Ptentamh Bolt of Niagara Falls spent several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Bott. 't Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dessler and family visited Mt. and Mn. Lawrence Snyder at Hespeler on Sunday; - _ - A --- - Aircraftman Arnold Schwindt of St. Thomas spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ggqrge thwyindt._ - - Mr. and Mrs. Charlés Cuber and "Our o. K. In Your Guarantee†_ Don't let your worn-out radio rob you of proper re- ception of news broadcasts, so important to everyone today. ULlIlihl011 UNION BUS DEPOT - KITCHENER - Phone 2-4469 HEARTH TRAVEL BY BU S for The Duration BULLAS Trade-k Sun “KI-(S. - Haul-4581 WATEILOD GSE JrrjifiiEI, QUALITY WORK ON ALL MAKES RADIOS AT LOW COST To This is the time when you are dependent on the air waves for news. Now that there is complete suspen- sion of radio manufacture, we are proud to be able to offer you good radio repair service. You can Int-term†an!“ an I. better "rrug Can-If. - “on and amino-Q “it" br no! Ivlvellln. during yak hour-4 Plus. uh your "bl ll Mme. when with In mot Irnvolling. " IMO VI, 1.- but can travel quieter - more comrtwtatrtr. m“ to- wot-It Atex V. Weber. 107 All†Welt SALES AND SHIV")! ON ALL MAKES NORTH WOOLWICH Br Mrs. Wnller In!" (Chronicle Corn-panda!!!) LETUSREPAIRIT â€Oahu-8t.†that“! SHOPPERS AND [RAVELLERS for CONVENIENCE - COMFORT - ECONOMY AND SCENIC ENJOYMENT ATTENTION , Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Schwindt were: Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sippel and family of Dearborn, Mich., Mrs. Harry Jarvis and daughters Shirley and Elaine of Elmira. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Bird and Ra- mona were Sunday guests of Mr. ang Mrs. Irvin Boise] at Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller of Floradale. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt and Gladys visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Miller on_§um:]ay. --v - Mr. Airon Horst spent Sunday wtih Mr. and Mrs. Levi Gingrich near Floradale. children Kenneth, Ruth and Catharine of Preston were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schwindt. Miss Carol Underwood and Miss Audrey Phillips of Bridgeport spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maurer. Miss Adeline Martin spent Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Martin at Wallcnslein. MILTON NIAGARA FALLS SW00! BE. THOMAS ST. CATHARINES WELLAND unamonn 9mm, my. DUNNVILLE GAL'I' - HESPELEI GUELI’II HAMILTON Walter Scott is ddin'g siiGiiiumr after having undergone a tonsil optT.atioy $9999â€: - Mr. Earle Waldie has been added to the employee‘s Matt at Canada Sand Papers', mattsvitle. He start- ed to work on Aug. 17th. Red Cross Hospital Visitors, look after all members of the'Canadian Forces Overseas and bring them cigarettes and comforts. (direct cormrrtiorts for Toronto) Miss"es new "aGiiiirGiSy"isUii spent a week with their grandpar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. 'Miss Isibel Da'vidson spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright, and Iron David. (direct conieceiGs with Greyhound Lines to all, parts o/ United States) (direct connections for Owen Sound and Central Ontario points) Mr. and Mis. F. McDonald ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. A. D, Bell were Saturday night visitors to_Ney_H_amtserg. _ - j Mrs. H. Swan, Joiccrénd Bell, of Bright. visited Mrs. Wm. Bell and family; A __ . Rev." J. A. Stewart and Mrs. Steie- art J?egan _their vacation last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. McDonald were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald of New Dundee one evgying his! Aweek. -- 7 Mr. and Mrs. S. Heer of Kitch- ener and Pte. Donald Beer. RC: A.F., of Dunnville, spent a day with relatives here last week. Daniel stautreF, Jr., is spending this week in Kitchener. The regular meeting of the La- dies' Guild was held in the Chureh, Miss Ruth Smaller and Mrs. R. Baum ted in a meditation. Miss 1Stautl'er read a poem, “God Has No ‘Hands", and Mrs. Hallman read short scriptures and spoke on great truths in the Bible. Mrs. W. R. Brown led in prayer. Twelve an- swered the roll call and three visi- tors. Miss Agnes Oliver gave an in- teresting my". on the National Council of cans People, held re- cently in Belleville. Mrs. Adam Knox expressed thanks to the spttytrer, __e_ --- . A - The Chanie Oliver Mission Band met in the