Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 12 Jun 1942, p. 6

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_ I ..._, clung-uywa u: u": banana $13 50 On Saturday evening a number Sand have been informed they will _ "---'------------ of frwnds and neighbolzs gatheredlbe given a vacation with pay this Bur . a! tho home of Mr, and'Mrs Pett?.rlsiirGG, according to their years WAR SAVINGS Kuntz In honor of their fifteenth ‘0‘ employment with firm. Tickets wcdding anntversary. Thty wereiwill be drawn as to when each CERTIFICATES pm smund with sow-ml pieces nl_wi" be given thsi privilege. Raul-t1! mm warv Thv evemng was‘ Mr and Mrs H Eckel of Kitch- -===--."--.--"--r---rc=c.=rt-c-, smut J, 1T,i,?g,"g,' card ta-vi");,: ',lhrfi recent visitrs in town. , .. Mtrr w It“ unc was svrvt‘ Mr, andu rs. A, Eckel accompanied ""'T'il'olvJlil,'AA7l,tE Th" Lulu-s of [he St o'lil',,,,,,,tslt'fJr,', on their return and visited _ _ " TOP or "ruoe Iotrky Slrnkof gonna" y'amisyndty with Mr and Mrs, w C%xvs 100. maid VE’i’ndv Lil-0;; voalvrs. SH4 50 In mainly $15.00. 9991mm: unr' tttruittem $1000- Cattle 150: Hand yvarhngs hrld abovc 1350, qcattcrcd lots dairy typo hoifvrs. $1100: cutter and commun nun. $8 6535175; tanner. 3740-38 50: light and medium weight sausam- hulls. $l000 $1125 $13S0 BUFFALO LIVE: STOCK BUFFALO -Hogr, 200: good and choice 200 lbs avvragv. $14.65: trucked-ins, 170-'230 lbs. $14.25- SHJO; rough and wrighty sows. $13_00-s1325 Drossedwoight: Brantford, $4.85 plus transportation; Hamilton $t5 _ 15 delivered; Hull $l5 plus trans- portation; Stratford $14.75 plus transportation; Peterborough $14.- 90 plus transportation. Dressed hogs Wednesday were up 100 at Stratford and 15c at Pe- terttorough, Other reporting mar- kets we're unchanged. Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Spring Broiurs-, I". to IN lbs . th' to 2'i lbs. Fi-wr. Fund R.ns- 5 lbs. and aver 4 to 5 lbs. Country dealers are quoted on graded eggs, cases free. delivered to Toronto: Grade A large ......V_ 31 to 00 Grade A medium .... 30 to 00 Grade A pullets ..v... 26 to 00 Grade B .._...__mterrNN..,.t 26 to 00 Grade C .P"..PtP» .VVVPPVVV 23% to 00 Grade A pullets ...... 26 to 00 Grade B '___.wr_mter.r,..,.t 26 to 00 Grade C .P"..PtPF __PPFPFFF 23% to 00 Note: Prices on farmers' ship- ments are 2 to 3c per dozen below above quotations. _Solling Prices to Retail Trade Note-Above prices tions based on closing Current make: Large ..-*6..-.-.N.._mt.. do twins. triplets do cuts _tN.P'wPrrFr..Pe_ (Country Truck Prices) No. I grade .M.F.....v._t. 35 to 00 (Delivered to Toronto) No. 1 grade-.-.. 38 b Cattle Prices Good As Sumily Small Creamery prints First grade 'v' Second grade '1'tpird grade T of trading, A pullet and B grade eggs advanced one cent on the To- ronto open produce market Wed- nenday. while other ea prices 'e- mained steady Butter moved stea- dily at unchanged levels. but cheese saw no action. Spt quotations to country ship- per on the egg market were un- changed, and all grades cleared easily. There were barely enough supplies of grade A large and me- dile to till buyers' requirements. The butter market was a little quiet and draggy, and prices re- mained at their previous levelx Sellers reported that Ontario No, l creamery solids moved steadily at The small supply of cattle was cleared at firm prices in trade on the live stock market here Wed- nesday. Hogs were firm. Veal calves were weak to 50c lower. Spring lambs held firm, and sheep steyyir. Weighty steers brought $11.65- $|3.25, butcher Fteers $1L50-t1M5. heifers $10.50-$12.50, fed calves $12-$13.25, butcher cows mostly $8- 89.50 with a few up to $10.25. bulls 39-310. and a few stockers $i0-$11. Choice veal calves tradedat $14- $l4.50 with common lights selling downward to $9. Spring lambs ranged from $10 to $15 each with three at $16. Sheep sold at 36-38. Hogs sold at $15.50 dressed- weight and sows at Sll.50 dressed, Btamrr-- Cream. solids, No. l 