Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Dec 1937, p. 7

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DR. W. R. WILKINSON Dental Surgeon Graduate Philadelphia and Toronto. Office: 36 King St. W., Kitchener CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Office: 44 William 5t. . Phoune 768w (over Home Dairy Cafeteria) Empbasizing malleted gold fillings where indicated. Phones: Office 1927J; Res. 3568M BURGHARDT‘S K. & O., D. P. Physiotherapists â€" Foot Specialists Special attention to fallen, brokenâ€" down arches. Light weight adjustâ€" able Arch Supports made on our own premises. Also Trusses for Hernia. Lowest prices. _ _ Since 1912 in Kitchener Telephone 2747 â€" 28 Shanley Wt. Kitchener, Ont. DR. J. W. HAGEY, Denust, 69 110 Weber Chambers, King St. W., Kitchener. Phone 1706 BITZER & SMYTH, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notamies. J. H. Smyth, B.A. °_ 23 Queen St. S., Kitchener THE MORE YOU TELL â€"â€" THE MORE YOU SELL +2oz ez non mm en mm omemmem mm Mp [ PROFESSIONAL CARDS l_ BRAY & BRAY, Barristers, Solicitâ€" ors, etc.; George Bray, K.C., G. Murray Bray, B.A., George H. Lochead, B.A.; _ Royal Bank Chambers, 77 King St. West, Kitchener, Phone 4474. Friday, December 24, 19897 BKOCK & Wiik, G. K. Brock and H. B. Weir, Barristers, Sohcitors, Notaries; 49 King St. East, Kitchâ€" ener, Telephone 4080. CLEME::T, HATTIN & EASTMAN, Law offices, Bank of Toronto Building, 19 King Street East, Kitchener, Phone 2310 8 WlLlilAM CL&ARK oi Si_l s arrister, Solicitor, Notary Publi and Conveyancer veflown S‘ore‘ Office at 10 Arthur St. King and Water Sts. â€" Phone 4646 _ KITCHENER EDWARD B. DOWDALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc.; Telephone 329 ; Office 108 King Street West, Kitchener, Ontario. JAMES C. HAIGHT, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyâ€" ancer, etc. Money to loan. Office Bank of Montreal Bldg., Waterloo. 49 King St. E HAROLD L. DAUFMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer â€" _ b8 King St. West _ LEO G. LATCHFORD, BARRISTER and Solicitor, Notary â€" Public; Bank of Commerce Blig., 1 King St. East, Kitchener, Telephone 627, Residence 4400 Kitchener. SIMS, MeINTOSH, 3CHOFIELD & SIMS, Barristers, Solicitors, ete.; Medical Arts Building, 47 King Street West, Telephone 4640, WATERLOO CHRONICLE T. . k. BROCK CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (Trustee in Bankruptcy) S. BOWLBY, K.C., BARRISTER, . Solicitor, Notary Public and Conâ€"| veyancer. Office 19 Queen St. N., Phone 537, Kitchener, Ont. 4 GORDON McK. HONSBERGER, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Bartister, Solicitor, Notary, ete 60 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario Telephone 1574 Phone 1606 â€" 10 conts oxtra. on e en en ts Postage when replies are to be forâ€" . Osteo warded, § conts additional each 4( King St. E. _ Opp. Woolworth‘s Box addresses in care of The Chromicle HAROLD E. * T2 uie for thak m prunze.""" OSTEOPATHY c 00 . _ _ 30 couts per insertice ALLAN MacKENZIE, Osteopath, Kach imitial, sign or greup of 86W®* _ Phone 117. Res. 3022w; Office, soust as one work _ 209 Medical Arts Bldg., Kitchâ€" 49 King Street East Phone 2670 â€"â€" Kitchener A. W. BOOS, M.A. Barrister, Solicitor, etc Zeller