By Maida Kelly MILLBANK. __ The Women's Missionary Society of the United Church entertained the mothers, Baby band members and small children at the home of Mrs. J. A. Nicklin on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Wesley Krotz led the worship ser- vice "The Self Discipline of the Christian". The scripture lesson was read by Miss Grace Wray and Mrs. Bert Wray led in prayer. Mrs. W. T. Shearer gave a talk on Temperance. At the Conclusion of the meeting Mrs. M. A. Reinwald Baby Band secretary, presented birthday cards and certificates to the babies. Mrs. C. S. Jones, the Children Fetal EH. ’9: IO, I†You've never seen anything like it!' “Tarzan's New York Adventure" 60c Value for Only $1 iih'l'i:riyl:Jia'll6 JOHNNY WEISSMULLBR MAUREEN (PSIILLIVAN "The Shopworn MON. . TUES. - WED. - Special Double Bill cunmun summ- " OUR FOUNTAIN Um! Stu-uh? BISODOL SPECIAL _ REVIVAL TUESDAY 10.45 Pat." MARGARET SULLAVAN - JAMES WAIT 15e Better Buys at mudwmm-d. BEDFORD DRUG STORE â€do '0‘ 0... - VIII. PHONE 2-2672 - WE DELIVER MAX FACTOR “Ifâ€! "" "- tho I.†GRADUATION IGNORE 'raps',-,', Year in president closed the meeting with prayer. Following this the chii- dren were entertained on the lawn by playing games. Misses Doris Tray. Frances Krotz and Jean Fewings. Refreshments were served by the members of the W.M.S. Although the murderers of a mystery victim were never caught, the slaying sent four men to the gallows, six to prison for life. John Gollomb describes the case in the exciting story from real life . . . ‘illustrated in full color . . . in this Sunday's (July I2) issue of, The Detroit Sunday Times. Be mire to get The Detroit Sunday Times this (week and every week. THE CASE OF TMP. FACELESS 1TiftNlRtttttr “ms 1Mtar 1i(dt1,,l!,5.1.9t titiiiir titih First actual war scenes from Fighting Russia DE NOVO OIN'I‘MENT PM“ Baid. I" _ it ADDED ATTRACTION "Our Russian Front" sun-on I‘ll-Geller†may“ VACATION NEEDS Ivy â€in Vera Hal-melt of Kitchener spent the week-end with her por- enu. Mr. and In. J. Hui-nut _ Wine Rdnhm has resumed Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krieger, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kramp attended the funeral of Louis Kramp, who was buried in Breslau on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Cook and daughter Ethel of Toronto have returned to their home after spending a week with the Arthur 'tttt family. Mr. and Mm. " Cressman and Florence were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. Szuck of Russian, Mr. and Mrs. Tony May and daughter Margaret were visitors with the Mark May family at Mgryhjll. M 7 -- _ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sellner and daughtet Terry of Gait, Mica Zing- er 0 Kitchener. Sgt. Victor Sonnet of Niagara Fana were and†visitor! with the Hermit “milk Sundry guests with Mr. and PB. Leo German- wen: Mr. and Mn Loon-I'd Penna Of Detroit, “at. Mt. and Mrs, Dennis Mettrthr of Kitchener. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Creamer: were Mn John Cressman. Mm. Clayton, Mt and Mrs. Ivan Heuchroat and chit- dren Wilbert. Cart and Lorne of Kitchener. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Tony May were Mr. and Mn Tony Bait: and Ray Zinger of Guelph, Mark May and Harold Fromm of Mnryhm, Charlie May of Windsor and Harvey May of Harden. Grade IV to V-Delores Wile helm, Clare Fritz. Eldon Lemp rec Grade m to W-Morris Schnnrr. Jean Hinschherger, pe, Yvonne Schmitt. Betty Lemar, Lorraine H9nstein, Fred Schneider. Mr. Charlie Pteiss and son V fred of Toronto, are spending their summer vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt Preias. A number of local children are "tending the Mennonite Bible School held at Bren-u. