Actove Cattle Trade Name Chas. Jacebs ADUCTION SALE ADCTION SALE At Live Stock HRart Presadent Wimet =â€"=â€".s="zâ€"~.zwz=~*~ »z. zm uz. Turpule yourttag. Tul wE Tittk toword thr chone. se aciyts cwese chearei auerme tm at the werk‘s Veall gilees hhb tham. ans tugs sod :“ Sn lanits wese «#â€" mâ€"‘flfl with 2 fre tugs at o sdian digribeedh eridigy s 4 Hemws Erports h Smeaeateg = uie fhitk 6n Fanuute pesterioy. tust a e e ies onA w . Hile toowand the chone. -â€":"‘"'i""‘""h poged tm at the werk‘s Veall ____ wernng *hfl_fl-d CBiy Cmometes Curcompmurthcnct youuss cikl. o ooo oriery: segute Cootle tsade was actoue ‘_-ï¬_â€"""_“ma Duuit«. ar t TERRARSY FHEZETALKY Wwh f TYUESDAY, FERBRUAKY lith as 12 «ciochk Nesn w t i ie i We * Siemws Eerports on Sacemwicl ue k * M# 1 pm. sAuogp | _ @eylight Seving Tume» Turpate ypomertes. ut * oo Fag nNEansy. PEERCAUY 1 _':-“‘"â€"-""'b’::ï¬ Russes l Chirckhene it tomord th chone. -â€"‘ ‘-_m“ popeppap‘mg W‘ t secuue grod |_ _ #»ouns es cour shb come Buy griding 9 years cid. weight) 75 Leghorn yeaciings and puilew. Bege en Aupie pber 3o5 To Uer Vatey Beokk Im*Thas pumtem a ut 2s " A nomie o e foke on thuk meen meruw mds c us e Roand Hid t en ns m cilees twhaBb tham. avs tegs swb Ciks COnommete: Curcomepmeundsencs !:_;F-r_m'«_'-‘,"nh-fl.!'ï¬-d-:‘-hh:...,:_:":.;':‘.":.;,"‘._-mtm.uwmh;l 5 hus. Siberisn Prosso, 1% bus. =~ To lanis woe 4# y2Â¥ HAMBIMC â€"Tre WBHNuL wegrs cill lhmulfl'-l â€"'dl cuagty ?m.":.-:.?."":.z"‘m \wheat, 3 bus. oats, 200 bus. muzed mâ€"‘fl‘flmnï¬l-r:(zt'um’_ï¬#wflï¬-‘â€"“‘h & dtrougitious d Prowinee of Gsturie: j llYufl'-“:h-d:â€"-o; sate stt 2 > wb 'w oolare Te Poven» off tenther supmst fWecnthoneee 1 RBarneso «ithk s fre tLySs Z Ts Menturg on Seturitsp m--.â€"‘;â€"l-&*aiï¬.,:.u-'»hk-aâ€"â€"â€"-n:--fl:h‘“'â€"’u | ~ ® £ $025. qaucher steess anud h5 ; poed) atirmiome af cuenitbers _ myang 7 yours allil. umt Wiew Miumms Prinur. HB\ is morks Ghace =st ie Supermamne Nichiurry | neomew beapy harness remen c A ERBRHEL wih s ts u9s 2 _ Ts qmcsuiest cadinect the achâ€" câ€",_..a_.,_,â€".‘..‘.,«m-â€"-.-.fl‘-'_g:_‘ MB 6 . binder as | R ene ï¬m“‘m’xwmumwmmmwâ€"m Kiz . done hus . aexariy| *** u-*uhlm:& CaÂ¥tBe *‘m-m’bm,_un-_â€"\'m&afldm.-hflxâ€"'u-hmmna,--‘-‘{_“"".mh-‘“*-’"wnm 3 wailting _ Jersey led Thase up 1 NK anf imik & ED â€"tt» yrar 1%GD anid eogmemed ns muntis knel acam 3 cons bred 2% ger cont a--:;:-:-‘-"_-’lhâ€"amlâ€"'lgh-~$m m-:‘ %“' m SEKZB appreruitas «f the sheuted an csrty on June The attrers dyed fu M-Mflwmmâ€"mu:mflmmm hsa"hn.h o y on M‘““‘Mmdmm_ï¬ï¬Â»m-dmmflâ€"WMâ€MM‘“â€"M“"’""-"Wumh_""b-‘ wbl.mmmfl £5. with 2 frw» tigs at K570 anf yeoye «f Yew Haniturg umg wel: 3 Durtam hefers is you wl wont Roibtenms. ie IBmath . cuitivatur, 3 mm,lh,,:â€â€˜m.' e i Iny. cammwos Igus s‘limg dovwusar‘ Cai Ronatiors «# KB e Aumcdt 3 ralues muimg I yourr alkf" nâ€".-mfl-,u“-h‘{,_':':;“’"-"aâ€"‘*m ploe _ with _ beet _ lifter.