Building Telephones : INSTRUCTIONS FOR SENDING Res. 772w _ â€" _ Office Phone 104 Office at 97 Frederick St Kitchener Payments must ADVERTISEMENTS State . clearly â€" which . edit CHIROPRACTIC E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR WANT ADS R. S. C. STALKER DENTAL Phone 528 LEGAL Kitchener Kitchener Res. 1785w Phone 1367 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS OR Of All Kinds. «_ Waterloo FISHER & CLEMER i GARAGE Delton Brighton, Prop. LUXURY | NEW AND USED BICYCLES UPHOLSTERING CO. Accessories and Parts 1 5 s *‘ Expert Repaiting on Washing Machi 108 Breithaupt St. â€" _ Kitchener * | Lawn Mowers, Baby Buggies, Tricycles, ete.. _ Manufacturers of Custom Built id Keys Made ; Furniture and Repairs. 1 Bicylea Rented by Hour or Day Phone 3504 â€" Res. 3987J _| 159 King St. E. â€" Phone 3328w For Free Estimate. TWIN CITY AUTO PAINTERS ALEXANDER GARAGE J. W. Heinrich, Prop. Repairs on All Makes of Cars. Cars Washed, Greased and Stored 8 William St. E. â€" _ Waterloo Phone 146, Res. 526 (Rear Dunker Bldg.) Can handle your most perplexing motor car problem. After one treat. ment your car will run like new. AUTOS FOR SALE 121 Hall‘s Lane _â€" _ KITCHENER Phone 3127j â€" Res. 3712 (At King St.) Welding â€" Radiator â€" Body Repairs GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY New and Used Parts. 12 Frederick St., Opposite City Hall Phone 274 â€" Kitchener New and Used _ _ PARTS FOR YOUR CAR WATERLOO AUTO PARTS 134 King St. S. â€" _ Phone 834M Waterloo WE BUY USED CARS AUTO PAINTERS The colour of your car matched | Phone 781 i PHirnbre uBriruvre in perfectly. n ies e ne o oeg ‘CHICOPEE HEIGHTS FARM GEORGE M. RUPPEL GILSON WASHERS ; 6§â€"9 a.m. â€" 4â€"7 p.m. 45 Gaukel St. _ â€" _ Kitchener (FURNACES . REFRIGERATORS| 1232 King E., Kitchener, Ph. 2381w Accessories, Parts and Repairing | JONES BEAUTY PARLOR Geo. C. Krueger Bicycle Shop| Ogilvie Sisters Hair and Scalp 32 John St. E. â€" _ Waterlo® |_ Preparations and Treatments. 8 Water St. 5. Phone 1868 â€" Kitchener Diseases of Women and Surgery s e 4. | _ Keep Comfortable This Winte?. Silvertown Stores / cow rrices â€" Easy tErRus Bibles, Hymn and Prayerbooks | a specialty. Add more books to your home library by having your favorite | ze ravemmemnanmmemain ry | & ‘KNAPP‘S BEAUTY PARLOR J- (n Lehmallll 18 King Street West, Kitchener BOOKBINDER or Entrance through Goudies Store | Phon Specializing in | 17 Queen SQK.“':.‘..." n 2998 |par. Waves, F. Waves, Hair Cutting. | | _ Facials, Marcelling, Scalp Treatâ€" j Rebinding Books, ment, Manicuring Bibles. Hymn and Praverbaaks _ Abrolute Sanftation, Quality and Service! magazine bound into books. _ â€" Walter Hinsperger, Prop Initialing Club Bags, Suitcases, _ Permanent Waves (Natural, Crogue, Bonat. ote. Bpiral) $1.50, $2.00, $380, §8.00; Finger Dobbin Garage AUTOMOTTVE Goodrich Batteries As Low as 500 Weekly 32 John St. E. â€" _ Waterio« Out of the high rent district. BOOKBINDING 1936 Terraplane Coach 1935 Terraplane Sedan 1936 Terraplane Coupe 1934 Terraplane Coach 1934 DeSoto Sedan 1931 Buick Sedan 1929 Pontiac Coupe 1929 Durant Coach 1929 Oldsmobile Sedan 1930 Buick Coupe FREE ROAD SERVICE Anywhere in Twin Cities Everything For Your Car SEIGEL‘S GARAGE New and Used Bicyclea $8.50 