Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Dec 1937, p. 2

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PACE TWO Your HUDSON Water St. N. KITCHENER Phone 3650 TERRAPLANE Dealer DOBBIN GARAGE WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS AND REFRIGERATORsS MARCONI AND NORTHERN ELECTRIC RADIOS LEONARD REFRIGERATORS 74 KING ST. 8. Merry Christmas | Hart and Willard Batteries and Service Happy New Year Universal Refrigeration A. G. EULER Wishes you a and WATERLOO Expert Radio Repairs Marconi and Westinghouse Tubes E. K. HEARTH M (0) y Convt n 20 Gu n de E. te. hlan Donus. B tor am Calt en noam‘s a ma son #]: H The schedule provides for a startâ€" ing wage for both first and second (ass feachers without experfence of $sWm a year Annnal Increases of $50 are glven unt1] $1.300 is reached. The next vear, the raise is $25, and this w ar/y salary of $1,325 is the maxiâ€" mm for second class teachers Holders of first elass certiflcates woogress hy the same schedule to a maximium of $1.424 per year KITOHENER,. _ Ont. â€" Salary Inâ€" i eases nf €84.615 to teachers were opproved by the Kitchener public = hoo} hoard at its last meeting. The 1938 Inulget for salariee will now toâ€" t1 $174.038 The Increase averaged $76 per tnacher. The largest indiviâ€" dnal increase was $300 Salary Increases for Kitchener Teachers Motorvists Held to Blame for Crash KITCHENER, Ont. â€"In Connty C imvi un Thursday, Earl Thompson, Gu T. deiendent, was he.d 75 per cent to hlame and plaintiff Harold Hoffâ€" 109, Braniford, 25 per cent to blame, tur am @ecident which occurred at Call en Aug. 6. Damages to Hoffâ€" inah‘s ear (ofailed $319 and Thomp son $13n Each will pay their porâ€" hon of ensts. Thompson was blamed n pdaintiff for not giving warning wlen nbout to make a left turn, alâ€" thoueh he admitted he had seen the ca~ 200 feet ahead. Defendant said the nther car was going 50 miles an ‘our The jndge held both to blame and apportioned costs as ahove. Holiday Visitors. Miss Selina Seyler is spending a â€" v ‘lays with hor sister, Miss Idella o tiles at Erbsville. ‘ Mi and lirs. Menno Albrecht and Miss Barhira Kropf of Waterloo ent che week end with Mr. and Dirs. John Kropf. _ Miss M. Graham of the 9th line wiul Mrs. L. M. Schaefer of Bamberg svent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and \rs. Renben Seifert. The â€" eortespondent â€" wishes â€" the Olnomcle staff and its may readers « vecy Merry Christmas and a Hapâ€" ;i New Year. c.on sele } antomin Liste Seif }. Uruious I 'r.u»â€"i Wogl "Obstucle [\Iury Lich selection ‘aine. "Je by Holina 7 «. phone Songs, Recitations and Dialogues Ably Given and Enjoyed by i1 "Weaving in the Won", fo‘llowed byr a discussion. Mr. Allan Seyler read the second scripture lesson. A ‘opic on "The Prince of Peace" was eoven by Mr. Arthur Hackbart. A ‘iscussion followed. The roll call was rspmded t» by a scripture passage oniaining the word "Joy". One new member signed the constitution. The inceting was closed with the Lord‘s byaym. A social hour followed after which a daintv lunch was served by li~ hastess ialk in Christmas Carols. The Decemker meeting of the Laâ€" »s‘ Aid was held at the church on Â¥eInesday afternoon, The meeting «> eprned with a hymn and psalm hm which Rev. schultz read the cC‘mure lesson. A hymn was then inz A toplc on "Christmas Carols‘ ans given by Rev. Schultz. The meetâ€" i2 was closed with the Lord‘s Prayâ€" A Christmas concert was held ou Suturday evening at 8.S. No. 1, with « large actendance. The program was bs follows® Chairman‘s address; re utiution by Lorue Quehl; song by the Schoo!, ~Christmas is Coming"; | ticitation by Bernetta Kropf; diaâ€" logue. "Story Hour", by two girla; voritatious by Dorothy Selfert, Wil isal Huckhart and Joseph Kennel; Cialowune, "Boy‘s Rights"; "Clock Song )y a number of girle; rect toliims hy Richard Seifert, Lorne Siiler and Ruth Schneider; accorâ€" w.on selection by Irvin Schnelder; | mtomimne, "Home Sweet Home", by bisie Seifert and Elaine Schaat; reâ€" iUmulous by Luverne Sey‘er and !h-l iue] Wagler; Boâ€"Peep drili; dialoque, "ODbstscle In the Path"; recitation by tary Licht]; mouth organ and guitar | selection in Walter Hackbart; dla-' ‘ane. "Joliy Minstrels"; monologue L, Solina Seyler, "Flapper at the To phone"; dialogne, "Why the Bill | asn‘t Paid"; recitations by Olgai Seimeider, Lorue Seifert and Elton | hoom: Whistling chorus by several‘ loy~: â€" dialogne. "The Selling of j Sau‘s"; chorus by the School; recitaâ€" | tiis â€" by â€" Clayton _ Hackbart aud' flaine Schaat; musical number by | Irvin schneider; monologue, "Grandâ€" my Stubbins Goâ€"s to the Com’en-' F'.