£13143! IT, I“. Summer Bible School To Close At Breslau Tonight The Community Summer Bible School held at the C. M. Church, July 6-17, wilt have their closing program on Friday evening, July t7th at the church. The handwork made by the children during the schooi.term will be on display in the ss. rooms downstairs at 7.30 pm. The program, consisting of songs by the school and the ditter- ent class groups. also short reviews of the work covered this year will be given in the main auditorium of the church at 3.35 pm. .. The school this year was direct- ed by the pastor of the C.M.C.. Mr. Oscar Burkholder. The teachers were: Mr. Lloyd Shana, interme- diates. Mr. Shantz also directed the music; Miss Iva Summers. Komo- no, Ind., Juniors; Miss Ella Cress- man, primary; Miss Florence Ttoy- er, Komono. Ind., beginners; and Miss Elvina Cressman, kindergar- The average attendance for the first seven days was 80. The chil- dren brought their pennies each morning for the Milk for Britain fund. $11.67 was raised in thia first seven days. = The Misses Florence Troyer and Iva Summers. Komono, Ind., were recent house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lie)!!! _ -- . . The Misses Doris Schiedel 'and Shirley Mader, Junior Mader and and Carl Killer are attending the Youth Conference at the 51.3.0. Camp Grounds near Centreville. Mrs. Morrison and Miss June Morrison of Hamilton spent a few days with Mrs. Morrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Horst. Mr. R. G. Schiedel was a Busi- gr',','.' visitor in Toronto on Satur- any. Local men at the Thames Valley Camp these two weeks are Bob Zellar, Bob Schiedel. Bob Clark, Bob Inder. Simeon Beer. Bert ,Reinhart. Albert Blake and Jack Higgins. Miss Elvina Cressman spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris, Toronto. The Misses Verda and Helen Gimbel are spending a few days at Waterloo with their aunt. Mrs. Aldred Shane and Mr. Shanta The Clark and Higgins families are spending a few weeks at their summer home in Owen Sound. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cressman upon the arrival at their home of a baby daughter on Saturday, July 11th. At Army Camp. _ A» -- u “Y: It a†has a.“ - wad A DOMâ€?! SALAD! pomANCI 11m iiGitiiriiiihYEii6idioiii owaaTé's' “weapon, but it still has a place in one mining of men who will fly planes. The air cadets at Randolph Field do this work before climbing into planes. It's good, mentally and physically, for them. MAKING PAST IO my“!!! - A IN- lifettoet, trom, the Bruin"! }h_lp antque, iaGaraf $37M of North Camilla. Eighty-tttree of the E persons aboard nit ship Curb ren- ad and has at am w. non onion AGING! I, In. In, M (Ciro-kl- Court-onion) let's talk this over. BRESLAU iii fun-h" ' is 5 â€In (nae 36) TOM Cam 0! Postal Work When Kim mark: m CT u a Con-din: put-l centre bee A, ext postmaster: will have soared were,"",?'.",,)" that tune, . tp . _ Brett- haupt. Waterloo County Hil- toricol society. The original Berlin post otriee who ttrat established Oct 6, 1341 One of the oldest sanctum: in the city, the building still sund- It on Queen St. South. in the downtown mo. The old building is located about two Mocks from the spacious two gem “a, which now houses from 1842 to 1881. Succeeding postmasters were William Jam-3y. 1062-96; Charles Niehaus, 1897- 1915; F. H. Boehmer, 1915-19; K H. Linder, 1919-29; H. M. Schaub. 1929-32; F. C. P. Davey, 1it32n35., "rantai--At Shakespeare, July T. to , Mr. and Mrs. Noah Yantzi. a son. . The only mark on‘the old build- ing distinguishes it as the old post otti is n letter alot which residents years ago for post- ing letters alter the otnce was closed tor the 'fed, Deivintt into Enrica] society maids," todiy. Mr. Breithaup't found that William Davidson was the tirtt, pPtpuettr, we with?