Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Dec 1937, p. 3

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" WATERLOO Cl S'I‘UHS y'vOt-C0I.I.FiC't'tttt (JUN To KITCHF.NEit “FF“ F, I. M. Can-cl. Son of County Llrrk Sam Can-gel. Succeed, H, H, Becker. 'slnu' " Hm- I offers <1] I: We hate game Inn-r our tmlirc duck ol fur coats level ot the )rur. This is hecut:sc Irt' “ill he talking _ no“ than accumulated merrh;mdise, In sie" at the And Moderate Prices T a King 9. F 395.. til l5. to 5100.00 A NEW and BETTER Optical Service Along with the ahorr. u» lat-1w two other feature, whith In mod micro-Inn. In" wt- iIIur a "wilful-tr of mnurnnto covering I" lunard- Gre, Ibo", krrnhnqr. rlr on your .Ignp. 'or one your Second w' "Rrr the. rnnvrnn-nu- of our Budge. Plan woolly payment-u of bt oo nth-Ir you An- wrnrin. your (hair. We hrlieve. there u no better npliral service in Onlnrio than Young'! w,. 'llll’lnl" turn-l. srsee,tiSr tannin-Hon Ind fitting of high qualulv Irn-o- and Cramp- THE W. G.YOUNG Co M0llyliilMyuiaitt EURco. Choice Tun-t Rice lake " " oe-'""" HudsonSeaI 8250.00 up T' 1,f Persian P) till, tll _'i"ilit,,s, '1',i'.Ci,i/'ti."r iitiiiit Am im, _ / 5225.00 }*, (ill):!-!) ll' f g F. ”13+” ll’ ' " C - " ‘ " . Jli ll, i i (p/ r t lit), 'h' SUB,“ 9?. Illllilill 1f!lllllllll , ' . 1 American [i, ( Braadtazl Ji p Chann- “.3221" All st2r's U3 ' " " und Swagger I Regular $14500 "" 12tt Pre-inventory gale of Furs vwopliunul “ppm Inuit} [Ill KING " I‘LS'I M Inn-n". H "on Optometrists kt " HF NFR " m 45.1} mm lilmnr "um and “Ilium: [ JACOB wmm hlj)lilllilM RR 1938 “A TtME IS MI "" N TO SERVE W \Tl-IRHND TA XPA , HRS. ml ' alarm c. H. Germann. Mun-[er FALSE FIRE ALARM _ duck ol' fur rttats and rr-mm'u-d Hun-m to the lmu-st u " “ill hr taking stock m-x1 ave-k and salcs :Irr lit-Her ls alarm, wax will nu In M ~r‘uml chsldrvn. nu Wr.! :Ulummn and thr Watcrior lulu-Ir " quick I'ur to Km: RE-ELECT " 'Tl "ENEit llrr Hts', l- nun L t II 1 II<HIIII\ "ttics. il |2|<Ilr Inn " Pinon. I " th risim.: price ol max skin,, this sale ii s" In Radiator Regular $1.00 Covers To Clear BSc l Tiff. 'IF‘JTS CARED FOR "Hz _ Water Street, il00l)llltg glylill'rinlli STORES Ptlt)h V 5:02“ IL " URCH Ft Cat K ED: NO FIR! GOES TO JAIL SPECIAL LE N ‘TAN IN COURT Neo L. IVE" BREAD Box TAIN BAPTISTS F NDED SENTENCE li I: 'u, u: _ Ih-mun I “A. ‘h nll \Iumlzly ' '. “Illurluu Fir!!! uwl mmiclvd tho pr" Ix ,- qua.» un wrth FRID\\ AN" S;\TI'RIL\\ ”VIA "rmitts in .. 1"'ltlotty at th" -. H” "t thr, St “IN-Whit on Mms, "w rluli-unuu m " . s'; mud in tlt" BUDGET $2.700 lllll"']|"‘= 's-ut ul 'll!’ Witt 'tt “and.“ tiieltt ;"u"o and caused vu' tit" Wittrvt-hto "ai, h Inwnuhup. Kurh-mr-r pollu- '-tt, vw’ and was nths in the om y, l Us" " nulh itrul -'.\~']I;I[I>'I‘§ with- " .-ml rolninml llv hm] hm-n M Mp .m .hurrll “and“; nigh! 1hn- nnw year 'Iwqu-x runway "t .m-l I runsti~ , mmks ago 'st "-atrw and Huffman. Nun {Wyn-4M”! sI-Ir . :1) mm“ on Ails mud.- h) I" m: Tm-stlm Ito' 7th h mnns'ulp Ill|l|1|l lo " ~|I.Iru m for' tran th- mu n Il‘ul hum wind 1932 h- n I 37'- THE WATIBLOO “harlot CHROEJCLI flu KITCHFNER Vres"al'-Kodoba No “7 ~IT.IH I“ IN Il": Iivrlr-'.t, cu Kiltlnll. CampheII-Sault Vert lh-I- I “mm-"I -- I tt w 9-1:...51.‘ ‘1'an WorHre Src, . In tr.eltr) “Whit TALK ON NEW STUDY COURSE NORTH HASTHUI'I-I. Hm I l if talk nu "Our New t'nmwu- of Slmh for Puhlir Su'hrmh," In Mis. l Nahrvmucr. toarhvr at l In: Itau, S S No. 3, wnw [hr fc-alurr "r the, North u Endhuln- Wnnwnl ln~tlluhv mu" mg ynwll'rdny. Tht. marina-inn was hold all thv home. n! Mi-, f'atlrrto w Mrt‘nllum, v Panrockn WlTHDRAWS FROM PUC RACE sion uh. add MARReAGES- Miiesi.hart -rrcc. I. John Mllr~ of Seafnrth In Ruby linshart "r Pine Hill. Domini-Lulu: No, 2r, (’qu'nn' Dora-ht. Watcr hm, bu. tu., n Luntz. Kitchonm‘, Good t. " W IUsris'tl,t, \n. ',". v. “V .wnl Ws \mm'w ",oorl, ".rr Bensxhen s" nu] Alliuon - _ At the. K. W, IluxpitaL Itvc. I, to Mr. and Mrs, J. " Allison. Frcdvrick sttrrr'l, kmh ""t'r, a dauuhlvr. Millerv-At the K. W. ”mum-l. "tw. l. to Mr, and Mrs Hun Millm. Elmira. a tlaughter. Bend-en _At SI. Mtti:'s ”ml-um. Nor. .30, to Mr. and Mn. John Hetschen. Fr'vdmirk ~1ll'l-t. Kink t-nvr. " son. Vclsin l tlt .uln! Mane Sthwevuer . u all Mulane »\l y; l ter u . ithdroa 'lo" Vote STU R M Has Served You Well for 6 Years as Alderman ts a vote fm ellirl'enl business-like adminislm lion of the lnvm's "airs. Vote BEAN on Monday Herman Sturm 1,1r"f'.'lllM. M. BEAN Wa I e r100 Electors- i: SI “an T In U! .1111! 'ttr llH I‘Lnav litre At Kio In mx tfr, \l PHONF.' no; or I260 ALDERMAN FOR I938 A strtct program of economy, no capital expenditures, and a lower tax rate ts hrs planform I-I M "I bir Ills. \ul! Town of Waterloo It ('uuv~lh;:u "l Urs IL-‘Ih < y [\lh. h' K11. or Aln’erman for 1938 Mr l, " I'I‘Iaifi‘s tut FOR CAMS' Births thr M il " _ I'ulu-L 4|.mzhlvl thr. K. w, Ilu~pitai Mr. and Mrs. J, " l “,4 .IIHI Mrc lum- J \I.Iv\‘~ l It, n \\ wk lln~|l|'..t, tn-. Ww w, It“ " lunch! Iran ch u ll ”"ll-I' Phone 4646 5H” Sp, In; N," llm~|n Ni, h , i.rrs. Ir' Slur 1mm... Kitch inn-1L l), x tl.ruzhr Nos in LIT] Pawn: ki stun-Inn k l. u. “m Earl ”marl“ Van