Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Aug 1942, p. 7

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0 tAMI-fl-E D _. Mrlli RTISEII IllT8 TWINClTY AUTO Pumas CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT office: 44 William St. - Wlhl‘loo Phone 2-1357 Phone 2-3062 Keep It New With-- Painting and Pa rhtuNging I 398% King £31m Kitchener ‘ Sharp Riley A. Raddatx R. Knorr 2.206; 2.0915 - 8-031? j PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. WEST'S TOOTH BRUSH Exton bristles, miracle tuft, me- dium or hard. Me, at Geiger: Drug Store. 408 King St. East, Kitchener, Phone 2-2127. BURTOL CLEANING ' Phone 2-4461 - Kitchener PEARL LAUNDRY co. Cleaners and Byers Rug Shampooen 90 Queen St. s. Phone 1-4135 KITCHEN" The colour of your car matched perfectly. GEORGE M. RUPPEL 45 Gaukel St. .. Kitchener BROCK & DAVIS T. H. R. Brock D. Bruce Davis CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees in Bankruptcy) __ A HUG“ St. Ee.... . AUTO PAINTERS DONALD DUCK J. C. LEHMANN BOOKBINDER IT Queen St. N, - Phone 8-0041 Kitchener Bebindinglookl. Bibles. Hymn and Prayerbooks a specialty. Add more books to your home library by having your favorite magazine bound into book; Initiating Club 13m. Suitcase; c. _ Prlue- 'eh,,-, "d Mother's Cure to all You 'ct' HAM CHRONIC!) Goods called tor and delivered. BOOKBINDING DECORATORS DRUGGISTS CLEANERS CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTOR _ . . _ ’ ' wc-tlarsl- Cikf2 cr, 'higiittslgie- _ v r ' " 2‘s . a. ff-e'r:.fal:1-' v R CC?. - "-irea--C" ' ' - _ Bur WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE. DECORATORS 's' " Adequate mama - See our l Lou! Reputation“ ANSWER TO TO-DAY’S THE WATERIDO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY YOUR PROPERTY TO-DAY Studios - " Roy St., Kitchener Phone 0-01” ' mauve DOMINION Ll" ASSURANCE COMPANY _ MISS ANNA R. BEAN Teacher of gum. Singing and LGU0G.GG- " um... on it In. human small... In. D. A. BEAN INSURANCE AGENQIES ASSETS OVER 8t,0ar,0oltdttt Gun-Wat In: Ana. Co. GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT $100,000.00 WATERIDO. ONTARIO _ and Clu- III-undo. JOE MfitttT2INGER CBOSSWOBD PUZZLE ' AT TOP OF PAGE MAY BE ASHES TOMORROW ‘TAIIJIIIID "" MUSIC 't 34”] _ ii ' x "e ' w' ,:v : V. Frh . FF I I6 TCrue, 'i'ii""tr', - l!) "k'rrTr' trar mm " tr _ C," It iir:cLci-., 1tsVu'r"r,' rrl,0: F' V xx , ,e't Q /'i.i)'c""rst" Irs x?!) 'iT,.., =t . a {V _i.sii'/"'rttii,,, 'gifciisiPtctj)." ", (IW, yr" q, V‘V f:tartwettrsdiiii', 'lt", Lg?) {L V" P V. t' "A, V tif-X dli,t7t., £3’w‘EV. ex A ' iirfs_?)?j', i'idiiir'tii ( 1rtei L" M sep. trgica""tiad a Ti Dupu and Adding “in“. 'r'ht',ttii'tut', Dub. 811‘. ate. Ontario OfBee Otttttttem Ltd. " Queen Stutd., _ - Phone 8-0484 to Kitchener on Saturday. Mr. J. J. Hoffman of Brantford was a business visitor here on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. agra- Kreu and family and Mr. don Kgega of ‘Waterloo spent Wednesday evening with their ip9therLMty. Qty) Krrys. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bleswetter visited Sunday with their 'tta: Mrs. Edwwin H. Arnold In Mr. Arnold, Kigghelgef. -- _ - _ Mr. and Mrs. Victor Schneter and son Bruce of Kitchener spent Sun- day evening with the tormees mother, Mrs. L M. Behaefer. Mr. John R. Dietrich spent the week-end in Waterloo, _ A Whether BUYkNireSBuANGo -e -iiiithade -tiditkee of Peters- :urg spent Sunday at III! home ere. - -ifr. and Mrs. M. J. Kieswetter and son Alvin were visitors to Kitlrhtryrr 0') 9195513]: __ - "Mi; ta, Golheck fett on Monday for Kitchener where he has taken a gositjon. _ .