Only a few packs of cigarettes were taken from the dairy bar, but loot valued at more than $100.00 was stolen from The Hub Cigar Store. A trail of nine packages of ciga- rettes led from Reese's Dairy Bar, the chief points out. He states that (Continued from Page " Waterloo on Tuesday by Chief Mo- reau for questioning. He is now lodged in Waterloo County Jail and will appear in Kitchener po- lice court today (Friday). KITCHEN ER Lady Be Good Eleanor Powell _ Ann Solhnn Robert Young m MON. . TI'ES. - WED. " Ontario St. (l0lllWi's GOOD GLASSES with Lionel Barrymore C.C.M. AND BAUER HOCKEY AND SKATING OUTFITS Cor. King & William Sta. WATEIIDO M 3-8835 McPHAIL'S Still Available'. on a man's eyes is sometimes injurious. If you are bothered with aching, burning eyes, or with headaches, you owe it to yourself to have your eyes examined. An examination at Gordon's costs nothing and involves no obligation. If you don't need glasses, we’ll tell you so - if you do, you should get them immediately. BOYS'. 32.9. " . . . LADIES’ (White) $3.05 " MENS, 83.75 I, SUCCESS in the modern business world requires lore hours of hard work. The strain BICYCLES and SPORTS --- E x T R A -- Latest S U P F, R M A N “BILLION DOLLAR LTD." Follow The Safe Way Wear AGoodSllpplyof The Cat and The Canary Revival Tues. 10.15 pm. Bob Rope - Paqtrtte Goddard Special street car service of the world economic situation be- fore any successful solution of Canadian 'lfJig1tgrge,sggtt,-g,ag problems could be succe ully car- ried out. In the making of peace it would be vital to Canada's" future that free access to the world mar- POST-WAR much of the cigar store loot has been recovered, including nine watches, six cigarette lighters. one electric razor, and a billfold. (Continued from Page I) Playing Now â€a a»... ' m.» . rm m. i There is nothing finer than Burn's description of family wor- -ship in the 91d home where father and mother and seven children jknelt morning and night to invoke ‘the blessing of God. Here is a ifragmenttary quotation: (The cheerfu' supper done. wi' with George Ratt - "our; Fonda DorothyLalnour Akin uniroll John Barrymore Lynne Overmn ‘SPAWN of Ille NORTH' serious face They, round the ingle. form a cir- cle wide The sire turns over wi' patriarch- al grace, The Feminine 1Uh Rosalind Russell _ Don Ameche - Kay Francis with John Shepperd - William Tracy their wind ----_ _.... - A man's a man for a' that." dine - - - ,,-___-., --- v“ Wear hoddin gray and a' that Gie {0015 their silks and knaves passed and was the cause of his early and untimely death. But the world in appraising Robert Burns has penetrated below the personal habits which filled the poet him- self with deep remorse to the true spirit of the man as reflected in his poems. He had a great love of nature and his love songs are ‘among the sweetest ever written. His human sympathy and tender- ness knew no bounds and he had a profound contempt for all sham, insincerity and hypocrisy. "The social, friendly honest man Whatever he be l Tis he fulfils great nature's plan _ And none but he. What, though on homely fare we with Nils Asther - Margaret Hayes Clarence Kolb - ADDED ATTIAfTION - Alter Sunday Midnight 12.05 and Mon. - Tues. - Wed. So we see that his personal life was both sad and sordid. He, him- self, was gay, witty and fond of company, but the kind of company which he sought and found became his undoing. As in the case of many brilliant men before and since his time, he was the victim of strong drink which mastered him more ‘and more as the gents _ Concluding. Mr. McGowan made a plea for greater efforts to restore in Canada some of the