33h to 00 do 38 score PrPP.FVFVFF_ 33 to M do 37 score ...tVV..tV.V 32% to 00 Note: Above prices based on closing sales. Quentin: to Retail Trade Pallet, B Grade Egg Prices ll, ht Toronto Market Reports 0 - "no at wilIl-I w. mtttqeet hm by Kim Franny: Slen-u [at Civewceiht': Chathain. $10.75. Poultry and Egg- In the wholesale to retail section Churning Cream POULTRY (Nominal Prices to Shipper) _ - - Dressed Select . Hog Quotations Dairy Produce A large Fr A medium é pullvts 20 18 21 24 26 in bt sales 34 33 29 24 24 “a 36 35 la M 'i. to 00 both see- to to to to to 00 to 00 to 00 to to to to 23 22 20 36 u' 35% plunumly turprlwd Miss lrvno‘F‘Jkri at lunch thsmzm‘. a former mvmhrr at mp, ”urn-n Harmer was a “"vk-ond humr ot Mrss Kns DIMruh nu xisttrrr ut Bright, Tm uh) nw~q:ng whtvtt Hwy u-nr‘ Mrs Groff and grandson of Ta, tici, " lur a \hnwvr m honor Mg I‘YW k \u‘rr midweek visitors with hvr marrmgc- Saturday _ Rnnrn th, 1r ruusms. Mrs A Hondprqnn nun» "totoyid M thr girls FirstC:trod Mr and " A Pope prm‘ wwrit to Mcss Laurmr Brndvri -=======-z=x==- and runsnlahlm to Miss Tnddy DIP V ll" II A unlahlr 'ttrtt " as pr. stsnt _ 'ui M Msss Iodrsituat r and hmrh Leer" Ars \ll\!'ll h) thes Innh‘ss Orr' "" m. 'l‘hmwiuv Mr, llm‘lwrl Srhnnrl '" u m .l. of .mmhmui fur Mic; l.nh<mzor at Att m MI Mann my”) ,t mrscrllnnrous, J 'tity r Hum". .md wards \u'n' on . C. L, .RAU. um"? and ttt thr. (lnsv of the oven» ( 11. ttt. . mg n frrshrvornts "err served by‘ M. L"lil lhr hostess and her daughtrr Mil“ M H. Mrmo Schnttrr l Sunday visttors at the home of Mr and Mrs Ppter Kuntz were: Cpl Edward Bender. Miss Florence Fvshvr, Urban Bender. Miss Helen Ertcl. Mr Clvrnents Esbaugh. Mr and Mrs Michael Prokopowicz and children Shirley Ann and Ronald. Mr and Mrs Wilfred Hergott and Idnnh and Mr and Mrs Noah Hum!» and family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietrich and children Esther and Sheila of Waterloo visited Mrs E. Dietrich on Sunday. The ladies softball game on Tuesday evemng between Kauf- mais of Kitchener and the local gurlx resulted m u scorn of 16-12 fur the locals, Mrs John Parks of St. Cathar- ines spent several days visiting re- latives and friends here. Mr. Parks joined her for the week-end. The publishing of the banns for the coming marriage of Miss Kay Dietrich to Edward Lobsinger were nndv known Sunday at the St. Clam-Ms RC Church The mar- “ink to take place June 27th, Ptv. Joseph Voisin of Windsor spent the week-end with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Voisin. Cpl. Edward Bender of Guelph and Miss Florence Fisher spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bender. Miss Dorothy Dietrich spent the holiday in Waterloo with her cou- sin. Miss Esther Dietrich. Corpus Christi was celebrated all the RC. Church with a procession‘ in which each society was headed by their particular banner. About: fifty little girls in white and; wearing wreaths and veils strewed, flowers in front of the Blessed Sa-, erament. Benediction was given at the four outside altars and again) from the main altar in church.) "Holy God We Praise Thy Name".) was sung in conclusion. 1 Little Kenneth Boppre had the thrill of his young life when he caught a fish weighing four and one quarter pounds and measuring 23'e inches in u small creek. where it was not believed such fish exist- ed. The fish was of the mullet va- riety. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schlitt of St. Jacobs visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Busch on Sunday. Mr. Edward Lobsinger spent Tuesday in Toronto on business. Funeral services for Mrs. Adam Lautenschlager of Kitchener were held'here at Emmanuel" Lutheran Church on Wednesday afternoon, and was largely attended by rela- tives and friends. The late Mrs. Lautenschlager lived in Petersburg for the past 60 years and moved to Kitchener with her daughter in April. She leaves to mourn her husband, twenty grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Six grandsons of the deceased were pallbearers. The community ex- tends deepest sympathy to Mr. Adam Laulenschlagcr and his family. Mr. and Mrs Fred Scheistel and children of Tu-swatcr spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Her- son. S3%e a pound. There was no - tieuiar rush to buy this groom; The genus] asking price ot West- erntiutterwats34 capountbul sals- wee rryx?rted_at M to 8456c. _ The. Dominion Department of Amlture at Ottawa reports that Ontario and Quebec cheese grad- ing: tram Dec. l, 1941. to June 6, totalled 536.828 boxes. compared with 199,316 for the same period last year. For the week ending June 6 gradings were “A” boxes, against 44.249 for the same period o [941. The topic, "Living with Others-- Your Societies", was led by Clare Henrich of Kitchener at the meet- ing of the Nith Valley Walther League at the Library Hall. New Hambyrg. on Monday evening. The business meeting followed with the president. Gordon Neel) in charge. Delegates were appoint- ed to attend the convention at Stratford on August 2 and 3. The talent quest is to be held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Kitchen- cr, on Sunday. June l4. - Inactivity on the cheese market continued. The current white make was again ottered at 20 to 2056c a pound. A shah play was bresenteii by six_ot the New Hamburg members. Walnut Lug-u. Mun. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Sellers Brcslau. Mrs. Mathilda Hoerle Heidelberg were r6cent guests Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Knipfel. Funeral Largely Attended ST. CLEMENTS PETERSBURG I, [In but“ mu lam-dd. Corn-pond.” (Ciro-it]. ty a: Mus [em may» FARM NEWS AND VIEWS . of of of The employees L" t%7eanad" Sand. have been ipformtrp they will be given a vacation with pay this summer, according to their years of employment with firm. Tickets will be drawn as to when each will be given thsi privilege. Mr and Mrs H Eckel of Kitch- Sunday guests at the Jsome of "er. and Mrs. Kai Neilson were: {Mn and Mrs. Wm. Allard and son jRodger of Gait, Misses Winnie Thelma and Elsie Nahrgang and lRandall Nahrgang and Messrs. O. lHurst and Leonard Letson. all of Galt and Mr. and Mrs. John Stecho (and Larry of Kitchener and Ar- :nold Neilson of Camp Borden. Mr and Mrs Rex Harmer and son Ronald were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, P. Binkle at New Hamburg and with Mr, and Mrs Stewart Curt-ah. Bright Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woolcotl havel purchased the property of the lam." Nancy Anne Foster on Main street, and intend taking up residence; there. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cook. formerly Mrs. Clara Gray were serenaded an evening recently by an old time chivari and were treated generous- ly t?y the former. MrfBme Milne of Luth- Britain sprnt the holiday wookmnd at his home here. - Mrs A. Bruce and MISS Jessie Decton were week-end visitors with friends at Toronto Sgt. John Bright and Pte. Jack‘ R. Harmer of Carling Heights) spent Friday night at Plattsville. prior to leaving to take a course; atAlamr? Borden. I Meisrs. Bert BUrrett and Clair Harmer were business visitors on Sagurday at Kitchener. Miss Gladys Chambers has been taken on the past week as an em- ployee qt the Canada Sandpaper factory. English and Pte. Geo. Edwards of Carling Heights. London. spent a week-end leave at their respective homes in town. Mrs. Edwards ac- companied them to London where shy spent Monday. Randall Nahrgang and Messrs 0., A pretty June wedding was Hurst and Leonard Letson. all of ;solemnized on Saturday afternoon Galt and Mr. and Mrs. John Stecho i whne Miss Myrtle Evelyn Weber. and Larry of Kitchener and Ar- ' only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mil- nold Neilson of Camp Borden. ton Weber became the bride of Mr. Mr. Wm. Lachman of Guelph Cloason ' Snyder, son of Mr. and was a week-end guest at his