Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 30 Jan 1942, p. 4

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, PM POUR Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Stevens were Mr. and Mrs. Mason Armstrong of Hollen, on Friday. and Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and son Morley of Yatton, onAdonday. - Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Martin from 'df.'""".".."".'" 53291785.; of Mrs. the tenth of Peel, Mr. and Mrs. irr"af,'i',irttdot Sunday. Or_val Martin .and family and Miss Mrs. George Lonsbury and Minerva Martin, all of quth Wopl- daughters. Grace and Pearl of wich, were Sunday visitors .with Preston and Miss Idella Waterman Mr. and Mrs. Manassah Martin. of Galt spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Witzel of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman. Petersburg spent Sunday at her Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hill and home'_ with Mr. and Mrs. August son, Larry of New Hamburg visit- Schneider. ed with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hill - Sunday visitors witty Ws. 13ertra on Sunday.” -- _ - _ - --.- Sunday visitors with Mrs. Henry Bauman were: Mr. and Mrs. David Hottman of near Heidelberg. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Martin of St. Jacobs, and Miss Malinda Bowman. The Gospel Hall is still holding quilting every Wednesday after- noon. Everybody is welcome to attend these quiltings. Mr. Lloyd Kerchner of St. Jacobs visited his uncle, Noah G. Sittler and Mrs. Sittler, on Sunday. ""81 GIRLS} Scrap Ti re s ./ C. F. Price, Optometrist " King St. West - Kitchener Phone 2-1936 FOR ONE TIRE & TUBE OR 2 TIRES OR 2 TUBES (Thu. all” good only until Feb. "tttt Your Country Needs 316 King W. - KITCHEN“ YOUR CLASSES Do YOUR Part! Help Your Country's War Effort'. FRED WESSON - KITCHENER - PHONE 2-4469 SEPT i'y', When In need of New Shoes or Repairs - WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY " King St. S. WATERLOO Dill 8-8192 GOODRICH Silvertown Stores HAWKESVILLE are thoroughly examined at STEELE'S Gray Coach Lines Will give you complete satisfaction if YOUR EYES he War Savings Stamp For Your Next Outing CHARTER A COACH By In. Au. Schneider (chm-kl- Germain-n MODERATE RATES AND INFORMATION FROM We Will Give Edwin L. House Let every member of your party enjoy all the [an ot the trip there and back. Be sure that everyone is we. - SHOE STORE AND REPAIRING Madam.“ Guia iaiWartiaU' I Gar- ue the toreert 9! dub wrt may; an attendance at We), forty district lumen Join Steckle of Willi-mm; and J. B. Knapp of Ghlt [ave biennial demonstrations of Win: and the tying of knots. ete., while in the afternoon Kenneth Betzner of Conestogo demonstrated valu- able hints for more mic-l tractor opention Reeve William Witzel and Deputy Reeve Gerda! ave short talks. the former telling of the tsenedttg of tttere two-day short course ttmntgttesut the coun- tv and the latter speaking on the "Federation of Agriculture”. has day's sessions were devoted to the study ot repairing farm imple- ments at home. ion the dam on Thursday evening ‘after which dainty refreshments were served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Veitch. :-"iiV"iiirirnai1aistrte C.E. of {Roseyillg enjoyed_a skating pang the New Dundee Continuation School will be held in Itavetman's Hall on Friday evening, Feb. 6th " which time a three-act play en- titled. "What Wright Left” will be "resented by the students Junior led Clo- - - Joan Dinger, president of the1 Alder Creek Juniors, occupied iiii/ chair for the weekly meeting of this} Junior Red Cross Branch whichi was held at the Public school on' Friday afternoon. "Home on the Range" was sung in opening, fol- lowed by the secretary's report by Lincoln Coleman. A recitation was Riven by Shirley Coleman and the editor's report by Robert Brighton. After a son: bv Beatrice Goodwin, Mary Jane MrDonald and Shirley Coleman, riddles were given by Jimmie Brown. Committees were then appointed for the annual Valentine party to be held on Fri- ‘day afternoon, Feb. 13th. Carson qyrnwachter was also named post- ;master with eight helpers. 