“ Separate Schools Make Exceptional " Contributions Waterloo, now about one-quarter the size of Kitchener. was a feder- at post otrice " years before the Berlin ottice was established. The present encumbent. T. H. Hachbom. has held office since 1935. He revealed official name of the post oftiee was changed from Berlin to Kitchener Sept. l, t916. War effort of children attending St, Louis Separate School here to date total $1,605. in addition to volumes of clothing and other ma- terials donated to the Red Cross and Navy League. Probably the most notable achievement of the children was the collection of over 400 pounds of rubber salvage, in addition to three tons of metal, paper and other materials St. Louis children have pur- chased almost $1,501). womb/01' war savings stamps and ceRittGtes and donated $86 in cash to the Red Cross and $34 to the Navy league. Inspector J. Walsh revealed to- day that pupils attending Separate Schools in Kitchener purchased $5,544.25 worth of war savings stamps and eertifteates from Sep- tember 1941 to June this year. Contributions totalling $300 were made to the Red Cross and Junior Red Cross. Articles donated to the Red Cross totalled 443 pieces, while the Navy League received $165.10 from the.school pupils. Inspector 1tb',tihtgt" Separ- ate School studen made "an en- viable record" in collecting 5,150 pounds of rubber during the city's rubber salvage campaign. Collec- tions for paper and metal salvage togallgd 16,500 pou_nds fer all schools. he iold The Chronicle. fire Pasties lk Job 20 Years k 'since they mm work. the popu- Hnuon of Waterloo has increased /eh'l tre'. to am The 'Nuintupitty" have worn out p 1otogshoeetintheserviee. Atest by each member with a VIM Aer a few years no. showed that te? walked " miles or more each day. which amount: to " mites iper week tttve and one-hill any? work) and 4,018 miles a year tat- lowing holidays). - - "We manâ€! tsaie to any n panel weighing-tundue-Indy, weuedtohooethemtoourmalt Thus,each one of the ttve has walked over 90.000 miles since they Joined Waterioo’s post-l aet- vice-more than three times around the world. The men receive two Mo! shoes each year. They went out about flve pairs of rubbers in an ordinary winter. Mr. Robert Sim In: supplied‘ for Rev. Thompson in his United Church farm at Elmira, Cm togo an West “outrage. during Rev. Thompson's absence on va- cation. Mr. Donald Davis of St. Jacobs preached the sermons in Rev. S. J. Wittig's congregations in St. Ja- cobs. Bridgeport and here, the past two Sundays while the W: family yastuettquttrantiye. - Mr. Gordon Bolender of Btouft- ville, has been engaged as teacher of the senior room of our school in place of Mi. min Wright of near Linwood, who had previously been hired but had later requested a release which was granted him to enable him to accept a position in a larger school. Mr. Kenneth Betmer was a re cent visitor in Toronto in the inter- ests of the Federation of Agricul- tore. Cpl. Thomas Payne moved his family and his mother-in-lnw, Mrs. Beckerson. to London last week. Mr. Harold Stroll has returned to his duties after spending a week's holidays at the home ot his gal-guts, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bobby Shoemaker of Chesley is holidaying with relatives here for a few months Mr. Walter Pirie of Gait was a recent visitor with relatives here. Arr. and Mrs. JJarrrReittert and children of Rochester. N.Y.. were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hone. . Mrs. Louis G. Schweitzer re- ceived the sad news of the passing of her Tamer, Jacob Knitter. at his home in ciitrord, on Saturday. in his 90th year. Mt and Mrs. Schweitzer and (amin attended the funeral in ciittotd on Monday. Fungus: Steve; pointedput that CONESTOGO " I... m (Gin-III. W [Igr'AIUILCQ 'iiaiGariuiu.ie. Ghee-unto this country with In: mum: in Itâ€. when the family actual in 'ritaener,tttenBertin. him-h: GaGGiAeirueamdrtoeeei.nd gftg,lr,tegert,'1iL"gd,glrg', gamma» inhuman: hung up I hmsseau.d . Drsusttoaeuuduter momma “mums-1k. 