and up. DEL‘S CYCLE SHOP BATTERIES Phone Kitchener 4646 BICYCLES Rates reasonable RECHARGING RENTALS Goodrich MEDICINAL Prices remsonable ealled for and d Battery Service ILLING Kitchener Mleetric motors, % h.p. to & hz) $10.00 and up; also a Woods 6 chopper. Dobbin Garage, Kitchener ‘__ Phone 3819 â€" _ Res. 3103J {323 King St. W. â€" Kitchener, Ont. | DECORATORS PAINTING AND DECORATING 398 )4 King St. East, Kitchener Sharp Riley A Raddats _ R. Knorr Wat. 895 Kit. 35620 Kit. 2773M We stock Ivory and Colored| Toilet Sets, Military Brushes, Elecâ€" , tric Razors, Perfumes, Papetries, Chocolates, etc., at Geiger‘s Drug[ Store, 408 King St. E.. Kitchener, Phone 571. } DYERSâ€"CLEANERS LADIES‘ & GENTS‘ CLOTHING! CURTAINS, DRAPES, Ete. Sewing Machines, Drop Heads $8.00 and up Guaranteed Repairs to all Makes. Waterloo Sewing Macnine Shop 74 King S., Waterloo Phone 781 C. E. SCHWARTZENTRUBER! RR. 2, Petersburg Keep It New Withâ€" Four verrs ago we started this service at this very attractive price, and «o many people have taken rdvantage of it that we have devided to carry on at this special price. We have afio an additional service uf vacuum cleaning hot amir pipes with every rebuild job. 16 Menno St., Waterioo, Phone 447J Repairs on All Makes of Furnaces. 47 King St. W. â€" Phone 4526 SUTHERLAND â€" SCHULTZ Pearl Laundry Co. Cleaners and Dyers Rug Shampooers Phone 3738 â€" â€" Kitchener Clare Diebold, Prop. 200 King West â€" Phone 1410 Kitchener Flowers tclegraphed anywhere, CLARE‘S FLOWER SHOP 262 King E.. Kitchener, Phone 511 s0 MUCH. "A Mother‘s Care to all You W# car" 47 Queen St. S. â€" Phone 808 Kitchener, Ont. Artistic Floral Designs for all Occasions Smoky Furnaces! | REBUILT COMPLETELY _| Agents for PEASE Furnaces AB“",',‘,’I Cleaning HAIRDRESSING / mimerat DECORATORS Phone 3878 for Appointment. ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRICAL _/ For further particulars see Kitchener feutsl Only "*Â¥ ALIL WORK GUARANTEED DRUGGISTS E. P. KIESWETTER A. STRASSBURGER MOTORS FOR SALE FURNACES FOR SALE Kitchener Dye Works or _ Maree!, 8§e; Shampoo, 26c Facial, 40¢: Manieurs, . MSe. CHRISTMAS WALTER‘S BEAUTY PARLOR Plumbing and Heating FLORAL $1i. 5. P KITCHENER Kitchener Instal a $4,.50 Guelph Reâ€"winding Phone 4100 THB WATERLOO (Ontarlo) New and Used FOR SALE Repairs :"::'; :f:‘f.‘:e‘ (Manufactured in Kitchener) pipe« «,» |_For the Kitchen Stove or Heater Superior Oil Burners and Hamco rnaces. Stoker for the Furnace. 2 259 King St. W. â€" Kitchener Pay More for Your Old Gold and Do Expert Watch, Clock and Jewel: lery Repairing at moderate prices The Swiss Jeweller clocks and jewellery. Also a complete line of Watches, Clocks, etc. 24 Benton Street > Kitch (Opp. Weber Feed Store) Community Auction Sale 10 a.m. every Saturday. Livestock, implements, or what have you, â€" Sell your surplus for cash F. J. Steffier, Prop. â€" Phone 1714w Dominion Life Assurance Cor Head Office: Waterioo, Out. Fire Horses, Cows, Young Cattle Pigs Bought â€" Sold â€" Exchanged. Borovoy‘s Livestock Exchange Insurance Agencies SAVE MONEY | On Your PAINT and WALLPAPER | .