| Muzxhom cow bred Aug ;_- so SE Te dmasuper‘s segart showed (Deurtioms) 2 cuves 5 muntfis cil ticck Pewhtesor bames 4# and 5 â€"Ofuet Sioe on artke st Be T COr busgy: democvat, trailer with stock cow bred Aug 19 n':_.. Shery aramded % 4M cadt daonsgtwas af $DM. geeis U cÂ¥ 3 mouts cii. Daertorm buil years cld. woughtt T00 TBx. gund!] »tuoib us tthew turdbr a cortified chous on Tark,. cutter. sizigh. grooe! plunits| proc 7. Durham cow bred :memflun-‘.mflm!"fl BDurtiory tail) $ ruanttte workers _ Alls . CHAMJHIT | DW ty e ooge of dhe Ahmocrepie e Mamewse 1 *2@n%; wagian box -'u-'l(kl. &m_u. bred Nov. 38 caf ?4. mâ€"-l'q‘wlflflh % w’xdmï¬ï¬:ï¬â€œ\.;m-r.‘-p_“‘fl_nfll: MB m'lua‘tlmdg_‘.‘. â€" cemennt c «ow fusd! chbqh†_ Ne -._y_ enrtesiname . "<fAf w_l‘--‘_-;“ 'ï¬-#fl-, 7‘--‘,:71-“ :*‘MMM all TB tested. Lineâ€"weigito â€"Ctartrar. . £10#0 ® Dressecweigin â€"Brantioro . £}4 â€" 30 plw tamsportatior Hamiltor. r §1$ ovimovc Hul 5430 pus ... trammpem iss ioT Htratiorg | $544D .. . a# fhye centts apiece. cartots stwlf at fiwve cents a guar or 30 cents io as quarts and berts were the sam+ prie. Cotinages rangec jrom fiue 40 1B certt: 2 head. Putauws Tang=C _ Spansib omors sulf at frve_roms â€"act or theee for 1D cents Garlic. m:m; oat â€" ather â€" barorâ€"tug ~Pas . »al markets reportmg ®eâ€"stercar * slon cCn non â€"â€" Poultrv and Eeps pius | tramaportatiot Dresseqoweigm hugs wor up 1i» «mt it Hamilior and prics wore Kn 1 Canadome Natsonal Rys. Tune T able Changes Full information from agents PIFFELO LIÂ¥VZ SBSCK * W K Tr I metrs am Pot B5 ero Og2nt ie spe atroms . qutmtenaums terts te®et oT Citsmp saet Commmry Geaem | am_ qunfted oT prauc »fm orses trso @llimea=t i+ Toromr Key, Aigmimig IHNC AMU HBSXTC mscc qram. 3D ms fet «ts T â€"â€"â€"turger. 1% miks urtheest foms stuk. inplements fraf ani ny dine drmâ€"uom af dnesttorck Y ns Grafls: ctomt T7 ims. mavr of Poeston. % amik aff the Mighe2®. fumature. i a uaud c ceutre af @trrartmm oo chant 2PD inss turmg» sheut â€"v~ the mac sdmg to Wemunael Feh. 2. Thursiey. 1 prmâ€"Aurâ€" Trme e featurs ef NC namâ€" y fesr slinupgs an 2P fto slln Tower. thiom sile foor Joim Everatt om the u. ramonc‘t mfimg sut cuWIcd) . Mieemettaitt Eifertsâ€"Deniw kiu‘h _ Fob Pn Weinesies. t 1 pumâ€" *om sgtuated on CA# lime of Welâ€" venirte fomest suopult ie 2noMr o+ «+ ov Audng Wiftftet m,mmumwmï¬,_nmfldw ag»c anc tuemiel as thew * Anfifi twhik ount 6 leatter seaqnt «f omb fesic ie for ville. of Iussturlt,. implements, feed nutnandimg atramioms Gepgr Z marsâ€"e sol Austt ces mtft Rtarley Surerus. ® mies sauth of anf frmture: | Lamz. drecurs if trids af apeet wtaie fmsit lR tew it stoee Gaelgit. %> cmik taorto af Wms Fein. .. Fmfoy.. 