Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Mar 1942, p. 3

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.. Ptear,Mneet"t.t" Miss Carolyn gaelmef . Discusses ‘Staples, Flavor'mgs’ Cereals and tau are essential to healthful living". declared [at Carolyn Haehnel in her talk on Staple: and F1avorings", to the Waterloo nutrition classes at St. John's Lutheran Church here. Miss 11.".th tS a well known authority on nutrmnn Mus Haehnel said the avenue mu should include at least two servmgs a day of whole grain cer- rals Hr Vll‘mmn B tread. Breads and cumls. the most important t'nurgy foods. an mob in energy- gn'mg carbohydrates and proteins, she sand, Whole grains, rich in every value, are also tmod sources of iron and Vitamin Bl. In the eyent that fats are It Hmwd. Miss Haehnel gave t me- [had for “home rendering" of tats. The most rxpensn'e item on the kuchen lest but wry necessary for mnruv-mvmk value l "Cut tat into small bits, remove lean meat and melt," related the :‘p aker "To clarify, heat fat with a Jre oi potato until the vege- Izmir Lt brown and fat clear. Sham through (l Duper towel and ko up m a (“and cantainvr in a cool dry place." Miss Huehnvi said that to re- Hit-\‘r Hm iiuv,t from the fat, add a quart of wahr to each pound of Ln. funv pmunl ul' fat (quuls two (upsn. and hm! for an hour Then alum Cunt. emu “hull cold, tam- the CA off Nu um and wash. He- heat at " low tompcraturo until the watt'r hu, cumulolvlv boiled off Tre n .st'rvtt, and More. According to Mic, Hsihnv'e, these iitte; “an Iv u-xd [hr frying Tege- According to Mic, Hochnv'e, these iitte; “an Iv u“! [up frying Tege- lub‘n . Oitr,'[', L: It: cookies, Condi- uu-nb i'? . lustuy nuns and should r,.. mirth”, cd 1- AIW'I‘JH)’ for their gum! qualnv lJuUld is essential to In: pun-3m Lil (-u'vIuIIv for their gum! quulnv med is essential to the Imdy. rcnumlvd Miss Haohnel. In mzunlluning good health through 1111111 [murkhmw‘t " is necessary to drink six glasses of water daslr Joni, Que., renewed abquaimanrcs m mp village on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell and runs Calvin and Arnold of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Monno Minder Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Staften and Mr. James Staffen of Hamilton called on Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Minder on Sunday. Mrs. Carl Steppler entertained a group of ladies on Wednesday eve- mng. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schiedel and daughters Alice and Dorise. and Mrs. Roy Erh called on Mrs. Annie Hutchings and Miss Nancy Panna- halter. Hespclor: on_synd?v. __ _ Mrfand Mrs. Jacob Saudér called nu Mr. and Mrs. P. Stan. Arris. on Sunday, 7 - _ _ -- Sgt. Chm h s Richardson, R.C.A.F_,‘ Toronto. and L.A.C'. James Richard- son, Clinton. und Mrs. James Richardson, Kitchener, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richardson Mr. Maurlce Schaefer, Kitchener, and Mr. Wm Schaefer, Chester ram-d (2n that father. Mr. Fred Scharf, r. on Sunday. Tlu. Rum Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jpp Hager, Gunner Clifford Habermehl. Hamilton. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sander. Mr. Enoch Bowman has sold his farm to Mr. Lloyd Shantz of Waterloo. Rec. Oscar Burkholder of the Cressman Mennonite Church, spoke at tho Young Pmple's Fireside, at MI Help Make Canada Strong Get a Good Used Car! Flam Fritz, B.C.A.F., Monte Make Canada strong by getting a good used cart You'll tesw,ett accident risks-vote'" save gas and oil. Forbes' supply is unlimited. . . Come in today". Be Mrsu, an tirttirdet tChroniele Corn-vandal” Mttt DODGE. Heater. cit 1941 FORD, Heater, Radio, etc. MMO Dodge, "eater mm MERCURY, Heater I940 DeSOTO, Renter, Radio 1999 tiTrDEBAKER, Heat", Radio t939 PACKARD. Heater. Radian 1939 NASH. "eater 1938 HI‘DSON. Renter, Radio 193R NASH. Heater 1938 DODGE, Heater 193t 'iTUrtF.RAKER, Renter WIT" “I'M NEW BATTERY ANALYSl-le AND CHARGER RATTIRIIN‘ CHARGED IN TOUR CAR WWIILE YOU WAIT BRESLAr R. A. FORBES MOTORS I" " ater .