Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Aug 1942, p. 5

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The Y.P.U. held their monthly meeting a! the home of Mrs. Allan Cloister with a good attendance. The president. Pirman Ward, pre- sided. Program arranged by Mrs. Campbell Shanta; study book. Jean Hammond; Bible character, "Ezra% Greut Bible Class in Jerusalem", by: Mrs. L. Rennie; solos by Marlene 'Aivglew and Lorne Rennie; address by Rev. Mr. Gill, "Remember to keep the Sabbath Day hob." Roll call was answered try a miracle. Several contests were con- ducted by Adena Glaister and Hts. L. Rennie, followed by refresh- ments. Mrs. M. Shantz. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Shanta and family visited with John A. Campbell and Robt. Bern. south of Stratford, on Sun- day. Visitors Y. P. U. Meets Pte. Ben Jantzi of Camp Borden and Mrs. Jantzi of Toronto, Dan Juntzi of Milverton and M. Jantzi of Wellesley with James Birming- ham and Dan Gerber; Mrs. John Beckett. Sr., of Lin- wood, Mrs. Rebecca Hahn and grandson. Ronnie Carruthers. of London. Mr. and Mrs. .Mck Rooney of Draylon. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hahn and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zivgk-r of Heidelberg with Mrs. R. Foster and family on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ropp and family of Galt. week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Al- hrcchlz' Mr. and Mrs. E. Lavery and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Culling and daughter of Kitchener, Mr. an Mrs. A. Krugal and family of Monkton, Mose Ropp, Emeline and Douglas of Poole. with John R. AL hrocht on Sunday; - A Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schramm of Haysvillv. Mrs. Henry Bickle ot Kilthrnvr, Mrs. Melvin Snyder and daughter of Waterloo, with Sam Roth and qurgc Bicharclson; - Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shirk and Gladys Heifers of New Dundee, Lorne Schleuler of Waterloo with Honry_Schm_i_dt and Gttoryp9tyire. Ma'rlcno Ziegler of fruidiiGii spent a few days with her cousin, Aan-y Shawl. -- N - Mr.Und Mrs. E. G. Ward and Ruby spent Sunday with W. Mar- tinson in Elmira. DOWNING. STEEN and Ca. as King St. W. Phone 44102 KITCHEN“ A pliceh'miuoifié Slain. no 1., nut-”LL13"; manning; or rut--- EDARXEEEEIT" ii,GrtraitFriG Smith Martumett"htg Cal-puny Dept. B. u. h'a St. PRESTON. alum mums-ha nu SEE US - When ittneedoftlmrtrhoe-tt- - “CAN SAVE YOU HONEY an.“ b. M I. lady It ' '“ovbo " lung M. 8. WAT-1m , on an: CROSSHILL " Mrs. born: Rennie (Chronicle Corre’pondenl) RUPTURIDT FLORISTS Edwin l collection. " the new”! models in the lines! at furs. rodeyr - Uraimin we KING ST. WEST - KITCHENER C. M. Gm, llama anon manna“) ammo I The New Dundee M. S. Band, under the leadership of I. H. To- man, presented the last of its open .air concerts of the season at the village square on Sunday evening. A large crowd was in attendance and the band selections featured several instrumental numbers as follows: a comet solo by Howard Bowman of Kitchener; a comet du- ed by Orlando Bowman and his son. Howard; a baritone solo by Albert Piederiein; and a comet duet by seven-year-old Robert Fiederlein and six-year old Larry Schmidt. Rev. A, L Conrad was the guest speaker and also otrered prayer. Other vocal numbers from the va- rious churches consisted of: selec- tions by the choir of the St. James Lutheran Church; the Bethel M.B.C. male quartette composed of Eldon and Floyd Sherk. Earl Cole- man and Elsin heist; the M.B.C. mixed chorus; and the ladies trio from the United Brethren Church composed ot the Misses Alice and Jean Hallman and Velma Bauer. The annual Memorial and Decor- ation Day service will be held at the Union Cemetery on Sunday " gemoon. nggza It 2.39 9'cloqk. The annual Community Flower Show sponsored 't the Women's Institute will be eld in Ravel- manht Hall on Saturday evening, Aug. " from 1 to 9 o’clock. Mrs. Jofyt. 