__Requirements at | KITCHENER_â€"PAINT & ® 0 0_ WaALLPAPER C3 â€" Phone 4310 26 Benton St. 205 King East â€" Kitchemer â€" Phone 705 Four Doors from Dr. Hett‘s | CHRONTICLE CLASSIFIEDS COST 8O LITTLE. BRING Government Deposit â€" $100,000 DIRECTORS KITCHENER BURNER CO. N O T LCE ! IRWIN‘S CREDIT JEWELLERS SCIENTIFIC â€" Swedish _ Massage Health Therapist. ROSA BROWN, N.C. J Howard Simpson W. G. Weichel = â€" E. J. Bauer . â€" Oscar Rumpe! â€" Ford S. Kumpt > W. Ro Bricker > F0 H. Maser P. V. Wilson W G. Weichel â€" J. Howard Sunpson F. H. Moser J. A. Fischer C. H. Ruppel E. E. Rotharm. ) > C. J. Moogh H. M. Holfman MISS ANNA R. BEAN Teacher of Piano, Singing and Theory. Private and Class Instruction. Studios: 48 Roy St., Kitchener. Phone 1171M. MARVEL OIL BURNERS Phone 846 1 King Street East â€" Kitchener Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Established 1863 ASSETS OVER $1,500,000 by our modern electrolysia method, also molcs and warts. No need to be disfigured by these ugly blemishes Consultation free C. A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED Graduate Masseuse Registered D.P.A. Phone 4429 144 King W.. Kitchener. Kitchener Sales Stables KITCHENER _ â€"_ ONT. Agents > Greatâ€" West Life Assce. Co â€" â€" Automobile â€" _ Acci OIL BURNERS Does an expert repair job on any kind of watches, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Permanently Removed JEWELLERS LIVESTOCK L. HUMMEL, Reg. Nurse INSURANCE _ | REAL ESTATE |Ontario Department of Highways PERSONAL MUSIC District Agents PAINT Earl Putnam OFFICERS The VAPOR BATHS â€" â€" President â€"â€" Vieeâ€"President â€" Managor â€" Secretary â€" Treasurer Supt. of Agencics 530 Res. 4359 KITCHENER Inspectors Guelpb Waterloo Waterloo Kitchemer Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo Accident CHRONICLER § Seiberling Tire Depot ©207 King St. E. â€"â€" Kitchen | _ New and Used Tires, Reliners, ‘ 20â€" CR â€"â€" 00 0 [fi a 1938 license plate. as the direcâ€" 9 turs of this public movement are in | Bender 8 !aglwvlurnl with the officials of the ; In Busine«s Over 30 Years. Depariment of Highways that a pro Phone 1“KI'I:CH55=EFR“‘.*. Stâ€"/mjscuous distribution would tend to 1 wlefeat the very purpose of this camâ€" REAL ESTATE , INSURANCE â€" LOAMS|..;,, i. displaying the White (woss un his motor vehicle, the )1â€" & c+msed operator signifiecs his intenâ€" To Close ESldte J\'wu to observe the simple rules of Home with full lot, dandy garden, s«ts diiving contained in the Pledze situated near Mennonite Church, oi the White Cross Driver Waterloo; 6 rooms, comveniences| There is actually no pledge to sign, except bath tub. A suap atâ€" ‘but with each emblem is handed to slsm the motorist a booklet containing the ,Pledge. and by the simple act of affix |Ing the emblem to his car. the moâ€" A. K Cressman torist obligates himself to its observâ€" ED. HOUSE‘S SHOE STORE and REPAIR SHOP King St. S. _ â€" _ Phone 941 WATERLOO, ONT. Listings Invited. The A. M. Wilson Co. King and Water Sts. â€" Phone 4646 FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY)»»~ For Sale and Exchange. |+48 Hessenaur & Shantz|â€" 30 Outaric Street $. â€" Phone 796 KITCHENER Whother BUYING or SELLING a [ _ m SHOE REPAIRING , \; * Hearn Roofing Co. |! TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS Duplicating and Adding Machines Filing Cabinets, Desks, Safes, etc Ontario Office Ouifitters LAd. 58 Queen St. S. . Phone 979 Kitchener The correspondent wishes the ediâ€" romand its staff and readers a Merry UChrisimies.2v0d a HMappy New Year Â¥ro and â€" M m?