Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Apr 1942, p. 3

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SrhufOI--At K-W Hospital, April 9, to Mr? and Mrs. Carl Schaefer, 110 William street. Waterloo. " sort. Luhman-At St. Mary's Hospital, April IO, to Mr. and Mrs. Ros Lishman. 97 Bingeman street. Kitchener. a son. tgt_--At St. Mary's Hospital, April 9. to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Steffler. 100 Weber street west. Kitehener, a son. Kqttqe--At St. Mary's Hospital, April s, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hotter. 7 Stahl Ave. Kitchener. a daughter. Atttmeht-At 9th Lune of Moming- ton. April 5. to Mr. and Mrs. D. Albrecht. a daughter. Trqgnain-At St. Mary's Hospital. April li, to Cpl. and Mrs. Don- ald Tremain. Filbert street. a daughter. CauregF-At K-W Hospital, April IO, to Sgt. and Mrs. Michael Ca- larco. Benton St., Kitchener. a daughter. Beettqr---At K-W Hospital, April ll. to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Beek- yr. RR 2, Wallenstoin. a daugh- tor. mdier--At Kitchener. April 11. to Mr. and Mrs. C. Ridler. 28 Brunswick Ace. Kitchener. a "gsgor-At K-W Hospital. April 12. to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Unger, 10 Otto street. Kitchener. a daugh- B---At St. Mary's Hospital. April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. William Berger. 4 Spadinn Road. Kitch- ener. a son. Mekeehnie--At Listowel. April ll. to Mr. and Mrs. George McKech- nie, a daughter. Dietrich-At New Hamburg. April ll, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Die- trich, a daughter. o-tsa-r-Mt St. Catharines. April 9. to Mr, and Mrs. Walter Oppertshauser (nee Florence Ostrandcry, a daughter, Fri-At K-W Hospital. April ll. to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frey. Charles street, Waterloo. " daughter. LittUhottr-At Kitchener, April 5. to Mr. and Mrs R. Littieholtr, 286 Blucher Blvd., a son. “Magi-sworn! - At Kitchener. April 13. to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wrigglesworth. 160 Highland Road. a daughter. Bott-At St. Mary's Hospital, April 8, to Mr, and Mrs. D. E. Bott, Wendell Ave. Kitchener, a tion ot the survival of Canada and Honorary residents are Ford S. our way of life," he declared. '<umpf. T. V}; Seagram, Dr. A. Me- "We are facing the most terrible Canny. w. G. Weirhel. Dr. Stanley crisis that has ever threatened Leavine and John Bailey. WottUuUr- At Clucago. Ill. April I2. to Cpl. and Mrs, Robert H. Wctt1auftyr, a daughter. 'Nerr-At St. Mary's Hospital, April l3. to Sgt-Major and Mrs, Herman Harry. Frederick St.. Kitchener. a son. winten--At St. Mary's Hospital, April 13, to Mr. and Mrs, George Wilkrm. Elmira. " daughter Leuhma"r-.ht St Mary's Hospital. April 13. to Capt. and Mrs. T. A. Lvishmnn. Joseph SI. Kitchonvr. " yttrl Kaufman-At St Mury's Hospttal, Iprtl H. to Mr and Mrs Wil- Irrn. Watulm. tctrtust Waterloo, " dauchto Shel At tit Mary's Hospital, Aprrl N. to Mr and Mrs George ", Fhtol, Chostnut dram, a yum-him Guest speaker at the meeting, which was actually the association's annual meeting, which took the place of a "yes" booster aim. Kart Homuth, MP. for South aterloo. asserted that “this is certainly no time for political diirerenees". "Canada must vote 'yes'," de- clared the speaker. "A Iso' vote would be tantamount to voting Canada out ot the war." “North Waterloo is lacking leadership in this plebiscite in spite of the pledge that was given by members of parliament to lead their constituencies in support of, an overwhelming 'yes' vote," eon-i tinned Mr. Homuth. "People whom I have contacted In the riding. up to now. have known of no leadership being shown. this in spite of the fact no riding in Canada should pile W a larger "yes" vote than North aterloo." "Nothing has been left undone in South Waterloo to assure an alarm. ative vote. Liberals and Conserva- tives are united and they are get- ting the support of service clubs. churches, and