'isflts.Roaelnndtterhus- bandretimdgtmnNrmtrs-dtoo& tarruidepee1Eitht2itex.Dr.A. e.RoeeetinNewmarsdee. _ OlLuthenn hithmehteln. etwasattithf memberotttt. g-attsemnChurehinthisvi1- tttdt',',",','?,:',':.'."'?""""" wir6odttseudiey' - iauiiiiisniaa E. _ H and Otto of Lummmd Dr. A1- bert C. of New, deg; elggen EiarieG-iiTeGins,is. Henry Hil- her, Mm. Otto Heimpel and‘Mrs. Haney Pjellgsch, tty ld Buchanan A than service was held at the Rata-Bechtel Funeral Home in Kitchener on Monday “moon at four o'clock in charge of Rev. A. L Conrad. pastor of St. James' Lutheran Church, New Dundee. The remains will leave by C.N.R. at 7.32 enroute to Lnnnigan, Sash. where the funeral service will be held on Thursday alternoon. Inter- ment will be made in the Trinity Lutheran cemetery at Lannigan. ST. CLEMENTS. -Mias Clara Heckler. a life long resident of St. Clements. died at St. Mary's Hos- pital. Kitchener, on Tuesday. July 14th, after seyeral weeks of illness. Miss Heckler was bpm Agggst 6th, 1880 and was in her 82nd year. She was"a member of the St. Clem- ents KC. Church antkof the League of the Sacred Heart Society. She is survived by two nieces, Mrs. Fred Seifried of Waterloo. Miss Clara Heckler of Milwaukee and one nephew, Rev. Alphonso Heckler of the Bonaventure Mo- nestary, Detroit. One brother, Ed- ward Heckler predeceased her sev- oral years ago: Good Attendance At Bible Meeting ing. July 10th at the home of Fred Bean There was a splendid at- tendance. The president. Mr. Mer- vin Pacer, presided. Following the opening hymn, Mr. John Diamond led in prayer. Mrs. marry Capling read the scripture lesson and Mr. Edward Klinkman conducted the Bible Study, his topic being "Shar- ing". The Bean trio then favored ‘with a number. A reading, "The ‘Army's Key Man" was given by iMr. Fred Bean. Mt J. G. Wood presented Current Events. Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Stewart were wel- comed to the class and Mr. Stewart seke.brit.fly fo .the gathering; The Ever-Ready Bible ciUs of Bethel United Church held their montply [rigging __on ‘Friday fl"?": During the business Mrs. Robert Bean was appointed program con- venot and Mrs. Edward Klinkman social convenor. The class was invited to the Jsome of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Flem- ‘ing for the_August meeting. . s' "ly/i." Cirfii;iiit"Giiriire sociai convener and entertained the class with a contest and , sing-song. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and her as- sistants and a vote of appreciation was extended to Mr. Bean and Mrs. Warthman for the enjoyable ‘evening. Summer Bible School Opens ', The Summer Bible School com- menced on Monday. July ttth, at Bean's Mennonite Church, with an attendance of 137 the ilrst day. The following are the teachers in charge: Rev. Moses Baer, Messrs. Lloyd Guzman and Gordon Shane, Mrs. Addis Cnessman. Mrs. Oliver Bean, Mrs. Moses Beer. iiGG Dorothy Bean. Martha Boer mud Eloise Cressman. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Brubacher Ind family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Menno Brubacher of St. Jr my! on Sunday; _ .