Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Nov 1937, p. 3

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.' Talk on Press and Pte'?,.',: Mill Creek School has. “mt of the surviving members or tho family were prment at a birth} any dinner held on Sunday. In. L; Powell, Kitchener, In a. daughtot. Ira Schtrureh died in 1935 Donuswasrromlsea Heller of Oshawa to Eleanor -----._r- - ’ Edna Ferris of North Bay. WILL ATTEND 01 u 00D.-sutden f hil Wah-N-u-tret. 30, Hurry Willis ------ ' WnteISlgo County village ngmwtith- to Almedn Hoerle. both of Kiteh- J It fteatott. week out transportation to Elmira Col- ener. McCorkIndalo. secret; legilte while their elders are argu< D.hmeratr.ht--oct. 30. Willard J. terloo Board of Trad in; with the bus lines that used to, Ihthmer of Waterloo, to Selma tr' 1tyrsd tit.. annual any them to school. l Caroline Ruhl. of Elmira. ontario Associated D Mun-Ker A. Lishmnn. of the bus Laer-ziequr--ptt. 30, David Wil- "nd Chamtrerts ot Cm lines. said certain parents insulted ham Loker of Galt to Marguerite '-onto. Nov, I.t. Th" " him when he unived a few minutes' Ziegler of Kitchener. the Waterloo board late in Linwood. He also says I R_Cioriowiea---0et. 30, Harry "trottt the middle of N bonus was promised him by the. Randall of Kitchener to Olga Cie- -----_r-_-- township to make up for revenue piewicz of Britton. 5 CHIEF ON VA lost by the 81 weekly fare tor each m.urar-H-ite-oet, M, Angus C.? --- " the 15 children. I o. Dunbar. to Amy Grace Howittu Police Chief B. M, Reeve Peter Wagner, Wellesley both of Guelph. ‘moming tor a week Tm M” up “If he "aigh-,Tarttt-4'mrur.-oet. = Stanley GmHom&Bay, Goorgla mu) was ever promised I bonus, Turn)“ to Frances Putin, both of Constable G. “on” I must have been asleep." Kitchener. lchlel Countable durum Another of Kitchoner's pioneer citi- zens celebrated his 77th birthday In the W301! of Francis Schmuck. On Salinity be celebrated his birthday b7 taking his tirtyt aerop'ane rtde. He has ridden in an ox cart, lumbar w son. democrat, buggy, motor car and now it in tho aeroplane. " Indie-ta the progress In transportation 0" hadf a. century. Attended Woolwich Soho“ Mr, Schmuck received his early education at 8.8. No. It). Wool'lch township school. it being the surest to the Schmut‘k home at New oer- my At the age of twelve he unend- rd arhnol in tho winter months only. in order that he mum learn the welt- digging and pump maktng Iii-Inns along with helping operatxy a hotel business at Kosuth. Wagner Sleeping If Elmira Bus Line BonusWasPromised LmW00D.-Sutdettu from thin Waterloo County village nre with- out transportation to Elmira Col- legiate while their elders are argu< in; with the bus lines that used to ally them to schyol. - - After his marriage in 1890 he mar- “HI Amm- Rptter at New Germany. Humming from his wedding trip he bought a hotel hasiness in Walker ton. Returning to Kitchener in 1905 In resumed his well and ptmttrrmsk- in: business. Later he eng-gad in the real some human. Pioneer Kitchener Man 77 Years Young Fn-ci. Sch-tel Sun“ in Duti- On motion of W. H. Breakup! and In.» Mabel Dunham, the follow, ing oiricers were elected for the en- suing year: President, ll. w. Brown, Kitchener; vice-president, W. W. Snider. St. Jacobs; tieeretary-treaas- urer. P. Fisher. Kitchener.. gh Joott-r1itilarV ir/UGC Two intending - In. mod, dreamt Ihco-.Gattot., h‘oo I than? of the Mill Creek g1: '.oi.e.e. alt, and apqther_ " Executive: D. N. Ranabaker, Res, peler; W. H. Breithaupt, Kitchener, Miss Mabel Dunham, Kitchener, and the following local vice-presidents: Kitchener, W. J. Mots; Gilt, “in A. M. lithe; Preston. M. I. Kirk- wood; Resqreter, W. Keller: Arr, Miss E. D. Wilson; St. Jacobo, W. W. Snider: New Hamburg. A. R. G. Smith. Mu W. Brown was mum-Du ty elected president of the Water, loo Emotion] Society at My" gunn91_neeti_n{._ nteoeding D. It School neu- Git, Ind another by Dr. J. J. Tillman, provincial mhiv. it. Toronto. He spoke on the pres.» of Upper Canada prior to the re- bellion of 1887. Dr, Tum-n nt- tended the K.