al other public or- tyullrations" My Homuth went on: "Shops are being organized and employees are guaranteeing not to stop the day's pay of their men whr drive voters to the polls. This is not a political question, it is a ques- tion of the survival of Canada and ouCtyay of like." h? declared. .. _ "Canada elated the would be Canada out "ntbrSerler- April ll, In, t. tr, s, Imn Aror, “pl I '" KIWI" nrr ElmslierObule \ my _ In m Cc'vurn ‘lnlnon 1“" I)? M c, lc~kelMillar Dr " “mm “1 1m} N, 't Hnndu and Kmhvntr 1w grr‘ Utmh bhllar of (‘unnuull “A. Behe..rAttrirtson April II. Air gm .rzmn m Alfrml Schrftrl of Ln T -h1-u Qur. tn Mary Athincrm of rtls, Sunny 3dr RR'" 'ureuterMecur--April ll, Rich. rha ard Jam” furfield of Gait to ram Ariel Melon McCloy of Arr his The North Waterloo co-tive Association has gone on record an "unanimously favouring the or- unusual: Joining with any group in ttpe riding to put ov_e_r , decjsivg leg vote a die plebiscite April North Waterloo Tories Urge "hs" Vote h Plebiscite L19. Alli It 1.. , - At (khan " Mutual Hamm- 'u April 13 m Mr and Mrs H Humirh Inti Betty Boat). 381 ‘I'I~\1~1 Ann Oshawa (formvrly " Kv'rhrm r 3 mm (John kd, BIRTHS MARRIAGES DEATHS card Marriage-- Births of the Week in the County April I! 1 Jnrrut, Elrn :\ 0h. rl, , It H April In v, v- l ll li 10ch M H hr "tt Kahuna-UM): - April u, Dwight E. Kellerman to Hilda Umbach, both of Waterloo. Behurman-Hoqrtt--April IO, Leon- ard Gordon Schurman of Kitch- ener. to Ruth Henrietta Hoerle of Heidelberg. E-rain-April 7, Sgt.-Pilot Norman Spencer Evans of Pres- ton to Daisy Edith Johnston of Windsor. "_.. (By Miriam Hilborn) t'tetnte-Aprii IO, Mrs. Amos NEW_ DtlNDEE._-r_shirieX Esk- Shanta, " years. Erh--Aoril 9, Edwin W Erb, Grimsby. Litwitur-Apri1 11. John R, Lit- willer. 70 years. Do-tr-April 11. Henry K. Doerbecker, Erbsville. 62 years. 'tethertsoi--Apri1 It, Mrs. Ben J, Robertson, Hamilton. 42 years. T'achseM--Apri1 12. James Edward Trachselt. Galt. (formerly of Shakespeare). " years. Powors--Aprit 12, Mrs. G. N. Pow- ers, King street south. Waterloo. "mansht--Aprit 12, Mrs. Mary Lemanski. 36 Linden Ave, Kit- chener, 83 yem 1muus.r--Aprit ts, Mrs. Edwin Wanner. 14 Gordon Ave. Kiteh, ener. Marshttit--Aprt'. M, Lawrence L. Marshall. 42 years. Yatnn_rril 15. Mrs. Alfred E. Tanner, Millbank. 67 years. Granb-April 15, Edwin Grant. 84 Glasgow street, Kitchener. 24 years, MeCi-Aprtl 14. Mrs. Ethel Mc, Call, formerly of Waterloo. Wotf.--April M, Mrs, Elizabeth Wolfe. King street north. Water- loo, 76 years. SmlV--April 14, Mrs, Gordon W. 8mm, Brantford, M years CuriMeD-tr--Aprit ll. 'te Lang Currie to Elizabeth c- Dougall, both of Galt. McLaughlin-Hod" - April 13. Kenneth McLaughlin to Ruth Hotter, both of Elmira. [Altman-WAN“ li, Fred Lehman to June Koepke. both of Kitchener. Kinersuitttuisets - April li, Alfred Robert Kingsley of Kit- chener. to Margaret (Gretchen) Agnes Katbtteisch of Tavistock. mm-mumhy - April ll, Dr. David White Lougheed of Toronto Marjory Caroline Mac- - Murehy, Toronto.” - --- _ tund-Det-st-April n. Pte. Arthur Hendricks to Rosetta Ca- roline Dorscht. both of Kitch- ener. B-r-McKellar-r-April l l. Loon- ard Henry Bauer, Kitchener. to Ada Lorraine McKellar of Hes- Sign 161 of Required 800 When the Scots Fusiliers of Canada concluded rrlrlmmg hero Saturday night, 16t of the required 800 men Fad been waned and 12m . . " .mv rdune to Maior L. V. H. Jenkins. acting commanding offirvr , r .r "‘llV‘~ and thw rmnumdrr of the rommvnl. , rm rod In mnhulllu‘ 'or .itttr N run a m: nth nun. will I» drawn from \..rum~ vrmninu Major John Richardson was un- animously re-elected president of 'he association. when no other nominations were made. Other "tections include: Arthur Barrett, 'st vice-president: Mrs. W. Hawkin. ”nd vice-orcsident; Roy Trott. see- -s'tary-treasurer; directors, Harold Shannon. t Hannon. Robert Nes- bin. J. Schatzke and James Ellis, all of Kitchener; W. D. Brill. Burt "riddle and