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bauman and family spent Sunday with the farmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Baum-n of West Montrose. Stmbei, Ross Schmitt. Elaine Jan- lzi, Jack Lemar. Irene Schneider. Harley Schott. Alloyes Zmiia. Grade V to vT-Nineent Fritz, Wilfred Fritz, Walter Jacobi, Del- phine Biquach. __ - m, Robert" Daniells spent a week's vacation in London. Eileen Reinhart of Kitchener spent the week-end with her par- "e Mr. tnfltfTenr, Rsinhm my arm..." with ttttia Entrance Class students. namely: Grace Schmitt. Murray Schneider. and Lola Schneider, were granted their standing without writing their examinations. Grade vig ":5 hmr--Wiima Flicker; EIT] Jacobi", By Versie Schaefer ERBSVTLLE.-Ptepaiations are ‘well underway for the Nintieth (Anniversary celebration of St lPaul's Lutheran Church. which ‘will be held on Sunday, July 12th. Special services in connection with ‘the celebration will be held in the imorning at 11 o'clock. and in the evening at 8 o'clock. Announce Exam Results at Erbsville Promotion examination results of SS. No. IO (M) are as fol- lows: 90th Anniversary Plans Progress For Celebration of The chief item oGeceivts was for salvage collected during the yrur. being $45!.45_ll§mgd Inrer to ihe loc: Society. SIIANTZ STATION The Mylar): to hold a picnic at Fountain Park on Am I and a Committee was appointed to make arrangements. Mr. L. Handler was elected pre- sident of the Board for the ensuing rear in place of Mr. H. J. Barth. who withdrew. tendorf; auditors, Earl C. Kitten- mier, o. Hamilton; Publicity com- mittee, A. P. Chrirtner, C. 0. Kruspe, o. Hamilton; Industrial committee. Ed. Plan. L Ruth, H. J, Barth. C. H. Weber, Geo. Steiner; Salvage committee, L Hostetler, o. A, Hamilton. H. J. Barth. E A. Schmidt. Walter Geiger, Alvin Forler, L Ruth. A. F. Christner, J. A. Basteodoef, R. C. Lucklnrt. Wm, Murray; Membership tom- mittee. eyery member. Others ottieera and committees elected are as loner": Iriee-peesi- f.ent, --L_e, Appel; seeming, _Ar- theMitttfFeredeeeduyruyrttreiot watt; per lamp instead of main; ot.eve..ry other. light - et. mt work showed that the“ U. well reward“ in In an. and renewed artiritieq in the lad is- muot the Mn is the that thebonn‘lmanhul. TheBr-dNttttsatthe-st eurtaitmeototstmetiiabtiion- 'S,igtri'tzttugrt",tt eun- pasedot W.L£Appd and H. 1m was appohtedto thteyiete_ttte Omaha: Public Utilities Coimniuion in the mat- â€and.†min-ann- 'k"pflt'AG1uttllJrl'h"rhrr'."lt (“new ' 'pruid'd'ovir 1'ipgfl'ye'lrttt4'allt ‘1'herenew cl they.“ lyit,ltr_tt.i, tltlhsrllkrAsrg Budd'l‘nle an“; I Prrdf, _ v1 _ie" _le:c_era1gine local brinch of the “fin; ERBSVILLE A.tLG.Bmtth in I“ !MQIL.O 'tMitre t_uMAtttetko He had been in ill-health for a number ot years and had suffered a stroke about a year ago from which he had never fully recover- ed. The deceased was born in East Zorra on February 20. 1377. a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zehr, and had lived in the township until (t year and a half ago when he retired to Tavistock. Following his marriage in 1900 10 the former Miss Leah lutzi. he had farmed on the t3th line of East Zorra until his retirement. The late Mr. Zehr was a devout member of the East Zorra A. M. Church. 16th Line. _ Beside his widow there survive one son. Lloyd on the homestead; Miss Nancy Zehr, Tavistock, Mrs. Harvey Steinman, South Easthope. and Mrs. Lorne Brenneman. East Zorn; also three sisters and eight grandchildren. He was predeceased y three brothers, two sisters and one granddaughter. _ -. Fuiierat serfices were held on Tuesday mormng, Following an illness of about six weeks, Mrs. Elizabeth Fehrenbach of PMee passed away at the home o her son. John, at Maryhill. Saturday afternoon. She was " may: of egg -- _ A A , Born at Formosa, Feb. " 1066, the was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilhelm. She at- tended St. Boniface R. C. Church, and was a member of the Christian ‘Mothers. ‘01, Mnryhill. one daughter, Mrs. 