. bombers attacked Turin Past night for the second night in unrussiun and found fires started 24 hours earlier still raging in the Italian arsenal city, thr Air Ministry mid today. Churchill Urges Italy To Quit War or Take Consequences London. - Prime Minister Churchill's broadcast warning to the Italian peopte--to get out ot the war or expert a "prolonged. seirettiSe and shattering air at, ttteh"-.-- pounded home attain and again to the Italians today by the BBC. Thl' attack was. tcadr. dospllv bad weathrr and the ramimg ful‘u' was reported small in comparison with the strong formutitms whwh had previously made the IS00-milc round-trip swung {101115) thc Alps lo cut al thc foundations, of Musrui- lmi's war "ornotuy R.A.F. Bombs Italy "It is for the Italian people In say whether they want this ter- riblr thing to happen to them or not." Mr. Churchill promised that the war would be carried to Italy "ht a manner not hitherto dream- ed 0f by its guilty lendfrs" and added: I77 Perish as Fire Sweeps Night Club at Boston, Mass. The BBC preceded Mr. Church- ill's vielury spereh Sunday with broadcast appears to the Italians to make a separate peace and 'oi. Iowed up by rehroadmsling at intervals thr tull text of the prime minister's Marinate speech. addressing Germany and France f?' we" as Italy. Moseow.-issuat airmen have destroyed tttty " German trans. port planes trying to supply Nali troops lighting against a Red army eaeiretement in the Stalin- grad area. and the Soviet armies continue to advance in that sector and on the Central Front west " Moscow. it was amounted early my. __ _ _ Hitler was said to have appeal- ed ditectly toe recapture ol the vital Rleev-Vyuma Railway. which the Russians have cut. and to have ordered the Germans themselves to machine-gun any retreating Nazi units. Red Star said a captured document quoted Ilitler as saying the loss of Inhev would “equal the toss of hall of Berlin." Boston, Mass-State and coun- ty law cnlomment onieers went into immediate action today to determine whether any law violation had contributed to the Saturday night tire that suddenly converted the Cocoanut Grove night club into a house of llam- ing depth for 47? merrymakets. Moving under instructions horn Acting Public Satety Commis- sioner John F. Stokes. State Fire Marshal Stephen C. Garrity tttm- ed over to District Attorney Wil- liam J. Foley of Suthsth County a preliminary report of the tire that ttared tron a mateh-tume lighted by a MVyear-otd busboy as he sought to replace a light hnlh,rrmoved as a prank by a club patron. - Meanwhile. no bodies lay "n- named and unclaimed in the eity's mounts. posing a territhe problem ot idettufteation I HAWKES\ ILLE l " plum: 'l" ,, um Mrs 1r ml ' "I (but Hols, I the voir: Hy Hra Auv II‘hmniv-Ir l '" MONDAY Cull Icooc-rhiatger p: M Sunday with 1H lithium Fur 1iarputy rrru- ('k Fhvd To, h trke, Herman Sturm prmvnt dr- puty rmvrl. ll F', Hall. F I! Hr] Vun, Wcslry MrKIvlwlv, Allel â€our, Dr Fred F' Hughos Fur crruurul (25" Edward Damn. t. S. Raymond. Wslfrvd Hilliard, I hiu/matiorrs tor mayo!" an Mayor W " Hull. F' " Rulycu A I" Holland, C F 'I'Invlv. H bl lulu. G. S. Raymond, Wrsltry Mc- Kcrsio. Albert Hum: Enoch Hom- lxrgvr and Edgar Bauer. Far “(We tir: Alhrrt Hr“. H E Ruiz lpnm-nl run-v). Wlwlrv Mr, k, rsur. Herman Slul‘m 'l‘rn Wrn- nmmnuh-(I for mayor, OI tlus numlwnx only (' F Thum- zmd Bunch Honshcrww (Inrnwl‘ mum-1| tndicatcd tltuf'trtit, j that would not stand “Wllrn thc grunt was out off, tho ~-.m<l guvv Its svrvu‘os gratis for, morly tun yt-m‘s." Aid. Wmlry‘ MIKN'su‘. ux-marnr. and houd 1er mt- Watcrloo Mllrit'ill Such-1y, told (in mot-hug Hr rHrcccicl, that "wr tt uCh any hay muxic. troc of. "hargtv. a mus! vahtidvh. wrku In? " mwn. and u vrry K'XpI‘HS-IV1' Ji,;l Axon" [Ir (lvrlau‘vd lhr hand by-) law tr, fur tho bwutusfit of tlu. town, bs n IS for unv will-organs/rd hum! u. any mwn". and urgnl support "'. thr hand Irv-luv, In "kn-p Win-i h rim; rm Iltrr map" Complete Nominations. m l‘l‘llIH'. wttlt only til lu-rmns ttr- 1; ft [{plycm Albert Hrrgml. Al. n stud lust Your, and u "nal “I only 'twrt Herr. Gideon Bivam. H. R, E". car