great natural (assets of the country which had 'been dissipated in the past by mea- sures for the rebuilding of farm soils and the conservation of forest reserves. "If our post-war problems are to be solved," he said, "it will call for a large measure of econo- mic and political co-operation be- "ween the nations that make the peace. If we fail to deal with our economic maladjustments, then our dimeuities will indeed be Heat. The future offers us a challenge. We should face the challenge wsth an undiminished faith in the great- ‘ness of our own country." l to the farm. m 1788 he married Miss Jean Armour. Once again he failed at farming and was finally iven a position in the excise. However life proved short for him as he died at the very early age of 37 in 1796. um. Van 'reftirt - Donald Meek ROBERT BURNS "THE NIGHT OF JANUARY 16th†- ADDED ATTRACTION - 1. Selection of the settlers. . 2. Selection of the land. 3. A sound plan of settlement. 4. Experienced administration and supervision. Mr. McGowan said that while we should take a more liberal view of immigration yet he felt a note of caution should be introduced. He had heard many wild predictions In to the thousands, even millions of people Canada would be able to take after the war. It was not a matter of numbers. The problem tg many angles to be studied care- u y. Wreeerved. " we have a problem at replnoement as well u rehabili- iortitwouuseemwiseNrtasto nun repairing our bundltiom by welding new life and new blood. and ‘hat a where land settlement it! in, said Mr. McGowan. It would wemwUe .helud.’ 'tgg'pt.teet,t soldiers who were 3 ted with 'NF oortunities to obtain a farm bane under utistectory conditiau. Then was alreedy an experienced mum: settlement emulation. . lastly, there was the matter of land settlement by immigration. [and settlement. said Mr. Ila Gowan. was a great human peobr tgat,'h,t't1rtd,uunt/,ttPee weaknesses. t would not be fair, he said, to dwell unduly on the mistakes of my. There would always_tte tail 7 in land settle- menf. The essential prhdflekwlie said, of a satisfactory tan nettle- ment policy were: "mrt_risitt-tyrmqirtt-mr- t/t'e'ttpltt/btuthrat W :".trtl'gh'at,'ttgr.r,t.Ttlut. in absolutely necessary. Mr. McGowan, that the youth and vi- tality oCoqt tam Waugh: CAROLE LANDIS GEORGE MONTGOMERY JAN. 26 - 27 . 28 ROBERT PRESTON ELLEN DREW (Continued from Page " adet Girl NOW PLAYING til vurngoo m" ",. clung“ " T, Shearer; Iiugiifs,Piid,, Doris Wray, uilyn Gray. {Mam-lance for the past year. The 'nllnwinz pupils were presemorl: ( Brrirtrte' 'Clare---'Narhrsr M,'re "cwholl? Gray: pupil, Kenneth Krotz. Junior Clasr--'rihpr. Mrs. C. S. Janos: pupil, Bette Maxim-man. Ir1termodiates Class -- Tearher, Mrs. W. T. Blair; pupils. Marie Cohhh. Murray MacLennan. Doug- las_ Gray. __ 7 Mrs. McKnivht of Trsrrietor, is (,ui"/,j',j, her sister, Mrs. Harold Lee (and Mr. Lee. 1 We are Meant! to report that "ics Dorothv Grav has rofurned Lmun from the Stratford General '"Mnital where she was a natient lfollowine a recent (mention. I l Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rutherford. “'r and Mrs. R, R Paid and Miss im',tri Johnston. all_of Taryn"). went V _.. ___ -sr.'r..BV. mun Quad“! with Mr. James Rutherford had anlie. Mr. Rutherford cele- [hratod hie ninhtieth birthday on “'nr'nesday last. l Pte. Cordon Pond. (home Mr- i'rrv, and Llovd MacLennan of Pitrhrner spent the week-end with j‘hp lattvr's narents, Mr. and Mrs. lU‘nrnP MarLennan. "rs John Gordon of Fernbank is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Stanley Gordon. , Part-rt Attendance Soak l Fexlrswirut the Sdenv Fr‘mnV "winn at the Millbank United "hurrh on Sundav mornint thero vvas- tho annual oresrntation of mrxrtifVatps an! spak- for nor'nrt "w Red Cross Societv forwarded to Milverton headquarters the follow ing articles: 11 turtle-neck sweat- ers. " sleeveless sweaters, 137 pairs ' "mks. 12 pairs seaman's stockings, 26 86-inch scarves. 