\ SEDANS Dona: -t-m DESOTO SALES AND SERVICE KITCHENER Wiailier Industry Locates In Waterloo “Waterloo County's Lugosi Used Car Mutter Mayor W. D. Brill announced re- cently that Waterloo has acquired moths-r industry. The Canadian Tynnatormer Company has ac- quired the runner Valentine-Mar- tin Shoe Company dte', a the corner of Cedar and ecu street; Oscar Swanz. owner and man- ager. said the company will com- bine plants in Kitchener and New Dundee and ounces at Kitchener in the single new plant at Water- loo. It will employ about 85 men, he told The Chronicle. Cash Victim Leaves Hospital Kt'tCHENER.--Dr. w, Gillespie said today that Mrs. Earl Schmidt " of Weber St.. E., whose life Um: waved by Firemen James Hamill and Walter Scliarlach when her arm was gashed to the bone. lau- last weuk has been allowed to rt"Aarrt home from hospital. llrlpim: a nuighbm‘ to move, late l. ' «wk. Me,, Schmidt triooed 'rr A. \urv fence and tell on bro- k, 1 Maw Jars which she was car- rying. __ " "H tir. tirvmen had not been thon- ond had not known how to stop the ttow of blood, Mm. Schmidt would unquestionably have bled to death." stated Ur Gillespie. A _‘ A . Fortunately both Fireman Sehar latch and Fireman Hamill were in the attic of the home from which the injured woman was helping her neighbor move when the accr dent occurred. Both had only re- cently completed St, John's Am- bulance first aid courses and it 6:?" "Wr- first time they had been clued on to make practical me ot tntyr gaming. H _ . Dr. Gillespie said a muscle and a large artery in Mrs. Schmidt's arm was smug-d, and that more than I’O-s'ilchvs were reouired to close the wound. "This is a splendid example of the value of the boys' training." Fire Chief Ham Guerin declared today. "They take the St. John's Ambulance course and first aid work almost daily and all mem- bers of the department are com- netent. I'm very proud of the boys." Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmitt and sons. Fred and Stewart. attend- ed the funeral of the farmer's mother, Mrs. Harvey Schmitt. which was held from her residence at Sunnvside followed bv public sorvire at the Bethany Mennonite chyrch last Iuesder. _ -.. _ Attend Funeral -iirraiid' mamas; Battier and Donna spent last Sundav with Mr. 'm1|_ Mry. Llogd Ery at Wattr.ioy.. Mr. Ivan Battle? was called to Kitchener training camp lag week. "MirsirrEzra tieckiir spént Wednes- day with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Schreiber and family at Roseville, the Olivet Evangelical Church. KiehenCt on synfay_evening, ‘. -ijirsrEfizdijeik Snider srenvt the Eek-end at her home in B coming- e. WILLIAMSBURG 1941 DODGE. Reater MMI PLYMOUTH. Treater I940 DODGE, Heater IMO FORD, Heater 1939 CHEVROLET. Heater 1939 OLDSMOBILE. Heater I938 DODGE, Heater 193R HUDSON. Reater I938 DODGE 1937 CHEVROLET I937 FARGO I936 CHEVROLET 1936 FORD Pick Up " Mrs. Eu- Becker (Gimmick Corn-Donia!” COACHES TRUCKS Wants Women Trained For Civilian Defense KiTCHENEK--Mias Lillian E. guithgupt: 'E.eident of the Lou} Council of Women " a recent meeting, suggested the develop- ment of an educational prawn to enable Twin City women to learn the most approved methods ot tUhting Ares, air mid precautions facts concerning aiding a