Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Dec 1937, p. 4

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PAG% ANm ". 'Mo W. W.teehoo County‘- only ttrft m. devoid to the linen-h of tho “It". at who and Wank» County. . puhlhhcd at , 0.935 Itt-t, 'lwloo. "or, Tuesday xt l - . . - _. 'L- "--- i-n -*_r""'" I IL%1rriiTiiu. _ Jul-f! tr, 13“ PRILE GUARANTEE AND CONTROL DAVID BEAN 5 sons LIMITED _ W‘s Advocates o-rs “a Ptatrhhers [ In lt- "Ir "l ttrc bci) good arguments to ndvuce - . BBAM. HILL“- . BEAN, l', [and ‘1 " gunlhhhwi prlce for all products grown III-I‘ll m- Mk“ Bditor “In Int' 1mm Hum we aim wund argument: nguns! ".P.".r,e'.t'gf, 5t"drd J'l'.egefe% Unlm‘ ~ml. it ppm} 1.“! lx‘gulalloll and control Dre now so bu- n4 much-- link _ - cat-hu- [nu-h a I“. 1 H} mm. "rriartrte.s that something will ' -8.. m . - tlast" til M mm Nurlul oi later, to rescue the pro- , " _ , . . _ dun: Yum me cttvtpair'tc-ttiK position between the up- -_reD_A-Y2.5f211'ilu3.ruf=1'L-a---, Ill" al -1 (l,, mum unli~lune [ In m- wmmtmn n must always be remembered For tht. deputy rreveship ther" ill'v luv candidates. former Mayors W. W. Friekey and H. E. Ratz. the former a member of the eouncil the past year. Both candidates lum- many years 9Vperienc9 both in the town and mumv councils. The electors will change mp um xlwv wish to represent them on the eounty council for 1938 There arr seven candidates for Hip council, six to be elected. Four nld mcmlu-N in Hip tich' are Aldermen W. D. Brill. Jacob Welker. ll, W Sturm and Enoch Honsberger. Threw m w Wat- erloo young mpn interesting tfvcmxw In w. in m"; affairs are William M. Bran. Harry ll. (timid and Theo. H. Wells. An infusion of runny: mm on the council with more experienced mm is " good omen and indicates increased intrrrst in municipal affairs. Members of the Public Utilitie, Commi- sion whose terms expiry Wm. P. kr-, rm Sam Schaab, again nvalifiv" along with Will H. Cleiser. Acclamations wore :u-mmw A H Lowe and M. E. Brnendlr for Smith and "nd wards on the School Board. Kl-nnvth N. In”: and Dr. Grant Harper robin“? w, W. Sham and Fred Sehilter. who rvtirvd uflrr ways tr! faithful service. In Ontario there have hum: numrmus aeelamations in the municipal field with wholr. muncils being roturnvd. Thi< tvfhwts. as it l'lllu gt-neral approval of the sorvim- given during .11"- year. TH! WATIRLOO Cummcu Last year less than fifty pu-r cent. nf Hm electors exercised their franchise. and nun payers are urged to ','" to the polls un Monday and vote for the men they }wliovv will '1in thr best service. Waterloo, on the whole. has boon I‘m'tunutr in the calibre of men who svrvo on local gown]- ing lxulim. Civic life brings little reward. c-V- cept that the man who does his has! in thr. administration of civic affairs has tliv with faction of knowing he has given tha, Lest lk"'- sihle service. Thvre are instanevs whvr" acclamatiorrc reflect much apathy or disinterestedness nu tin part of the electors. Citizens often noglvrt io take any interest in municipal affairs whm thry should he giving thought to nominating CUP- able candidates. and then aid