-W. Colletpate for port of I term yen-s ago. G. V Hilborn, county registrar. moved and A. R. Candie seconded a vote of thank» to the speakers. The mover invited the members to whit the registrur's "ice where there are records dating back to 1798. “ARI“ W. BROWN PRESIDENT FOR I938 Mrs “than and Dr. 'l‘ulman Address Historical Society Annual Meeting. - " Now Go-.--45- A"er. of hawk: - 2' 'Gtiiril I, Boveyaher 2, I”? Early Eighth over Acrouuls for smember were: ,umd. 8441,61: (Mel. 8115.61: clothing, is In; school supplim, 84; household remedies, 8160: medical service. $6405; tshelter, $334.90. or the total Pxpmdlture of 391111 tho cool. to 'the uelfam boord n! 3242777 "e.v:F-a, -co.et. It, Richard S. Sal-~At Waterloo, Oct. to, to It. and Mrs. Herb. Sum. queen street. Waterloo. twins (son and dunghtgr). Shoemaker-UU Kitchener. Oct. 28. to Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Shoemaker, Simeon street. l daughter. AtacCand$ea-At RR. t Bright. to Mr. and Mrs. ”William IaoCaudleu, a Bon. Halley -At St. law's Hospital. Oct. 29. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haney. Albert street comm. Kitchener, I. daughter, Schauc At St. Maryh Hospital. Oct. Lei. m Mr and Mrs. Carl Schaus. Strange street. Kiwhoner, a son. uStillborn. "-r---At the K.-W. Hospital. Oct. 30. to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Murry, 101 Park St., Kitchener, I son. Fr-kno-At St. Mary's Hospital, Nov. t, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Frank- lin, 77 Park Ave., Gait, a daugh- ter. Riordars--At St. Mary's Hospital. Nov. 1. to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Riordan, 48 Shoemaker Ava. Kitchener, I daughter. were right up to date. enabling the council to “can all ascend in- formation. " maid light work} onthe tol‘lutlcrkuldiehe iieved Kn... ht] arrived when a full-time junior clerk lion“ be en- cced. Waterloo - It. an. Inn- at' clef-MIL.- the tow-m had a. 0 pop ad a to" bu almost new in [nonunion In: favored and" an m: The veliet cosh. tor ttte ten months' [my-Ind .u-n "5.990 as compared to $3,209 in 1936 a den-ream of $7.218 or one third lower, There am 183 [ursllns "r " families receiving to he! Last year at this time the total persons was .111. Alden-mu Jutub Welku Id tn- b to the work of will (Eli and "lg-amt Norman Bolduc It Pvi, day"s thuusee meeting. mum: that Aldermen E I. Toletaki, Reeve Me leKenie expre-od favor of engaging . Dee-med by “so 0... Period in "Sq. a Bonn“ Shun Only 3242. any» nmmce meeting, mung that book: 9nd records_ 'f the gnu-mt Waterloo',, Relief Bill Is Lower ' "My.“ News“): Ct "teetirtx of Friday Wed “a. (Ln-ll, 1.01..“ l POI-nod " ' --Teibote "id cu" " mm loo MARRIAGES Amman ‘ué'rk at thr, Wn'fau'» Rug-id Tm Reeve Bur, SKI-.1}; urn-ed themselves in mm III uni-hut 'rt win-1' hm tor Ouch” A linen-M» or $664 mint a ml m 1916 This was the “you 'wt"rtttted at the BIRTHS Council THE WATBBLOO "Mtanot CHRONICLE Constable a. noun- will be nah-c Mum Walsh; am tho period. CALLANDER. Ont. -- Science's two-day meeting to study the Dionne quintuplets, moved into Callnnder on Sunday for a visit. with the famous babies whose develop- ment 300 child specialists, psy- chologists and students studied and discussed at I day-long meeting in Tolqnto on Saturday." _ _ They came to Callanrler in I special train, spending 10% hours traveling to have two hours at the game nursery. 2% miles from ere. J R nmtnn. president, and J. A. McCorkittdalo, secretary of tho Wa- terloo Board ot Trade, were named tr' alts-ml th.. annual meaning of tho Ontario Associated Boards of Trude and Chambers of Commerce, In To- runm, Nov. l2. The next meeting of the Waterloo board will be held "hottt the middle of November. Police Chief B. Morena halt this morning tor a week's vacation at 9041101399”, foortdan Bar district. v - we" .._. _-_- ”an“, may. i. - nienaa um Jon-u ran-n Han. Waterloo, Nov. T. rmtice to-day of setting houses reUtives in my number- “tended Dr. P, a. chin-on again wilt 50.