Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Jul 1942, p. 2

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BUSES LEAVE KITCHENER EASTBOUND WESTBOUND to to TORONTO LONDON a "' an. "' an. 8.05 am. 11.15 an. 10.35 am. 3.55 pa. 1... jun. h 1.15 pm. 3.80 pm. c 8.50 pan. 5.” Inn. In sas pm. I 7.45 pm. l b 12.30 I.lll. I m, -.-.__..,. . Miss Magdalena Helmuth spent Sunday with Miss Violet Kropf. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bolwell of Hamilton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Otto. _ C. F. Price, Optometrist " King st. West - KM Plum 1-10“ TIME TABLE Mr. and Mrs. Enos Zehr and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Zehr and family on the townline. Mr. aha Mrs. David Zehr and family called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Zehlj Friday. tveningp - - -'"---e_et -.. -..v......,. Mr. and Mrs. John Lichti and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Schlegr! and [away and Mrs, Kar. tie Zehr spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kropf. Messrs. Elmy Helmuth and Earlus lutzi spent Sunday with Mt Willis Helmuth, Mrs. Aaron Dealer and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Josgph Wager 9n the townline. SEE us - When In need of New Shoe. or anin - WE CAN SAVE you wi Br It; Anrot: “til-nth _ (chm-Solo Gone-fold...) Mrs. A. G. Facey and Cannon attended the funeral of Mrs. Grit,, bop in Brangord Pl Magi!”I - am Daily ex. Sun. " b -.-- Sun, & Hal. c - Daily ex. Sun. & Roh (Blast-2m Daylight Saving Time) - RAVI. MAM " F. mason YOUR GLASSES 1'ALBitt STEELE'S are """"'el' “unlined I Will give you complain Bnturaettort " YOUR EYES LLOYD Folding Carriages Comer King and William Street: Hilda Greer. " Ed) Bt. but A Dozen Exclusive Features! I" Ki-l St. E. EAST ZORRA on McPHAIL'S . REGENT SHIPMENI New "W" Does Not Apply Edwin L. Housé MclPHAliL'S I St. E. - Kitchen" Pin. - “Kl-(81.8. BICYCLES AND SPORTS f0; anon my: AND REPAIRING _ --'- -___e_. .. -........... C'.". u-u- -v--a. luclvnl nuwes and Becker. tItem, Mary and Kenneth of I' Sundaty visitors with Mr. and Bright visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Wellington Becker were Rev. Adam Poll on Sunday. For: the and Miss Alberta Becker Mr: and Mrs. Wellington Bock of of gallon! and Rev. and Mrs. Hamilton were guests of Dr. and Sehade of New Dundee and Erwin-I’Ml's. E, S. Brown over the week. and Harold Becker and Mr. unduend._ . Mrs. Edgar Becker of Pluuville. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. I. H, -.--------, __ Mr and Mrs. Ralph Gordon and family of Lewiston, N.Y.. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Piehl of Detroit, Mich., are spending a week's vaca- tion. with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington M: and MEL Nathaniel Rat: of Baden spent Sunday evening with Miami tht. Alger} Schmidt Mrs. Christ B. Jantzi spent Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. Roth in Baden. Mr. and iiri. 7iiGT"dhapman and Norma spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Rellinger in Mann. heim. ae and iGriiivi; iGiUrTirGii Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Berllart in, 1115»: Hpyburg, _ " II" tou. Emu-b. (annual. Comm-yank) Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt were Mrs. Clara Heyer, Clayton. Edwin. and Roy all of North Easthope and Mr. Harold Schmidt of Hampstead and MaBob (Ere-amen of Beer Dundee. Cpl. Chas. Doherty of Nova Sco- tia, Mr. Aloysius Dohert of El- mira, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. gas!” of Trance spent Monday with Mrs. Catharine Dnhvrty and Patrick. Cpl. C a wvel Mr. Clifford kGGarsipent Mon- day at his_h0me before leaving tor Loyd.on_triirting centre. 7 ME. John GiiGTciradot spent Sunday with their sister, Anna, of Hesson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kennedy of Marylull _ spent Sunday with Mr. and. M55305; Kennedy- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calder. Russell and Shirley, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Morley Mew- higgy near Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Renahen and family motored from Toronto on Saturday. Mr. Renahen has re- turned while the rest are vacation- ins-with Mrs. JhosuHattAry. A A Miss. Dorothy Linseman and friend from Kitchener spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Linse- man. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vollmer of Gtenatten, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Eisenmenger of Linwood spent Sunday with friends of Hesson. - -'_.- - I iltitti'iiel,i,t'itf,i,irtistgi,rst,reis. Mission Circle, eir us n s, um SPORTS Itrainilies te, friends hel: a tilif't ls WATS“ fu socia evening on t e awn at “he home ot Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hilbom at Roseville last Wednes, 2!SeS!.e)leel..e.Legl!I.!!e.!.lgM.t?. day. Approximately 70 were in ab. tendance. Mrs. H. F. Schade. the MEssoN hlfnorary Tttg') presided “for t e program w tC open wi a " I” Jam. "'""' ' song service. The scripture lesson‘ ‘m G--.-. we: read bfy Mrs. V. g. DiggerhAm Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ruth, Mission estra rorn the espe er ap~: Antonetta Vollmer and tirothisrltist Church. composed of w. A.; Wilfred spent Sunday with friends Smith, Thomas McArthur. Herbert‘ . . iebe and mum . mrs. mm ren_e specm Mg, d.'hanoe 'll1'l'it',,gt'fa' to musnc assisted by Orville Elmes. } Toronto on Sunday. They were ac- f . The guest speaker .for the ma" companied by Mrs. Jim Bishop and son was Mrs. Melvin Becker of 1 children who spent the past 'Garlotevilie who Post, as the subn with her rents here Ject of her talk, The Need of pa M . . . . II Home Mission Work". Others who ' Mr. Anthony user " critic:, y participated in the program were ill at his home here. 'Hubert Toman, Blanche Hitler and; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vollmer LYrrna Toman alga Mrs. Muren and of Gtervctten, Mr. and Mrs. 1'egittirs Beulah Fall of iiTGaiiy, Eisenmenger of Linwood spent After the meeting games were en- Sunday with friends of Hesson. 1'%'i'i under the direction ot the Miss. Dorothy Linseman and.Misses Alice Toman, Jean Hitler friend from Kitchener spent Sun- and Isabel Toman and a dainty day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Linse- Hench was served by the ladies. man. _ {Lather he“. Moot; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ruth, Miss Antonetta Vollmer and brother t'd,',r." spent Sunday with friends ere. Chas Dnhrrtig i.k%afirVriii'. THE SENSIBLE SUBSTITUTE FOR A PRAM! re PINE HILL FAT-1100 ,,7'.. -. 'vlllvl "M- Mr and Mrs. siTi;iriii'i,Ci, and children. Mary and Kenneth of Bright visited with Mr. and Mrs. mam Polls!) shttttltyr. ( Mr. and Mrs. Prank Lefraneois and Mrs Allan Bowman are spend- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. James 1lPe 'tSo.n.inEtrood. " _ Mr. and Mrs. Rothan Hawthorn of Port Dalhousie. Miss Alice Hall- man of Kitchener and Mrs. Gordon Hallman of Rosebank called on Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Cam! and YI. and Mrs. Jean Hilborn on Sun- 'or?“' after which questions were {answl-rod by Miss Iva Zinn and ,Paul Ludolph. At the conclusion of the program refreshments were se-rvrd by the hostess. The U.B.C.E. Society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stoltz last Thursday evening. Rev. E., Gingerich was in charge of a dis-l cussion on the topic. "Summer Sundays". The scripture lesson was read by Dorothea Gingerich and the business was conducted by the vie-president. Miss Mary Kas- ter. I W._§. ligkh Picnic. ( The monthly meeting of the St, James Luther League was held at lthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Witzel at Mannheim on Thursday evening with Rev. A. L. Conrad octupying the chair. Miss Dorothy Ludolph read the scripture lesson and Psalm t was read responsively. Milton Zinn presented the topic. “What Inado Bag! a Great ' R, was made the recipient of a book. Miss Isabel Cressman read the ad- dress and the presentation was made by Miss Irene Holst. Dainty rolrvshmonts were served at the conclusion of the evening. all” 1'tteut3ir%ttr. _ -- lt; Tttiff the chair lie Qua out to: at . pm Land Orvi mhnd the u:- eoedioet. A responsive mature lemon was-tea! (allowed by len- ‘tence prayer: Other numbers on lthe tral consisted or, a nod- Ana y Mus Jenn Hitter; I veal quet by the Nun's-es] Jon: as: Jinn] _ Inger; a non; y one: Linen. Reich, Grace, Ethel and Edna; I vocal duet by Mm, Harold [Pom Ind Kin Dorothy Wanner; two talks on, “Our Sanding". by IMiss Greta Buck and "How Can We Have Eternal Lite". by Orvllk Ehnes. Rev, H. P. Schade also des livered a brief address and