in their olwtinn There are municipalities where turntests arc frequent that municipal service is both-r than where there is little competition for office. or course. where the municipal atTair.s have horn handle-d welt. tho experts" of an Median may be avoided. CITIZENS SHOULD VOTE ON MONDAY Thvn- "r" important and difficult prolilvm\ confronting many municipalities and it is im- portant that citizens of ability be chosen to eoniluct the. afrairs of the municipality. FOR THE BENEFIT OF CANCER SUFFERERS 1|.va um! UNI ml ttot' gnu-ml 1rk .umllinn u "P"tu_ |-.u~n nu vnmlnnh and Woll I kept rim le‘lH I w" ma u l.-- Ill-IIII nu [IN I mum lll'nT dud" nu haul mug I A Letters to the Editor ACCLAMATION FOR CIVIC OFFICE .an k' In slam paling- , #lul No, I am hulk c,ttli'" m: ' rv-I'Ilm I v- F“\ l‘umm’. which trl, pun-I, .md SI: will Sun-W m it "Ivy will "In ulul l mink that I start t-rtlinre hnnny as "krar I am going to ' 'rhursOy VOUTHs ALLOWED FREEDOM it!“ .nl Km-nln, Mary “root, " “~vach um: rhnrgod ttttrt took with In KHrh-‘nvr trrdires mum nu Tnm: “hm I puhur Intlwry (outrun to " I\ ”who youth who .mnmmnd In N ' Hun 1't6 Man MmInal Codo The: mm thr, (hmv‘r Wnrohmm- n" Vm 'll "l r' tt "rtrmtton was Ills ratrthttt t,rlt mprr, doimmlwl hy " 9 llnwlhv n Ity v who draw at " 'metre, ',irttortro III “upward. _ nu ' Hm1 f' um uh"... hunk that lmnm Up 'lt HI" fa l-mw Tumors; Md uul r 1lta1 l Ik tar limo! H4! vuu vim , t'oaete, ”H'll um‘kiv IV In- in'u 'h Ihr. v' V Iv-cl nimliriw- ll, n h hv fan n1 Iltiu mnIh m1! .. (tl' m Hm human hand-z “1mm! ' ..nd rho mnpl trowortttl I III" In thr I'm-q, do no! dosh-m " orto, [mop]: will not-d (‘VI'Y‘\' hit ot w Ohm (an Rot Mrs s J N lllvln and [NJ mkrc \nnr pup I m1! ir'i. What thut ls In m- um Hum“ "HI“ hull: rlvui. Humor In flnmvr trom 'rt-n In a] ttrin h malv m ‘utsurwl 1'0“" And Hun-n ', havo hwul ku, '. Tan 'tls “In: Mix-In morn "ll." " m f ivnd Mm. pact-q "t ulna! hnnmy in“ plum-N mum-1h» thr, hrs" rs'hirv.- *h-n tn and milk-nu tlt um. Ih-- v: n I inet of _ ticrht In: I") l Christmas ie, less than four Weeks away and shoppers are urged to make their purchases of Christmas gifts for the family and friends early It "ill mean less congestion and give more lehun- and truer choice of the beat Iner- chandise. k um Thousands ot people leave their Christmas mopping to the last few days when store. are crowded and thc patience of the shopper and clerk are then tried to the limit. Why not make up your mind now to do your Christmas shop ping early att In thrs that (“Lin 'rorrarco mount; an; n "tvhtitrs ham "cceh'it0 y i, “x wll [luv pun-{um ttrr th hm" able tht k ct'.tittt In 1 " x uh :nnunrl and call an obstinate driver unn- at". ',rrll mall} Pays' him. " really doesn't tmrh hm anything 1-) do you any good-and may .4". -VI! KM :11. urn-Inn. Tm. nu-mlmx nf the 19:27 council who re- titnal hum I‘i\ir “fr :er Dcputy Reeve Fred Tulvtzki :uul Alderman John Bauman. Both soru-d th, Hmn faithfully over a period of years. " C'onrwatulntions to Mayor Wes. McKorsie and liven- All-or! [Iver on their ve-election by acelamaiion for 1938. In th, (‘lI-l'liun or Dr. Grant Harper and i%riiiG, tirwuairaiiori Mr IGrunvth N. Rah}: to the School Board by.) - - :mlumuzinn. 