“. over will mean that sewers must the double funeral here on Sunnis, or. be constructed deer! til-n gt Preo- of two citizenn killed in n my ----------...- em. He Ilso rmr ed that In many accident . week Mo. namely Kr. HALLOWEEN - municipalities may . mndlud and In. a J. Gibson. " Inf- __..__ meat in In e on corner ots tered fatal in’nriu " Lldt for pavement exemption. Water- Mexico, when if: g m Mg. by Watch» Wtutttr people “mu“ loo’s exemption is 25 per cent. their daughter. In. J. Woodhill of ““5"". t%turdap 'sight ht tho ----------- California; 'tt,gh7t,g of tr, 1'2tl"Wd ('"'l'lg,'h'1tg 'tred, "(my ccm N _ crash. e o hil cu- m "e” -s, R A E TR " by another. turning it over le'Ol'Il (Halo: 3 More“. No 4M " “V DAMAGE MACHINES times. account was reported. nor were ma - Services were held " tho Dul- bloehdd. on, time during the oven- Over the week-end a number of singer Piaeteml an”: a m Ins. Chin! lore-u you you - minor motor and other accidents o'clock to 8t. Jnmen' Luther-l with tho manner In which the and were reported. Nich. VonDroughlin, Church. and interment " the M- prauth-rrtatrtatt owning In _ Fei!.'.',','.":,: fell he: 2t Piet min Union cemetery. at. mm... m. n... .. . .... .....-.. - _ Over the woek-end a number of minor motor and other accidents were reported. Nieh. VonDroughlin, Kitchener. fell from his bicycle. hurting an arm, on Friday. Hurray Scott and Jacob Arnold damaged their can when sideswiped on King East on Friday afternoon. Two other men, Kenneth Montgomery and Wm. Rood, crashed their cars at the Cedar and Church street intersections. No one was hurt. Eugene Oberholtzer. driving north on King street on Friday evening, was hit by a street car, damaging the fender of the motor car. Child Specialists $23531 Visit Callander 'rll'J.i's'i, Stratford, with a population of 17,000, has a [garbage system which costs $1.16 per capita and sewage system 90 cents. " is nearly twice the cost of that in Waterloo where the per capita costs are " cents Ind 28% cent: respectively. Strat, fore? d§spooes of its gun-huge through In ineiderator. hunt-m Nob t 4tt" Pun-MI W Gondola .14er known tor In. church null and tor ttits aulnurahlp under the weudmym. lamb Connor died In hangout] hero ymsterday Re In Icveulyrnovun A tor-u Inductor at the Phi.- byte-dun Church in Caamta, nun-a. he has“ uh unnu- Io mull-l. tho people ot Rh church In. mulc- and tantrum of ringing. M ll Western auction loll. His death lone-ad by Is- than menu-tour houm that or a brother. Dr H F' Gordon. I Ih,ot whining, who died ”only Sunni" aged TI Alderman Jacob Welker at Fri- day's thsnnce meeting of the Water- loo town council gave some high. lights of the meeting of the Cuna- dian Institute of Sewage and Sanir tation held at Stratford, which he .ttended along with engineer Claude Neither ‘Ralph Gmk0ies at Winnipeg, age 77 Waterloo Per Capita Sewer and Garbage Costs Quite Low Con-til Delegate. Refer! on Ca.- di-n Inuit-la Meeting at Stnlford. Ru. Dr. Chas. W. Gordon Sue (ll-Ills to bong 'tttsets.- Book.» Widely Read. WILL ATTEND CONVENTION 'hysirseeiifireeker stated that the CHIEF ON VACATION An aged citizen, Hound Com- pass, tro Wilhelm street, Kitchener, died It the home of his daughter. ers. Wm. Buick, Friday, in his 3731}: year. A son of the late Mr. ‘and Mrs. Frank Compass, the de- jceused was born at Crosshill in Him“, 1860. He was married to 77mm unico- wore held thm- dny .fteratton. Surviving Ire three sons. Chyton and Edwin of Kitchener, Stanley of Mildmay, three daughters, Hm. Wm. Hand: and Mrs. Flomnce To- man of Kitchener. Mrs. Reginald Puff of New Hamburg, one sister. Mrs. Hubert Diss of St, Clements. 