Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Dec 1937, p. 3

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Gold Watch for s Warden Kinze Friday, Decembet 24, 1987 Warden Simou Kinzie was watched" by colleagues at Tuesâ€" Wuy‘s meeting of the county council on the eve of bis retirement from township and county municipal work after a long and creditable record of service. Reeve Hostetier took the chair following which a go‘d watch vas presented to Mr. Kinzie accomâ€" panied by words of praise for his exâ€" cellent work on behalf of the county. t1 a brief address he thanked his celleagues including the county offfâ€" cials for their finx coâ€"operation durâ€" ing the year Deputy Reeve Huchn of Wellesiey township on bebalf of the members pald tribute to his work and coâ€"operâ€" ative manner in presiding over the affairs of the county meetings during the year A motion of thanks was heartlly passed on motion of Deputy Reeve Lorne Weber and Reeve M1} tan A. Schmidt following which the piesentation was made to Mr. Kinzle Cierk Sam Cassel and others also adâ€" ded a word of tribute. At the dinâ€" uer held at the Walper House, Clerk Sam Cassel acted as chairman. Symâ€" pathy was expressed in the serious illness of Mrs. Kinzie. Reference was made to the illness of Reeve Norman McLeod of North Dumfries and a letter wishing him an early recovery will be forwarded Other Motions of Appreciation Council also passed motions of thanks to the following for services in 1937; County Road Engineer D. J Emrey, Finance _ Chairman Ed. Hiuehn, | Reeve Walter â€" Hofstetler, New Hamburg, chairman of the board of management of the Old Folks‘ Home; Reeve Milton A. Schmidt. chairman of the roud and bridge comâ€" n.ission; Reeve B. A. Flynn, Hesapelâ€" ev, chairman of the county property committee; County Treasurer Sam Cassel and the press 90 YEARS YOUNG Mrs. Sophia _ Shoemaker, . 149 Shanley St., Kitchener, this week observed her 90th birthday. As a little girl she played on her father‘s farm at Breslau. She continues to enjoy fair health and is entering in the spirit of Christmas with the young folk. ILL AT HOSPITAL Friends of George Grosz, Sr., manâ€" uger at the Waterloo Publtc Urilities Commission are sorry to learn he is it‘ at the â€"Kâ€"W. Hoapital CASE ADJOURNMENT W. Mertz, St. Cements, was given until Dec. 24th to settle illegal lctor selling case by Magistrate Blake on Honday. DISORDERLY CONDUCT CASE DISMISSED| _ t t Magistrate Blake on Friday gave keep the peoce following a dis Rudoiph Moskalski, Bellevue Ave.,‘ orderly conduct charge laid by his freedom, after he promised to constable. Wlm!«vwc«'&nm«mm««z Pay Tribute to Reeve of Waterioo Township Who is Retiring. y ce cumism Apai CHRISTMAS GOREE Telephone 579 JEWELLERS AND OPTOMETRISTS King St. E. KITC! We cordially and sincerely wish you the happiest Christmas you have ever hadâ€"and may the New Year double your good for{une. Ll2ke a 9 Yours for a Gay Christmas . G. Young & Co. FOR FAST DELIVERY â€" 10â€" WATERLOO â€" Want County Road System Waterloo County Council | Opposed to Having Ontario Highways Dept. Take Over Roads. A sirong protest was made by riembers of the County Council at ‘‘uesday‘s meeting against the proâ€" posal of the province to have the Onâ€" tario government take over all counâ€" ty road systems. ‘The protest was inâ€" cluded in the report of the road and bridge committee presented by Chairâ€" an Milton A. Schmidt, reeve of Wilmot. It followed a protest made in a letter received from Lennox and Addington County against the change It was decided to send a copy of the resolution of protest to the Onâ€" tario Good Roads Commission al Its imreting In the new year. It was con: tended in the resolution that the coounty roads system is proving