Herman Sturm, Water- loo; L. O'Neilt, Elmira; Charles Schuett. Woolwirh township; Wil- liam Milner. Wellesley township; of the regiment. G‘I'dt rn 'or ittttt ht run " m: In drawn from t.'rt' l Mwa m the nlutnct Muirrr Jcnkm~ rm mini th, "M" "w fart nnlv 161 have n with the regiment. about 240 rd ttwir srrvucns Ahrtr in rrlrchd bv til m [ " hr 1 " 1(1- .wnd In irrvmr The 1eJ)'yt"ci',",'ey,!rira't, MReer Mm rmoa Fd that "srveral" under. nqo "rlltstrsss had also been dis. charted Orw boy. Ptr, Jenkins find. not only falsified is at! but his name " won "They have taken our rubber and our oil. They threaten to take India and to swoon into the Caucasus and meet thrs Germans tor a drive on Russia. This plebiscite wilt sav de- Gnitoiv how far Canada and Cana- dian: Intend__t.o no in_j_.h§s wing; lt Grirore" “rib". JU will be telling Japan and Nazi Germany we are out Pf. the war," the speaker Engrd In tho city "There was common can." con- tinued Mr. Homuth. "both here and across the border that Jam would be driven on the Paeiik and driven out of China three months after 'hey went to war. Far from thir- Japan har driven at out of the “acme. we haste been driven out of Hon} Kong and_Sinxapore_._ _ grave! than it was when hence (ell. We have been "htirtg I lain: wartortheiasttwoand.h" yen: and the next eight month will tell us whether at not we wilt eongnue to be a free people. -- humanity in all history." the - er asserted "The dun-{ion (4;: t-hsg-Cooh---April 8. Wesley Edward Doering of Philipsburg to Minerva Susannah Cook of Amulree. hrvcrr.e thr " Mt " tw w " Deaths nu. Im thrrs on active addition " father is It wnh the vrtrrans' n .. " m w _ ts, w I Hts tumor is FUN! (inn! War n thr» on ammo nmmr hm t ll Ctt tf a] a who "V t" ll dr. ‘hstod Mtrr. worn l Tho Eckstein girl was the unit ',scriously injured of the trio and Fbesidcs the loss of her teeth suffer- fold a cut on her forehead. The Hoffman girl sustained a bruised lknu‘ while tho Heist girl escaped with a shaking up. falls From Bicycle ls Paintully Injured "As a further expression of our appreciation, our board has unani- mously approved a donation to your department of $50. I understand that your statt has set up some sort of a pension fund, to the credit of which the enclosed cheque may be placed". stein. daughter of Mr. pttd Mrs. Oliver Eckstein and a student at the N.D.C.S. met with a painful accident after school on Monday afternoon when she was thrown from her bicycle and had tour front teeth knocked out. The accident occurred when she and a friend. Virginia Hoffman were riding East down the hill from Poth's Corner toward Bech- tery Garagg; - -- - Another N.D.C.S. student, Elaine Reist who was walking up the hill Med to notice the bicycle which was unable to stop before it crashed into her and threw its rid- "We quite realize that owing to the slate root, the situation was made more diftieult. The edict issued by the federal transit bureau requiring that all passenger busses put in service in Canada in future must be painted a khaki colour. may be fell in Kitchener sooner than any place also m Canada. The tetteF, signed by H. M. cue, acting secretary of the church board. follows: “On behalf of the other members of the board of trustees of Zion Evangelical church and myself. I would like to express to you our areal appreciation for the prompt and "ieicrtt manner in which you and your department responded on the occasion of our church Bre. March 24. [ Kitchener May Feel Bus Paint Order Fire Chief Harry Guerin has re- TCNT Tot5es. .W"' mac's Tneue W vealed that the board of managers centred with wedding cake antt of Zion Evangelical Church a re- ‘candles. . 