- _ _. " - Sunday visitors at the home of Alex Ertet were: Mr. and Mrs. John Dorscht and family of Wnterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bench! and (amily of Berlet's Corner, Mr. and Mrs. Albert End and son Ronnie. _ Some timely advice about who should or shouldn‘t wear slacks. is given by Arthur "Bugs" Beer, one (ot America’s best-known humor- ists, in The American Weekly with this Sunday; (August 23) issue at The Detroit Sunday Times. Be sure to get Bunday's Detroit Times. moms . . . IF you com ‘5 an: renames: Good Brick Home "uilAhrttrrh'N. HESSENAUR & SEAN!!! A.K.CRBtetMAN&f50N Limited Phones-m - um". TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS hum-I‘m Br w. J. Ina-mu: (Citadel: Corr-WI.) L. M. Seine!" was a visitik BAMBERG "align.“ 'Am Inn-dud Geo Edward's then took charge of the wax and Introduced the to- pic. ' e Bible in the World To- dpr'l. Mm. Rex _H_arme1:_¢aye a one ot-ttie figat miAiontirieiio%i-' ter China and while there trans- lated the Bible into the Chinese being Bent to China by every avail- able means. Mm. Harry Lee Da- vidson gave a short talk on Dr. Herbert Mecure, and his work with the Chinese Red Cm also on Dr. Harold Frey, and his ex- perience in Naniring durintr the re- cent bombing when 300 people ga- thered in the ruined city ot Nan- king in a bomber church tor com- munion services clothed in rags and hungry. yet faithful. south of the village; In Rex Hu- mer, north of the 2Ngd.'t J. Snider and In. had k. can end. 1111*.th Jug! In. Kg: name“: ; In. . but]: In. Thomson, west end; Ila. Hon-nan in Shanty Town. Pro- gnm committee for next month wane Ian. J. Potter and Mrs. John 53331139 gr. yrs. Ctyrtorl Gotten "thui Chaplains report 2,000 copies of New 2',et'titgutsttit out every year . Recent 30, Bibles were re- quested to be sent to Russian pri- sonata. German soldier: in intern» ment camps are asking for Bibles. saying it " the Book they should hays readJong agq. _ Ttsea-tr-ttrt-tSoi. 'M'I Auxiliary of the Hamill: United Church VIII hold " the 1'g'hU."6itg,ufd'"g'.'"g',tt'lti punt“; "I! - hymn, the "rigrtui. Mon w midbrMrFJohn1tn1der.Thqrxgt all vs ‘11::me by . Bible 'arnnettutggh7.t',t,',': Durham: Icahn-oom- '8S1ruhtgtt1"t'utrt Don CurmlondhhsJl',, lhhwu 3m" "l,'itl,"liillLtgr'lt','let omen'l to decide what the legacy. recently and h . at faithful. - mug gum»: gave a very in- teresting paper on the Bible and its use in the war to-dny. stating that almost every soldier carries a Bible in his knapsack. The Bi- Me is being handed out to soldiers inAnterypent cnmp§ -- - - - It was also stated that only one out of every four Canadian chil- dren attended Sunday School and urged more Christian Education. Mrs. Don Currah told several inter- esting stories relating to the favor- ite Bible verses. e mates: of these is love and it an enemy hung- Ts/p." him, if he thirst give him r to decide what the te Inéoen'u'y left ”31.049137, 1t,tft'. and for. The 'g'lt,'Suri',e.tt were up- pohtcd to in and thou! the XIII-:9 ttthe EM! Betetr ot Mrs. Clayton cotton then gave an interesting biography on Wit- Ham Carey, e founder of modern missions. who spent 40 years in India and never once during that time returned to his home in Eng- land. The meeting closed with 'miarrah, ( ‘Farewell Party . Mrs. Charles Fulcher, entertain- ed at a farewell dinner party on Saturday evening for her son. Leading Aircraftman Alvin Ful- ‘cher. who is 2."M, shortly