Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Dec 1937, p. 2

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ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Miss Gertrude Kneisel of Kieth on" spent Sundny with her pan-nu. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiwi-cl. Miss Doris Hammer, Miss Ruth Schmidt. Mr. Howard Schmidt and Miss Esther Hohl 1nd Mr. Howard hoe-ring attended I party It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seyler at l‘oternburg on Saturday ovenin . All report. having had Art 'di'iCr"ll'fi timr Mr. ind aiA.OGGitd but: of Philipsburg spent Sunday with It. nmjAMrs. Fred Kneise]. Mr ind'i;');hn Roll] spent Saggrday jrlitetteeter. _ Mr, and -ieG.- FTeriGericG,,d Alin- spent Thund- nfternoon with frityds 'its'lk'l'iW. Mr. Harvey Kneisel of Kingwood swat-It Sunfae It his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kneisel and family spent Sunday It the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cook. Mr. Floyd Hienz of l’etenburg spent the weekend with Mr. Sun- loy Hohl. Person: In. PM 170 LISBON Other Assets not included in the Foregoing Making Total Assets of . . . . to sum payment of Unhilm. , In Me Pull}: a! leaving an excess of Assets or" Liabilities to the The strength of a bank is determiuul In in history. its polity, its management and the extent of in rnmmu. For [20 years the Bank of Montreal has been in thr (or: trout of Cateadiatt fmrrrce. BANK OF MONTREAL TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE Rhlit " RCF.S . (tqudl to 795870 of a” tiahitities In (In Public) Other Loans . ' . . . . . . . Tr, 'rcevuiurtrrrer, Lunar n.“ u _ d' r l .1 ,r' .- s' min" ' J'AIIII'ItllI all!» ”:4li iv/vi. Bank Premises . . _ . . . Tuo proper/nu. on!) " .Jt'nJ 2 '/ ,w' rri.h. L" 'trttiiraatte, th, 4'"! Jul M. .1 r Trr u U r,' U u m Ir truly “was”! tv, th. a,” "s' mm (t _ _ , " il on In all: tMrt All all” _ ' " - fir-I r-v , m . uh“ .u whisk, Liner!) urn-I" SI inhuman my: Jr m} . «w A aJmp; Real Estate, and Mortgages on Real Esraw Sold by the Bank . _ ' . . _ . _ . Arerired " the ("IN-r oi (Ivy HIV" in /r J' d ,. Gr .e'rd,, "f My; realized upon Customers' Liability under Acrepunccs mu! Letters of Credit K . . . . _ . Repremnlr liabilities a! rum/nun . u #r. In." loan w' Credit hum! wed Duh "retrud “u ti 'hwi ', dam arctttott. [JABILITIES TO THE SHAREHOLDERS REtiOt 'RCES To meet the foregoing Liubilitie, the Bank bus Cash in its Vaults and Money on Deposit with Bank of Canada _ _ _ . . Notes of and Cheques on Othcr Bank, _ UABlLiTiEs UABIUTIES TO THE PUBLIC Poable m a"? od;"-. u: " Money on Deposit “ilk Other Barth, . Avail-He op. durum! ppr A: i,, " a .12” Government and 01th Bands and Dehcnrurc, Not excred"tg "Ll-1;: cris., Nu ant" : w: (ill edge ‘rnurlllr‘ mm "n.1- r t "r, In; Stocks . ' V ludmhul Avid um, a s6r A“; "sc. in n tr4 r} I h. Call Loans outside of Canada . Swami In Land In: 'r', / _ _. ~A . 'r'rc gnu!” (JIM: Jar: h“. :5." .w’ 'rl ' C 'lut " ' araslabie tut/J 1m Jnmrémz (”1.x m. ' ,,v,i-r,s, Call Loans in Canada . . . _ _ Ramble on demand and "sured b, / cu' gm gin/um tahte than M, [mm Bankers' Acceptance, _ . . . . Pun" draw Anew“! b; Jig: byl- Total Liabilities Established 1817 v4 presentation, in easily understandable form, of the 'Bank's Capital, Surplus and I'ndixided Probs and Reserves for Dixidends _ Tim ”no-ml rep/run th. fun/”Mr" n. "ter ubuh ltabthr., Jer Nu pu/h',, rer' f”. Other Liabilities to the Public Total Liabilities to the Public Panth- " JemaO Bills Payable . . . . ' Trnse drain mud and ”and"; Acceptances and Letters of Credit Outstanding Fun-(Ml ,esposssttrsiotu, nudrrlalgu rrFl tumb- ot tree " mum; amoatrU " Remurn‘”! Deposus . _ V V Parable or sic-amt an! ulcer Mull.