-n‘ by Elsie Seifert; Music by | furo{d Hieronimis and Walter Hack-' 1orl: diglognue, < Bugginsville Uplift Sovietv‘, by seven girls; song by [t‘..m girls, "The Old Red Shawl My Motherâ€" Wore"; mouth organ and critur selection by Walter Hackbart; dialoznc. . "Fetchin‘ Paw â€" Around", }A\t the close giits aud candies were O‘stribmted IPresent December Program. The December meeting of the St. John‘s Laither League was held at the home of Mr. Andrew Lips on Tuesday. The meeting was opened with « psalm after which Mr. Nelson [einrich read the scripture Jesson. \i‘ss Marie Dammeier gave a toplc HESSEN ROAD Excellent Program at School Concert Parents and Friends. Phone 781 THE WATERLOO (Ontario) CHRONICL B Galt Election Probe Ordered «.derimen aud members of the Board of Education at the civic election here on December 6, was grauted by Judge E. W Clement, of Kitchoner. The recount will open at the county court house, Kitchener Mr. Willard said he represented i group of more than 40 citizens. He suld sworn affidavits havs been obâ€" tained from 41 cltizens that they votâ€" »d at poll l2A for Frank Landreth or the Board of Education, whereas the official result showed him as re ceiviug only 25 voles. At poll 14A, there were ouly 81 votes for 8 alderâ€" manic candidates, while there were 336 for the nine Board 0; Kducation ‘undidates aud 163 votes for mayor. iMr. Willard said the recount was sought merely to get at the facts ibout the conduct of the election and .ot in the interests of any candidate u the election. WINDSOR. Turned over to Windâ€" sor police by United States immigraâ€" tion authorides recently, Lucius A Parmalee, 49, native of Waterloo, Que., and dubbed th "Santa Claus Forger", was released to Toronto poâ€" [ ce. He was held here for Toronto a thorities false pretences. Windsor po‘ice sald they underâ€" siood he was alleged to have cashed boeus chocks totalling $11,000 in Toronto on the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Detroit police alleged to have cashed bogus checks totaling $11.000 in Toronto ou the Canadian Pank of Commerce. Detroit police wleged Parmalee forged and cashed eherks tolaling $50000 in citfe« throughout the United States and Canaua anring the last 14 vears BRANTFORD.â€"Fire early Sunday , mosning destroyed a large barn with . ii~ eontets on the farm of Albert | Asluiby, just north of Brantford near ; 15° Brantâ€"Norfolk Aero Club‘s landâ€" inz field. The loss was estimated at viuore than $2.000. Firemen answered | en alarm, but whn they reached the j scone the barn was nearly destroyed ; A leantoo was also. burned. Con-} tents of the barn iucluded some chickens. tools and farm implements | wad two automobifes. old models. The barn was 40 by 20 feot in dimensions. . "SANTA CLAUS" FORGER JAILED AT MINDSOR FIRE DESTROYS BARN, 1 CHICKENS, FARM TOOLs | REMOVED Merry Devonshire Clothes Bruegeman THE TAILOR WATERLOO For 1937 John Christmas Christmas programs will be remâ€" dered in the Evangelical Church Sat uvday evenjng, Dec. 25th, at 8 o‘clock, in Trinity Lutheran church Sunday »xeninc at 7.30 o‘clock and in the Vennonite Church Sunday evening, Pou. 26th at 8 n‘clock. Holiday Visitors. MUr. and Mra_ Earl Miller visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Weaâ€" l v Miller North Woolwich. Mr. and Mra. Irvine Shoemaker, Norima and Verna visited with Seraâ€" nuâ€"« Martin‘@ Sunday Miss Myra Shoemaker spent Surâ€" ilay with Leah and Sarah Bowman The young couple will reside on the farm of the bridegroom‘s fathar, near Heidelberg. Christmas Program. Bishop Jesse Bowman perfor the ceremony. Some forty guesus were entertained at the wedding sup per. served at six o‘clock. o. the Inte Mr. and Mra. Noah Livlity. hecame the bride of M seh Martin, «on of Christlan M and the late Mra. Martin, H: berk FLORADALE Popular Young Couple Wedded A piefty wedding took place at ‘he home of Mrs. Amanda Lichty Siunday afternoon at 2.30 o‘clock vwhen Mary Ann, youngest daughte The annual Christmas Concert of the Pine Hill School, $.8. No. 7, was teld on Monday evening with a very ‘arge atfendance. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schlogel were Sunday visitors at the home of the ‘nrmers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Schlege! of South Easthope. Miss Mary Ann Lichty Becomes : Bride of Manasseh Martin. 