Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Dec 1937, p. 1

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Vol. 81, No. 103 British Fleet Not Needed In (iovernlienl Decides Situation Does Not Warrant Despatchâ€" ing More Ships. ELECTIONS LIKELY IN TWO TOWNSHIPS KITCHENER COUNCIL FOR UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LONDON beeâ€" 23â€" Ju two. meetâ€" ings yesterday at which the Far Lastern crisis was reviewed, the Caâ€" tb net. it is understood. took the view there is no necessity TO! gubstantial naval reinforcements in Chinese waâ€" ters Any question involving the disâ€" patch of battleships and heavy crul sers would only arise as part of a concerted operation to meet some special | emergency.. observers indiâ€" Following the meetings which lastâ€" ed nearly five hours, ministers apâ€" | peared unperturbed at the prospect | cf extension of the warfare to the Hong Kong area despite today‘s note | te Japan on the latest incident, inâ€" volving vielation of Hone Kong rerriâ€" rerial waters ‘ Wallenstein Woman Breaks Leg in Fall Two Other Mishaps in Which sons Suffer Fractures. Waterloo County‘s SEM!Iâ€" WEEKLY KITCHBNBR, Dec. 23.â€"Three per Chinese Waters Spanish Loyalists Win From Franco BARCELONA, Dec. 23.â€"Fightâ€" ing is still going on in Teruel, with Government columns pressing in upon insurgent forces in the heart of the city, the Spanish Government announced early today. A defence ministry communique said Government units, who have refused to be relieved, have taken a number of buildings, permitting them to pursue their advance. _ Fighting was reported particularâ€" ly heavy in the late afternoon. Chinese Army Is Beaten by Japs Score SHANGHAI, Dec. 23.â€"A victory over a Chinese army of 100,000 led by the redoubtable General Chang Fahâ€"Kwei was claimed by the Japanâ€" ese today on the Hangchow front, southwest of Shanghai. / Japanese declared today the fall of Hangchow was imminent while thousands of foreign and Chinese: refugees fled from Canton, Tsingâ€" tao, Hankow and other widely scatâ€" tered cities where attacks were exâ€" pected. A Japanese spokesman said the invading troops were approaching Hangchow, seaport south of Shangâ€" hai, and were hopeful the Chinese would withdraw to trevem. destrucâ€" tion of the famous beauty spot and ‘Buddhist mecea. sON ASSISTS FATHER re â€" Victory Over _ 100,000 Enemy Troops.â€"Hangâ€" chow Falls. WATERLOO CHRONICLE| 1 () D $10,000 Surplus $151,6140 Spent on Road Work. Giving Employment to About 500 Men. County Treasurer Sam Cassel in reply to a question from Deputy Reeve Lorne â€" Weber of Waterloo Township at Tuesday‘s County Counâ€" vll meeting intimated that the counâ€" i; would finish the year with a sur plus of about $10,004. As soon as the road expenditures were known a deâ€" fnite statement would be given th ME e o ns retne County Engineer D. J Emery said that $151.640 had been spent on the bighways this year giving work to ahout 540 men. On motion of Reeve 1X y 1¢ he WLs 12â€" K in County boundary be reverted to the township on June 1. 1928 this county | take over in its place on the same | date the Wilmot township road startâ€" | jpg at Haysville and running easterâ€" ly between concessions 1 and 2, to connect up with county roud N» 1{' running northerly and goutherly hb tween lots 6 and 7, provided that Wilinot | township first . supply the ! county with a 66â€"foot rightâ€"ofâ€"way plus any additional land which may be required to build the road up to | county standards. l Four bylaws were given first and second readings at t ehopening se sion of Waterloo County Counch!. | The byâ€"laws were: ‘ The selling of debentures to the Mutual Life Assurance Company Lo th amount of $11,250 was given if first and second reading. The deben tares will be sold at par and wiil hb paid in five instalments. bearing i« terest at three and one quarter J 1unt per annum.. This debenture i ; sue is for the county‘s share in th ‘lnvw addition at the Freeport