2 prmâ€"Auction io nattes noutes. saif fhey wer "Yike rew IDeFionscConsiew tatim. fton. on Rugiegy Sn 6. sale fior Waier Brit. on the famp tre best suer deic it tre Hair Tike nevâ€" Beatty eorgger tuib wasther _ Feh. 26. Tiursites. at 2BD annâ€" situated 2 mmiks soutth of Selenr,. om To Buy Wartory Ronis m o guut | gtiame . gfurmetof ® Femm studk. onduoing hexf of an mraam somdt Plors to Plonre ef Perâ€" CorF in th® (Compmed Br. Jess, FRommea. PA it Shoger Trraet Eukn \B Commtts Trudk Prir=g) Frads 820 oo A sarg: & meduum & pulet Fino==c io Torumn C tr T6 n To it W + E. tr W E t W Tp tr W1 pyrum t froft ser » FARM NEWS AND VIEWS At t ar A1 ft it At 7t Atn at Cntremerm _ EP We ant Wior Tar" Trxuck ant We A EK. LIXX. Aurtfuneer p"°â€" ups Tratk of €mttefrer aent Phone GHL. Celk F4 Buntées wrtt W Xilicm Triw‘k DD We ent W faxl Laitmâ€" Fsp B Taesfier D pm. â€"4C Call o 0 actilerm if Priâ€"â€"dmrp mernt Sutâ€" jorsuri narker f Tailey WTew nm Gexro viit No ant No Algt CV Coamert Guesuudk fls inngleâ€" spuercutia. Tiey. Comin. good ChumctAQudd Cifccts. The eutim hesid of good ie duriug cows, iunflrs avd 1: 4 rmiles soutth thes 1%. miks west <lirag 20 the tam 2dpmng wihgys al lfld 24 â€" auiks/of Plhoodulic. on â€"uartiuest cf Puuic«. ar t â€" TYERRMASY, FHRETZAEY Wwh Weo aomsat Wt amt caugtt=, uzm e oppoate "fe cater mil. Ee Anme ant Tiz fat Suntan j Â¥n. Egerie ®a serim dmter owoutt We o oaut Win Cnmut â€" Wavrr Mo Taegstsr 4 anâ€"fn Hoftman tear Betehers ie sue if tam gur®k. mgiements We amt Wie Tnmes Â¥â€"ser of gruvture amt Anmsehnict at ite KÂ¥alemmean worm n its tuome if vilege if Arevile Iir W €run We ant We Dewt Wiarin Â¥ inn~itm We aut Wnn Farnat Fmvs]l F5# % Thurtegs ® am. â€"Ont aget Gunmcer owrlt Gte 4irners "??ï¬! «ie if artmedifi=t oistents paremt Wro aut We Seâ€"aqmm wl ive @urdk rmpemnents gmdue Lrevoter in Beamterg amt trmsermic¢ gunds ut Highwoay Wir ant Weor Toxit Wiarin ant tarmilt sgent @umtres wort Wr amnt W Wems S10k it Â¥aletfien. Tre c sae teiuct dn Fort Mocteman was wl anemtiet â€" BST Taestuy Buntes vrsnum wott We ant Fip Cl Kodnestes CB voringe Wny _ Cmas | Â¥ener ovorm Eainant ryoumâ€"#Farzt surck. _ mgienents amt ant Elizanertt: Wiaaenm if otte CC3 msenDatrems Jw «estute of "fe lste ime ant Aoet Baumat if Muilet fgrwst @orel. T mies «amttt [% meam. mies vest af Cinmx W â€" HSont: â€" Bmiétatrter | anft | Wiaan4 1B Meqdmestes â€" Auri fmigimet esnet or Bumtes NT se 4w Jain Coomman esufte. 3 enc 6 uet sestovorig weftt Wit mc o trhugtt tm Wiroaimusat Wir eco ut fie it if anit Wearin amt Fu To west ent of Bu«ten tir ra wortt Wro amt Sam# Z Ihirn. %o veerus i CÂ¥ auletstinm. We‘ 31 Tiaestay â€" Onnrght â€" Teratt Nortermant sue o if | tarm â€" «tw . mmgiements 1/ ast Taestux qiridur® avt Avmseftairt o#frots I tearm ut $ .MA mues numf#t if %ew Dumfir= on ffte THE WaAaTEEKLOS Qiwi CHRONUICHOE nues numlt if %ew Dumfik= on ffte utm ved oppmste e cut=r mil. ir Â¥n. Egemie Ba wseru mies asnmttesst 1 @resiimn War‘t 04 Emmurt ®HD amâ€" _ FPoh U Tuesteyâ€"Sele of fem TD sead if cegisterced Ruistienr auf II®uilenents, guin ivestudk. go