1° Miss Sarah Boshart of Baden and lir. and Mrs, Klmer Boshart also of Baden were recent visitors at the wome of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Bosâ€" Part, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swartzentruber and fami‘y and Mr. Dan Swartzenâ€" trmber of Victoriaburg were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank I‘nddin at Hatnilton, Mss Sarah Boshart of BRaden and tended to open up the showing at depth. Drifting on the 250â€"ft. level has progressed approximately 136 ft. vest of the No. 2 shaft and is re ported to have exposed good ore all the way. In the last two rounds samâ€" p‘es across 20 ins. assayed $40 and The Christmas program given by the Wilmot Centre E.L.C.E. on Sunâ€" Goay evening was very largely atâ€" truded ind most enjoyable, all takâ€" iz their parts splendidly. The proâ€" crom consisted of frst prelude, foâ€" lowed by prayer led by Mr. Roy Haâ€" macher. Song hy the congregation, "O Little Town of Rethichem"; reâ€" coation, _ "Welcome". by â€" Shirley Ciessiman; instrumental number givâ€" vn by Mis. Bertram Chapman, Mr. Verlas â€" Witzel â€" and _ Mr. Orvill Klimes; reading. by Miss Lily Vohs duet. by «Mrs. Ephraim Ehnes ac« \iss Ellen Haas; song by congregaâ€" t‘on, "While Shepherds Watched"; «bartetls "No Room", given by Mr. wind Mis. Roy Hamacher and Mrs, E. Chnes and Mr. Wilfred Hamacher; reading by Miss Anna Haas; trio, We three Kings"; song, "As with Gladness"; recitation, "Christ was born": instrumental, "Joy to the World", given by Mrs. Chapman, Mr. Witze! and Mr. Ehnes; reading by Certrude Otto! songs by the Juniors, "Away in a Manger® and "Christ Beâ€" l â€"ngs to all"; readings by Miss Myrâ€" tle Hamacher; instrumental number: revitation, _ "Goodâ€"night", by Nyle Mr. and Mrs. John Miles of Bloomâ€" ingdale were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. David K. Boshart. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Swartzentruber svent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. Jantzl. r.0 respectively. ‘This same vein was cut in diamond drilling 300 ft. ahead The No. 2 shaft is now in operation down to the 125 {t. level. Raising of the shaft from the 250 to the 125 ft. lovel is continuing and the raise from the 376 to the 250â€"41. level will I~ siarted immediately. The company is embarking on a program of deep diamond drilling t~om surface. ‘The first hole has been spetted at a point 200 ft. weat of the Diefenbacher; song, 7'0 Oon;; nl-l“Y_; baithful"; «Mizpah benediction. Personals. of the drift face to the west where the intersection ran $10 across 5.8 ft. |» vel showing values of $27.30 across tvree feel and drifting will be comâ€" menced immediately. ; PINE _ HILL Wilmot Christmas Program Pleases Large Crowd Instrumental and Vocal Numbers and Recitations Are Well Wutorloo man paid a fine of $10 costa on a charge of being drunk public place w eel on DRUNK FINED $10 The president reports that the company has ample finances on hamd to complete the development proâ€" kram. A statemept on the ore pos!â€"} tion is being prepared and, it is exâ€" pected, should be ready arouml the end of the month. pected to be opened in about a weuk‘s time. The operation is employing a crew of over 100 men at the present time Please address communications: Financial Editor, The Chronicle, Waterioo, Ont. Your answer will appear as soon as possible without any obligation. ALEXANDER WATT & COMPANY 307 Zellor Building â€" 409 King 3t. Eâ€" KITCHENER, ONTARIO BONDS: GOVERNMENT AND PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL AND HIGHGRADES DEFAULTED ISSUES PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL SERKVICE Direct wire for fast quotations on listed and unlisted stocks. "Our Principle Assures Your Interest" BONGARD & COMPANY Toroute Stock Exchange Montreal Stock Exchange Montreal Curb Market Canadian Commodity Exchange Medical Arts Bidg. [ischener â€" Tel. 4695 KITCHENER BRANCH 107 King St. West Phone: 493, 494 J. P. Van de Water, Mgr. Individual Investment Servic» 80 King St. W. â€"_ TORONTO STOCK BROKERS AND BOND DEALERS COMMODITIES, GRAIN Seagram, Harris & Bricker THIS ARTICLE REMOVED â€" â€"â€" Members _ â€" THE BOND DEPARTMENT New York Curb (Assoc.} Winnipeg Grain Exchange Chicago Board of Trade ge Commodity Exchange Inc. Windsor _ â€" _ Kitchener _ â€" _ Guelpl GUELPH BRANCH Friday, December 24, 1987 S. R. Mackellar & Co. Toronte Stock Exchange Winnipeg Grain Exchange §8 King St. W., Kitchener Telephone 4568 Quotations Broadcast Daily over CKCR Ryan Building Phone: 754, 755 C. E. Gable, Mgr. 12.30 p.m. and 5.00 p.m CoH. HARPER Membere Munager

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