'dated the manner in which lath“ Upon their return from Toronto ener ttremen handled the recent and Points., east; Mt and Mrs. Kel- at”; which caused over “on” to Iemtdn witt fetid. in Waterloo. e mam. ' q -------------, Chief Guerin said he has received a cheque from the board for $50. which is to be deposited in the fire. me_n's pension funf gceount. Firemen under Chief Guerin suc- ceeded in confining a blaze in the "hutch to the roof. Majority of the damage done was caused by water and debris taltine from the roof of the_ building which yratyhttrt2vef. For months the local public mili- ties commission has been contem- plating the purchase of several new vehicles. Manager Oscar Thal of the enm- mission said, however. that due to ttw fact bu, product‘on schedules at \hI'IOIIS plants an filled up until next fall or early nrxl war. the commission may decide to not pur- chase any b25535 for the “me being. Manaurr That said. however. that immediately any of the city's pres- ort “rnlhmw stock" requires a paint Joh. it will he drno m the colour prcsrrihrd by tho transit bureau. Tuximan Arrested o" Gaming Count Church Appraciales f Fireman’s Work, So ; Vote $50 To Fund The chief constable said poflee ttirtd, Imps And nan; 'tmite' h when it visited Ottawa 5/0773ng Hm! l'nnslahlr Jrhn Huck mid a raid hm Saturday rmullt‘d m thr arrcst of Aaron Gmgtrich. taxi oprratrt on a rhargr rd running a Common 1tottine house l'hlrf Hicks' and thr raid was nm-nmplnshrd hy Deputy-Chief Harvry Grass". Inspector James Blevins Dotocuvo-Sorgeant Alex. Powell and Constable Leo Reinhart Two found-inc wore aim charged. hr said, was "one of the steps being taken by the epartment of munitions and 'lat, and the department of labor to prevent unemployment of Twin Ci_ty tybber workers,” 7 "The order, I have been assured. is the direct result of the repre- “nation made by the delegation trom Kitchener city council and board of trade to the federal gm- ernment recently." Mr. Breithaupt toidte Crtonitie. Mr. _Breithaupt L. o. Breithaupt, ILP. tor North Waterloo, revealed this week Kitch- ener ttrms have received 'r' outlet Mr. mammal said the order will meet three Kitchener rubber factories. hiked m the' ixiint%At Wc’iiy' coyneiV b.oa.rd. oruade _deiegatiyis tor Mt, pain of“ may.» 2utru'e. He said the order Railway Freight Traffic Increase. 8ighir Boot C?1T';§3.W‘TI_'¥_W_: it? trl'y'lig,'.krttl"it tl"t"it)tWh',ft Order To a, "ll, 'AYIILOO (M) CHRONICLE _ Following the ceremony a recep- lion was arranged at the home of sthe bride's parents, where the guests were received by the bridal icouplc, the mother of the bride in 1a navy blue redingote ensemble over figured crepe and the mother of the bridegroom in a black tri- ple sheer. Both wore corsages of red roses. The bride's table - centred with wedding cake and candles. i Won. their return from Toronto Major Jenkins. who is acting as commanding officer of the unit, said it wilt remain in Kitchener until some time next week, then probably go to a training centre elsewhere. He said he has instruct- ed members of the regiment to n-lain their present billets until next week Major Jenkins said TCCI'UIllng by the unit concluded Saturday. Hard at work to allevmm the Tuesday at suffmtm; at the Polish refugees and Church was soldiers is the Women's Auyirey Rev, A. L. of the Polish Veteran‘s organization Serum. and of Sacred Heart Church. When the ttmu Went work they have on hand IS "Wm and by N oleted. the women will have $1.000 Mrs. B. T Bo: worth of goods to. meet the next Peace", wa: ergrlzency that arises. Mrs Schmi, rubber amraui MJLLBANK.---Corpora1 George, Anderson died in the Queen Alex- _ andra Hospital, London, on Wed-: nesday, April 15th, following an} illness of six months The de-l ceased was born in Scotland. In; September, 1940, he was married, to Margaret Nicklin of Millbank,‘ who survives along with two sisJ ters in Brockville. 