home‘Mrs. Edwin W. M. Snyder of Wa- in town. ‘terloo. The ceremony was per- Sgt. Frank Par2chouec, Sgt. (itliilie'a tey. Bishop C. F, Derstine The auction sale held on Satur- day of the household effects of the late Mrs. Isaac Gofton was well attended and prices brought good results. Ira Toman of New Dun- dee was the auctioneer. Walla! "our Residents were surmised on Sunday morning by the collate of the east wall of the New Hamburg ttour mills. It occurred about 3.30 mm. and broke the root of the adjoining warehouse building. Un- d_er _di.rtyrtion of Isaac Ughthem I I H. I! "Au'Ittd't=v Monday. the anniversary of the King's birthday was observed in Plattsvi1le by the schools and bank being closed for the day. A num- ber of the town's boys took advan- tage of the day off by taking a hike into the country. Auction Sale Successful The funeral of Burton Strauch, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Strauch. was largely at- tended on Saturday afternoon. The boy died as the result of shock fol- lowing an accident which occurred at Baden when Mr. and Mrs. Strauch and Burton were return- ing from Kitchener, where they had been to purchase a Cub outfit as the local Boy Scouts had in- tended to take him" along in an automobile on their hike planned for Saturday afternoon. - There was no Sunday School or church service in Trinity Lutheran Church on Sunday last, as Rev. H. R. Mosig and E. G. Hammer were in attendance at the Canada Luth- eran Synod at Kitchener. Gets Angolntment Passes RCAF Exams LA.C. Robert Lloyd passed his final exams at the Clinton R.C.A.F.! training school and is home on a 14-day furlough. He spent last week attending a sports day and dance at Pickering College. New- market. the bricks were removed from the warehouse roof and interior.- Very little damage was done. Mr. Shultz had a number of men pulllng the veneer bricks where they belonged and by the end of the week the wall should be up. Many Attend Funeral of Accident Victim Burton wins the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Strauch and besides his parrnts leaves ung sitter, gamut Miss, Florence Column, who is teaching near Ayr at present, was appointed teacher of No. 17 school, Philipsburg, succeeding Miss Roh- fritsch, who takes a position in the New Hamburg school. NEW. I1.AlhflihtJRG i PLATTSVILLE h_A_.[.¢.hng 2 ~I Loo MOLUELI £7303 Hap Fleet ' US torros wrn- believed harry- mg thr 'mcrny, walling tn sink its mam damaavd ships and to knock out others The chase will end only when the " nose Beet near- the rungs limit urns land-m plume. The, announcrtt3rnt that the US. tutu-s had Ind contact with the envmy Hoot, hurlul bark at Mid- way, did not necvssarily moan the hattlo had ended Battle Not Ended Well mfnrmod quarters said that h(‘hlnd tho carefully restricted communique: on the Japanese fNset defeated in an attack on Mid- way Islands was a story of unsur- passvd lwrmsm and harrowing PA- porwnros by the US victors which would thrill and Inspire mrry American Pearl Harbor, -__ United States forces are seeking to regain con- tact wnh the crippled Japanese mam tttset as It limps westward toward Japan while other units are battling Japanese naval forces in the Hawaii-Dutch Harbor area, it YP? ungemtond todar - For travelling the bride chose a turquoise blue dress amrblue coat with matching accessories. On their return from a honeymoon trip to the Thousand Islands, they wil lmake thmr home on a farm on the airport mad The bride's mother wore a white tttrured crepe frock with a Corsage of carnations and mother of the bridegroom wore a blue voile frock with a carnation col-sage. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Pink and white streamers and cluster of white bells. iris lillies. and lupino decorated the house. A wedding cake. white candles and small bas- kets of blue and white forget-me- nots made lovely the bride's table. Best man was Mr. Stewart We- ber, brother of the bride of Lon- don, Out. and the ushers were Messrs. Lloyd Schmitt of Rosebank and Urias Martin of Waterloo. The bride wore a street length dress of white crepe and carrying white carnations tied with long white streamers and was attended by Miss Erma Snyder, sister or the bridegroom, wearing a rose street- length frock and carrying pink carnations with long pink ribbons. of First Mennonite ettureh" Miss Myrtle Weber ls Lovely Bride 84-0uote M-What large faerorr was the , target of the R. A. F. raid near Paris? 37--Boutut with narrow binding 38~Uniu of work I '9-1mpotite ' 40--Shame, 42--guteiettt Italian people. 4G--Mortgret q6-Choteest part "--Geologteat use 'e-ft-shaped worm tio-Natives ot Denmark 'b-E-ttte 1--.Edihte Iced B-From what Punch mum did German battleships a- cape In February? tt--Mottrttfttl 12-Auditory organ 13--Steamattip "-A number . "..-Nttrrow bodies ot water IT-Frosting 19- Eagle 20--Streteh over 2t ~Devastaled ar-ot what sure is Atlanta the. capital? 26---rnaeeu 27-Barter 28-New Bng|and lute abut.) 29--%srtety of lemme so- Ember: tt-.-What " another name for the constellation Aries? 32--Diminutive for Edward 33-01113 ot meat e-tttree-mote' numb Fleet Blunders Into Trap at Midway; [muses Crippling MANNHEIM {an} if. ffiff, I Today? Cram Word Puzzle Al, - I.“ M HORIZONTAL 'b'f 7/4 gg (?s't), Ffir', By EUGENE SHEFFER, ' 'etc, ',tls': 4‘! [fff, s?g'it't "--Pttaiu" 'hetaxtde 'oc-ret sudden ettpttuiom at 'b-Matte, ., 38-atn-t new coda , 't-TPrhristt _ml;utr|u ' l lib-Be-tt tr-oe nan " who: ulna! to "-Notit. Pt on]. '. (See answer at bottom of page) applied to a eertaitt nu? lbw-m M-wh. In: the t8th preWeat -, 9! thp_l(nitod Sum) Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Eby, Audrey and Nile. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Os- wald and Alice were among those who attended the monthly Wo- men's Mnssmnary meeting of thc Mannheim U.B church on Monday pvrnina. which was hold at the home of Mr and Mrs, Charles Mallm. at tho Forsyth Fronsar Ranch. Wvstmount Blvd. Kitrh. Mr. George Reist and Elizabeth and Laura Reist attended the an~ nual field day for the Waterloo County Holgvin Club U? Saturday, Mrs, Elizabeth Reist, Mr, and) and Mrs. Christ. Hartwick and‘ Emanuel and Clara Soehner, all of Floradalc. spent Sunday at the William Reist home. Those who spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oswald, at the Reuben Eby,home, it being the occasion of Mr. Eby's 80th birth- day. were: Mrs. Catherine Hemer; Mrs. Stanton Lautenschlager. Katherine and Bobby; Mrs. Irwin Bowman: Mr. and Mrs. A. Dedels and Audrey; Mrs. Harvey Grasser and son Teddy, all of Kitchener; ‘and Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Etsy, Aud- 'rey and Nile. A pleasant time was spent together. Mr. Eby was pre- sented with a bouquet of roses and other birthday gifts. Among those who attended the Holstein picnic at Waterloo park on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Eby and famil ' Mr. and Mrs. John Steekle and (Emily. Jean Steekle. Audrey Eby. Alice Os- wald. Elsie Hamacker and Aliert, Matilda and Irene Henhoeffer were among the junior girls who took part in the Achievement Day de- monstratiun Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woelfte at- tended the Shorthorn picnic which was hold at Guelph on Friday. Many Visitors oy 80th Birthday Mrs. Larson of St. Monoica, Calif.. is spending a week with her sister Mrs. Lloyd Mader and Mr. Mader. Mr. Ray Cressman of this dis- trict was married on Saturday af- ternoon to Miss Lottie Grace Sea- mont of Preston. Mr. Cressman is the son of Mrs John Cressman and the late Mr. John Cressman. The ceremony was performed at the Preston Baptist Church by the Rev. W. C. Williamson assisted by Rev. Oscar Burkholder of the Cl“. Church of this village. Leading Aircraftman Moses Heer, Moncton, N.B., son of Mrs. John Beer and the late Mr. Heer of our village was married on Sat- urday to Miss Velma Rolls of Gait. Rev. M. D. Davison of Gait offi- ciated._ Leading Aircraftman Jacob Hear of Saskatoon, Sask.. perform- ed the duties of best man. Mr. and Mrs. Hcer are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Beer's mother in the village this week. Gunman-i Former Breslau Boy Takes Vows 'tb'jt1) WILLIAMSBURG 'j,'f,i' By Mrs, Earn Becki (channel. Comm-don” II, In. 