'George Burwaxh of Brantford, three brothers, Frank and Ambrose Wilhelm of Chepoow and William of Alberta, three sisters, Mrs. Noah \Bruder and Mrs. Tilley Wilhelm, both of Walkerton. and Mrs. An, thony Lang, Cheatew. and seven grandchildren. 9 brother and lone sister precensed her. She h'mrvlved by one sister, Mn. MW, two tUughters and [an m . Her husband, Edward Fehren- bach, predeceased her seven year: "o._suryly_itttr are pnefon, Jpltn, m We - In ... .mu, m... Em Stun TO, It Didsbury. mm. on July s. an in W-lerloo Coun- tz. Mrs. Slant: lived 30 yen: in t gym} W30 ter. death. _ Daniel B. My l (I! Chm-Id. Octane-Inn TAWs'NCK.--Danie1 S. Zehr, " a well known resident of the community, died late Saturday night at the home of his daughter, Jhrryey, terr in me t'i1latre, - Besides his widow he is survived by tour sons, Cecil. George, David and Oscar of South Easthope; three daughters. Mrs. G. Denning and Ile. Harry Sangster of London. Land Mrs Arthur Boy of Embro; (five brothers, Neil of Embro. Wil- ‘liam of Newton, Ephraim. Alfred and Canaan of West Zorn. and " grandchildren. One brother and two sisters predeceased him. l Mm. In. Ila-nu Word was received here Viaduct day by Mm. A. W. " Cpmeroq 'tteetysyhtt, Jutehttler, A native of West Zorra. he was born on December 14, 1868, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mead- ows. Following his' marriage on June tt. 1895, to Miss Minnie May Brown, he moved to a farm in South Easlhope. where he had 1since resided. Mr. Meadows was a Lmember of Harmony United Church. _ TAvTST0cK.-gohn a Mead- ows. T3, wellknown South Easthope farmer, died at Stratford General Hospital. He had undergone a ser)ous operagioq last_ Sundgay. l A member of the Kitchener Pub- Jie School staff for IT years, Miss 1Nettie Donald. Peter street. died Saturday evening. July 4. following a brief illness. She retired two years ago as a result of failing health. She was an adherent of the Benton Street Baptist Church. [By Ciro-kl. Earn-ponds») PLORADALE--Mrs. Mary Glebe of Mondale died here Sunday " the ace of 88 years, ten months. She was the former Mary Miller. Her husband predeceased her about 40 years ago. Surviving are one son. Milton. at home. three grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Three daughters: predeeeased her. _ __ Funeral services were held Wednesday from her late residence to St. Paul's Lutheran Church. with interment in the adjoining ceme- tery. TH: VII-"TI STAR BARBER SHOP Mn. Elizabeth Fahrenhei- - Ir- mit 0-.) Wm . m Prop. i (By Ctr-uncle Wan-mu "confidentially-How do you keep 'em so ekdn,%'ir? John G. “M0350 Nettielh-ald ( Nf the public will co-operate Kitchener. 70 3 with this new service they will be Fehrenttaeh--At assisting in keeping buses on time Elizabeth Form and maintaining faster transporta- Gtetre---At Flurai tion," Manager Thal stated. "While Mary Glebe, Bl patrons are waiting at the terminal Donald -.-- At Ki they will be able to purchase their Nettie Donald. tickets or passes and get the em. Mar-At Detroit. nies necessary for transfers K,','; rad May (for buses to street cars and vice versa. oner), 60 years l The new official will combine in- formation and salesmanship with his duties, dispensing tickets and passes' and making change for the public in an effort to cut down change making and lickol sules on the buses. . Manager Oscar Thal revealed to- day a permanent dispatcher has been appointed by the Kitchener Public Utilities Commission to speed the "getaway" of buses trom in front of the city hairterminal. The new official is Charles Appeli, Mr. Thal said. Mr. Appell has had yride experience in despatching of ( The Fusiliers are the last