3 Funeral service is being held in; gondon on Friday, April 17th, IL p.m. l Fusiliers Wont Go To No. 10 Camp , Although it was announced re- cently that members of the Scots Fusiliers of Canada (active) would lake two months' basic training at Knollwood Training Centre, at Kitchener. Major L. C. H. Jenkins said today orders have been changed. _ A - Women Work Hard In Effort To hid Polish The women have at present hr.. tween $500 and $600 worth of ma- terial which they are working on 'or refugees. Every Thursday night 25 women work in the school room of the church sewing and " work in their own homes. Thev are working now on 400 yards of ma- terial to be made into drosses. Hospital Patients' Record Still High in]! "e, A bingo sponsored by the organi- ration recently raised their funds by $159.50, and they received a donation of $100 from a friend. Although the number of patients cared for at Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital in March was greater than last year, it dropped from the peak " 3.43R m February to 3:158. Last v'"er.Aereh patient days totallrd Four Kitrhrnor locals of tho "nitod Rubber Workers of Amrrica *m-r , Mod unanimously to supoort h: Dmmmmn campaign to cotVct or, "no tons of scrap rubber, The campaign is being orzamzod at thr suggestion of a Kitchener 1m council and board of trade Holognhon which recently conferred with Munitions Minister Hows, and Labor Minister Mitrholl rounding the labor gituntion in Kitchener, *m-r ‘Mod unanimously to supoort Beam“ lis " "' tlu lr _ h: Dmmmwn campaign to rotVct Mazdalonv SthwaH/v ”m- " t' . _ Or, Mm tons of scrap rubber, song, Hrrhrrt “f "iii) rltrtr A" The campaign is being orzamzod Clayton of b'mruth I tttrrt ""t' at the suggestion of a Kitchener three daughtcr, M" l' () It. , 'm ("until and board of trade trudm Hornvr at hon" Mr, NM Holognhon which recentlyconferred man (Ida) Gascho of WHN'HU with Munitions Minister Howe and ttnd Mrs Rruhrn HUI“) p, (li) , Labor Minister Mitchel! mgarding of Potorsburg survno T icy «Mu» the labor situation in Kitchener. Mrs Aaron Wagler at P,aVn Citlt' H. Karterhner, president of local Katie of St Agatha also <ur\ th, M, said othor trade unions through. A brother, Chrmnan, and a no“! out Cannda are being contacted Mrs, Jacob Schwartzrntrut,rr m. ' tnA urged gen-ion: the any tavern! years ago Thcrr in ', -------------, A daughter of the late Mr, and . Mrs. George Wray, she was born sold. ll b d f on Concession 13. Wellesiey Town er as " o ship. She was married in 1902 and . . . lived in Mornington Township un- lfiilllmh ilirl D til five years ago when she and her les husband retired and camo to live ; c, Marys Hospital. an m- "n-asc of 54 patients over March of last year. was reported. U.RAF.A. Locals Endorse Campaign Miss Ellen Kellerman, in blue marquisene and carrying a cascade bouquet of pink rows and pink sweet peas, attended the bride. The duties of junior bridesmaid were rformed by Miss Ruth tgut'.' sister at the bride, who wore a gown of pink marquisette and carried a nosegay of pink "was aim. wees pm, Mr. Leland Schweitzer ot Wa- terloo was best man. Mean. Ro- bert Ferrell. Clifford Turel and Donald Sanders of Waterloo were the ushers. White unanimous. white stocks. palms. ferns and candles decorated the altar. my”; tgt ,'f,t."efr"t, sister of ti groom, " e organ, played the wedding music and an. other sister, Min Lottie Kellerman, an; "The lord': Prager", by In- Wearing a doorman gown ' J. P. VtutdeWtrterttas been ap' white he. vim tip veil and inted secretary ot the K-W Col- earring u haunt at mine Board, it was revealed to- white "team and white an» day, Atremployee ot a Kitchener “an. In Umhoeh, ',tttt: brokerage firm, Mr. Van de Water ter ot Mr. and In Herbert m- succeeds Harry W, D Brown, but, King street north, Waterloo, whose retirement became neces- Sntunby than}!!! became the my because of serious illness. Mr, bride Mr. Dwight . Kellermnn. Brown had been a member of the Jon of Rev. Dr. and In. E A. Kel- teaching stall and secretary of the lemon. Cedar street west, Wotan board for 35 years. loo. The ceremony was performed The board, in makmg the ap- at Equyanuet Eyongelécal Chuteh ppintrntnA, commended the ser- u no Fm., the Tuba ot the white 'pa"gltlttg,', white cunn- timl]. Dumas?