03.01:. Society Meets _ - _ Mr. und Mrs. Elton Baer and daughter, Bernice and Alfred Sa- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Guthrie and; children. Miriam and Rae visited with J. S. Rutherford at Galt on Sunday. A __ __ l The semi-monthly meeting of the TrB.C.E. Smiety was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fiederleln on Thursday evening with Mrs. Weston Sararus as lead- er. A hymn sine was conducted by Miss Jean Hellman in opening, after which a round table disrus- sion was held on the topic, "What Our Society Stands For". Cornet instrumental duets were rendered by Albert Fiederlein and his six- year-old son Robert. Following a missionary quizz in charge of Mrs. Sararas and Miss Jean Hallman, Miriam Hilhorn read a letter she had received from Miss Hyer. KN., at the U.B. Mission in Sierra Leone, Africa. The president, Willard Hellman. presided for the business period. Bold Stating My. - - " Mrs. George Lonsbury and daughters, Grace and Pearl of Preston and Miss Idella Waterman pt, Galt_ spent ye wegy-end with Rev. Moses N. Eter, Oliver Bean, Gordon Shantz and Josiah ttr visited in St .George on Sun- ar, -__e___ __ _ _ -_‘ Mrs. Henry Bechthold of Peters- burg called on Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brigh_tott_otl Monday, - 7 - E: B. Hallman arid Austin Bau- or were business visitors in Tor- nn_tg 1astIhyrsdIy., - Mrs. Joseph Hilborn of Preston,' Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kiefhaber and children Harry, and Margaret Ann of Blair and Ross Carton of Fort Erie visited at the home of Mrs. AJ-lilborg on Sung”. _ . Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd .E.rp of Rt-l Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sage of chener were recent visitors with Newton spent the week-end with Mrs. Moses Bock and Miss Laura their daughter, Mrs. Carl Koch Erb. ‘and Mr. Koch. Miss Margaret Conrad ot Cones-, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Coleman and toga and Arthur Conrad of Water- daughter, Shirley visited with loo College spent the week-end Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Chipchase at with their brother, Rev. A. L Con- Stratford on Sunday. Mrs. William Zinken and Miss Zoe Zinken of Plattsville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Zinken on Sunday. -- _ Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lauten- schlagcr of Baden spent a few days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lautenschtager and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Coleman. Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt and Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Schmidt and chil- dren, Lam and Carol visited with; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Schaeffer " KitAtetter_tT Saturday. _ _ Oliver Dalrymple Jt the 0.A.C Guelph, spent the week-end with Mt. and Mrs. F. lic, Page. -.. rad, NEW DUNDEE lull-um H.705.” Mr. and Mrs. William Goettling visited with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Thurman at Preston and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Einwachter at Hespeler last Tuesday. Frank Lefrancois spent a few days of last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. L. Zinken, Mrs. Carl Buck and daughter. Mary Joyce, Rev. and Mrs. Moses N. Beer and son, David and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baer visited with Mr. and Mrs Amos Brublcher at West Montrose on Monday, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vin Bechtel on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller of Toronto; Miss Irene Miller of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brighton, Mrs. Abner Brighton and Gordon Johnson of Preston. Miss Silva Snider and Leonard Snider of Parkway called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Hil- born on quday;_ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cressman of Plattsville visited with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Leander Cress. mgn on Stsrtittt, _ __ __ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt and children, Larry and Carol called on Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schatz at ngerloo Art, Sun_d_ay. __ Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hilbom visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown atf'1attsvit1p_on