Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Apr 1942, p. 10

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BICYCLES AND SPORTS Out. [In Ill Ilium WAN STROLLER - PRAM HEADQUARTERS TWIN CITY 1 WEICHEL? " King S. Famous Lloyd Folding Carriages stock In united. Off The Market Soon . . . . e McPHAllUS Only a part of this unpreced- ented volume of orders can be Med if we are to have anything left foe the campa and depots and air schools of our armed f----for the plants and ollioea of our war indus- tries. Already telephone materials are iitrieuit to obtain. Reserves are steadily diminishing.even though we are reconditioning and teasing every last piece of equipment that can be salvaged. Thoreau be only one answer: vat needs must get first-sallam 'r1ef.Pff..5". are in gutter de. mud than ever before-even greater than in 1941, an all-time my! year. By far the greater part of this demand is for residence RUBBER-TIRED Two-Roller Bearing COASTER WAGONS 20-inch front wheel. Best built Tricycle on Canadian market. WATERLOO 12.95 " 17.00 am MAIL - ROAD MASTER CANADIAN CLIP”! $3.85 " $10.95 VELOCIPEDES l " TELEPIOIE EXPIISIOI still available. but ilahhrTri, Dial 2-3101 not all types of instruments and services will be available. The Wartime Prices and Trade Board established by the Cover- nor-imCouncil under the War Measures Act, has directed an "'eo deal! such (Magma: maybe reqtuaitattoeoataerxreerttyemeUtt telephone plant and facilities." We realize that this will cause ""tconvesenee--perhapa even hard- ship. We shall need your help in working out wise and just solutions to the telephone probkms of your community. And we know that you will give it cheerfully, as still another necessary contribution to Vic-lay. "aw. supplieo. Even when no- ceasity demands new installations, (A 6'me A. J. ll. BRUCE "rt. Sam Rai, Gif DaT%ica' Wellesley visited with Chris Roth's on Monday. Miss Gladys Schmidt. returned home after spending the past three months in Kitchener. meeting follows: President, Mrs. Dickin; vice-president. Mrs. J. T. Barclay; 'eeretary-treasurer, Mrs. J. McCaig; assistant secretary- treasurer, Mn Harry Simeon: district director, Iers K. Da . l di- Misses Jessie Hammond and Grace Kells of Elmira were Mon. day visitors with John L Ham. mend. in Hammond has rented the farm two miles out of mm. recently vaented by Amos “chug. District Manager. Mrs. Albert Mundell of lands: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Md“: family of Millka visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson on Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Omer pghyqu. and Mrs. I, In. [one Mil. tumble m“) Mr. and Mrs. John Fannie and family of Kitchener and in Wed Anticknap of Atwood called at the home of Mrs. Foster. ' (continued m Page " now 10 rubber wot-her: unenmhtr Jedin_theeity,aninereaseoCituie l over last week. "Reports would lead you to be- lieve that labor conditions here are rosy. and white I don't believe in a panic, I would point out that 33 men have qett town. We don't want that," declared Aid. Alfred Muslin, labor member. I Ald. Muslin asserted that a great many more Kitchener men would be unemployed but for the fact other employees of rubber tae- tories are working shorter hours 50-min more par world A Simpson. rTTiia 32373. TERM "Minn” William Cowl: and In. Hubert punts. no men Loud: ai. Jotm," he suggested. T0 OPEN The chief magistrate said he war informed M)anager C. W. Boyer of the unemployment bureau could not secure 100 girls he needed In! "ttemployer. _ Rambler“ M‘m_m I sincerely hope that things will be brighter within a week or two." stated Mayor Joseph Meinzinger. "I am keeping in close touch with the situation." REPORT "PosaC, -: up could dram‘jon "m SEE US - When in need of New Shoes or Repairs - WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY u Rh: St. 8. ~ ._---s- -.