Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Feb 1942, p. 2

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u-“MhmmM“”hh- ie-ttot-et-ca-wat-tt_+-lt-tru gtmtsoio-ee-e-rmo.t'ormre-h-sq.o-" ttetoott-to-ahotrtr.hat-rett'iraV" atth. -time,ttte-timsr.uehir.the1-r.ar-etheii-fgM" ro-seas-ire-ive-te-rot-at-who-de. ai.oaanded.e-atotreiiststtseti-tttltrem_mHe- sitgerc-ueterinttse---tto-dV 1 tueseratt.rstath-ehototareatret. orstrvesreeemimtnttrSrse. .mmmmmmawumuIb‘ -ttre-tserePrttetstCttseeetEefeyetret) c-n-tOtis-Stn-it-ttu-thet-ref-rl'; andtiseAirroeeet-sowttseNu-rMthe_ha- mmmum'smm “magnum strrtotttsis-egroetwhiehisanoreatttmatothe-U-_t isttse-uetotauesemooerbeineraisedttrthec_-r+ ttsr-ttaaa-nat-tsto-tmst-wi-ro-ot- tmtttgetqeeseemra1Bes 1ntttisaeeoesdNrietaerga-sg-iod,Can_a-irst-ems -ttrnitrnotmt1rtodotheirdtrtreoedutr_b'ttoo.er- sart-ett-stomaehnne-thatmrtauee-. "Whataneaoetbrnezttmtrroeooirt0ttttlu6t-Brr' Anedttoruiincottteesrn-ineh-eaantt_. mum States.it|eems.isbemloldbyoenainpeoplelhatCanabh-hau toldbyceruin people. tHrsctriiier'r. U "grereattroinetoend-ivatioetsttummbmatthiswar.Nar- weanmuwmmolonguukingumactmuyhdploutmdat Butwemovetttata1ioetasresolvehereandnowtohttutmt_ stonewaiiagainstaudoetrinairertex-istottmitirra-to-e "Ttsereisagntatttnwinatitheserehe-. lththuMwmklll tts-er-rs-incentive-ei-tttnorm-oe-der-d metre-ttrt-thee-ttiii-toh-tnoe-ter.... msestrouenowrouean't-birmaaemoreth-eiNda-r' inanronerear,thereissuretobea1-idownwhenrou'" rearhedrourquota. Tttat'sttumannature,ttighandtow.... otwage,sahry.income.promandeveryotherkmdotlmnchl restriction-and that will heme endof initiative and ineeotivetowx" hardinthiscountry. Itisaneconomiettiuerwhiehwmauiorethe was (or us. M'sburyil right nownndnevetdigilupmin." ThatisprecisetrthesortoftauwhiehtostsouthYorktottse Conservatives-the suggestion that the “money-making incentive” mun notbeeurttedinwartime.testpeopie"restmstheiroam." Haw wasreeieringtobusinessmenwhenhettsedthatphrase. Theron” Times-gournaihasarimiurideawithrespeettowoe_ It”: "Under the plan which freezes wages. workers are expected to work harder and more effectively without hope of any greater ttnaneial reward. In fact. with the grasped of higher taxation in the o4Brtg. workers' netineomesmarbeeven1essthantherhaeebeen. [thinned that this will not inituenee most people to give up anything lea than their best efforts; but others are likely to be inhuman! more by onion than by altruism. It is not man's nature to be pertect."' rrtuinaeednotmanunature_toberteretrbHu1esmtye wiittnetot-Msh.theUnitedNati-iUnotwinthi-. Why shouldn't men work harder without hope of greater Bnaneial reward wtserttheirhmnesandtivesandanttsedeeenciestowhiehthert- been accustomed depend upon it? The Star refuses to believe that the workman of Canada will "rest on their oars"--as we refused to believe that her businessmen would "rest on their oars"-heeause of limits set upon incomes. Of course. incomes may be "even less than they have been" because of taxation. That is the contribution which the tax- payermakestowardswinnin‘thewar. Andulongastheworkman feels that the rich are being taxed a vastly greater proportion of their That is the patriotic aspect of it; indeed the self-interest aspect of it, for workmen are well aware of the late which would be their: it Hitler were supreme on this continent. But there is a more immediate self-interest involved, for if war wages are not subject to restraint. prices cannot be ceilinged. and there ensues a race between rising was and rising prices. History shows that wages never overtake prices in Easter canes early this year, and the Canadian Post once Depart- ment advises that all Easter menus. greetings and parcel: to out Armed Forces in the United Kingdom Ihould be mailed VIM dehy. Honourable William P. unlock, ICC., Postmaster General, in In!