& Honderich « Isaten «ud Mr. Milton Eidt of S Araths gisited Sundav with Mrâ€"an Wes: Herbort Kidt Mr. soud AMrs: Lowtis: Doeiing spen Sunday o with Mr. and Mrs_ Eim Presrine â€" _ All sizes in stock. â€" We Fix Flats â€" Vulcanizing Rev. and Mre. J. E. Bender of Oetzol‘s corner visited Tuesday with Mr. John Mohr and Miss OtfMiia Mohr Goodrich* Goodyear â€" Firestone _ Dominion Miss Viola Seyler o Baden spet » few days with Mr and Mra. Cla ton Sevler W and Mis Reuben Detwiller and D.mily of Floradale visited at the ome i Mre Ren Lichty, Sunday \~ mm Mre George Weber were @unday gueata at the home of C1it fovd Creseman of Kitehemer TIRES & TUBES â€"% If It‘s Anything in Rn;fint "We Do It" E. L. Hearn, Manager 305 King St. W. â€" Kitchener Phones: 1775, Res. 255 Goodrich Silvertown Stores E. K. HEARTH 74 King S. â€" Pho Limited Phoue $25 â€" _ 258 King W. KITCHENER RXPERT Radio Repairing Local Tire Shop TYPEWRITERS A. K. Cressman Real Estate and Insurance 102 King St. South WATERLOO Small Weekly Payments Used Truck Tires PHILIPSBURG BARGAIN PRICES ROOFING Tubes tested free nnday RADIOS KITCHENER New and Used WATERLOO For Phone 781 Kitchener aunounclug that each motorist who wishes io do so. may obtain a White |Cioss emblem for his motor vehicle |by asking the clerk in charge for pone _ The emblems are not be |iug handed to every person who calls ‘serretarx. Mrs. Geo. Rennie; temâ€" |perarce secretary, Mrs, Duncan Mcâ€" ‘Pherson: organist. Miss D. MceKay. ; ! Mr. Joe Gibbons of Toronto spent , |a few days with friends here. 1 The Sunday school of the United | nurch held its annual Christmas | (‘..-m-s-n on Wednesday evening. a The pupils of the Separate School | | nad â€"their Christmas entortainment on Tuesday afternoon of songs, re«:i-l ‘x;;|inm~ and dialogues. Sauta Claus| '.aw‘\'r‘rl in due time to distribute the | Lzilts and nuts and candies. ! | _ Mrâ€" and Nrs. A. A. Ament and | !.\h' Wosley Roswer speut Sunday ill! Teoronts Mready over 150,000 White Cross «mblems have been forwarded to inâ€" dividua! motorists, business houses wud other organizations, for the enâ€" iellment of employees or members. id the Committee in charge esâ€" tbeates thes well over 100000 motor velifcles are now displaying the White Cinss emblem in Ontario A largo portion of Hiese emblems have been attuohed jo 1937 imarkers and at this Jime of year, when so many exwhers in cars are changing their val diconse pfates for their 1938 markers, the Commiltee of the White uruss Safâ€" Difving Movement is an gfols Hist the emblems already distriâ€" ied will he preserved and placed A Merry Christmas to all. ... . \r. Gordon Hackett of Gainshoro, Susk., is visiting with his father, Mr. Thomas Hackett Mrs. Frank MeCardle is yisiting in Toronto Nirs. Hain Heads W. M. Society. The anoual meeting of the United Chuuech W.Q O M. S. was held at the :irsonage Thucsday afternoon, Re ports were given by the various comâ€" mittees. Officers for the ensuing sear are: President, Mrs. G. R. Vaim. first vieepresident, Mre. W. .. Mather; second viceâ€"president. \irs. A 4). Schnarr; secretary, Miss