-_ wamwo .. mm~ ------ (Continued trom Page " CRUSSHILL Edwin L. House M " - n l. ' k...)4 t ' b &.sl" and SHOP. STORE AND REPAIRING to New Hamburg, Sonic” Welt Annual. The services in all the churches Jacob and Dune Hellman of in New Hamburg on Enter an Mannheim spent Sand-y with Mr. were largely attended. and Mrs. Vernon Winner. Mr, Nichalos L. Roth menu, Rev. and In. Lorne Sehmitt Ind sold his farm to E. G. Human. Marianna of Mannheim visited on Manna Mrs; Roth intend to move gangs-y with Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Aircraftman Robert Lloyd of Kingston is spending a two weeks' furlough with his mother. Hts. E Grundenberger. He has Just com- pleted and successfully passed his examinations at Queen's Univer- sity. James Vandenbrock of the Bur- 'lllUT%l 1'lTl"'tterw"'gul'et ford Air Force Tyaining . Centre, bt' t sum“! teittr Mt and Mm visited his friends here an. week., £3: a Elude! , ' . h .He has completed his training-ind Mr. and Melvin and! “R9" teg', 'hrdggrtg,t"ti family of tu',,', tdr" but I . Kinnictztx L"',',',',.,,,,',',.",,",,",,' huh mnbn’ hid” with Mt and Mgt c. R.) Dr. H. M. Katamsmier has re- ceived his commission and left on Tuesday for "somewhere in Que- bee". Captain Kataenmier has re ceived an appointment in the Den- tal Corps o the Canadian Army. The local or aniaation at the Red Cross Sogety are already making plans (or the forthcoming appeal for nin million dollars to be made throughout Canada. New Hamburg has usually been very generous to the fund and will, no doubt, live up to the established reputation. 7 Dentist Caiied Quite a number at New Ham- burg pupils have enrolled in the recenuy organized Ontario Farm Service Force for which 40.000 pupils must be secured Many Pupils To Do Farm Work . " _ Waterways of Candi. ' vocal Brigade Responds solo was rendered by Miss Mar- guerite Veitch of The Plains and A tire alarm was heard on “There'll Always Be An England" Thursday last. The betgnde N- was by the audience. Mrs. sponded to and a small explosion Floyd layers conducted a sing- in the cook stove had tumbled the Mtettr. Mt Norman Raster thanked rtove pipes in the home ot Stanley Mt Bluey and " those who took Wegfert on Jacob street. No dam,.. part. in Ane program on helm: of age occurred outside of this smoke the gran . It was decided to hold and ugpset WWW“ od the kitch- Mlle though meetinl of the South Stove Pipes: Fall, Brigade Responds " “ng evening with a large attendance. 31310 Thepmeeedsweredonatedtottte Mrs. John F. Kataenmier cele- RedCross. Mrs. Lloyd Metamucil- brated the 80th anniversary“ her er acted as chairman for the meet- birthday on Saturday. Mrs. Katzding which opened by. mm “0 enmler has lived about 00 years in Canada". The main feature of the New Hamburg and is the only the program was a series ot moving ing charter member of the ladies? picture. given by Mr. Butrey of organization of Zion W Kitchener. who was introduced by Churehhere. Je.RobeetWuasierofThePtaink Eleanor Snider of Waterloo is spending the Easter vacation with her sister. Hrs. O. P. Rama and Mr. Bauman. and sons of Brandon! culled on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller The Evangelical Ladies’ Aid held l quiltieyrin_ttte basement of the chiirett. The Mennonite Sewing Circle met at the church Tuesday. to quilt and complete some clothing " re- lief work. met at the ttomiGidii-iirt Hut. _-.