“ that early Enter mailings be made the rule. points out that Easter man should be posted during the next week or ten days. The approach of Easter always greatly augments the volume of correspondence. parcels. em. and this year. especially. with increased numbers of our Forces overseas, the Easter mailings will be C0he- spondingly heavier igtgxtmeq--ttq indeed they Ge-he will hardly expect that none of the saegiflee should be borne by himself. a war-no; I)! that nature." It is not the advantage of the workers them- selves that limit: should be get.-Toronto Daily Star. When it is remembered that even in normal weeksthe Canadian Postal Corps at the Base Post OtBee, Ottawa, despatches approximately 300.000 letters. ".000 pounds of parcels and 30,000 pounds of new papers, etc.. the reason becomes apparent for the need of an ample- time margin to be given to avoid congestion or delay. Added to this are the well known wartime problems of providing shipping space. tranr-Attantie crossings. etc. Overseas, our men on Active Service. look forward with great ex. pectancy of the arrival of their Enter mail. and by posting now the public will help timely receipt and obviate the disappointment that might arise should their seasonable greetings and gifts not arrive by Eastertime. All mail should be correctly addressed and fully prepaid, and I “(an address given in every case. Parcels Ihould be properly packed. unwed and tied. with completed Customs Declaration mud. Ob- semnce of these rules will further help ensure "rival in time for Slogan for political leadcrs-MM2 model: Never offend anyone.1 Then you won't lore any votes and you'll still be in ofBee, or in I job. when the enemy landa.-Lmtiort Free Press. 1 - BUY VICTORY BONDS - 'I,, Canadians inclined Io crilinze us. authorities for careless burning. at the "Normandie" wilt note continued mum of Nazi prisoners) from Bowmunvllle tCommerci-l Intrllwnce Junrnhlth‘y at 17.5OI.I90 busheh a com- The second estimuo of the 1041- Kurd with 361248.770 Ind 25.771005 " min crop. mued by the, ushell, rye at 6,899.00 " Quinn Autumn Department of tttft; 8.364.314 and 10,180.”. Wis; 1d ture show: decreased yuan inlrvtret at 20,700 mm as Against " wbut out; barter, rye and ”M0543" Ind 10,238.!” tons Tho SmallerGrain Crops In Argentina “We wi, know it, we'll " be caught in an MtetAtotgnt1 - THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE I ,ttrqt-rd-rW-nrgh+ l .mbbmd- d nub S'eihtfir.'he=tttt.'h1'ede “Mu-7m. b0* ‘9“! '9'“...de "MONEY-MAKING INCENTIVE" AGAIN MAIL NOW FOR EASTER OVERSEAS -- BUY VICTORY BONDS - __ BUY VICTORY BONDS -- WWII“ "a..-.-'. "mar, "Ngttlat" " IO. DAVIDMIMW Own-Ind”! ' NOTE AND COMMENT - “‘1‘ Pym avenge of 253,345,433 busheb; lie? at 30319.50) n mint! :4.- ‘986575 and 47,481,938 bushels: bar- )‘loy at 17.59“” busheh as com- - Kurd with 36,238,770 Ind 25.771005 C; ushels, rye at 6,899.00 " W 1- 3.354.)” and 10,180,110 tnmheFAyt u compared with last season and the gnu? for the ftye year- Ler- " The aha! crop ls 35m It 127.