‘ Notes of the Bank in Circulation Baht-<2 of Ptofit and Loss Account, 51st ()auhu, mu Balance of Profit nnd loss carried forwar! PROFIT and LOSS ACCOI 'N’l Protits for the veu ended mm October, 19's-,atrvr nukmu .nprmvnahons toContingcm Reserve Fund, out ot whldv l'und In" prpusmn for Bad and Doubtful Brim has been mad: "nd “In A My unu D-vvmnmn .nnd Plovindll Cavemen! Taxes arm-1mm“; m y"tt , 9V ‘3 Dividends paid or payable to Shareholders _ . _ <3,ssn.mm on Appropriation for Bank Premises . _ mum-um Item; “bub Jo rm; mun and“ H ANNUAL STATEMENT We" _ Row w I‘aHvrwnn tti' "rostton Pon- '.'-rsrrt" Tour "ma.” durrod tho s .rvtco at thrs PrMhylnr- ---_---_ ran Munch on sundav .mnmnon and No Anew-no. For Tttm nm I' "whom Tvolt, at Gan nnnr I-‘w-h M "In farm no you“ In dudvd tho qrrvirp at the norm Unll- mm which may "with this eo8tWet ml rhnrrh an Sum-lay ttftornoon cttisrtt in n th York Multan! Th" Young Pt‘np'v'l Horiorv of Waitrr no": pardon. Mr, The thr. ann Prmrhytrruo l‘hurrh haw "mm-v vv-u (Iva mm for {NI chad Hwtr moon". Tun-day vvr-nlnz " "otrittridonrtttttitt ttwth-ttttr, in halt! u n Ittrxrnrs ovum". "irnm Rn what, ma I at the Run-ml Tm 'resided, w In»? Sn turday Wttr Knlh. Edam 1;"st and (warn Jam»: xprvn' Thedar wPh rulavlvan I'l Elmira trr " “Hymn spun! thr, week-end ' F hi; homo In Etmirn Rnhm! ha) of Prosston Apr'?" thtm I "i .H the hnmv of Mr; " Goddard Wilhnrv Sun!" of Enzlis-h '3etttw mum awn! Monday at the home ot M, Ami “rs n nraIu-r ,lmnph Qquh 91mm tho “nob-and 'H; Ihl‘ homo or Mr and Mrn John I’m-Ilh ot Prpgtott Hrs' Tred K'oittrttrutwsr mm a .lttr tor in Progtott on Saturday “hum hmllvw Civilian! and XIV fmeq worn Haiku-u in "rrottort on Hun ttr's o (:oddard Mr and Mrs ";r'orgrs l-‘nrdnr mar? u~imn m Kihhvnar nu Thursday w \llxx |,.nn,w Hadrian} has rolllrnm‘l In hm homo in the vim-m: after qu-ndiug thrun month: at thw home '4 M, and Mm " Hood or Contra H: and Mrs Edgar Gain and con Itrmuld and Mr "ttd Mrs Wm. Kelley emu-m tho woek and with rulMin in Grimshr Trise; |,.nn>v Undrlmd has roturnud In hm hnmn m the mm» “new Yule. "issis. Hmmw ond Andmy Tee! I'xusvnn \[wm tho Al-v-kmlld at tho 'tttr uz‘ their part-ms Mr, and Mrs, m TM“ Misc Yum.- (math-m n: I'rvsmn v H? Sumlnv at 'hr. homo of Nor mn- 30th October, 1937 a: (W "" it an»; the Prrhtir of IMAM r.\ DOD!» G W \I'INNFY. ol b A ‘10an and ' Luau/.4 " Mr Humor Conn- and Mb: A. I run-u spmnl a day In! wool: in u. l raw; cm bushes. Mr and Mrs Wm [,3th and VIN hit-mm spun! Inl' may In Liam‘nl Thuniday V W Mr ”min-r M (note and Min A. E cmm- want In! Thursd-y In At- M, and Mrs Anthony Holt of “or I'm-N "Pont the worwkawetd wtth Mr. \mhnny Nowtott, Mrs Gusse LII" / MM J NNI of alumna.“ virrited; .10qu the Him Itort _ Mr and Mrs, iv N ”unit-Ill nailed on Sunday with Mr. and Mr! HamM Mirrriq at Milltratttt. \Ir "nd Mrs, Norman Cronin ot Imulun spun! Sunday with Mr. and Hm Roy Calder. M; and MN Elgin [when VI!"- 'tt Sum!