Twin City unit to go to camp. Both the a4th Field Ambulance and the ‘Waterloo College C.O.T.C. contin- tent have already completed their camp training. Hope Dispatcher To Speed Ill, Service Unlike previous years. when the train left Kitchener at or before ' aan.. it will not leave this year until 8.45, making it necessary for the soldiers to “fall in" at the armouries in the Bunker Building by_tseven, The advance party will be in charge of Capt. Hugh Rogers and will leave a day earlier to prepare the camp for the main body. The men will remain at camp for 15 dais. __ ,, 'ttu-ttv--- M At fd Rr"8/' gm"; 8, to r. an Mrs, . . ier- ee,e.r..e garth, Francis St., Kitchener, {Exam ' . " son. l on keep em so clean, Sit GoeStm---At Millbank, July tk to F====--7-----c---r--c--=-=--------i--: - Ir, and Mrs. Stanley Gordon, e lllbank. a dang ter. F ",,'tt,,e.'g'tore.ttu 'mhot-At St. Mary's Hospital.’ ___ EAST ZORRA Th d th I July 6, to Mr. and Mrs. James; The toliou l l t}: ea pc- Nisbet of Baden, a daughter. 1"“ candida “med early as t ay ;l',lti'l",-,At, St. Mary's Hospital. tions held n at Stratford General Hospital of, July 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Conservator: Mrs. St,""; 2',t'rrs age tans?“ Reidel, Mill St., Kitchenia son. G". The natr was e ormer eanet e l n, Heteh---At St. Mary's Hospi l. JulrUer of merit daughter of Mr..Donald Miln and, 8. to Mr. and Mrs. John Hoch t,'i late hMrs. 51?]an teg 'tgp Eagle St., Preston, a daughter. 1 A510 I ope. W S e as rn. S e Maguire-At K-W Hospital, July) Honors-r, rf,','. s'rgtif to Mr. Yunker on, 8 to Mr and Mrs Charles Man ' an. . . q ' o . . . _ I Surviving are her husband. her, 5:39' Rlt. 3. Kitchener, a daugh T P353332: if,tst,erydt t',',"ddvhuliln, and o'"iehw-at K-w Hospital. July couri sts er, rs. avt _ un er. l s. to Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Kncch- Honors-J: I There was a very large attend»; tel. Samuel St., Kitchener. a son, ‘ tnee.. The pallbearers were: Et.leariiiicCit' K-W Hospital, July 8, to Honors-H Yunker. Levi Nicklas. William Mr and Mrs Fred Karn High- Wakef- Br uce Fergus-om Harry r land Road, Kitchener, a s’on. we“ TI Stantey Reibling. Ju9iferrrAt the K-W. Hospital, Pass-Rita F iireri/ir, -.---- i Julyfl. (12 bar. and Mrs. H. P. ,c‘ l Pulsi er, ite ener, ason. P ' p l “3 MN'M Reserve 1'"tucr-At St. Mary's Hospital, July ass--- m 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hell, - . To Camp Sunday E King St., Kitchener, a son. ‘ Honors , -'-------- IFefr-A) St. Mary's Hospilal. July Capt. T. F. James, adiutant, said; Fe, to Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Fedy, First Class: today over 460 members of the', Kitchcncr, a son. , _ A.Kisslinger. 1kots Fu§ilier.§_of‘Canada_1 RetrimentPTrt5-,,-y §t My?) '.iypi9VtiGTtsT.' Miri: (reserve) war aGCisC1's'isTitTii train for the Thames Valley camp at London, On.t-, next Sunday, There was a very large attend, ance. The pallbearers were: Edgar Yunker. Levi Nickles. William Weicker. Bruce Ferguson. Harry Weil and Stanley Reibling. Ill, Chronicl- Conan-Cult) EAST EoRRA.--ahe death oc- curred early last Friday morning at Stratford General Hospital of Mrs. Lorne Yunker. age 27. She was the former Jeanette Miln, daughter of Mr. Donald Miln and the late Mrs. Miln of South East- hope. where she Was born. She was married to Mr. Yunker on Jan. 3, MMI. q EXTRA! SUPERMAN! In. Matinee - “The Inn CIIV†- ADDED ATTRACTION - "HIGH“! . MATURE SECRET AGENT OF JAPAN - "on. NOW SHOWING rosm 'r'e am 'Shane-July 5. Mrs. Ezra Shanlz, Didsbury, Alla. formerly of Kitchener. 70 Yeats. Fehrenttaeh--At Maryhill. July 4. Elizabeth Fehrenbach. " years. Gtebe---At Fluradale, July 5, Mrs. Mary Globe. 