1hr 1mm will have two excellent| FREED ON foo? '" n-pu Awnmi ink " ho should qive valuable service ( my?" '((r,'.r'n,..,,/l.,,, all; in m. admin-i "ration of the srhnol business. l, ”h H, “msiné‘m. 1m L'hhh I“) Ilklit I In 'ttttur? an 1 know the " EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS ‘IUI I'm- The , " "pr from H. m-Valn Shumwn an I'Hnindvd that Christmas is than four mka away. mu ”mt uuwnably accompany price fixing _ guarantnu State control of - and MM “111 [w [hr Pt we farmers will have to ply mum-Jud tettittls which to many seem highly MORE DON'TS FOR MOTORISTS dunks: of auxin! ('1) :‘IUVHL: am! malkellng in Ontario ex- o" flck (15%“ \ " acreage control when grow- 1l mum“: ltr', a price-fixed basis. Urtdes ”Jane; _ these i, always pressure from the um us“ my charmed circle, and just how .: amhmn) can keep the “rage down to ”All! NEW TRAINING FOR YOUTH vSV Mus) _ .lnurnal-Argus) it m ic, n Starting later this month or it, . , ml,“ " m-ul~(- in wayside booth selling, J (”Hum ruin“ accommodation and the care Ln“ haw-i wil' he made available to all in an. lt' tol. I.) the Women's Institute De- rr), mem n: r‘nnnoclinn with the National I , I" ";'rrl sHrtl, (hu- "r the newer vocations lr I,,, "lo tll nu pvnplo and becoming 'n ma- tt \ mm 'v-mmrcatering profession. A r mi- (trt" hf u-rvil'l: will be of real use to M- t' t:'t-irlct, u'vll travelled by tourists. pl, \‘vr\nnn uni! L'l‘ , uh m this and other countries during l an» will be exceedingly interesting, and y.» -hv um begin to prepare themselves - forced mum u reluctant people through my unrM (-unditiom uh" to the demand for product remains “XII \vrl “4 mm mm: mum: one who is trying to , -,rrtvr' an: A little courtesy requires m t'- , f 'mur, and may easily prevent a , my family V ,,!,i, " frorn "Etiriuette" being publish- x'; |'4--1. rurmnnst authority in America irt.r my!” haw included: "Don't try to uh- I: drunk. or be prepared to forfeit r a {a in hr more." l-ZIIITUIHAL NOTES Ir. «mm countries is definitely in the v-M In some cases farmers are netu- F “hilt m other nations such as the and Britain the desired results are a ~Hblle ~y>lem of bonuses and sub- lr:ttTu. tight, or disregard "stop" sign: A I 'ttrr «v l" pedestrians can easily turn t turherstburR Echo) 1tvii* hmn unnecessarily in a traffic 1 "rs nu cum! and is merely annoying m!“ mum " trsrtutit: wind and olnrlriral Mnrm did damage to pro- NN wwl-u- and district, Tho 9mm: gal-lo or the hmnm of Mm. OIL '.rr Quilt-Md!“ King s" North. was Lightning Kills Cow A ml "ttttsagem House In Waterloo District ll \VANA, Cuba, Nov. 30. --- A lntlv. urn-yhnirml physician In! in in 112le Iwrv yesterday, occasion- "llv Idll'IIl'lL' wvu-ral little hard spots 'rt' In " n mm which may eventual h '.'tfist hi; death from rnncer. Hm to ltr Mnline Duque. Cuba's fo l Svrrrlnry of Public Heulth. th,-, mm- mung: under his skin mount minmhmg mnrr- important thrtn Him hn, of "no human being. u, lmiwc Hwy will prove his Hum” thnt Humor an be “In! will”! trom nm- portal: to Inothm by Jun! inoculation Ind thus ro- vulv n tcpcrifir rlur for the TUT mv m or u rum tor the disease thnt tor; humlrwle of lives artttuallr. _ _ {Julian "oi-tor Risking Life Fur Cancer Cure Lttut "ctoher (I, the 70-ye-I:-old dnr'nr Immmo a voluntary "hum-n gum: in pie" for "no" experiment. CHARGED WITH LOTTERY ...