the ser- vice closed with prayer by Rea/.3 Gioxgrich. [ed in the no“: Games were' otaybd on the lawn in charge of, Russel Snider after which the guests of honor were presented with Bibles. The presentations were made by Gordon Shanta and the address was read by Josiah Boer. During the evening Miss Aida Rosenberger ot Waterloo who' observer: bier birthday .reeentgy“ About forty members of the Blenheim Mennonite Young Pto- ple’s Society gathered at the home ot Mrs. M. H. Shanta last Wednes- dav evening in honor of James and Rabat Cresgmgn Lvho have enlist- Many children from the Blen- heim Mennonite Sunday School and the district are attending the Daily Vacation Bible School which is being held at the Biehn Menno- nite Church near New Hamburg for two weeks. ltr,', from here who are assisting ith the teach- ing are Rev. and Mrs. Moses Beer. Mrs. Oliver Bean. the Misses Lu- olla Shunt: and Dorothy Bean and Gordon Shantz. ing. - Chgdnn AM Bible School. MS, Band under the able leader- ship at Headmaster l. H. Toman. Members of the Blenheim Men- nonite Young People's Society granted a special program at the . ight Minion on Sunday even- A large crowd attended the sa- cred band concert given at the vil- lage square at no o’clock on Sun- ng tyeni.rte by the New Dundee new” “wide at the Black Church. The media“. Roy M ter, oeupied magma: while In wen Dbl “I” NEW DUNDEE III 'AfIILOO Btghitgtet QISQQIOLI The Misses Isabel Cressman of Hamilton and Marie Cream-n of Paris mom a few days of last week {with eir mother, Mrs. Leander 'thessrnart, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Koch and Mrs. Earl Morrow and son. David ot Kitchener called on Mr. and “a. Anson Lang In! Monday. Miss Iva Sher): "ot StottttviIle Y,,'." the past week with Mr. Ind l m Eldon Shark. Mr. and Mrs. lloyd Sheri: and Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Rosenberg". Mr. and Mrs, H. Kavelman and ‘Miss Nellie Kavelmgn motored to London on Thursday. Mrs, A. E. Bean of New tum. burg and Miss Margaret Bean of Baden called on Mr. and Mrs. Jo, siah Casual and Mr. and Mrs. Ltt; coir:L fue.et on Iturydey. _ Mr. and Mrs. Addison Richert and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jacob and children Patsy and Donald were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. "e crermet 'ttmterloo. Mr. 3:6 Mrs. Nolles and family are camping " Atderside for a week. Rev. and Mrs. E. Gingerich and daughter, Dorothea. Mrs. Fred Laitutenschiager mnd Min Joan Dinger motored to Hamilton on Thqrsdayz -- MGS. William Marshall of Ayr called on Mrs. Leanckr Cressman lat! Tuesd9y_._ - and families. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Wagner and Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Bhepherdso" of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Cassel and Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hallman on Thurs- day. , Pilot Russel Saltzberry of the ROAR. Belleville, is spending a rite-day leave with his parents. Mt and Mrs. Alva Saluberry. _ l Mr. and Mrs. Alton Timm. Miss Mabel Zinn and Otto and C1itront 1 Schreiber of Kitchener were recent I liters with Mr, and Mrs. Anson Mrs. Charles Smith of Pontiac. Mich, and Mrs. Robert Morrow of Komoka spent a few days of last week visiting their brothers. Mass}: John and George Coleman _ C. Rocket and Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Rocket left on Monday evening tor Lanigan. Sask. to attend the funeral of the tormer's wife. the late Mrs. C Rocket which is being held there on Friday. Mr. Rockel will remain to take up residence at his former home there while Dr. and Mrs. Rockel will return in two weeks. l Mrs. Eden Kinzie ot Kitchener spent the week-end in the village. i Mrs. Ralph Gordon and children lot Niagara Falls, N.Y.. Mr. and Mrs. Pool of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Becker of Pine Hill and Mr. and Mrs. William Ha- bermehl and family of Washington called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt P". Sunday. - l Mr. and Mrs. Moses Toman and Mr, and Mrs. Leighton Rosenber- get and family visited with rela- tives at Dashwood and Thedford avg; the week-end. Ctuirtes KGaiGG, underwent an operation at the St. Mary's Hospi- taUSitettoere.n Bfomiay, - I Miss chm; uuaaiGG' of the LK-W Hospital spent the weekend ',wi.t!.t,Yr.utttd Lira A: W. Egegiee. Mr. and HE'O. T. Coleman and children. Lincoln and Erma are Pspending a few days at Turkey oint. Rev. and Mrs. Moses N. Baer and son, David visited with Mr. and Mm. Ephraim Baer at Hays- viihr on tiuyytar, - Rev. A. L. Conrad left on Wed- nesday for his home at Bridgewa- ter. N.S.. where he will spend a three weeks' vacation visiting his pagems. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Con- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wanner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shanta near New Hamburg on Sugday._ -- __ Miss Elléh "tsuirris"ide%riiiir% fey. weeks. iefhe gigging (Quiet. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Schaefer and son. Percy Allan at Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur La.tttrteh.tage.r qr.) Sugday. - _ Edgar Klein of Kitchener is spending a few weeks with his sis- ter. Mrs. Alfred Futher and Mr. Futher. Betty and Roger Egerdee are lending this week with friends at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce and Miss Margaret Pearce of New To- ronto visited at the home of Mrs, Auy.irborv?n. Sungay. _ - Tomatt on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reihr of New Ham- burg: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Glaser of Waterloo; Mr. Ind Mrs. Orlando Bowman and Vernon Bowman of Mannheim; Ralph GeiIel of Win- terbourne: Wallace and Ralph To- man and Albin Hess of Kitchener. to Water N. It. A. FORBES MOTORS '"'"'""sfir COACH Exception! Vuhe! LAFAYI'IJ: "DAN In perfect audition. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bott and daughter PTgt of Elora and Mrs, Wavid tt ot Kitchener were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Butt. Miss Margaret Miner has return- ed to her home here after spending two wee‘ at Algonquin Park. Mrs. George Mauier spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kinzie in Elmira. cont defence cum at Fort Dorset, New Zealand, is kept in top-notch condition. pointed always sea- PatMe way comes ever closer. Today the threat of New Zealand and Australia is greater than ever, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stickney and children Wayne and Joan. at- tended the Cooper-Johnson wed- ding at Linwood last Saturday. Pte. Ralph Bott of Niagara Falls is spending several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Bott. TRANSPORTATION GUARANTEED FOR THE DURATION So . . .. Get Yours Before ft Is Too Late f Choose Mr. and Mrs. Harold Auger of "'"""'ldP""" New Over-he Tim 1934 - FORD FORDOR NASH SEDAN I!!! _ _ A Cu " Quality FORD COUPE Rumble Beat FORD TUDOR 4 Cylinder NORTH WOOLWICH " In. Ink. In“ $350.00 Dona: - DISOTO Satan AND Stance xrrcnsnsn "Waterloo Country [Argent Used Car Market" from the La rgesi Stock of Used Cars in Western Ontario Mr. and Mrs. George" Horst and family of Conestoga and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Horst and family Miss Adeline Martin spent Sun- day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Martin at Wallenstein. Mr. and O6rs, George Schwinn and 1taughters Susan and Eileen visited, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dossier at St Jacobs on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Schwindt and son Blaine of London visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schwindt. recently. Mrs, Harvoy Dossler. Mr. John Dossler and Miss Norma Mader of Breslau visited at the home of Mr. gr,', Mrs. Emerson Dessler on Sun- try. Mrs. Howard sBauman spent Sunday with Mrs. Urias Brubacher in Elmira. Elmira were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Emerson S. Bauman. t, 1937 CHEV. PANEL I938 FARGO PANEL 1938 FARGO '-RFnTir.77 DODGE COUPE TRUCKS Radio and Beater $850.00 In" Bt . Cattle racks I939 DODGE 19t0 PLYMOUTH 1941 PLYMOUTH 1940 DODGE 1939 CHEVROLET I938 DODGE I937 FORD I936 PLYMOUTH I936 CHEVROLET Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wettiauter ot Tavistock, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wagner and daughter Marlene ot Waterloo were Sunday guests of Mgand Mrs. N. E. Miller. 1941 DODGE . 1940 DODGE 1940 CHEVROLET 1940 FORD 1940 DE SOTO 1938 DODGE I937 PLYMOUTH 1936 TERRAPLANE 1931 DODGE were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Horst. V OTHER CARS COACHES COUPES SEDANS M, "Ir te, I” Dill 8-8487

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