- terotMr.andMmHerheet m- baeh,Kingatreetnorth,Waterioo, 5-er um became the bride Mr.DwightRKelieeman. aonotRev.Dr.ttndMm$A.Keb. (By Chronicle Correspondent) (lillieiates As i Surviving are her husband and ‘one son, Frank. Two brothers. Dr. 2 S. Wray. Lethbridge. Alberta. land Bert Wray, Millbank. one sits- "er, Mrs. William McNabb. Rock- }ugood. and one grandson also sur- vwe. Surviving are: her husband. om- daughter, Edith tMrs Stunlvy Wurm) of Detroit, Mich, thre F sons, Elwood of Windsor. Garfield of New Dundee and Clitrord m Kitchener: three gl’zlndwm 'r't'rl two brothers. Guorttc (51,-: lr: Sum toga, Wyoming and Band Graf at Kitchener, NEW DUNDEE.--Death chum-d a highly respected citizen of the village when Mrs. Norman Wvbor passed away at her home on Sat, urday evening after a brief illness. The late Mrs. Weber was born in Wilmot Township on Aug, 31. 1875, the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. David Graf and was 1:1 her 67th year. In 1899 she WiLs married to Norman Wehrr and ha» resided in the village 517100 that time. The deceased was a member of St. James Lutheran Church and took a very active part in the work of the church and the Ladies' Aid. She was also a very enthusiastic Red Cross worker. grandchildren The funeral will be hold toda; (Friday afternoon) at two o'clock from the late residence with Rev. C. S. Jones of Millbank United Church in charge Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Mil- The funeral of the late Mrs Nor man Weber which was held or Tuesday at St. Jamr-s “mam Church was very largely any: Rev. A, L. Cunrad rumirvlm sorncu and " 'ocul Clam S llmc Wem Umlvr>lan 1". u .< derrd by Mrs. Jack Svim‘ldv Mrs. B. Boshart "Tlu- Vail Peace". was also Ftt.'lt? M Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. [lmhurl Hubert Greulich and thr Y Rudcne Toman and Audi. l I die. The pallbc:trcr, V .‘ro- "th" .. phcws of the dwemul, “and" Edgar Yanko and Jammy Gulf Ir Waterloo. Norman Grid, Lou, Graf and Carlton Kratz of Rum enor and Walter Bechthold of Ba Among those from ,' '1‘ who attertucd the “Hurt! Mr and Mrs. Sianloy Worm I tron, Mich, Mr and Mr, ! Weber and son, Nrrrmaw li Mrs. J. McCullough H E, t and H. Guppy ot Wlm'im'f Joseph Graf of Camp Bur tr; many other n-anvs 1mm ener. Waterloo Badvn um I burn Ho was 5mm at lit Arm Hm farmed for 36 years pnm to Mb t tirement two ymrs user» Mr ‘\J' member of thr, Amish Mr-nnnnv' Church Mrs. Tanner was a member of the Millbank United Church, a member of the Women's Mission- ary Society, the Women's Associa- tion and the Millbank Women's In- stitute. jimsit New don. Flower bcarers were Miss Ruth Rtuyffcr of Waterloo. Mrss Doris Bowman of Pup» um Mc.: Rudorw Toman and Miss Audrey Egerder. and inlornur' A'tes Mud. in the New Dundvr l'mun (Hm. tery. MILLBANK.---A stroke sultered two weeks ago proved fatal Tues, day night to Mrs. Alfred E, (Fan- hie) Tanner at her home m Mill, bapK. She was ft ye_ars oA1. in Minbank John R. Lihillor BADFN-,lohn R Lm‘uhr I) I’etershurg mod from a hrart u! Nick at his homo Snumlnx murv mg: He waq 70 years old Surviving are four sons, John of Heidelberg, Albert of Flint, Mich.. Roy of Madison, Wis., and Vernon of Waterloo, and 17 grandchildren Her husband, Jacob Wolfe, prede- ceased her nine years ago, One son, Percy, and one daughter, Mrs. Joseph Handy. also prcdtaccascd --""-m, 7"""' .?f." ......, .......... HA. husband survives along Ro of Madison, Wis., and Vernon . , , of {Waterloo and 17 grandchildren Wm t"eteyt, .lames of the "x, Her husband Jacob Wolfe. prede- cta,n.t Man"? and John of t e ceased her nine years ago, One BL A F, Halifax, and one daugh- son, Percy, and one daughter. Mrs. ter, Mrs, l. TYussler of Waterloo. Jose h Handy also prm‘lcwsrd le lather, John R. Summerhayes h P T ot Brantford, five brothers. George 'unerat will take place today tiuuutncrhayes, Brantford; Roy of (Friday) at 2.30 p.m. from the Let- 93":“M’3 .yeu,vgigr.ia,c1 P6"; ter and Dreisinger Funeral Home 'f'.', cc, " Gl uran P 1c ., an Waterloo with interment in Mount , V” y of Alford J.uncupy.and one Hope Celnetery. Canon R. J Se- Y,""', Mrs. Charles Robinson of ton-Adamson will ofrieiate 1‘” onto. als? suerve. ' lhe remains are mugs atf It l.