34 4t1-inch <rarves. 21 ribbed helmets. l turtle- [ neck turk-in. I paid two-way mitts, I 1 pair gloves, 4 pair rifle mitts. 11 women's calots. 2 pair women's‘ gloves. 2 women's sleeveless sweat- "rs. 1 pair women's knickers, 4 pair men’s nviamas. 25 piltow eases, " baby diapers. 10 child's refuvee lawman, a child’s drowns, 1 adva sweater. 21 large quilts, t crib Inuilt. (P',',',.',',',,"', Miss Olive Sayers. fifth line of ivvu-wvdvmwm. 'is a patient in the ignition! General Hnsnital fullnw-‘ in" an operation for appendicitis on 'riday last. 1 I Mr. Far? Mattress of St. Cathar- [ines was a week-and visitor at the 4,"... " Mr and I!" J, RC. rerav. ‘ Master Dolmar Lirh'v hut-"M'- ;~'A vm of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Livhfv of Millhank. k sarinnclv i" at his home. Nun. nnmhaeldcr of “mun-ton k in anendanm. Mrs. Meknirht of Harrie’rm is serif Class - Tearher, ve." and Mrs. Fob": "0Downll "km". the formPr'e brother, Mr. 7nd“ Ilpnnmoll and Mrs. McDowell or "a" '"I $afurdav. Red Cross Production For the year ending December 3151;19313 the _Mil_1bank Branch of Shearer; ' are true irtstfnetsAGCiGisTTrii; memory shall not be allowed to die. ---"-'e-- _,_. .._ ....,- l with solemn air ‘Then kneeline down, to Heaven's Eternal King, The saint, the father and the hus- band prays." "From scenes like these old Sco- tia’s grandeur springs That makes her loved at home, revered abroad." Notwithstanding the human frailties at Robert Burns which were really the defect of excellent qualities, surely the above egcerpts bride 7 if. __,_- -- -_ - His bonnet reverently is laid aside He walgs a portion with judicious The bi.tha' Bibel, ance his father's And Et' us worship God!' he says gawk: ml dim!!! tufihi,i, In": law 'tty wig-em an $310.. â€II-morain- Be .II. I‘M: W. to", (Chronicle Comp-Ian†MILLBANK In The Women’: And Muses' Shoe Shop mun?†SHOES AT I“! (regular $8.75 and $0.75 c"e..e,Steytte, P:.ffpetruiaris $5.75 and $6.75) troui "GGiuiaviireia'iimi rriu.'"""'"" NO APPROVAIS, N0__E8CHANGES, unaeh.egt operation um) . l You are invited to investigath these low-price offerings r . every time you take a trip t rough the store. "Scatter 'ttfd giuese'ls'pufd1i'tg,t1ariy $5.75 and $6.75) t Goods" will not be allowed t remain in {lie “scattering" l depot very long at a time (ow prices wil ensure ir APPROVMS. NO EXCHANGES. NO REFUNDS. speedy departure). You will therefore find it interesting PLEASE and profitable to make your visits frequent. Look for Four ' King St. Flow first lucky "finds" THIS WEEK! Sass u an u an 2919:?! DRESSES REGULAR PRICES UP To $6.95 SHOES!! Clearance! AFTER STOCK-TAKING Tromeis And Missed 40 Department Telephones - Dial 3-3631 FOR VICTORY - DELIVERY REDUCED TO ONE TWIN-CITY TRIP DAILY In the modem-day spun rayon tex- tures that are cosy to the touch for cold weather wear, yet light enough in weight for warmer days later. Queen St. Flow was successful in (a/Grin-g-ta' marks in his examination in type- rwitjpg and is now taking short-f 1 The new snowplow purchased by the Wellesley township council last fall was in operation on Sat- urday for the first ttime. Operated by Eugene Dietrich, the machine is being used to clear a side-road west of St. Clements and also a road on the 5th concession of Wel- lesley. leading towards Millbank. Achieve. High Mark. Mrs. .M'aer'GerifiifeCaaiiarniiy of Millbank paid a short visit at the homes of George Richardson and Mrs. R. Foster. In Snowy!