- Mr. and Hts. Elam Bowman and family accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Bowman of Woolwich \visited with Mr. and Mrs, Amos [Good on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zena: Cressman and family accompanied b Mr. Noah Cressman visited wili Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bechtel of Mann- hefrp on_ Sunday. _ A - Mm Leslie Slater and dnugh- ters, Mrs. All-n Telfer and daugh- ter, Mrs. Terryberry and son and Mrs. Will Stevenson ot Cuban spent a dly last week with the lat- ter’s sister, Mrs. Will Diamond and Mr. Dinmond. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Paeey of Ingersoll spent seven] days with "ttAtives_inAtt.t vicinity. _ - _ Mrs. Fred Weidertrteve and Al.. hed und Mt Lorne Johnston of Detroit visited with Mrs. Ev. Wt?t.thmtrmeertt_1r, _ -- A Mi- Grace Graham and Elsie Cremnan of Fort Erie are spend- ing several days with the Intel“: parents, Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Creasmnn. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Cream-n and family Ind Miss Mums Good were recent visitors with Mr. Ind Mr: L. Davidson of no“ Plun- wil e. irraV Emmet; Can Bierwacen; Mr. and Mrs. George Doboon and Dr. and Mrs. Couch of Kine-Mine we" Sunday visitor! with Mr. and ' -owing husband; three ulna-I. Berth! Obs. Robe; mu) ot human. Sash, Mane anon. It.C.,_and Domain of . SOUTH-WEST " Ilka-3w Ye, by " “is Up New In Amy Pay Aheatqddettrtea.tits.hrther tttrttonrrtattou1deemtinuemaung up the Menace between my gmrandtttqsauriqgtteser tgti,,"tSh"e'li'v'lVd.tT4Jl0rg ttuidUree-trnoetigtgofKtteh- enersntbtiesehootttoard. _Ata-t.9tut_intherneantty_-, tarigohnrt-sweinstttaeted to secure the viewpoint of the 0|:th of education onthe . _chairitsanWp1terBtamm.rttoqe \letizrdénq hathemitterto w, g',iglllMr. M.. My new baud bad in rub: t9_éonunue_in iiitte%iGP." 'ttie saieiiiresnetGr, its eI?tr_,_snitt.. Elms VII! 90mins}! Trustee Nelson Shane said: “I feet (or married men." but men-ted manuhcturen aren’t doing my- 'ttE., is the public utilities com- mission doing? . enquired trustee W. W. Foote. _ "t1othieg." mm Cltaimuyt {make to many aneriBeeq without any assistance. The small employer can't reimburse him, but large ones should." f “City council has the right to pay the Menace it it sees fit, and I don't Bee why the school board shouldn’t have the same right." Inserted Foote, urging that "repre- sentation be made" in an etfort to 'pnocunz such a right for school Bank. Hreouid -not unfit: reply to Trustee Foote, the attitude taken by the depeyteent ot edupatjon. “Person-ally." emitinued V Mme Foote, " don't see why a man should enlist at all if he has to "'City council has the right to make up the difference and they aren't_doi_yg it," interjected Chair- right, or not, Just u they see tlt," he stated. “It's not a matter of promise," declared Trustee (Rev) J. N. H. Mills. “it's a matter of honour and example. N can't see why any man should want to go out and Bght without being given some assist- anoe." vetofterr" rezoned We Pere. W. M. S. Hold July Meeting meeting at the home of Firman Ward on Tuesday. Mrs. Gill had charge of the worship period, after which the following program was given: the topic. "Sharing the good news"', reading. "God's love in a time of trouble"; Watch Tower "Clipping from the newspaper re- garding Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Boy’s experience in China before coming to Canada on furlough"; musical number and solo by Miss Ruby Ward and Mrs. Firman Ward. At the close the hostess served tasty refreshments and a social time was spent._ _ will}: Gif Mr; E d. Ward accom- panied My all". MELV- 11r,. “FLT w...“ ..... ...._ ..