\ l‘hv- mink too through /lrr////,rid" lo mu Inn-ml s,"frlri-' m; ol' tlto tqrxcorttt flood Into Tltr “pm-u, l" J ”up”. m hm trtrltt .uuuiug numb damage 1 my 1” “I” u“. tw m. In.” mn- wv. n: “new shun”. m-ar ha I“... hurl x.-\nmuulhml mum M! “as MI by tightnirttr. tho 4mm... via ,xInnIrr'nl IL' Ll]ll.||‘ll' row l _ -_- 7 _ Till WAIELLQO (03hr!!!) CHRONICLI Ailsa Craig " World Oats Champ Alex Stewart, Middle-w». Court- ty Firmer. Retains World Championship at Chicago Fair. I urn-1mm Nov. 30 - Prom: that top tanking live hogs often 1osethri' plm mg when Judged as calt'assr'b' tcu-ti ll': export t'eltuirements was demon- N Leading Parker is Second as Bacon Prise: Switched After Killing at Guelph Winter Fair. 1iak"ut his third bid mr lirst place .nml [immanent possession "r thc In» [my tt'slitam Weld. nr [minim] ftt- lulnlvd ttteveU ribbon iots-iryruiTo4 shin- in tltr" lin- no; division ours in haw Hun-m»- Inna-e uf SI. Pauls SLIM-m um tlo. hieh hunnw aflm llu- killing Th» lnnmz entry which tad p'aeed second an ttie hunt was awarded the mlpin nwuuw u an or butler shape and Irpn in [hr rur- 1:14:45 judging. spun-d Hula} when results of tho Sunslaur, Trophy coutPetitiutt www- ul‘nuuur-nl ot The “man" l'rnrinriu “mm Hair "Fashionahles" in Net in Raid on Gambling Don . In issuing the welcome annuuncv ment. Mr. W. T. A. Walton, Man- aging Director. stated: "Thr, fol lows similar action of the Company in the Unitol States, and it “w thr desire of the Canadian Mnnmrrnu-nl that the same generous troaInu-nt lu- 'Iccordcd the employees of the TORnNT”. __ Provincial pullin- raided Bill Beasley's luxurious road- house establishment nu the (Wynn Road, a few miles west of Tnmntu. early saturday morning. stripped tlu. place of lhnusan-l.~ nf "ollarr' worth of costly Rambling vquipment and liquors, and listed for porsiblc prw secntion today between an am! Crt) men and women- many of tlwm members of Toronto’s "smart wt“ --who fell into the sensational. Sur- prise gnbnet. Y'""" 'er-"-""'"' No Irresh we»? made. but ~ul» poenas, it is understood. are likely tr be issued immediately to Brush-y. his staff of subordinates, and his three-score "found in" patrom HAMILTON. Ont., Dew.".','. “no practical way of putting a rilvcr lining on the Christmas holiday this year is the announcement just issued by the head otriee of the Inn-run tionnl Silver Company of Canada, Limited, here in Hamilton. INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY GRANTS EXTRA WEEK'y1 PAY !raioronir." "I ' I numb-r "Tun Union" mun- a-gr- t925 ill -"iiiriieGaise; 15m. to rurh far tory and omcc Tteo-TI',' “Imu- name Pppears. on t " liolupanyk pay-roll on or before July lst. tyy,7, the Company will pay an amount equal to one week's salary. This also includes employees at the Niagara Falls plant and the Sahw Office, in Toronto. _ Am-rmmu in KII-nnm- rum»! f'ou't Worimeotay murning charged ‘. \ Uh hmpdsslng on the property of; Mutilr l,1mrh. King slur-4 IVIH'III.; and tn .vI~;iling " Illslullunn- John; Autott, l'l'y Ilmvl. Walrr'oo, u.» a's-', It Mr " hir, {Tl-"dill“ an wood "rout inul' In “um-41m“ J H “lulu- lunch-+4 "s' Ianin- " u- mml wmlu- durluu lhr This u-..