- 788.000 bushels as again“ 200.431.- 000 bushels for 1040- I and the 'ste. I...” - mu 'n Mn.ldw.smmmlerhum ihome after spending a few any! at pforonto. el, Mr. Victor Gran of Acton and tmain Marcella Gran of Waterloo 'fiiGttthewee-tthefrhmne ' here. 7 Mr. E. C. Knoblauch. Mr. and “Mrs. Gordon Knoblauch spent .Saturdav at Kitchener. i; Mr. Cyril Msmer of Wnuxloo raven! the week-end .1 " home yr here. 1 Mr. Herbert In: b but; cu bun-Woven! I Irg"th','g Gnu-n went the finch-end at her tyne In Btmtftted. Ahab-I‘d“- -.qra.evrrsfithee .- ' d d “In " gre-th-i-tra-los ite, arauEaFrrittiu __ 2'qr.1'l,1ith'its)'iri,'itttit! - My M d It. -emsrikiwitdretot" btasiraemsgsfNereuitm.Xhettrqe melons-audits” we-tPitt-sq-tart, ambulances.” woman-SWAIW! an; an...“ - -iiaiiiatFiiGFG Gia.v'u%iiruiri-" " my prolonged. 1ggtagftj'rgattaid2ttl1'tcra"d m:.fywa.ldhl¢:lzlm%m“:¢mkn 1ig='22'd"tartt"alM'lt I - soeeehesofthesessimsoesTh- darwhmthedeattritttthq3a- use meme: on the welt coat. Mmmmlmh Canada. most of than “whim Britistscoiumbinwherett- we whatmuloaunn‘le-holdon trtae-deo-1sireorstrola, JareetrstpVet_Yqouroeridmttaf ‘eveonchpanaelooksptcttynudl ahettrerfeatmtdttis_dthat Atnnroett-.eyeett-ree Egiwc'fi‘mw' 5iiid,t, in It gseotecttheseereeroe lesion-o -ttsatnothistgearie-hxteit wttiehmigtfihinderotarwareMtset. Allan W. Neill. igstheg?eottept credibleslackneuonthepanolthe auttsoritieswina11owthesemento remain at 1ameandunha-rd. Thereisogeoi-methottrfrtthyt nuatbert-eidtrirwttts,our, mrxestoNtrtigainsCthetpmro' ttteeaneest_gustwtsegetheiine stsmudbedrawnbetweeettheit eounteymnnnn4the-hiatIqtr isthehtaestiorsfttrdeeirimorow. Maytoncemoreeprhqrta_ottto inveittormaruta-tipthtioer Btmawtitehmtasttseboqtstifwe aretoeatroeyirinetrrNramr MIN-1'! buy what'you can: (or yourself Arse, an; then _buy___a needloryounell. MegneggMteetttq "nart_tofbethrittrmeqtorethaq 1T,tie2ehh,ttiL",'htN"t artttieehqertome reek”! watehedAmerte-otdueBan0ir- "tees-dr-ttrr-with-r on: men in from of out w memoeu_itthmttodo1arMttR" 'irouiritirr" iasiltmt and an: tygt.tSth1'htLe',get't need for your-ell. 'te-tttee It 333% ___ 'In2"y&i11 tie mood that, roe'tt?etNstq Bow b19394 “Commons. I‘ve-tetanus!!! riattttohateruiaFree-hi"iet the man we much give every- thinxwec-npoaiblymm. wail “Tom” it, to. foe spent a day It “novel recent- y. “in MM Brenner has Manned toPrestoetafterrfewd-ther home here. Mr. Earl Kochet at Waterloo men! the week-end at his In. Mr. spent here. Mr. under Monet in under the doctor'l are. Mr. Clemens Luna of Linwood we"! a day recently In this loamy. William Summit! non of Simon Btemmier, h In the iii, Mnry's Bao- piul after underpin. tn mu!!- eitir operation on My. hnseed crop. however, with. m exception to am [ml than: with a yield estimated at “If!” bushel: as compared with “MM ttugh) to: M4! and 9mm bunt-oh toe the period mu: PM“! MrA1tretriauetaturttsis -rmr"lhi-- " In. V” um HESSON no IA . - one" a 'tthe, fY.P.U. Enjoy fHeigbing Party I ps'gt,g'tttg'S"r2= no _ttu"f"tgtrt,'t. but: iiiritiiihi,tiiSNrggt that!