N M, Fyitth pun ‘nmic ELFFTED PRESIDENT K ru RESULTS OF pl.,', FORMER ELECTIONS (l',- IN WATERLOO In “It NM It In. in": lit “I Sly-"r Q” Hm. " th, on " Hm klhhmnv UUtr , hnmlmr m “n if gum“ m l'lmrrh hf thr Hun-I Shr‘NV-ml Funds} m-nnmg Bnuman. John . Haw-demon, Wm. Jr., To’ehrhi. Fred _. Welker, Jacob Fricher, w. W. Mittee, Ed. Itctur.s, Ilnumd "Hp!" W. " Ho0rol. l F Nurubr, "ho v,rtcd l'vnvnmuc Vrrtr, " Mckersie, Wes "ilhuol. Ill It Baum-an. John ___ _ . 84 Tolelzki, Fred. .w_VVVVt.-r.VVe, 'ree.. 7: Friday. Waller .4 .. 'V-. . 6.' Honsbcrger. Enoch ,7 -v. V. _ St Welker, Jacob Pt-r ,. T T s', Miller. E. J. ___.., "'".-' .. * Huhlvmln. Inmlrl Tu: thor., Hossuol I: ”HAL-u wi. Arthur _ 5:? \umlw: whr, 101ml, LE” th It‘vvv‘uuv votc. L'tii'st pm t rm Rana. H. r \lr'lnH tr', ANKLE BAOKEN WATERLOO LADY FOR DEPUTY REEVE Herr. Albert ., CCC 'r-'.. ... ve, ”rink-r mu. Wm. Jr Brill. W. D., .rvr -'-'ttt.rrt l1 Bauman. John . . " Hons-baryon Enoch , Friclu-y. W. W. , PC' l, Welker. Jacob E Sturm. Herman _ . , SI-ln, Af,-, _ T ' m "NI, l , “Miami. t l- . PM“; Wo 2 “an I L Numb-w “In. Votcd. Linn, I‘vH-rnnu'v vote 43.03 pm (will S IRIN‘. OUARTETTF. ENJOYFD McKersio. Wes ”an. If K 1h " " " h IX I FOR COUNCIL FOR COUNCIL F, n' I 935 FOR COUNCIL For 1936 lf r? In th, t'hilhn, "1mm m it Mr "f Tororstr, [my In -I magnum of th, "F'8 the klhhvhn Watrtlrr, FOR MAYOR For I937 FOR REEVE FOR MAYOR m hum-vi Itly WHEN HI? BY CAR "oatrira OF LIBERAL CLUB 31 YEARS YOUNG Ir ()m'via .tllll'll ull|/.--I Youu. tit Id." V'I-Ln quiv'h tr Crt, [Il'l outt unanz‘uln [Mal tPitt tui If!" I269 1537 1309 1302 I100 I028 908 xxx 1ttMt ttCL'? I359 t 235 983 949 9' s 903 rl 729 654 607 576 565 .313 l 786 th, 354 tel 111i lttl ill! 3m! " fu; JIU Re l'",kci,r Vote /, ", '; $1 Esme H 1 (ttpit' tl") Efficy is As": I: TE Uh l'ttth Til": Cvnut -' ft Must Come Down at least Three Mitts TheTax RateisToo High Citizens 0/ Wat.» loo hl:l.yrrra, FOR AME?“ Fi. RA'ly. I'M l l.0\\l.l( 'l\ "l'os, " Wsttcrlt lir, l'l liot Chnirn M sirt, 10's" at... .."' HLI‘I Ti RIJJIC H)“. I” n} /r'c?reiii' BRILL , ' )r 1138 'lrsiaistratiin _ ".terloo Electors .- HIMSELF 'rtt lritTAtNNi Ct I; ”(I)“ TUE col NTU. '2: 'isYEl,jl.8 IMI V0TF, , fr , w? t U. awn Culmcil “Merino needs business men to conduct its ulfairs. iitt pay the taxes. ' ot determine the char- acter of gum Toto. \Ul elert the men who spend your mane}. H. E. RATZ STANDS FOR ECONOMY AND LOWER IAXES " l F, “£5 a PlHtlrNT', n» “m "r Irs I‘M-put l "rm " 's " "m, I lililivx MONDAY IMcr mun PAGE THREE

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