“ mith Mm. Hugh Wright "' Trava Mr .unl Mrs FM. Birmingham of mm: Mlchisran, spent Sunday with it; an" Mrs Joeeph MarfNvitrh. Mr and Mrs, W N Allln'lllm y [MU (u tn I nl .1tavar, ' . J W Allinghlm and son s' .qu-nded Ihe tuner-l ot the A I". \anfn of Kilrhonar lull 'a29,63s,sso.sk 752,736,753.7t ' 76.897.197.2? $599.09LI5515 S 36,226;7 20.2 , 27.7 MIA H .85 332 9.65 3.950 98 $752,736.7533l 2tbi,7Htgtt2.tt 'Tty,799,uts.99 447.5ttt.tt25.ot I5.’0ILIIIJ.M 20,605J57AI t 9.878.944. M 7.759.165" 76.897, I07 27’ Sl,I(-4.865 54 Si,-1nu_xzx an 24,410.09,” 6.857.700. MP 1,192,6ttt " L’Q. 12R no Lle~554 - l DORKIHC 2,555.66I.” 7,799.!4’50 186.2355“ autumn on 2 t agar; 56.15852 I 'AftlLOO (Ontario) CHRONICLI Mr. Ind Mrs. Drum! “out mm lil- Naomi Snider visnlmf mm M, Ind In Jacob Frau-mam mum ist,,',',', on Sundl _ in! Melinda it,,.,,,,,,, "t 1 'r, her new t,',"it of omploym, lt? lr F min on need-y It. Ind Mrs. John llmxmm 'r World-lo Vere Sllnvla) mm.” - of Mr. and Mr. \mm " Kr. and Mrs, Walt" m Heidelberg, Mr. and “n Wood." and dauzh‘m llrv‘v\ Sunday guests at tho ham: , Sykester Good My. Ind MIR’Daniv] Krnmm: 1n firmly were Preston vmhn~ ' Supfiay. Mr. and Mrs Ellnrr Wahl fl? daughter Joan of Waterloo vrih It the home of Mr. and Mrs hum We!” on Sunday. A Mr. and Mrs. ()urrhm H, tlyr) h 'n family spent Sunday ttrtvrnrorn Kitchener. "is: Alice Snixlvr Is hrerttr fur t) winter. l Mr. and Mrs. "scar NnHm (tr Mrs. Arno Eichholtr. of “Mr.“ and Mr. Oliver Cole of' TthvH aunt Sunday with Mr, and li, urold Cress and family. Mr. lml Mrs, Josiah "s.ttritrrit I Waterloo were Sunday “~11." ; the home of Mr. and Mrs Hm l'lv Mr. and Mrs. "col, Rim: *IH‘H‘ a two weeks' holiday in Town-m returning on Sunday with M, and Mrs. Elmer Ritter who mad.» a trtlt to Toronto on Sunday Hr. Geiirsre Steinv, had " from Walter H. Sctutvtc, of ti 1otyn Suqdy- - _ _ The Young People', )lrvluu; a! the Evangelical Church 1-H Mutiny evening was opened with a Sung wr vice conducted by thr. (Mum). Harry Garner, with "oroths F"rrlrit " the piano, Ralph Firhc, WW' chairman. Ross Wald [ml the .1. w tionnl period. Wilma Sl‘lim'i-II‘I give I reading. The lupin “Sup pose there had been no Mimnn tries” was given by "any (hum- Kenneth Doerbeeker was m wfutrvrv of the business session 1lts l I' "Huets cloned the rum-ting with grunt. _ m... F Mr. and Mrs. Clive Snydl'l in , 'rttt partied Mr. and Mrs. Hail Shy!” Ind family to South Alum. a fu, as lemma). from whvrv Mr, l‘fiw Snyder returned, but Mrs. C Fur'" , went along as far as Nrw le _ Mr. Nathaniel E. Martin mu! " narrow escape with his HG who. while sawing wood with a rirrulzu saw, a sliver was thrown by Ihr saw. hitting him on the fuwhru-i Medical attention war rcquirud to dress the wound. Incidentally, we may shun that his Netory is very lynx) lilmimm cedlr chests for thc Chrsstrn.is trade. Higio- Topic Enjoyed. Nath. E.,Martin Escapes Fatal Injury Struck on Forehead by Piece of Wood While Opel-nth: Saw. f The house built hy an nus...” ia?eeael, machinist in HR t'uuadt, Felt Co. factory. on Young r‘l't‘I‘L is eyout‘feadx for utcupmu a the lot he sold to Mr. ‘_\l<‘\1n Mr. Elam Martin of may I. Mr. Martin took Iluwn th,. Ir week and moved it lo hi V be used as I shed Mr. Alleii his. sitrj///,)r-, many. sold the barn which Jinn! "n Mr. Norman Good's houce ts um! ine completion, and the fount’uhm: of Mr. Raymond Schlitt', lh-xw .v rettip tyr the supetttrtoctur_ Slogan (Furnitilh'; A I Makes Your House i' A Home" Wins till, Mr. Ind Mrs. Arthur Mum “mm f, into their new house ml South Kn V Street last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold I'm-v an tttPE to move int“ [inn Irv: fame built this summer. nu Smut Nu- l'lone- Being Compieted and Other. Contempl-tcd, The slogan will