for ovemeas service. ose present were Seaman James Penn of Hali- ‘fax. N.S., Edwin Penn. Plattsvllle, [ Leading Aircraftman Philip Grimes ot Dunnvitle, Bert Barrett, hwy. and Roy Futeher ot Wood- Tham' s Eve-i; Mn. [Snider and Miss Jessie McMeekln accompanied In. Chit Banner on a visit to Ayr recemly. The congregation of Piattsvitie United Church had the pleasure of having Mr. Hahn of lnnerkip as guest speaker " the Sunday morn- ing Iervlce. Mr. Mann wilt also be in charge on Aug. ss, Rev. G. Kaiser hem: on vacation. _ Misa Mil red Facile: of Embro in guest of her sister. Mrs. Alec Glendenning. Mia Mule Kendrick of Strat- (and is visiting her aunt. Mrs. F. Fathom. Inuit-dw- “who“. Wart Jlul.Tata Und tom ot Bible: are now her_homo tdr "he" Gait [lay wig". Mn. ho7ne of Mrs. Rex Harmer on Wed nesday evening. The rooms were decorated with pink and white streamers. sweet pens and gadioli. A wagon decorated with p k and white bearing the gifts was drawn into the room by her three-year- old nephew, Ronald Harmer. The address was read by Mrs Edwin Ferguson to which the bride re- plied .attirtstV. Following the pre' sentation. bingo was played. A feature of the evening was the for- teiting of the bingo prizes to the bride. Winners of the TiiQ prizes were Mrs. T. Syms an Mrs. S. Green. Lunch was served by the hostess. assisted by Mrs. Clair Har- mer, Miss Marjorie Brown and Mrs. K. Smith. Over thirty guests were present and the bride re- ceived many beautiful and useful gi ts. Bride-Elect Is Showered A surprise miscellaneous shower in honor of Doreen Harmer. a bride gig! oCtle mgntht was held at the Mrs. Lloyd Perry of Toronto was a week-end guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Me. J .B. English. Masters Douglas and Jacky Brown, who underwent a tontdiee- tomy, recently. have recuperated tret their indisposure. Mrs. iiiiitiGiTGiGian is guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Puddicombe of Hagtrvilte, - _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and daughter Marjorie and Mrs. J. Hockton were visitors on Saturday ev_ep_ing It Woogstock. The rooms were' decanted with pink and white [trainers Ind bou- quet ot tweet peer and gladioli. A butlet luncheon wu served trom e lace covered table centred with a three-tiered \wedding cake. Only members ot the immediate “milieu were preterit. Receiving the guests were tg bride's ttN: wen-in. a meet- en tire: 0 new Bguied cheer t'ftd'gt,g'd end e cor- nue of sweet pets. The bride- 'I mother, chore a navy Trl; sheer with accessories to match and a carnage of sweet pea. For travelling the bride wore I rote figured rayon crepe dress with white ecceuoriet. The email; left by motor on a short trip to _ tern points. On their return they' will take up raidence on Main street Miss Nettie Harris of London, who was visiting at the home of Dr. E. Stevens the past week, ac- companied Dr. Stevens and son Ro- bert to her home in London on Sunday. Mrs. Stevens and tiny ba- by who were visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Harris. returned ‘home with Dr. Stevens. - Inc Mr wean. sanctum. I hum-laugh an. at whit. that imp. vi vim. plume hat and woe-orbs to lunch with can.“ 'ot pink arm-cum man and blu- orsegtitoweN and ttattr's hath. Rt Bright, won a mu hoe-trimmed an“ with matching hat and Wale loco-soda and I coma ot yellow Johanna um rota Ind blue cornnovler Ind th'; Month. The best man wu the 'I brother, Cpl. Get-u D. Harmer of the RC.