-_-V _ son and daughter, Miss Ella, of El- mira to Stratford on Sunday where they visited at the home of Fred Morrow. -- __ . _ Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Birmingham. Mrs. John L Hammond and Miss Jean spent a day with relatives in Woodstock, A -- _ - - "iiiiiGriaougias Hamilton of To.. route is holidaying at the home of Firman Wang. --_ _ . -... k llflllau "Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willis and daughter ot Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. Max GritBth and daughter of Lis- towel spent Sunday with Mrs. M. IShantz and family. --- _ " Service in Boyd Church on Sun- day will be at 9.30 am. and Sunday School 10.45. Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be observed Sunday, July M. - --. _ -iiri.'daioit of Kitchener spent Sunday with Williatn Ir.olr. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Albrecht and William accompanied Moses Ropp and daughter of Poole to Galt on Sunday where they .visited at the home of Nelson Rom). Little Miss Shirley Ron) accompanied them ‘bacll and in Lspen_d a w_eek here. - -iirriGrikKriu, Trussler of Wellesley visited at the home of Wm. Wiltord oy, Sundae. _ _ .. Mrs. Allan Glnister. Miss Adena and William. Mr. Sam and Miss Addie Barron, Mr. and Mrs. Wit- liam Wilford and son were among ‘those who attended the orange \walk in London on Monday. The Doon Patriotic Society held a gee'pu'd day Thursday at the home of rs. J. Green. Rev. C. Tilbury of Gall conduct- ed the union service at the Doon ‘Presbyterian Church on Sunday matt,, The dies' Aid of the Presby terhn Church held their month) meeting " the home of Mrs. H Perm oft Vietnam. tttttr.ryon. Friends of Mr. A. "G. Wolfe will be pleased to hear he is progress- ing slowly from a serious opera- tion. He has been a patient in Galt hospital for three weeks. Mines Louise Goddard, Verne Goddard and Betty Fletcher spent the week-end with friends in 133me .. - . Sgt. Can-nan Gill, Mrs, Gill and sons of London WI a few days at the home of e former par- ents, Mr. rand Me, H. Gill. A. C. George Weaver of Dunn- vme spent 1 tweak-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Weaver: Mr. and Mrs, A. Dove" of Cal! were Sunday Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mn, R. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Denney ind doughter Dolores of Toronto mLSunggy I! the home of Mr. indhetwgotinrtrree. " wouldn't follow their lead The W.M.S. held thyir__ July CROSSHILL , " - 'et'- 're - M It“. RE? 35376.17: Ralph Meyers of the Royal Can- adian Navy of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of His. A. was -- _. - A --_. _ Little Marie Shuh of Kitchener is spending a vacation at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Weaver. Mrs. A. Smith and son Douglas of Toronto is spending a vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pfeiffer. _ WMisSKay iGes spent Sunday at gekhome of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. m . Mr. and Mrs. A. Ramseyer have returned to their home here after a trip to Montreal. Mrs. Chas. Reader spent Satur- day at the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. Schneider of Kitchener. Mrs. John Grant and grandson Max Schaal were visiting in Kiteh, ener on Friday. t Roy Gill of London is spending the summer vacation at the home if. 1331 ir'""""""'"" Mi. and Mrs. . 1 . Former Millbank Youth Weds at West Monkton A pretty summer wedding wasl solemnized in Knox Presbyterian‘ Church, West Monkton, on Satur- day afternoon. July llth. at two o'clock when Rev. J. K. West united in marriage Marjory Jean McClory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.: Reginald McClory of West Monk- ton. and Mr. William John Burke' of Hamilton, gem of Mr. and Mrs. William Burke of Millbank. The ‘church was effectively decorated ‘with roses and ferns and the guest pews were marked with white satin ribbon and rosebuds._ _ The bride, given in marriage by her father. entered the church to