tiynday, A Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lauten- schlager of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Laptenschlqger. - The Misses Lillian McDowell, Elsie Ramer and Martha Reesor " Markham were guests at the homes of Rev. and Mrs. Moses N. Beer. Mrs. M. H. Shanta and Mr. and Mrs. David Bergey over, the week-end. Fai, iirriiraiGrGait on Sunday on the occasion ot Mrs. Fururntrs birthday. _ -- -- - - -ieisc" Mervyn Boirman is spend- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmidt at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gruetzner and G. A. Gmetzner of Hespeler visited at the home of August Layfenseh1aget on §unday. Mr. and -Mrs. M. B: Snyder called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang at Jhyr 9n Sunday. _ -- _ Mrs. Allan Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lefrancois visited with Mrs. Simeon Cressman at Rose- bank on, fiundar, ___. -- _ -- raras visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'gnd Miss 651st Buck motored to I941 NASH, Air Conditionin‘ 1941 DODGE, mater, etc. 1941 FORD, neuter, Radio, etc. IMO Dodge, Beater 1m MERCURY, [later 1940 DODGE. lie-tor 1940 0128010, Meater, Radio .. 1939 STUDEBAKER, IMO Dodge, Meater Tim. - -- -"-' --. V 1940 nvmoum, 1m mount, Meater 1936 DODGE, lluter 1939 CHEVROLET: - 1931 asszx 1940 DODGE. Meatee 1936 WE, Hum 1939 owsmomuz, name: 1939 CHEVROLET 1940 0.28010. neuter. any. .. l',' 'd,'l'ffidS" was DODGE, neuter , a . 1939 srgtnztm. 1934 BUICK, sum was Hudson, neuter I rue 1939 memo, Heater. Radio 1934 Porto 1934 roan 1938 DODGE m4 PLYMOUTH, late: 1930 roan 1939 rumou'm. lluter 1937 CHEVROLET "" DODGE, [later 1937 PM 1939 NASH, “an! 1931 romc. Batu, nae 1929 owsmonmn: 1936 CHEVROLET 1938 HUDSON, Beater. Radio 1930 um 1929 F031) an cannon-:1 BATTERIES CHARGED IN YOUR CAR WHILE YOU gliAgr WITH OUR NEW BATTERY ANALYSER AND Sedans 10 Water North 'RB, 'A'l‘llbooiwl CIIOIICLI LOOK THESE OVER! WIN COLORS! A PAGE PICTURE Borden was a recent visitor with ior GEN. [mucus MARTINI! Bis parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Leslie MUN, l Ynu'll ttnd it on the cover page) Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Tabbert of (of The Pictorial Review with this Linwood and Mr. and Mrs. Al. St. ‘coming Sunday's (Feh. 1) issue of‘Clnir of Buffalo visited on Monday ‘Tho Detroit Sunday Times, In nd- evening with Mr, and Mrs. Duncan "tition i . . among other attractions MarPherson. V _ . the Pictorial Review will bring Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kraemer you two page: of text and pictures, moved last week to the Ira Jarkson "Keep The Flag Flying!", present- tarm on the 3rd of Peel. Mr and ing an intimate glimpse of General Mrs. Amos Frey of the 4th of Peel MacArthur, Be sure to get Sun- will in the near fume be taking day's Detroit Times, bringing you madden of the " vacated by many outstanding “at“ l . and Mrs. Kramer. R. A. FORBES MOTORS home herb, The Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aidithe wound. Gordon's many friends held a quilting at the home of Mrs-rv, ho will soon hrs out again. Wm. Seyier on Wednesday in aid Serving " Brockville of the Red Cross. _ Mr, Clare Cooper. youngest son Mr. and Mrs Jack Hahn Ofmf Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coon". is Baden visited Sunday with Mr. artd)now wearing the King's uniform Mrs. E. D. Eidt. land is assistant arrounlanl in the Pte. Howard DOWNS of Cami) omeers' Training Centre at Brock- Borden spent the week-end ttt his ,ritlss. Mrs. Mary Rueffer visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wettiaufer at Burnside. Mrs. Lloyd Neeb and Betty and Billy of Kitchener spent Saturday 'tf',,? Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Doer- ., _ -- M - . _ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seyler andl dauphtnrs Jean and Marguerite spent Monday with Mrs. A. Schmidt‘ at Tavistock. f Mr. Karl Wiftig of Tavistock - tho week-end with Mr. Stan- let _Doerjt_1_g. -- _ _ _ - "rs. Oliver Kerr and daughter; Barbara Ann of Southwest Wilmot; spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eidt. _ Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Mohr of Oetze1's, Mr. and Mrs. Edvard Rurk of Lisbon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hahn of Baden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mohr and son Richard of Burnside were Sunday visitors with Mrs, A_lv_in Paid! _a_nd family. _ ‘_ Mr. John Kraehling of Si. Agatha visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Thgodogg I1oer_ipg, - -- A _ ”THeVVlesEon was-given by Rev. G. R. Schultz, taken from St. Luke, chapter 13. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Personals The Bible Class of Zion Lutheran Church met on Monday evening for the annual meeting. Members elected to serve for the following vear are: President, Roy Doering; vice-president, Miss Marie Doering; secretary, Miss Erma Doerlng; treasurer, Miss Verna Berg; organ- istLStanley Doering. . . _ London on many. -iiisait GrGifiang people trom here attended the skating party at New Hamburg last Wednesday eve- ropto on Frffar, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hilgartner and son Robert of Preston called on Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sararas on 1%ineEday, . . H. Kav’elman was a business visitor in London on Thursday. Annual Meettmt of Rihle Chas iris. A. E. Barton visited in To- PHILIPSBURG Br I!" Ira-I During (Chronicle Corn-panda“) At “Waterloo County’s Largest Used Car Market" Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service K ITC " E N E R 1038 NASH. [letter 1938 DODGE, [later 1937 STUDEBAKER, [later 1937 PLYMOUTH, later 1937 BUICK, Beater 1937 DODGE, Beater 1938 DODGE, 6 Whack 3M Persona - ngner Lavem Beans pf Camp We are sorry to report that Mr. Gordon Coooer. who is employed at London, had the misfortune to be struck onvthe leg by the propeller of a plane. Gordon is at present a oationt in St. Joseph's Hosnital at London, where it was found neces- sary to use manv stitches to close the wound. Gordon's many friends Arrlves In England Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacPherson received a cablcgram on Sunday from thvir son, Pilot Omcer Wm. MacPherson. stating that he had arrived safely in England. Stgck By Propeller _ - - The haeeting aus brouéht to a close with the singing of the Na- tional Anthem. Mr. A. E. Kerr read the minutes of the 1941 annual meeting and also presented the financial report for 1941 which showed a credit balance of $36.51. Trustees for 1942 were agpointed as follows: Messrs. Leig ton Shanta. Bruce Graham and Howard Weicker. Mr. Jack Tye was named auditor and the appointment of a secretary for the ensuing year was left in the hands of the trustees. A vote of thanks was extended the retiring rustee, Mr. Bruce McIntyre and the auditor and also the caretaker of the hall. A discussion followed regarding the raising of a funds and it was decided to hold a Euchre party on Tugsday evening, Fet?ruary 3rd. visitor Urith friends in Woodstock. Annual Mating Rani!!! Heli. The annual meeting of the Hays- ville Hall was held on Thursday evening, Janna, 22nd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Shanta. Mr. A. E. Kerr was ap- pointed chairman and Mrs. A, F. Christner, secretary protem for the evtTintp _ _ _ Mr. T. G. Walk!!! was a recent WALLENSTEIN HAYSVILLE " Earl rsbbert (chronicle Corrnpondem) " In. iaiaief. "m "um-Wu" ' u Diamond 1961 DODGE, In“: 1961 PLYMOUTH, Beater 1940 DODGE, Beater 1939 CHEVROLET, - 1939 OLDSMOBILE, 'Teater 1938 DODGE, Heater 1938 Hudson, [later 1934 FORD Coaches Leather Jackets Are So/ties With Us! For Pick -up Service Phone TUST CALL J Customers bring their leather and suede jackets to In with that WMtat-Come-oqt-trtttt, question on their lips. Absolutely not Jacket. are “mules" with us. After thoroughly clean- In; to remove all spots, the skins are mass-(ed with special processing oils. " is rubbed into the tiny pores of skins to make them soft Ind pliable. Leathers tune on s new gloss sad the up on suede is soitly brushed. Your Jacket - but to you looking Just like new! TWIN CITY 1Jilllllll0lltY Twin Chty's Basics! Cleaners For Over 10 Years ‘1941 DODGE “Luxury mm". Hater "" Descro Custom, Better. 1940 DODGE, Heater. Radio 1940 PLYMOUTH. India 1931 ESSEX 1939 CHEVROLET, - 1938 DODGE I937 CHEVROLET I937 FARGO 1936 CHEVROLET Pm! 1939 CHEVROLET Panel Trucks oupes My, lunar, to, 10¢ Phone 8-8487

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