be and tot ttr exhibition and by muvhunb and t k hoped to create "1:er ltr th, ngtrmnt exhibition to hr he"! JAM. Iry 6 to 15th in tho llunkm “mm ing. BY. choas Building Active In the Till: “Furniture Make, you, “nun a Home" was chosen Me, the hwy slogan submitted from ahuul nun ganja for the Waterloo Counts Furniture Exhibition. Tht puma of 810 donated by the Boar" of 1mm goes to I Waterloo nhzon. Luz“ G._Timm, 67 John St. Leopold J. Whitney, trA,, lump all} with the Canadian Life In, 8mm one“: Assocituum, Tu route, Ind who is now manual“! with the ttrm of McBride am! chibhon. Waterloo, m m. mm tire of law. hf M hm Y, to Human]. ctr, T . aL" m- 1m: I " (‘Vv-nsr- address communications: ' yum al Edam, The chronicle. WMPrMn OM Your answer w"! armour M snow as potllb'e thoM H. ~quahon. RING OF DOMINION- PROVINCIAL RELATIONS TO WINNIPEG l', . w mm»: uni-day. s _ l .. nunsunn an Unminiolb _ td NJ Minus. initiates Us -tr ‘u ttic", nu 'hn- mang- factors _ ‘n nri'iuh Xurlh Amnrira Ih- \‘Hlx 'r' thr, I‘ummission C, 't Fp :)v~ protuwmd mud may 'tr" 'ttrtl. Hun " pm!” to mnl~ , It'. <i|lillER in Winnipez, 't -u--~mu< is srhwlulml In ron~ ' _ it -c,l,y Fylutottton and Vic, . M ‘n- n 'it "trlttr. to the Mari t " _ m.“ _ wirh Qm-Iu-r and on , H mm} my an tho pl‘ngmm '-t, " , xliouslius,r probe on than lbw In: ttuiriication of taxa- _ _ [ , an “Inn-4H and other far. . l .t,lt,r, ths. sir-1:5 and strain ,1 cc _ _ ”ms-'fInIinrml beginnings rt" " Allrlunizmi by thr. Do. _ (DAV "HIII'III Tho Terms oi _ _ lymnl and th. nulrnnm [ w.~~'!..“'illll sltould load to . uv nvlminm: of an 000m»- l"lle- “m: Tare" business f v2. dumh mllnnillt-d hrinfs _ ' It) “all '" will do an lllll" l 'rt 'Fr of llu- hwyrings BOAR BROOM GOSSIP Nooelestg Pamter w V‘W‘u'n hnlwakvnppr wag 'W'Mnm Iointrvt Wish» 8t rslt,s' prom-nqa lhn pain. nw‘wnzv "hr rropt to the th. "3““ Am] "Mound Not 'st ‘1er ht‘r barn ' Lin IF? BUSINESS TREND INDICATED w-‘rm nn " mnrv hope h It hm" 'OM'n for anme -llt). In.“ unnnm] that ppwimlum in market .4me han largely run i that th-ra art! many Mr thrn shine tho bk Vuv‘ml‘n! whim perhaps bun .1 II": nu! mm! on ll" \ml worhirttC' ' [M'lulu‘l Twenty-tive sxorth Ml stock value " mu “luv Last “arch mt. " human.» stump amp” In.» hump-build lt fruyers. clulkllllg shop l "Ir' punllmsmx havr uh dump Inn; They rum-[HI n- the side 'ti-tOtt., “1th am proportions. is do uni joins It'rt making a Mn nigh! ma'nm. I with a ham. Nama- . ', What do you "Ivan" l Wop, how- yo" have n ern» tn hlm hnnw of a vuullk married couple _ and in Hm art-41ml cot-rm m‘r‘nrrlng H“ month" "ttrr, tho mrnHurn I: in f. , u fly 'hrt vuln- plum .. Hymn! Sunday an”! th hummor " idir M, and Mrs Alvin Pneum' sin-n! Tuesirluy .qu-rnmm m KilrhwnA-r ltr,. .l.nk Hav,s and linllzhfr‘r I'rtiry ot' l):-1:ui(- spun! " tos days; cith hm- Inn-ohm Mr and Mrrr. F" II s, lmmml-r tttrunt Ilte rluu- of th, " King St. " West KMth" T)! _ . me Imam-ml novnsory 'teht, i in the At the annual Inn-tang oi the: best position to give you the not“ Uhnadinn Bankers' tssociation m nary information to help form your Toronto. 2 l Dofsém. Ewing“ than invvstment policy. agar of t e 03’: an' a ana‘a. was elected president of the usual WF 1Ax%lr'pJ'dfia. SILL tion for the ensuing year. Mr. nor- INFORMATION son, who succeeds S. fl. Logan In . . the position, resides in Montreal. ,Writo foe .artie.u.. .50.. - =---=r---2==ar-----tr.