"Who" "" Atucticun cilia-n will myâ€: $25.00!) of his own tummy in Canadian Governmvnt bonds. it certainly speaks well for our secu- Ctirtr he declared. THEY ARE YOUR KIDNEYS But WE can keep them in good shape-with Bedford Kidney Pills. BEDFORD DRUG STORE Opp. Post onee - Waterloo Phone 2-2672 "Thus far. returns are a little better than in the last Victory Loan. We are quite pleased with the trend of the campaign," the or- ganizer said. The average for the riding is 9 per event Also announcrd c. " $40,000 suir :uumon try the t‘unadmn Blower and Fore" Ctr, and a personal sub- scripuon of $25.000 by Henry W. Wendt, of Buffalo. N.Y, president of the cquany. W. R. Bucket. chairman of the 'special names" committee ex- pressed special pleasure at Mr, Wertrlt's sulrscription. ' BUSES LEA VE KITCHEN ER The Kaunable Lite Assurance Company. of Waterloo. is sttbaerib. ing 5400.000 and Carling Brewer- ies, Waterloo, $100,000. Mr. Deans stated. Waterloo North has already sub- scribed 9 per cent of its objective. oxelusive of special financial and business institutions orders. Fem ture of the campaign in Waterloo North to date IS the sale of bonds to emolovees of the Waterloo Me" nufacturing Company. They over- subscribed Inoir $28,500 ohieetive Subscription percentages in the five districts of North Waterloo are IPs follows: Kitchener. 10; Water- loo, 8; Ehmra, 6; New Hamburg, 6. Tounsiups: Welh-sley. 21; Water- loo. Cr. Wor-hnch. 8: Wilmot, 7. m the first three days and Expect to exceed $40.000 br-tonight, Mr. mans told The Chronicle. (I, In. Um.) The Dominion Lite Assurance Company, Waterloo, is investing $4,000,000 in the Third View Loan. Organizer M. C. Deans an- nounccd today Representing a $500.01!) increase over its subscrip- uon m the last campaign, the com- pany's mwstmcnt is the largest so fin. . TIME TABLE North Waterloo General Canvass Passes " Mark EASTBOUND to EM. (Hobo: g Mo, Dominion life Subscribes $4,000,000 To Loan TORONTO a 5.40 IJIL 8.05 am. 10.35 am. 1.00 p.m. 3.30 pm. 5.00 pm. TAs pm. b 12.30 am. C. F. Price, Optometrist " King St. West - Kitchener Phone 2-1936 a- Daily ex. Sun. b - Sun. & Hot. c - Daily ex, Sun. & Hot. (Eastc'n Daylight Saving Time) II! "AV! NFOIMAVION " F. WESSON YOUR GLASSES World‘s Greatest Palmisls, Psychologists, Chrrvoranu- Mystifies you with the knowledge of your own affairs. Advice on all athttm in "to . . . 80109 "In! trouble in your Iliad. Src them at: Room No. IOI - Walper House KITCHENER "oe: to AM to " P.M. _ gnunfnetua. mun-Ind They Tell Your Name†are thoroughly examined at STEELE'S Welleslcy Leads Township: With 21 Per “It. " Objective Subscribed; Kitchener Heads, Um Dink“. Will give you complete satisfaction ll YOUR EYES l2. King St, E WESTBOUND LONDON 8.45 an. "as an. 3.55 p.m. tt 7.15 pm. c 3.50 pm. b 9.55 on. OFFICIALS PLEASED Kllchonov Most of the women recruits to arrive so far. are from Toronto and other pentres in Military District No. 2. Later in the week. a large Imunbcr from Military District No. 3. including London. Kitchener and surrounding centres are sche- duled to arrive at the local centre. It is understood when the camp is complete it will be the largest tgaining centre for women in Can- a a. Busiest organization in the Twin City these days is the No. to Basie Training centre's hand (male). which is attempting to meet all trains on which the women re- cruits are arriving. The newcom- ers are given a musical welcome, and march smartly to their camp behind the band. Each group which has arrived so far expressed regret. upon conclusion ot the march. that the hand has to move to the spacious new men's training centre at Ipperwash with the other mal_c troops. _ - years I Just retumcd from a transit meeting in Montreal, Manager Oscar Thal said today it may be necessary for the Kitchener public utilities commission to hire women to drive all types of public convey- ances, including buses and street 'cars. The Kitchener commission operates both. "Surveys conducted across Can- ada were submitted to the operat- ing committee meeting last week ‘and it was found that many trans- portation ttrms are suffering badly as the result of losing staff mem- 'bers to the armed forces," stated 'the Kitchener manager. "Kitchen- The Kitchener manager said the (transit controller is now ready to concern himself with the possibili- if? of women taking the jobs left vacant by men joining Camda's 'armed forces. Capt. Weston and her advance party arrived Monday. and accord- ing to the former were "very fa- vorably impressed" with their can!