accidents. thrre stolen curs. jun, Wesley McKorsio. George and five cases of brcakinp, and en- A'lotr. Chas. Mougk. Edgar Butter. tering. Aid. Fred Tok-ukl. Iu-ud It., n Mowbray, Harry Grulw ot the fire and light cummmu- w w l' Krcw, and W " Glee,ct ported that "hrs: from firc ts {h- 1,,ii. .u't'lullllvd to Ilus Pli, ""H."k' :,tcuudrlr 3" trut" 3"â€â€œ1'mwml- lirnneth Raul, received an town He stud tire loss " lun'. i; (’rlzmmllun returning him as trus- turstrnp, Luhrrsns m" small ilr sa-C,'. m the wteit ward and M R ' Ila turs1 of 14': L'I'nlm “My 47 fire r;all~’ w- n WA? Free Parking corner Duke and - Ontario Street; 7 "Scattergood Survives a Murder" wtth Margaret "lye-x John Arrhrr Walla" Ford Anna Null: » Ruin-rt Newton TheMan in theTrunk Preview Sundny Midnlte [2.05 Ind Mon, - Tues. - Wed. “They Flew Alone' George Holmes Lynne [lulu-us Raymond Walhurn Thursday .. Friday - Saturday CAPITOL ’(ilasbuka-" ()vvnwun Indies Mon . Tucs James Ellison "Army Surgeon" DINING parties by uni-I _ Pre, Cilia-.- patio- tally THE DEPART MEN? STORE OPEN DAILY ro 6.. RM. SATUR- DAYS To "' FM. In). All I. [I u'vminuml mun Pug“ in Ham Nuey :ILA'M 1JiR 1aidr Vts'itsu, Jt) lid-4n tist '!r Il' I,', Itll t'tlt . unlnu‘l sxdl “mum MI H‘ ll ll ',l)v l, I. P.M. \ ml KIN!“ “HR My, â€mum; 'l l 't; 1m VIUR- Hmâ€) and mum (munlw tly)t, w, AYS To mm,- " A†Hullnnl> w: '1 Lim I. PM. F'ttrv,rttir" and hum-Lu pd ',r L _ M Manual wfb in: 1.1m h hl, my , Fb,trrve, tvrl_rr \ u. L N tl Bltis DEPARTMENT ST E thl ti OR Band By-Law Added Attract mu Added Foalun GIT KUMthF, Ilison _ Jane Wratt Kent Tavlor King and Queen yitreets KITCHENER “when t tit to the Wm] arid that nn-(lu- m L'pl Earl Ollmun who has been lun- for two weeks on furlough hum British Columhia, returned .4 Sunday Mr William Hcrzveg. while a.r Mung Inn mm in-law, Mr. Ralph lfulm Ill pl's-purnllun for tltrctsh, I " >ll|lpl1l and Ir" about fifteen In] In the barn floor, resulting in " brokvn shoulder blade and pos- hm m the west ward. and M. E. [murmur in tlu. east want Also y-umnutul for school board trus- l, raw-u Orloy Uffelman and. Wm ll Smith (north ward), and P. If anv. Robt Kw, and Wm Sum]: tsouth ward) lirlrcrt Srhaus. Vernon Snider, Francis N, Bauer. Wm. H. Smith,) Iluht. Ker, A. F, Noland. W. D. Popw. F'. Fl Hughes. Chas. Runm-lri hm. I. J, Whitnvy. Fred Tolvtzki.l I" ft Hulyvu. Albert Hrrgotl. Al" brrt Hot, Gideon Bivam. H. E†Rat.r, stluy Mchrsio. George. Edgar "flit" Charlie MrCartht HM." MrGre and Molly 4 ltA YS' titnrs WvduvNduy “Here We ik Again ST. CLEMENTS Ra/ire:' Sahatini 's greatest story 10/ LOVE, GOLD AND ADVENTURE! My Miss Paul Dietrich u‘hroniclc Correspondent' m " Drpartment Tetephotus DIAL 3-361“ In†:lh‘fl! tlu. wcckiud 1vsth her ttualir, Mr, E. Dtctrtclt. Murray Francis Volsin. ll- ttanttltrrold son ot Mr and Mrs, Luphm-l Voism tin-(l smith-n1} ml Friday vvvnim: Hr Is _ciu't n'mi by lus "urrnrs and Inn strtcrs T Forty Hours Dun-1n.†“as My strvtal 1.115 \n-rk lu'gnming Sun- day morning mul Huang Tuesday nvvning wrth I-rn-anu-n of the Picscrt Sm'mnunl, um! llu- hing nu; oi tlu. hum), "Hub (30-1 m. l'mm- Tln Nznnr" lhn Laurrncc huh!" ol “MIMI-m ptuu‘hml thc "I mum ran-h night s'owly h'cc, Hum hudx‘u'h, who has Inc-n Ill for lhrrr IA wks w. consid- rrably llllpl‘OYl-ll mm "lrle to be ,siu,ut Juan} Ptr. Hunk! Rudd ol thnu‘cl , 2.1 Mr Rudd ul Km-In-m-r siott tio. “u k rm! ttttgt Ct Izmnw: how, All and Mrs Aim-r1 Edmugh and mm Jpn-mp. Mrs Robert For- hr“ Mia Pstcr Kum/ und Mrs. Sum-m Bend†usual thrlr bro- mu: Flu, Ln. Fc,) Hugh 1)) Hmmvur, um Sunday Pte Ebhilllgh has been h .mu Uh furlough, Iftss Evrlvn l)nll'1r!1 ot' Water- !w. :lh‘fl! tlu. wcckiud 1vsth her ttualir, Mr, E. Dtctrtclt. Murray Francis Volsin. ll- Sli'll‘ umuuunn Mr t.s In St. Ma- t" Is "nun!“ .md Hume. 'ts we" as (an lu. vxpm'lrtL Mr, lh-rzogg. Lia Willa tsho Hum. d " 41'qu Sei- l t.d tvcr-kr, 345;†ls nmprm’mg 15%}.ng “COMRADE X" tiprcusl shoot cur smvm Ihwiull Tue: ttrt Noir INT" TI 'ESDA Y t larke (“Mo "HIV hum" lrr [ m mil: mumg . I‘hl \t “It tAir, “nun 131nm; ' n n: Wcur- " fL- 1'umily. t, , trt h mo. Vmsin. ll- Mr aunt Mrs, d suddrul} (m Is sun n'NI by