--_=----cc= Service "by to Not Like a Bride Your Nav m-le to ho mom rm ALEXANDER WATT th COMPANY HEADS BANKERS BONDS: GOVERNMENT AND PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL AND HIGHGRADBS . DEFAULTED ISSUES PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE o'-'-'----.-.-- ladle-IA!!- t JlStt.tr/'l'ts, LINWOOD Individual Investment 'tinrrt'as' npinrmin 'Nhar Prha’nle Alanna Your Interest” Seagram, Harris tir Bricker STEELE: C. P. PRICE. (momma, '12:: THE BOND DEPARTMENT Mrs. Sam M: _ iiiirir spending several days with friends, in Brant- ford. Messrs. Edwin and livnllt'l'. anunpanied l brothers, Georeo and Jake visited their :Innl. Mm. Hamilton. last Werlnertdnr, - " -- «A - - Mr, and Mrw, Frank Simon: and sons Roland and Jack of Brantford. Miss Norma Bird and Mr. Arthur Schnm'v‘ of St. Jan-obs, were Sunday euectst of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bird, Miss Utilliv Mohr and Mr. John Mohr of PhiliPsh"re were mid-week munch of Mr and Mrc. Edwin Ben- tier. Mrs. K. Schneider sgent several days in Wtestip..rit her (lgugh [mi Mn. amoshviiirierirosri"iiTir", Wilkinson, Miss Ruth Miller spent the week- end with Misc Marguerite Wilfonz in Doom Mrs. Smmn Walter of Palmerston is spending several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Koepko Mr. and Mrs. Elmo King and children Huh-n and Jack spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jack- son cm the 3rd line of Peel. Mr. and Mrs. John Mnurer and Mr. and Mr, Wilfrid Underwood and daughter Carol of Bridgeport Bert' Sunday gut-sis of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mauror. Miss Isabel Jamieson of Seaforth and Mr. Arthur Coulson of Blyth were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nqah E. Miller. Neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Kine gathered at their home here last Wednesdny evening to spend a social time prior to their departure to their new home in Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. King were presented with a studio couch and a farewell address was read by Mr. Otto Miller. The evening was spent in dancing. Mr. and Mrs. King moved to Mount Forest on Tuesday of this week. stTrr', \l' J. Frntou Martinsort left on 'l‘numhy to slmml tho wimar months m Kin hmwr GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Lora“!!! in stock's optiresl Purim-u. " King M. W. _ In...“ M, um! Mrs Melvin Hanman spent :‘umlm with osiatives at Waterloo, u Ns \‘n'sxm (mulling is spending " Itut d.os tsith her friend, Mill \wa I:.-I.~mh-r. sth line Peel. “I Emu " Marvin was a Sunday Slr and IL, ”pun Hauman spout Sundu; with Mr. and Mrs. Manna Finnncml Service Limited,' with its extensive Stattistie.t org-ninth:- and its fsfteen years’ ”patient- In the financial advisory Betd, i in the best position to give you the note- any information to help form your investment policy. . . . BEFORE . . . You Invest Investigalt' “I All" Mrs, S. Hmluvlmr of wa. wan-I \\--I'v- Motulay evening Manors vb M: and Mrs. Oscar Adina. Ut Kli " Fre is busy erecting "urtsc.ebrrt an Walhmstoirt's main W. C. SAHLI S. R. Mackellai ' G. FINANCIAL SERVICE LIMITED Cautada's largest Ila-uh] Statistical ortttostsatim, 404 Non-e D... St. W... MONTREAL Quotation- TMSHM 'hhmm lax-gunning... an Bird and Mr. Arthur . St. .larobs. were Sunday Wr. and Mrs. Sam Bird. Edwin and Solomon m unmarried by their 0“! oxen" w I!” I- and I... p... “winner'- " HUD". 09%".me 1’“..- Service n,; HIM and "ke. ref Aiilii, C, H HARPER Mamet in

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