- .d and Brown rooms, rant or ' Mm. Alfred Tm” '.' (tl Friday when services will be M1LLBANK.--A stroke sutrered :u‘fd m the chapel. Interment will two weeks ago proved fatal Tues. m made in Mount Hope Cemetery. det Lt'yrht to Mrs. Alfred E T..NY fP.anttord Mrs. M": Wolf. lil for a year, Mrs, Plumb-4h Wolfe, 76, of King street north, Waterloo, died Tuesday evening. Born in England. she came to Can- ada when she was 12 years old. vices of MissrFiorence Wright who has been acting-secretary for sev- eral months. Miss Wright is a member of the teaching Stan. She has been granted an honorarium for her extra services. Secretary To High School Body [By Chronidr Corre-trnde Mn. Norman Weber 1 “us mm! 'mnn C: m. .', 'Intzm‘ an r u! nu 'se Hun-1 hf IN Mr; I , x 'rl Muir-rm attended M ISPA‘ y lip , lit ti, Rpm.” n in be Cemetery NEW HAMBURG.-word has Henry K. Doerbecker, 62. died Non received here of the death of Saturday morning at his home at Mr d E Allan at Seattle, Wash. Erbsville from the effects of a pa- The deceased was a former bank ralytlc stroke suffered ten days manager here and left for Seattle ttgo. He was born in Wellesley 12w _ than 40 years ago. He has township. He lived practically all “up ”mm-r living in Chicago and of his life on the farm on which yr', >l-9.“X‘ m Denver, Col, he died. m “g ; ttCrt married. Surviving are his wife, one NEW HAMBURG-The death of A :vrmvr resident of New Ham- Ivn; Mr. Louis Pieper, occurred ot Surmz: on Fridav, Aoril 3rd. at the age of 80 years. Mr. Pieper Wy; .u; \xprrt f-lt maker, while r, lu- Cir' “as secretary of Trinity Lutheran Church. The family mm ed to Sarnia 26 years ago. Be- .xm-zx Ins widow the deceased is it an at Mr, and Mrs, Alex Grant of Waterloo, "iurvtving are ms parents, one M‘ulfnl. qunm of Waterloo. and 11.tc_ “Au-s. Mrs. Fred Kuehl. hi'cixrml. Mrs. George Hagen, kirchciur. and Miss Daisy Grant " Waterloo, - Tim {um-ml prill be held from R'; R.m;-Bcchtel Funeral Home at three o'clock today (Friday! with l l C M. Keen of the Benton Street Baptist Church officiating. mrvuvd by one daughter. Mrs. F. A, Kraus. Sarnia and one son, Wil- l'. m: , '. Stratford. Edytln Grant Edna: (Teddy) Grant, " Glas- gow street, Kitchener, died at K- w ”(unpaid Tuesday night follow- Int; " lunglhy illness He we: 24 ycm's old, Hr was a driver for the Raitar Transport Company prior to his xllncss. yy. was tyTr? at fit. Ge_orge. Mn. Gordon W. Baum. my Chronicle Corrumndeatl Mrs, Gordon W. Smellie of SHAKESPEARE.-games Edward Brantford. formerly of 154 Church Trachsell. formerly of Shakespeare. street, Kitchener, passed away at died at his home in Gait on Sunday the K-W Hospital on Tuesday af- morning at the age of " years. Mr. ternoon m her 50th year, after an Trachsell had been ill for six Illness of tiiX weeks. She was the weeks. Death was due to a heart daughter of John R. and Anne condition. Mr. Trac'nsell was born Summerhayes. Brantford. She had in Shakespeare. He had also re- been u resident of Kitchener tor sided in Wellesley and Hicksnn and tire years. in the United States. He had been Surviving are: one son, Herman Gaga at Kitchener; two dawn- ters, Violet (Mrs. Chrence is- mert of Strasburg and Vera Gei- ger of Toronto- seven grandchil- den; one sister, Mm. Knarr of New Dundee; and three brothers, Dan- tel and Jacob Quehl of Tavistock we David Quehl of Eastwood. One son Lincoln passed away at the age of tour year; NEW bu-There pun-a tway tstthehomeofttersister, In Ephraim Km on Sunday afternoon, a former resident at the district in the person of In Emma Quehl Geiger Hanlre, W1- dou of the late August Hanke in her 67th year The deceased was born in North Easthope. a dauzhv ter of the late Mr. and In. Philip Quehl, She was married to Memo Getecr m 1900 and resided at Wil- mot Centre later moving to a farm at Pine Hill where her husband died m 1924. In 1929 she was mar- med to August Hanke who prede- vcugm her In 1937. Since Decem- Der of last year she made her home wtth her sister, Mes. Knur. She was of the Baptist faith. 