San: torium ; Waterloo County Appointing Charles Heipel, Wilm« township, and R. P. Uffelman, W. terloo, county auditors; Confirm Glosing of Road Confirming a Waterloo townshi bylaw referring 10 the elosing of amall strip of road going through th Grand river and coming out at th Natchez road, > TMisbes MIl M MMerrcyp Christmas To ralse the salary of County Roa ~uperintendent D. J. Emery $100 pe iunum, bringing the salary to $3.00( The report of the county auditor snowed that the county has a balane of $15.211.89 and a bank balance « $100. Meen The annual report of the Mother: A‘lowanee Board indicated 26 appl cations â€" were â€" granted | this . yeas In inging the total to 261 since th Loard sturted operation in 1920 Want Floradale Road Taken Over A request was recelved from Wan (Continued on Page 8) Canada Gives Santa Christmas Tr. TORONTO, Dec. 23.â€"Millions « trees in milliona of livingâ€"rooms take it from those who know t} business that the Christmas tree ;'r“}ot‘);l" 9t‘ar:timg Perhaps 8,000,0( Canadian spruce, balsam, pine ai« Ar ’:rees will be all lit up Friday ht. sansportation _ authorities sard o P eottces Christmar tree business was ming across the country with .ces comparable, _ but slightly .wer, than in preâ€"depression days Dealers said treea were selling briskâ€" ly at from 35¢ to $6 each. The average householder was paying 75¢ to $1 for his tree. Mn en n es Source of a big part of Ontario‘s supply, the North, also sent more than 2,000,000 trees to the United States. This was estimated to be a smaller total than shipments to the Eastern States from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, but larger than tree exports from Quebec‘s Laurenâ€" l!illl diatrict or British Columbia. Canadian National Railways re ported 539 flat cars carried approxiâ€" mately 500,000 treea through Toâ€" ronto for distribution in Western New York and Pennaylvania i Canadian Pacific Railway freight officials said export shipments were larger than usual. e e e i n e( aw 0 WaTERLOO, Ontamio, Friway, Decensenr 24, 1937 Eight Page Farmers Who Are Livestockâ€"Minded Will Reap Results President Christie of O.A.C. Gives Address at Dinner Meeting at Old People‘s Home. REMOVED KITCHENER, Dee. 25. ~â€" The guest speaker at the dinner meeting of the Old People‘s Home on Monâ€" day was President Dr. G. 1. Christic of the Ontario Agricultural College. Those present included county counâ€" cil members, officials, E. L Mcâ€" Loughry,*and all enjoyed the hosâ€" hi stt ue se se tes aos pitality of Manager Ed. Amos and the matron, Mrs. Amos. Dr. Christie, in the course of his talk, praised the board of manageâ€" ment for the fine modern barn‘ erected this year, which, he said, was a distinct credit to the instituâ€" tion. "I have seen many barns and have never seen 2 belter one," said lthe speaker. "The lighting is wonâ€" ‘derl'ul and the installation of box stalls an excellent move as many ‘cattle cannot be handled any other way," said Dr. Christie. He paid Itribute to the fine work of Manager Amos in raising 1600 bushels of poâ€" ltames and other produce. He also praised the work of the local repreâ€" Isenmti\'e. E. L. McLoughry. | â€" The speaker said this was a good ’time to add stock to the farm which will be needed in view of the unrest and the keenness with which nations armer Driving In Wagon Without ; Lights Blamed for Three Deat 4| \Santa Claus $250 A man here whose name wetually 3!5 Santa Claus has suffered so much ill fortune recently he had io dig iditches to support his fanuly. ' Mace West read about it and to day Santa Claus veceived $250 from hho actress by telegraph. TRAIN FIREMAN DIES a s _ * % | wHILE ON DUTY: TRrain_ Santa Claus Carried | DELAYED AN HOUR | 12ti.s I uis I'I'ID\NI‘H To Battle for Wilmot Reeveship REEVE M. A. SCHMIDT Mn Sanmrday tamegh t snmmoned About i1 pessengel enremner wi witex Inses PNGERSOTAL in hom‘s «lelay to the: fast â€" train was ccinsed as A cag called to the frain and «tleation released the hodi e« sh