commun- ity {nun em_etgenc_v. and health u} the idea In. D. S Bowlby. war work Convener, asked for btricial intor- mation on the question at whether the Kitchener women were re- sponsible tor the knitted goods for the men of the corvette “Kitchen- er" for the duration at the war or Jutt, the Initial gimp. J a Sunday visitors With Mr. an" 'Mrs. Fnh. Knechtcl were Mr. and Mrs. Moses Bechtel and Clare of Eimdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Wiuiard iWitmer and ’Aleen of Rosebank. In: G. R. Heather announced that Mrs. Conant of Tomato will poms to Kitchener to speak on "TT, Women's Voluntary Service "I'm" the was-Mme serviee Dian of thrs M‘n'ncn of EnPland when is Tho Crumcil i< co-ooeratine with the Wartime Economy Nutrition Deoartment of the Red Cross in soonsoring a mass nutrition meet- in" to he addressed by Miss Nesta Hinton and Mrs. Allan S‘aventnn as part ot the Government's nutri- tion program. Ii“; b.4167; adooted in Canada and tho L'nilnd States. Miss Cheswrieht. convener of Miss Chcswright. cunvonvr immigration, was uu'hnri'e-d form a cnmmiw‘p for ths, study the question of immigration. Hold Quilting The United Brethren Women's Missionary Soriety held a quilting for the Red Cross at the home ot Mrs O. Bowman. The latter do- nated the top while Mrs. A. Rel- linger and Mrs. Charles Woetflt donated a finished quilt. The many friends of Verna» Bowman will he pleased to learn he is progressing favorably after 'gt, recent operation at his homr ere. “VC-éi'rli Hake}: bf Kitchener soen' the week-end at Walnut_height_s, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kurt, Reta and Clifford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rickert at Breslau. - - __ A _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Witzel and Jean were Sunday visitors with the Iattcr's parents at New Ham- burg. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. L. Hallman were Mr. and Mrs \Woslcy Hallman, Hespeler. Mrs. I. ;Eby and Audrey of Williamsburg, .and Mrs. Irvine thepk and Larry Mrs. Wesley Hallman of Hespeler snent several days with Mrs. L. Hallman, who is still confined to Iher bed. Mr. Homer B. Devin spent Sun- day with friends at Lorne Park, Port Credit. Miss Alice Milne of Preston spent the week-end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider and Kenneth motored to Toronto re- cegtly.4 _ __ ... n " “If-lg; S. S. Shane of New Dundee called on friends in this yicini2 Recent visitors with Mrs. Theo. Howald were Pte. Oscar Howald of London, Miss Myrtle Uttley of Kitchener and Misses Ruth and Laurine Howald, pt Freertoy3. . MMI DODGE "Luxury Liner", Heater - IMO DeSOT0 Custom. Beater, Radio IMO DODGE, Heater. Radio 1940 PLYMOUTH. Radio 1929 FORD MANNHEIM tcG"ttet. " “In Filth m Tile. Aeiribers approved COUPES 1’" 'ATIELOQ &) 1t.?.,U3.tt?1UL1.u, Dill 8-8487 'tadv-At Hespeler, March 19, to Mt and Mrs. Alfred Radke, a Wagter---At Baden, March 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wasler, a son. hotel-At St. Mary's Hospital, March 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Ft ank bagel. " Norman St., Waterloo, a daughter. _ Koehler-At St. Mary's Hospital, March 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd! Koehler, 234 King St., Waterloo“ a son. l Neteh--At St. Mary's Hospital, March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. San- ford Fletch, 1Citctt.tme..r., {sent , l fammar---At the K.-W. Hospital,“ March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex‘ i“ Hammar. Kitchener, a Liar-l er. Phmtsteel-At the K.