89$qu of WiBittmstrurg Rev A, L.'Conm1 wilt he the speaker and music wilt be fun nished by the Band. will be the iidge. Joins Ambulanc- Corps. Dr. A, C. Rocket. who has en- listed with the 28th Field Ambu- lance (active force). left last Fri- day for Camp Borden. where he is being stationed tor the present. Ya?.B, m- - Josiah Baer presided at the e-l Kenneth 'Boshart 'W,) the gular meeting of the Blenheim week-end with Mr. and rs. Chas. Mennonite Young People's Society Mackrow at Preston. which was held at the church in) Mr. and Mia. John Poll and Sunday evening. A paper on the Hugh Poll of Roseville visited with topic. "Burden-Bearing", which Mr. and Mrs. George Jacob on Sun- had been pregame! by Mrs. Wil- day: lard Kinzie o Hespeler was Asiidl Billy Smith of Beachville s nt by Miss Vern Hellman. The speak- I few days of last week with EL era were Omar Snider and Chr- more Toman. ence Cressmnn. I C. W. Creighton and Rinhnrtl Open hir Concert Flower Show Presents last Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bock at-,Creightc tended the special ceremonies at farmer's (it,'gt Borden last Thursday at Sunday. whic time the latter‘s brother, An' Mr. a thur Hamilton received his wings. 2etAthts Miss Reta Berber of Toronto spent a few days of this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Erb and Mr. and Mrs. Joueph Knechtel and son, Glenn of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Bock on Sun- day. I Mr. and Mm Adam Blgler and children Joan and Billy of Dayton, Ohio and Rev. and Mrs. F. Pitman ot Kitchener called on Mrs. A. Hil- born on Tuesday. The Misses A thee Bock, Evelyn Creuman and Dorothy Shane have returned home after 'lrgtt ing ten days attending the 3.0. Camp meeting at Starter. William Goemin; is spending two weeks with his doughy. Mrs, Max Bogus" and Mr. (out It Niagara-on-the-Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Babel and family of Buffalo, NN., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thibldun over the week-end. Mr. and Mitt: W. Reicturrd ot Toronto spent the past week with Miss Vera Rosenberg? was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ord Wilson at Preston last week. NEW DUNDEE "with” "-.63-o- -i-,ilos / I Th JFo.Esei-rasd-rMr ”humus“. You'll-n substantially if you by [an ml any“. rum-In. a Inn at. Mrs. Percy Beckett and daugh- ters. Judith and Frances of Simcoe, and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. new of Elmira canedrat the home of Mr.s, .AU.ph.om on Su_nday._ Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Greulich and son. Ronald are holidaying at Oliphant this week. Mm Fred Lang is spending this week " Nitsgara-ksn-thitaatire] Miss Gross of Toronto, James Pequegant, Mis. John McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Seebach and daughter. Barbara of Kitchener visited with Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Schade on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang at Ayr on Sunday. Kenneth 'Boshart 'tte) the geek-end wig Mr. and rs. Chas. Dr. E. S. Brown and son. Jimmy accompanied by Dr. L. L Stunner of Waterloo are enjoying a ttshing trip on the Ottawa River this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon herd” and children, Rah, Bertrand Roger visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDougall at Guelph on Sunday. Mrs. George Koch is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Koch at Rostock. Mrs. Leander Grumman is visit- ing with her daughter, Ilia: Marie C(egsmag at Paris this week. Jack mpotrsriatrsiiitTiiiu, at hit -homttyh Shaw. Mrs. Waiter Schmidt and son. Richard of Kitchener arm a few days of last week wi Mr. and Mry, Jack Schmidt Alfred sararaii%d Ivan 5mm and son. Bobby. were business visi- toP.1n ti.etr.oeth Pr Myndar. A ___ Mrs. Roman Hawthorn of Port Dalhousie visited with her grind- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Camel lashFtidat. --- --- - C. iltSeighton and Richard Creighton of Toronto called on the {antlers son James Creighton on a.