church with seventeen resent. Jean Scott presided, Joyce n read the scripture and Mit. and Hastings led in prayer and gave a talk on the "The Clock is like a Life". Miss Nellie Hall was guest and spoke on the people of Korea. in the Lord", Elfworth Bean led in a m service. Rev Richard Pacey ind son. Rev. D43)†Pa- cey od Wen-3011 and Rev. J. A. Stewart-pore tryienr, _ A mini time broil-5h! an end to an enjoyable évening. . Grace Wootcott read an appropri- ate poem and hobo! Stewart gave a selection ieytt, and Dark- ness". Mildred tings ‘took 9mm of the topic, Yeys, we Vuit". -A trio [aide-red WWI. hie: Guild Meets Host To Bright Our last. modern molar roaches provide daily unite In Th; Xyuntt MW: Union, and. I, J. I lull. (W Con-ands" Bur WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Regularly is} A. C, 2 Lindsay Conner of Man- as nine Pool, Toronto, spent three of days' furlough at the home ot his lgrandparents‘ Mr. and Mrs. S. W. H. Coulter. C ' 'r.. ......‘...,. Me Ehzahvth LaBIanc. her daughtor, Mrs Jones and her three rhildron left for their home In South Bend, Ind., teem“; met several weeks among Men I here. Several from here attended the Runstodlrr-Luvlo wedding in Kit, ohnnpr nn_ grungy: - Mr. and Mrs Nicholas Scheistel and Mr, and Mrs Emil Bender and two childmn Kenneth and Wilbur! of Relmore spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs, Edwin Herttott. Mr and Mrs. Comm Reldel, Miss Grmcvivvo Reidel. Mr. Frank Marlroski and Miss Amelia Kraf- trlwk of Knlvhvnrr visited Mr. and Mrs, F.ugvno Rnidnl on Sunday. I.-- hi,, I A: u --- - Mrs. Lyéia Watt-iii i,iii,riicii, is spending some time among friends here Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dillon and children of Elmira visited Mrs. Eileen Dietrich and Miss Ethel DietrichJast friday. _ Mrs. JeroGd 'GaiGiriiri the week-crm with her husband. Pte. Jortemo Ferrell in Petawawa. Mr. and Mrs.mG-06I:EE -FGwen and daughter of Zurich visited in' tho vicinity: oer the week-end. Little Miss Teresa Suzick of Sunnyside is spending her vaca- tion at the home of her aunt, Mrs. John Lorentz. Miss Rita irehidii spent sevéral day? with friends in Chatham. Mrs. E. Brick and her grand- daughter, Miss Sabina Hunt are spending some time with Mr. Da- vid Jrrrgofr Mrs. . Alex Bhnnbr. who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Forwell and other rela- tives for the past two weeks left Wednesday for her home in Daw- cett, Sask. Sister M. Willibalba who but boon visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Kocbel left on Wednesday for Calumet Island to resume her po§ition there. The ball game here on Tuesday evening between the Arrows of Kitchener and the local girls re- sulted in a score of 19-8 in tavor of Arrows. __ _. -V __-_-__ -_- ...., “um". ( Mr .and Mrs. Elwyn Cherry and ‘son Billy of Glenallen spent Sun, day with Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Gordon. . Mr. and Mrs E. W. Camochan of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mrs Walter Tanner and Charlotte. Arrows Win Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morrow and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. William Fink and Dorothy of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nuhn. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kerr of London were week-end guests of Rev. C. S. and Mrs. Jones, Miss Dorothy Kerr returned home after spend- ing two weeks' vacation at the hope of, Rev._and Mrs. Jones. Rev. F. GjGrieiGiiiiiGrrow, ler of Bluevaie called on Rev. and Mrs. C. S. {PPesJPne day. recently: Mrs, Adam Bias, and Clarence of Crosshill spent Sunday with the Miyyes Mayt6. and Lavinia Phair. Mrs. E. Ni ia-e-rot-gi-Girard is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Conner. Miss Jean Liiiiifdt Atwood spent several days last week with Mt an_d_ Mrs. flags Shaker, - -.- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pike and Wilma were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grimes of "gm-ville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Riley of Milverton, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Me. Dowel] of Gait spent Sunday with Mr, and_Myrs. Robert McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Seigner of Kingwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McKee. Mrs. william' ihimiroy iistowei visited her son Cameron and Mrs. Blane oy Aunfat Mr. and Mrs. Victor Macbennan of Doon were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne MatRarnnan. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Stewart and daughter Jean of Wingham 'IK',." the week-end with Mr. and . Hector MacLennan. Miss Margaret Fewings of Iarn- don spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Simon Pew- lugs. Miss Betty Bast speni $93531. week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Noah Schultz of King- Mrs. A. Mandel! ot London spent the week-end with her daughter. Mrs. Maurice McKee and Mr. McKee. Miss Elva Hazelwood of Strat- ford was a week-end visitor with Mrs. James McKee. Mr. and Mrs. John Burke of 100 Sanford Ave, Hamilton (the lot- mer Jean McCloy of lot-hon) were the recipients of many use- ful and lovely gifts at a miscellr neous shower tendered them in Hawthorne's Hall, Millbank on Pri- day evening. A. C. Lloyd Schweitzer read the address and the presentation was made by Miss Sadie Burke and Mr. Grant Seigner. Mr. and In. Burke expressed their appreciation for the many gifts received. Lunch was served and dancing was re- sumed to the music furnished by the Kneisel Brothers of Hampstead and Messrs. J. Swirling and L Et- hgsen of Newton. Showered 5m. "I! “I. ttIrma loft-mu 3 pgigtd FIJI! GA“! ST. CLEMENTS Br Miss Pearl Dietrich (Chronicle Corremndut) Br Ill! Huh Y. - (Ciro-Eh Cone-Mn) MILLBANK r2CE3ECzTrl I Mrs. Hoitahauer and Mrs. E Iwas held in. the church on Sunday tried were in charge of the Kt SI'..".!?.'., with Jack Hallman in ‘gram presented by the chi! n hheye Scripture was read by which included the presentation of Alice Dahms and prayer was offer- a play, 'Summer Christmas Tree". jst by the leader. The topic "Re- with all the lime folk taking part fquees II? our Mt" was taken by and portraying the life ot Chinese Marguerite Yeltch. ' boys and girls in primary iciiiiiii1 Miss Bessie Hope was a guest of Mrs. E. Fried eontributed a poem. ,MISS Alice Blaekstock at Toronto Mrs. Levi Helm, Ctaii1ie Roll su- llast week. perintertdettt, honored the boys and. Mr. and Mrs. Cranson Hallman girls of the Cradle Ron and with led sons, Glen, Gerald and Barry Mrs. M. Poll rendered a vocal "um- Cot. pear Plattsville were Sunday ber. IVIsnors at the home of Mr. and The annual missio- otteeimr99sh. A. q. Becker. Little Shirley of children and adult members w†JTa1tman IS in at the home of her received and the concluding num- ‘aralidparems. ber was a reading by Mrs. E. G.' Miss Muriel Stager has returned Hallman. “To our Boys in Khaki", home after concluding a teachers' Mrs W. Wanner. Temperance thoughts by Mrs. Netherton and the prayer league conducted by ‘Mrs. E. G. Hellman were features of the monthly W.M.S. meeting. The roll call was responded to with a lavorite Bible verse. held on the school lawn on Wed- nesday afternoon with Mrs. M. Poll in charge of devotions Mrs. Wil- lard Becker culminated a reading and Rev. and Mn. Damn; a vocal duet. "Recent Events in China", was the mission study presented by yr. Wit}. REe. [JeaneL reading by b An added feature of the pm- ‘gam was an intend“: talkby _ is: Faye Hec'hvilh Tomato. superintendent of the Ptesttyterian ‘Chinete Missions " Tomato. Ilia Indravish spoke at the Mission ‘work ttein-hed on can; the Chinese in that $1.3.le among the boys of ple- school age. Speaking at the tram of the tunes, the - related how detrimental this an he to linden work and left I challenge forChristianstoliveIoutoheun example to thine whom we wish to M . J H iyesi4ed t but†m . or l- neu and “2:: clone tt loch! hour was enjoyed and minimum: served. Mission Groups Hold Joint Meeting The annual combined meeting of the 'vtyyprlieat Logiaf Aid._ W9- men's “Elana†isoeieiirLiitie Heralds and Mission Band was given ht/ie, rrc."ifGiii uni; iirn “has†'9- Myth Stanley Hum A vocii dtiet vii coqtljputeg by Item In. Plum: and In I u. F t'illli'iiilllll . tl(lliiiiitlil f The Evangelical League meeting was held in the church on Sunday ‘evening with Jack Hallman in there? LSumming-e was read_by V The monthly "meeting of the Roseville Literary society took the form of a weiner roast held at the school grounds last Thursday evening. 