'tor Sell.“ (Chronlelo m BRESLAU 'fjs'ft' VA s'?Cfts, 'felt', 'ii?) liO psi i NEW DUNDEE Mr. and Mrs. Merle Coleman and daughter, Ruth called on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coleman at Gall re- con!!! .4 _ . Mr", and Mrs, Alvin Shark at- tended a birthday gathering in honor of George Sherk which was Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vin Bechtel and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brighton on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller and son. Ron- ald of Bright and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brighton and Gordon John- son of Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and family of Millserburg. Ohio were guests at the homes of Mrs. M. H. Shantr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thibidcau last week. Among those from here who at- tended the graduation exercises of the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital School of Nursing which were held at the K-W Collegiate auditorium on Saturday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Egerdee. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Musselman and daughter, Ruby, Mrs. G. Lonsbury and daughters. Grace and Pearl, Mrs. A. Bauer, Miss Velma Bauer and Elgin and Oscar Musselman. Miss Glennis Musselman of New Dundee was a member of the '42 gragluating glass.__ Another good tot of fresh and springer cow: and heifers, mtludmu save?! PTY, 02.313nt cows with goof] 'St rfcotds. 73730067 irrade Holsteins. t and iood milking Jersey, 3 " per cent tester. l real clutitGyerpstr grade. A_lew hrite.r calves, _ _ " O. B. Stauffer of New Westmin- ster, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. Orley Utfetman and daughters, Barbara Joan and Peggy of Waterloo visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Cassel onHSungay. __ _ _ _ - _ - Miss Erin a Diefenbacher of Pres- ton spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Diefenbach- er. 4 real good bulls, including a grandson of Johanna R. A. Pabst. A few bulls of q per cent. test. Be sure to see these. _ Come and see a pleasing lot of cattle sold, Better start now to buy- Holsteins . . . You will ter. ,- A. B. BID-ACE“, Mar. III Auctioneer. LLOYD alum tn the rug. Plan Ayrshire 8mders' Day On Friday an Ayrshire Breeder's Day is being sponsored for Water- loo county and nearby counties at the farm home of Mr. W. L Hogs. which is operated by Mr. Ferguson. Mr. Hogs owns the largest herd ofAyrshires in, the county. U _ It is expected there will attend Ayrshire breeders from Grey, Wellington, Bruce, Perth and Huron counties. in addition to those from our own. The guest speaker will be Professor George Raithby of the animal husbandry depart- ment of the Ontario Agricultural College. _ - - .. Y.P.S. Moth. The Blenheim Mennonite Young People's Society met at the church on Sunday evening with Gordon Bean presiding. The scrip- ture lesson was read by Mtss Erma Baer and essays on the topic. "De- parture from the Faith" were given by Miss Luella Shantz and Miss Hilda Bean. The speaker was Morgan Ber, Rev. A. L. Conrad occupied the, pulpit of the Lutheran Church ini St. Agatha on Sunday afternoon. The village schools were closed on Monday in observance of the holiday celebrating the birthdayl pt His Majesty King George Ill. A special feature of this event which is sponsored by the Banner County Ayrshire Breeders' Club, will be the judging classes. The day's activities are scheduled to begin at about eleven a.m. Miss Betty Binkley of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Hostettler