satâ€" istactory and that any change as mooted in a move in certain quarâ€" ters wou‘d be to the detriment of the roads system The following rebates to towns and villages for highway work done durâ€" Ing the year were authorized on the committees‘ â€" recommendation: . El mira. RLABO:â€" Prestan <@4 Seeâ€") ftoâ€" noile . been $48,290.0« the amount included capital expendiâ€" tures, the chairman said it included the new barn but that fow oxtras were not in i. Replying to a question by Deputy Reeve Lorne Weber as to whether PuIS ARTICLE HREYONED Beese‘s Dairyâ€" We, as Ministers of New Hamburg and the surrounding community, grateful to our community for the generous reâ€" sponse to the recent appeal for donations for Western Relief, desire at this Christmas season to reâ€"affirm our allegiance to the Faith of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God. At the same time we are conscious of the fact that our faith is on trial at this time throughout the world more than has been its lot for sixteen centuries We appeal to all Christians in our community to be not merely nominal but actual and pracâ€" tical in their loyalty to Him and to realize that more than country, family or seif, Jesus Christ claims our allegiance and obedience inasmuch as He is the Son of God Who loved us and ave Himself for us. And because He loved us, we ought also to love one another. May this Christmas Season witness a renewed expression of the Christian faith of our community. is THE WISH OF HAPPY NEW YEAR AND A A Christmas Challenge KITCHENER King St. S :ll Mr. Bean was of a quiet but ; ‘genial disposition and was held in high regard by those who knew him. â€" For sixty years he had been a deâ€" _ woted member of Bethel Church ~| (formerly _ Methodist, but now| @;United) and until incapacitated by a stroke about six years ago was a{ |faithful attendant. Here it was that ‘on Monday afternoon, Dec. 20th, his friends and neighbors gathered to pay him their last respects. Serâ€" |vices were conducted by Rev. H. W.] 'H-gelstein, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. Wm. Walker of iNew Hamburg, a warm personal friend. Both speakers fittingly reâ€" ferred to the worth and character of the deceased. Rev. Mr. Hagelâ€" istein based his remarks on "The Mansion Beyond," John 14: 1â€"3, while Rev. Mr. Walker‘s text was from Job 5: 26, "Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age like as a shock of corn cometh in, in his ‘in this county. His grandfather came from â€" Montgomery county, |Pennsylvnnia, to Ontario, in the year 1800, making the long "trek" by wagon train consisting of nine covered wagons, twentyâ€"two horses, |houlehold goods and farm impleâ€" ments. An aunt, Mary Bean, born April 24th, 1800, had the honour of being the first white child born in Waterloo County. Outside of the last six months, the late Mr. Bean resided on the farm known as the Bean homestead, which was purâ€" chased from the Canada Company by his father over one hundred years ago and now owned and operâ€" ated by his second son, Fred. Funeral of 1. Bean Largely Attended Descendant of One of Oldest In the death of Isaac Bean, who quietly â€" passed â€" away _ Saturday ‘moming, Dec. 18th, at the home of his son, Robert J. Bean, Huron Road, Southâ€"West Wilmot lost one of its oldest and best known resiâ€" dents. The deceased, who was in his eightyâ€"third year, was the seventh and youngest son of John and Anna (Shiry) Bean and was a descendant of one of the oldest pioneer families AUNT OF DECEASED, MARY BEAN, WAS FIRST WHITE CHILD IN COUNTY SOUTHâ€"WEST WILMOT In the year 1881 he married Marâ€" garet, eldest daughter of Robert and Mary Ann (Lucas) Gilmar, who preâ€" deceased him in February of this year. Five children, Alfred, Laura, Fred, Robert