-W. Hospital, March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Laur- ence Plumsteel. New Hamburg, a; daughter. . Jrbaett---At Hamilton, March 16, to' to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Urbach.l nee Evelyn Simpson. formerly of, Kitchener, a son. i. "simpsott---At the K.-W. Hospital, March 22. to Flying Instructor and Mrs. John F, Simpson, of Goderich. a daughter.. Yates-At the K.-W. Hospital, March 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack I Yates, Shantz Lane, 'a son. s'toetue---At Waterloo, March 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Stockie. a daughter. mtgtt---At Thamesford, March 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Hogg, Thamesford (nee Marion Fer- gusmn of Plattsville). a daugh- ter. Lehman-At St. Mary's Hospital, March 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lehman. Kitchener. a son. Gesinghaus--At St. Mary's Hos- pital, March 22, to Pte. and Mrs. Albert Gesinghaus, Kitchener, a son. Wiltze -- At the K.-W. Hospital, March 22, :0 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wiltze, Kitchener. a daughter. Harder-At the IC-W. Hospital, l March 23, to Mr. and Mrs. John Harder, Kitchener, a son. wagner-At Kitchener, March 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wag- ner, 75 Courtland Ave. East, a View of the enualwe on me owns Furngture more. on .01an street son. Matt-At Timmin S. March 16 ' M French E a , m Mr. quatorlal A l tplal'2,t Gordon Hall (formerly baby daughter. Inca and nor Bechtel aA. a daughter. Jrceccryyrd ttwnrhtrs I M: - St St. Mary's Hospital ilv are John Cr; 1'i b {If ITr fam- ' 1'i1rghedft f.' Mr. and Mrs Leo“. Agnes , tar cs, William and e e. Preston a . - I I 1Piriterer--At St IV , son. - - , . “HTS Hos . . 3 _ gage?! M, t? Mr. and Mrs. th) 1:; MILLBAgodenck Jack i B Ir erer, Kitchener, a daughter well kn K---Bodcrick Jack 67 I ttmtseho--At the K.-W . . own resident of M '. ' r March 24 . . Hospital ton townshi _ A Ormng. Bundsnh . to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmoi ly at iii," blip passed away Sudden. Ents-A o, Kitchener, a daughter sion of 'ii, “MO Ctrt tlr: I't't “lnr‘M- _ 25 [£16128§.aWMHospital,Marcfi day f,),ior1vnr'i,1'l'.i'"t'rtaor',', ttrwnship Fri- ; ' . n rs. David El . q g. arch 20. up 2, olt,"eTi.. f,'trcn//J:'2t'if"i a 50,3'5' 'Isa/ei",?, "Wick Tm (4.1133551; -.r.-- " .- P iii-tin. . Vnurn‘sl _ m of thr? _ L r',1ttt, 2h_to Mr. and Mrs. Albert il') arwt Mrs Hti'l i rk ~34 (ct, MM: ' ft"9/""i'i; a daughter. “43:21:": ),l"i/sTv" Y sidrc thc "rjiv, a}; l - . ary's os ital ‘0 1Aed. l lege", 2% toer. and Mrs. 1"lll'h' t,gho'i Me Mr, “a“ waq n mm riiiiiir- 'A"teslll.u'll dagghter. . ttr,,tQhe, ,Prtit,ytr,ia,t,1, Church in i FMarch 24, to Mr. 3:31 SMEOSXRaiI. to Cuttu m1. 2:31:13; Ity'icif'ir,l , arrell, Brid .". rlrt ldv , ri,, " "m 0 elk-s. M a son. geport Rd., Waterloo. slgs,,rs,wl.,1,',r,s1",,',1,v"r1"u1,"/,f with thrce r - . " . a , 3 . . l g, 31131:. 1, Wallenstcin, March Jack of we 'c,ld/y,',,iri,hj,"s"i..'0i,i"idirs'l ( 'iidhllr..' and Mrs. Menno Fry, a top11 Aircraftmm f',t'r,/'rr",,','i Jul: "siiiit"e"rT-Uht Stra ' " .jmnmg Pool. Toront‘ tford H . . Rorlrrick Ja . M, o, Pte. £1wa 16, to Mr. and Mrs?<[q::i,lj imil rs!,c,L,r',',,"tc/, LC")? Bordon l f: ismer,Windsor, former] I the Military H ( "'1" Jack of Kltchoncr a d yo AV .. ospital, To Diem h ' aughter. (YI' thr, M. “My.” r r9nto. 1 H t9.tr-.At, Stratford General John of Chathim I:;',".) 1s'itt Might l 3432me Myeh U, to Mr. and tich Cr _ 'P,"' [1441?!” of Bri- it, Francis Dietrich, South sion of i'L'/r'inl'C'r",it' uh 'Tn"'"": Ens ope, n ton. Mire: Benn Jack “f V(?