- At of Edmonton. Alta. Following the wedding ceremony the wed- ding MY returned to the home ot 2w bride's parents on Mill “reel 'dt,"2'fN'.NUti'ligfcfle'g; dtr,aar60tVtth.E “on?!” Mrs. J. Hockton visited her hus- band, J. Hockton on Sunday. who is confined to Victoria Hospital in London. Mrs. Merritt Hogg and baby of Thamesford have been visiting the vast week at the home of Mrs. Hottg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. w. S.letusep. _ U u-nui-‘w.w tttrtstieodg-qWiamttrm, tlu',Aattutu'vraftt ttya,naertru?rtg9ryv. --__- an tuiiiF Mrs. Rex Harmer and son Ron- ald and Mrs. Weir Graham were Monday visitors at New Hamburg, Mrs. Harmer and son remaining tor seygral Aassr with relative; - - Vows at Plannille Mr. and Mrs. Milton Eckel of Mundare, Sash., are visiting at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. A. Eckcl and other relatives in the East. Mrs. Lloyd Pony of Toronto and sister, Miss Phyllis English of Brantford were guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. English. Mrs. Perry. who is on a two weeks' vacation. returned with her sister to Brantford tor the week. Mr. It. Hunter, with Mrs. Hun- ter and son Scott are on a three weeks' vacation and visiting with Mrs. Hunter‘s father at Newmar- ket. Friends ot Mrs. Hunter regret thg_illness_ of her, Byrent._ A _ Mrs. Alexander and sons William and Albert ot Owen Sound spent By Walt Disney the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Shoal. Mr, and Mrs. H. Harris. Miss N. Harris and Selby Harris were week-end guests ot Dr. and Mn. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Glendenttirtg and family arrived home ovghthe week-end trom Grand Bend ere Jhet haze been_va_cationin;._ _ _ T Mrs. Percy Graham of Bright dwere Huntsville visitors on Mon- ay: ---_ A” _ -ev Mr. Bell of King is relieving at the Bank of Commerce during the atemey.tt, My, Htytter, "teNr. Mr. Wilfred Lichiitiii, Bi"God""éi- ich spent Sunday with Mrs. Lach- man. _ Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Battier and sons who were holidaying the past week. visited at outside points vitihing rehtiges. - 7 - 7 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rank and family. who spent the past week with relatives here, have ”turned to Woodstock. Miss-Sadie Curran of Bright we: a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Don Currah. Rev. G. and Mrs. Kaiser accom~ panied by Mr. and Mrs, Ken Grimes motored the past week to Samia and visited friends. Cpl. G. D. Harmer who bu been spending two weeks leave " his home here. returned on Saturday to resume duties " Edmonton Uni- veggity. _ -- -e- -- - - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deeton ond mini? and Roy Leadbenter and trim a and Mrs. Geo. Collow and Mrs. Consterdine of Toronto were recem guests at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Deeton and Frank Deeton. Mr. A. Glendennlng and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quandl spent Wednes- day at Buffalo. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Ailen were visiters the past week at Barrie and Toronto. Mr. Roy Fulcher, who recently underwent a 2'l',ti',itg in con- valescing at the home o his par- ents. Mr. and Mn. Chat Fulcher. Miss Thelma Grimes of Wood- stock, who is on a two weeks' va- cation spent the past week with LAC. and Mm. Grimes at Pt. Mailland. of Massachusetts? 