14.31.331.015. i Mrs. George Perrin was hostess "o the Ladies’ Guild of Chesterfield United Church last Thursday after- noon, Miss Nellie Hall was in charge of the devotional program (ef took as her theme, "Work and Prayer". Mrs. M. Becker gave an address on the need of Home Mis- sions and Miss Faye MaeTavish spoke regarding her work among ithe, Chinese children at Toronto. Jaris Shelby gave an instrumental Lnumber and Miss Hull gave a reading. The meeting closed with (the singing of the National Anthem after which a social hour was en- joyed. He.e “new “We - _ l naming Elder Rev. E. Ginger. jets of New Dundee conducted the ‘I'eguhr quarterly business meeting ‘of the United Brethren Church last Wednesday evening. Holy Com. amnion was observed on Sunday morning with the Elder preaching. Mrs. Perrin ls Hostess To Ladies' Guild 1ltrkfrF, Meeting 'Ar?ntr I Miss Faye MacTavish of Toronto ,was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. ‘Bc‘cker f r several days last week. I Stanley Bowman spent Sunday ya! the home of his parents. Mr. and Wills. At"ry.?owryjsn at _Ttyssrille, f The August meeting of the St. John's Luther League was held at the church. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer. The Scripture Lesson, Colossians 3: 12- IT,' was read. The topic discussed was. "Getting Along With Our Associates." The book of Joshua was chosen [qr Bible Study, Sunday visitors at tjiriidme of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hackban Miss Olive Snyder of Kitchener and Miss Gertrude Stahl of San- tiago. Cal., visited with Rev. and MP.. N. E. ngms on Friday. Mr. and Mr; Henry Kavelman and baby daughter Mary Anne of Wellesley visited with Menno Bricker on Sunday. Allglst Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitzel of Mooretield and Mrs. Harrison and son Earl of Drumbo visited with MES: J. llfpp test Thursdgy. 7 summer course at London Univer- sity. Miss Eva Beami- 534$ sua/rat days last week with Mr. and Mrs. qurge Rose near Freeman. Mr? and Mrs. EWSESSEEK and family of Burford visited at S. Hilyorn's.e sututtr. -- __ Mr. and Mrs. A. Shelby called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shelby at Bright on Sdnday evenitm. They were accompanied home by Miss Lena Shelby of Toronto. who will spgnd sgme time with them. Cpl. Cora Singer of London spent thte_weerend at her home here. HESSEN ROAD ' III. Bind In! Imam Phone t-NN BUDGWrTERMstrDEsIRED “In m.C.I.Nl-no.lo¢m0|l~etrbt,luchned theortiea3D-tr-t W. G. YOUNG a. Limited Your New World . . . By Miss having Dnmlneier (Chronicle Correspondent) Awaits you in min" Yang's glasses if you now have faulty vision. Every obj every fact, every printed word will be clear and distinct. No more headaches. nervousness or tongue from eyestnin. Your work will be cum and your leisure more enjoyable. Young’s ttt glasses to suit your sight, your comtort and your Imam. Since the outbreak of war. Can- adian Junior Red Cross workers have given upwards of "t500,000 to the various projects for “11191 they work. l Mr. and Mrs. Emil Diebold. Edna. (Therese, Angela and Victor. Miss Dorothy Strub and Mr. Alvin Esbaugh, all of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. Louis, Fu-iburger. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seyler were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jantzi. Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Seyler of Tavistock, Messrs. Allan Seyler and Nickolas Lichty of sftakypearte, Miss Verna Cook of ArnuhatiirrGrid -iiiii." 5iiiiii Jantzi and family of Erbsvillc and Miss Anne Seyler of Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hinsch- berger and family spun Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Irinseh- berger at Erbsvillv. Mrs. Heilry Hieronymus spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Fred Rigger. near Milverton. Mr. Morgan Thompson of Kitch- ener is spending a texx weeks' holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hiyychtrttrger. -- Messrs. Irvin Lips and Fred Hackbart. accompanied by Florence Hahn of Heidelberg. Rose Maurer of Rostock. Marie Kramer and Wil- fred Lindner of Waterloo spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Hrssc and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Luckhardt at New Ham- burg up Sunday. Mrs, o. W. Thompson, Oscar. James and Morgan Thompson of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. tl Mrs. Rclberl Hinschberger. were: Miss Frieda Hackbart, Messrs. Carl and Alfred Hackbart, Mrs. Amelia Ziegler, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ziegler and sons Lloyd and Edward, Bobby Miller,, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hackbart, of Kitchener. Doris Snip. " Snider Ave, 'ii"ii,"i"i)ii'i"i, a " _ My iSEé‘Ai rvi:'i"ii.E.'