niwht DEPUTY REEVE sIMON DiB@ BRANTFORD, Dec. 23. â€" to the triple traffic tragedy th the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Cook and their son, James, w laying of a charge against C! Ludlow, Brantford Township, He is charged with driving rni.y wagon without lights. _ \ The crash occurred on No. 2@ way, December 2, when the #. Cook turned out from behin vazon and ran into a Chi truck driven by John Sinclairy ‘ Cooks, residents of Brantford 'io ship, were killed énsmr‘\tly. * Ludlow testified at the inqu@t had driven at a trot | for =@Â¥e miles in order to get home b@f dusk and contended that at the‘t of the crash, around 5 o‘clogk was not yet dusk. The car ar truck in the crash both had turned on. An open verdict returned by the jury. fast Reeve Hostetler & Council May Get Acclamation, 19 NEW HAMBURG, Dec. 24.â€"1 annual municipal nominations â€" within a week, present indicai point to aclamations for all including that of reeve, coun and school board. Reeve WR! Hostetler is expected to be givén acclamation as last year. Coun lors A. Fischer, H. H. Kropf. L. Appel and A. E. Strange all b mated at Monday‘s council megt that they would seek reâ€"clecti School Board trustees A. R. Smith, Dr. Harry Katzenmeier i Clayton Ingold, while not expft ing themselves definitely, are pected to allow their names to stt for reâ€"election for 1938. The council members expres sautisfaction at having kept expen at a minimum and reducing the be overdraft New Dundee Gets Reduction in Ra Hydro _ Viceâ€"Chairman _ Spi Kitchener District with Ne Offices at Owen Sound and Stratford. in Imsiness over. last year Is atlrâ€" vibed te the seectivity in Inrilding and wmipresement in business generalls New Dundee Benefits \When the village of New Dundes fisto made application the rate was 11 ib fea a 21 1@#rwan anit ato n h‘ ced 6M d {.ea €11 50 t id on tofadd $1.45% cond rrits Effie® agement i 1 «on made a H()STfL\' free. 23.A parachute jomping Sjltn Claus was believed drowned | last â€" night â€" when winds caught his parachute as heâ€" drifted down from an airplane and carnied him â€" into dusk blanketed _ Beoston harbor PA for a DP IOMWAOC ADMOO DNE apital eost of £1.261 Simee that time yequest has heea made frr im ad wti nal fom 16fewatt anils af a ca pH A â€" Christmas party of children looked on horrified as the parachute jumper, 35â€" yearâ€"old Harold Kraner, of â€" Winthrop, â€" Mass, disappeared from sight in the evening dusk over the harbor waters vest af $1750. The reduction _ n 411 56 to #11 per year ds hased w boful | varplta imy estment . O 149 conud a fotal inatallation of 25 its EMeiout and economical mar ement is the reason the Commir in made a reduction in rate ver last year ds aftri vctivity in Imilding and in bnsiness generally children Ditner, Schmidt To Fight For Wilmot Reeveship; Only See Wellesley Acclamation Woolwich Tow "Moreover, a yea) our present reeve jsed me he would Claus was vesterday. JAPAN BANS SANTA, HITLER TAKES PLACE A Home Ministry ordinance forbids the usual festive man ner of celebrating Christmas this year. Japan, although not a Cl is tion nation, had been celebrat ing the day with growing arder annually, _ with department stores featuring Santa Clauses. Shopkeepers have announced that instead of the usual decora tions their establishments will display Japanese. German and Italian flags I M 0 D TOKIO Dec 24. â€" Santa banished from Japan Ministry ordinance ‘s 1938 Reeve Will Be Ngx( \“gar’s Waterioo ago Mr. 5c â€"definitely prom retivre at the en« ent sead council, ent seat â€" Otherâ€" mombers of the enuneil, | councitioocs| Herb, Strebel, Edmund Schwind and Norman Wilâ€" kinson, are also expected back in the race. Shonld there be an elecâ€" tion for the Reeveship. the Chronâ€" icle learned that there may also be contests for the other enuncil seats. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Almon A. Snider THTS ARTICLE REMOVED Price 3 Cents

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