10' Krrte \I " WENTWORTH RADIO & AUTO SUPPLY Co \ ' Kim; 'tt 0 You can get mote attraction ftr1essworkandattes.tmtifyou check your plans with Four cat Paint Dealer. In addition to the highest quality C-l-L Paints. he can mpply almost any kind of material for home repair or improvement. He has dozens of spemal aids and suggestions to law vou time and money and don betterioh, (It, _Lnrun'~ch Own-mu mama-m ‘_ uwjrw Alfred E. Allan Louis New WEICHEL HARDWARE l m neummivn') in Mount Hoffe ITD Live lip To Part "Or Edie" Russians Tell Nipponese KUIBYSHEV. Russia. __ Striking at what was called "blotmring" in J:1...-i:csc "military and Fascist cliques" about war in the north, SUVEQ'I Russia today observcd the tint .mnncrmry of llw running of thr Jupuruvux-Russian neutrality Pact by warning Tokyo to live up to all ramifications of the agreement. Surviving are his wife, one daughter. Mrs. Herbert Strebel of Erbsville, two grandchildren and one sister. Mrs. Conrad Heimpel of Waterloo. Besides the husband. one daugh- ter, Mrs. Clarence (Kathleen) Schmaltz of Walkenon, her mo- ther, Mrs Anthony O'Drowsky of Waterloo, one brother, Father O'Drowsky of St. Columban and two sisters. Mrs. George (Mary) Schwood of Stratford and Mrs Edward (Veronica) Schlosser and one sister. Mrs. Robert Morrow, died some years ago. She is survived by her husband, one son, Cpl. C. N, Powers. Dental Corps, Trenton: one daughter. June Elizabeth, Acton, and one sis- ter, Mrs. A. A. Sommerville. To- ronto. Mrs. G. N. (Anna Gracet Powers. of King street south, Waterloo. died suddenly at her late residence Monday night. Born at Garden Hill, Durham County. she was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Waterloo. Born at Guelph, she came to Kitchener several years ago. She resided at " Gordon Ave. She was a r..tysTyer pt St. Mary’s Church. Mrs. Anna Wanner, wife of Ed, win Wanner, died at St. Mary's Hospital Monday following a leng- thy illness. . Surviving are his wife, one son. Burnell Trarhsell at home, two daughtcrs. (Betty) Mrs. D. Miller. Call. and Merlyn at home; his step- mother. Mrs. Sarah Trachsell. St. Marys, and one sister, Mrs. John Stadelman of Shakespeare, Trachsell. formerly of Shakespeare. died at his home in Galt on Sunday morning at the age of " years. Mr. Truths?" had been ill for six weeks. Death was due to a heart condition. Mr. Trac'nsell was born in Shakespeare. He had also re- sided in Wellesley and Hicksnn and in the United States. He had been a resident of Cal} for three years. She was the former (Elan: E Giller, a daughter of the ate Mr and Mrs. Henry Giller. She was married in 1887, Her husband died three years ago, Surviving are one son. Leslie F Shantz of Kitchener and one bro- ther Elmer A, Gilier of Waterloo, A brother, Milton E. Cult-r, died sux year ago and a sister, Mrs, George M. Hahn, passed awag two years ago. In. Amos Shantz. 61 Hohner Avenue. Kitchener, dned Friday morning on her 75th birthday foV lowing a brief Illness, shall. formerly of Doon 1712783» employed at the Deon Twines Lisyites.t for a number of year» Surviving are one brake}, no- hen Marshall of St. Marys, and PPe liner. Mrs. Paul Worden of Ave. HEW-sum iad" 7' 7 HewasbomatDoon.nsono theiateMrand MrsWiiiuunMar James Edward Tran-hull Henry K. Doerbockor Below you our! to pummele- "ehowtherobwittrooh'mq thou-and dinner-l colour on.» lunatic-I . _ with the cat "" Colour Swim. Book. .. ("any pair-Md colour - "utrVaobrvi_rruth- m spar-n tmo-rea" In. Color overlay. or [mm in- vade.” We”. Mrs. Edwin Wanner Mrs. G. N. Powers PAGE THREE KITCHENER WATERLOO I) Kent ile visit. ot

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