“ The women soldiers remarked particularly on the spacious lawns and gardens which their prede- cessors virtually "nursed" to ma- "t"rmerrt and heauty. 7 7 Representing the first contingent of the Canadian Women's Army Corps which has taken over the basic training centre here, about I75 women soldiers arrived during Monday and Tuesday. according to Capt. Doris We'ston. of Timon- burg, otti.cer commanding. According to the commanding officer, approximately 1,500 troops will occupy the Kitchener camp when its complement is complete. but this will not be for several weeks. "I know one recruit stated that the Kitchener camps was so beau- trtul and clean it was hard to tea- Iizo men occupied it for so long be- tore we came," laughed Capt. Weston. One unidentitieifraeruit, likened her first dinner at the camp to "mpther's meals at home". May Have To Hire Women Assistance of churches in the drive was received at request of North Waterloo loan campaign ottieials Could Men Do It? Is Question Ages of the recruits range from 20 to 40 although the ottieial age requirement is from " to 45. Ma.. jority of the recruits are about 25 er has been exceptionally fortu- note," he continued. "compared With other communities. "So far, we have been able to make them up." Manager Thal said that one transit firm in Canada, told the convention it is 200 men short of normal operation. representing a serious, loss in that concem‘s effort to serv_e ttte public. bonds "to assure continued reli- gious freedom. something that does nct exist in Nazi-dominated lands", was emphasized in all Twin City and district ehurehes, Sunday, - Sunday was designated by National War Finance otrieiais as "Victory Loan Sunday". Special services were observed in some churches. white in others, minis.. tcrs uyged supgortpl the loan. _ Lawns and Gardens Beautiful, Churches hssist Victory Loan KITCHEN“. - Necessity foe yretyurine Third Victory A Loy: of subtle“.- Gun-Iced Mat: contended he had not miolated the order-in-council " Trench was charged with not giving the reasons for notifying the ‘unam to vacate when he deliver- ed his notice. He was also charged with violating the basic rate, “tucks Low Turin- lkt ttt Men The last meeting of the organi- zation, Sander said, was held in a \public school and arrangements are now underway to have the 'wardens hold their meetings in the (districts in which they live. _ Kr'ICHENER.-Critieism of the "low attendance" of men at the Kitchener Civilian Defence com- mittee mcetings.was voiced today kv Chief Controller A. V Sander, The controller said district woman are "doing their share". but that male residents are not In a communique covering latest critical developments on the last two days in the fight for the Solo- mon Islands outposts. the navy an- nouncod that sixteen enemy air- craft Wert' shot down early Sutur- day in out' Japanvsv air attack nu the airfield and shore positions. New Assault on Solomons WASHINGTON, __ The United States Navy reported today that the Japanese are massing troops and equipment apparently for a strong assault on the American-held air- 6eld on Guadalcanal Island. "Por the most pari.' the work of the organization is being left to a ttw of the originals." Sandor stab Repay! Jays Massing For charges of violating the tent ceil- ing qeder-in-eouneii, The judge also reserved his de- cision on the question of whether "he appeal was' properly before him. after Defence Counsel A. W. ‘Boos raised the point that there had been failure on the part of the appellant board to Ne with the court the depositions of the case as heard at the magistrates court. Defence counsel argued that the defendant. in re-renting the pre- mises at 63 Cameron St. Ndeth, had not violated the basic rent pre- vailing as of Oct. ll. 196t, Judge E W. Clement renewed Judgment in county court My ‘on gang! of, tht Wargime fries: Reserve Judgement ll, Alleged Rent Violation Appeal this Hugh Pblion'svdeciibn dis- mining Ggorgg K. Munch on twp Mmrl Tunduv night. "r Imm- tlnnnlml thr Luir to the firm" Loon Headquarlrn in order to prawn! the Cirtory Pormie a] lein and Srrrrn â€an. Our hm "Arr [or The Pied Piper paw/071mm" will do" at 5 pm. Monty you!