1111 " grandchildren. Funeral services will be held this (Tuesday) morning at St. Mary's R.C. Church It 10 o’clock. with burial in Mount Hope R.C. ceme- Juno- Price June- Price. 10 Albert street Kitchener. died at St. Mary's Ros. pital. Friday in his 58th yen. An army veteran, he had been ill for the past three years. He WIS born in England and came to Canada 28 years age. _ A A - Surviving are his widow, nee Emily Pntman. one son, George Chalmers of Port Arthur. three daughters, Mrs. Anson Linda-y. Kitchener, Mrs. Vernon Wolfe of Waterloo. and Mrs. Elmer Han- nunch of Bhir, nod " grandchil- Louise Moesser at St. Clements. She predeceased him in 1923. A mem- ber of St. Mary's R.C. Church, It. Compass was I former employee of the. Ge?rre Lippe_rt Company, v . . Friday night. were the gum!) of War enigmagul'utno tt tt,',t/ivage,,t,','td. lerluo St John's Lutheran Brother- You have an excellent chance to win hm", at the Parish Hall The 'Mk . prize and also help the wonderful err, '"E'. Rev A, G Jaeotst, valor work being curried on by the Ro- of the First Eugllsh church, Rev. C. urinns in behalf of the crippled ti "otrorta, trrosident Wm 'Wmm and children of the community. It is . Herb He've' worthy “use and citizens u in An Interesting Program comm.“ other years will give generously to the following numbers‘ slelchlng hr further the continuance of this clariet Bolo: selection by oreheatra, most charitable work of hel in; Summer Geiger; Carl Kattrnetsch. thou who cannot help 'iL'l,ee'tdll'. nunprlnlng Harley smaller. W. S. --__---- -------- Sheppard, Mr, Karfhtiettsctr, P. H " llooo and Harold Bettoetsttat.. Oom- Double Funeral annuity singling was led by Walter . . Praise. Members also annoyed bingo of Auto Vlnhmn amt "mil- Double Funeral of Auto Victims Held at Elmira event of the yank Big prisms to be given nu: Are t line Chevrolet. motor car, a 8250 refrigerator, two 8100 Indian. ttoor hauls. travelling bags. ete. There will be many other prize- giVen “way at the different hee.: at the Kitchener whet bugdshg. crowds of peopl- from M; Waterloo and dict! attending the L-w. may CARNIVAL HONDAY AND TUESDAY; GIVING AWAY nuns '1amt.A..Not I. = Friend: and Classes by Steele " King It. Wu! Klkhenu OBITUARY I Col-puns "sT1ritr1t:'s" P. FUCK. Out-och. Roy Cadwett PRISON. Oct. 29.--'rtto mum! of the late Roy Caldwell. who um drowned on the dock at Pelee Island on Wednesday was held from Well» moroland United Church at Hall-I and Wutmorelnnd Avonneu, Toronto, Saturday arterrnoon, YOU . KNOW THAT Hallow. saturdny night In no an“ “a moot orderly Inn-or h race-t yearn, moonlit-g to F%tteo (Halo! n More“. No dun-go of any account was reported, nor m min blocked at any time during the even- }ins. CM»! lore-u am you - with the manor in which the and prauth-rrtatttrstt evening In an!“ ollver w. alum The death took place a his nul- denco "Mairhatl". Burlington, on Thursday_ of Oliver W. Rhylas in his 60th year. Me. Juana: is survived br his wife. Margaret Ferguson Rhynas, the pro aident or the Ontario Hospital Aldl' Society uld one son. Phit Ilium. An invlutlon was extended to " AM the cantons of tho Waterloo- Kilchouar mteyrdenomiaattortat Ian‘s Bible Clan which will opal a BI. John's Parish Hall. Waterloo, Mor. T. Members of the Ftrst English Lu- theran Brotuertsood, Kftc%retor, on Friday night were tbe glue-ts of Wu- lerlnu St John's Lutheran Brother- hood at the Pariah Hall, The speak on were Rev A G Jumbl, pastor or the First English church. Rev. C. ti. Roberta, president Wm Ttmm and Herb ‘Helpel, An interesting program comprised the [ollowtng numhenr sketchlng hr clariet solo. selection by orcheatn. Brotherhood of English Lutheran Guests at Waterloo N°'m¢h"t'f0rullolo 'rt-o-inert-tcs-i. “Wham-s. - ru-UG yup; sacrum Schreiter - Sandrock named FUNERAL HOME " Butt-3L. Pinata! ed “I!” an; I r o M“, "all“ I. an. a , o y gun-holy o'm1ttfef, to} WW“ helm; PAGE mu:

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