†In “It. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Albrecht and daughter spent Sunday at the home of her uncle. Noah Ruby Poole. Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson of Kitchener visited at the home of his: ynelt, Ge_ortreIichardson. Mrs. Harper Hammond of Wood- stock and son, Pte. Kenneth Croft, of Sussex, N.B.. called on Henry Schmidt's " 1trer n week -ikitrieFiaiatr, . In. Peter Bowanais. Mr. and In. Eben Bowling, Bay- mond and Dalton]. Mr, and m gel? Jorge! of Hey Dundee were hertsGiciGGT'"-""'-"'"""'"- tgttrrkthitiit . 'iii')).?,', Waterloo Theatre Unfinished FRIDAY I SATURDAY - Added Attraction - Irene Dunne Robert Montgomery CRUSSHILL " In. [mo lento ' (Ghoul. Cancun-An" if" 'T-'"'."' yu- - - _ - . all: to Mil-all BUM-5' Tuiremitr of Toronto, 2tit be" furitrs. hein- Jayttxi. of Camp Borden Business “qA-vm " Mteamt WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE - WED. & THITRS 'aiCoiiiritiiil Commenting on Mr. McLoughry's following: leader of Homemaking the 2'firs'llfie, report, Aid. Foster said he agreed Club: Secretary of Women's Insti- " a side-r ad entirely. “I know a farmer who tuc; County Home Economics ts d ill' had 70 hogs a year ago. Now he Coach or Florence P. Eadie, Wo- .an 'N' fl ‘has one. In St. George 30 farmers men's Institute Branch, Ontario 'i'lT'lfl," I'.'" leave every morning to work in Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. 5 ' an . Galt or Brantford. Those farms are, The Ontario Dept. of Labor will F not being operated. tissue Farm Service Force babdges Camp Borden Aid. Delafield suggested that on completion of registration and winning full farmers weren't paying high certificates will be issued in Sept. n.;A-‘ i... a--- ,~,,,CL _ - - . . . ... _ _ - " 1tEntEMiN'rh'rlvE IFARM GIRLS ‘uau or nranuorcl. Those farms are, The Ontario Dept. of Labor will not being operated. tissue Farm Service Force babdges Aid. Delafield suggested that on completion of registration and farmers weren't paying high certificates will be issued in Sept. enough wages, to which Aid. Foster to girls whose records show they retorted that no farmer could afford have rendered National Farm Ser- to pay 85c an hour. vice. (Continued from Page " f (Continued from Page It vegetables so that the products of. Application for registration should the farms could go to the military. be made immediately to one of the "I"" MILLION William TRACY MON. - TUES. - WED. MODERATE RATES AND INFORMATION FROM FRED WESSON - KITCHENER - PHONE 2-4469 I“ - you". Gray Coach Lines Added Annette}? For Your Next Outing CHARTER A COACH Clearance items from att over the store will tind their way to this location for quick dispersal. 'On hand now are gather-ups slated for after-stock-taking clearance-odd- ments, short quantities. remnants. left-overs. tew's-of-a- kind. ete.. in- SCATTER GOODS low-Price Pick-Ups i" V l‘ 'B‘Rtuo' me ' pm 1lbu"t,'.'--: /i -. liijli,iilii, _ let-ar-PVs.,,,..,, '(iifi' s' ii?, . mesa: a f ~ a " i a‘ IB! _ l , Eat? If i. Fs5'i'U Bryan Donlevy 'Eiiitltt Am Carolyn [er cl.litltlriill ttMthehmorthetrf.ttterenaabaee. - Benneuntcverymisafe. - Let every member a! your party enjoy Dn- Goods, Silks Yarn (Odd-lent) Lam. o.XhemmgtetreetB-tairshooe Aie-ehrsAneeBorestm, June! GLEASON Women's And Childm's Halve-t Men's All Boyd Wear The New Wane-'3 Lingerie Wong-'3 And Children's Gloves Depot Featuring THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - Added Attraction - M.Jnngll.l’¢ SAT. & HOLIDAYS 2 RM. MATTNEE