and Howard were born of this union. Laura (Mrs. Mervin Facey) resides in Blandford Townâ€" ship, Alfred, Fred and Robert are farming in â€" Southâ€"West Wilmot, while the youngest son, Howard, teaches school in Toronto. Pioneer Families of County, Who Came from Pennâ€" sylvania. Mrs. H. C. Cayley of Norwich rendered a beautiful solo. The pallâ€" bearers, consisting of fellow church members, were Messrs. J. G. Wood, R. Hilborn, W. Marwick, J. A. Diaâ€" mond, F. Nau and J. W. Facey. Interment was made in the cemeâ€" tery adjoining the church. Many friends from Stratford, Woodstock, Kitchener, Brantford and other outâ€" side points were in attendance. Personals. â€" ooo Mr. and Mrs. Abner Brubacher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Abner Cressman and daughter Carol spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Menno Brubacher at St. Jacobs. Miss Isabel Davidson, teacher at $.8. 4, Wilmot, is spending the Christmas vacation at her home near Plattsville. . â€" _ Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Isaac Bean on Monday were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Bean, Miss Anna R. Bean and Mrs. S. Coxson of‘ Waterloo, Messrs. Alex and Eldon Bean, Misses Sue, Lizzie and Edith Bean and Mr. Levi Master of Kitchâ€" ener, Mrs. Elizabeth Langley of Stratford, Mrs. James Mathers of Brantford, Mrs. J. Rabb and sons of Princeton, Mrs. Smith of Hickson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gilmar, Mesers. Alec, Joe and Lloyd Gilmar of Woodstock, Mrs. Ed. Hansuld of Tavistock, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bean and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hallman of New Dundee, and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cayley of Norwich, ‘and Mr. George Johnson of Wilâ€" |liamsburg. ___ _ 200 Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lichty and dlnfhter Verna of Breslau, accomâ€" gl::.d by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ntz and daughter Gladys of Carstairs, Alberta, were Saturday ‘mnlné visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good. VOTE $100 TO HISTORICAL BOOK Waterloo County Council upon reâ€" commendation of the finance comâ€" mittee authorized payment of a $100 grant to W. V. Uttley, Elmira, forâ€" merly of Kitchenar, towards cort of a Mistory of Kitchener. The book handsome‘y bound, compriaing many hundreda of pages of intensely interâ€" eating reading and lllustration, is much i demand It is for sale at Jaimet‘s and Doersam‘s Book stores THE W ATERLOO (Ostarlo) CHRONICLE Turkeys in Demand at Twin City Marts Priced at 32 to 38 Cents.â€" Chickens and Geese Plentiful. FINE CHRISTMAS DISPLAYS OF PRODUCE Crowds â€" thronged | the â€" Waterioo (Christmas market today as shoppers cagerly purchased the small supply of turkey â€" available Prices | were firm. The following are the quotaâ€" Eggs 25, 28 and 32c per dozsen, acâ€" vording to grade, butter 30 to 33¢, cream 18 to 20¢, applebuiter 16 to 25° a pl. coltage cheese 10c pl., cooked cheese 10 to 20c a dish, cheese 20, 23, 26¢ per Ib Honey was priced at 6 lbs for 60c Sauerkraut 104 and 18e qt., lard 15 to 16e a tb %%, beef heart 12, pigtails, 2 lbs. 25, rolled beef roast 18, fresh picnic ham 15. baby beef 14 to 15, veal cartass 13. beef carcass 10, lamb carcass 14c. Meatsâ€" Sumimer sausage 20c a ID pork sausage 25 to 27¢, fresh 27 to 29« smoked, ribs 23 to 26¢, bacon 17¢, blood sausage 19, bacon 28, Hvyer sauâ€" suge 18. sirloin 30 to 32, tenderloin Potatoes sold at 70c a bag, pepâ€" per 5¢ each spinach 10c lb., cabbage 5 io lÂ¥e. carrots 15 to 20c a basket, unions 2$c basket. turnips 3 for 1§¢c. sqguash 5 to 15c, endive 2 for 15¢, The demand for apples was slow Kussets so‘d for 20c a basket, Pewa kees for 246 and Beal‘s for 25¢ & bas ket The annual meeting of the Semol“ :,;-:mn]r of lln»I ‘\l:j .!illll(t‘;ll "'is"“';““ is'l'_ JACOBS FIRM "huth was he in the Sunday uVEFE P eX School room on Tuesday â€"evening. | UuIvEs BQ!