“;:|Shlp and “a" W T A P. 1 L illiam Matheson of Ches- 3 Storey Bull” Furniture Building Rayner-Rosenberg" - March t7/ Edward (Ted) Rayner to Edna Rosenberg". both of Southamxy ton. Sharer-Carlo - March 17. Martin Louis Sharer " Firgus to Jrnn Mary Carlo rt Gurviph, Gingrich-Wilson - March 21. Aden _ Gingrich of Brcsiau in Vurlct Wilson of Owen Sound, Prreivtu-MInhe ---" March 21, Pic. Rosslyn L, Percival of Galt lo Mabel Minke of Russrll, Man Sthmidt "ht Badrn. Marvin Pt Idrc J B, 0. Schmidt, Bndrn, 8ovcors I [ Cotton Mt PlnHSVIHr. Mnrrh 19 ( [ Mrs. Mary G, lion, 81 )ran :1 Jack At Ncx1tor1. Mun h 2ft, Rmh I l n k Jack, 67 yours I. 'ttehtort--At Willr‘nhall. staftcrrt- _ shire, England. March 20, Mrs, J n Rushton, tnrmcrly of Kstrhrncr. a ”Jeers f' Bait Mt Plattsvdhs, March 22, J Archibald Baird tll years A. Dimer -- At St. Mary's Hrqrutal, g F'nreh 92, Leo Dimer. Petersburg, d " - d Births Marriages Deaths years. White-At Elora, March 21, James White, " years. . Pureetr--At St.. Mary's HossJitali March 22, W, Thomas Puree l, o Kitchener. Moyer-At Vineland, March 22, William H. Moyer. Btaek--At Kitchener, March 22, James A. thk. " Years, . MeTUvish - At North Easthope, March 21, John T. McTavish, 21 Bartman---At Gowanstown. March 21, George Bartman, M years. l Krueger-At the K.-W. Hospital, March M, George C. Krueger. 209 Hum-n tit.. MM: rum, 'm JCuiti. Radee-- At Kitchenrr. March M, Adolf Radke, 50 years. Kieswetter---At Waterloo, March 24, Mrs. Julianna Kicswettcr. 86 years. ANrotr-At BiantforfiL March 23, CHESTERFIELD-Mary S. Risk wife of Robert Woods died on Sat- urday at the home on the 9th con- cession of Beverly township. The deceased, who was in her 76th year, was born on the Wilmot- Blantford townline. She attended the Green's' School. Fifty-four years ago she was united in mar- riage to Robert Woods and their Mriy married life was spent in Elmo township near Listowcl, After purchasing the farm on the corner of the 14th concession of Blanlford and townline between that township and Blenheim, they, with their tluve sons, William, (tn'ur-‘c and Alvin rvmaincd hcre hr 17 ycr)rs Etiorc her marriage and during this period of resi- (knew, Mrs. Woods was engaged in the ciifVorent activities of Chester- field Church. _ . A...%.= '"""'"-"'r" ____ """’ t an...“ an"; v, -u.-. corncr of the 14th concession OtinEcsides his wife he is survived Blantford Ind townline _bety.reen',r.y five sons, FG. Norman and; thtt township and Blenheim, they. t.inil. No. 10 Basic Training Centre/ with thvir tluii sons, William, rand Harvey, Edgar and Melvin, all C'iotic' and Alvin rmnaincd hcre pt home; one daughgter, Louise. at; 1'"? IT .Wff‘ib l? mm her marriage ramp: seven brothers, Alphone and and during tlus period of resi- Ignatz of Kitchener. Edward, Wil- (lvrncw. Mrs. Woods was engaged in Ham and Linus of St. Agatha, Si- tho (TifVorent activities of Chester- men of Petersburg and Louis, Paris; field Church. 'r,",ate sisters. Mrs. Andrew Straus, Surviving are her husband and Eambcrg, Mrs. Michael Straus, St. two sisters, Margaret and Ella: and égagha, and Mrs. Joseph Ruth of a brother all of Vancouver. also a 'rurtttrt of Galt, three sons, four grandsons and one granddaughter, Mrs. McAlpmc who 13 attached to the Sudan Unitcd Missions in French Equatorial Africa and her baby daughter. WES. -ianiiivard Cook and Nnrk‘iur: SHUT Anny Jack of the Military Hospital. Toronto. Also thrm' 1rotlptr, "rul “'20 sistr‘r. John of Chatham. Ch.urlvs of Bri- tich (Trlunnlqfi Damn! 7m rune“- sion of Mornington township and Miss Bella Jack of Newton _ i "in: William Matheson of Ches- ley was in charge hurracui H,/.s burn in (hrmany n: 185'? H: a any " F31 nah: 'h HI "- n an with \\ h! m he camp to this truntry In 1518?. Thrv