were f,',',',"",; guests at the home of Mr. and rs. Ezra Koehler. About thirty young people from the Blenheim Mennonite Church held . an enjoyable picnic at Shantz‘s Bats near Haysville on Monday afternoon. Softball was played after which supper was served. "Oh, for [ondnosq makes' Just say let it fro It that" 35 HEAD ACCREDITED AND BLOOD-TESTED "ourrEm CATTLE a, In: any... Dingo-1 vaaai m" 7BTGaaAia '__') " In. ltd- limo:- (Ciro-bl. WU BADEN At [In-I View hm, “no“, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE " - At 1.15 p... AUCTION SALE LAFF-A-DAY Auction Sales 1 Mrs. Leander Cressman accom- panied by Mr. and ,. Mrs. James Iressman of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klinkman at isoyyt-Wetst Elihu} o_n fitytday. _ Mr. and Mrs. George Hewer and baby Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Grow. and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hotter, Milton Stroh, all of Elnura. and Miss Mildred Schmidt were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ananias Grosz. (Emmi-s mirlfiiiiied Mrs. Gurton of Kitchener and Mrs. Georgina Winn of Elmira spent a few days with Mrs. Alf. quk --- A -- The annual Children's Day pro- gram wilt be rendered in the Evangelical church, Sunday eve- ning, Jqne 14th, ist 8 o‘clock. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmidt and son, Richard of Kitchener. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell and sons, George. Billy and Bobby of Ayr visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Seltsyeityton Sunday. Miss Rudene Tomai, spent Sun- day with Miss Audrey Egerdee at Rosebank. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee and daughter, Marilyn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Winhold at Woodstoc} on Sungiay. Harry Copley calle'd on his bro- ther William Copley at Plansville las_t_ Saturfar, June 27. Saturday-ttear; up-to- date furniture will be offered for sale. Watch ad for place. Mr. and Mrs. E. I. McLeughry and Miss Annis McLoughry of Gait called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Hilborn on_Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Boyne and daughter, Betty of Milverton visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Koch on Saturday. 7 7 7 7 7 Mr. and Mrs Alfred Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Quick and Miss Edna Morrell of Hamilton were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stoltz. Mrs. I. H. Toman and Mrs. Ivan Sararas and son, Bobby called on Mrs. Ed. Coxson at Plattsville on Sa3yrdoy. - - June It, Wednesday, at 1.” Fm, which cows and swingers, Ill',',,',", bred Holstein: and grades. at um‘ mit View Farm. Brigiaeport. June M, Wednesday, no aan.-- Extensive sale of farm stock, in- cluding " head registered and list- ed Holstein cattle, implements, household effects, etc., for the Estate pf the late John Knox, adjoining Millbank. June 15, Monday. 9 aan.-A3om- munity sale at Elmira Farmers' Shed on the hotel property. of implements including loader. gas engine. furniture, dishes and tools and many other articles. Bring in your articles, this is your sale, and get the cash. _ _ - A g June 13, Sat., at I p.m.-Ciean mahogany, quarter cut oak and walnut furniture will be sold back of Schneiler Furniture warehouse. on Hall's Lane. ok Gaukel street, Kitchener. June 20. Saturday- Clean house- hold effects, linen. dishes, em, tor Mrs. Lydia Wagner, WI Park St.. Waterloo, at 1.30 p.m. sharp. held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hahn at Kitchener on Sat.. uritpy evening. - - - Mr. and Mrs. Adam Palfwere re- cent visitors with Mr. 'Pd Mrs. Ezy? Gtyselty Bear Ayr. A __- - EDWARD GRISBL Am West Mommas. Phone Elmira an Auction Sale Lists I buy second hand furniture. W. STUMPF, Auctioneer u "like St. KiIcheIIer FLORADALE A. B. BMUBACHRR " III. M“. Ott “any”. I?-.-" h.-VI.._ Barre,' and Phone 44510

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