-1 Total Irv-d umplhn in tho l‘rnvmra 0! (Inluvln aru unwidmuhh mum thire vm-r "In" n t996 IA!" ymr map. In Hash-m 0"th worn rm! “lunar! My rho drotuttrt 'hilh pr» w! "rtst van and .Ilmusl thh “Ally Ar , tho In" biar avoraR" Total Innmrw fur I'M? in :wvimmml ttt 9 1061000 In"! and with the nun-Hun of Wilf- l" Imuvr thun In .uu nIIIvI k' "' "IH' th _ wan Ronni yirrldoU w-rx Wes" Ihiy , h'r".ttottt and Niki] pruriuzllnn " NIH"! " “201' at " HUI!!!) lmuhnlu, uhhh ls' t "ioronlrtt;t_ 2,000,000 “will"! I numb-r mun In” \var and numhh’ tuna-I0 "unv- H..." trtrv w" \ruv .nr-r l FREED ON GOOD BEHAVIOUR Trrt t aux Official Crop Report 2min pxmlur'it-n In ls ""lIIII'-'| al lr, .w rn'nluvwl witlt l"t In I'VE“ uni all .n- Ilu- 'lllll n1 unwind} mm mirl t.ttti" gal-mm pin It v-inhvrr Imus. "v " "Iv-Jill t'lot T', glzlhl 'r"rtt war mmr I ”up-1 J'I‘l Hull 2"" full IIJ'II', mnznvvr Hum llmr and .ulmusl Ih?. "Hrltt .n- an " br I ‘Ulm'. I-m) [ll-I [ml up \ull r~\--~-‘r| r' t't'tr “uh Hm Tho "tmtl/ret In Humrin 13' hymn) IT", |"AH1IH br Mr: :In u huh WI. " ity 'Ct 'ttttu ”Mun tttrt “In-1min I an ”mun 1..rrttltrort Norroltr, il “to mme or support a motion in County Council to either return the large taunt) surplus to the muni- cipalities from which the surpttts funds came. or to apply the surplus in the reduction of the county tax Mr. Frickry promises rate." Waterloo in I936 paid 538.973."; to the County. Deputy Reeve and County Councillor For 1938- d In. Elect Frickey ~Ih' 1":!IIJ:“ _ PM? ”unlit. punt” m‘np ',n sll nun a .‘l in 11000" Mn and V FL 1|VI“J"‘ a. XSIIJIIIII cwt, I'll. Tss. “Mun-v prmlurliml C. ‘t ls maximum cwt. so that Itrt - m;- is pnutirully thrs t “v huwwu awn-mun Thr. ' 1m» yr?” shows u gain of .trr'.vr'm ruu-r I'cl6 “'le thr, yielU ', t" ‘5 lulu-val at 67.2 (1L. " ‘1 I210 , “I " _ .zuu, Thr. dry pm- '.s .nnsiclvrnhl) hichm‘ " "duction in 19C7 :unuunlinu ”Vt-:00 hushufs m: rompared 71'...” ”lulu-k in min: Total 'wt [-rudlll'illll is thr. largvsi um " Jun! |IH"X!‘III ..utitttirtrs9 place mus- "l "L'."""""" pounds" a " itpirrrrhituittt-'" 1:’._r.nn_mm ms. tlr. pt vi.ouc I‘m-UNI a-mp har d m t'ty.t; Sugar hm“, which Jt"'sll 'itr.'.'ix in Krill. Essa-x u: nth-n tu,unruor.etttt_ trom s, "ioisturi. sluiplius and the “.1 1w 1hr I'r'miuru- this \n-ul b 31-: mm 1mm us" au.siwst 391: nll~ 'lt Ii',fl Ruth arrange and Mn! tit' <hnwml a rmluvlinn Seed-Cleamng Plant Busy tl,. l:idcc~':n\n Enwl‘imI-nln‘ l "rr "rirrittritr::. plant was in- II L 41 1us:urd A new hll'lhlinn ' I 'ml uhi- h an“: “lupin runn- ‘r ' ‘In "crchiity and fur th" ld m nttt l'puurdrx of 3mm httm [ ,v u. F" pul thomrr,h Ilmvlmn- «H 'tse mun-aw In! thv vieinfty. _ .. 'st ' .x Iunulm-d husttots Ir"' gynuu nu the farm and ‘4. “ml I-‘nI Inn weoks tho s' 'tTri clzu and night in order 'l' 'trt ui'lI Ilu- work " In an- N ' ‘hu! " :r-nn dual ot mus 't'r'"I 'ad, ln- h.