†" Thtr're Bringing NEW GLORY to OLD GLORY! A my!†" ttee . . "The Pied Piper" 4 DAYS - STARTS MONDAY //// â€EM†I ' mu fllllllfl 1!! Ira TILEâ€) Starring Roddy McDownll EENiiilEi] “hm . “In“ . bu mu-rmrtw-mmmv Kitchener-Waterloo Boy Scout "Apple Dav" sales in 1941 totalled just under $2,000 but placed fourth in Ontario behind Toronto, Hamil- ton and Windsor. Scout officials hope the local troops may have done even better in provincial standing this year. but, of course, the three cities which lead last year's sales are considerably larger than tho Twin City. Huge Total of Axis U-Boats Sunk Since War Began, IA9NDON.--A. V. Alexander, first lord of the admiralty. today an- nounced that more than 530 Axis submarines have been sunk or damaged since start of the war. It was the first time that a grand total had been announced Kitchener-Waterloo Boy Scouts " Id 35,000 apples for approximate- ly $2.200 to make their annual "Apple Day" the most successful in Bos Scout history in tho Twin City. Saturday. Fortunately for the Ncouts. their "Apple Day" coincided with the nilicial opening of the Third Vic- tory Loan in North Waterloo. and many more thousands of citizens. than usual. virtually jammed city streets throughout Saturday after- noon. Scouts ht $2,200 h “Apple Day†The show will be in the form ot a radio broadcast with Victory Bond prizes for the theatre and listening audiences. Paul Berg, the Schneider Male Chorus, Archie Caya and Jean Germann will also take part in the program along will] Major H. G. Scott of Ottawa. limson oftieer between the Cana- dian and Allied armies. Tickets for the Show. which will feature the greatest array of stage and radio personalities ever to ap- pear in the city on one program. will go on sale later this week. Proceeds will be used to defray campaign expenses Preliminary arrangements for the show were made at Victory Loan headquarters today, A.- A. Morison of the public relations committee said the Hardwickea and other stars would be in the city for the entire day and would lend their assistance wherever possible to promotion of the Vic- torg Loan campaign. two of the tote-mot mo and stage personalities of the day. will be in Kitchener next May, it wig the ' omiru to city the etrorts of the t,'v'ig'hv,o"laf'vtie tory Loan Committee, they will appear on a variety program at the Lyric Theatre with Barry Wood, singing star and mute:- ot cere- monies of the Hit Parade, "Homer" of the Aldrich radio family. and Morgan Thomas and his orchestri. To Be Ito-dun Movie Stars To Show Here 1ytraet" M T3531; '.iy,'i',i7t'Ft I' Sir came tnd lady Human, " MIME “viii-T“ "in." NOW PLAYING All» Baxter v) QLLOELOL-l I KhCHENER.-Dr. J. W. Fraser. M.O.H., for Kitchener, said a mem- ber of the Canadian Women‘s Army Corps has been stricken with epidemic meningitis while “siting relatives here This is the filth cusn- rcportcd in Kin-lu-m-r In The medical ottccr said the wo- man, in her early thirties, has been belated. and all contacts quaran- tined. Bus Iksinteler's ht is 0.“ KITCHENEIL - City Councu,) As a result. when the local camp Monday night, granted the public h-cnmvs No. 3 Basic Training Cert, utilities commission to erect a bus the of the Canadian Worncn's dispatcher's depot on the corner of Army Corps this week. the woan King and Frederick streets, in :will have to do considerable front of the city hall. 1pioneeri.ryf'. Capt. the Rev. w, A. In bringing in his recommenda- JYoung. Protestant Padre at the tion that the request be granted. men‘s cnmu. revealed that (won the Ald. Alex Schafer of the citv hall organ in the clumcl belongs to the committee. said the suggestéd de-. soldit'rs and will go to Ippcrwarm not would Draw» a dofinits, A,T,,lwith thtmt. In bringing in his recommenda- tion that the request be granted. Ald. Alex Schafer of the city hall committee, said the suggested de-. pot would prove a definite con~ vonionce to citizens, in that the proposed dispatcher could delay street cars or buses for passengers in pnngcting vehicles. Aid. Schaefer lauded the trans- portation services provided by the Kitchener commission. asserting that in other cities. the cost