88 years. mmaid---At Kitchener, July 4. Nettie Donald, Peter street. Mar-At Detroit. July 3, Mrs. Con- rad May (formerly of Kitch- BehudlF--guly 8, Dr. Glenn Allen Schicdel of St. Marys to Irene Mildred Facey of New Hamburg. Wardtaw-F"mta.v--rJuly 4. Lee Allen \.\Wardlaw of Listowel to Edith Isobel Finlay of Wingham. Kregar<hsghTirt-July 4, Earl G. Kroger of Listoiicl lo Lulu Coghlin a! Listowel. iBast-At Crosshjll, July 4. to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bast, a son. 'tehahardt-At Kitchener. July 6, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reinhardt, a daughter. _ Selmlte -- At Stratford General Hospital. July 5. to Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Schulte (formerly of Kitchener). F Yuathqr--At Stratford General I Hospital, July 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Yunker. East Zorra. a son (stillborn). Beit-At Crosshill, July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bast, a son. I Merer--At St. Mary's Hospital, 1July 7, to Mr, and Mrs. Anthony l July 5, to Mr. and Mrs, Timothy Dwyer, Kitchener. a son. Bttrgtett-At R.R. 3. Listowel. July I, to Mr. and Mrs. Orton Burnett, a daughter. Burrere---At Listowel Hospital, July 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burfeltz, R.R., Gowanstown, a Healthful ly Air Conditioned Mayor Joseph Meinzlnger said today he will at the Kitchener Waterloo Hospital convulsion to hold a special meeting to he" Ne.. ther evidence ot “ugliness†on the part of the institution's ambulance service To lhsais laminae: Walt: hd Special thet t'i'LiltgStluu"g2' w...†er, - not. ",'fd remanded one week by “untrue Hugh Pol-on. i.9tifruteer was given bail " “MID. - ADDED ArNAChoN - Reveal Name Of Elm (Ehnrged With Merer,' a son] EXTRA.' The Land of the Quint-pick FErTirlErD MONDAY lAMAIlR Marriages Births TUESDAY . Cori-men Jones. Pass-Norma pital, Bright; Jean Arnold; Kathleen J. Paul Howcroft. Bill Stuart (equal). n, a and. I l First Class Honots--Robert Sto- ‘ M"'ner; Beverly Bricker; Eleanor Nt. iSlimmon; Terence Traynor. Hon- ly 6, jrrs-Wiuiam Poulton; Mildred Da- "dv/air. Pass-Dorothy Schario. _ THEORY 1 Annex. Piano Written 1 Honors-raison Mohr. l Grad. V _ Harmony. pounterpoint _ Pass-Douglas Frank. Counterpoint, Form [ Honors-Jane' M. G. Forsyth History Honors-Hanna Koegier and. IV I ._ N Lrarrpony Grade m History First Class Honors-Magda) A.Kisslinger. Honors-Mary E. Me- Ganity, Miriam Shantz (equal). Grade II First Class mmors--Eveiyn Wis- mer; Muriel Snider; Loraine Hard- ing. Eileen Sganlan (equal). Hon- WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - ADDED ATTRACTtON - .The following is a list of suma- tut candidates in theory examina- tions held recently by the Toronto Cons_e_rvatory of Music in Kitchen- er. The naies are arranged in or- Are Announced “ago: Ariit iairtiGre an new only 8 persons treht., comp-ltd June account: this year totalled only $390. slightly higher than the 3315 "ure tor the previous month. June bills in 191] totalled $553 and fott June,_ 1180, "All Music 111(2on Exam Results to ho -rear ago ‘and 34? iGi Taa ?Waterloo Relief Costs Down Shal Relic! out; tor Waterloo W from $4,155 for the itmt six month 1antrear,toNtStoether-tatss months of ttHt “cording to In," W. D. Brill. Free Parking corner DukaIE Ontario Streets. When" relief was at its In Waugh» in 1935. can: tot-1mg!!! will“!!! mm will! my: will! um cum “Not a Ladies' Man" "heh Minds'l'lle Baby†CAPITOL EDWARD G. nourish" in Tom Brown - -gea; Parker "Peach Bldssom"‘Dinnerware Avery Mom, Tues. & Wed. H onors--Evfihi - -t'tessman. Pass-Rita iriiiiiG7 T Counterpoint Pass-matte. hymn “LARCENY INC." THURSif rm. - SAT. SUNDAY MIDNIGHT MON. - TUES. - WED. 1m Ahnabolis†{wiccquq this year totalled Paul Kelly - Fay Way Damon Rupyon’s Funniest Featuring Virginia Bum: - Added Featureâ€: with Jane Wyman Broderick Crawford _Added Feature "365% EE Crawford [121:3