- $1935 for Red Cross wore, Wad. "ft ttstf2)tiijicrL,Ci2, as. m , visited Mr. and In. Noah Lichty, Sunday. . _ Mrs Norman Martin. ME and $35.th Bast. Lg): and 2l,fit o moh- were on v with Mr and Mm. ities',','.',',',',',,','. Anthony Arnold of Oshawa is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bow. ma_lg for a few weeks f1trbr Charter. Meliiber Eighty _ '1; Years Young excreta, “KM of G ' 5 children; 'ef.ttaitMp, “151mm Ziegler; recitation: by Doris Ging- tlt Minibar“: arm “nun. . Martin; vocal duet, "The Saviour for Me", Florence Ziegler and II- bel Martin; recitation, by George Weber, Edna Martin. cum Bau- man. Harold Barnum, Marie Zieg- ler; ladies' quartette, “It was for 'dt"' J2'gh"sie,ftu'veNei- " . anta, yrs oe- R ii, G . pending the ho. u rosz ttt s “days with her grandparents. Mr. "'g'd,thg,',2 Stroll, 4th of Pty, tty y er is spending a at days with friends It Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Koren. Mary, Lillian and Stanlev ot Peel visited Mr. and In. Walter Bahunan, may; - - - . sond by wheel. “in" W "ii"'iiie' ' pb"; tech q eA W”. s'i7ei'L'lgltlt'liditd “A. exo- AtFloradaleCIInrclI NEW HAMBURG “DEAD“ a“ Mrs." Wytet Snyéer 6! tend-E. nyggoJ-m , Aid Wiebei It. and In. Andrew Bean of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Bean. Miss Verna Hallmnn and Messrs. "eotr. and Hume Kuhn-n of hriuter Good_ ktti -oirfGriiaaiGg Giii spent Sunday with Mr. 1nd Mn Alvin Ignace. Mt and Mrs. Earl Einweehter, Shirley, Margaret, Sandra. Canon and New Einwechter and Miss Johan-sen, Jack; rtretdeis" _ the was“ It was decided to hold "tst man F meeting of the South iitrilGi'ii,' amen-3' Club at the IMtrm.theiny $.ietyytt 99 new» evenln; Aprll Nth. In. Harvey Holman of The Plum spoke brieftronthertedCt-V ing dam Sign Indies ot the sur- rounding lets. She stated that a quilting will be held at the Rosebonk School on Thursday. April 9th. All melodies are invit- ed to attend. Mrs. Floyd Myers inlso gave a reading. "The Man Be- hind The Plow". The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Mr. and Mm. C. R. Johanna: and Starting. Mt and Mrs John Hum- berger at Waterloo and Mr. Leon- ard Bechtel of Preston were recent visitor: with Mt and In. Owen Bechtel. Mr. Peorlous Knuth-n of Camp Borden. Mix; Irene Kurt of Pres- T%aisiutuiai, iiins. sum; iii.: gran. u'nuarenltom Overseas and Ea. Wins reels W9}? itioiirlr: Program Receipts (k 'ti) Red Cross 'ttxNENGooDCoMBWtOMLAtrTttEAaoMredueedtottsisamatt gt,g'Uttg 'f.rii,t"ii1'u'th"sht not mwhdozrl; . once. q mum lit-“mien (no "reedN,ttttedlines. Mather behind: belts, 'tmtttiss.hmeigittueetsiaeriMktn. Ptveinnavytiu,ig.t6, 66%r. Rigtstirteoioursurey,ruat-tan,andb_ U2,trlilfly,,i,,ll8, ms [OW PRICE PlGK-UPS Women’s Coats " llll In ROSEBANK for use in-h'ont-of sink: and spots that get a lot of wear. C? “In“... and lol/NIS': , _ 'hTa'littulLSttYsl,htaht Merchandise brought from all departments ot the store and marked down in price for quick mtteratlon . . . . also manufacturers' clearance items marked at low prices for prompt disposal. If you’re trying to make your money go a long way these day; keep a watchful eye, on the bargain: in the Scatter Goods Depot. Make a "detour" down through the King Street bargain hue- ment every time you are In the store. A-ttw-out-of- many special: quoted today: ‘ Cotton hose, ttne for economical 'round- the-hm/se wear. Sizes 9, 9%. 10. Just WOMEN’S HOSE In the Scatter Goods Betrtst at DoWNmTMEKmGtmatrrBAsEtaNr of UNION BUS TERMINAL - F. WESSON. Phone 2-4409 for the Air Force Barnum-@8103: SaveGasolene Ail-‘4‘ a Oqtetu6. ttt. WERNER il02l)i8i'S GOOD GLASSES Please travel at time: other than peak hours when factory and of- tice worker, have to be accommodated. SHOPPERS AND LRAVELLERS Suitable tor door ma shape. Just 2tht each. GRAS§ Il)'!,!., 29 u,ei2tht "FoMow The Safe Way" Say good-by to eye strain and fatigue forever with fitted glasses. You will know blessed relief from headaches. 25t ol.'." t.t'at.t you lob on. m In "on on lvcr. I I... m In" not lion). in. m rill H rt.ifLr,h"J'ift.',,TN",'la".1 For 7-: navel whim m In"... I. I “Math. In“ “I and 'r.: t,1TL.ttt'.tt W0 - on yo '3 o I I. - "a on}; L%rct . . Fa hm and iies.iGaa __. i Travel by Bus _ Fight tft STRAIN with GLASSES Iuion Pump. " III".- . "tmr,agrhtV $15 COAT SHOP queen St. "our "£3353

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