‘(-l|1!hl in to ha .. ‘hll math“ inf um spring": ', \I.--w murmurs wit" hruutln v F,r 'r .mcl hull mbww Pr" Wu nu Iltts mun, tltus thrs tf 'l, (“ml all! lw an aid to , -;- -~n|m: the. wood work . tt rl dunu a! this farm l ' a ts u. , d for u seed-clean- -‘ t,' u I- ir, r\'i(It-vu-- Gy tho rl rt' “a V null Hump clronrut rt -L m. “in "rotteht in 't er, A --l r-tls, I‘I-muvml . z I' 'stout hknn inwards |rwucc1mn M Truck Loads 'rrrr, _ mm a} tlu- runsulln» 'tl ' tt 'h~~ rtttt;trio "-rwputot"n1 \ I trltt', is aluminium: in . bt It-ir, , 'tsstt ul ,altipmon1sot tr,tt ' wad. v V Ihv‘tlllghnul tho ft, th Huh " M "owatt. Mim m \' 3r ulfn‘I- :IIInnIIncns. ' m-I 'st .. rs,ru-itrsr, "I "it-riot, I " I t mzvuhlwhml at "Run. tl" I ttr.s" tit.tvrsnltute" whi‘rv l 'tlr tl trt “‘Vll? "trd nun-tubing r,t' ' Vr “Inn: ”Marin In rlf 3. ~n mum-q] fur ”Hurr- ir; tlr'hr vr-III-Il fun“ rotm ‘--v "ly, qlllhl} nr pr'omerx t" . 'Vr mu'h ,mmln but tlto P' ml ll II bur-nah Winter Faur tt'l'r _ V‘Iuivu ial \VImor Irrt . , “mun JR thr [:unlph T _ u v- ”an me “pr-"NI on w m Vrrr 1:" in "nu P tt Mn ll Fr “Hush-v u) REri Thu ’v- tst;', 'tttrt Hui in Iv" '-tr '4 , urtl- ll and tho ' t, tl 'tttrr viMrorn from all 't)r'tt Ft Hiuwv Itvlotl M W 'h' 'i' up'mv'tl In tho It: ‘ll rm .nu run-n In- ftt' 'h- altrut. pruviIIc-n I" ll Iromiuion fruit ts-protests' I" Unlmin, ' it uttHtecitsr only " mquy' shrtmtots tir, Vo:', haunw-I muniIHv-ul ontario in I‘VII may rhN‘k on all I " m!“ In thr, pro- “mm lhl-z .mlhurHy a! mulm Inn prnvir 'tl I) F'atm l'wuluris lrf ("hr-v inwlulr lw thorium-d :19 an -- grain ur "Md ma! \h'inwhm So nWlw-zvm South "isrls "1 (Ir-"ran lt rrt Klmvnln MiridVcro mtrin. an" “'uurh'mk lumbar Parmnra tirt .luh compo) 'tuvty uortt it» “nu-kn)"; "not 13 Years Experience For 1938 Deputy Reeve . W. FRICKEY In lo and Tut,. u, “..|I| V.” II .-:III 'MILIIilI dorsal In '""t ro-e-h-vi "ttest Cix it ('0nsisl(-nl uilh "v:rstutrlrh' arclamat ion. thanks In Wittrt'o" ctitrctes, I-chnnm} '. har. III-m for this wmlidrnn- in In: RBI: VA. A I; i.' r, VOt ', _ C, Mayor McKersie Thanks Waterloo Electors H. Ft,, GOULD F'.tiici In a ham“ l My past pix-tram qt' thr I wish In (wk-ml nu ALDEN Il IN FOR C ttt_ PHONE ";r, "r N Mt I 031: Mayor lo, Town of “islvrhm uh Fits IN Mun" umull 'l Tm irru In il on Monday Watertoap. Deputy Reeve can! ycar mun have (In: to "ht efficteotly for W-lerloo'n right.- on County Council. On: County rate mun Home down furego-e concluuon that Water loo'n |938 tan rule will be nub "ant-ally reduned Mr fruity dad-rc- " In a pad , rum. “nu-rim. Lnlmu-ru :w in \mn ro"tidvmw in my “ark In rvilcrtiov, rm. "our fun " YEARS' MUNICIPAL EXPERIENCE Pt",', In arcktmatiott - year. year- - - Friday / 1oraks live Electors of Wu {Hr/00 I \Imll umlinur In s'rute Ucum um huu' shots" on Sewer Commission Deputy Reeve Alderman Reeve Mayo: I‘m ly December , h M. and P-rrlu-mn “71x1.- Ihr Horse rr' zllv F'air is pro- .md Ihrilling rom- octos'" onlry was ' Ill "ll Hassr-s, We.

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