sr,ttlrd rn a farm mar (:mxanstown Mrs. Bart- man died II wan nu:- He was a ( Lttr ultatrplm l MM: dorms“! by m daughters. my chm-.14. Co-re-tents LISTOVJEL -- Cr CIA' Bar .n n .sudrvl', rf (I: 1titHcs'cu'n' qitv c, an w, Mary S. yroods It w Gauge Iurtrttt"t II vmr< no. He was a rt St Pam‘s Lutheran t “Milan H a" l Iup .nd. nu, two sons. William In l'ps ti Port KIL uhh rs, Mrs Allan "i,i"l; Mrs Frrd Mr rm lh w s pre- son {nad two " William Mr Barman? wn urin- hump of Sumrdnyl "Cn fur M 1m thrr (dmr ”not l Col Air Enlistments Cause '; Labor Shortage _ h Ontario Farms} Mas Furniture Expands; Third Floor ls Opened C.AS.F. enlistment: are respons- Ible to some extent tor the t,reut- est shortage of term, Iago! in .on- ti/s, history. E. I. McLoughry. agricultural representative tor Wa- Jul! county said recently. The Ontario situation a "very general" w- . mis county he sand. "There is a very serious short, me cu mrm labor An this county," stated Mr. Meloughry, who has inn completed an extensive sur- . AYR.--Word was received by his systers of the death in Vancouver um Sunday of George Fairgrieve, in his 71st_rear.. u BA A “W“ coynty. satd {WNW 1?ltl Until recently the third noor of ontario. situation ‘5 very general ithe block was used to store turni- "ru, viiis giiunty he said: [lure purchased by customers who 'There " tt very sepPus short]. did not want immediate delivery. ige or iarm labor m this county, indwever. with their ever-increas- gated. Mr. MeLoughry, who having business this additional space "ttt completed an extensive sur- Ities needed up selling purposes and A y _ F the storage was transferred to their . 'll' e agricultural r.eprtseretittPLurio Street store. e' also: that 175 students " K-Wi Completely remodelled (rem ‘ullwnte have already signiBed ttoor to ceiling. the third Boor at to Principal R. N. Merritt, their the Bullns Furniture is as attractive wire to assut county farmers " it is large. ‘li‘lq the coming summer. The New indirect lighting fixtures, number includes 100 boys and 75,Venetian blinds, drapes and wall iris. he said. s'4eeorations has transfprmed “the it is believed the girls will be as- ":rrttil to fruit farms as was the rs"AM? last year. Principal Merritt said the first o.udettts to go on "working vaca- tiunx" will leave the collegiate about April 17. All are expected to be placed by the end of June for the remainder of the summer. he stated. "Many farmers a year ago were reticent to accept young help but the majority of these students have now had one year's experience on Mr. Fairgrieve was the eldest} child of the late Thomas Fairgn‘eve end Annie Hard of this village. He was born in Guelph, but spent his; boyhood days in this village, where he attended school. He later went to New Hamburg. where he learned the trade ot vsatchmaker at P_equeg.nat's jewel- luy store. Mr. Fairgrieve proved tr be an outstanding artist in his rhnsen line of work and.a!ter leav- ing New Hamburg was employed at St. Marys, Toronto, Kitchener and Vancouver. _ _ . hf". Church, lu, Surviving an two daughters, I21 "rc H eruwr rf "amp!" and )r0- Mrs Alrx Braun of kitrhener. and two rvw grandson “m the. nee ldn I Lemke, died in 1941. Besides his wife, three sons and cue daughter, he is survived by three sisters and two brothers as follows: Albert and William, Van- couver; Miss Elizabeth Fairgrieve and Mrs. Henderson, Ayr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison, Galt. PETERSBURG-stricken, with a t 1y at his home in Zurich on Sunday. hcart mack following the death of --_-__ his brother, John, two weeks ago, Mrs. John 1!.ka Leo Dimer, 52, passed away at St. Charlotte Ann Cook, wife