\l s TO MEN Dec. 7. in conjunction with a banâ€" s A l #s , . 4ae1.â€" Alma. schanei presided, Two fbt'l}‘.. 'lf“ OIBS‘ ?'h‘, -f.“ hfi *““i"'l“;’ toepics were presented, ~Peace Moveâ€" "', 1 fhe regu‘ar slafl of the :mae * menis?. by Wialter: Hachborn and ."‘“"f‘l ('0"_“’:"3" ie “""‘l‘;l";";"’i“ Auger Poare", I bDorothy Kelter: yesterday, each receivinc a $ n wal uie y and a hamper of meai for sixteen charge of the president, A‘fred Horst omployed during the iuch poeriod borme. The business session was in Ionll;' "This is one of th ft'\\'l c ons Rev. 8. J. Wittig acted as rhulrmunllm“i;“i w':m'i] did not ent wares for the bunquet during which brief ‘dul'in;z the depression years addresses by various officers of lhe{ W * ¢ leaghe were given d180 a YOORL MBL | smwemmormm mt oororey mm orromegememenre by Helen Cress and Helen Schaner.| ____ ; g000 llap ow o a ns Luther Leaguers Banqueted secompanied by Arthur Schaner on the guinu.. The Jatter also rendered »â€" vocal solo and Egbert Schmidt tead a poem. The supper was served by several others of the league en bers. Sunday School Entrtainment. The Sunday School festival proâ€" gramme of the Evangelical Church was rendered last Sunday evening. The auditorium and avnex of the church were fAlled to capacity. The songs and exercises as well as the pegeant were all well given. Mr. C (. Doerbecker presided. Mr. Harry Garner wgs director of the pageant. Mev. J. P. Hauch gave a short adâ€" dress. Mr. Robt. Adam presided at the organ. ‘tr. G‘en Malkeod is on the sick st. Mr. Donald Davis substituted for him this week. The teacher, Miss Brisel of S.S. No. %, is also indisâ€" posed and her place was filled by ‘.\I:s, J. Buchanan for the week. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Metzger and Tamily of Yalton visited at the home lm‘ Mi. and \Mrs. jJohn T. Horat on Si.ndas Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mis. Jerry Martin on Sunday were Miv. Eli Hintz of Heidelberg, Mr. John ‘Knarr of Waterloo, Miss Aleda Eby. Elmira Highway and Miss Al med.. Martin of Conestogeo. Ms. and Mrs. John 1.. Horst called en Mrs. Sally Frey of Waterloo on Sunday . Mrs. Frey is not well. We regret that this column missed last week and that it is so short this weeh. It is because your scribe fell ou the ice on the 11th instand aince «onfined to the house School Pupils Make Good Showing. The following is the report of U.S.S. No. 11 Wellesley (Heidelâ€" berg) for the term ending December 22nd, 1987. Names are in order of merit. Senior Room Grade VIIIâ€"Isaigh Martin, Erla Krauter, Estela Sattler, Amzi Marâ€" tin (eaual}, Phyllis Hackbart, Roâ€" bert Hackbart. _ Grade VII â€" Eleanor Peppler. Grace Wolfe, Milton Kuhn, Howard Kappes, Hilda: Har&uns_g.__ _ Grade Vâ€"Doreen Mansz, Bernice Koehler, Floyd Ziegler, Anna Marâ€" tin, â€" Christian _ Martin, _ Kenneth Kuhn, Roy Krauter, Lorne Hackbart, Osiah Martin, Amos Martin. ‘ Junior Room _ Grade IVâ€"Saloma Martin, Edwin Martin, _ Isaac Martin, Margaret Wolfe, Florence Waechter. 0_ Grade VIâ€"Betty Bechthold, Lloyd Heipel, Stella Huehn, Elmedia Bruâ€" bacher, Salome Martin, Carl Huehn, Wilma Kuhn. _ Grade IIâ€"Robert Huehn, Lydian Martin, Ada Martin, Christian Marâ€" tin, Rickert Mansz, Samuel Martin. _ Grade IIIâ€"Donald Hartung, Clifâ€" ford Krauter. e Grade 1 â€" Shirley Huehn, Edna Frey, Leah Martin (equal), Vernon Metzger, â€" Rosy Waechter, Clare Huehn, Lydia Martin, Amos Martin. * K. M. Williams, R. C. Miller, Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Vollmar of Toronto were recent guests with the former‘s Ttrenta. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vollmar. . ol . _ Mrs. John Gies visited with her sister, Mrs. Mary Starr, at Bamberg on Wednesday. _ _ _ 0_ Mr. and Mra. J. A. Steiss and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Strebel were dinner Exeltn with Mr. and Mra. Wesley owlett at West Montrose on Thursday evening. â€" Mr. and Mre. W. Owens and son Brian visited on Sunday with relaâ€" tives at Guelph and Kitchener. _ _ Mise T\i;.'.'-" and Mr. Claytom Dorscht of Bamberg are spending ST. JACOBS HEIDELBERG Teachers COERIEUE, NV RPRDUIRIEZ ND OPACCCCE HCC holiday season in Waterloo at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schweitser, Elgin street Shantzâ€"Haivey B., Elinua Hicdsus bar 2. 62 vears Martinâ€"Lichty â€"1) Martin of He ture Lichty of ST. JACOBS, Dec. 23..â€"Members of the regular staff of the Canada Pelting Company were madle happy yesterday, each receivinc a $10 bill and a hamper of mea for ~ixteen employed during the iush period only. This is one of the few comâ€" panies which did not cut wages during the depression years. several days with M and Mi Noah Grubb. Several local people attemled the Christmas festival at the Evangeliâ€" ea Church, St. Jacobs. on Sumday evening. Mrs. Catherine huch arnd Miz Milton Kuch are spending some time at the sick bedside of the fortmer‘s brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. David McCrae £i Port Huron, Mich. Mrs. Harry Boeckner Death _ came â€" suddenly . to | Mrs. Lonise M. Rocckner at her home. 17 Pinke street, Kitehencr. early on Tresday in her i3rd year. A daughâ€" trr of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Suockfish the deceased was borh at Listowel on Aug. 5, 1885. She was a member of Stâ€" Matthew‘s Latheran ehurch Surviving are hrer husband. Harry Boeckner, one son Vernon at home wud one daughter Doris at home, two hrothers, George Stockfish of Hamilâ€" ten and William Stockfish of Kiteh ener, two sistere, Mys. Gearze Boeckâ€" en ofâ€" Tavistock anul Mrso Edward Gorges of Michigan The faneral services tor the late Mrs. Harry Boeckner. who died Tues: duy. were held from her late resi dence, 17 Pinke strset on Tharsday Mrs. Harry diy. were dence, 17. @Tlernoon fuy at 2. theran °C narins w Doeisiner dan Anton Brezina Death ealled Anton Brezina of Waâ€" terloo at his home 61 Union stree eaat, Waterloo, on Mondiy atsernc i Mr. Brezina who was found dead in Led had cefired for an afternocn srep Me was in hie sith year John Zimmerman PAVISTOCK â€"Suffering a hearl iwlzure while attending a Chriatma®s rantatre at Knox Unired church hete Sanday _ night John â€" Ziinmerman vodâ€"ls known Tavistock manufac trovi collapsed and dted In hi« 83rd year, Mr. Zimmerman, pro«‘dent of Zlmmerman Bros Ltd., hox manufacturers apparently had Personals i ofâ€" Heldelberg, Lichty of Ploradale Deaths OBITUARY s for the Li who died Tues her late resi Au in Crechs reliced cooper of the Joseph 18 years. Mr c of St. John‘s of Comes Ltrgss the home arr. 39 Deâ€" 23 in his 1 Germany vars LONDON, Dec. 22. â€" Dr. Cyrus Dililman G. Wismer . Hallman Ziegler, prominent London‘ _ BADEN, Dec. 23. â€"Dillman G. Wisâ€" dentist and a wellâ€"known figure in mes. 61. died at his residence, north municipal circles, and sister of Miss «i Buden on Wednesday, after a long Elizabeth Ziegler, Kitchener, died ilincss _A resident of this district yesterday at Victoria Hospital folâ€" i); l\ hi. Mi/ Wisimer was a son lowing a paraiytle stroke. He was o. the jate Mr and Mrs: Henry Wis "~C~ in his 78th year. in atul was borh on the Wismer For the past 18 years Dr. Ziegler \sanestead had served on the public library _ fie was married at New Hamburg board and was chairman of the on ppb. 28. 