“ --- _ Mrs. J. McMillan of Kitchener is ','i,e,'J'iA'r this week at the home of rs. A. Hilbert). Mrs. Hannah Hiittartner and Min Arlene Hilgartner of Toronto visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt on Monday; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Udy otl Hamilton spent Sunday with Mr) and Mrs. Norman Stevens. [ Mrs. Ruler is ,ri'r",N.,tt'ge, ttye, with her sister. Mrs. illiam So- bye. near Guelph. Mr. and Wilma: Martin we!“ Sunday Mr, and Mrs. endel Mirth! and Mrs. J, Martin of near Elmira. Sand-y visitors with Mr. end Mrs. Oniu Weber were Mr. and I James Fevegmt of Kitchener, a student at oody Bible Institute in Chicago occupied the pulpit ot the Baptist Church on Sunday morning. Miss Esther Snider has returned to her home at Parkway alter spending the past three months at the horte of I. M. Hilbom. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Diefenbacher and the Misses Erma and Florence Diefenbncher spent the week-end visiting Jri1stive, at Port Iain. Muir iriliia' mama "ortiiiinn, heim called on Mr. and Mrs. Moses Tean 9".§92¢!.w- __ - Camerod Toman awn! the week- end with his cousin alhce Sched- ler at Kitchener. ' - Grant Gingerieti' ist' VDéEoit, Mich., visited with Rev. and Mrs. E'Gingerlc‘h last muggy” Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tainan ot Toronto were S'."',',',', of the tor.. mer's parents. r. and Mrs. Moses Tttyan for gjew an); Iatrt w_eek. - the HAWKESVILLE farmer's sister, Mrs. A. mr. By In. A... Hellman (Chronlcle Mun-dent) l Mt C. E. Kraemer.cashier in the local branch ot the Canadian Bank a Commerce. has joined the B.C.A.F. and expects to enter mi- litary duties about the end of the lmorfth. His position in the bank will be taken by Miss Reta Steiner, assistant cashier. l Mr. Bernard Reid has gone to London to go into military train- ins. Barney leaned the linotype land printing trade in the local printing otriee and latterly was em- Fifa in. Butiingupn. - _ 'visitin} at the home of her niece. Mrs antes Aughton and family. LA!” " the home of her sister, Mts, Chas. lites at Grand Island. Jr.Y., where she expects to spend a month. _ Miss Nellie Cook, Hohner Ave., Kitchener. Miss Sara Bentley of Brockville were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. G. Smith. Peel Bt., let Wedneaggy. -_-- - __ 7 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eidt of Philipsburg received a cablegram from their son Lloyd. that he ar- rived 'tt overseas. He is at- gghed_to_’! - Canadian Engineers. Joh- rum. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stahl and Harry of Chicago arrived here on Ir.et8irsdar on a holiday visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Fewkes were recent visitors in Neustedt with the latter's mother, Mrs. C. lying. who. is quite ill, U _ Br In. Aaron "(Maul (chronicle Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kropt and family spent Sunday with Mr. and kits. Joseph Wagler on the town Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roth and family spent Sunday with Mr. and My; Joseph Wiggler 2n_Welle_sley. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ruby and son Raymond and Mrs. Christ Ruby. 16th line. spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Aaron Bender. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Yanlzi and ',','p'tgttg. and Mrs. Jacob Yantzi of ellesley 30“! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. oses Helmuth. Mrs. John F. Frey and family and Mr. Ind Mn. George Metzger of near Heidelberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauman of near Waller-1‘ stein. Thrashing is going on daily in this district and according to all re- ports grains are yielding well above the average. Sgt. Emmet Kropt ot Camp Bor- den, Pte. Kenneth Wolfe of Camp Borden and Pte. Victor Nablo of [Allanburg were here on weekend eave. line. Mr. and Mrs. Ami»; Helmuth and family visited with Mrs. Stan- Vy Helmuth and daughter in the Woodstock General Hospital 6h Styybr. -- , _ --- Miss'es Doris and Elma Roth visited Mondagewith Misses Hele- na and Hilda nder. Mr. Norman Stevens and Earl spent I few city: at Hamilton, Brunuord and Toronto. and: In. b. -iiiiagr." Miss Talma Otto. R.N.. has ac- cepted a £08m” on the nursing staff at e Freepon sauntorium and reported for duty on Monday. Rebeca and Alice Martin have returned home after visiting with their brother, Oral Martin of North Waolyieh and 9-st Deny-yuan. M 3:53le 'Ed'aaughter of St. Paul. Minn., are here on a visit ytrith Ihtftmey's brother, Mr. Delphine and Velma Sch'neidef an 1','gtg'i/'ut,t.ei4, holidays with their shun rs. Harold incl, at Waste convention to be held in Tov a? Sept. 0 and 7. They are Ernst itz, Austin Zoeller. Betty Smith, Martha Porter and George Pennie. It was decided to hold a social [evening on Aug. 3hrt in the form of a Wiener rout. Mis. John Dahmer has returned home after trending several months in Water oo. Dr. Clinton Amncher of London spent the week-end with his mo- ther, Mn L Another. Mr. Robert HAutschild has re- turned home after spending two weeks with his son and other rela- the; in Northern Ontario. The monthir meeting of the Lu- thecAl‘cuge of the Ttinity Mangr- Petersburg." ‘l Mir. Mun Dickie}: ot Vania loo spent Sunday with her mother. In Eileen Dietrich, St. Clem- Mrs. Caroline Fries and son] George of Heidelberg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. pg. Schneider.‘ ‘ Mrs. W. Runner o Elmira is spending some time with Mrs. John M. Martin. Mn. Alvin Gum-n spent Monday ttt Kitchener. ImeWotWIt-noo -ntttte-HodEittsttrestar- all. Mr. and In. Idvin Hod- W-M‘r‘. . CJttsand#tiegoeerteittuge ‘nnd Kenneth, In. Lam» rm- puuet. Mr. been Human and Mr.mmH6lttt-ra1lofrut.. \W_Ip_ent3u_ndy with Mg. and Mr and Mrs. ttoatriiirtin and hmily wont Sunday at the home of Mr._qytt In. David C. "nun Mr. Ind Mrs. China Weber spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Hottman and Mr. and Mm. Peter B.A"rtinytter Ktideftey, "_---------------- m1 (rkuehikiFisl in Buffalo In. Chum anthem and Cart ”than at Kitchener and Mr, my Boef.myy 2'2ng man NEW HAMBURG 3105‘}: PM”! I EAST ZORRA " A. . G. In!“ (cm-Ia. Mm.) with Mrs. George Livingstone of Mon, treat and Mrs. Kabel of Kitchener called at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Cassel and l. M. Hilborn, Now Dundee, last Saturday. In. Elizabeth Schmidt. New Dundee. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. o. C. Swartz at Kitch- ener. two Ian: of Kitchener went Sun- day at the home of Mr, and In bed Hobbs; "e. . In. lama Kind: of “when: men: the wqek-ertd " the home of her brother and sister-in-tnw, Mr. and " 1.. Kinzie. Doon. . ‘ . Mr and In. AUan Bowman Ind daughter of Kitchener were week- end visitor! with the farmer's pu- ems. Mr. uni In. Jonah K. Bow- man. at New Hamburg, Pte. Gordon Faulhaler ot Kimb- ener spent the week-end with his Karen's, Mr. and Mrs. E. Faul- Mer, New Hamburg. Mrs. L. L. Stautter of Waterloo is spending a few days with her sis- tera, Miss Sylvia Bock and Mrs. E. S. Brown, at New Dundee. Roy Hillier of Kitchener spent a few days with his father, John Hil- lier. New lumbure. The Mine: Nelda, Doreen and Reta Schedler of Kitchener spent the week-end with their cousin Miss Dorothy Tainan. New Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Toman, New Dundee, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Florin Toman at Kitchener last Saturday. Make your present clothes supply last. To do this you must keep your clothes clean. Dirt embedded in tunic weakens the thread, hastens wear. Besides. clean clothes look so much - and it's up to every one or as to look our best. Keeps up morale . . . Me: tor a happier. healthier people! Do your part. Help us give the maximum ot ellclent service. Dry-clean clothes often! Cleaning Makes Clothes last! What Are YOU "r, Doing to Help h _ Serve and “fl Conserve? "rtSiiii"itJ,l T - Blankets - Rugs - Draperies n " JUST CALL.' TWIN CITY lAUNDRY FOR QUICK SERVICE JUST TELEPHONE $8833 . . . . NOW! "Twin City’s Basics! Cleaners For Over 10 Years" Special / . . . There are a lot of things you can do and the time to start is right now! When you all to request pick-ups have your clothes ready when the driver comes. In co-operation with the government, all pick-ups and deliveries must be made on a scheduled trip. This is necessary if we are to conserve precious tires and delivery equipment. Accept and pay for " service at the time of tirtrt delivery. Don’t make the driver return and above all don’t request special service. Complying with these regulations means that you‘re doing your part to help win the war by saving materials needed by the armed forces. And, that's not tm.-, We Specialize in Cleaning Cleaners and Dyers f Recent and week-end visitors in \Pl-ttrville were: Mr. M. Kennedy with his mother, In Kennedy; ‘Mr. Ervin Masters of Kitchener with Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Daniels and renewing other rttti,"lttgt ‘in town; Mr. and Mm. n Rance and daughter Carolyn and Mr. Ed. Ietr_el at the homes of Mr. and In ' Ranch; Mrs. C. Stemler and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harmer, Mr. Jared ‘Stauffer of Washington " dlt home of his granddaughter, . |Habel and Roy Hebe]; Mr. and 'Mrs, Gordon Daniel and daughter {Thelma ot Kitchener and Mr. Pat- rick O’Leary of Ireland spent Mon- ‘day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Da- niel; Mrs. M. Pohl of Kitchener spent a day recently with her cou- ‘sins; Mr. and Mrs. A. Pope, Mrs. P. Koibe of Ingersoll renewing ac- quaintances in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Baird, of Port Erie, with Mrs. A. Baird. Sr., and Miss Marjorie Hall KN., of Ayr with Mr. and Mm. Clair Harmer terloo called on the farmer‘- par- ents, Mr. and In Harry Schwinn Baden, on Wednesday night. tyyideett of tuddii ___ ii‘very- FiGieGUti -__ -- Mrs. Clin'ord Datum: of Water- loo. and “in Sank C. Munich were recent visitors " the home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Honderieh. 'ut.i.heeer A _b_g(_toi_ié\}i&i yin-i Dr. and In. B. Schumm at Bra- Mi loathe «um LADIES’ one-piece DRESSES expertly cleaned and pressed. MENS SUITS m....................... Outstandingly that . BEES For Wartime Economy! Ar;ii"-i'riiiiir 4x , - an Send Your Clothes to In Ame-h. "om-. In "an": :71 tti':itiii'iiii'e'iiii “WWO" mouthwa- ' 'tttthr-tttorb). d“ W”. in, =u'l'l'll'l'llA"l','li it“ will“ my be 2iiii"diiiiafrriiiiiii 'll1l'r'l'l; terr.t?i-nerjyiot 2 " sin" 40M '- Ytrht. "tudieated to Better Vilma" " 'I'Okhh St. not. 2-21II IANSEN EYESIGHT SERVICE TSc

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