of John Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, Sunday Edward Cook, 46 Brighton Avenue. morning. IEhattttord, died Monday at the A son of the late Mr. and Mrs."home of her daughter, Mrs. A. M. lgnatz Dimer. he was Horn at St, Blake, l5981meon street, Kitchener. Agatha. April 26, 1889. Be attended Remains rested at her residence ‘SI. Agatha R.C. church and was a in Brantford until Thursday noon. \member of the Holy Name and Funeral service was held Thursday Swred Hoart Socioties. , afternoon at two o'clock at the l He maried Rosa Kieswetter at St. Berkett Funeral Home, Brantford, Agatha, June 8, 1915. with interment in Mount Hope , Pmsidps his wife. he is survived cemetery. I Mm. Isaac Cotton l puhq"TSViLLE.--The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Cotton. widow of the late Isaac Cotton. was held from the 129:: retidenw on Sun- day, March 22nd. Rev. G Kaiser of Plattsvme United Church of which lshe was a member, officiated. De- :ceased was a daughter of the late Hur. and Mrs. James Main. She was married in 1884 and she and her husband lived on their farm west of Washington. They retired to Plattsville in 1923 and Mr. Gof- ton's death occurred in 193th Elmira Archibald Baird l PLATTsviLLE.---The funeral of the late Archibald Baird. who passed away on Sunday was held I on Tuesday afternoon from his late rMidr-nce. Rov. H, Schade of New Dundee officiated. Mr. Baird was superintendent of the Baird Furni- ture Co., which opcrated here for a number of vonrs otad also of tho Hilborn Furniture Co, for several years. Mr. Baird was 82 years of age. Ho had been living retired for the past 10 years and had only been ill a short time Ho was a charter member of the Emma Chv'rrh at Plattsville and was In' terested m all its _artiviws Surviving is one son. Morris Gofton. on the home farm and two grandchildren. and two sisters. Elizabeth and Annie Maain. Platts. ville -grirTiviikG"e" his widow, Til- Finale“ and one son. Art, of Fort Erie Mm. Van-:- Sp-tan I NEW DUNDEE,-word has tynl rrtmivrsd horv of the, donih nf Mrs: k'Wr Snrcwmnn at Drumhrllcr. Al- h‘rta on March 10th The former Eliza Ann Hervey. a sister of Janna: Barney of this village. the Inte Mrs. Srxrormnn was in hrr R9th vnnr Stu, and hrr familv moved 'tw thr, Canadian Wost from horn nhmvi " vt'"'"; mm Tho funrml was held in the church of the Nrt- 'arenc on Fridav. March Nth with mvrrvwrnl bring in thr Didshury (‘anr‘ry Struckrn with " Ivan "ttner , F,t, M uw rU T'vrrdnv, Adolf Radko. Mk of 270 Mill “not, dirr' Fr turn a doctor mum he MUN! Drmasrd was a farm-MM Ho at- tr v (ind St Pctor's Lutheran By ”GHQ-Tuck coriopooeattt (Ilv chi-,,, u'lr uu- nun-purulent) Gtorge Fainting Leo Dimer AIM" Rndll' wrth " h! Anulhcr milestone m thc bun- nest, career ot Roy and Russ Bull” was reached recently when Kitch- encr's youngest bustness men open- ed another Boor of selling space at thou Juseph Street furniture estab- lishuwnl. With the opening ot this uddn'mn, the Bulbs concern on now claim Jo have one of the In}: and moat complete retail turni "stisbhsiutuutts in this part od Ontario. From a humble be inning seven years ago the Bulls: hmiture has continually expanded due to the foresight ot the two brothers who now enjoy an enviable reputation m the Canadian furniture t_rade. A New indirect lighting fixtures, Venetian blinds, drapes and wall decorations has transformed the ttuor to make attractive selling qugrteg. . . -, , h On Thursday and Friday. after- noon and evenings. an open house is being held by the firm. The pub- lie is cordially invited to come in and inspect the beautiful display of furniture, rugs, stoves, electrical appliances, etc. asserted, the farms and should prove doubly valuable this year." the principal George C. linen: The death occurred at the K.