to pas- scngors ii "very much higher". "In addition our buses and street cars take countless persons to and trom work in war industries and we must give them every consider- ation," he declared Council also approved the rent- ing of a large room at $l8 per month for storage of oquipnwnt used by the Kitchener AVRP. or- ganization, During the meeting, council adjourned to inspect the garters. located above a store on The C.C.F. was granted use of the assembly room in the city hall the evening of Nov. 23. Rig; sriasi.' Woman Soldiers Might Barter For Wash Machines 1942. The Guelph gun crew will dem- nostratc how a 75-min. field gun is handled and fired, While space does not permit lor the exhibition to be open to the general public. any desiring an invitation are ad- vised to telephone Fusilier head- quarters early this week. The demonstration will take place continuously in the drill hall on the fifth floor in the Bunker Building, There will be a con- tinuous showing of war motion pictures by the Victory Loan Com- mittee on the ftoor immediately below. Invitations have been sent to several hundred Twin City men to attend the display, Col. Barrie ex- plained the display had been ar- ranged in an effort to acquaint civilians with type and quality of equipment being put at the dispo- sal of the Canadian Army. Armed Foxes in the armoriet here, tate this week. Cot. E. G. Barrie, oNieer com- manding the Scots Fusiliers, said the display will be one of the mott complete ever altered in this dis, trict. The Miller: will be in charge of the exhibit, assisted by a gun crew from the ttth Field Battery (Rrserve) unit. at Guelph. Included in the display, accord, in; to Cot. Barrie, will be the new ue-Enfield rifle Mark IV, the Bren machine gun, the Thompson, Sten and Raising sub-mathine guns, the Boyes anti-tank rifle, the thee-inch mortar and others. Meningilis Tietittt KhCHENEW--A, a contribu- tign to North Watertoo's Third Vinny bun campaign, the Scots Fusiliers of Canada (Reserve) have arranged tor a displéy of the new- est weapons of the Canadian T0 Show Newest - ADDED ATTRACTION - Eur-I! Saturday Matinee "Mott o! the Boom Service" A m C.torrh. New" l "The men bought the washing 'machines themselves because they Lwere having trouble keeping their sucks clean," Capt. Young stated. V‘The boys weren‘t rinsing their footwear properly and their feet were syfrtring from too much soap in the socks." It is understood the Inen. when thev move to Ipper- sash. early this week will take 1with them washing machines. 20 new ehesterfie1ds, ping pong ta- bles. checker sch. radios and other articles. l Capt. Young believes. however. the mm might lv, willing to hur- tut a few of their ninp washing hunchincs for some of the pianos installed at the training centre here by the North Waterloo Mili- tary Auxiliary. All camp comforts sypplicd by the Auxiliary, includ- Jng pianos. radios. lamps and some furniture will be left at the tum) camp. I Due to the fact that a great deal of "comfort" equipment at No. 10 Basic Training Comm: was pur- gu-hm'vd out of thc snldu-rn' canteen mud. " \ull bv "Inn-d to the new No. 10 camp at 1pporwash with them. it was learned today. WHERE ALI, THE BIG HITS PLAY MONthth There is ttot “laugh [mun-r for uur war hula-uric. and [or our homes. . . . The " of etrctririt, in - home- musl be reduced-our" lulu- ,eroasd Puee---it we an I.» bevy any war plank Hurling II [III oreed. Craters you cut your power canon-I'd.- by " [can (annoy per cemr-rocre not “will. enough TIIF. DEPUtT.NENT OF MLNITIONS AND SUPPLY ","...o.btr f. D. Mt"' R. â€1.1.00: ADDED ATTRACTION TI 'I‘ZSDA , In addition, the men are even mkmg their padre. Capt, Young with them, which is contrary to earlier reports. It is understood a padre from out of town will serve the CW.A.C. camp. Loves of like Allen he Free Parking corner Duke and Ontario Streets. Lind: Darnell - John Sheppard was Adolphe Menjou Jackie Cooper Bonita Gnnville Bruce Bennett - Kay limb Edward Norris may†- Friuir" - Sam: Preview Sunday Mid-la itis and Mon. - Tues. - Wed. "Sabotage, Squad" "Glasbake" Ovenware to the ladies--. MonLtugq Wed. __ CAPITOL The All-American Dance Band 1'lllthikrrrstirrdeA' 'SYNc0Ph'r10N" - Added Attraction -- - Added Feature - DANA ANDREWS VIRGINIA GILMORE WEDNESDAY starrin- in