“ nth“ m,‘1b Mipt.ttit'r, -l 1"gt"iargt, ”in” LN,S'T,it,'ttg'= hum-(Hulk... human-“ti Adan-“aw” 'rgheWaetArtprefPtqyr'"- andMrwrtatrtsWardetff'tratiL were enrol gs 1thnyHr_visiyw with It. and ville-st-IA-tttttwer' Tittsher-tts.MtandV UnitedCtV Mr.EartMattmsqogtWctttt- ineswasawee%eod.iqitet.atthe mailmnndllnllam. "is0NexttttrGmrhaoeemed "Who The land” Topic ftieodrhtMamiltmL mtMoet4arrtight.ir6,_y+ home of Mt and In. W1 Bum.llr.'m,nouuedundhvl euaiioisoe?thtp+et,"Whorftt) Gon.titreeuieh. 112m Snow Cancels Farm Eorum Elfin ’W'W'm" ' I“ _ t "thehomeof .uldlltAl was...“ Ohio. Ruth Plank of West um. Ohm. “I. 'ur Ablrcchl. m 'drkg'.t," Cundtn. 2m" Mourt win Meg: . m students It the I’m can. Mr. and In. “no. M ttsd "tttily, and Mr Jon» Good at ,akihu iriiioiiiasi4 f Caas1i.tt? ty Township and county snow. low. have gone Irytttse min not; gm! 1tr1uUtCtg,l',,Tt'"""" on g,',regg,Ttt JS,1'l"'vtU,h' thin.“ "ziten're' Own-14 BrtenJtoth. Mr. and Mm. George Dalston and Dr. and Mn. Couch and dmmhter of Kincardine went a dnv It the Hm: of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wood. terarssrrrnLreyettiueres The Bethel YES. held a Mr. ti. J. Benn “W a an. SOUTH-WEST 'r-eq-BY-, II WillOwn 1m iiiiiittl" Aa-r-rl-rag-r-eil. at...“ j 2aerPatr..e1ehg'ut't, "-afo-8ieinr1& - 1‘.“ I. M I“. hr ”and...“ l 1"rhffsrdylrrat.--( 'eute1..t.ee.rtygye Ethan-tine”.- include-Mb“- l"rGra"i'r"ar"""tii'i"""G"a7ica= "utr-ter-be-g-tq-e '.Peorfeari-lrra.drBe mumumh‘d hunt.“ I.“ ietretaiieeMeiee-.- M. m¢~~a 'trf,'.Vgtl."g'a",ei,Tet',f, -. '.ighsd-dtmiriio _-thes-ttem. daily at radio. poked-Inna. .ea-diarse-gitrrtHtsaut. 2d'l'g'g,tt2"grvMMaT bah-watt: ".Etsesqratie-teSeseiItoeq.- magnum“ 'yeyA.-eoec-drmri.br m M m 'YV - 'tlulbdltttg, " "ru?l'gt?euei2tttIift,'g"ata't; - ------- ',2MtttMrtttlrvotrodsqCtootehetrt “than.“ MUG!“ gstiestireoetsrgtrot-re-ittib-turessroeMmtitimts.aof Hutu” mummmm‘mmmwm -__H ,fi - ,m, J __ W, -_ ”rahmmmam -tteiiimtrse ___ t'tTM.'Mgrg',,'p,"s'g and» and amazing at not the not: '8taotteerrraMesanaoerr.whemhe -startudtrrthe-Me-ear- -setrortttiemrse-oiie- 1isste-eqtotmd1et5tsytesethe, Scientific Note AlllllAh" Production 'Thirc-ndia-kernndthm-d.tihehi-t-r Iryr_emttanhfat - did: eetterear will!” 200 I month. according to elicit] esti-tea. Many CaasndigaonatuUrenieendr- netionin Ruin. Yetit-trustMnrtuetufkrseCmi- hnilt tank Ill-IN " the be. No wade: telephone lines." loudedwithcnlh: to "ertiemof-rnaterink and wentinlputn; to Government and army Mk; between plant (lop-mu; between eootueots. You can help clear the telephone - lot agent VII had-sea by adopting "WnetimeTele- phooe'rnetierr" . . . and by "rntioaing"the time 0 you spend in xu-ighl-ourly but mntinl tele- t phone taikn with (dentin. Remember ryout .; telephone " part of an budding system; th, needless delays on your line may hold up oa, manage- nn whieh urgent hartime imminent hett drproebc A“ 'e Clear Telephone Lines for In or Addttu-' 6081' OF LIVING BONUS W I“ m A.J.H.Bnal Gray Coach Lines A - CA!” For Your Next Outing CHARTER A COACH mnummmmmou ltWgtttMm - 'ahCgMrmrrlt - mom: bun “mating-8m!- -qhs-aemtafi"s. lac-win: t_rrtS.tr0t.-mteaerrrtatr -ehnbetr-orragterthrted-. un-w-bbhum -h.tt--imtr-'ie-_. -esarrmrrrhierr_tratruhr- ”has”. m- In "Hard-fir-nt-d-des- the Mtrt5ttrqf I. "hem. ”I - minimum-um» - d. '- the and“ his but“ We an. d Ari 1942. 'ar+ss'in-rtieatHre-Nht0atbsrr M-wwmmb I'm " "" “dunk“ wm‘dnpnyajn aaltehrAiareeghe0rdr.eres'nfHe., - mr-e-to-ras-k - ”Mich . ”Unite-Id "5m'iraefu.-r in Canab is the purchase at tse-vo-I/ite-el",

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