-W. Hospital on Wednesday of George C. Krueger, 209 Herbert street. Waterloo. The late Mr. Krueger, who was 'io years of age, was the second “Mast <on of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Kruger of Waterloo. He was oorn m h aterioo and lived there his entire life. - - _ _ He is survived by two brothers. W. J. Klueger and H. C. Krueger, and three sisters. Mrs. Charles Beyer. Mrs. Jacob Snider and Miss Emma Krueggr, ___ _ _ u _ The funeral will be held today (Friday) trom the Hunter and hotter tfuneral Home, with services at 2.30 o'clock. Interment will be made in the Waterloo Mount Hope cemetery. Rev. E. Intern-aim Funeral services for Rev E. Tuerkheim, Lutheran minister of Zurich, were held Wednesday at St. Ppter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. with interment in the adjoining cemeterv. - -- - -- -iiiaur. Tuerkheim died sudden- ly at his home in Zurich on Sunday. Christian numbers" (By Chronicle Correspondent) BADEN.--A well-known district farmer,- Christian Hunsberger, of the townline north of New Ham- burg. Baden. RR. 2. died Tuesday at the K.-W. Hospital. after a very brief illness due t9 q sitokeu, Deceased attended the Shane Mennonite Church. He was born Mav 4, 1865, on the tarm where he lived all his life until removed to thp_hoypital a. (my .day.s.ate: . He is survived by his three sis- ters, Lea, Hannah and Lavina, all of Baden; also by two nieces and one nephew, Edward Hunsberger. new residing on his uncle's home- stead. l John T. Mc'l'nvkh SHAKESPEARE.--" well known district farmer, John T. "Jack" Mc- Tavish. Ti, died Saturday at his home, Lot 24, concession 9 of North Easthope after an illness of three weeks. Deceased was a son of the late John McTavish and Christine Fraser McTavish and was born on the farm where he died. He was a regular attendant at the ‘Presby‘erian Church of North Easthope. . Surviving are his wife, Mary Emil Caron, one son Robert at home, one daughter, Isabel at home, and one sister, Miss Isabelle McTavish. North Easthope William ll. Mont William H. Muyt-r of Vineland died Sunday at the home of his mother m u'innipvgosis. Manitoba, where he was visiting. lie was 'yakcy ill suddvni). Mr. Mayer was he father or Mn. Kvnard Snider. RR No. 2, Knlchrm-r. His I' do prcdrsccased him 29 years ago and he Is survivcd by two daughters, Mrs, Aroli Shantz of C,.?.:";,?:.!,,", and Mrs. Snider. one Ion. Gordon ot Buftalo, one sister. .urs. Flank Sumncr. Vineland. and -rt 'tro"-": Abraham and Alva Mayer of Winnipegoss, Man. Fir ',t ') Rrandchttdren also survive William Ila-tel- PRESTON-A rosidvnt of this d‘strict for many years. William Hunter, husband of Elizabeth Zoo- hrick. diod in Trrnton, Mich., on Monday. Itorn at Speedsv'illv, up ...u..-..,. ...... ___ -r,,,, to Mr, HuyWr, attended Maple Grove Schopl ind lived at thr farm " I. B. Clemons for sumr yr‘ars, Hr “as also 6 mplnynd at Shantz Fnun- r'rv. Prawn, fur sumo yvars, In .815. ‘72:,wi Jcrar, ttic late Mr Hunter loft Preston " years ago Mn Julianna meswetter Mrs Julianna chswrtlrr. 130 Al In Strut K. Wahrlno, widow of Tr Ln Ktrxstvrttt r. dicd at St. Mary's hospital curly T 'sday morning «h “as 86 wan of HW'. Mrs. Kios- Mvurl, last survu'mp, mvmber ot In John Krortsch family, was born mT Bum!“ rg She was a member of St Lotus Church and thr. Christian Mothrrs Society _ She Is sun-won by one son. Simon l' Kteswettrt Kitchener, and by nwo grandsons Her husband died Mt you: no PAGE mu

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