2t---A quarrel 2s--Utteoettmor, 26--E% 2T-totaey pm od - 28-ttatt Mr-Put away 8t--Pteatsr mm M-PN- rotor . ' "-altstranim M-tBttttrot for indium "rtfhtt gull " on mu trf the Mr. and Mrs. W. Cherry. who have been spending two months at their cottage in town left on Sun- day tor their home in Detroit Mr. Everett Dom. who has been in employment It outside points has returned to the Vin-[e and is assisting in the erection of an. ad- dition to the Sand Page! "etory. Mrs. Charles Stick er and son! Mrs. Charles tgtrich1er and son: at Waterloo are visiting their aunt Miss Ida Hoffman. Mr. Strickler spent Sunday in town. tty-tTru-e , Arabian an? "--on What river is Shake. lpnte‘s Ctrttage situated? MF-pert 4t-DttttututN. (or August "--hattd.ttt- "-Mottamttted's adopted Ion "-Mrsue calculation "--Agttatet "--Wlngett 6iF-Matetttutt ulna t--hp gently with hand 4 - Incline tV- Body of water F " -ortenut ruler 's-Fo-ttatt M-Form" noble mm: “In", "-wgat Kantian": city was prominent in only witch- craft trials? "--couege one“! "--ttgrntrot for tut-tum 29--Eieetrthed Melt 2t-Loot (collqu "--Footuike part "-WAIt cape is a! the Jr. I. end s-Ciiw 6-What " not»: name for the y-r2anee tte constellation Arie" F-mHtutit' uncle hm" what island did out Wet overcome the [annexe attack In June? I48 Tr 53 TT " may CM-WJ’J Puzzle . "METAL VERTICAL DI (ge I45 " (sig'it IVA LE 'tlife' Eld s'fff "-Dirtsinutiee toe MW "-Mittemt quid; "-amttate "-Aatiqutty f'ttrote In the out. M-.! let'," mom dull 28-Tttr-toest new ‘u-Cut on ' _tis-iiiiikiiat ilk-What (anon: arehiteet " signed "we"! historic Mild. ing: In England! ’ _ u-anc " so-rmm new: t 8b-Butti" SN-To all 35-Wcm or 'T-or-it whetpluco o M-toat lunch author won “The Count of Home Crista"? 89-AHt up 40-Ktti.tt i.-iiift Implant - ta,',','."" Ith-lf-tatt' "nttro" 1 Mr. McCurdy. the ncwly appoint- ed principal of St. Jacobs public lschool, moved with his family into the village lust wuok. He moved [into the Mike Brubacln-r home. Recent visitors in Plattsville were: James Cockerton of New Hamburg with the Cockerton tam- vtly here; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith and family and Mr. Wm. Leitz of Stratford. Mrs. Gordon Burkhol- der and son Donald of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. zinken; Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hilbert! of New Dundee with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Brown; Mr. C. Carrothem, Miss Mary and John of Galt at their home tor the week-end; Mr. and Mrs. Pier, Waterman of New Dundee via ted Mr, and Mrs. Cicero Gofton; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sny- der and family ot Brantford spent Sunday at the home of the farmer's sister and Walter Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Grimes of Dunnville with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Grimes. Manna B. Brubachvr of the Three Bridges district sold his farm re- cently and is building a house near the road running past his farm. Mr. Jerry Martin is Meeting the nvw house. Mr. and Mrs. John Filsingor. Mrs. J. Stevens and Mrs. Ross. alt of Toronto. were Sunday guests of Mt., Buggy. qud_vn Appet, _ Mr, Phillips of Toronto, visiting with friends in the village. gra- ciously consented tu prtuwh ttu. sermon in the Evangclwul Church on Sunday morning, which he did very acceptably. 'iffg', (See answer at bottom ot page) Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Regularly _ A6 'C8it' ST. JACOBS QM"... “1 com . . . mum we”. By I. G, “urn! (Chm-nick CNtrrestutruterttt a... " Mm m Wm"! Tome) Sim-"'63? TiiriiirGi; “an- /dtttt Gumbo " luv Dunn-hath. IVA WC,?, to: sum 'ji,fi,f), " Lu WT rt ffe44

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