M. Sehnurr, treasurer. Mrs R. K. Posivr) «ssociate helpers secretary, Airs, Wan. Nurse; supply secretary, Mrs. D. Williams, stranger and visitâ€" ing secretary, Mrs. H. Newton; liter ature secretary, Miss D. McKay; Christian stewardship and finance TOHWUNTO. Ont., Dec. 18. â€"aAll the | License issuing Offices of the Motor Vehicies Brauch, Ontario Department uf Highways, are now supplied with White Cross emblems and Safety , Pledges. for distribution to motorists | who wish to enroll in the White‘ (ross Sale Driving Movement ( Official posters are displayed in tacse offices, Invited the public to coâ€" operale in this Safety Campaign, and J Miss Iuby Hotstetter of Kitchener visited friends here on Sunday. Misses M. Moir and B. Eckert apent Saturday in Kitchenar. Mrs K Wright and deughter Mous of Trale were weekâ€"end visiâ€" tors with Mc and Mrs, A. A. Koebel, Mr. Ed. Kenahun of Toronto called on friends here over the weelkâ€"end. Miss Dorothy White of Kitchener spent a few days at the home of Mrs K. Kochel. Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Clara Giese were Mr. and Mrs. Wasren Smith oi St. Jacobs and Ma ind Mrs. Gen deshka. Kitchener : the new Ticense plates. Therefore, the greater the number cmblems in actual use by motorâ€" is on their 1837 and 1938 license ickers. the more effective becomes Cx erisade to he‘p reduce the apâ€" illinx toll aof wccldents on streete Yoahways LINWOOD Distributes Red Cross Emblems the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs â€" and A. Kitchener KILL RABBITS AND PHEASANTS ILLEGALLY Good going Tuesday, Dec. 21 to Sunday, Jan. 2 inclusive. Return limit to leave destination not later than imidnight, Friday, Jan. 7, 1988. Good going December 30 up to 2.00 pm. January 2. Return Jimit to leave destination not later than midâ€" night Mondlay, January 3, 1938. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE: 25c Bétween all points in Canada M: and Mis Jack Bast and Miss Lium. Helmuth called on Mr. and Mirs. Mosges schwartzentruber at Péâ€" tersbure on Sunday Ms. Curctis Helmuth called ou his uncle Mr.o and Misâ€" Aacou Helmuth Woomdsy MUro and Mis Chas Kuntze spent Suwlay in Elmira Reduced Fares GUELPH â€" â€"iliegal kiliing of pheasâ€" ants and rabbits has increased with the suow is the countryside. Tracks ui the animais and birdé are easily followed.. Receutly police coâ€"operaâ€" tion was asked by the Welltington Esh and Gaine Society to check the use of ferrels in cabhit hunting We wish a Morry Chiristmas and a Happy New Year to the editor amd staff and all the readers of the Wa beadoo Cnronicle Mr and Mrs Aaron Pletch visited o â€" ‘he home of Messrs. Win and Hoemax â€" Longelbach on sunday last Full information from agents v. M. woon City Passenger Agent. 120 King St. W. â€" _ Phone NEVY YEAR‘S Canadian Pacific Prepay a Railway Ticket. An Unusual New Year‘s Gift YsleL 9: FARE AND A QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP FARE AND A THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP a QUIET, WELL CONDUCTED, comvENIENT, MODERN 100 ROOM HOTELâ€"â€"85 WITH BATH WRITE FOR FOLDER LAKE A DE LUXE TAX) FROM DEPOT OR WHARF â€"28c EAST ZORRA Kitchener, Ont PAGE i Phone 585 D () M THIS ART

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