the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin played by Mrs. J. Phillips. Her gown was floor length of white silk net over satin,' made ‘with small Peter Pan collar and tight Rtted bodice and full skirt. A mnger-tip veil bordered with for- get-me-nots was held with a corD- net of orange blossoms, an heir- loom of her mother's. The bride carried a white Bible centred with roses and streamers entwined with sweet peas and baby's breath. Miss Vivian McClory was her sister's bridesmaid in a floor length gown of blue net over satin with a sweet- heart neckline and a headdress fashioned in similar style to that of the bride's. She carried a bou-l quet of roses, baby's breath and sweet peas. Little Miss Shirley‘ Hyde of Millbank. niece of the bridegroom, was ftower girl, wear- ing pink net over satin with match- ing headdress. She carried a nose- gay of roses and sweet peas. Mr. Grant Seigner of Wellesley was best man. and Mr. Borden Mc- Clory of West Monkton and Mr. Norman Schweitzer of Milverton were ushers. During the signing of the register Miss Don-m Smith. cogsin ttthe bride, sang "Because". Following the ceiemirny a recep- GORDON’S GOOD GLASSES 00.0.11.“ mm mm saveGasoien'e l for the Air Force " Maybe it’s, Eye-stud that tires UNION BUS TERMINAL - F'. WESSON. Phone 2-4469 IT’M’" - WI; TGEG “‘17; hLtqil A. --_. I - but A'l1d"lr/l'k1fdfe"'lp= Please travel at times other than peak hours when factory and of- ttce workers have to be accommodated. you out SHOPPERS AND TRAVELLERS iavLut2t'gt3'aTct=degttag .t-fdey3ii-ef ---Xqpi. 'etttt8hei.tea.r1etii_aifriil. Int- 'iG'aaGGlGaGaCi", nririUC6r'r.7 iFiieihTfif7iiiidaRii','iiiiEit" .... “Follow The Safe War" (LL KINDS OF FEATURES CORRECT' GLASSES h, I" ls’l‘he following visitors spent unday at the home of Mr. and (Mrs. Herbert Strebel, Mr. and Mia. Alfred Stroh and family of Elmira. 'Mr .and Mrs. Jacob Foerster and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Foerster of Hessen Road and Mr. Edward liiikfriksidtF. tion was held at the home of the bride's parents. where a huftet lunch was served from a table centred with a three-story 'ttet cake and decorated with pink ‘white streamers falling from white wedding. bryy. _ _ The bride's mother chose I Bgured rose crepe dress with no cemries to match and wore a cot- sage of roses and sweet peas. The bridegroom's mother wore a sheer dress of British navy blue with corsage of roses and sweet pens. Guests were tgri'f, from 1umil- ton, Port Stan er, Listowel. Strat- ford, Wellesley, Millbank. Newton and Goderich. Later Mr. and Mrs. Burke left on a short trip to London and Port Stanley. For travelling the .bride donned a beige dress with button trimming and with new series of brown and beige. They will reside at 100 Sanford Avenue, Hamilton. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schott were: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Zimmerman of Berlet's Corner, Mr. and Ills. John Heinrich, .Mr. Nelson Hein- smiley of Hessen Road, Mr. Ed- ward Jacky of St. Agatha and Mt Noah Schott of near Breslau. Miss Eva Schott of Kitchener spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schott. Not only I. you lob an. [atoll- (but WIVOIICI - my nan all" per gallon). Ml you tr-.' without! driving - II " - abt-bo-d-r-ot-r-eo. W. n- nmly you um. “an. I. say â€In! on It. e-th-ht. For lulu-I- "- and "this can"!!! Travel by Bus An Opportunity To Buy 9-Pc. on Dill-groom Suite ........r.r.err..-....e..q USED FURNITURE Chesterlelds - from...†13.5. UPI-om Chain .P........ “but, Tables .t................ Steel Beds or Swim..." BULLAS Trade-In Store M. J. Hench. " Knox Ave,. Kitchen" ERBSVILLE '_rMrrqWrMiee_r, " Ontario St. South Phone 2-030! from 10.50 .... $129.5.