1900. He was a member tE X board at the time of his death. .< the Reormed Mennonite Church. @* From 1898 to 1905 he was a memâ€" Surviving are his widow, two her_of the Board of Education. daughters, Mrs. Lorne Mank of Kitâ€" nbers Coming to London in 1890, he ; uy and Lorelta at home, three Brother to Miss Elizabeth Ziegler of Kitchener.â€"Prominent in Public Life. Dr. C. H. Ziegler Dies at London AIn 0. J BJ Dib BcA ADANDAIARrRDP: O Coming to London in 1890, he practised his profession here for 44 vears, retiring three years ago. Born in Kitchener, he received his eleâ€" nentary education in that city and later attended the Norman School at Ottawa before entering a course in dentistry at the University of Toronto. He received his degree in 1KKT. â€"lay Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary M. Ziegler; a son, Karl W. Ziegler, ot Toronte, formerly of T9 Albert St.. Waterloo; one brother, Dr. O. H. Zicgler, of Toronto, and two sisters, _ Miss â€" Elizabeth Ziegler, Kitchener, and Mrs. A. T. Boles, of Simeoe. . Another son, Eric, died in tu.e Greai War Two grandchildren also survive. The funeral wa> held on Thurs j ho‘ n in his usual good health. He i just seated himself prior to the umeneement of the church proâ€" m when he slumped down in his v0 lt diod in a few minutes. He i misen lis car to the church. seninr member of the Zimmerman u.0 tae eompiny . president | was m in Tavistock. Actively intorâ€" bal in the we‘fare of the village he l jnst resizned from the Public noies Commission. The late maâ€" se tiver was a member of the trusâ€" + hbourd of Zion Evangelical ehurch. [e is survived hy three brothers, w ound Harry: Zimmerman of watock. and Rev.â€" Wiliam Zimâ€" s min of Kitchene, and hy two sisâ€" s, Mrs Sam Barber and Miss Mary oo entest bech ert this vilage blduls nalt othe Fun ELMiRA, Ihn «& CANADIAN DEPARTMENT STORES unines 11.00 a.m.â€" The Pastor Waterloo First United Church d 7.00 p.m 11.00 a.m. â€"Christmas Morning Meditations Mrs. Herbert Lo 4M 11.00 al_ servie m nds iwor Ceme mmanuel Evangelical Church Heidelberg: ‘ 0N p.m.â€"Worship Service 60 pom t abed at her Jate remiâ€" Monday evening after a ssoâ€" Desenserl eame to El N0 rais a20. o are herâ€"husband. one Kleanor, her father, one d one sister in Toronto. services | were held on mormiie | with | burial in i Cemetery. Toronto alvary Evangelical Church THIS ARTICLE REMOVED P The Pastor. Monday, 7 p.m.â€"Junior C. E. 8 p.m.â€"Young People‘s Society. King Street West â€" Kitchener "The Other Wise Man" Ilustrated dramatic sermon Corner Cedar and Water Sts., Waterloo REV. H. A. KELLERMAN, Paster. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1937 Sunday School. Worship Service Evening Service Cormer King SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1937 Howlett Mrs. Herber REV. E. VAL. TILTOMN, B.D., Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1937 A cordial welcome to all services and William Ste., Waterlos St. Jacobs Infant soun of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Filug, 102 Bingeman St., Kitchener, paseed away suddenly on_Decemher 250 He was five months old. Survivâ€" ing are his parents, one brother. Roâ€" bert and a twin brother, Donald. The funeral will be held from the home uf his parents on Friday at 3 o‘clock. W aterloo No extra charge for use of our homeâ€"like Funerul Chapel. Walsh Funeral Service 160 King St. S is Novval of Battle Creek, Mich., iclvin aml Harold at home, one broâ€" ) Hâ€"ury of Penner, Alta YOU KNOW THAT and Sunday School Schreiter â€" Sandrock Limited FUNERAL HOME 51 Benton St., Phone 4480 KITCHENER Dillman G. Wismer Douglas Pflug WE render the highest type of service to humanity in its hour of greatest Phone 677

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