K: auf Prlanf Cme hogs fir Henry Wagrer 2 miles east of Pussel F. eimer tear Amillle Erwigegaert anf 1 mmik _ nnrtt of Penua. LEA mmmmw Weart UZ. Teatoy.. at 1 prm â€"@D Augtreay. Fam: is solk L K TOMiY pvs. (earm Fevuien®mt® shompâ€"Auction sele fir Wr $°0â€" Community Seie of ht le. «t saws. cliep somme intâ€" ce«rer Wortin om thir famm shout 2 hees,. pouitty amf mackine and enrc.. . tfhur â€" Rermitard® mules suuttesst of RevwieBerg. 66 cther asticles. TKA .. TEP on crfnardic Airad ing Agout. Degectment of Pubâ€" EC Weccmine e Genacces confimines ces Li We We Supwretmins Woctirery |\Rarness, Bbuggy harness, colgrs ete. ;7:‘â€"3-&5.;-41â€" l«l‘..w?r‘T‘ H‘. he ce hoy saike Iiâ€"ise N ;nn-, â€"‘ Cattie Tenders . stuuld mudie on tom» Caormurk $f. mower;. wallting| Jersey cow bred h. Dusâ€" â€" cunditions sttuctied therom. Cost doslers SHCHOET steel land soller. [+â€"plate cow fresn Jan. Ist; past Jersey cow pélconse munties must 5e gyen whe moâ€" ~ut {PGWX dize. §ion RarroW, bred in October: Durtam cow, l‘{‘â€"""' ue ~Mm3mmm“‘mu-m; _ mm the amount of a wuder sceed> e untato plow _ with _ beet lifter. Durham cow bred Aug 1# Durkam To l T ks# Auction Sale sururity dbnsrit. is tihe fhres of = certified‘ cihaqgse or Gomd! se stuee. ovual t UF ger cent of tiie emmant of is iidi. t guarenmtee memtiqrred bord+s ant a cortiffied) cltteque,. if required u» mulic op mm sdif emount Annemakter avemir acoms nme vwery mudemt amt IMPORT A NT Tame Table Changes In adritim m the adwzamre im Amme. Ate sefteduies of a murmâ€" rer af tans will 5e cfanged affeative 10M & W. A. $ TSEX AnGrarey Fhuur 2 230. Rriigrpart DOORMZ Your PFledige io Kong : is i. cndifian cdito mt .as Ah bâ€"rorâ€"tted mare T years old weight 1500 lbs.:| 25 bus Siberion Prosso, 13 bus. aged geiding \wheat, 3 bus. oats. 200 bus. muzed _ _ lhg»s ; graur, cats and barley IJ YVoerksiize situats; 2 brsod sows | s Fein. 1D, Wedresity at P3Â¥ a2m â€" neut uaufie. nurses, Aogs, pouilry sud a fuill line of form impiements, uncluding 2 tractors and a thresiting macktine,. 4 miles southeast of Tavistock.. on tie D5th line, for the Clesring auction saie of 30 head of Highâ€"grade â€" brownâ€"Swiss _ cattle, horses, hogs, pouitry, feed, fodll line I Hing $ % Chuome fem» cur uppfy of ERACER *KATESG im RACEKEY ©UTHTTS while they are <till availabife +* A KiY EF BMGHT iT GERE\MT SAVTNEGS e Auction Sales U Â¥0€T BCYV iT WILEELW® kettles 2 hog tripod Rooks, scaiding trough. IZâ€"moth Lindsay seed drill, 30â€"egz nurwâ€" batur, drums, No. 4 cttuurn, small churn, potatees and mangeis, 10 ft silage. amd other artiries too “S' March 26, Thursday, 1130 amâ€" Fairm stock, including Rerd of Goxâ€" wes erument test accredited Hoisteim I caitle. beth blsod tested and TB nortihwest of Wellesiey, on the S live, for Josepi E. Gerber. night. Jonuary 30 at the Rhome of at sale. Please be there"on time Prilay, Fercumy 6, 198